After some psi reltd tests my belief to psi is broken. 

Cause it should have not poisson or random dsyrbtn but shld work more like  uniform to make me think it exists.
Though data is nt enough surely also. 

My idea is tht it's sttstcl hiccups when topics like psi hppns.  

It's 1 success of psi test then anthr but then consecutive failures in estimtn. Time between successes dstrbtn or ratio of successes to think to check... in my opinion psi don't exist in repeatable fashion. 

I m testing simulation hypothesis in some topic and it don't seem like it is. It more looks like sme tpc other.
If its a simulation thn I wanted to see what word I tght in a randomness but repeated failures. 👎

Just once success of test results and partial success in other then repeated failures and I stop thinking simulation/psi  topic exists until I see tht word in randomness. Until then I deftly dnt any believe to this stuff. It more looks like to me hacked by people type of stuff  is what I see is mybe. I wont believe any at all until I see the word I think of in tht randomness.
(Extraordinary stuff needs extraordinary evidence.🤔)

(  mythbuster alike guh debunks psi phenomenon 😋 viva skeptism)

(Or maybe psi exists. I dnt know. If this like tht sorry to simulation instance for saying itsnt a simulation. )

Ok then new word test to check simulation hypothesis. Again would select a word and await to see in randomness 

Ok last time word were swap like and lets think w'sw' hppnt to cover precgntn try partially. Hmm I think not a sccsfl precgntn it is.

First word were shizoid then shizunai happent. Second word were music then only ic hppnt partially. Not successful precgntn I guess. 

Ok i selected a new such word. Lets see if precognition in a simulation hypothesis exists or not🤔

Hmm not seen. Word were curtain. 

Unrelated to above paragraphs/topics: 

Hmm  River. 🙂  

hey hi :) 

 ok I get it,  I won't quit ever 🙂
Ok👍 surely I wont quit🙂 i would be actually honestly very happy to get such type of nonquitted type of job if ever is possible:) & Best Regards,

Looking very forward to hear from & Best Regards 



hey since above topic is not sure (since it were just refernece noone sent an email like stuff :) and i cant just know if anything meant like job chances by just a reference:) it might be not from them and done by joke even by unrelated people. so its unsure whom did that before reference and i dont know if i am guaranteed any job cause reference doer is unknown.  of course i would be very happy to applyy to if materializes since it would be really very cool to work in such job. (software security topics).  but i dont know even if i have such job chance. it might be done by unrelated people not into the topic. so i think i dont have guarantee for getting above type job (security related jobs).  so i in tandem execute the other branches of how to make life happier/safer against the stalker's harrasment/stalk/slandering i detailed thousand times :) the other branch were finding a software security job in that cool place but i dont even know if i have any chance to find such job. so i go multibranches not focusing on single branch but executing possible all possible life option building ups in concurrent way and i would follow thepath that  happens.   any topic to me is unguaranteed. i dont know if that meant i get a software security job (above paragrtaph's topic were about software security jobs)  i have no such guaarantee of that reference came from them it might be even joke of others. so its why i execute other options also cause i really need to make my life safer/happier/better with making my life secure against the stasi of istanbul that i told nabout everything about that. so solution to make life happy/no agoraphobia like topic is to do action items asap and i execute a  multibranch action item set in tandem.

I really liked USA/Canada/Australia/India countries from some links i seen (Germany is also cool but have stalker issue that is stasi alike and i really think its some really stasi of istanbul for real due to resources i saw during stalk incidents etc, i told you all of this before already., you also know.) and in meanwhile  I applied to first remote job from Berlin.  there are lots of applcants in later stages so i might not find chance but my goal is to find a remote job as mentioned then immigrate. i really also liked Australia as i saw images of.
France i am really also interested to find jobs and relocate but is still near to Istanbul. i want some huge distance to istanbul city. other Europe countries would be also cool.
but i think i would change continent and i guess none would miss me here:) cause i hadnt socialized here even also. anyway :) 


i wish to find a human rights lawyer in the place i would go to. to init the protection with telling all details of the stalk of the stasi of istanbul to init the proection against. i already blogged all details of the stalk/slander/harrasment incidents and character assasination effort in detail in blog so you people already know all details of it if you read my blog for a while. 


