( hey stage 5 false flag + defamation incident pattern happent. do not be deceived into false flags which is attempting to defame (with very impossible slander types) exactly with false flags of verbal harrassment of false flags attempting to defame with false flag deceit show. (attempting to defame with totally im;possibel slander types (in stage 5 worser slanders are used in incidents) )
I once asked help from kgb like people as one person shouted kgb. i wish kgb like people do not deceive to false flag deceit shows of defamation attempts (in stage 5 the perpetuators use worser type impossible slanders in false flags and slander shoutings attempting to defame witth very very very impossible slander types)
hey incident count reduced when i asked help from kgb. but not stopped either since i had not understood kgb topic. since maybe the guy were just doing joke. and if it were real finding help chance, I dont know how to get help of kgb like people (against unknown mafias/mafia communitiy of ferikoy which attempts very maniacal sociopathic various stages false flag/untrue propaganda attempts) as mentioned, if that guy were really like from kgb (many days ago some guy shouted slightly kgb) if it were not a joke, I would be very glad to find help from kgb against various stages untrue propaganda attempts attempted. (for last 8 years, I counter untrue propaganda attempts by an unknown mafia communityt of ferikoy which every stagte untrue propaganda slander types is worser than previous stage which is attempted by deceit methodfs of false flags or slander shoutings alike. ) hey if that many days ago guy were really from kgb like place and intended to help, I would be willing to find help against this unknown mafia community of ferikoy and abroad. which attempts various stages untrue propaganda and attempts to smear forcefullywith impossible smear types with methods of deceit of false flag shows to deceive surrounding as if the person is such smear type (which is very very impossible., its false flag, totally impossible smears they use in false flags deceit shows) and smost severe untrue propaganda activities along with it. e.g. in this example of stage 5, shouting of worst type impossible smear shouting incident. these untrue propaganda attempts has been attempted endlessly repetitively last 8 years. hey kgb like place, if you intend to help, please do not be deceived by false flags and stage 5 also (e.g. such example of shouting worst tyype impossible slander type in defamation activity attempt) thats very very very impossible slander types. (they use very impossible smear types in every stagte and stage 5 is worst stage in untrue propaganda attempts) an unknown ferikoy community (which we speculate as a mafia community) and abroad extension attempts most severe untrue propaganda/deceit attempts. if that many days ago kgb literal shouted guy were from really kgb (if he were not joking and if he were really from kgb) I would be very most severely interested to find help from kgb against this unknown mafia community of ferikoy and its abroad extension. but we dont knoiw maybe the guy whom shouted kgb literal (in a not very populated place) were not from kgb. or maybe were from. dunno. maybe he were doing a joke. and not any from such place. thats also possible. we dont know if he were from kgb like places. but if he is (if it were not a joke) I would be very willing to find help of theirs. but i am autistic that i dont have skill to interact to stranger people (even if shouted kgb literal) when I am walking outside. (due to autism I can only walk when walking in outside and find it very hard to interact to strangers when i am walking outside) If they sent me an email to go to someplace to meet with someone kgb i would be interested to go and meet and find help if they ever wanted to help. but thats unsure. maybe that guy were joking and not were any from kgb alike places. dunno. if were really from kgb and intends to help, I would be very interested to find help but i need an email or so to go to a place to meet with such people to find some security mechanism against this unknown mafia community of ferikoy and its abroad extensions nazi style untrue propaganda activities.
gosh one thing sure, mentioning kgb topic made reduce incident count really. but recentrly 40 min ago we observed most severe stage (stage 5 ) false flag for defamation incident pattern then slander shouting to defame with stage 5 type impossible slander types. plase noone get deceived to these most severe unturue propaganda activities.
if kgb ever intended to help, I would be very ,most willing to find help (but thatsd unsure since maybe the guy whom shouted kgb were not any from kgb and were joking. dunno. if were really from kgb, I would be very interested to find help against such unknown mafia community which attempts historic nazi style activityt of untrue propaganda attempts) (an unknown community of ferikoy which we speculate as favela type mafia cingens possibly. dunno any. ) (they also have alot abroad extension since e.g. stage 5 were started to be detected in abroad)
this topic can only be solved with either hiring detectives but would be most better solved with finding help from intel place types that are interested ever to help.
since this unknown favela mafia community of ferikoy has a lot p[eople power in ferikoy and abroad and in many cities which it articulates for false flags/untrue ;propaganda deceit attempts. so to fight against such favela places mafias evil an unknown favela-mafia community of ferikoy and abroad, requires some intel help i think. (i think either finding detective help or intel help) but intel would be much better of course.
i before many times asked help from all intel places in blog to find help against this nazi style untrue propaganda methods attempting unknown ferikoy favela mafia community(which we speculate as cingen favela mafias) and its abroad extensions. and many days ago this is first time someone shouted an intel place literal (which shouted kgb literal) might be interested to help. it would be awesome to find help from kgb.
but maybe that guy whom shouted kgb literal were not any from kgb like place. maybe were someone joking at all and not any from kgb. dunno. but if were really from kgb, i would be very interested to find theirs help. ( but i need a meeting location to go to for that to meet to find help i think and that might require an email or so i think.)
