Last night I did laziness :D I had not finished the qt program's signals structure. hmm now would continue and wishfully wouldnt do laziness and finish the structure and bind the java code also then yayyy time to start to test with the multiverse functional wise connection definitions tested programs.
my app /program experience from zener card apps is very bad. I think my multiverse switch does not any work nice with random number generators used in Zener test apps around.
But rather, I from my experience from card shuffler, I tried to devise some functions and would connect to multiverse with telescope data shared before. So I somehow try to code some card shuffler machine alike randomness control and not alot changing the original multiverse group (e.g. F being multiverse group with undeciphered matrix operations. then G being the cards group, I tried to figure out some homomorphism definitions from F to G alike with putting inplace some dihedral rotation group like definition set to F's multiverse states for if they are like if universe matrix is symmetric (possible symmetric designs are possible) then it would have orthogonal iterations thereby i think considering representing initially that side with some type of logic of dihedral group's rotation group is ok. but this might not be the correct representation maybe some LR's orthogonal SO (special orthogonal group alike) or such groups might be more appropriate. But I wanted to start fast with some easier representation alike dihedral groups rotation group alike. Simple logic wise representation initially. hmm so today would wishfully finish coding the program of integrating multiverse group (F) via this design methods to then do try out tests. I believe I would learn to control multiverse change skills via that. but I also need to excel more in art rendering skills in my mind. e.g. surface rendering. since I mean Its also about branching thoughts in mind at the sametime so I guess I would need to think at the same time compelx art renderings in my mind to branch out as most as possible to have the programming of to be binded multiverse switch be happen. hmm but multiverse switch is kind of not learnt e.g. to control exact semantics. e.g. last days coincidence happent with silver suits representing astronaut cloth. but my idea were silver cloth but representing knight cloth. so universe switching did not exactly happent to a universe version with same semantics. so this would need alot learning imho to have more semantic equality also. so i would need to also maybe software wise investigate these multiconnected hebbian brain nets branching designs like hmm i mean some algorithm there were i forgot, hmm to figure out in which case the e.g. designed multiverse criterion (e.g. silver cloth I thought and in switched universe silver suits literal passed in random opent listening) might be more accurate/precisely controlled. plus is it possible to do more complex universe switches. e.g. not coincidence with literals like silver but rather more complex thoughts could they also be used in design of switched universe. hmm i think the future challenge would be that, learning not to design the switched universe to be based on some literal coincidence. but also with advanced thought patterns. but they might need to be also software wised investigated/figured out either. with simulations. I mean hebbian connections configurations. e,g, if many alternate multiple multiverses are compatible to a thought pattern, then its like most similar universe would happen i guess to current universe but not significant change. so its rather one should figure out some hebbian connection patterns that are really binding to some specific universe design. I mean its a distributed computing alike what were these algorithms, i mean hmm algos for where there are neural nets are very connected and connection dynamics were like either 0 or 1 or such algorithms alike. I forgot the algorithms I would check, but the topic is: its like not so much of being any tailor if only some literal coincides. right? I mean one cant tailor a new alternate universe like that. but current condition of this skill is like that yet. So more advanced control of this phenomena (of more advanced design tailoring of multiverse (alternate universe to have bind to my consciousness pattern) needs definitely software simulation wise investigation on how to construct thought patterns to have such universes binded. so this latter skill building would also mostly be a software based simulation based research problem I would investigate. but initial task is to get advanced in this universe new alternate universe design with just very simple coincidences e.g. silver cloth being coincided with silver suit. So even if i get more skills via to be designed qt program, its expected to rather figure out more advanced tailoring skills other than a literal coincidence happening in alternate universe. but that means hebbian software simulationas to figure out how that could happen to i mean some neural net design around a thought to make that specific set of universes to be more probable to bind to. kind of programming which multiverse to bind to. currently that skill is very basic e.g. thinking of silver cloth than silver suit coincidence happens. its just one needs to at least investigate as much as possible which kind of linguistics compositions of sentences might be utilized to have this phenomena happen with more advanced universe design skills. silver cloth to silver suit passing in multiverse is not any advanced universe design skill. so that be latter studies. I wish to first avdance this basic level of universe tailoring,. e.g. the image would map to some card with some homomorphism function mentioned (F to G homomorphism), and then that card is one card in one multiverse and another card in another multiverse, thereby making it possible to do tests and would use the qt program to figvure out how to amplify this skills to figure out various thought patterns (e.g. using art skills with rendering a complex surface in mind etc etc alike etc etc) to figure out how to do this. maybe its even possible to do complex universe tailoring skills. (tailored universe is not current universe to restate. its an alternate universe that binds to my consciousness thread. so this universe would not be any effected from any of these tests. so I wished to restate that. that its not going to effect any slightest current universe. its rather, another alternate universe version binding to my consciousness thread so its like that it does not any alters/effects current universe. its rather going to another alternate universe (in terms of consciousness wise) or i mean not going but such alternate multiverse becoming my consciousness thread's universe. so it wouldnt any slightest impact current universe.