i coulndt slkeep due to burping last night. even single hour. i think i might go to doctor soon since its really problematic. or i dont know. i am confused in local life plan.

ok next week: maybe Canada or Australia  visa applications. ok i saw Australia link somewhere which meant i might have chance to get visa there so would first apply to there. Canada and Australia are both very cool places but since i saw a hope of kind of finding VISA there, i apply there first. and it would be very interesting :) 
USA as told i would be very happy to immigrate to there USA is also very cool. but i dont also know if i would be able to get VISA there.

since I saw Australia link i got hopeful to get VISA to Australia so i would apply there first. or maybe Canada also i dont know. i dont know if i could get VISA to USA, USA also looks very cool place honestly but i dont know where i would be able to get VISA since i saw Australia link i try my chance first there. 

it would be cool if i could get this remote job from Berlin or else i should search other remote data engineer roles.

it would be awesome if i could get the software security job in USA but its unsure/unguaranteed just were a vague reference. it would be awesome jhonestly to get such job and immigrate but its vague reference i dont know if i have chances to find such job there any. its also very nice country but with places looking amazing but i dont know if i could get VISA to there.

i know nonvague references i saw nonvague references from Canada/Australia so i would try my chance there first and most refcent refernce i saw from Australia so would try my chance from there i think first. 

so i execute the local plan of life: next week: init VISA stuff. try to get VISA to Canada/USA/Australia and i think both places are really very awesome places. 

this weeks try to find a remote job so that i would have economic capability awhile whilst going to another place. 
i were thinking of going to Canada in holiday if i could get VISA and asking for immigration with detailing the stasi topic in very detail of.  but now confused on whether i should first find a remote job. cause its very adventerous to go somehwhere else without finding job before. so i think i would first find a remote job then would iterate this plan of making life better named plan of making life nonagoraphic, making life ok/feeling normal again. 
aha i saw UK reference i would also try my chance there with also attending human rights lawyer there. cool lets try also UK :) yayyyy :) cool/great!

 i newly also saw Mexico reference i would also try my chance there also then cool!/nice!/lovely! :)


ok which VISA application first i should do fromt his initial country list. i think since brother lives in Canada, lets first try chance in Canada yuppp. then try all these countries for VISA chances and then reaching out to human right lawyers detailing the stasi that happent/happens to me that i told alot in blog for many times. 
mauybe i cant get VISA to anhy of those countries but i would try my chance. then would try other countries also. which are also other countries are also very cool honestly. 

 for Germany it is cool to other people but i have had a stasi issue unrelated to Germany but impacted my life there. 

and i think Europe is yet still very near to Istanbul yet still.  Istanbul is a beautiful country but i had confronted a stasi like issue so this is why i wanted to be far from.  (i guess noone misses me also form istanbul, its a huge city:) i mean i think istanbul wont care since i want to be far away from :)  )

ok i blogged every part of whatever happent in these years from blog. so you know all of the stalk/slander/harrasment that happent. anyway. 


ok goals goals goals: next week: arrange VISA documents and apply to VISA to Canada.

also after Canada VISA go to Canada in this holiday to tell about this to a human rights lawyer there. 

then i try to fix this problem of stasi and i would fix. 

if Canada doesnt happen then i try other countries chances for these situations.

and if i receive security job chance from USA i would also be very happy to apply to it would be very cool to work in security sector :)  its kind of dream type of jhobs to me to work in security sector honestly :)  but that were very vague, i dont even know if i have anyn such application chance :) but if i receive you could be sure i would be very happy to apply to honestly :) and USA is also very cool place. 