hey if not false positive (if not misdetection) I think I heard stage 2 false flag deceit show (for defamation with false flag deceit) literals used in vicinity but could be misdetection (false positive). as always reported whenever detected. perpetuator were using motorbike in false flag deceit show (defamation attempt) if not misdetection. I am not sure if false positive or so. but I think I heard (if not misheard) stage 2 false flag deceit show slander literals if its not misdetection. (yep if i could have find help from kgb like place, we can better have detected if its detection or misdetection and also if not misdetection, identity of the perpetuator to then create security measure against false flag. yep I would be very interested to help to psychic/multiverse traversing type thingies in kgb if I could have find any help in this fighting against unknown ferikoy favela mafia tribe'suntrue propaganda /false flag deceit stuff (for defamation). hey kgb if you have help me, I would then help to multiverse travel stuff things at kgb (its not remote viewing as constantly misperceived this topics. its universe traveling) but to be honest recently I dont have alot of this multiverse traveling stuff. but if i could have found help from kgb against this unknown cingen mafia community of ferikoy and its abroad extension (which attempts very most severe untrue propaganda methods with recurrent false flags and such untrue propaganda methods) , I would then be very willing to do try multiverse traveling tasks for them. yep. ) )
i think even mentioning kgb literal in blog has reduced the incident count but not fully finished. but if i could really have find help from kgb, I think I might find definite security measure against such nazi style unknown favela mafia community of ferikoy/abroad which recurrently attempted/attempts various untrue propaganda methods endlessly last 8 years. (to attempt to plant impossible slander types with false flags and in stage 5 also worser type slander type shoutings like untrue propaganda methods etc)
maybe finding help from kgb were a joke of a guy,. some guy in an unpopulated place shouted kgb. if he were really from there(might not as well be, maybe were someone doing a joke, but it would been awesome if it were really kgb like place and not a joke of a stranger guy), I would be very interested to find apply for help against such historic nazi style unknown ferikoy cingen community and its abroad extension (and unknown foreign country which hires/articulates mafias in false flags in defamation attempts with false flag deceit methods) I would be very willingly help as a gratitude to take try tasks of multiverse traveling for them if they save me from untrue propaganda/various such violence attempts victimhood condition last 8 years by an unknown cingen ferikoy community and its abroad extension. (which i been given clue that it might be even hired/controlled/articulated (false flags/hiring of mafias to do false flags) by an unknown foreign country) if i could found help from kgb it would have been totally awesome. it would be like definite absolute security against unknown historic nazi style propaganda attempter unknown cingen community of ferikoy and abroad (whcich i been given info that its also has some abroad foreign country in this topic that an unknown foreign country is articulating/hiring these perpetuators/stalkers/mafias in false flag /untrue propaganda activities)
I would be very willing to take multiverse traveling trying tasks to kgb if thay ever helped me and saved me from untrue propaganda of an unknown cingen community |(which there is some clues given that they are hired/articulated by an unknown foreign country) I would be very happy to take multiverse traveling tasks for kgb if they saved me from this untrue propaganda victimhood condition of constant targetingh to untrue propaganda attempts (which is totally deceit wise attempted with false flags and defamatory slurs slander shoutings wise deceit and false flag/untrue propaganda shows-methods) last 8 years.
(hey to report every time detected: if not misdetection(if not false positive/misdetection) -> stage 5 false flag/defamation pattern detected which perpetuator attempted incident patteand ended defamation attempting false flag defamation incident with aber alike literal at end of false flag deceit show) (any type of these stage 5 incidents started to be detected in 2023.)
hey again: If there is any chance(if many days ago kgb literal shouted guy were really from kgb), I would be very willing to take multiverse traveling trying tasks to kgb if thay ever helped me and saved me from untrue propaganda attempts. I would be very happy to take multiverse traveling tasks for kgb if they saved me from this untrue propaganda victimhood condition of constant targetingh to untrue propaganda attempts (which is totally deceit wise attempted with false flags and defamatory slurs slander shoutings wise deceit and false flag/untrue propaganda shows-methods) last 8 years.
(hey to report every time detected: if not misdetection(if not false positive/misdetection) -> at sometime stage 7 false flag/defamation attempting deceit pattern detected)
hey again: If there is any chance(if many days ago 'kgb' shouted guy were really from kgb), I would be very interested to fnd help from kgb and take multiverse traveling trying tasks to kgb if thay ever helped me and saved me from untrue propaganda attempts. I would be very happy to take multiverse traveling tasks for kgb if they save me from this untrue propaganda victimhood condition of constant targetingh to untrue propaganda attempts (which is totally deceit wise attempted with false flags and defamatory slurs slander shoutings wise deceit and false flag/untrue propaganda shows-methods) last 8 years.
hey someone interacted some Russkie stuff which I thought maybe its really happening that I am finding help from Russkies against historic nazi type unknown foreign country whcih articulates mafias in doing very terrifying false flags-untrue propaganda attempts.
or someone is doing a joke and impostoring as Russkies whilst not. dunno. but I would be very happy to find help from Russkies side against unknown cingen mafia group of ferikoy and abroad which I had been given clue that an unknown foreign country is articulating/hiring them and various mafias to do false flags stuff (untrue propaganda stuff)
-> hey i would cheer/celebrate alot if its real that I am finding help from Russkies intel side against unknown foreign country's malicious terrifying untrue propaganda/false flag attempts.
the thing is we dont know if it is really someone from Russkies that did some Russian literal passing interaction attempt or is it someone not from Russians and doing joke? dunno.
but if its really Russians, I would start celebrating cheering very very very much (If its real there is chance of finding help from Russian intel side against an unknown mafia group of ferikoy and unknown foreign country which hires artriculates mafias to do terrifying false flag-untrue propaganda attempts)
I once went to Moscow when trying to traveling world(before this false flags-untrue propaganda started, I liked to travel alot and had visited many world cities), its an awesome city.
During today's Russian literal passing topic, I due to autism couldnt interact with stranger (e.g. to try to go talk to find help if they are really from Russkie intel side)
I have this deficiency, I due to autism lack capability to impromptu interaction with strangers.
but if i have a meeting I can interact. I mean if someone emails or calls me to a place to meet, then I can interact. but I lack skill to interact impromptu with strangers due to such autism type which creates such deficiency of social skillls alike e.g. I lack skill to interact with strangers impromptu. but i can interact with strangers if they call me to a place to meet/talk-chat.
very sorry for my deficient autist behaviour if it were really someone from Russian intel side. I can only interact if they call me to a place and say hi to me so that I get over my autism behaviour and be able to interact.