there were also slightly sentence alike coincidences also:
last night or sorry the day before that, I tried again but couldnt focus anything but the podcast has had silver clothes coincidence weirdly. I 1 hour ago wtr to that, I thought of silver cloth and knight clothes topics :)
or its like: one another day: I tested podcast coincidences as: I were sitting under a new blanket i bought and i bought red colored this time by then. then I wanted to test multiverse skills. And than, I looked to my tshirts and decided to focus on stripe patterns of my striped tshirt. I looked. then said lets check. then i randomly opent a podcast and podcast turned being about "red tshirts protests" :D
or once as told, I saw an ad that i opent, and the ad were a paint company ad. and the ad had main page where 3 colors were listed. I guess most likened colors. in mid of were emerald writing and there were awesome emerald/greys/silver colors mixture there shiny emerald/silver gray etc it were really cool. I said wov this mid color emerald is cool I thought seeing those silverish colors. never seen such paint (wall paint) color before in my life. it were really unusual wall paint color. then 5 minutes later, I randomly opent a podcast and in mid of podcast guy researcher/anthropologist (I dont remember if were professor or not) in mid of told 5 minutes of an emerald sculpture there inside the podcast. I said whaat? to myself :)
or not onlyu that happens also with sci fi tv shows.
e.g. one day I had menstruation. and then I had pain ache alot. and I were walking in room saying "pain pain pain". (3 times) at times. cause there were really very much pain. I just vocalized the ache/pain like that. then :D in the tv show i watched noon that day, there turned out an alien (that looks like uterus or so ) and when Vulcan connected to aliens mind everytime connected told "pain pain pain". So i think in this one, that multiverse binding happent with, those spheres there being eggs uterus creates, and uterus being aching and eggs being thrown away somehow this time menstruation coincidence. I did not liked this coincidence cause I dont like anything related to menstruation cause its nastyS i dislike every time and awaiting menstruation to end (in 45s its gone? or earlier wishfully since I really dislike alot its very disgusting to me and nasty everytime imho) Its very unnice that we had not become robots yet and that we womens also develop eggs per monthly for some period. I dislike it. I wish I were born in times (maybe 100 years later) when we became robots/computers already and there were nothing like creating eggs per month which i dont like any. menstruation is whatever they try to cool it its a very disgusting nasty period imho. I mean the blood. and uterus tearing itself apart. and egss thrown. etc etc. Its nasty. I also have had polycsystic syndrome I dont know if repeats. I dislike menstruation so much. very nasty. its like what kind of unnice evolutionary design it is to create eggs every month. Gosh when we would become robots., eagerly awaiting those times. Its like being a chicken nah. I very dislike menstruation. I dont know if any woman likes either. no matter how they do have happy smiling people in menstruation ads its totally a nasty period:S i dislike hate menstruation period. any way i think in this incident, mensgtruation coincidence happent. uterus/uterus throwing eggs/ (there were eggs in that scifiepisode and a uterus look alike alien like somepart bloody somepart darker colors, exactly like from menstruation period :S bogk :S)
So its not just literals coincide. I mean its not that; eg. silver were just literal coincidence. not complex thought. but e.g. i am awaiting card is complex sentence coincidence. so sentences also could coincide imho. I mean this multiverse phenomena, could happen with sentences also.