I think Germany would have been awesome if stasi of istanbul hadnt had lots of people here that employs easily in stasi operations. even if this trouble is unrelated to Germany, it impacted life here.

but i might have chance to find also a Berlin based remote job that would be also cool. but might not be able to pass interview thats also ok. i would apply to many remote jobs from everywhere. Berlin jobs are also very cool since i know from working in a Berlin company.

i always dreamed of living in Paris and trying to find a tech job there also but its still near to istanbul so that dream is spoiled by this stasi topic :S anyway.  I also loved France's ski places alot also. 

but this stasi topic spoiled my Europe life to me. i think if stasi didnt happent i would also very liked my life here. 

i think everyplace in world is awesome cool. but sometimes somepepole have extraordinary problems and not everyplace is a perfect fit to everyone. 

i guess stasi issues is not commonly confronted :) anyway. 

aha! i also saw a freelancer job chance from Brussels. lets also apply tot here freelancing is also cook. yayyy whilst i try to immigrate i would have income. which would be cool so that i can own my flat etc whilst building up a life in a new place and arranging human rights lawyer consultations etc.

seems as sunshine would happen in my life and sun would heal agoraphobia and i would without scared of stalk/slander/harrasment be able to go outside again after tort of 5 years of constant character assasination confrontation of stalk/slander/harrasment acts and constant following along. 
this stuff is not any easy. and not happens to alot people i think. cause i think its like winnign a very unlucky chance of being target to stasi. usually i read that happens to journalists or sometimes politicians and people help them to relocate and build a safe life against the stasi that harrasses/slanders them. 
it happent to me whilst i am not journalist nor politician but just a silly very creative coder. anyway.


this stuff that happent to me, is not very frequently happening to people actually(alleged character assasination effort)  and its really very hard stuff but soon it would be solved. i am pretty sure. life would feel ok again soon. yeppp :)

ok lets be very fast in solving this stasi problem.

ok cool! next week Canada VISA preparations and application. then if happens aligning the holiday to go there with VISA and then consulting human right lawyers there to define this topics and investigate if i have immigration chances or not. cool. 

then would repeat n many times until this succeeds. 

meanwhile i try to find a remote job. now currently applied to a remote data engineer role in Berlin from another nice software place of Berlin.  hmm also that freelancer role from Brussels also looks cool i would also try that chance wov i never had the chance of being freelancer i guess it would be awesome. 

ok cool. these are recent life plans :) 

but i think i received a direct reference from Australia. lets not care brother factor and try chance in Australia first. since i told river and saw river word there. ok :) maybe i found my home :) lets try Australia first :) yayyy :)

Canada is also very cool place but i written river word and i saw river word in some post. so i would surely try Australia chance first then :) yayyy :)

or maybe it were again a vague refernece i dont know.

or maybe i saw river pictures in USA maybe i found a home in USA also? 

but Australia's reference were the least vague reference with more possibility of finding chance to get VISA to :) so i would try my chance from there first:)
but in overall no guarantee exists in any of these applications but i would try all chances :) 

i feel like soon stasi problem would be solved yayyy :) 
i might be rejected from countries maybe i dont know not everyone gets such chances but i would try alot chances and would finally find a home thats safe against stasi of istanbul :)


 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

and not to be misunderstood i told i want to apply to CIA in recent blog as stasi happent to me but institution i had previously applied wernt CIA but were another institution from somewhere.  not to be misunderstood as if i previously affiliated  nor ever talked with CIA ever beofre. nope.  I had never such cool chances in my life :)  & i would be very happy to apply to  CIA analyst jobs since such institutions makes democracy stronger which is the antidote to stasi like topics which i know how shitty stuff stasi is personally :) 
but i dont thinki have such chances since i dont think i am that intellgnt but would try also. but i have no hopes either :) since i am not that intellgnt :)
aha i newly saw a igloo in one image so maybe i try chance to USA also since i once told of igloo me being like a seal or eskimo and stasi of istanbul being like some attacker type to such people.  so maybe i might also have chance in USA VISA. ok this reference were also not any vague ok then i would also apply to USA VISA first also. since that didnt seemed vague any.   yuppp.
ok surely definitely i would apply to USA next week since i saw another reference :) (of Paris city's one place)  yayy:)




(this week i prepare topics to visa documents make ready and next week i would try to manage VISA application)  




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