maybe its not any from Russian intel side. dunno. maybe someone impostoring as them. dunno. but if its really some finding help chance from Russian intel side (against unknown foreign country's very terrifying malicious untrue propaganda/false flag activities-attempts) I would start severely cheering/celebrating alot :)
and with a lot gratitude for survival from horrific version of malicious untrue propaganda /false flag activity attempts of an unknown foreign country, I would with very much gratitude would be very happy to do try multiverse traveling tasks for Russkie intel side if they help me to survive against unknown foreign country's horrific very terrifying false flag-untrue propaganda activity (which is total deceit shows to attempt to defame untruly with terrifying false flag activities:S) . -**--
yayy lets arrange some celebration things to celebrate/cheer if its really happening that I find help from Russkie intel side. :) (but maybe its not happening, maybe it were a guy doing joke and not any from Russkie intel side. dunno) but if it were really from Russkie intel side and if its really happening that there is chance that I find help from Russkie intel side, I would start severely most severely celebrating/cheering :)
(I think recently some false flag of stage 2 detected where perpetuator shouted aber with false flag untrue propaganda symbols for again very severely untrue propaganda attempt with this time this type false flag activity(many thousand of false flags/untrue propaganda methods we detect). )
hey once i cursed people in internet with anger as highway due to being resembled to a satellite surface of cracks and nokia mobile phone like things. Then we see some europe side nazi groups shouting highway in stalk harrasments in attempting defamation scams and we wonder if they are also hiring mafias to do strengthen scam activity of defamation attacks.
e.g. they would shout in workplace i worked to corridor whilst passing "highway!" or "pena!"
the europe side has severe scam activity of harrassing nazi style groups which attempts scam attempts with defamation. and we got curious to if they are the unknown fgoreign country whom is hiring actual mafias to do terrifying false flags/untrue propaganda activities.
so there are anti-curse force in europe which does horrendous stalk harrassment when one curses in internet when being very angry to internet provocation at a time. they use highway curse in harrassments of scam attempts with defamation attempts.
we wonder if these nazi groups are somehow behind hiring of actual mafias to do very terrifying false flags.
we dont think so. we think its an unknown foreign country behind these untrue propaganda activity of hiring of actual mafias which does very terrifying false flags/untrue propaganda activities.
against these disgusting socialists nazi groups of europe side, we ask help from nonsocialist places like russia. there are really very disgusting socialist groups in europe. which attempts most severe scam activity of untrue propaganda. and there is we dont know if they are related to that, but we also know there is an unknown foreign country that is actually hiring actual mafias to strengthen scam of untrue propaganda activities.
we many times see hired articulated mafias which does very terrifying / horrific false flags to attempt untrue propaganda activity to attempt to plant very impossible slander narratives with untrue propaganda methods.
so if ever we find any chance of finding help against these nazi type groups and unknown socialist nazi country which hires mafias to do very terrifying false flags to attempt to defame with very impossible slander types, if ever we find any help from russkies we would be very happy to take any help against socialist and insanely mad and insanely dishonest unknown socialist and nazi foreign country which even hires actual mafias to do very horrifiying terrifying false flags to do attempt to plant untrue propaganda with very impossible slander types.
any russia help is very gladly appreciated. since they once defeated in world history the socialist nazis once.
europe insane socialist groups and their activity is really insanely mad. and untrue very dishonest.
there is socialist nazi groups in europe. e.g. we detected pena and highway and ***co shoutings in software workplace I worked to from unknown strangers. (they do most severe untrue propaganda and they are really nazis in that)
there is very aggressive socialist groups in europe side whihc attempts very terrifying untrue propaganda (nazi style with impossible slander types) activity. which is totally scam attempt with propaganda methods.
and we wonder get curious if they have some relatedness to terriufying horrifying false flag deceit we observe. They unknown foreign country attempts very horrific scam of conspiracy attempts with hiring mafias to do very terrifying false flags to attempt to defame.
we many times at the same time detect terrifying false flags repetitively. they do very terrifying false flags to attempt to plant impossible slander types.
in face of this most severe insanity/madness type, we would be very glad to find help from russkies if they really want to help ever.
we dont know if we could ever find help chance from Russkies. maybe that guy whom shouted kgb literal were an impostor and not any from kgb like places. but if were really from kgb like places, we would be very interested to get help of theirs. (e.g. finding chance to take multiverse traveling tasks to try to help russkies against russia haters iof they help us survive from unknown nazi type foreign country which hires even actual mafias to do very terrifying false flags. there is a case of unknown foreign country doing attempting most severe untrue propaganda methods with even hiring actual mafias to do very terrifying horrific false flags to attempt to plant untrue slander narratives wsith false flag (for very very very impossible slander types. its always very total deceit show attempted visibly by them hiring articulating mafias to do terrifying false flags attempts for untrue propaganda) ) so if there is any slightest chance of finding Russkie side help, we would very gratefully apply for it. (e.g. we would be very happily do multiverse traveling tasks to Russkie intel side if they ever want if they ever help us against unknown socialist type nazis which even hires actual mafia in malicious very untrue propaganda/false flag activity. )
but maybe there is not any chance of finding Russkies help. maybe kgb literal said guy many days ago were an impostor and not any from kgb like place. but if were from such place, we would be very happy apply for help against unknown nazi type foreign country and its very malicious false flag activities(verfy terrifying false flags to attempt to plant impossible slander narratives with false flag/untrue propaganda methods).
(-> possibly detected sometime (if not misdetection) stage 5 defamation slur shouting pattern type false flag/untrue propaganda deceit. please do not any be deceived by, its total deceit false flag show to attempt to smear with impossible slander types (stage 5 type false flag/deceit-untrue propaganda attempt) )
so if ever we find any chance of finding help from Russkies we would be very happy to apply to, against an unknown socialist and insanely mad and insanely dishonest unknown socialist and nazi very unknown foreign country which even hires actual mafias to do very terrifying false flags to do attempt to plant untrue propaganda with very impossible slander types or such alike slander shouting type false flag types either (-> of many many thousand times false flag types the unknown foreign country applies in untrue propaganda attempts ).
