yayyy last day curve extruding design study were like at here: yayyy now time to resume this task of excelling this pillow/armchair design first to ready the habitat first room (there would be many rooms even botanics section. i think there would be mainly following rooms-> 1 botanics section, one sci fi crafts/tech section (a hangar alike ), one sitting place section (current studied to). yep its currently designed planet's habitat section be like this. i think furniture and panels of habitat design is just where one would learn/excel blender. even learning to design an armchair imho is some significant learning task. but then one when excels learning (along with boolean stuff which i had not learnt yet) I think it would be like then somewhat getting mediocre level expert in blender imho (nice! ) yayyy lets finish this game dev project asap to also fund ml algos project studies(which we would asap invent warp tech to be built in to be built ...