hahaha unevolved chimp shouted stalk slandering literal used in character assasination incidents :D this chimps of unknown cult as told never stop being chimps of character assasination task of an unknown cult :D

i make insurmountable fun of this chimps neanderthals cult (unknown cult but they behave like chimps/neanderthals since a consistent character assasintion effort happens with very severely untrue slanders)

i laughed a lolt to the endless harrasments from my flat's vicinity by chimpanzees of this unknown cult.:D

these low iqqued chimpanzees chimp behaviors of character assaisniton are so funny :D

they shout sopmetimes but" then also slander literal? 

meaning the chimp is shocked for seeing slander is not true, but does not have thinking capability to fix mind of to understand slander is untrue, but instead repeatedly sometimes does "but? slander_literal" type harrassment with slandering incident from flat's vicinity :D

simply unevolved chimps with minds that does hold no thinking capability. i do not exagarate if i call these cult members as chimpanzees i think. cause they behave like chimpanzees or neanderthals i dont know they seem to behaving as unevolved at huge degrees/levels. i mean normally evolved people dont do attend character assasination efforts of unknown cults or have capability to think actually to discriminate what is rational thought what is not. its like as if these chimpanzees of this unknown cult really lack thinking capability :D

simply unevolveds :D

sometimes randomly stalk slander incidents happens as reported and i in my flatmake huge fun of the stalk slander incident and doer chimpanzee :D

i laughed a lot today :D

specifically when the chimps shouts "but??" word. the chimpanzee shouts "but?? slander_literal? " then shouted sometimes "but?" 

the chimpanzee is confused in seeing that in reality slander is untrue but does not have thinking capability enbough to fix mind of to understand its slander(untrue). but instead the chimpanzee repeated "but?" literal today. 

this chimpanzees cult neanderthals cults members visibly rented a flat in vicinity of my flat and as i reported such stalk slandering incidents happent.

its so funny:D

its like being Jane Goodall:D with exception of that i dont niteract with chimpanzees nor i do not any like chimpanzees. i just am kind of like a nature reporter :D i report the chimpanzees character assaisnation incidents. but meantime unvoluntarily obiserve how chimpanzees behave  i mean i dont observe intentionally nor observe either. i just confront in stalk slandering incidents how chimpanzees behave :D

its like being nature reporter:D i mean reporting this character assasination incidents is really like being reporting what chimpanzees neanderthals cult does (e.g. another stalk slandering incident )

its really really funny:D

its like unvoluntarily being like Jane Goodall(of observing chimp behaviors i mean) but not interested to be like Jane Goodall cause i dont like chimps. and i dont any interact nor reply to the chimps and their stalk slander incidents, i just am reporting in blog as much as i can detect whenever i detect :D

lets see how many times the chimpanzee would shout a sentence with "but??" :D

lets see how much count stalk slander incidents of character assasination would occur today :D

i might miss some incidents and not detect all the fun of making fun with chimps' stalk slandering incidents :D cause i routinely listen like to listen music.

but when an incident happens, the lack of iq absence of iq  in the irrationality of the slander is not intra species but as if its separate species level. i mean this chimps of the unknown cult seems to lack huge levels of iq and eq and i think chimps quite fits to this cults members :D they dont definitely belong to our species :D just simply unevolved chimpanzees or neanderthals, i think quite fits to this unknown cults members' species situation :D

lets see how much "but??" literal would come from the chimp whom can only think one idea at the same time  i think. since the unknown cult tries to character assaisnte me, makes the chimp think one idea(which is an untrue slander) and harrass with such idea, but chimp when doing stalk slandering incident activity, then observeing slander is not true, the chimp by then enters a shock :D and since is a chimpanzee and lacks capability to change mind, chimp than gets in to loop of saying "but?" routinely during the day:D

this chimp that an unknown cult rents a flat beside my flat's vicinity, then does a stalk slandering incident, but then the chimpanzee gets in "but?" loop :D i sometimes observe not everytijme :D the chimpanzee tries to do stalk slandering incident from vcinity place but gets in a loop of "but?" literal:D since is an unevolved chimpanzee that can not think:D then seeing that the conditions of slander /slander is untrue as chimp shouts a sentence that would be shouted to the slander, then as receives no reply, the chimpanzee gets in as mentioned loop of "but" . then continues alot other stalk slandering incidents with "but" word. or "but? slander_literal?" 


these chimpanzees repeating but literal is very very very funny :D

i laughed out alot today :D

the chimpanzees of an unknown cult or neanderthals/chimpanzees of an unknown cult. simply unevolveds.

there is a funny meme i wish to share about lack of thinking capability that i would wished to share to the situation of these chimpanzees of an unknown cult:D

so today has been very funny as i detected stalk slander incidents happent. and insurmountable source of humor these chimpanzees behaviors/stalk slander incidents are as:D never seen this much lack of iq/eq in my life ever until this character assasination started. these chimpanzees of this unknown cult, their stalk slander incidents are very funny:D exactly unevolveds, chimpanzees of an unknown cult and its endless character assaisnation effort.

today were very funny became very funny as i discovered this "but?" loop behavior of this chimpanzees of an unknown cult :D

i sometimes laughed out very loud sometimes not loud but laughed very much today as i detected above pattern in stalk slander incidents of these chimpanzees of an unknown cult :D

someone must call peta:D an unknown cult using chimpanzees to do character assasination incidents stalk slander incidents. then these chimpanzees whom observes slander is not true, then being chimps, they got locked in "but" literal loop in other stalk slander incidents as i observed used in stalk slander incidents alot today. someone should protect chimpanzees from being used by cults to do stalk slander harrassments i think:D


today has been really funny :D

the unknown cult visibly hires a flat in vicinity of my flat and puts the chimpanzee to do stalk slander incidents during the day. then the chimp when sees slander is untrue (as gets no reply) the chimpanzee gets in "but" literal loop :D exactly chimpanzees of unknown cult:D

oh poor chimpanzees low iqqued minds which can think only one idea that the cult told to, oh poor chimpanzee gets in to shock and repeats but word alot during the day in stalk slander incidents :D chimpanzee stalks from flat vicinity like that :D

someone should call PETA to report that a cult uses chimpanzees in stalk slander incidents :D

today has been really very funny :D i laughed alot to the irrational stalk slander incidents and the chimpanzee's "but" reaction and lack of ability to change mind(to understand its slander & untrue) being unevolved chimpanzees :D 

These stalk slander incidents happen  in vicinity of flat. The stalker shouted " but? " or slander literal in glats vicinity  and also many times during the day but literal. Simply unevoled chimpanzee of an unknown cult :D



truly very funny :D



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