second movie i watched today were very weird. it were edge of tomorrow. never watched it nor read about it before. 

hmm before a squid like coincidence had happent. i had written i am like squid or octopus. just for nonsense for fun since i liked writing that. then a coincidence with squid/octopus robots coincided.

hmm so aliens did that coincidence of squid topic? that i written i am octopus/squid like emoji and they backwarded time so that a coincidence with squid like robots happent?

i dont know. i think aliens satire this might be as :) changing past to create coincidences to surprise me :) as if something weird appening.

in squid / octopus topic:

it happent maybe 5 years ago or so.   i just written a tweet with squid or octopus emoji since for nonsense since i wanted to tweet like that :D then latger 1 hour or so much time later, i actually read a news that octopus like robots are buing built. 

so i got quite shocked since i used octopus emoji maybe a hour or so ago in a tweet without knowing in advance i would later read a news about octopus robots.

my tweet were like "i am -octopus_emoji-".



then 1 hour later when i saw actually octopus news :D i were felt kind of surprised to have me tweeted 1 hour or some ago an octopus related tweet before reading any such news about octopus robots :D


now i  understood, that could also be work of time traveling aliens work:D

i mean as i tweeted octopus emoji in future, the aliens went to past to have made created octopus robots topic so that i get shocked reading such news :D

they like to surprise me like that i think, i think its their satire :D they like to make fun of me being surprised of weird topics:D

this octopus topic again popped up when i saw otopus like robots in the movie right now i watched.

but i didnt liked the movie's script any. somehow i didnt liked.


any way going back to 5 years ago that day, i got shocked because i never usdeed tht emoji before. nor ever tweeted aboiut octopuses :D

so right tweeting octopus emoji then 1 hour later seeing a news about octopus robots (Which i figured out were posted even much earlier, but i had not had any read) that day felt kind of very weird.

i think my time traveler aliens are very funny :D they like to surprise me like this :D

likefor instance i think they have time alteration capability. e.g. when i mention a topic they alter time to have that topic had happent :D

that be very funny satire i think:D like sumo :D

i mean altering 15 years ago casted tv show to include sumo / martial arts topic :D

i dont know why they like to do this to specifically my life but not to other people :D  & definitely welcome :D 


i think coincidence of the scaring movie were even funnier:D i got scared on bus when watched a horrror movie that day as mentioned. then when i returned home, they made things from movie as mentioned 2 things happent i think that were like felt like a nefarious friend whom makes such things to make fun of type situation :D it felt like i understood their that those satire cause it were like you know everyone had some friends whom did jokes sometimes, in that one aliens behaved like such friends :D i mean they saw me scared whilst watching horror movie i tihnk and did repeated horror movie topics at home when i came home due to that. like a very joke doing friend alike. i think its their satire :D

i mean what repeated were as mentioned, in the tv show things were falling in house and birds were throwing them to windows. the first day i came home, the carpet that on noon mom and dad put to 3rd floor fell on to a glass stuff making glass shatter all 3 stairs with huge loud noise. then 2 days later or so, a bird throw it self to the net of the balcony door and passing from a slight opening there passed to inside of a house room and hit my mom's head.

so i think it were kind of satire of aliens that time again. like you know everyone have had such jokeful friends some times that did such jokes, i mean scare tactics like jokes doing friends, we all had not at scare tactics level scary but still i guess every one had such friends whom did such jokes. so i took it think that those coincidence related to movie were same like jokeful aliens scare tactics like joke moment to me :D i mean coinicding topic wiht movie of things falling in house etc :D as happent once as mentioned on that day i came home  anyway.  (of carpet losing balance qand falling to a glass stuff which fells all 3 stairs with loud noise etc)

so i think i can understand satire of aliens in those above topics surely because those type of satire is very funny:D

e.g. sumo topic is i think very very very funny :D


of course it couold be also just only randomness i dont know.

 but it could be also aliens with time machines. 


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