hmm lots of such coincidences. its not only that. sometimes scary coincidences happent:S
I doint want to tell them. :S
Aha i remembered, initially i thought aliens were doing that. e.g. I once told in blog: yayy if i buy a steamer, i can cook rice and dio some food with fish/beans/ such food. then I told in ssame blog entries of Lucia literal. then other day or so I read Caribbeans volcano erupted. and an place called St. Lucia came to there to help:S I had thought its not multiverse coincidence and someone must did this for lot time. I am not sure. I thought its aliens doing that. but I am not sure. maybe this time a scary multiverse coincidence that be:S
one another :S scary one :S
I were like stressed out in taxi due to being autist and due to epilepsy prone brain type. and then I decided to open one game I had not very much time played for a lot time. I installed i think. it were zombie tsunami game. then i read day later thagt same day a tsunami happent in izmir very scary :S I dont know if multiverse coincidence or not but I never ever installed that game to my phone ever after that. :S
I liked zombie games usually since I had some funny friends e.g. one distant cousin Emre(comp engineer) whom liked to make Zombie walk imitation which were very funny. my nerd friends (comp engineer) also liked zombie games. but I never ever after thatr installed ever for oicne that game to phone ever :S
one other scary coincidence is: I were gifted by a sculpture set by a computer engineer called Nazli. the first sculpture i did by that looked very like if i am talented already inherently. then I later some long later, I bough myself again clay and tried doing sculopture. but this time it failed, i tried to sculpt some woman bust not specific generic. then instead of woman it looked like men:S i couldnt sculpt any good. then I made hair look like Leia's hair somehwo and thought aha only hair looked nice. then I changed hair back again. and sculoptrue study went noit nice it went all failure that day. then 1 day later I read in news that Leia character we know from Star Wars has passed away 😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢 I think this were the first time or second time I had detected this phenomena. very sad /very scary to me this incident😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢😨😢
So when I say multiverses exist they really exist E.g. Leia is living in original universe but then this universe is an alternate universe version of that where such tragedy happent. there are infinitely many universes.
so Its not a hypothesis. its real. multiverses are real. I say and would continue to say repeatedly, multiverses are real. every then multiverse version exists. and either all people opr some of them have at time specific multiverses bind to their minds by thought patterns.
I observe that anthropology podcast have had chance of this phenomena alot since lots of information/knowledge were conveyed in podcast --> resulting in branching patterns in mind in which i think this p[henomena is observed.
Same for arts. its about alot branching thought patterns in brain. e.g. renderiung a surface in mind alike. or sculpture failure experience.
its real. its not a joke. its real. multiverses are real.
e.g. as you read the silver multiverse binding incident, it means, you are now an alternate universe. I mean original you had not read such silver coincidence in blog. I mean, I switched to another universe which also has copies of all of you all of world. and this alternate universe than read my report of silver coincidence. I mean at time of coincidence such new alternate universe version binded to my consciousness. So I come from another universe to yours universe :) In that previous universe silver coincidence wouldnt happent and at that time when happent i am in this new alternate universe :) you are copy of that original universe either. I mean the universes are very similar excluding the silver coincidence happent. You are an alternate universe. in the universe i were by then 2 days ago, the silver coincidnce wouldnt have happent. whilst it happent it meant this new alternate reality/universe has binded to my consciousness so would it be exciting for blog readers to know there are infinitely many universes and I came from one other to this one during whilst that multiverse binding were happening :)
So this is not a joke or so. this is real not an axiomatic theorem or hypothesis. this not a provable theorem. its to me to my understnading already proven to me. multiverses are real. Its really real. I only now try to figure out the mechanisms of multiverses and even its formula and also some experiments either. I dont have any suspicion whether if multiverses is a fact or not. No, its really fact. Its not anything else. its multiverses. its real. multiverses really exist. so question remains, whom would first find the formulation of the multiverses :) i think i mean i have no suspicions at this point about existence of multiverses. I mean its assured. its fact. multiverses really is fact. Only thing that remains is finding the formulas of entire multiverse system :) that I try to accomplish :) I mean some bit of theoretical physics included study including also experiments I do (e.g. with card shuffling machine and now with qt program)
