how does it feel like|:
when i write a blog and mention caste and palace whilst i meant place in palace either. and wrote some term wrong and it looked like caste. i thought like this when reading the blog.
then later in night, i open randomly a star trek show, and the star trek show has caste concept and person in tv show is from India :) and also has also palace concept :)
magic like stuff done by aliens :D
my magicians :) my aliens :)
i believe this aliens have time machines :)
alien mom /dad :)
i mean beside my world mom dad :)
or else:
alien friends :) if not mom dad:) i dont know why they interact with me?
i sometimes wonder if i am only a lab rat of aliens, and reason of interaction is analysing humanity?
but many times i think it must not be like that and must be that they are either my friends or extra mom/dad.
its just too much extravagant effort. i think maybe this happens because my life were very traumatic in character assaisntion period. i mean maybe they jsut interact since my life were hard for some time.
maybe they just like to interact due to that, to people whom felt trauma/ptsd, maybe they do interact?
its just too much extravagant to alter tv show script i watch :) it just feels awesome :)
or its just randomness :)
its not hacked any. i watch from netflix client.
it just feels unbelievable to have an alien friend whom alters tv shows scripts casted 20- 30 years ago :)
what i think: alien are not my mom and dad. they are just very kind species that try to help people felt trauma or ptsd with intrctng from TV shows. maybe aliens only ocmmunicate to people whom went through severe level trauma (E.g. me due to having confronted char. assntn a while sometime before)
what i think, aliens are very kind thoughtful speices :) and they like to interact with people whom gone through trauma/ptsd.
i mean, for instance, having tv show including caste/palace topics on the day i read blog and think it wrongly looks like palace instead of place and also this looks like caste system whilst its not caste i say.
then later i open tv show, an Indian person is one of the host/main actors that day, is from a higher class & lives in a palace. and it were such space movie episode. many historical caste topics happent in the movie.
its just unbelievable to have aliens that does extravagant things for me :) i mean tv show alterations. i mean tv show that i watch from netflix. and they change the content of 20 30 years ago content. so they must be going to past to do that,.
it feels aweosme to have alien friends whom has time travel capability:)
i interpret these tv show coincidences be done happening from very kind alien speices that whom holds time travel capability :) they are very kind :)
maybe i am not the only one and they do this to all people whom suffered trauma/ptsd in some time.
i love my alien friends :)
if they really exist and if its not just randomness/coincidences instead :)
lots of cheers to alien friends :) from planet earth:) to friends whom do weird coincidences in tv shows with their time machines:)
any advanced tech would look like magic to that tech nonbeholders :)
so aliens are magicians :)
at least time travel looks like magic in planet earth, we had not managed to learn how to go past maybe we could go to future, but not past, so going to past to alter tv show coincidences, looks like magic even if its tech.
any high tech looks like magic to nonbeholders :)
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