hey i am not asleep since i had not finished today's studying task and its very exciting cause I am near to finalizing 0.1 version's necessary study task (of books readings/articles readings) to resume coding. 

so i am so excited to finish asap the articles reading asap to continue coding. I think i would try to now switch to fast reading skill of autism. since seems as my focus capability is in place. since there is inpatience of adhd to study also in tandem, better try fast reading skill since i think now these days focus level is enabling resuming studying to ml algos.  (some days focus were not present but there were many issues causing lack of focus)

I am actually that much excited that I am near the reinitialization of coding phase that,  I think i now decided to do study until morning for today. since i couldnt had fall asleep. (due to excitement that i am going to finalize reading/books articles for 0.1 version very soon :) I mean I would resume coding :) then from 0.1 to 1.0 version, (after 0.1 is completed) then I would again have a studying reading books session, maybe 15person day alike and 7person-day alike to coding to 1.0 version afterwards i guess so. or maybe 25 person-day alike I anticipate the 0.1 version to 1.0 version update to happen in. 

gosh I am too excited. never been this much excited to project before since i been studying for entire last year to resume coding :) for a while i started coding, then i said, nah, this conceptualizations/frameworks I use in NLP is not abstract enough,  then i said, lets reinit reading books, then finally after a year alike, I am again in vicinity of coding phase :) (NLP translation phase)

so my God, its very exciting to do finalize such long period of project very soon :) to be able to resume coding tasks of project again. 

so exciting :)  that much, I can not fall asleep today.  since, would very soon be able to resume coding task very soon :) 

this project is requiring alot patience :) it has such periods alike an entire year reading books/articles jusjt to code a module of it alike :) (mostly because i were ignorant in msc/phd maths alot, still ignorant, but i mean if i had phd level maths before, i might not needed to spare this much time whilst building this project of course ) 

so its just so exciting! everything is perfect for project's 0.1 version completion right now -> there i have a nice new study room/desk I can study for hours to project (previous room I occupied were temporaryand desk were not nice for coding)-> and project is in phase of near to switch to coding! how cool! 

ok for 0.1 version i would also need to later, during 0.1 version development, read also temporal type theory and lawvere dynamic systems definitions articles. but thats just not much reading compared to finished readings until now :) I dont consider that any of effort even:). 

but before dynamic system definition requirement of grammar clauses, I have a lot to code of some knowledge engineering tasks. cool! I mean i can finally resume coding a while! already started to setup coding environment in this pc. of installation of vscode metals integration etc etc. scala installation, hmm would renew java version also. hmm so i would install some zeppelin also since would use scala for this initial notebooks. or maybe i might directly code in IDE. withoiut notebook. dunno. 

yayyy so by 2025's first quarter by latest jan end, then we are going to finalize 1.0 version, cool! then relearning and initial reinventing checks to physics theorems, building searching molecular wise quantum computer design and its algebra designs tasks ahead first!  then afterward reinventing new theorems studies and multiverse theorems design and test etc etc lots of accelerated studies afterwards (even building some accelerator project even:) )

yayy then we humanity can survive run away from alien invasion when we build warp capable space cities! cool!  that seems not so distant, imho we would possibly invent warp technology intiial frameworks by 2025's first quarter. cool!  so we are closer to goal of surviving humanity from aliens invasion topic. i think we would invent warp alike technologies by 2025s first quarter end. if project studies proceeds like as this schedule.  (yayy we would leave planet earth behind and but noone behind of course. visibly aliens wants resources of world, lets leave to them. ) 


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