yeppp lets never talk biographical things again about myself since its an uninteresting topic. reading Steve Jobs is interesting and but eveen  writing guhu me myself is super uninteresting:S  lets read interesting people/interesting lives instead of writing my uninteresting life:)

lets read more biographies of interesting lives instead of spending time on writing my life which is quit eunintersting and that i do stupid things like not goin g to science high school or art high school but having the normal high school learning topics which were not any interesting to me. or tha tin university being the dumbest student an d not enterin gclasses. nd instead selecting topics i wnder and read about slightly in introduction level. not develping myself in any area in very specialist way. so dd such stupidies all life.

science high school colleagues did science projects/ entered olympiad prep courses / took even programming courseware. or art students do amazing art projects, eg. fashion projects (which i am super interested to. creating cloth designs). but instead i went to standard high school and it were an unnice decision.  i wish i either went to science high school so i attended doing scie nce projects . or either went to artf school so that i become a cloth designer:) cause it were the thing i liked the most in my childhood times, drawing clothes. art school students (high school level) do super fun activities which also includes fashion design:) i wish i either wen t to science or art high school instead of normal high school in which entrees are only focused in SAT. but other specialized high schools are more interested in other things. so it were all my fault. to have pain in classes in high school for thinking told topics are super easy and super uninteresting. if i had gone to science high school, i would have felt the exact reverse. that i am lagging in following etc. or similarly in art high school i would feel curiosity. but so losing curiosity is based on one single wrong decision of not going to correct aligned school type in my high school time. its all my fault.

it were old times(that i found high school quite uninteresting(were kind of slowness/confronting repeats torture:S. the high school teacher slowly told very easy topics:SS in every other course:S repeatedly told easy topics:S were kind of torture to me but it were my fault. since i should had gone to science or art high school. i am pretty sure i would lag in understanding/following lectures in that cases. ). there were interesting high schools. its my own fault to go to the uninteresting type.) . now they teach programming or many other topics even in primary school. i mean it were old style of education in my times. now education systems is  very nice i think in terms of being multidisciplinary starting at primary school. they teach advanced forms of knowledge in primary schools now. i do think education should be mnost iumportant in primary sc hool, then again very important in middle school then in high school it should be just specializations. but the cores should be taught at primary school very good(its done good now i think). then in middle school. then least info transfer should be done in high school but only specializations. so that i do think high school education  should be based on more self learnin gbut more assignments based one. so that students dont have to listen uninteresting repeated many times knowledge. but learn themselves but read lots of things whilst doing so/learning many things whilst. but core of skills being developed in primary and middle school times. i do think most important period of education is primary and middle school times. i do think high school should be just specializations and lots of readings in many areas. i do think creating a generation thats fixated to SAT is not ok. i do think high schools should be places time period where many many readings should exist in many lots of tons of topics.  making such young people just fixate to an exam looks not ok to me. I do think universities should accept students based on their projects/interviews. not SAT grades. i believe that SAT should have lesser importance. here all university enterance depends on SAT and school grades. I do think, this is not ok. If SAT wrnt important, people would read many topics at once, i do think, essays/interviews/projects should be taken in to consideration while getting students to universities. and i do think high schools should be a form of universities, where people learn themselves in many areas at once, specializations. and that lots of readings beiung encouraged so that every high school grad has read tons of things/knows tons of things instead of focusing to SAT.   this is my idea on how high school should be. it might not be practical. as told, i am not any knowing anything about education. but this is my idea on this topic. I do think high school curricula could have been instead a lighter form  of university ed. curricula. and its the time people have most fluid intelligence, so wasting their fluid intellgnce with exams or like seems illogical to me. i do think instead, people should focus on learning and doing projects. so high schools becomes a differnt lighter curricual holding universities...

i do think high schookl should be time where many specializations being existin g and students reading many many things. i do think high school should also resemble little bit university. it should be projec ts/assignments based. i do think teachers are super important for primary school and middle school but after that, i think students should self learn like university. i do think high schools should be like university. and of course teacher's are very important since all core skills come from primary school/middle school education and since high school would be like university. i think high schools would be nicer if they were like universities. though understanding not from any education topics, i think i shouldnt talk on this topic. but i would liked high school if high school wer elike this. i lost curiosity in high school times since i found the SAT fixat ion uninteresting:S and all thingtalked were SAT topics which looked super uninteresting. i lost interest to science due to high school being uninteresting those times. but i guess if i went to science high school or art high school, i wouldnt lost interest and would even lag in following curricula. but i lost interest to being student topic since it looked all shallow that all things that parents or students cared were SAT. so my disliking being student followed in university times as visible. that i ddnt entered classes. if high school were like university, i wouldnt lost my interest to being a student and learning those times.

ok lets not talk on this topic since i understand nothing from education topic any really (as visible). 

since i lost my interest to sc ience or learning science relat ed things due to university exams fixated type of education, thats why i wanted to talk about my utopia on how high school should be.  if it were like this i would have turned lesser ignorant person. ok its my fault to have been ignorant, bnut if high school is like this (like slight curricula holding universities on multidsiciplinary perspective) the chances i turn out as an ignorant person would be lesser or near to zero.

I see specialized high schools are already like such utopian form of education. I see my cousin going to art college even does fashion design. which were my dream as a child. its super fun they do design clothes. or science high schools are also like that, they do work on projects, learn challenging topics. but normal standard high school, i think  it could also be like that. that a multidsciiplinary university like curricula (slight  version of it) could be provided in all high schools not only in specialized ones like art high school or science high schools. and i do think it would be super enlightening. a projects/assignments based standard high school type.and lots of elective topics like fashion design even existing in standard high school. i think that would really be a very fun standard high school type. lots of elective courses. that student can choose from instead of a standard curricula. and en tering lessons shouldnt be mandatory. but there should be lots of projects so that student has to someway learn etierh from internet course or by attending class.  i mean student wont be able to do prjoect without studying to topic either way. i think this type of high school would have been fun to go to. that all non specialized standard high schools having ths type of eductn.  that itis projects/hard assignments based. being able to do assignments, student would have to learn.   so if all any type of high schools(non specialized high schools) were like this, that they are projects based, i think this would be a quite enlightening thing. i think primary and middle school are most important periods of education system. since core skills are learnt there. and i think its done good now and were done good also in old times(my times). my only objection  is to high school  period: i think high school should be just specializations based on core skills. and a spectrum of multidisciplinary many type of areas should be available in all standard non special high school types.think of a future where high shcool is like university:) wouldnt it be great:) i do think high school is one time where fluid intelligence is highest level, why dont people turn high school to unioversities instead, but a multidisciplinary university type that focuses on learning/projects and specializations.


yepp continueing to code game. but what if game c oding and light scattering were even told at high school curriculas? i think it would have been nice. to learn about Planck constant like things in highschool times instead of repeated same introduction knowledge of  Newtoinan mechanics. 
i think i would be super happy if we see schools teaching relativity in aspects of coordinate frames in mroe advanced ways in hgih schools.  not the introduction topics. just the real science should be told. in that long 3 years of  life. i wish high  schools turn to that like education. or alike, talking of calculus in that timeframe. or Legen dre polynomicals like topics in that time frames. why not. why same repetitive information is repeat in high school of same topics of pulleys or else. or pascal's basic theoresm. repeating those ov er and over again in 3 years. why not have calculus at high shcool or physics that talks about scatgtering not just taking in to account the light beam's transfer from air to water etc.
why not telling Markovian processes and black scholes theory at high school when it is th emost fluid intellgnce time period of people and instead making them lose in terest to science with tallking noninteresting topics(constant Newtoinan mechanics repetition) over and over again.

when telling about Biology, why they dont tell the history of gene's creation or the computation based logic computer like logic behind them with taking chemistry in to account and how scientists discovered them. that would make biology courses more interesting instead of common narratives be told there.   or its link to Anthropology that from mitochondrial dna what things were done in Anthropology, why these things arent told instead. and why do we learn about basic of anatomy of how organs work how heart pumps blood if we arent interested to being doctor. that should have been elective i think. this is my ideas on these.  it should have been a specialization. talking of anatomy bsics, or genetic engineering basics, it should all have been  specializations i think. that i might had  chance to not enter anatomy like courses since i am not interested. so that i wouldnt disliuke biology named course as a result.  i do think high school time education should be personalized and it should be like university education. that calculus is told in science related courses. and all things existing in university education bealso be existing in high school time.

i do think university education could be done in high school time.  how many new inventors/new designers/new film  directors would happen if that were like that. its lost 3 years i think. i think university education should exist in high school time period. so that people dont lose interest to science due to that uninteresting 3 years. i think its a commonly accepted misconception to think its early to have such topics in hgih school time.


ok there is something  named samandag pepper. its super hot type of pepper. much hotter than red peppers. its the most hot pepper in this lands.

my hand still hurts since my hand's a region touched this pepper type.  i like to eat this pepper. but i thin k i should use gloves while touching this pepper:S  my hand hurts :S its super nice. but as told hurts hands when you touch your hand whilst preparing it or just eating. the region the pepper touched became red. and hurts. what kind of pepper this is.           they say that this pepper is good for increasing metabolism if eaten 3 times a day. lets try then but i dont think i could eat 3 times.      lets try and check if i lose weight. i like hot peppers alot. but this is something super hot. its more hot than  tabasco sauce.

when it touches the hand, it creates regions of some reaction in hand that hurts and becomes little bit red/pink color.

ok sinc ei became 65kg, need to asap lose weight. i were 61 kg when i came here:S anyway. lets do diet. i believe i can succeed in that.

when you put this to salad, the salad sauce becomes super hot. 

no more being slow: lets work productive today:

yayyy init at some exciting  code piece:

package sim.flux

import sim.{Step, StepMethod, Executor,ExecutorWithContext}
import sim.spark.{SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext}
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3}
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{SphereCoordinateSample,SphereSampler}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession,SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg (var points:Seq[SphereCoordinateSample] ,
    var sun_light_dir:Vector3,
    var atmosphere:EarthAtmosphere, var index:Int)

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethod() extends  StepMethod {
   override def execute(executor:Executor, args:Any):Any = {
     var tmpArgs = args.asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]
     var context = executor.context.asInstanceOf[SparkSession].sparkContext
     var rdd = context.parallelize(tmpArgs.points)

yayyy i am a t an exciting place at code:) having spark to do flux extinction of sampled points all around spheres around earth. i first thought of having 400 km atmosphere sampled at radiuses  being differnt just 1 km. then left it at stratosphere of 30 kms since i saw how upper atmosphere part looks and looks as space. so only 30 kms seems as enough. it were first 400 kms.  if we model the ultraviolet region we could set it to 400 kms though.

so every spark step is just moving the  flux from one laye rto another in 30 years (from outside to inwards)
and every layer's flux information would be saved as 2d textures in spherical coordinates. so that when camera moves to 25 km in sky it would have a slight realistic (nt realistic since i am not doiong a good simulation not physically any accurate, but coarse grained things i am doing  not any physical realistic simulation ) would see the flux as it is.
and there would be many resolutions. of flux areas. so that there would be many 2d textures samples. maybe 3  levels. not many but just 3 or  2 or 4.

yayyy super happy i am inside an indie game dev chat group:) (i wont tell which one it is:) ) (its super happy :)) yayyy super happy :) i have lots of game dev friends now since i am inside that amazing chat group: ) which one i wont ever share:)
yayyy its super happy:)

there is a section of posting game. to share game products. i am eager to share the game's initial version there when it gets ready:)

its super happy:) i am inside one important game dev chat group:)  its super duper amazingly happy news:) yayy:) super:) hello to my game dev friends:) yayyy:) hello game dev world:) yayyyy:)


some unorganized code again :)  (as told my motivation is to develop game faster :P )

(whom has a case class member of v n ame? this is out of any coding convention. this code is rebel:P or just rebel since it has to be developed fastly actually :P)

here it is:

package sim.flux

import sim.{ Step, StepMethod, Executor, ExecutorWithContext }
import sim.spark.{ SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext }
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{ SphereCoordinateSample, SphereSampler }
import{ EarthAtmosphere }
import models.atmosphere.{ Atmosphere, AtmosphereLayer, AtmosphereContent }
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SparkSession, SQLContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import utilities.shape.{ Sphere, SingleEndedLine }
import models.planet.Planet
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Flux_of_Wavelength }

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg(
  var points:        Seq[Tuple2[SphereCoordinateSample, List[Flux_of_Wavelength]]],
  var sun_light_dir: Vector3,
  var atmosphere:    Atmosphere, var index: Int, var planet: Planet)

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethod() extends StepMethod {

  override def execute(executor: Executor, args: Any): Any = {
    var tmpArgs = args.asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]
    var context = executor.context.asInstanceOf[SparkSession].sparkContext
    var rdd = context.parallelize(tmpArgs.points)

    var calculate_extinction = (point: Tuple2[SphereCoordinateSample, List[Flux_of_Wavelength]], sun_light: Vector3, atmopshere: Atmosphere, index: Int, planet: Planet) => {

      var check_if_obscured_by_planet = (c: Vector3, sun_light: Vector3, planet: Planet) => {
        var rev_light = SingleEndedLine(
          Vector4(c.x, c.y, c.z, 1),
          Vector4(sun_light.x * (-1), sun_light.y * (-1), sun_light.z * (-1), 1))

        var sphere = Sphere(planet.equatorial_radius)
        if (sphere.intersect(rev_light).length > 0) {
        } else {

      var currentLayer = atmopshere.layers(index)

      var nextLayer = atmopshere.layers(index - 1)
      var nextLayersSphere = Sphere(nextLayer.radius)
      var light = SingleEndedLine(
        Vector4(point._1.entity.x, point._1.entity.y, point._1.entity.z, 1),
        Vector4(sun_light.x, sun_light.y, sun_light.z, 1))

      var intersection = nextLayersSphere.intersect(light)
      intersection match {
        case Nil => (null, null)
        case a :: b => {

          var light_line = a - point._1.entity
          var path_length = math.floor(light_line.magnitude)
          if (check_if_obscured_by_planet(a, sun_light, planet)) {

            (SphereCoordinateSample(a), Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
              Flux_of_Wavelength(l.wavelength, 0.0)
          } else {
            var atmosphere_contents = currentLayer.contents
            (SphereCoordinateSample(a), Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
              atmosphere_contents.foldLeft(l)((v: Flux_of_Wavelength, content: AtmosphereContent) => {
                Flux_of_Wavelength(v.wavelength, v.intensity * content.extinction_multiplier(l.wavelength.v, path_length))


