i disliked ordering food because best food i like is:
mixing carrots yoghurt and some green food and eating with bread.
i didnot wanted to order food but my bread has finished that is renewed on monday and i need some stomach filler at 11 am or various hours when my stomach gets sicker. otherwise it goes wrong. and dislikde the high calories food i ordered since i am very fat. if i were thinner that foods would be ok to order but not in this severe fat condition where more yoghurt mixed food is better.
i have fatness and sick stomach condition where i many nights eat bread when stomach gets sicker but i forgot to buy bread and its finished.
i think i really liked food of carrots yoghurt and green some green leavers mixture. its really delicious i could eat endlessly that food type both healthy and delicious. but nonethelss bread is mixed and with a sick stomach its impossible to keep no food at flat to carve onn when stomach gets sicker when antiacid pills dont work but eating bread alleviates. maybe i woulkd also buy leblebi as i remember leblebi were also good for sgtomach illness.
news coming from world is maniac/severe sad/terrifying/horrific :S
(not that happy smiling sun news, thats an awesome news but the horrific news i meant, horrific news from world)
i look to smiling sun news to be happy with possibility of aliens existence :) it is an awesome photography. it i believe really needs to get photography award. its really the first sun photo like that ever taken.
just a nother reason to study to physics later after i build project i committed that i postponed.
i were planning to do my own fashion design shop to build clothes as a second hobby,. i dont know if i would do it. i loved to draw clothes very much before. i measn design. i woulod had built a dress shop if i learnt how to make dress. as a secondary hobby to data/software engineering topic. i even biought a 38-40 sized mannequin since most people are in that size since i took goal of designing clothes seriously since i reaqlly find it very interested to do hobby.
Hmm but I think I would not accomplish this hobby.
but i also found it very happy to have followed a stem career also since now i would later study to cosmology science soon after i finish this android/ios app i committed to build. i mean in free times i would continue to study to maths to later accomplish ai project and investigation of new math frameworks to study to reinterpret quantum mechanics and i wish to also focus to learning particle physics and cosmology science areas with the new math frameworks to be built. actually in cosmology science they already frequently do that, they dont use the original defacto common math frtameworks in cosmology theorietical physics sciences, which i am in inherently interested to such areas starting from 2 years ago, that i discovered a goal to build craft newer other math frameworks and so as told i wish to also study to cosmology areas and even build a space ship with possible new technologies in quantum gravity side if ever possible, (not known if possible eiother but would try investigate that side with that frameworks later but first would build the coder ai for to enable it faster without depending to my slowness but making it faster with coder ai to investigate those topics of new frameworks yupp)
some people dont believe to my alien experiences as i told but all of the experiences i told are true. not that aliens ever visited. but the candle thatcame that has a coinciding shape with a artifact in the star trek movie i watch, or seeing a wave of circular on my cup, or the other day the coffe stuff falling du then that night star trek coincidence happens with coffee cup with also captains cup having waves but chaotic then so. or coffee becomes a topic of the star trek that day. i have no reason to say any lie. its more of aliens friendship support when i feel sad/depressed i believe so. its like they like toc communicate like that from star trek movies and its totally amazing/they are so cool :) its absolutely very cool very amazing :) I believe that they think of me as a possible Zefram Cochrane like inventor due to one such coincidence again :)
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