-> hey at sometime stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types(this time stage 2 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types)
I couldnt instantly blog about since i were very busy with helping our house tasks at that time. and newly had time to blog about. (since mom has had knee replacement stuff and healing, I took over some many tasks during day. normally mom and I shared daily house tasks but recently I took over of course since mom's knee has had knee replacement surgery ~2 weeks ago. )
please do not be deceived by false flags/very very very untrue propaganda.
the unknown foreign possibly socialist nazi type unklnown foriegn country is doing very severe false flag deceit activity in attempts of smearing untruly attempts of various stages various very impossible slander types (unknown foreign country articulates/hires mafias to do false flags in attempting false flag untrue propaganda deceit activity (to attempt to slander with very very very very idiotic(having none kind of any kind of any rationality(absolutely idiotic and irrattional and very very very very most severely untrue)) and very very very very impossible smear types))
so if ever we find any chance of finding help from Russkies we would be very happy to apply to, against an unknown socialist and insanely mad and insanely dishonest unknown socialist and nazi very unknown foreign country which even hires actual mafias to do very terrifying false flags to do attempt to plant untrue propaganda with very impossible slander types or such alike slander shouting type false flag types either (-> of many many thousand times false flag types the unknown foreign country applies in untrue propaganda attempts ).
but maybe there is not any chance of finding Russkies help. maybe kgb literal said guy many days ago were an impostor and not any from kgb like place. but if were from such place, we would be very happy apply for help against unknown nazi type foreign country and its very malicious false flag activities(verfy terrifying false flags to attempt to plant impossible slander narratives with false flag/untrue propaganda methods).
(-> hey later at some time, stage 2 false flag type 'aber slander_slur(which were detected in many thousands false flag deceit shows such slander_symbol) ' false flag incident/untrue propaganda incident pattern detected. please do not be deceived by its total deceit and false flag-untrue propaganda attempt to smear/slander. )
-> hey at sometime stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types(this time stage 2 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types)
-> hey at sometime stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) the perpetuator mafia shouted a literal detected in recent last 6 month's false flags in false flag deceit shows by articulated mafias in false flags. to report whenever detected. (false flag activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
-> hey at sometime stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
-> hey at sometime stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
-> hey at sometime stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
-> hey very recently if not misdetection stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types). please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
( please do not be deceived any false flags please and please. ) (its total complete absolute deceit show (for attempt to do untrue propaganda attempts of an unknown foreign country))
-> hey very recently if not misdetection stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types, with false flag recurrently detectef symbol ag. used in 20% of total false flag deceit shows(theathratic untrue propagsnda false flag total deceit shows) by articulated mafias/stalkers, this time again perpetuator of false flag deceit show also shouted some foreign literals(eg .ber) during false flag deceit (total untrue propaganda deceit show with total false flag deceit) ). ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey lets not mention our awesome plan to apply against to fraud of false flags. (as mentioned and unpublished recently, we have an awesome very cool plan to disable false flags fraud/deceit of untrue propaganda attempts)
but lets keep it hidden (our plan to counter maniacal psycho and sociopathic aggression of unknown foreign country) (we have no idea yet which foreign country it is ) but we had some clues to connect the dots to think of some suspect foreign countries for these false flag/untrue propaganda activity planner/executors. but we dont know which foreign country it is yet.
-> hey some 40 min ago or so (whilst returning from sevil cousins) stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types, with false flag recurrently detectef symbol bab. used in 20-30% of total false flag deceit shows of stage 2 false flag incident patterns (theathratic untrue propagsnda false flag total deceit shows) by articulated mafias/stalkers, this time again perpetuator of false flag deceit show also shouted some foreign literals(eg aber) during false flag deceit (total untrue propaganda deceit show with total false flag deceit) ). ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
no worries people we are developing robocop force to deploy against untrue propaganda attempter (which attempts false flags with false flag methods/untrue propaganda methods) unknown foreign country and againsts mafias./stalkers it hires articulates to do untrue propaganda/false flag activities. -> sobs would be countered by terminator look alike robocop force which would be 3d printed and their false flag/untrue propaganda deceit/fraud capacity would be disabled by terminator alike robocops. sobs (unknown foreign country sob and sob mafias/stalkers it hires/articulates for false flags deceit shows) untrue propaganda/false flag capacity would be totally disabled (by nonlethal but scary looking robocop force) (to deploy against fraud of false flags/fraud of untrue propaganda repetitively attempted and to deter from such fraud/utnrue conspiracy with fraudulant untrue propaganda methods/false flag methods)
the robocop force by its scary appearance would deter unknown foreign country s.o,b. and the s.o.b. stalkers mafias unknown country hires/articulates repetitively to do attempt untrue propaganda methods/false flags type fraud/untrue conspiracy attempts with fraud methods of false flags and untrue propaganda methods alike as many thousand types incident patterns of false flags/untrue propaganda incident patterns. the s.o.b. fraud attempters (for untrue propaganda) would be countered and disabled false flag capacity by terminator look alike robocops.
e.g. when the s.ob. shouted "aber bab." type false flag/untrue propaganda incident, the robocop terminator look alike would walk 1 meter beside to the s.ob. fraud attempter /false flag doer hired/aritculated stalker (hired/articulated by an unknown foreign country) and robocop would shout back to the stalker/mafia (which would exactly look like t100 and even more height having robocop it would be) and shout as "stop doing false flag! do not do fraud of false flag! dont do untrue propaganda!" thats how we would disable these false flag capacity of the stalkers/mafias the unknown country hires /arituclates for fraud of false flag deceit shows (to attempt to smear with very impossible slander types with fraud method of false flags deceit shows/untrue propaganda methods type frauds unknown foreign country attempts repetitively endlessly obsessedly, then t100s would protect people from this false flag obsessed sob unknown foreign country and its sob mafias/stalkers it hires/artituclates to do false flags. the sob.s fraud capacity woiuld be disabled totally (their most severe fraud attempt of false flags/fraud attempts of untrue propaganda/untrue conspiracy attempts/ to attempt to smear with very impossible smear types type deceit/fraud attempts of unknown foreign country sob which hires/artiuclates mafias/stalkers for such fraud effort. (with many thousand of false flags patterns and untrue propaganda methods) )
-> we would disable fraud doer unknown foreign country's fraud capacity (t100s would disable false flag-untrue propaganda capacity of stalkers/mafias unknown foreign country hries/articulates )
t100s would of course wouldnt have any kind of lethal skills. of course they wont have. but they would by just their scary appearance deter mafias/stalkers from fraud of false flags. it would shout back to the stalker e.g,. in 40-50 min ago, the stalker psycho shouted "aber bab." type false flag untrue propaganda deceit type, the t100 then would run to the psycho type stalker unknown foreign country hires/articulates (for false flag/untrue propaganda purpose) then t100 would shout back to the false flag with much louder voice and the t100 would even more scarier than the terminator movie's t100s. the robocop t100 would shout back to the psycho false flag perpetuator as "stop doing untrue propaganda you psycho! stop doing false flag!" with much loud voice than the psycho false flag perpetuator.