 => {
          calculate_extinction(point, tmpArgs.sun_light_dir, tmpArgs.atmosphere, tmpArgs.index, tmpArgs.planet)

yeppp finally spark code ready:) lets test a completely untested code :D i hadnt even tested line intersection methods:D so :D lets check:)

i dont know i dont remember if spark could serialize that inner case classes. we would see. if not serialized, i would add just such base class for that.  but if it itself works with serialization it would had been nice.

i wish i had used dataset instead of rdd. anyway :P  as told, first goal is to make things ready asap.

there is a very wrong thing in logic of this code. in traversing lights path. i would fix it later on. so actually initially  is obscured by planet is not even necessary. and  hadnt take in to account how mouintains impact the lights travel either. so lets fix those very imp[ortant logic errors later on. first lets execute it as a spark project. then  fix the major logic errors.


ok untested code is sometimes:D i dont even know if intersection methods work either.:D lets hope that not much defects exists in my current base code's version. hmm:DD(:D is because the code is not ever for once tested yet:P )  (lets test now:P i know its not the best way. but since i had not had super nice office etc :P  ok i know there is no excuse to not writing test cases yet:D but since its currently 2 people's project:) if it were more than 2 people's i would had written unit tests :)   (i have a hidden cofounder from anotehr country :) not revealing the cofounders name yet:D  since i wanted to add mystery to project as if its a mysterious project:D  (whilst i share classes i added:DDDDDD its funny to talk of mysterious project whilst i shared some classes:P:DDDDDDDDDxD )
but just to show a glimpse of our game's world builder:) since its fun to build it:) i want to also share the things we think in how to do some things in game.  sin ce its also fun to talk about how we do things for this game:D since we do it slightly differntly weirdly.

i wonder how much income we would get from game:D i mean how many subscribers would exist per month.  and how many tghings they would buy inside game.

anyway that would only be visible when game gets ready.


ok latest silly code share:
from unorganized codes yet:

package sim.flux

import sim.{ Step, StepMethod, Executor, ExecutorWithContext }
import sim.spark.{ SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext }
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{ SphereCoordinateSample, SphereSampler }
import{ EarthAtmosphere }
import models.atmosphere.{ Atmosphere, AtmosphereLayer, AtmosphereContent }
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SparkSession, SQLContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import utilities.shape.{ Sphere, SingleEndedLine }
import models.planet.Planet
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Flux_of_Wavelength }
import sim.{StepMethod, Step, Model, Stage, Executor}
import scala.language.postfixOps

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg(
  var points:        Seq[Tuple2[SphereCoordinateSample, List[Flux_of_Wavelength]]],
  var sun_light_dir: Vector3,
  var atmosphere:    Atmosphere, var index: Int, var planet: Planet)

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethod() extends StepMethod {

  override def execute(executor: Executor, args: Any): Any = {
    var tmpArgs = args.asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]
    var context = executor.context.asInstanceOf[SparkSession].sparkContext
    var rdd = context.parallelize(tmpArgs.points)

    var calculate_extinction = (point: Tuple2[SphereCoordinateSample, List[Flux_of_Wavelength]], sun_light: Vector3, atmopshere: Atmosphere, index: Int, planet: Planet) => {

      var check_if_obscured_by_planet = (c: Vector3, sun_light: Vector3, planet: Planet) => {
        var rev_light = SingleEndedLine(
          Vector4(c.x, c.y, c.z, 1),
          Vector4(sun_light.x * (-1), sun_light.y * (-1), sun_light.z * (-1), 1))

        var sphere = Sphere(planet.equatorial_radius)
        if (sphere.intersect(rev_light).length > 0) {
        } else {

      var currentLayer = atmopshere.layers(index)

      var nextLayer = atmopshere.layers(index - 1)
      var nextLayersSphere = Sphere(nextLayer.radius)
      var light = SingleEndedLine(
        Vector4(point._1.entity.x, point._1.entity.y, point._1.entity.z, 1),
        Vector4(sun_light.x, sun_light.y, sun_light.z, 1))

      var intersection = nextLayersSphere.intersect(light)
      intersection match {
        case Nil => (null, null)
        case a :: b => {

          var light_line = a - point._1.entity
          var path_length = math.floor(light_line.magnitude)
          if (check_if_obscured_by_planet(a, sun_light, planet)) {

            (SphereCoordinateSample(a), Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
              Flux_of_Wavelength(l.wavelength, 0.0)
          } else {
            var atmosphere_contents = currentLayer.contents
            (SphereCoordinateSample(a), Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
              atmosphere_contents.foldLeft(l)((v: Flux_of_Wavelength, content: AtmosphereContent) => {
                Flux_of_Wavelength(v.wavelength, v.intensity * content.extinction_multiplier(l.wavelength.v, path_length))


    FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg( => {
        calculate_extinction(point, tmpArgs.sun_light_dir, tmpArgs.atmosphere, tmpArgs.index, tmpArgs.planet)
      }).filter(a => a._1 != null).collect(),
      tmpArgs.index - 1,

object FluxExtinctionModel {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    var planet = Earth()
    var atmosphere = EarthAtmosphere()

    var range = 300 to 1000 by 20 toList
    var wavelengths= => Flux_of_Wavelength(WaveLength(a.toDouble), 100.0))
    var sun_light_dir = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
    var sphere_sampler =SphereSampler(atmosphere.layers(
        atmosphere.layers.length - 1).radius)
    var initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg =
      FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg( => {
        (p, wavelengths)
        atmosphere, atmosphere.layers.length - 1, planet)
    var step = SparkStep(FluxExtinctionStepMethod())

    var model = Model(step :: Nil)
    var stage = Stage(model)
    var executor = SparkExecutorWithContext()
    var tmp=stage.execute(executor, initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg).asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]



a nd also had chan ged the code as:

package sim

trait StepMethod {
  def execute(executor:Executor, args:Any):Any
trait Step {
  def execute(executor:Executor,args:Any):Any
case class Model(steps:List[Step]) {

case class Stage(model:Model) {
  def execute(e:Executor,args:Any):Any = {
     var result = model.steps.foldLeft(args)((a:Any, b:Step)=>{
       b.execute(e, a)


trait Executor {
  def initContext:Unit =  {
  def context:Any 
  def exitContext:Unit ={

case object DefaultExecutor extends Executor {
  def context:Any  = null

case class ExecutorWithContext(val context:Any) extends Executor {

it printed some flux but dont know if its correct or not. would check.

after i wash my hair since i stink since this parfum like deodorant is not ok. i think in this very hot air, i need to buy bdeodorant one. not parfum like thing. cause i stink right now. and it shouldnt happent like that. so this parfum like deodorant desnt work in  very hot air. so lets wash hair and then continue flux thingies.

i am still super happy for my approval in chat group:) i see people talking of sprites/world/screen coordinates. yayyyy:) super happy topics:)
 i am inside a game dev chat group that i hide name of.  yayyyy:) its super happy:)


ok lets wash hair since i stink:SSSSSSS thuis parfum like thing  doesnt any slightly protect frmo perspiration. afterthe  day ends, i stink  completely :S  my own perspiration stink disturbs me now:S i should go wash hair.  my underarms stink even disturbing me right now:S stinky coder guhu:S luckily my office is only populated by me. and i should deinitely buy a deodorant whilst i live in iskenderun. sicne air is super hot here.

ok it feels nice to stand right infront of ventilator with washed hair:D
air conditioner is yet only in living room. and i dont like studying in living room any.

continueing studying and fixing logic errors in code.  then creating 2d spherical coordinates based 2 d textures and trying to use them in game. then moving to clouds rendering. then finally comes terrain rendering part. i wuold first utilize the srtm and do some bumpmapping things. and we need nice lodding in that. ok we would see when we create terrain.


ok the chat group's logo is even cool:P  i am super happy to be approved there:) I thought they wont take me in since it took many days to get approved:) super happy for getting approved:)

i think this stinky coder guhu (i dont stink now but 2 hours ago i were stinking.i felt disturbed from my own under arms stink:D ) thinks she should rest and continue tomorrow.
i need to fix the code's logic errors. i have to go over some light traversal methods i found solution to somethings there  that were erronous in code but needing rest and procrast inate last 2 hours i think.

in outside a guy named my name in outside of our house. as if t alking to me. :S woman stalker's perpetuator? maniac people:S definite maniacs. a guy shoutedly told some sentences :S ok this is sociopathy:S trying to deceive outside people as if talking to me? said socio sentence:S ok these stalker people are freaks:S i have got freaks stalking me:S all this deceival effort for what? and used the foreign man name that woman stalker shouted calling me as:S the woman also shouted me "naive! she were our hunt" . calls me many names including man name. and also impersonates many people. this is a very severe form  of sociopathy i think.  this name giving thing. this is super creepy sociopathic act:S anyway lets continue coding game. these psycho people call "hunt" word to people whom they create names /aliases as i get? what kind of sociopath stalkers they are:S its like, (as i observe in stalk incidents) they give you a name whatever they select (it could be man name wmoan name, foreign names/local names) and they try to "hunt" you. pure form of sociopathy:S this thign  i confront is pure sociopathy:S they look like freaks that ran away from bakirkoy mental hospital.  they try to hunt people:S (being a "hunt" for them, i am super happy they never succeeded to ever "hunt" me:S) (ok these stalker people definitely look like freaks that ran away from mental hospital:S) i remember some woman shouting me a man name. i thought i had such stalker due to that. then also a woman stalking me in cafe thats 800mtrs away from my house, shouting "baby! she is ****". and then that year later, lots of aliases/unnice labels that some i dnt even understand meaning of and constant stalk/constant impersonation/constant sociopathy/constant curses/constant never ending stalk following.. not only woman and their man friends doing ths also. its like a group of man/woman ran away from a mental hospital and doing sociopathy:S  this giving names/aliases/labels thing is super creepy sociopath act:S and calling "hunt" words. saying "naive". super creepy levels of sociopathy:S its like those horror movies where  people are hunted:S this thing i confront is like that:S. they do give many names to the person they try to hunt (as i observe from stalk i confront. in first two years, i ddnt understood even that schema, i just thought i have stalkers whom shout me orc/oluk but the names told i thought they are people from stalkers). in 3rd year of stalk i get the schema of acts of these mental hospital runaway like freak poeple set of stalkers, they do give names/aliases/labels to the stalk victim, try to break her psycghology with shouting her ork/oluk curses and try to hunt like that. its like t here were a game of thrones character who were so cruelly behaved so that his psyhogloy is broken, this schema i observe in acts of these people. a constant high vicinity stalk with lots of curse(ork/oluk)   and  also this many names/labels/aliases assigning task. thats like as if they are playing some psycho game and hunting people and the victim thats stalk is given many names/labels(. it looks like that from outside as a victim of stalk of  this stalk i observe. anyway, i report any stalk incident as happens. since blogs that help stalked people tell like that. that givin gpeople aliases/names is as i read sociopathy illness is definitely super sociopathic. so these people these woman/man whom stalk me are freaks/sociopaths i think. i never seen in my life before a person who gives aliases/labels/names to other people. its pure sociopathy. this aliases/names/labels thing is pure form of sociopathy.  is this thing i confront something from that black market we heard that such thing exists (but never ever en tered nor woudl ever)? i mean socio people play such sociopathy games? its like these people look like playing some form of psycho games we see in movies:S selecting a target and trying to hunt her with torture acts/sociopathy acts:S since i never got hunted, they continue playing such psycho game like that:S? is this whats going on? i am trying to analyze this sociopathy acts i confront? it looks like i have stalker freaks that are mental hospital run aways.

. this mental hospital runaways like freak people (of woman and man). an

i constantly want to go to police for ask help in catching of these sociopath people doing this "hunt" thing, mom says dont care the stalkers. i once went to police, but police asked for evidence of stalk tha ti dont have. i am nt a detective type person i cant  collect evidence. i have no energy for such act nor i do any like trying to be any detective. anyway. i written this incident. since if anyone were outside and heard the guy outside shouting  guher name as if talkign to me (With phone or else? ) i wanted to report this is a deceival sociopathy incident. they say when you are stalked by a socio, report every little thing. i do accordingly. so this were the latest sociopathy effort i observed whilst sitting in  my home.  a woman last days shouted "naive! she were our hunt" .  ok thiese people that are stalking me are deinfitly maniacs:S pure sociopaths:S

what kind of sociopathy form it is when a guy tries to show as if is talking to me (uses my name) (and my name is nt any common name. i dont think there is any guher around in this district either. (its an old name so very uncommon name)). or shouted to me? trying to say something? i dont know but its super disturbing to get stalked fr om vicinity of my home.  

anyway lets not spend time to analyzing sociopathy. just lets continue coding game. but i do write, b ecause people say when you are stalked by a socio, they say write/report everything /every stalk incident. so i do as. this were the latest sociopathy infused stalk incident i observed.reporting every sociopathy act (shit act) i observe here.

ok i should stop giving time to analyzing stalk incidents. shouldnt let these sociopaths steal my silly brain's energy/time.

ok today a weird thing happent. in bus we went on with mom (mom and me had bank htings so we needed to go to city center) a guy in bus looked me alot. and resembled alot one ex. might be really ex. i ddnt looked back thinking it is a stranger.  i dont know if were ex. since lots of years passed. it were an ex from maybe 6 years ago. resembled an ex from 6 years ago. and looked me deeply t. as if tryign to say something. but might be a totally stranger and looking to me deeply since i look weird. i have none idea.

could my such 6 years ago ex behind this stalk torture i confront? from his surroundings? his gf?(due to jealosy?) i dont know. i confront a seevere form  of torture of sociopathy /stalk and is there a proibability his gf or family behidn  this? i still haver no idea whom these stalkiers are.

ok that guy really looked like ex. that i hadnt seen nor talked for 6 years. and hopped of from the bus in the district  i live. could ex be related to this sociopathy stalk i confront?. his jealous gf doing sociopathy against me? i dont know what the fck is going on.   but some soc io people are stalking me with t orture and sociopathy. could it be an ex's gf doing this?(since ex hadnt frgttn me? and she is jealous of? ) have none idea:S ok i think this were the most illogical theory i constructed. i cnstructed many theories. one is a psycho religious cult is stalking me. other is, a mentally ill person and friendset. other is we have a hidden frenemy of our family and is doing this. another theory is people whom constntly gave  "kuma" alias in stalk in ouytside 3 years ago is behind this (that revenge of rejection type of thing, since i never looked nor replied nor accepted such attnetion ). many theories. but have none idea whats actually hppng. i just confront a severe socipathy torture.

