
Mart, 2025 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
 yayyy last day curve extruding design study were like at here: yayyy now time to resume this task of excelling this pillow/armchair design first to ready the habitat first room (there would be many rooms even botanics section. i think there would be mainly following rooms-> 1 botanics section, one sci fi crafts/tech section (a hangar alike ),  one sitting place section (current studied to).   yep its currently designed  planet's habitat section be like this.  i  think furniture and panels of habitat design is just where one would learn/excel blender. even learning to design an armchair imho is some significant learning task. but then one when excels learning (along with boolean stuff which i had not learnt yet) I think it would be like then somewhat getting mediocre level expert in blender imho (nice! ) yayyy lets finish this game dev project asap to also fund ml algos project studies(which we would asap invent warp tech to be built in to be built ...
 yep the armchair has a plastic or metalish background which carries its pillows right? (in previous blog's image for instance) -> I had spent a lot time how to create such smooth vertices curves along corners of that and now finally thought to do with bezier curves (then extrude face from bezier curve alike) e.g. just exercising the method (not the armchair pillows carrying thing design)  ->  creating curve having edges by manual extrude is imho kind of hard. I think bezier option is better than manually trying to create such edges. but lets see. so this is just exercise,  trying to figure out currently metal or plastc plate which would carry the one side's pillow section of armchair.  currently I am just trying to figure out methods/blender toolings/tools etc.  I think its nice that i figured out this bezier method since there might alot curve surfaces in also room design (like e.g. windows here alike scene-> (taking image from:  Spaceship a...
 yep so currently trying to design armchairs of habitat's one room,  yep trying to make it cool as alike -> (taking image from here: Spaceship and Space Shuttle Background Set | Fab  ) yep currently checking pillow design tests for armchair (with doing curve extrusion to nurbs curve alike )   (this is not to be used in design, neither texture/material, its just testing this curve extrusion topic whether it would be useful in generating such shape designs which is very necessary for a sci fi habitat's  arm chair design alike above very cool armchairs.)  seems as via this methods arm chair would be readied tomorrow then also maybe initially some panels of the room 1 of habitat.  yep then maybe i could finish the habitat initial nonanimated design by 3 days i think.  then 2 days for adding animations and adding them to blue print code state diagrams etc.  (I mean habitat v0.1 design. it would be updated in time) yayy so then I could add ...
 yayyy today have been doing daily tasks  of home until now. e.g. tidying home and helping/doing such tasks.      
 somehow training to exercise some of basic blender stuff to then later create first furnitures of habitat.  (as a blender learning exercise first)  but i think i wish to rest today in rest of today.  I think even if not expert, this current beginner level is necessary enough to build the initial habitat environment.  hmm now rest time with watching sci fi. or documentary.  (rest time since i started day very early today (at 5oclock) )  time for now holiday alike spare time to myself (of watching tv alike )
  today passed alike ->  on mornign got up early (alike 5:00 alike early) since there were stitches taking stuff of my mom's knee replacement for today. then also some checks/controls. then half of stitches were taken and rest would be taken couple of days later.  then so we went to nearby city hospital today morning and been stayed there until some afternoon time.  -> then now time to resume habitat design task!  yayyy now time to do some habitat for planets visiting astronaut design! but first some helping daily home task first. 
hey i try to learn sculpting in blender but its not for to sculpt without drawing tablet so I spent last hours to try to learn sculpting in blender first. instead of habitat environment. but turns out without drawing tablet its really hard.  so i wanted to first check this blender feature since the 2d hud images could be generated via sculpting also.  but now resuming the habitat task which does not require very much drawing tablet unlike sculpting in blender.  now time to do some habitat drawing in blender!
-> initial planet habitat would be like these habitat type or similar to: (e.g 2 or 3 rooms type habitat alike) (with one room larger for sci fi utinsils there alike)   but second planet's habitat would also be alike:             (taking from here:  Space and Planet Alien Background Set | Fab )
 yep I couldnt finish blender course last day since fell asleep.  today got up at 6 in morning then did some weekly house tasks in morning (cleaned entire home).  then commutted my dear mom to blood thinner shot in nurse place.  then came up to blogging now after some resting.  now time to resume and finish blender course to then start designing habitat of planet traveling astronaut.  i might learn just enough to design game dev utinsils for game like habitat or 3d printer or such tools in astronauts habitat. (or even a coffee tea machine) or some beaming transportation utinsil inside habitat to astronaut to travel to other planets. or his/her all utinsils to travel planet or so etc etc. ok I dont anticipate design alike this from myself, but might try out either -> Spaceship and Space Shuttle Background Set | Fab these I saved to my library to give some ideas for habitat design.  (although habitat place i design for planet traveler astronaut i desi...
 continuing learning blender today I think I would finish learning to then start creating habitat environment for astronaut in space planets exploration game.    I intended to finish learning blender and building planet traveling astronaut's habitat yesterday but had sinusitis and couldnt finish yesterday, today had not studied until now since blogged and spared time for home tasks.  but turns out creating habitat and sci fi stuff for space exploration game is not possibly that hard. and i thinkits a nice idea to also design display HUDs for android game screens also in blender although its a  3d tool but i think its possible to render to screen to create 2d hud screen there yep.  yayyy would start designing sci fi tech of planet traveler astronaut time.  i mean by today i think i would start designing.   hmm  I instead had spared some time with my mom chatted with my mom instead of starting resuming studying.  but now resuming stud...
( hey stage 5 false flag + defamation incident pattern happent. do not be deceived into false flags which is attempting to defame (with very impossible slander types) exactly with false flags of verbal harrassment of false flags attempting to defame with false flag deceit show. (attempting to defame with totally im;possibel slander types (in stage 5 worser slanders are used in incidents) ) I once asked help from kgb like people as one person shouted kgb. i wish kgb like people do not deceive to false flag deceit shows of defamation attempts (in stage 5 the perpetuators use worser type impossible slanders in false flags and slander shoutings attempting to defame witth very very very impossible slander types) hey incident count reduced when i asked help from kgb. but not stopped either since i had not understood kgb topic. since maybe the guy were just doing joke. and if it were real finding help chance,  I dont know how to get help of kgb like people (against unknown mafias/mafia co...