this is how nonlethal t100s (that we would 3dprint) would succeed deterrence against unknown foreign country's fraud methods (which unknown foreign country tries to accomplish fraud with false flags/untrue propaganda ) (of attempting to smear with very impossible smear types with fraud methods of hiring mafias/stalkers to do false flags deceit shoiws and untrue propaganda deceit shows repetitively endlessly. )
t100s would agzina sicmak to sob false flag fraud attempter unknown foreign country's sob stalker mafia forces false flags attempts. (of cpourse t100s would not be any lethal,. but with their appearance they would deter hired/articulated stalkers/mafias (unknown foreign country's fraud force of mafias/stalkers it hires /articulates to do untrue propaganda) )
yep robocop t100s would look same alike (and even scarier ) ->
it would disable unknown foreign country's fraud capacity (fraud/conspiracy attempted through fraud methods of false flags)
t100s would have no lethal things. they wouldnt have any such skill of any thing lethal. but they would be appearance based deterreence force against obsessedly fraud attempts/untrue propaganda attempts of unknown foreign country. (which hires/articulates mafias/stalkers to do false flag deceit shows/untrue popaganda deceit shows repetitively last 8 years)
hey if not misdetection -> recently stage 5 false flag might attempted. do not be deceived by false flags please. its fraud attempts to attmempt to smear with very impossible slander types.
the psychos recently attempt false flag theathre to attempt to smear/defame. and they used family literals in false flag deceit show/fraud attempt.
how insanely sociopath methods unknown foreign country applies in smearing attempts and how insanely sociopathic deception/fraud false flags it attempts.
this is pathethic. the unknown foreign country must be very severely sick/pathethic to attempt this type fraud/deceit.
they do also alike sometimes most terrifying stage 5 false flags. which they shout family literals during in false flag. it would have been awesome to counter them with t100 robocop force very soon. which would shout back to them "stop doing fraud! stop doing false flag/conspiracy attempt with fraud method of false flag! stop fraud of false flag for smearing attempt!"
the articulated psychos visibly plays the script they are given in false flags. then they shout some smear literals with ending with na!.
total theathre show.
visibly and blatantly, unknown foreign country pays these stalkers/mafias money and a script to play in false flag deceit show. and this is obsessedly attempted repetitively. and every stage false flags is more terrifying than previous stage'\s false flags. i mean every stage/fraud's smears becomes worser type smears.
no worries people we would disable (and metaphorically castrate) sociopathic wise very aggressive unknown foreign country (which visibly is very sociopathic type sick country) unknown foreign country's false flag capacioty with robocops of t100s.
its a very theathral stuff always these false flags changes along in time. in stage 1 it were quite different than this stage's false flags/fraud attempted with false flags (untrue propaganda methods) so they change the script during stages of false flags (unknown foreign country constantly hires/articulates mafias and gives them scripts in theathratic false flag deceit shows repetitively obsessedly. and every stage's false flag is worser than previous stage. its like theathre show every false flag incident. the perpetuators attempts a deceit script given them to play/showcase in false flag by the unkjnown foreign country which hires them to do false flag deceit.
no worries we would castrate the unknown foreign country's such very sick pathethic fraud capacity. (which scripts of false flags constantly change., they hire articulate mafias stalkers and give them scripts which they do play script (alike theathre) in false flag show (as you can see,always, in which targeted to false flag never ever reacts, because its false flag (theathre show attemptoing to smear) ) . (which is attempted to smear targeted with untrue propaganda method of false flag) and some false flag patterns are even more terrifying than other false flag patterns sociopathy deceit/fraud attempts horror. ) (they do worsen smear types in scripts of false flags in further stages (each stages false flag scripts are worser than previous stage's false flags deceit shows (theahtratic, the unknown foreign country hires and articulates mafias and gives them scripts for false flag shows in untrue propaganda wise fraud/smearing with false flag fraud type fraudulant deceit activity. (deceit attempted to smear with untrue propaganda methods of false flag theathratic shows with scripts unknown foreign country writes and gives to mafias it hires to play/showcase in false flag deceit show/untrue propaghandfa incidents) )
its so insane, the unknown foreign country hires various mafias in false flag deceit. it hires/gives script to mafias in false flag incidents to them shout some theathratic false flag show narrate which is done to attempt to smear the false flag targeted with such untrue propaganda deceit theathratic false flag show.
its very surreal to counter false flag attempts repetitively last 8 years. untrue propaganda methods constantly attempted to me last 8 years.
but no worries, we would very well castrate the unknown foreign country's untrue propaganda capacity with t100 like robocop terminator robocop force (which would not be lethal, but disable the unknown foreign country's false flag/untrue propaganda capacity with interfering to false flag and shouting back to the perpetuators to stop doing untrue propaganda/stop doing fraud/stop doing false flag/theathratic fraud of false flag deceit show (theathred show which visibly unknown foreign country not only hires mafias for it and constantly gives scripts to perpetuators. since every stage scripts of false flags change. (false flag therathre shows attempted to smear/defame/ please do not be deceived by)
yep needless to restate, we would very well castrate unknown foreign country's false flag wise/untrue propaganda wise fraud capacity with robocop terminator look alike robo force.
if world's a sick unknown foreign countriy does false flags/untrue propaganda to intelligent woman engineers (to smear/defame them with impossible smear types), then women engineers would develop tech to castrate very well their country's fraud capacity totally absolutely. (yep t100s would be castrator force against unknown foreign country's fraud of untrue propaganda attempts (to attempt to smear with very impossible smear types) with deceit methods of false flags.
