todays study to study Treebank grammars starts with reading this article of:
TreebankGrammars.pdf (
hmm after reading: this has been a very nice introduction to linguistics methodologies :)
now more tree bank tutorials/lectures study to get expert in TBs and commonly known linguistics algorithms/methods.
hmm I randomly search articles to study to from google.
hmm as now finished reading partially the second article now, i did not liked this second article. so I removed from blog paragraph after reading it as i did not liked this article.
hmm would find another article now of linguistic methodologies(PTB) from again google.
but I get some basic knowledge regarding priobabilistic space of CFGs and TSGs and TAGs like modelings from very first article. but I would read more to understand more this corpus related probabilistic estimator buildings.
hmm one thing, I got introduced myself to NLP 5 years ago in machine learning studies. and I now reremember or learn entirely newly the methodologies. e..g Viterbi algorithm in Markov models. I remember reading//studying to Viterbi 5 years ago or earlier. but I did not remembered exactly the algorithm either.
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