ok that guy who looked alot if is ex(resembles ex quie alot)(talking about an ex from 6 years ago) sorry but i ahve no place in life to exes:S.and has been 6 years:S

dont know if that guy were ex either. but really resembled ex from 6 years ago. but since that outlook type is commn(since people who live in sam e lands resem ble each other, you could see people tht all look like twins )  i might have confused.   


so constructed many theories gbut still have none any slightest idea of whats going on.


some weird thing:D i confused D minor version of 40th symphony of Mozart h  with Beethoven's another symphony last day and movie i am watching now talks obout Mozart's 40th symphon y's D Minor version:D and this movie i seen in the recommendations for a long while but opent tonight:D (i were resting) (ok this were a silly coincidence)  (this tv show sits in my recommndtn list for a long while and i open it the day after i talk about Mozart's 40th symphinys D minor as Beethoven's confusing them:D


ok it were 3 days ago that i confused Beethoven's some symphony with Mozart's 40th symphony of D minor? i dont know. i think not one day ago but two days ago. and it were a silly coincidence to open a show that has exactly mozart's 40th symphony in D minor topic:D


hmm my granddad had epilepsy type of i llness. last 3 years when if i am wkaing up from low sleep (not the deep sleep but right just from 2 minutes of sleep) i feel  i wake up with trembling for a secnd(i m ean bouncing from sleep not bouncing like bouncing, its like someone scares you and you give some reaction, its like that) . like if you are seeing a dream that you are falling from a building and just instantly wake up. wondering if this happens to everyone? just whislt waking up from non rem sleep just whilst you are falling r ight in to sleep and when you wake up instantly, that feeling of if bouncing. i mean as if scared. bouncing little bit. for a second. the moment of wake up from sleep second. i mean its like an unsucc3esful falling. might it be related to my granddad having epilepsy illness? or do this waking up from sleep like this (rarely) happens in everyone ? wondering about it. happens for last 2 or 3 years.very rarely. how it feels like its like you are falling inside a dream and you instantly wake up with bouncing like little bit for 1 second or 500 milisceonds. waking up from non deep sleep like that very rarely.


the one label assigned by sociopaths is hami as i heard and sentence of narratie talked is "hami is gay". i am not gay nor never been. but as told, i am stalked with these labels/.names/aliases for 3 years. constant stalk/constant high vicinity stalk for 3 years wityh giving both man/woman names/constant curse/ork/oluk constant labels/aliases with cponst ant stalk. the la bels based sociopathy started last year. but the names/aliases happens for 3 years. luckily stalk decreased alot. but the trauma of it doesnt pass easily. i scare some days. its super disturbing to confront sociopathy. i scare from reconfrointing sociopathy again. the stalker woman gave me  tom name alias and stalked me with such alias:S i thought i had a tom named stalker. and other foreign names also. one other name were olga. one other name were hande. and many labels:S it were super creepy:S still i scare:S its just words based stalk, i mean physically i never got hurted by stalker. but stalked me like this in cafes, with coming beside my home and even once renting a flat beside my home. in Ankara. she told " tom is a genius". i had no idea tom is the name she calls me. the psycho even rented a flat in my building. so this were super traumatic 3 years:S i still scare somedays. today i dont scare. today i feel ok. but some days i still scare:S its like a theater being played. the stalkjer and her frien dset set me many labels/aliases in the stalk:S it were like a horror movie:S  luckily i only understood that schema of theather on 3rd year of stalk. in first 2 years, i thought i am stalked by some epople whom hate me i dont know why and call m e orc/oluk/fukara. in 3rd year i understood the schema of aliases/labels/theater like assignikng characters. it were hell creepy. its super creepy to get stalked by asociopath stalker :S 2 days ago, i felt so scared and felt scared. today i feel great and would study good. i infer this trauma like state would pass after some time? i wish so.

just if you want to understand how creepy sociopathy is, just read stories about what sociopath epople does. a similar version happens to me for 3 years. i have got a sociopath woman  statlker. i had many theories but i do thin k this is whats going on. since analysing whats happening. i would have many gay friends. i like gay people. but i dont like sociopath people from either heteros or bisexuals or gays. i mea n this is unrelated to gender. and the stalker stalked me 3 years in high vicinity with even ren ting a flat in building i live, stalking me everywhere i go every cafe(since i wnt 2 or 3)  i go (so that i stopped going outside) . so its about sociopath stalker situation. so its not any about genders. sociopath stalkers came out of from both heteros/both bisexuals/both gays. i mean its a topic out of gender context. i wish no one understands as if i dont like gay people. i like, and i wish i have thousands of gay friends. i am hetero and i like gay people. upon rejection this woman creates me unnice alias last year. constant stalk for 3 years. confronting both sociopathy acts and stalk beside. i somedays still scare during day. some days i feel as trauma of it wont ever go away. somedays i feel very ok feeling no scare no trauma like today.

constant aliases/impersonation/giving aliases/calling labels/constant high vicinity stalk/constant gaslighting/constant stalk .for 3 years.  is there any prediction of when  its trauma would pass? when i would stop scaring. i need to go to psycholog i know. but i dont like going outside due to trauma in a city when i saw again stalk incident. stalked me in 3 cities. in whichever city stalked happent for last years, i started scaring of going outside.

so wonderin g when this trauma would pass away. cause i liked going outside. i came hom e very late since i liked to spend time in cafes. before.
i think i need to get theraphy or sometihng to help pass trauma of the stalk? it were elike a horror movie to m e:S

i were planning to take violin course but dn t since i scar eof going to city.

in one quora article, whilst i am not very intellgnt i like reading how its like to be intellgnt. in one blog, a guy told how bad it is that he is stalked like horror movies. (Schopenhauer's argument).  i am not intellgnt but somet imes i am conf used as genius since i am a generalist, is this stalk happens/happent due to that? cause i were stalked like also like in horror movies:S and the trauma of it hadnmt any passed:S confronting a sociopath stalker is the creepiest thing ever hapepn t in my life:S c onfronting sociopathy is super disturbing:S its nt less than physical violence, this psychological violence i confronted, that sociopathy is type of violence i think.  confonrintg sociopathy is super traumatic/disturbing.


but today i feel ok/super. i dont feel trauma today. yepp. lets relax a little bit more than start studying.some tv show i would watch mre. rest time little bit more.


ok so confused a  Beethoven's symphony name/id with Mozart's symphony no 40 in g minor with a B eethoven's one other wit h D minor. yepp. my tiny memory.       b ut thinking of it the day ebfore and last day watching a show which coincidentally told about Mozart's 40 th symphony were  silly coinciden ce:D that show were long time in my watch list. but had postponed watching of.


c oding gamey now.  I see that my game dev friends i chat group like to use unity. and they talk of game technologies i dont know yet. yayyy i am super happy since been approved to the chat group:) super happy event:)
I dont know unity well but i get as its one main technology used to develop games.


its weird. my right side of hair became whiter than left side:D  its mixture of black and white hair(like ina  1 white to 10 or more black hair rate) but the whites only exists in right side left side of my head bt the right side has more. its weird. the up side has none. so the whitening has started from temples in my hair. but it weirdly increased alot in last year. i think its simply aging.


ok last day i tried to answer a technical query btu i figured  out i answered non correctly :S
 i could had instead rendered to fbo the object fully and do the pixel operation in tandem over all image... yepp. i think  alot time has passed to answer it correctly but its silly sloution to talk as if we read a separate pixel region thats spread to many frames:S ok its like studying with sipping whisky is never a good thing to do for time when if i answer technical queries as side work.


ok my friend wants to do walking sport at everyday at 11 on 1040 pm. how could i say no without breakin gher heart since i its my most productive coding hour of my everyday and i dont like going outside super alot to do sports. i attended twice but then we also drink cafe and my study day ends  in most productive hour.

ok my free time breaks are differnt than hers. how to n ot attend without breakign her heart. i dont want to attend her sport. i dont like walking at outside either. thinking, if she wants to walk, she could do it alone.(she could walk earlier)  i am not a super friend right? :S but  i dont want to attend someone's sports whilst i dont want to do sports at such time. its 22:45pm. ok i am nt  a super friend.

this friend does sports at that weird hour everyday. but i dont like to attend. ok lets say that like this.


meanwhile stalk incident happent right now. a guy used that "kava" label outside saying "my kava" :S so a perpetuator of the woman stalker:SSSS what kava means:S???? it is one label thats started to be said by stalkers last year:S  a woman shouted me in shopping center.   this assigning labels thing happent last year it started to happen last year of 3 year of stalk:SSSS  its super scary to confront sociopathjy:S but as told, like yesterday, today also i ddnt creeped out from scare. so today is another day i dont scare from stalk.nice. as told, somedays i scare more, some days i dont scare, this day i dont scare.and qutie happy but i dont know which day i would scare which day i wont. today feels like i  am over trauma.

maybe it s  because i started to enter life again. i talk with people (even if online) so i might be really getting over trauma of it. but as told, some days i feel scared. it were before, every day i feel scared. now its like, some day i dont care the sociopathy&stalk, some days i feel scared. so trauma level for sure got lesser. but i don tk now if it fully passed. maybe i all needed were friends more.

its super great that i confronted a stalk incident a sociopathy ibncident b ut i ddn t sc ared this time. nice.

maybe i would figure out i dont scare/feel in trauma anymore. lets see:) if that happens like that i would be super happy:)

it were like, feeling scared were like: it were like all day scaring every day most days. these weeks i figured out it happens some days. not all days. and t oday is one day i confornted a stalk incident but i ddn t scared. maybe all other days would be like that from nwo on? i dont know. i would observe my scare feeling's level.
maybe i got over trauma of sociopathy. lets see. today were like, i confronted the scary sociopathy stalk inciden t but i ddnt scared any:) i feel super ok. nice:) this ddnt happent like this before:) before after ev ery sociopathy incident, i felt scare for at least 2 hours. now i dont even want to open rain sound to avoid sociopathic stalk. yeppp:)
i feel like i might really got over trauma of stalk finally :) yayyy:) i wish its like that:)
now i feel like i could eve n go to city center. without scaring. and if sociopathy stalk happens i would just not care. yayyyy i am over trauma:) at least for today:)


ok i have lots tons of work to do:P

lots of errors in code  needs to be fixed and ltos of code should b e written:S :D

i can not believe that i am over trauma:) i wish in future days i also feel like this and confirm that trauma is over.

cause today i cnfronted stalk iincident around my home but ddnt scared.

so trauma is over:)
yayyyyyyyy i feel nice. hmm my silly brain is back from trauma state:P yayyyyyyy:)

today i go ouit with cousins:) i am not afraid of going to city center anymore:) i am ov er  we would have a night out with cousins:)  maybe by sea side maybe by center i dont know. just coffees time.

oh i became 66kg:S so i think my diet is not any diet:D i shohuld stop eating things like sugar etc.  (so i got 5 kgs here:S) pfff:SSS


super happy that i am over trauma:)

i played with my hair to confirm my nose looks defected :P anyway. lets be content with what i have. i might had no nose. yeah. maybe long after i repeat some  rhinoplasty. but i think i got used to this nose thingy of mine.


ok today i hadnt scared of goint to city center. and my cousins said do voice recording in case stalk happens outside and also tell us. and actually i think the stalker also came. but i let the sociopath stalker know that (since i loudly told) that i would sue to legal systems/police. so that they know the sociopath stalker's actions would get their reaction of sue to the police for the sociopathy they sociopat6h stalker crafts. i know i heard "hami" label. and so i think the sociopath stalker also were in the cafe. and i let her know that i would sue her to legal systems for the sociopatthy (labels)/gaslighting things/impersonation things/curses/dehumanization(ork)/oluk things  she does against me. and when  i were leaving some people said "serdar should get over". the woman also the sociopath stalker woman also said somethings about hatred. she hates me for bme being resembling ork? for what? for rejection revenge? that i dont give back attention to her sick attention?  for whatever purpose this sociopath lady is doing sociopathy against me, i made her understand the crude fact that, i gonna sue her to legal system with collecting evidences as sociopathy happens. so guhu against sociopath stalker woman: 1-0 this night. she thinks she could do sociopathy against people continously. she heard today she actually cant. so this is a beatfil day, my sociopath stalker woman heard i gonna sue her to police/legal systems with me c ollecting evidences.

what i wonder is: how this sociopat h stalks me everywhere? i gone to a cafe. and she comes. how? its like she has gps info of  me.i dont go to cafes. i today wen t and she came. how? how this happens? stalks me like if she has gps.

and serdar name were repeatedly told in all years of stalk. anyway. i am happy i am over trauma. that i dont scare any li8ttle bit from stalk anymore. and its happy the sociopath seen i gonn a sue her to police for her sociopathy/stalk /gaslighting against me.

its justice time. against sociopathy i confront. i wont scare of stalk anyumore. i would go to city center alot. and collect evidences. my cousins also told me to do so. to collect ev idence. i once went to police but police asked me evidence which i dont hold. as this socio repeatedly stalks me in cafes, i gonna collect evidence of her gaslighting. and she would eb sued to legal systems for her sociopathy acts against me for 3 years. she gonna b e sue d for stealing my life's happiness from me for last 2 years. first year it were just curses. it stole my peace but it werent any traumatic like last 2 years.

so super happy guhu became a warrior of her own justice's protector. she would collect evidences of the gaslighting the sociopath woman stalker does and sue to police an d legal systems.

i dont know how i got over trauma. but i really did i think. and recent days, i mgiht go to kmost populat ed cafes in iskenderun so that or the least populated ones to capture video evidence of stalk.

i am little bit phobic person so today i couldnt look to the desks that t6he stalker might be standing on today. but would be bette rin detectiving thing.

my stalkers know that i am collecting video evidence of their sociopathy. it feels like  a win  against them:) finally feeling a piece  of justice against sociopathy i confront.
i made the sociopath stalker understand that she cant do sociopathy against me. lets make her understand more. i would capture video logs inside city in cafes i sit. an d try to collect evidence weith also being loud about it since i dont like insincere things like secretly recording something. if am going to record stalk i would make sure its not hidden since i would never do any hdiden thing  in world. i mean, i t would be blatanlt. i mean if i am gogint o be a detectiv e, it would be being a blatant detective. as soon as she comes t o do acts of sociopathy against me, she would see i am  recording and in my video log i would make sure i recor d the sociopathy i confront.