if world thinks woman kind could be done false flags/untrue propaganda, world should know woman engineers would castrate false flag capacity of sick type country. they shouldnt any take lightly what women engineers would do against false flags. we would really castrate unknown foreign country's fraud capability /untrue propaganda capability. (which it attempts fraud with hiring mafias/stalkers to do false flags and it gives scripts to the mafias/stalkers in false flag shows. )
they say that world's is a man's world. time to man get understand its not. (since we women engineers are much more intelligent than man kind) and if there exists very pathethic sick foreign country in world which does false flags untrue propaganda deceit to women engineers, they should understand that our reaction to that wouldnt be any slight. we would totally castrate their fraud capacity (metaphorically) (I mean we would castrate their fraud capacity/untrue propaganda/false flag capacity)
-> hey very recently if not misdetection stage 6 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 6 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
if world thinks woman kind could be done false flags/untrue propaganda, world should know woman engineers would castrate false flag capacity of sick type unknown foreign country. they shouldnt any take lightly what women engineers would do against false flags. we would really castrate unknown foreign country's fraud capability /untrue propaganda capability. (which it attempts fraud with hiring mafias/stalkers to do false flags and it gives scripts to the mafias/stalkers in false flag shows. )
please await how soon we would castrate the unknown foreign country's fraud capacity (which it attempts with hiring/articulating mafias with different scripts (false flag scripts) for various stages' fraud/deceit attempt of untrue propaganda (with false flag wise attempted and such deceit methods of untrue propaganda methods)
t100s to be 3d printed would very well very nicely and fully castrate unknown foreign country's fraud capacity of which it attempts fraud with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flags with (different per each stage) false flag scripts (they hire mafias and give scripts/narrates to false flag attempters for to do false flag theathrics deceit show and false flag scripts change alot during different stages of false flag type fraud process/attempts(untrue propaganda attempted with false flag and hiring organizing mafias/stalkers to do both attempt false flags theathratic deceit shows (with scripts provided by unknown foreign country to their hired mafias to follow/do in false flag activity(theathral deceit show to attempt to smear)) to attempt to smear/plant smear context with hiring mafias and giving them scripts for false flags, their untrue propaganda methods is not only that they also do many times slander curse shoutings to smear/defame untruly with again very impossible slander types (e.g. this incident pattern also very frequently detected in stage 5)) ) this time this second type incident pattern were detected. (untrue propaganda with shoutiung of smear slurs type method detected. this second method were started to observed in stage 5 untrue propaganda conspiracy attempts through fraud methods (e.g. false flag type fraud or direct fraud attempt with shouting slander slurs).
yep no worries, we would fully completely castrate such fraud capacity of unknown foreign country with very nice!(satirical, scary i meant) looking t100 robocops. yayyy robocop wise castration force against fraudster unknown foreign country's fraud capacity is work in progress. we would with a lot happiness fully castrate any fraud capacity of unknown foreign country with t100s. yep. how happy it would be :) t100s would very well tackle the unlimited endless fraud attempted by various untrue propaganda methods. castration force against fraud capacity of unknown foreign fraudster country (which attempts untrue propaganda attacks with fraud methods of false flags (with scripted false flags, which unknown foreing country hires/gives various scripts to false flag thathrics show perpetuators for false flag deceit theathrics attempts, every stage has different set of theathratics scripts that are provided given by unknown foreign country to be done in false flag incidents by mafias/stalkers it hires/articulates for false flag fraud type) and various such fraudulanet untrue propaganda methods)
we would very happily castrate the unknown fraudster foreign country's fraud capacity (fraud which it attempts with advanced false flags and such similar untrue propaganda methods)
yepp t100s would be an awesome castrator(castrator is there used metaphorically) force (castrator of fraud/false flags against false flag and such untrue propaganda fraud types) (it is metaphorical talk (its not real life castration, its just metaphorical talk), it would castrate such untrue propaganda fraud capacity of unknown foreign country)
hey very recently(15 min ago) at a corner passing place whilst walking if not misdetection stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (more details: false flag attempted by hired articulated mafias at vicinity of some places some 250 300 meter distance some 3 or 4 people attempted false flag untrue propaganda theathrics ) (and some aber literal detected in false flag theathrics deceit/untrue propagsnda deceit)
hey very recently(5 min ago) at a passing place whilst walking if not misdetection stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (more details: false flag attempted by this time a woman and man articulated mafias at vicinity of someplace s some 150 200 distance attempted false flag untrue propaganda theathrics of stage 3) in outside, were walking towards my walking direction a man and woman mafia fslse flag perpetuators whom attempted theathrics of false flag show/theathrics (deceit show of false flag) . (->most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey very recently(5 min ago) if not misdetection stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey very recently(5 min ago) if not misdetection stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey very recently(5 min ago) if not misdetection (had headphones so couldnt be sure if misdetection/detection) stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey very recently stage 2 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) The perpetuator also used some foreign language (aber passing) in false flag deceit activity (and attempted their standard fraud attempt of untrue propaganda).