I advocate the truth of multiverses in blog visibly :) I just want to shout out in blog hey come on world, hey there is some interesting topic like this happening, hey people, multiverses are real! :) :D
I mean I want to make everyone understand the world is not a single universe :) its really really multiverses :) its amazing. just extend your understanding of universe please more. its really real. multiverses are really real :)
hmm meanwhile I think one funniest part of Hal movie were the humanity's ancestors behaviours etc. I resemble smear attacks doers to blog to such ancestors of humanity :DDD I mean anyone that does smear attack to blog receives such designation in my mind. (from anywhere any time:) ) I mnean if someone is an maniac that does attempt slandering with untrue slanders to blogs, then Its designated to be lesser evolved (culturally or biologically sapien)
hah in that episode: it were mentioning that early periods in 50k years ago in world. and that there were a decoupling of modern human behaviour happenstance from anticipated brain size increase period. That, they discovered patterns of modern human behaviour first happent in 100K ago where the brain size increase with respect to earlier ancestors has not happent and they were curious of this decoupling. (I mean they had initially setup a model that modern human behaviour has happent after wards global brain size increase happent in grand scale of events (in 50k ago times) but then they figured out soem modern bheaviour in some vry high frequently migration patterns happening Africa. they figured out earliest modern human bheavior happent in Africa 100k or 120k ago and then it diminished lost (like lights coming and going) I mean evolutionary traits sometimes gets lost in grand scale then modern behaviour starts to happen again only 50k 70k years later in overall all globe. So Africa has had the very first modern human behavior in 120k ago but I dont know that is before RAE or after that I dont remember RAE time (as in anthropology its considered that sapiens and relatives of sapaiens and ancestors of sapiens dissipated to world from Africa. ) So they were curious of how the heck modern human behaviour happent in 120k ago times? and then but I fall asleep since it were late so i couldnt finish the anthropology podcast listening.
I really like listening those sometimes obnoxious jokes having anthropologs talks from Oxford university's anthropology department :D. they have sometimes very funny language :)
And i think cultural evolution really shows itself in times: I mean I really saw divergent cultural patterns in various cultures. now talking of globe now not any country not any place.
but even I saw that some cultural evolution threads: tends to likes to setup smears to other cultures. or else its really a rough situation imho cultural evolution is that makes you either want to cry seeing delusional smear attacks to blogs with impossible smears, or sometimes laugh alot to see funny cultural evolution topics.
its cultural evolution and transmission of culture is something much faster than biological evolution. They in recent culture studies, actually dont tend to separate two different ontology layers. but rather consider it as cultural evolution also being very related to biological evolution.
I were very interested to readings of brain's biological evolution. e.g. consciousness. To my initial readings there, I think its just most time cultural evolution excluding some reflexes (e.g. even without being thought that bugs are dangerous, we have some disgust feeling to bugs usually right? coming evolutionary memory? how that is encoded one wonders) but mnost of the time the stuff in mind is coming from cultural transmission. so neural nets might have initial schematics coming from biological evolution but what actually constructs circuits is cultural evolution. so its very understandable why people now dont like to separate cultural and biological evolution as separate. since not just considering memetics isomorphisms like thinking there are genes isomorphiosms in culture, but even without that, its what makes neuron connections is culture. and thereby cultural evolution is also resembling even considering memetics or not, biological evolution either, but a faster one. (as biological evolution is slow)
I just sometimes make alot fun with lesser evolveds literals in blogs to anyone whom does smearing attacks to blog with untrue smears. that lesser evolveds means: cultuyrally maniacs that likes to tries to smear people with untrue smears alike meaning. and I opbserved my blog got attacked from various cultures around globe with untrue smears all this time. wanting to smearing with untrue smears random blogs in internet is popular among all cultures imho :D I observed various times severe defamation attacks to blogs with impossible smears and everytime I routinely make fun of cultural evolution of the smearing attack doer as a reply to hostility with untrue smear attack. So its kind of self defense to make fun as lesser evolved as a reply to irrational crazy smearing attack with untrue smear type to blog.