today i felt a piece of justice happens. i wish to see justice happens fully. i would sue this socio woman to police. and also to legal systems. for 3 years of stalk/sociopathy/gaslighting acts.

she stalks me like if she has gps. and comes and repeated ehr sociopathy of giving me labels? n ext time she would be in my video log and be sued to po;lice and to also legals systems since she steals my life's peace with such criminal act of gaslighting /sociopathy/constant high vicinity stalk/impersonation. i would sue her both to police an dbot h to legal systems.

i dont like any doing anytging hidden in life. thats why i cant do vcoice/video recording. but i think i could do it blatantly. i could blatantly talk abooiut what i am doing in video blog right at that moment of confrionting stalk/socioapthy. so that i wouldnt feel bad as if i am doing something hidden. i dont like doing anything hidden that disturbs me. so i would both talk in my video log about what i am doing, and both recoird the stalk/sociopathy i confront. than after having evidence, would sue her to cumhuriyet savciligi for her criminal acts of gaslighting/stalk/curses/following/impersonation acts. would both sue to police and legal systems. she and her all perpetuator stalkers gonna get the penalty for this criminal sociopathy acts they are doing.

she stalks me like if she has gps of me. so i am pretty sure next time i go to a cafe, she would again come. so next time lets open a video log and so sue her to police. only thin g i need to stay 2 or 1 hour in a cafe. the stalker comes as if she has gps. would come again to do sociopathy/stalk. so i would be doign video log of the stalk sociopathy (blatantly/openly. cause i dont like doing anything hidden in life ever) i confront.

i just wonder, how this socio stalker stalks me as if she has gps of me? i jsut wonder? how?

today they heard i gonna sue to police their sociopathy. it feels happier now. i feel i think i saw a little bit justice happening. all this sosicoipathy torture i confront, i felkt justice today. i felt i saw little bit justice in horizon. it felts super good to be a warriror against sociopathy i confront with saying i gonn a sue them to police/legal ssytems todya:) it felt super happy that sociopath wmooan who is doing sociopathy act heard this. i felt like its like justice happening. i used justice word man y times in my talk for sueing to police/legal systems. that i want justice to happen. its super happy that the sociopath stalker who is torturing me with sociopathy/psychopathy for 3 years heard the "justice" word. i am super happy for that:) that justice word has been heard. by the socio stalker woman. :) that i would sue them to justice systems. for the applied psychopathy(ork/oluk/fukara curses)/sociopathy(labels/aliases/impersonation with assigning names/creating characters to me with labels:S)/high vicinity stalk with as if has gps.  the sociopath stalker heard the justice word. and it made me happy to have this sociopath know that justice is not just a word, but its somethign people do care/protect. and that she would be sued for her criminal acts of gaslighting/stalk/sociopathy/psychopathy for 3 years against me. whilst she tortures me soc iopathy every cafe i went nearly (as if she has gps), its the day, she saw the woman she does sociopathy acts is not any weak person and its the day she heard "justice" word. so since i am  over the trauma of the stalk, i woudl reinit going to cafes. and also, since sociopathy stalker loves to do torturing with sociopathy the victims she selects and does that act as if she has a gps info of the stalk victim she stalks, i am pretty sure she would do the same follwoing/sociopathy stalk acts next time i go to a cafe again. she visibly has a compulsive thing to do such act. but next time, i would collect evidence with video log of the incident. and wouldnt be a phobic person adn would collect video evidence of the sociopathy/stalk. and then i would sue to police and also legal systems. and if ever any money is gained from legal systems sue, all of it would be given to institutes that help people who contront types of violence either physical or psychological. like mor cati, or lgbt supporting groups. i mean it would be given to ngos who work to provide shelter/protection rights of people whom confront any type of violence.i do think sociopathy is not less than any physical violence type. i do think sociopaths are also psychopaths. i mean, i do think sociopathy is no lesser disturbing than psyhical violence. so in this torture with sociopathy situation, hmm if ever i gain anything  from legal sue things to this socio woman, i  would make sure i give al of it to people who conrfroint violence. either physical/or psychological violence (like sociopathy).

and its super happy that i get over trauma and i dont scare of going to city center anymore:)

and the stalkers also in first hour of our sitting there, named Boris name. ok i got also a Boris named stalker. is it linked to this stalker woman. i dont know. if they are two stalkers or they are linked.


ok i figured out i need to do one rhinoplasty since my nose is really ugly yet still i think. so sometime later on. but this time its because of trauma's impact. since i did eaten my nose';s  mucus whislt i felt in trauma in my room. (when noone sees) so next time, after i create income from game, i gonna fix my nose, butb this time it wont get bad due to trauma and i wuold leave that nasty stress behavior o fthat created ugly nose view. nomore playing  with my nsoe. after third rhinoplasty.


ok i talked ot a game dev friend. maybe i should forget this sociopathy thing and instead focus on good things of life instead of fixating to asking for justice to confrontation of sociopathy ?yayyy i have a new friend from Britain now:)
yayyy:) maybe i shouldnt invest time to be a warrior against sociopathy i confront, but instead focus on positive things of life like finding nerd friends:)  yayyy seems as i would have many game dev friends:) i am super happy to be approved to the chat group. i instantly found many nerd people like me that like to talk about similar topics:) yayyy:)

yayyy i found nerd friends like nerd me myself:D yayy:D super cool:D so happy:D in this cruel world that i confront even sociopathy (from  a sociopath stalker  woman that stalks me doing both sociopathy and stalks as if she has GPS) its super happy to find friends like me, nerd people:)  that i could talk normal topics instead of thinking the sociopathic acts the sociopath woman does against me. one t hing for sure, the worst thing in life is to have a sociopath stalker (mine is a woman), but happy things also happens in life, like finding friends that are like me:) that are nerd&like to talk similar topics.

ok today is a super happy day:

i got over trauma of stalk today first. and figured out blatantly openly vlogging the stalk in cidents in case stalk/sociopathy happens when i go to city center that if that socio woman stalks with sociopathy again, i would collec t video evidence with openly video logging th eincident. and logging that i am collecting this evidence to sue to police things. so whilst she does sociopathy against me (do sociopaths takes kind of pleasure from that? visibly so, since she repeatedly does this sociopathy acts) she would also see that i am collecting video evidence to sue her to police. why i hadnt thought this instead of scaring to go outside from stalk/sociopathy. she stalks me as if she has GPS. i also have  a Boris named stalker. i dont know if she and him are linked? looks as it is. i hadnt been stalked by Boris name for a long while and Boris name also stalked in cafe. and Boris name also stalks like as if he has GPS. i dont know if Boris were there. some people told used Boris names with some narratives that is similar to stalk narratives i confronted. and since Boris name stalked me like i f having GPS, i thought it might be that Stalker Boris stalking me again. maybe Boris name dperson is also hired by the socio woman whom is stalking me. it exactly looks like that. anyway, i woudl whenever next time stalk sociopathy happens would video log and i think i would also sue to police. cause it hsa been confronitng sociopathy for 3 years. i confront a severe form of gaslighting/sociopathy/stalk(as if has GPS)  so i would sue this socio woman to police.

  and also found a new friend in  game dev chat group. so its a nice day:)


ok this sociopathy i confront steals lots of time/peace from my life. i wish i had a bf so that this socio stalker woman wouldnt target me to stalk.
but last day were v ery good since its first time they heard i replied to stalk with tal king of sueing to police/legal systems. its first i usually leave the place when i get stalked(i am a phobic person). its first time i could succesfully reply to stalk last day. that the sociopath stalker woman heard the "justice" word, police/legal systems words.   its first time, i could had replied to sociopathy stalk i confront in cafe. its first time i wernt phobic and could reply to the stalk in cafe with talking of justice and sueing to police and legal systems thing.i might had stayed as an easy victim to stalk to this socio woman stalker, its first time i could replied to her psycho stalk/sociopathy. i usually scare and leave the cafe when i see i am stalked. this time i ddnt scared and replied to sociopathy(with talking that i would sue to police) and it felt good:)

i do think this socio has fixated to stalk m e since i never reply to her sociopathy. an infinite chance to do sociopathic acts since i always leave the cafe when she stalks me in a cafe since its super creepy to confron t sociopathy and since i am phobic type of person, i leave the place asap when i get stalked. last day were the very first day i could had replied to sociopath woman's stalk. and it felt so good. cause this happent first in 3 years. that i hadnt entered trauma like state of super fear state (confronting sociopathy/stalk in high vicinity) and this time, i replied and  the sociopath heard my sentences. it felt super good. since its something i couldnt succeed to do for 3 years in all this sociopathic felt super good to reply to sociopathy:) i said i would do necessary video recording acts to record the stalk when stalk/sociopathy happens by the sociopath stalker  and that i would sue both to police and legal systems. it felt super good. that the sociopath knows i would do next time video record the stalk when she comes to stalk me with sociopathy in next time i go to a cafe. the sociopath had infinite freedom of creating any sociopathic sentences only because i am a phobic and ran away when stalk happens. she had inifinite sociopathy freedom since i always leave the cafe when she stalks me/since i never reply to her. this is the first time i answered to her sociopathy. and it felt super good. now she knows i would do video recording evidnce for if next time she intends to do apply sociopathy act against me. it felt super good to reply to sociopathy:) she knows she cant do sociopathy against me anymore:) cause next time she does(like she did for 3 years), i would record video evidence and she would be sued to police/legal systems.
so i figure out being a phobic person and beign stalked by a socio stalker (a woman in my case) doesnt any work out. one needs to have courage to stay cafe when stalk incident happens and reply to the stalker. i being a phobic, in confronting trauma, my usual reaction is always leaving place. last day i stayed, and replied, and it felt super good:)

i am no more scared of going to city center:) everytime she stalks me in city center, i would open video log and do make it known what i am doing (that i am recording  video evidence of the stalk of the sociopath woman  to sue to police)  and do.  i  dont scare of the socio stalker woman anymore:) i found a way to fight against her sociopathy/stalk. she no longer could do sociopathy/stalk act against me:) next time she stalks me like as if she has GPS in another cafe, would open video log, would talk about what i am doing (that i am recording the sociopathy act of the socio stalker) and would record.
I still wonder how this socio knows which cafe i go? i never left my phone on any desk or any place so that gps tracking software cnt be installed without my consent.   i mean last night for instance, how she knows that we went to starbucks in that district? how?  thats the   very weird par tof this puzzle i am trying to solve. how do my sociopath stalker knows when  i go outside and how she knows which cafe i go:S

there also boris named name. boris name hadnt been named in stalk incidents for a long while. this boris named person visiblky is linked to this sociopath stalker woman and also he also stalks like as if he has GPS. i wonder how these people stalk me like that:S that like as if they have GPS:S

but now i can fight back against stalk. as told, last day is the first day i replied to the sociopath woman:) and it felt good. she heard, i gonna record video record of sociopathy/stalk in next time she stalks me in any cafe and that next time she stalks that i would sue her to police/legal systems. it felt super good to reply to sociopathy. i before as told, everytime stalk incidents happens, i just leave the place since i feel super scared when confrointing sociopathy(i leave the place saying i dnt have to confront this  sociopathy shit inside myself)  but last day is the first day i replied and it felt super good :)  and i devised a way to always reply to the sociopath stalker woman, whenever she stalks me in a cafe again with sociopathy, i would as said openly do video logging and tell the situation of being stalked by the socio woman in video log and that i am collecting that evidence to sue to police.  so i dont scare of going outside due to sociopath woman's stalk anymore.  i am over trauma of it.


last day felt super good since in all torture with sociopathy of 3 years from this socio woman, its first time i had a chance to reply to her sociopathy/stalk act of this socio woman. and i replied with telling that i am going to sue her to police for the sociopathy/stalk acts  next time she does.  it felt super good to have a chance to reply to sociopath stalker woman :)


my head/eyes hurts cause i watched lots of walking dead's 8th season yesterday. and whilst morning happens i were still trying to watch. i do think i like that tv show also. i also like sci-fi movies and comedy movies and also zombie movies also.


ok so i can go nonscared way to city center to find a violin course. but my own money is finished and my  mom and dad supports me now. so it feels not ok to go to have a hobby course using their money(mom and dad pays my credit card last 2 months. of course i would pay back them. since i dont like taking money even from my own family. lets code the game asap and pay them back asap since i dont any like being load to them. but also feel gratitude to them. )


i am not any more scared to go city center:) yayyyy:) i am over trauma of stalk of sociopath stalker woman.


and last night i hadnt eaten anything else than one baklava and one tiny chocolate. and i had lost 500 grams. i can lose 1 kg if i dont sleep in a night. i dont know why but if i dont sleep i lose weight fastly. i can even lose 1 kg maybe in a day. if i dont eat anythign at night and dont sleep at night (with watching tv or coding code or reading readings)  for to lose 500 grams, all i have to do is not eating a dinner and just staying awake till morning. and viola. i like this thing. even  if it creates unhealthy side effects like hurting eyes/head.

so today i am 65.5 kgs:S still much more than i came here. i need to lose hmm 10.5 kgs to get back to my previous weight. lets work hard and try to eat no dinners then.

i think i slept 3 or 2 hours today..(since i watchjed that tv show all night) lets study. instead of doing beign lazy:P


my silly code's last state, there seems something weird in that.

tryign to fix some defect.

ytayyy i have game dev friends moire now:) yayyy:) life is happy:) i am over trauma of stalk o f sociopath stalekr (a socio woman ) and  i have many game dev friends:) yayyyyyyyyyyy:)

life is happy again:) after 3 years of unhappy life. (it were unhappy duie to stalk of socio woman).


the silly place i try to fix defects in:

package sim.flux

import sim.{ Step, StepMethod, Executor, ExecutorWithContext }
import sim.spark.{ SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext }
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{ SphereCoordinateSample, SphereSampler }
import{ EarthAtmosphere }
import models.atmosphere.{ Atmosphere, AtmosphereLayer, AtmosphereContent }
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SparkSession, SQLContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import utilities.shape.{ Sphere, SingleEndedLine }
import models.planet.Planet
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Flux_of_Wavelength }
import sim.{StepMethod, Step, Model, Stage, Executor}
import scala.language.postfixOps

case class Light(val id:Int, val list: List[LightIntersection])
case class LightIntersection(atmosphere_layer:Int, point: Vector3, wavelengths: List[Flux_of_Wavelength])