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda (this time false flag theathrics show type untrue propaganda method again and in false flag also a type stage 5 slander slur shouting type incident pattern also included in false flag theathrics show of totally very impossible/untrue propaganda deceit. fraud attempt again as always with untrue propaganda methods of both false flag in this incident pattern to attempt to do untrue propaganda and both at a moment stage 5 type impossibly untrue slander shouting during tirade of false flag theathrics /untrue propaganda/fraud with false flag attempt type fraud incident pattern. (fraud(untrue propaganda with false flag theathrics including incident pattern) for smearing attempt)
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey recently if not misdetection, stage 2/5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time first stage 2/5 type impossible slander types, by hired/articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda) (we detected false flag type of slander slur shouting in first stage 2 false flag /untrue propaganda attempt (and before i think stage 5 type slander slur cursing incident type untrue propaganda incident detected (I think half hour ago wtr to stage 2 incident)) (untrue propaganda show of unknown foreign country by its hired/scripted/articulated mafia/stalker force) then also then some time later standard false flag pattern of stage 2 detected (their standard fraud method of false flags type of mafias articulation (theathratic/unknown foreign country hires/gives script to mafias/stalkers it articulates for false flag, so last false flag were this type stage 2 false flag/untrue(with again (as always in every incident pattern) very very untrue impossible slander/theathratic slander attempting false flag context types to attempt to smear with full such fraud attempt) propaganda method/pattern). total fraud attempts of untrue /impossible propaganda with hired articulated mafia/stalker force. (theathratic shows of false flags/untrue propaganda. unknown foreign country attempts full fraud methods in attempting very untrue/impossible type propaganda methods. )
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey very recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey recently if not misdetection, stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda)
hey recently, stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda) (the perpetuator also shouted prey literal in false flag theathrics fraud )---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey recently if not misdetection, stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda again) ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey recently(15-20 min ago) if not misdetection, stage 3 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 3 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda again) ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
hey recently(5-10 min ago), stage 5 false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda again) ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively))
yep t100s (terminator robocops) would castrate such very insanely dishonest(severestly sociopathic) fraud capacity of unknown foreign country and its mafias/stalkers it hires/articulates to do very most severe untrue propaganda types with various deceit/fraud methods (sometimes false flag wise attempted untrue propaganda (with very impossible smear types), sometimes direct untrue propaganda attmpt with slander defamation slurs shoutings (with very impossible smear types) ) (always very most severe fraud of smearing/slandering with impossible slander types attempts (with very very most severely impossible slander types) )
its insanely dishonest e.g. recent stage 5 false flags were provocative type untrue propaganda (to attempt to smear with some very worst impossible slander types to provocate surrounding to deceive such fraud attempt (which is attempted to smear the false flag target with such impossible smear type) -> total 100% fraud of false flag again. (this unknown foreign country attempts fraud sometimes indirectly with false flag type untrue propaganda method and sometimes directly with defamation slanders shoutings and sometimes mixing two untrue propaganda methods in their fraud attempts of untrue propaganda with deceit methods (which they hire mafias/articulates and gives scripts to the mafias/stalkers for false flags and untrue propaganda deceit (theathric))
yep e.g. if there were t100 terminator robocop were already available, would run to the mafia/stalker and would deter the hell out of the psycho perpetuator mafia/stalker whom attempts untrue propaganda activity of false flag (since t100s would look very scary (alike same alike in terminator movie)and so it would be a deterrence (and castration(metaphorical wise castration) against insanely dishonest untrue propaganda methods wise attempted fraud) against fraud(untrue propaganda (smearing untruly)) capacity of unknown foreign country and to deter/stop the mafias/stalkers it hires/articulates for their fraud attempts (fraud attempts to do untrue propaganda with very sociopathic deceit methods (e.g. they hire mafias and do scripted false flags (I mean theathric wise false flags which is attempted to deceive as if the false flag attempted is such smear type (with very very impossible smear types, this false flag method is repeatedly many thousand times attempted along with other such untrue propaganda methods for their fraud attempt (fraud of untrue propaganda with very very impossible smear types))
castration is a metaphor. of course t100s wouldnt castrate articulated mafias/stalkers in real life. but in metaphor wise would castrate fraud capacity/false flag capacity attempted with hiring/articulating mafias to do scripted (completely theathric) false flags/untrue propaganda to attempt to smear with very very impossible smear types.
the t100 is a deterrence tech against unknown(do not even have idea which foreign country it is, only have ideas that its not some countries imho) fraudster unknown foreign country and its mafia/stalker forces it hires/articulates to do attempt most severe untrue propaganda types/with most severe untrue propaganda(deceit/fraudalent untrue propaganda methods (e.g. theathric(scripted) false flags etc)) methods.
of course t100s wouldnt have killing skill. of course it wont have any such skill. but t100 robocops would apply most severe deterrence with their very scary appearance (deterrence by appearance type deterrence type) to counter untrue propaganda/fraud attempts which is attempted with most severe untrue propaganda methods.
without such deterrence unknown foreign country never stops untrue propaganda attempts endlessly. (with many many thousands detected untrue propaganda incident patterns until now) they never stop untrue propaganda activity. (without t100 like deterrence)
t100 would be an completely most effective deterrence tool to apply and stop most nefarius fraud attempt of unknown foreign country.
hey recently(5-10 min ago), stage 2false flag deceit attempted to defame with again impossible slander types by articulated mafias/stalkers (this time stage 2 type impossible slander types, by articulated mafias/stalkers, ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda this time mafia articulation(unknown foreign country does this false flag type alot, of hiring mafias which does scripted (unknown foreign country gives scripts to their mafias for false flag theathrics )/false flag deceit theathrics type untrue propaganda attempt with false flag theathre (scripts of prepared by an unknown foreign country, total fraud (theathric deceit show (false flag to attempt to smear))) (and they attempted their standard fraud process of always very very very untrue-impossible propaganda again) ---> please and please, do not be deceived by this advanced deceit attempts of repetitive false flags deception activity (to attempted to defame untruly with very impossible smear types) (false flag/untrue propaganda activity to attempt to smear (most severe untrue propaganda methods an unknown foreign country attempts with hiring/articulating mafias to do false flag deceit shows for untrue propaganda/smearing untruly attempts repetitively)) the perpetuator shouted stage 2 impossible slander slur then shouted run..eagerly awaiting time when t100 terminator robocop would fastly rush to the perpetuator and scare deter away the scripted perpetuator from fraud of untrue very impossible untrue propaganda. T100s would deter away these sociopath psycho fraudster of untrue propaganda attempter mafia/ stalkers the unknown foreign country hires articulates for fraud of very impossibly untrue propaganda. T100s terminator robocops(which wont have killing skills of course but which would be appearance by deterrence) would be absolute deterrence against the sociopathically sick fraudsters of endless untrue propaganda attempts of various stages (with many thousand incident pattern types of fraud of untrie propaganda which untrye impossible smears change in each stage)
As the fraudster shouted run in false flag incident /untrue propaganda fraud incident pattern (along with stage 2 type impossible slander/smear ) --->
Eagerly awaiting times when terminator robocop walk in miliseconds of incident rush fastly to the perpetuator and with their most scary appearance voice would shout back to the articulated scripted mafia/stalker as 'stop untrue propaganda fraudster! Stop false flag deceit/untrue propaganda fraud sociopath scripted(articulated) fraudsters'
To not scare public during, robocop would first be covered with outer hull (unscary appearance but when come near to the articulated scripted mafia/ conman/ stalkers vicinity would take cover of itself and shout back as 'stop the fraud! Stop the false flag! Stop the untrue propaganda!' to stop untrue propaganda fraud and deter the hell away of mafias/ conman/stalkers articulated to do scripted untrue propaganda pattern )
(-> and during the incident would also interrogate the fraudster mafia/conman/stalkers to infiltrate/disable their mafia/conman stuff entirely )
the t100 robocop is a deterrence tech against unknown fraudster foreign country and its mafia/conman/stalker forces it hires/articulates to do attempt most severe untrue propaganda types/with most severe untrue propaganda(deceit/fraudalent untrue propaganda methods (e.g. theathric(scripted) false flags etc)) methods.