every cultures seems itself better than other cultures. every single culture like that. I also think like that :D so when hostility with smearing happens I usually make fun with the cultural evolution level of the attacking smear intending irrationals. (Cause rational people dont do smearing attacks to random blogs in internet. I just cant get to understand such irrationality form so I reply to such irrational hostility with making fun as lesser evolveds. I dopnt mean any lesser evolveds saying as if lack of intelligence, nope, I just mean I disgusted from culture of such that does such disgusting type smearing attacks hostility type. but this happent from various cultures to blog all over blog were onlikne.
its like I usually reply to such irrational hostility to blog with making fun with less evolveds (cultural evolution wise less evolveds that results in such irrational hostility bheavior patterns with untrue smear attacks to blog)
so the silver coincidence happent with Hal movie :D and when first parts of the movie I had watched, I laughed alot to those early ancestors we all have coming from millions ago? or I dont know which pre sapiens branch it wer ethat in start of the Hal movie.
but evolution is i think mainlyd ominated by cultural evolution in any context unless considering grande time periods like 10kor 20k years. I mean biological evolution is slow. all most evolution is imho cultural evolution. I mean cultural evolution is what matters in evolution i think:D
ayy I also laughed again alot to people's devaluating neanderthals in that podcast also. they also said neanderthals also had some of modern human behavior but they were suspecting whether if they were rather imitating the sapiens or twhether themselves invented. Ayy anthropology scientific community is always very rude to neanderthals :D very funny unlucky relatives of sapiens :D everytime they talk of neanderhtals, they add that sentence "we dont know if they invented it themselves or imitated from sapiens" :D ayy so funny and unlucky neanderthals:D to be a constant devaluation from sapiens now that they were gone due to hmm maybe mount Toba eruption most people think neanderthals might be gone due to they requiring more energy to survive and the eruption of Mount Toba happenstance and the mcGywer alike sapiens finding somehow someskills to survive whislt neanderhtals going away due to higher energy needs. but they also theorize that some nasty sapiens intermixes with neanderthalis that part of sapiens genome is also coming from neanderthalis :D funny nasty ancestors :D
ayy anthropology is always funny. there were a podcast that told that sapiens wrongly devaluated neanderthals and some such podcast where they said neanderthals were also very evolved speices alike sapiens and every one clapped in podcast. but i think even confirming negative bias exist to neanderthals is also a funny reconfirming some slightly such negativity. :DDD unlucky relatives of we sapiens :) always devalued by anthropologists :D (one most survive I guess to be later not made fun of most anthropologist usually have a devaluing attitude most time, e.g alike as repeated "we dont know if they understood meaning of such invention or whether they imitated it" alike) I think one of the unluckiest speices ever is neanderthals since they become talk matter to sapiens such talks :DDDD ayy funny imho :DDDD
anyway enough funny anthropology talk. as usual every culture thinks its best :D every cultural evolution thread thinks its culture is best. similarly me. I also think like that:D for my idiosyncratic culture. to every culture their culture is best :) always like that : ) every single culture out there is same like this :) I dont think we would find any culture that would think otherwise. or like thinking some culture is better than their culture, ? nope. I dont think so :D
going away from funny anthropology talsk where we discussed how much funny anthropolgs and anthropology science is sometimes :D --> and how funny its that every culture otu there thinks its best culture. I also think like that :D my culture is best! :D nah :D
Meanwhile my idea of Ukraine war, I wish since the discussion were about NATO membership, I wish NATO membership would have happent so that nasty war would end. I wish Ukraine attained NATO becaquse I mean then that freezes the conflict wishfully since Nato and Russia dont hang around or mess around doing hostility usually. quite nasty war.