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg(
  var light_trace:      Seq[Light],
  var sun_light_dir: Vector3,
  var atmosphere:    Atmosphere, var atmosphere_layer: Int, var planet: Planet, direction:Int)

case class FluxExtinctionStepMethod() extends StepMethod {

  override def execute(executor: Executor, args: Any): Any = {
    var tmpArgs = args.asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]
    var context = executor.context.asInstanceOf[SparkSession].sparkContext
    var rdd = context.parallelize(tmpArgs.light_trace)
    var direction = tmpArgs.direction
    var calculate_extinction = (light:Light,
        sun_light: Vector3,
        atmopshere: Atmosphere, atmosphere_layer: Int,
        planet: Planet,
        direction:Int) => {

      var check_if_obscured_by_planet = (c: Vector3,
          sun_light: Vector3, planet: Planet) => {
        var rev_light = SingleEndedLine(
          Vector4(c.x, c.y, c.z, 1),
          Vector4(sun_light.x * (-1), sun_light.y * (-1), sun_light.z * (-1), 1))

        var sphere = Sphere(planet.equatorial_radius)
        if (sphere.intersect(rev_light).length > 0) {
        } else {

      var currentLayer = atmopshere.layers(atmosphere_layer)

      var nextLayer = atmopshere.layers(atmosphere_layer + direction)
      var nextLayersSphere = Sphere(nextLayer.radius)
      var cur_intersection = light.list(light.list.length-1)
      var light_vec = SingleEndedLine(
            (cur_intersection.point.z+sun_light.z*0.01).toFloat, 1),
        Vector4(sun_light.x, sun_light.y, sun_light.z, 1))

      var intersection = nextLayersSphere.intersect(light_vec)
      intersection match {
        case Nil => null
        case a :: b => {

          var light_line = a - cur_intersection.point
          var path_length = math.floor(light_line.magnitude)
          if (check_if_obscured_by_planet(a, sun_light, planet)) {

                 Light(, light.list++ (LightIntersection( atmosphere_layer + direction, a,
       Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
              Flux_of_Wavelength(l.wavelength, 0.0)
            }  )    )::Nil))
          } else {
            var atmosphere_contents = currentLayer.contents
            Light(, light.list++ (LightIntersection( atmosphere_layer + direction, a,
       Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
                  (v: Flux_of_Wavelength, content: AtmosphereContent) => {
                    println(content.extinction_multiplier(l.wavelength.v, path_length))
                Flux_of_Wavelength(v.wavelength, v.intensity * content.extinction_multiplier(l.wavelength.v, path_length))
            }))::Nil ))


        var new_direction= tmpArgs.direction
        var next_layer = tmpArgs.atmosphere_layer + tmpArgs.direction
        if ((tmpArgs.atmosphere_layer + tmpArgs.direction) ==0){
          if(tmpArgs.direction == -1){
            new_direction = 0
            next_layer = 0
          }else {
            new_direction = 1
            next_layer =1
    FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg( => {
            tmpArgs.planet, tmpArgs.direction)
      tmpArgs.planet, new_direction).asInstanceOf[Any]

case class FluxExtinctionModelParams(atmosphere: Atmosphere,
object FluxExtinctionModel {

   def  main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    var planet = Earth()
    var atmosphere = EarthAtmosphere()
    var sun_light_dir = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
    execute(FluxExtinctionModelParams(atmosphere, planet, sun_light_dir))
  def execute(params: FluxExtinctionModelParams) :  Any  = {
    var planet = params.planet
    var atmosphere = params.atmosphere
    var sun_light_dir = params.sun_light_dir
    var range = 300 to 1000 by 20 toList
    var wavelengths= => Flux_of_Wavelength(WaveLength(a.toDouble), 80000.0))

    var sphere_sampler =SphereSampler(atmosphere.layers(
        atmosphere.layers.length - 1).radius)

    var samples =sphere_sampler.generate_samples.toSeq.zipWithIndex

    var initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg =
      FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg( => {
          Light(p._2, LightIntersection(
              atmosphere.layers.length - 1,
              p._1.entity, wavelengths
              ) :: Nil)
        atmosphere, atmosphere.layers.length - 1, planet,-1)
  var steps = List.fill(atmosphere.layers.length*2 - 1)  (SparkStep(FluxExtinctionStepMethod()))
  //  var steps = List.fill()  (SparkStep(FluxExtinctionStepMethod()))

    var model = Model(steps)
    var stage = Stage(model)
    var executor = SparkExecutorWithContext()
    var tmp=stage.execute(executor, initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg).asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]

  > {
                 // println("")
//                  if(w.intensity >0.0 &&w.intensity <80000.0){
//                    println("")
//                  }

i think its because of making distance legnths rounding to integers. or else. i would find why my extinciton values dont look as i would expect. or maybe they are like that. i dont know. we would see from coloring.

i think i would save the rdd s as dataframe as c sv's and render them in a weird way initially, with jupyter notebooks and graph libraries there.  lets  see :) would share results here:P i dont want to carry to frontend today:P(since its also initially lots of work.  or not actually. yepp. thinking. its not lots of work. lets carry to frontend as like marble around world  not the real rendering thing  initially. ok i feel more laziness against carrying to jupyter notebook than carrying to frontend right now:P so lets carry the output files to frontend instead. i just want to very fastly see  actually. jupyter graphs is slow. or not slow  but my pc might be slow to that. anyway. would figure out initial way to see with either one of those ways.

yayyy m y csv saver code to the generated flux info:

package sim.flux

import sim.{ Step, StepMethod, Executor, ExecutorWithContext }
import sim.spark.{ SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext }
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{ SphereCoordinateSample, SphereSampler }
import{ EarthAtmosphere }
import models.atmosphere.{ Atmosphere, AtmosphereLayer, AtmosphereContent }
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SparkSession, SQLContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import utilities.shape.{ Sphere, SingleEndedLine }
import models.planet.Planet
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Flux_of_Wavelength }
import sim.{StepMethod, Step, Model, Stage, Executor}
import scala.language.postfixOps
//import sim.flux.{Light, LightIntersection}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, StringType, StructField, StructType}

case class FluxLayersSaveStepMethodArg(
  var light_trace:  Seq[Light],
  var file_path: String

case class FluxLayersSaveStepMethod() extends StepMethod {

  override def execute(executor: Executor, args: Any): Any = {
    var tmpArgs = args.asInstanceOf[FluxLayersSaveStepMethodArg]
    var spark = executor.context.asInstanceOf[SparkSession]
    var context = spark.sparkContext
    var rdd = context.parallelize(tmpArgs.light_trace)
    var tmp = rdd.flatMap((light:Light) => {
      (point.atmosphere_layer, (point::Nil))
    }).reduceByKey((l1:List[LightIntersection], l2:List[LightIntersection]) =>{
    }).map( (a:Tuple2[Int, List[LightIntersection]]) => {
      (a._2(0).atmosphere_layer, a._2(0).point.x,a._2(0).point.y, a._2(0).point.z,
          a._2(0) (w:Flux_of_Wavelength) => {
   var tmp_df=  spark.createDataFrame(tmp).toDF("atmosphere_layer", "x", "y", "z", "wavelengths")

        option("header", "true").
        option("delimiter", ",").

b ut lets also convert to rgb first then save also.

then lets analyze first with python libraries the rgbs. to see if they any resemble real life. i dont expect any such behavior from my first execution .

ok my stage/models /steps code is not good, need to refactor it as i needed to write crap code whilst binding differnt form of steps, nor that i cant pass params to t hem either, the executor: would eagerly check what code generates:D i did some silly code additions in that, so it could be completely non realistic. yayyy first ever trial of  below code right now :)
would check the generated csv  rbg data in  the jupyter notebook since it looked faster to do that way in itially. would add frontend c ode tomorrow:

package sim.flux

import sim.{ Step, StepMethod, Executor, ExecutorWithContext }
import sim.spark.{ SparkStep, SparkExecutorWithContext }
import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.non_random.{ SphereCoordinateSample, SphereSampler }
import{ EarthAtmosphere }
import models.atmosphere.{ Atmosphere, AtmosphereLayer, AtmosphereContent }
import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SparkSession, SQLContext }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import utilities.shape.{ Sphere, SingleEndedLine }
import models.planet.Planet
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Flux_of_Wavelength }
import sim.{ StepMethod, Step, Model, Stage, Executor }
import scala.language.postfixOps

case class FluxExtinctionModelParams(
  atmosphere:    Atmosphere,
  planet:        Planet,
  sun_light_dir: Vector3)

object FluxExtinctionModel {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    var planet = Earth()
    var atmosphere = EarthAtmosphere()
    var sun_light_dir = Vector3(1, 0, 0)
    execute(FluxExtinctionModelParams(atmosphere, planet, sun_light_dir))

  def execute(params: FluxExtinctionModelParams): Any = {
    var planet = params.planet
    var atmosphere = params.atmosphere
    var sun_light_dir = params.sun_light_dir
    var range = 300 to 1000 by 20 toList

    var wavelengths = Int) => Flux_of_Wavelength(WaveLength(a.toDouble), 80000.0))

    var sphere_sampler = SphereSampler(atmosphere.layers(
      atmosphere.layers.length - 1).radius)

    var samples = sphere_sampler.generate_samples.toSeq.zipWithIndex

    var initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg =
      FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg( => {
          Light(p._2, LightIntersection(
            atmosphere.layers.length - 1,
            p._1.entity, wavelengths) :: Nil)
        atmosphere, atmosphere.layers.length - 1, planet, -1)
    var steps = List.fill(atmosphere.layers.length * 2 - 1)(SparkStep(FluxExtinctionStepMethod()))
    //  var steps = List.fill()  (SparkStep(FluxExtinctionStepMethod()))

    var model = Model(steps)
    var stage = Stage(model)
    var executor = SparkExecutorWithContext()
    var tmp_light_trace = stage.execute(executor, initialFluxExtinctionStepMethodArg).asInstanceOf[FluxExtinctionStepMethodArg]

    var next_step_input = tmp_light_trace.light_trace
    var next_steps = List.fill(1)(SparkStep(FluxLayersSaveStepMethod()))
    var next_model = Model(next_steps)
    var next_stage = Stage(next_model)
      FluxLayersSaveStepMethodArg(next_step_input, "data_out"))



hmm  after refactoring there would be  single model here with also save step. due to crappy code i written to stage things, it happent to be like this. but forget t hat for right now, whats more important now is what this generates:D eagerly running it and would also install jupyter n otebook to my pc right now to check the rgb  values around those 30 layers of atmosphere spheres.

ok i finished 8th season all of walking dead last night.  my head still hurts (hurted all last day) i were cold i think.  since i also had fever. i took ache pill i wish it works.


 anyway. lets wish the headache passes fastly and i continue coding game.


yeah, its a nice day except headache.and lack of power. due to gettng cold and headache.


i again hadnt ate dinner last day. just some diet biscuits. then i again lost 500grams last day.  so i figure out my way to do diet. eating none dinner. thats the thing. ok. nice.
lets eat 20 days no dinner than can i give 10 kgs? i dont hthink so. i think it happent because i had sleep issue (due to walking dead's exciting 8th season. i just couldnt stop watching it all 16 shows of the 8th  of series

yayyy i am 54.8 :) 2 days ago i were  66.1:S anyway 1.4 year ago, i were 55kg which is my usual weight that i like to be. and so 10 kgs left. yeypp. lets continue eating none at dinner time. :) ok it would be unhealthy to give 10kgs in one month. i dont think its possibleeither nor healthy. i do think maybe my body collected water and so i lost fastly weight.  i think i should give 5 kgs in one month and other 5 kgs in the other month. yepp.

ok i think ache pill started to work. feels as headache's in left part of my head (like sinusitis pain looks like that) got lesser.


ok the headache passed but i feel dizzy:S   the headache left itself to dizziness in the ache region. lets take a strong cafe or alike. i were fixing defects in my silly code. since i slept well today(since i woke up at noon:P after sleeping late), i thin k i would code well today. yep:)

yepp i think after headache pill and sleeping for 2hours, none headache left:) yayy. its a beautiful day:)  and sinusitis headache is a bad thing:S ached all last day and this morning. i wish i had taken ache pill yesterday.

yayyy some coding time:) 


ok :) its a very nice day i think:)



i saw some news and became happier :P


and yeah in future if i create income from my game, i would buy a cute home inside the sea :) (there are homes that are directly inside the sea and i liked it:)  since i like sea alot,) and when i buy a home/setup a life like that(either a cute home in Alaska witha huge garden or a home in the sea,  (as told/said before), all friends/ all wanna be friends are invited to events/parties :) (Guhu the silly stupid coder's parties/events: all friends & wanna be friends invited :) )


coding state:

ok working on code. apache jupyter notebook is installed. and but my save method in scala code has error and fixing right now.
yayyy lets check the generated colors:)
there were an error in color generating code also. i fixed that. lets see what colors get generated.

ok funny things happen in code i write:P i since hadnt taken into accoutn the scattering around(addition of that), the direct received color turned out to be poop like color:D i seeing first said, what:DDDDDD it were funny, that the simulation i crafted first created poop color:P

its like as if my simulation told me "shit happent" :D
simulator's first trial/experiment: output color of outermost troposphere: poop color:D its funny:D

ok lets try to fix this mini atmosphere simulator code. ah after that need to add also clouds.

when you write an atmophere simulator and first trial not any resembles any sky color. :D its super funny:D

ok lets fix this silly  code i written:D but its alot funny:D

if i can stop laughing to my simulator, i would continue fixing it. its just so funny:P if any one thinks computer graphics is not fun, please rethink:)

my simulation, works quite wrong:D visibly i had written shitty code:D so that shit happent:P xD

so today's project status is: shit happens:P :DxDDD

lets add scattering but dont know if i should create multi scatterign like thing or just assume it goes like random walk... i would start with some simplistic way of taking scatter ing to simulation's color. then would might add spark code to do multiscattering with takin gin to account the phase of rayleigh things.

yayy i wonder if i could write also such code for thermodynamics. spark based. after if i add multi scattering. and add as a library. but to do that need to enhance the current code quality level up to1000x.
firsts first. first have the game. then could create such simulation libraries. for to be used in universities.