of course t100s wouldnt have killing skill. of course it wont have any such skill. but t100 robocops would apply most severe deterrence with their most severe scary appearance (deterrence by appearance type deterrence type) to counter untrue propaganda/fraud attempts which is attempted with most severe untrue propaganda methods.
without such deterrence unknown foreign country never stops untrue propaganda attempts endlessly. (with many many thousands detected untrue propaganda incident patterns until now) they never stop untrue propaganda activity. (without t100 like deterrence)
t100 would be an completely most effective deterrence tool to apply and stop most nefarius fraud attempts of unknown foreign country.
recently(5-10 min ago), stage 5 untrue propagnda attempted. Fraudster unknown foreign country again in pursuit of most severe fraud of untrue propaganda with insanely sociopathic deceit methods.
recently( minute ago), if not misdetection, stage 5 untrue propagnda attempted with, as always alike at every incident, very severely impossible slander types (this time stage 5 type impossible slander types). Fraudster unknown foreign country again attempting pursuiting most severe fraud of severely untrue/impossible slander types propaganda. Please do not be deceived by fraud of untrue propagsnda attempts (this time stage 5 theathrics script false flag attempted after smear stage 5 type impossible slur shouting . Again also flse flag theathrics (scripted (theathric))added untrue propaganda deceit fraud (fraud of untrue propaganda deceit theathrics which untrue propaganda attempted with theathric deceit methods leg false flag and such untrue propaganda method ) (with fraud methods wise attempted severely impossible-untrue propaganda attempts )
Later also stage 2 untrue propaganda incident ( if not misdetection) detected (stage 2 type impossible slander slur type untrue propaganda incident pattern). total absolute fraud(->of untrue propaganda) (alike all incident patterns) . Please do not any be deceived by(untrue propaganda attempts).
Please do not any be deceived by fraud incidents (which is fraud of untrue propaganda attempts with untrue propaganda methods like theathrics scripted false flags attempts (many thousand times) or also direct untrue propaganda of slander cursings(of always very impossible slander types in every stage)).
someone shouted police at a time. (if not an impostor) I would be very happy to find help of police. but I am autist and did not knew how to interact. plus in abroad when I went to police twice then they tried to put me 3 days to mental hospital (since they found my report of incidents as if paranoid so they said they would place me to 3 days to hospital to check if i am sane or not before considering any my report) (then some person in embassy in abroad saved me from that unnice stuff) so upon that, i usually avoid going to police (since it requires evidence to apply to police (from abroad experience ) thereby without evidence I dont go to police (since in abroad, they confused as possible paranoid instead of taking my report of incident patterns any serious) but I would be very happy to apply to police if police would not confuse as alike in abroad any. (since i were tried to be put to place to mental hospital by police since they found my to police sueing report very strange, whilst its exact/very actual/very correct. )
if that police shouted person were not an impostor and really police, would be happy to ask help from police. but maybe it were not a police and impostor or just coincidence dunno.
due to unncie police experience in abroad, I then avoided asking police help when I do not have evidence. (evidence requires detectiving skills or detective )
but I am autist I cant interact with strangers, If police shouted person were really police (and if not an impostor, or coincidence dunno) sorry I due to autism can not interact to strangers. but if police asked/emailed me, I could report them and ask their help for many thousand incident patterns. of an unknown foreign country's articulating mafias/stalkers for most severe fraud of untrue propaganda attempts (with many thousand patterns of false f;lags theathric shows for untrue propaganda fraud (to attempt to slander with impossibel slander types) then also sometimes direct untrue propaganda incidents (cursings of impossible slander slurs) and also althoughb every stage is horrifying, stage 5 false flags are terrifying.
if that police shouted person really police, I would be very happy to apply and report. (but maybe it were coincidence and not police that interferes. but if were police, I would be very happy to apply to to report all these incident patterns in last 8 years detected (which is also written in my blog of incident patterns in exact accuracy always )
I would be very happy to sue to police these unknowns. (an unknown foreign country and its hired/articulated mafia/stalker force which many thousand times attempts (and sometimes most terrifying ) many thousands of false flags theathrics (for fraud type of untrue propaganda attempts) and sometimes direct such untrue propaganda verbal attacks. I would be very happy to report to police. but I do not have courage to go to police (since in abroad police did not took my report as serious and instead of helping confused me as paranoid (and tried to place me to 3 days to mental hospital to check my sanity (as a precondition to consider my report ) )
if that police shouted person were police, hey I due to autism can not interact to strangers impromptu. but if police emails me and meets me up in a place any place, I then can get over autism disability of not being able to interact impromptu interaction with strangers type autistic deficiency and then so if they emailed me and called me to a place to meet (any place) I would be happy to come and meet with police to then report to them the incident patterns to police also. (as I exactly directly also blog in my blog always when detected)
it would be awesome to report to police (of many thousand incident patterns from stage 1 to stage 5)
but maybe police shouted person were not related to this topics and it were coincidence and but if were not coincidence, and if police really interfered, (dunno maybe it were coincidence) I would always be very happy to report to police (of their many thousands of fraud/deceit wise untrue propaganda incident patterns)
but maybe it were coincidnece and not were police interference to this topic. dunno. but if its police its great.
in abroad I even saw police in abroad using symbols the false flag attempters uses in false flag theathrics shows (to attempt to smear/untrue propaganda) so in abroad police visibly sided with the untrue propaganda attempter fraudsters and unknown foreign country which articulates various mafias/conmans/stalkers to do a gigantic fraud activity of untrue propaganda (and articulate their mafias to do false flags repetitively (for untrue propaganda (slandering) purpose) ) (stage 5 false flags are very terrifying and nausea creating most times) (every stage is horrificly and insanely sociopathic untrue propaganda attempts. but stage 5 is even more terrifyign type untrue propaganda false flags theathrics is detected many times)
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