
Kasım, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
(  world seems quite  chaotic recent times.  )
Please press the reset button of PC and then recheck alike times happens in kubernetes debugging side at times ,😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Exactly' have you restarted your computer?' moments happens in kubernetes side sometimes ,🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Another funny kubernetes stuff is like ,😂😂😂 -The message queue consumer is not working! -(Checks to see user is checking the wrong checking wrong pod eg mq provider solution from get pods  cmd)... . , But this is not the pod of your manifest file ??? Alike  ,😂😂😂😂😂😂
Feeling like IT people with isomorphisms to please restart your computer, type cases 😆😆😆😆😆whenever a kubernetes issue happens The epic  Please restart your computer bla bla ,,,🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Please restart your computer becomes isomorphic to are you sure your kubecfg is correct :D
Kubernetes support is the new IT Support metaphorical alike  Eg  Have you restarted your computer becomes are you sure you are connecting with correct kubecfg file:D
I saw some delusional maniacness in genocidal Level delusional impossible thoughts in online somewhere then I thought must be   a disinformation unit of a country (could be any place) trying to spread impossible type disinformation such maniacness never is interpretable I mean what kind of sick minds imho. In the second I saw severely impossible disinformation  I stopped reading that section. appalling type disinformation effort . )  Hmm then continued reading a book then as newly discovered lots of movies started with some cult classics but again bored  Hmm I do not have a lot rest need  (as I rested alot yesterday) but didn't wanted to continue reading book either so tried to find some cult classics movie 
It might be easy to win respect in nonatheists side even being a dumbo whom tells delusional untrue things but atheists only respects logic (even specified by topos or not) and no delusional stuff aka only respects universal knowledge.  It's easy to be a nonatheist but being atheist will transcend your mind with knowledge/logic/rational thought practices and add IQ points very much to your mind  We are selective for members to ours atheist society: do not be atheist if you are not going to follow path of learning fields of sociology/anthropology and philosophy . Go stay in dumbos side if you have no interest to neither of such fields.