ok it would be nice if we could have predict how hurricanes behave with taking all into account like main thing of coriolis effect and all other. such thermodynamics simulator might help knowing what to do to stop hurricanes or if is it feasible somehow someway? there must exist such simulations already? but looks fun to create such simulations for to stop hurricanes for instance.
one thing i wonder is why science hadnt yet tried stopping hurricanes? i think we might have slight chances?  to stop that via some way ?or is it already investigated and found that no way exists. that might be possible. (or impossible. )  (most possibly its impossible since no one did such thing. but want to investigate this thingy later on. ) (must people had already investigated these things. i just wonder /curious to. ) (i learnt tiny bit of Doppler thingies. and wondered how the movement of hurricanes are estimated(have none idea how nor any ideas how hurricaneswork). and that, is it any possible to alter that? so that  hurricanes are stopped? )

ok i figured out its not related to simulation code (that scattering i would add also in addition to full absorption like light extinction process) but the other places.

ok guhu and her shitty simulation :P its still funny, the simulation constantly creates poop color right now even if i removed all molecular scattering things.

ok lets rest and continue tomorrow.

guhu the shitty coder:P who writes code shitty :P (that creates poop colored simulation)  :) its funny :P the behavior oif the silly sky coloring simulation is defected right now and also funny:P
having had done no unit tests resulted in this:P. now i have to find the defect that creates this.


 ok watching some movie and resting time.

and, in internet:

ok this ugly guhu seen an interesting coincidence... she might have a funny/sarcastic genius friend(who even understands rocket science  and sends real rockets to space) who takes topics from her blog? or is it just a coincidence?:) i have no idea. (if its not coincidence, invites to future events/parties are noted in the next paragraph:), and if its just a coincidence, ok then. yepp.)

as told, after guhu fixes/builds her simulation like game and creates income with that and buys a place that she could create events, friends /wanna be friends all invited  to events/parties:)


i definitely see it might be just coincidence or i have a genius person who likes to read my blog:)  (either its because my blog sometimes creates laughes?:P:) since its kind of dramatic also and sometimes tragicomic also  (e.g. my unrelated weird troubles))  or  maybe my blog is interesting?  there is a tiny little bit possibility that i have a genius person reading my blog?:) yayy:)  i am not sure if its a coincidence or not. but there is a tiny probabiliuty that a genius entrepreneur (whom even uinderstands rocket science)smetimes reads my blog(internet friend?) ? if so(if its not a coincidence), always invited to future parties/events if ever interested to :) .( i have none idea if its coincidence or not.maybe its just a coincidence? or not? i have none idea :)  its of course ok if is not any interested to attend future events/parties of guhu  (since i am not genius nor talented  :) ) and if interested to attend future parties/events, definitely invited:) )


project status:
yayyyyy codingn time:) lets fix this sky's color first:)  its super fun:)  the scala code has been only 1200loc. lots of things tyo do. but super nhappy i hav e a base code now that i could iterate. before i had none code. 1200 lines is also a nice iteration to me.  code quality? not so good yet. (specifically the model/step's side)/ would make quality better later. lets fix first the sky  scattering simulator's problems.  i would be happuier if i integrated guice more. and also fixed model/step's design problems. and also used akka more.(apache spark actually uses  akka so i indirectly use akka, thinking)


codingy with techno music time:) yayyy last 2 days music themes are techno. before that it were classical :music. last 2 days : coding m usics are techno usually.i usually listen a genre a week then after 2 or 3 weeks relisten:) but switch genres in 4 or 5 days or sometimes in 3 days. then relisten 3 days later etc. last 2 days mood is listening techno:)

I think i mght work in CIE color space than convert to RGB. and i also understood i should use the spectral power distribution of solar radiation (its data. ) (ok this silly guhu used a uniform distribution in all visible range:P which is not like that, it has a skewed Gaussian like shape.

 i figured out i have to learn all these. so that sun light is correctly used. so it wernt guhu the silly's simulator code's fault. its guhu's silly color code area ignorance. need to study some lecture notes before going on this simulator code's this part. so that i get used to terms and use terms correctly and code correctly in accordance..

i remembered the spectral sci fi movie i watched in Netflix (i like such movies alot) now coming to a topic whihc includes spectral word :P

this game making me learn lots of new info whilst trying to build:P now would learn about CIE system and things. ok lets study the lecture notes completely on that subject and get used to the terminology. 

i am still laughing to reaction of a friend to nonsugar iced coffee.  "why they hadnt put some syrup or something like ballantines????":D (i am drinking little bit ballantines and sturying right now:D and remembered friend's words on dislikes of sugarless coffee:D)  (i also dont liked sugar lacking iced coffee:D but her words telling her dislike to non sugar coffee were funny:D )


the tasks this game creates is like this:

task A :   some learning  curve time ---> what were i doing in task A :D (the learning/design part takes alot time that i forget what  task were about:D)
finally i thought i am over learning curve and now i see i should learn about CIE. ok its a nice thing nice side effect. to learn more. but i wish i code this today/fix the scattering today. cause i need to get quite alot faster otherwise there wont be ever any game output at all with such slow development speed.

yeppp one last time of studying lecture notes/articles before i come to a big iteration of coding. at least i have 1200loc now:) nice:) better than start:) (front end has : hmm: frontend has 1697 lines of code. so my game has only ~2900 loc. tons of things to do. but happy that i have at least finally some base code in scala side.  before i also have to learn and also lacked any base code. having now a base code that makes me easily create simulations for to create assets  in game makes me happy:)


for the stalk situation in cafes/around house, i dont care stalk. some days(like tonight) stalker comes around house to disturb/use my name in sociopath sentences around my house. i dont care. this repetitively happens. and in cafes, i get stalked as if  the stalker woman has gps.(i have got a sociopath stalker woman that stalks me as if she has gps info of my location whenever i go outside to a cafe and does sociopathy acts against me.) and her perpetuators stalk me also around my house, not everyday, but some days).


yayyy lectures studying time:) time to learn things: CIE color theory in detail and so my sun's SPD is is coded correctly in game.

oh this game :) makes me learn lots of topics. not in detail (the hard topics) but lots of information/knowledge.

i am super happy now. since i have a base code to fix:P and i think i could fix it today since lecture notes i need to study that i started studying now is not very much time taking.

its happy  towork  on simulations side of game right now :) yayyy cute scattering simulation. need to dive in  to mie math equations so that instead of optical depth i try to add something more there. b ut first lets use fixed optical depths. it goes on linear in mie scattering but not any linear in rayleigh. so, i having the values for 1 km, i cant use it for 1.5 km. need to either accept it as 1 km  or 2km. but in mie i can directly use length. actually i can  also use in rayleighh, hmm yepp, just need to integrate that hmm yepp. ok, so that problem of remainders in distances iterations being solved via that. ok unless i add real concentrations, its not any realistic simulation. a thing to be done later.


i think coding a simulation is super fun:)
(even  if mine is not good quality yet)

learning new things on creating simu is super fun:)
simu looks as a nicer word than hard to write(laziness:P) simulation word.  lets use simu word after as simulation in following paragraphs:)


wov: cute ontologies:  is it done with WebRDF? wondering how they crafted thos graphs. but its definitely fun to study color concepts from these notes.

guhu the ignorant who thought sun light consisted of all uniform distirbution:P anyway these notes would make me lesser ignorant in this topic....


ok some post shared by game dev friends made me thought there is good money in game building:D

ok and i think i am the poorest game dev in that chat group by the way:DD (and also least experienced game dev also as i read from posts as see people even did created text engines of games. i am just even pre-newbie in game dev as i see. yayyi am inside a very experienced game devs chat group :)  )


ok learnt all color stuff. i would for sure represent in  CIE system the colors(in mixing them for instance or for creating them from mixture of wavelengths ) but would also convert to RGB of course since monitor displays in RGB:)


ok i tried to have friends with sending beer emojis to have friends but  i took back since said unnice/bad things.


ok  visibly its not easy to find friends in chat groups.  since people talk very weird/sometimes unnice things whilst all you want is to do talk geek/nerd things with people. so saying hi with beer to a stranger in a chat place is risky. you dont know if is a person whom would say unnice things afterwards:S(since is a stranger).  ok so lets stop saying hi to strangers. talking with strangers is risky. i wont say hi to strangers in a chat group. (i took back that beer/amphora emojis of course. the thing that happent is: i saw a beer emoji from a stranger in chat group and wanted to reply with amphora/beer emoji but the beer emoji sender talked weird unnice things so i took back my beer/amphora emoji) (i refigure out talking to strangers is not a thing to do:S ) (tried to say something bad :S)


i saw some all unnice things against my possibly friends (for instance I might have a friend whom sends real rockets to space really. or it were a coincidence and i dont have such friend). but seeing bad words against such possibly friends from gamers:S i see being in a chat group where all strangers exist is risky. i wont exist in that chat group again. i might find game dev friends in other places. not chat groups where people are all strangers. saying hi to people in a group where all people are strangers is risky as i figure out.-


ok l;ets continue coding game. hmm were at nice places inside game. like CIE things etc and simulation things. 

from unhappy side of life or i think i could call it tragicomic either:   troubles with a  sociopath stalker woman:
* meanwhile in outside of home sociopath woman shouted my name inside a socio sentence sometime:S these people are maniacs:S i have got a socipath stalker woman:S used my name in a very socio sentence:S this stalker woman is a psycho sociopath:S used my name in a sociopath sentence:S its quite disturbing:Sto have a socio psycho stalker woman talking my name inside a sociopath sentence:S and doing this with shouting around my house. :S
as told i would buy a home inside sea so this socio woman cant stalk me around my home/in cafes with using my name inside her sick brain's sociopath sentences:S. there is free speech. but  there is also boundaries. a socio woman uses my name in sick sentences in right outside my home or in cafes. thats super distuyrbing thing. thats stalking with sociopathy.  and its everytime very disturbing whenever this socio woman shouts my name inside a sociopath sentence in her high vicinity constant stalk around my house/in cafes:S confrontation of constant sociopathy illness:S its super disturbing:S uses my name in very sick sentences in her high vicinity stalk:S and its very disturbing:Si am sick and tired of getting stalked from a sick sociopath woman. but anyway, soon everything  would get resolved. i see people could even buy yachts from game development. i would also do similarly. The sick woman wont be able to disturb me with her mental illness anymore. I confront a high  vicinity stalk of this socio woman everywhere. in cafes. in around my house. its super disturbing when this sick sociopath woman uses my name inside sick sentences her sick brain creates:S it is super disturbing to get stalked by a sociopath woman. a high vicinity stalk this socio woman does. a never ending high vicinity stalk everywhere. in cafes /in around house. never ending high vicinity stalk from a sociopath woman, its the most disturbing thing that ever happens in my life. the socio woman even names my name in sentences. i dont think there is second guher in this district. and the socio woman's frioend says something "make guher wake up" . and socio woman  says ok. these people nam e my nam e in socio sentences:S it is super disturbing.the sociopath woman's fantasy world i become tool to and its super disturbing. talks using my name this sociopath stalker. deceiv es the other woman and other woman said such sentence. like meaning as if i stay at her home or alike:S sociopath stalker:S its super disturbing to have a super sociopath stalker woman that does constant sociopathy acts:S

i wish this thing i write is not any understood as i dont like gay people. i wish i have thousands of gay friends and i am not any gay.   i like gay people alot.  i just out of any gender context, confronting sociopathy and sociopathy is super disturbing. just deceives the other woman as if i stay at her or alike thing. constantly deceives people. constantly stalks me. constant high vicinity stalk. constant aliases/labels/impersonation/very bad sociopathic things creation. if you normal people (my blog readers) wonder what do sociopaths do, just learn, and i confront all of that sociopathy things that sociopathy illnesses does. all of them. all of them. its super disturbing.  confronitng stalk of a sociopath woman for 3 years. and its super disturbing.


anywayu life is both hard an d both beftl.  having a socio stalker woman is hard. but there are good things: like being a coder and i like being coder. yeah.

beside happy/interesting topics in life be like->

as told i dont know if person whom  sends  real rockets to space is friend any. maybe just it were coincidences. i mean maybe i misunderstood. (if is a friend, as i told  is invited to future events/parties as a dear genius friend.) most possibly it were just a coincidence. but if not, of course invited to parties/events if interested to parties/events of non-genius guhu friend. ) if its not a coincidnece this is a very happy thing:) to have a genius friend(that even understands rocket science and sends rockets to space) :) (dont know if it is coincdnce or not. maybe is a coincidence and is not any friend. i dont know. have none idea  :))


another happy thing i plan to do : buying a house inside sea (i got jealous of game dev friend who says would do(would buy a yacht). why i dont also buy in future if game succeeds :) ) (i might not be able to buy yacht though:D)


ok one excitin g news:) i might soon go to Berlin:) I start data development position there:)
first i would go to Brunswick. as soon as my VISA comes, i fly to Hannover:)
yayyy end of pscycho sociopath woman's stalk:)  it has been really hard 3 years. having a sociopath stalker is super hard:S i have got a sociopath stalker woman that stalks me for 3 years:S one of tjhe sociopath woman's stalk narrative is calling me/people as naive(in our local lang: saf) (shouted such sentence in one stalk incident).  sociopath. aliases/stalkign/constant high vicinity stalk/constant stalk/constantly stalk/constant stalk/constant never ebnding stalk.  does any kind of sociopathy against me for 3 years this sociopath stalker woman constant stalk/never ending stalk&sociopathy for 3 years. constant stalk&sociopathy. anyway soon i am saved from this stalk & sociopathy torture:)  I am going to Brunswick then Berlin:) and so be saved from sociopath woman's  stalk. yayy:)  its super happy :)            


ok, so to all parties and events in Berlin, of course, if i really have a genius friend (if thats not coincidence) of course invited:) (i dont know if i have such a friend. maybe it were just a coincidence and i dont have a friend i dont know.  if is not coinc idence and if i really have a genius friend that reads my blog(that sends real rockets to space) definitely invited to events/parties in Berlin if interested. guhu the friend would be honored to have a genius friend :) (if its not a coincidence and genius person really reads my blog and if also interested to events etc.. have non idea whats going in that. maybe ti were coincidence and i have none such friend. )


yayyy first Brunswick then Berlin:) my new residence:) when VISA comes:)


yayyy :) its just its just es ist hmm :) super happy:) i am being saved from stalk from soc iopath stalker woman. it has really been hard 3 years. i am stalked constantly by a sociopath stalker womnan for 3 years. its has been really hard 3 years last 3 years:S i am sick and tired of constant sociopathy i confront for 3 years from sociopath stalker woman. i am so sick of confronting stalk&sociopathy. i am super happy:) i am going first to Brunswick:) i  dont know where i would stay yet, either a hotel or some place company would arrange. then i am going to Berlin. i woudl rent my self a cute flat. maybe very small flat in first  6 months. its super happy:) i am saved from sociopath stalker woman's stalk:) its super happy:)

hmm i would go alot of galleries. hmm and also would go to violin course. and just return to my liufe state of nonstalked life version which were very happy:) i am stalkked by a sociopath woman for 3 years and it defntly is super hard period. its super hard to get stalked by a sociopath. i am super happy that i wuold resume my nonstalked happy life:) i missed my normal happy life super much. i am stalked by a sociopath woman for 3 years and confront extreme degree of sociopathy for 3 years with stalk. i just am super happy since soon i wuold be saved from stalk of sociopath woman. yayy:)

ok wondering when i wuold buy Hannover ticket:) whenever my VISA comes i am buying:) actually my family wuold buy:P thanks to them  for supporting me(they would also give me some money so that i would rent some home later (first month i stay in a diffrnt city and company onboarding period it is, and company arranges the place. second month i would whilst staying in my aunts in weekend i would rent a flat, yayyy :) )
a nd the support i take from family,.  i would  definitely pay back. cause i dont like getting support even from family unless i have to (since i am a grown up and its not ok to be a responsibility to them). anyway. i would pay back in recent future  and actually everymonth i t hink i would send cause i dont like being a responsibility to family. )


this person did it best:)  this spectrum in CIE representation thing:

 has sun's colors from black body radiation calculation via Planck's method. nice:)

 wov i newly read NASA plans to send astronouts to Mars in 2030s:) Super cool :)  wov:)   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥NASA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

ok now that i see there is a coincidence in that news article:) wov:) is it possible that someone in NASA reads my blog? :) wov:) We love NASA:) ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥  