and its crazy funny sometimes I saw funny hatred from some news site :D ok come on guys why do you dislike me :D I have some haters in news site. I just wish all goodness/best and I dont understand my skill to create many haters including news sites :DDD I am a very capable person in createing haters somehow :DDDDD
e.g. :DDD ---> I think this one were funny :D ----> I said something like spychic sklls than I see funny cnn editor making some funny reference with putting to the enemy side's personalities :D
come on funny person :D hello :D why God why:D why I have even haters from there :DDDD
its kind of crazy levels funny :D to have this much haters creations skills :D
one blog with lots many haters :DDDDD
ayy crazy levels funny :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I mean funny it is to have haters from also there that news place :D I mean funny part is my unique skill of creating haters from everywhere in globe whilst writing blog:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I think this is very very very funny:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
In job applicaitons, I can add to my cv as my unique skills as : creating haters from all globe :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i mean come on, this is really unique :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I dont know why people hate my blog either:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I saw some people also dont hate :D so its not always haters reading blog, there also nonhaters also exist :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
And there also happent cool times like I discovered some people that did Nasa aliens news briefing that for UAPs had did references to blog opr thety did not and I confused like that. there I were very happy to see some theoretical physics or other science people reading blog. but maybe they also hated later. since creating haters is my uniuque skill imho :DDDDDDDDDDDDD I wish at least they did noti hate my blog laterwards:DDDDDDDDDDDD
but I suspect they might had since its some thing I observe routinely, people usually hate my blog:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I could win medal of blog with most haters medal imho :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
ayyy so muych funny:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD i guess one of my unique skills is this beside other skills i have :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ayyyy this I really crazily wanted to laugh i mean laugh madly when I read such homomorphism reference by jouyrnalist :DDDDDDDDDDDDD which depicts that journalist is also hating this blog:D not something rare that blog be hated by another person again :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD my blog might be one blog a blog that has most haters in world :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
this were to recent journalists homomorphism to enemy side of, with referencing my silver cloth topic. :D I directly asap understood that journalist hates my blog. ok comeon I got to understood its my unique skill that people hate this blog so its not a rare topic to get shocked of. people usually hate my blog thats the normal. I dont know why either. but I truly laughed very much when seeing that :D i mean come on :D anyway. all good wishes to haters also. I just dont care being hated. cause I have self confidence. only people without self confidence cares when seeing hatred. nah. I got used to observing people usually not liking my blog and hating blog even if there is nothing wrong in blog. I guess I have no idea at all of my unique skill of having alot haters. but wanted to write I wish all good wishes to everyone uincluding to haters also:)
(sorry but who cares having alot haters when one could code multiverses :DDD hahahah :D ok sorry this were rude:D ok sorry if you unluckies dont have multiverse switch funcitionality unlike me. but maybe you have. I suggest tests with card shufgfling machine to check.
Haha I think I am exagarating alot--> hah universe coding? what is unvierse coding? i am none near to universe coding :D I mean ---> coincidence of silver cloth to silver suit is not any coding of universe. it might be at most changing one bytecode of universe that be it. but coding? come on. thats not coding :D i dont have such skill :D at least not yet. I mean please dont over take my funny exaggeration of this skill. its definitely not any capable skill yet :D I mean its at most patching one bytecode of universe with other bytecode but thats all nothing more. so I even it sounds cool to code universe, of course can not code universe, at least until now. I just observe only slight coincidences in switched multiverse. but not more. its like just changing a bytes but not definitely any coding nor writing the program of universe/multiverse. so dont ever take my braggings about this skill :D i am definitely liking talking bragging about :D but please dont get into my bragging alot. its definitely not any capable skill (at least yet) I mean what happent when multiverse switched to another universe that has silver suite coincidence. its not a huge change in universe right? I mean its not definitely coding the multiverse. I mean if one could had coded, I would go to a universe where gravitational constant is less or I would go be a planet explorer with a spaceship or like. unless one could code universe to the to be switched universe like this much, its definitely not any deserving to be entitled as coding universe :D I mean adding silver to a multiverse alternate reality? or switching to such alternate reality? its