(ps: hey seeing that unnice things told by stranger people in chat group i left the chat group instantly:) ) (i decided i never enter any chat group ever again after that:) guhu in any chat group? never ever after that :) )

this silly Guhu sends hi to cool inventors/engineers/people of NASA:)  maybe her blog isnot read, maybe its read i dont  know:)  many hi if ever i am read :)
NASA creates the future ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


NASA definitely inspires to learn science alot :)  whilst i might not be any scientist since i am not super intelligent(I am not any super intellgnt like scientists/people working in/for NASA),  reading science NASA creates makes even me want to learn science :) (I mean they do super cool science projects:) ) (I mean such big advances in technology, even makes non scientist people like guhu get interested to learn science:)  since such projects are super cool:)  )

for instance, my science project dream is: fighting with hurricanes:P if ever i could  learn mroe maths/more physics. and use distributed computing for simulation of that thingies and investigating whether hurricanes could be stopped by some intervention:) and modeling thermodynamics and specifically hurricanes. to try to stop them before.
I figure out i need to learn much more dynamical systems information and also dif. equations on that. :)
I downloaded NASA's documents(this one for instance:)   on my scattering project :) and its super happy to do such acts :)   and i tried to study 2 body motion from a book thats publicly shared by NASA's library:) but the maths of that had surpassed my knowledge in most parts so i stayed in Kepler's model initially for modeling orbit of earth in my game and also my thing doesnt include any Milankovitch cycles nr any advanced such info. since i lacked the math to code that and since game needed to be created fast so i could nt had time to study domain knowledge well enough.  I wish i were also intellignt like those super intellgnt people who studies those things in NASA :)  

Ps: We love NASA :) ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


ok today learning about breeze library in scala. 
status of project:

i carried scipy's license to code base(with theirs copyright note and their license in project 's base folder) since i am taking their logic to do rgb spectrum transformations. saw that its nice if i also add a numpy like lib to project so adding right now with breeze module's inclusion in code base.  trying to fix my simulation thingy. as told i am not any super intellgnt so my simulation is not realistic and not scientific (only maybe parts of it are scientific)(i dont carry the detailed models but try to model very simplified versions and try to get hardcoded values for advanced solutions results, so its not scientific like the articles/documents. trying to model very simplified versions since my math is not any enough now(would try to learn more in time) )  and trying to do it better and trying to fix defects in current version's scala side.   

yayy i attended cousins invite for coffee so i couldnt studied till late hour but now studying.

yepp my scala code side hasnt been super nice (in terms of software engineering but turned that scipy module to scala as:

package models.light.cie
import models.light.{ WaveLength, Color, Flux_of_Wavelength }
import breeze.linalg._
import models.light.color.RGBColor

import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.linalg.{convert, max, min}
//all logic taken from scipy library and page of:

case class CIEColor(val x: Double, val y: Double, val Y: Double) extends Color

trait RGB_Conv_Preset {
  def red: DenseMatrix[Double]
  def green: DenseMatrix[Double]
  def blue: DenseMatrix[Double]
  def white: DenseMatrix[Double]


case class SRGB_Preset(
  val red:   DenseMatrix[Double] = CIE.xyz_from_xy(0.64, 0.33),
  val green: DenseMatrix[Double] = CIE.xyz_from_xy(0.30, 0.60),
  val blue:  DenseMatrix[Double] = CIE.xyz_from_xy(0.15, 0.06),
  val white: DenseMatrix[Double] = CIE.xyz_from_xy(0.3127, 0.3291)) extends RGB_Conv_Preset

case object CIE {
  def xyz_from_xy(x: Double, y: Double): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
    return DenseMatrix((x, y, 1 - x - y))

case class CIE(val rgb_preset: RGB_Conv_Preset) {

  val cmf = csvread(new File("data/models/cie/cie-cmf.txt"), ' ')

  val M = DenseMatrix.vertcat(,,
  val MI = inv(M)
  val wscale = (MI * rgb_preset.white.t).t
  val T = MI(::, *) / wscale.toDenseVector
  def xyz_to_rgb(xyz:DenseVector[Double], out_fmt:String=null):Any =  {
        var rgb = (T * xyz.toDenseMatrix).t
        if (any(> v< 0.0))){
            var w = - min(rgb)
            rgb = rgb + w
        if(all(>v==0)) == false) {
            rgb = rgb / max(rgb)

        var rgb_i:DenseMatrix[Int] =(rgb*255.0).map(a=>a.toInt)   
        if (out_fmt == "html")  {
        }else {

    def rgb_to_hex(rgb_i:DenseMatrix[Int]):String = {


    def spec_to_xyz(spec:DenseVector[Double]):DenseVector[Double] = {
        var summation = cmf.t * diag(spec)
        var  XYZ = sum(summation(*, ::))

        var den = accumulate(XYZ)
        if (den == 0.0) {
        } else {
          XYZ / den
    def spec_to_rgb(spec:DenseVector[Double], out_fmt:String=null):Any = {
        var xyz = spec_to_xyz(spec)
        xyz_to_rgb(xyz, out_fmt)


i do think it works. hadnt tried yet. got little bit tiny bit used to breeze lib of scala. (numpy alternative in scala)

lets also implment the planck function and test it with values:) yayy:)

today i were working then cousin called and invited and i couldnt say no so we went to seaside. then we ate dinner there. the sociopath stalker woman stalked me there. impersonated me wth a name. told me gay.  and said  a very sociopathic/psychopathic sentence.  repeated an act of sociopathy. (said something very sociopathic.  i am not gay and i wish i have 100000s of gay friends cause gay people are very cute people. and this thing i confront is out of gender context like any topic. i mean i wish what i write is not understood as if i dont like gay poeple. i do like alot. i confront sociopathy and it is some topic not any related to gender or else. so i wish what i write never gets understood as i dont like gay people. nope. i do like alot i wish i have thousands of gay friends. ok so today ended with stress since i got stalked again and woman said very sociopathic sentence. as t old, i have got a sociopath stalker woman. and its very disturbing, having a sociopath stalker is very disturbing. she is like super dedicated to do try to disturb my life constantly with sociopathic acts/constant stalk/constant gas lighting/constant psychopathic sentences/constant sociopathy/constant high vicinity stalk.
anyway, on return way to home, after my cousin in  car opent rock music, i felt better much better. i read in internet that a left sociopath guy did created a webpage to leaving gf with showing as prostitude. the sociopath woman does such type of acts against me. i dont want to even blog about but i confront real sociopathy.  whilst i am not gay and hadnt left her either or talked her n ever ever in my life ever. but constantly stalks constantly does such sociopathic acts.  its just very disturbing to  have a sociopath stalker. my sociopath stalker is a woman. (stalked happent in street beside the food place. happent outside the place where we are dining. the stalker woman shoutedly talked and disturbed with sociopathic sentence. i left the food place earlier due to that. normally maybe we would have also drank tea there with cousin  but i left the dinner place early due to that )

anyway. i dnot want to even report stalk incidents. in summary: i have got a sociopath stalker woman whom  does any type of sociopathy act against me continously.  constyant stalk & constant high vicinity stalk & constant sociopathy.


i didnt wanted to go to seaside today. nor eatin g outside. all because i just ddnt wanted to say no to cousin. yeah. anyway my skin color got browner/darker and i liked it i think.   but sea wernt perfect .  it were that place were dffrnt 1 month ago. the color of sea even had changed little bit. and sea temperature also.


my planck function to create solar power distribution doesn t work correctly:P trying to fix:)   it created a nice violet color to sun light:) i am playing with fun parts of code right now:) but my planck SPD generating function is defintiely working wrong:)  but liked that it generated violet color:) but gonna fix it now.
i just wanted to code all day today. but needed to be beside friend. yeah. thats also important.  lets contin ue coding now.

hmm even if i am ugly, some hair style i liked. but my nose i would have one final rhinoplasty sometime later :P  making nostrils smaller that s the task i would ask from rhinoplasty doing people to my nose:P later on:P.  want not so small nose but not like this either that is defected little bit. (guhu's never ending rhinoplasty talk in her blog:P but it would be fixed and i would never blog about it later on:P )

i liked cute breeze-viz library:) i plot diagram of distribution there:) liked this breeze  library: ) its like breeze:)


ok planck function is fixed. lets fix other parts. i think i would study till morning today or till 2 am like hours.


i took some chocolate for energy.  and its delicious. some extreme delicious chocolate type it is i think this one.

ok i want to eat more chocolates since i have sinusitis pain (due to air conditioner whilst returning home )  air conditioner + wet hair doesnt any work good.


ok lessons learnt: dont eat food you dont like just because a friend asked. (i ddnt wanted to eat outside. first of all: because i have  a sociopath stalker woman stalking m e first because of that i dnt like dining outside in my time here. secondly, i dont like that food type either that type of foods.)  since the food also messed up me. ok.

so i would invite this friend (invited alreadly) to the restaurant type i also like. so we planned a holiday together later on. (both this friend, and also other friends. ) but i really dont like going outside in my time here as because i have  a sociopath stalker woman stalking me. so i would be happy to dine with this friend in another city. but i dont like going outside here, cause i have got a stalker problem, a sociopath woman is stalking me. and i dont like going outside dining places here due to that issue.

this friend is my cousin, childhood time friend, andwe planned a holiday with all close friends/cousins 2 years later. i wi sh they visit me soon in place i would live in future, not 2 years, i wiush they visit much earlier. but the other cousins would have a newborn daughter, so for them its like they could attend only 2 years later.
ok but cousin Ece is invited even earlier (since she doesnt have a newborn daughter) ok so i would arrange the restaurants that time (to places  we like. since i dont like this restaurant.)


something about having a big forehead:P(constantly having fringe models:P) i like to have my hair with fringe models :)  i played with my hair and decided i should leave the fringe (i ddnt liked the other model of hair)

i am super happy my hair is long again:)  the coeffr cut whilst i ddnt wanted that short last year and it newly got some length finally.


ok lets get back to coding:)

my CIE methods have a defect:P. i confirmed my Planck SPD method works ok. the generated SPD dist looks like ok. but the CIE conversion methods have something wrong. lets correct. toniught i would work till 2am since my sinusitis pain got lesser.
we again hosted guests(relatives). then  i went upstairs after spending soem time. and finally now coding.

yeppp the defect of CIE method is fixed:) now i have correct sunlight color:)

lets see what happens in some steps. oh gosh its not fast to run big data on this pc:S


ok i have little bit fever. so i really got cold from air conditioner. ok air conditioner in cold degrees + wet hair:makes me ill then.


lets fix iteration/optical depth related things now.

since color part is now ok .

is not coding like following rabbit hole:) you get lost in a world of classes/codes/logics etc. this coding  thing  is fun to me :) getting lost in coding is fun to me :)


now plays an amazing Schubert composition. I like Ave Maria also but this one  is not Ave Maria and but i liked it:)


i would show funny meme related to we coders:P it were like: whilst opening door of thi sroom, dont enter loudly and enter with singing silently Ave Maria. :)

its like a coder deep concentratedly coding gif. i couldnt fin d it, but it were nice:)
the coder had a paper attached to his back and the paper told such thing. dont enter in hush to the room, enter with silently singing Ave Maria:)

since coders hate t he concentration breaks e.g. whilsty you are deep down in rabbit hole in designing some type of logic then door of room opens for an unrelated query and all concentration flies away:D


ok this Schubert composition definitely erased my headache completely. music has a healing effect? i do think so. when i listen classical music, my sunisitis pain goes away.  it heals even headache. wov. not all compositions some are so loud that i cant listen whilst having headache.

this is the SPD of sun's temperature: (this one from jupyter notebook an d as i told, i took the met hods/converted methods from:

and added the licence/copyright requirements scipy asks to the code base of course  in accordance to that ) (they requested to add the copyright and license info, so i added)
hmm executed these in jupyter notebook and in scala side, breeze & breeze-viz libs.

and it looks as this color (hex/rgb in html):



i stubbornly hadnt added unit test library yet:P

would add later on.


hey this composition really fixed sinusitis headache. nice:)


yeyyy :) i am doing unit testing with jupyter n  otebook now:)
liked their 3d scatter plot:) nice way to initially see points generated. i wish i fix problems today and carry it to frontend tomorrow:)

yayyy received an interdisciplinary program announcements and articles. its Data science and complexity. i like also reading Data science articles usually but dont read out of work alot recent years.
it is this:

first to be read:

then i alreadly went overanother about blockchain (since i worked on a blockchain startup trial before)

and might get tiny introduction to topic (before i need to study maths and physics related to that):