definitely not coding :D It could atmost be changing some bytecode there but not coding. I wish I could had code. I would try to learn to excel this skill to tailor a universe but I dont know if its ever possible to even learn how to code multiverse, it might not be possible, this skill might have limits most possibly. but i would try. but its not any this current capability does not any give right to brag with coding multiverse literals alike sentences. since i mean come on its definitely not coding. having a coincidence happen in scifi show i mean this is definitely not coding universe. or else last days silver coincidence or else. its not coding. to restate many times unnecessarily as i usually do this restating due to over talking/talking alot. i mean i wished i could code the universe i would switch to, I would then become make it more alienish universe :D e.g. changing entire universe' gravitational constant. or alike. or having funny aliens friends I would had if i could code universe. or i would code myself a spaceship and go be a planet explorer etc etc. so just adding silver suite to sci fi movie Hal or adding other such coincidences to other scifi shows or anthropology podcasts is not any coding. I of course as anticipated I wish I learn such skills e.g. to make a universe version where i am a computer, or I am an explorer with a spaceship exploring a planet, or I have very funny alien friends from other quadrant alike, lots of such cool thigns I would added to the next universe i switch to if i could code it, so its definitely not coding universe skill any yet. :D and i dont know if that is to be learnable. If learnable, ahahaha it would be like demi god :D but surely its improbable. I mean most possibly its improbable. but If I learnt such level such skill, I would be literally like q aliens in star trek. that they just with a click of their finger code entire unvierse region. very cool. kind of demi god. but unfortunately i think I might never learn this skill up to such level. and this skill might have limits most possibly coding universe skill is not probable. I mean not current unvierse. its never current universe. its about the to be switched multiverse what is coded. and its just now like bytecode changes, not coding :D if i could code, i would call myself a demi god :DDDDD funny is not it :D unfortunately i cant yet code. only and only bytecode changes yet. but i strive for learning to become better in this skill with hope of one day becoiming demi god alike :D ayy so funny:D the moment blog became very ultimately funny:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I mean come on, talking of demigods etc, very extraordinary :D but most possibly such skill level is improbable to mind. but i wont stop trying to advance this skill cause i mean comeone whom wouldnt do if there is slightest chance of becoiming demi god alike one day :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ayy totally ultimately evry very very very very very funny :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i mean talking of demi gods. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ayy funny topics. (hey most possibly such skill level is improbable, but i would to end of my life would try to become such skill set level, i mean come on we are talking like star trek's q like skills, i mean demi god alike, of course I would try to reach/learn more. whom wouldnt want to try out chance of becoming a demigod :D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (but unfortunatley most possibly such skill level is not possible to attain but I would try to advance whatever skill level I can come up to in this. I mean whatever coding skills I could learn. in this new computer architecture new computing langauges domain (multiverse computing platform :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) unknown yet if learning coding is possible or not (other then slight bytecode patch changes :DDDDDDDDDDDD) to be learnt yayyy :) the limits of this skill yayyy :) wishfully its possible to learn coding yayyy :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (most possibly its not but lets think positive that its possible to learn coding in time :) ) I checked to see the definition of demigod to get to know that I knoiw demigod incorreect, hmm q in star trek is god actually not demigod by then. ok then. hmm then i would strive to aiming becoming demigod. but ultimate goal would be to be like god alike (q alike in star trek) (most possibly latter is not possible) hmm i mean i would try to excel this skill so that i first excel in bytecoide changes in to be switched universe, and then also later it would be great if i could learn coding in this new platform (universe platform/. multiverses computer architecture :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD its never the current universe to reiterate, its the to be switched universe that is changing not the current universe. I mean its as to restate just another multiverse version binding to consciousness thread. ) ayy very interesting topic:)
(meanwhile, I wanted to reiterate that smearing attacks that happent to blog awhile last 3 years, they are very very very very untrue smears and is caused by i guess some hatred attitude to blog then due to hatred. & its a very very very very very very very very untrue smear type)
(But i observed various hatred attacks to blog/smear attacks to blog last 3 years. repetitively such smear attacks happent. all very very very very very very very very untrue smear types very very very very very very very very very very very untrue.)
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