(as told have an agenda of analyzing hurricanes :) LIDAR data:P would ivnestigate) (maybe there exists a way to stop hurricanes? most possibly there is not. but why not investigate. would have idea of thermodynamics by that project goal. but its a long term project i think. i think i could have time to this after game project gets online. what if we could stop hurricanes. it kind of might be most possibly infeasible. but wont be known  unless investigated? is it investigated? i dont know. would investigate myself since it looks interesting. and might save lives. for instances stopping tsunamis looks more harder task. but this hurricanes topic, seems as an  interesting thin g to investigate as next project after game gets online. it would most possibly result as it is not feasible to stop them. but would be fun to model an d investigate if is possible to stop. )

but definitely things i am curious to always surpasses my maths/physics knowledge. would try to learn more if i can. for this thermodynamics curiosity part.

but super happy to see all connectomics algorithms in a single article:) nice:) would have an idea of whats done in that area:) as the biggest hurricane i want to stop is aging thing:P but is the very longest term project goal. the final project i want to work on. genetics. bioinformatics thingies. but i am n ot actually super interested to. but feel mandated to investigate since i want to investigate whether its possible or not myself also.  that would be kin d of again simulations topic. but i am again as i see not super interested to biology area as i always been like this:S i wouldnt create any inven tions with being non super intellgnt. but i want to udnerstand current algorithms/methodologies done here in this area, and try to work on/dream on possible other ways? since i am not super intellgnt, i wont be able to find. but i want to do try. but i postpone as last project. hurricanes topic seems more interesting initially:P as next hobby project. after the game project. then  third hobby project would be learning these topics or trying to learn more.
i am not intellgnt i just would try to understand/model. but not expecting to invent new things. but just super curious to hurricanes topic:) thats set as next hobby project after this game project gets launched:) hurricane projec t would be higher motivation holding project since it could save lives. hmm that would be the better simulation than current coded code base. it should be 1000x better quality since current code lacks any quality.
but yepp second simulation trial would be focusing learning thermodynamics little bit and hurricanes topic and investigating that dynamic system and trying to model its possible iterations with big data thing. and then trying to mdoel possible interventions and their possible impacts. like trainin gneural networks but for investigation of possible intervention ways to that  dynamic system. maybe simulations would find a possible way to stop hurricanes. maybe it wont.  but would be a fun project. after game project.  yepp. e.g. what is the event horizon like border a big drone can come beside a hurricane. i mean and frm that distance what can some set of drones do to hurricane and possible ways of things would be ivnestigated.  for instance with LIDAR data trackign hurricanes direction etc and routing drones accordingly. and is it possible to do some intervention that stops that dynamic system? all would be investigated.  next project seems fun:)  but should launc h a game before that. a webgl game. (multiplatform game therefore). and i want it to also exist in webvr so that it could turn to a platform to be used in webvr applications etc.   (webvr were also usiung webgl right? nice:) ) but tons of things to do. and chances of success are low i know(since its a big project and i am the only coder working on this reti project right now and i am not any super intellgnt either. so chances of success are not that super high of course. ). but i would try. lets continue coding/defect fixing things now.


ok i confused connectome word as if it were related to genetics:P ok guhu the ignorant. i knew before it were a name of brain. now i confused with genetics area labels:) anyway. so i am interested to genetic e ngineering not the connectome studies actually:P

guhu the super ignorant:P

as i opent the article, saw the brain science stuff and i said what? then  got my error:D  how could i remember connectome as a concept from bioinformatics:) ?  guhu the silly stupid :P

the dream i had instantly: a paper which summarizes all bioinformatics methods in one article  :P i thoiught that paper were like that. then the unnice truth that its about brain studies. as told i am not into biology topics super  much. only biology topic i like is bioinformatics' genetics areas. i dont also super like that area but feel as i need to study and if i dont study that i would regret later on.

going  to learn about about hurricanes is much more fun:) but genetics studies is would be mandatorily done. after hurricane project fun. studying thermodynamics & hurricanes would be definitely the most fun project i would had studied for a while:P
as told having  no super intellgnce, i would learn what i can. i mean  i dont expect great things from me in the end. but i want to learn alot. since it looks fun and quite curious to. since maybe it is really possible to stop hurricanes.
i cant know without trying:) and trying part would be fun definitely :) (i mean trying in simulation code) (and if it really works i would submit such article)



to be read after i solve todays tasks:P

  ok  i figured out the sampler i created is not working well so that the light travel is not going ok  accordingly.

as visible:

the sampler (which creates the atmosphere sphere) doesnt any work ok.

ok a funny coincidence: last day i read quora alot and some article told that time is unfortunately not circular kinf of thing. and today i watched a tv show that says some religions believe time is circular:) and it also even holded a hurricane inside. :P  i want ed to watch a documentary today. so i selected that documentary among documentaries sections.

ok this content filtering of things we write and then  the next day the tv show we watch holding them is really a thing thats is interesting. content /collobrative filtering techs. they predict the tv show we woudl watch the next day very precisely. and i hadnt even watched any documentaries for a very long while in that platform. mybe watched only last year. i mean i just wandered around documentaries section. and decided to open just because i wanted to watch documentary this time:)


the article says time doesnt flow circularly as from science. one religion says time flows circularly. that time topic got my interest today only whilst i were reading the article i n quora. then movie i watched included time flows circularly word  (according to one religion). this content filtering tech mechanisms are really working in very advanced ways i figure out.

its like confusingf M ozart's and Beethoven's symfonies(cnsufed a Beethovens' 12th or such symphony as if its Mozarts 40th symphony in G minor). an d the next day the tv show i select  to watch includes a topic right talking a bout that exact confused symphony of Mozart.

this is content filtering of course. (personalization algorithms in ml)
i observe that ml algorithms really got to very advanced levels.

so Netflix  in doing content filtering also covers all sentences talked in their movies as i get.  cool. i mean one day you say some sentence and your list is prepared accordingly with yours sentence being inside the movie. (e.g. Mozart's 40th symphony's G minor)   (or but in quora case: i read an article in quora last day that says time is linear. then in documentary i watched today morning told time is circular according to one religion. so it also processes articles we read? or maybe it were related to Hurricane topic? that i talked of Hurricanes. but time's circularity/linearity were an interesting coincidence. since last day that quora article left in my mind  about time's behavior. ) (ok so people really do advanced content filtering as i observe). I wish i had a chance to ask thyeir content filtering behavior. since this topic boggled my mind. do they really cover all the movies all shows  scripts in doing content filteirng. its possible to do that for sure. i guess its like that. of course not known until asked. i think its cool by the way.


ok lets continue coding thingies:) get in to the rabbit hole of coding:) let get lost in coding world:).  i have no sinusitis pain today so i can study nice:)

my sampler doesnt work correctly. that needs to be fixed first. yepp.


there is something wrong in this code i had written: (first wrongness, is just i needed to model only one quarter then reflect along all remaninig 7 ones. but other than that there is a defect in angle calculation visibly? since the samples dont look correctly iterating over zenith)

  package utilities.sampler.non_random
  import utilities.coordinate_systems.geographic.CoordinateSystem
  import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3}
  import utilities.sampler.Sample
  import utilities.shape.{SingleEndedLine, Sphere}
  case class SphereCoordinateSample(val entity:Vector3) extends Sample[Vector3]
  case class SphereSampler(val r: Double) {
    val unit_sample_count=100.0 //on latitude
    val zenith_delta = 360/unit_sample_count  //in degrees
    var sphere:Sphere=Sphere(r)
    def convert_coordinate_to_spherical(v:Vector3): Vector3 = {
      sphere.intersect(SingleEndedLine(Vector4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vector4(v.x,v.y,v.z,0.0f))) match {
        case Nil  => null
        case a::_ => a
    def gen_sample(zenith:Double, y_axis:Vector3):List[SphereCoordinateSample]  = {
      val unit_count = (math.sin(zenith)*unit_sample_count).toInt
      val angle_delta = 360.0/unit_count
      val rotated_line: Vector3  = convert_coordinate_to_spherical(Quaternion.forAxisAngle(y_axis,
          zenith.toFloat)*  Vector3(1.0f,0.0f, 0.0f))
      List.range(0, unit_count) map ( (a:Int)=>{
         SphereCoordinateSample(Quaternion.forAxisAngle(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f, 1.0f),  math.toRadians(a*angle_delta).toFloat ) * rotated_line)  
         } )
    def generate_samples: List[SphereCoordinateSample] = {
      List[SphereCoordinateSample](SphereCoordinateSample(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f, r.toFloat))) ++
      List.range(1 , (unit_sample_count/4).toInt).map( (a:Int) => {a *zenith_delta} ).foldLeft(List[SphereCoordinateSample]()){ (l:List[SphereCoordinateSample], a:Double) => {l ++ gen_sample(a, Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f))} } ++ 
          gen_sample(0.0, Vector3(0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f)) ++
        List.range(1 , (unit_sample_count/4).toInt).map( (a:Int) => {a *zenith_delta} ).foldLeft(List[SphereCoordinateSample]()){ (l:List[SphereCoordinateSample], a:Double) => {l ++ gen_sample(a, Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))} } ++
         List[SphereCoordinateSample](SphereCoordinateSample(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f, -r.toFloat)))

yeppp the defect is: the zenith is not zenith, its corrected as passing zenith as 90-zenith in the gen_sample function call. lets check if its fixed. yepp.

  aha not fixed yet:D  so more t hings to solve in this code thingy.

  ok the defect were also because i used degrees in a function that expected radians.

ok gosh i had more defects. and after fixing and some news reading time, the plot is as: to make it visible it is with less resolution:

the code that generates this is: (nice jupyter toolset:) it makes writing python directly visual)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import chart_studio.plotly as py

import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("data_10.csv")

import as px
fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x='x', y='y', z='z')

finally correct sampler..  lets execute simulation again. yayyy:)

higher resolution thingy:

its not sky:) its the sampler of the sky thingy. now would execute thye simulation and check colors thingies.

oh gosh i cant believe my head had frozen in  whilst fixing sampler(i meant i lost lots of time without seeing defect's root cause). gosh. i did added a premature solution which created a new defect that i investigated :D thewn i read news etc gasve break. and finally continueing simulation. i wish i could carry the thingies to frontend today finally. then  could move to clouds.


ok now the simulation defects are gonna be fixed:) since i figured out it has some defects yet. i tested 10 layers of atmosphere layers just light tracing but worked not ok. lets recheck what algo i coded there and it must have defects to be fixed since it worked non correctly.


yayyy Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor. yeah i am watching season 1 of Story of God and i liked the documentary. I being an atheist also like religions as told. this is a nice documentary i think:) i finished 1st season.learnt lots of info about religions from this documentary.


i feel so sleepy today all day. dont know why. lets take more coffee.


 ok lots of logic errors in simulation step function. lets fix this silly code. yepp.
lets rewrite cause its alot silly ways written (since i am silly :P )

fix is easy. but lets rethink.

i need to fix the quality of steps model there later on b ut not now. first lets add some geoid and created atmosphere layers today to  frontend and add clouds tomorrow.

first heightmap would be srtm based. maybe it would be enough. we would see. i think i need to bake high and low level dted data.


* yepp there are interesting things in this ugly silly guhu's life:)   i mean somethings i cant understand even :)

lets learn more know more:) develop knowledge/things known more. e.g. after game project gets launched study those thermodynamics topics alot. and try to build simulations. in better quality. lets each year know more/learn more in various domains/fix things i dont know/i am weak at. yepp. i figure out simulation is something i should do. since it covers the topics of: creating/using a domain knowledge to create a model. which i liked. the model's iterations/design could be even defined designed synthethically by algorithms. but the translation of domain knowledge to meta model and meta model's thingies i liked. so next thing would be trying to model thermodynamics thingies with big data with this approach. for to investigate whether its possible to stop hurricanes. actually computer would investigate iterate designs. but i liked defining the meta model. so like ai painters. we  could create designs by ai i think. lets not call ai but just like genetic algorithms. with big data. converting problems to optimization problems to be desinged by ai/big data algorithms.we could presume some init stages. but the   genetic algorithm s like neural network training like methodologies to evolve that design like reinforcement learning but on a data driven approach with some rules(physical rules) working on. so not targeitng an ai where weights are shaped by environment based on optimization rules .  but weights would follow rules/physical states. so would try to investigate thermodyn amics in big data with such methodology. a data driven/rules driven simulator observing utilizing methods i saw in DNNs if necessary/when necessary. DNNs are  abenchmark of various optimization methodologies. applying to craft such meta model would be fun. maybe they wont be usable. i just would reanalyze the framework of optimizations methods. and just try to execute a data driven/rule driven simulation  meta model's  processes evolution on that.  and try to investigat ethat behaviors. and then try to do investigate interventions. (what could we do to destruct a hurricane with possible interventions) this is the agenda of the next project if i could get on this first project. but that would be a bigger proejkct would utilize ontology definitions ocnsturcts defined in defining rules. and in making that knowledges rulesets universally understandab le(another computer system could would b e ab le understand that)     this is the agenda of the second project.since i se4e that i like simulation topic alot. modeling an d simulation topic. and i like learning  different domain knowledges. so defined a task of leartning a domain knowledge area to myself to translate that to that meta models to be execute4d as simulations.
so in that i infer i need to reread dnn  b ooks. and bayesian side applied methodolo9giues. all optimizations all books on that would be read. so its a little bit bigger project than this initial game project. have to study learn lots of domain knowledge in optimizations topics in DNN s and also thermodynamics in that project.  but it would be fun. what if we could really stop hurricanes whilst they are forming. in a cheap way. since i am silly, i wish the computers/algorithms would design those ways. my agenda is making computers design  those algorithms. like genetic algorithms or reinforcement learnin g or  CNN 's mutations resembling sides or all such optimizations area. so e.g. designing the very best design of something via simulation iterations. so computer architects would exist. i m yself cant design such solution to hurricanes. but maybe computer would find. who knows:) simulation would show me:P of course this would be narrow intellgicen again. its not any wide spectrum of intelligence defiunition example. it wuold be quite narrow intellgnce. it would be  toolifying new optimization frameworks/tools/methods to a task set. b ut not any new inven tion it would be. it would be a toolifying situation. to investigate design topic. in trying to design  a thing to stop hurricanes. since i cant design. better computer design this narrow intelligence type of task. non narrow intelligence type of tasks, computers might not work superb. but this is quite a narrow intelligence  type of task that computers could be utilized. and since future genetic engineering projects also would depend on simulations thingies alot. so this new base code would be alot helpful in future projects yepp. and if could convert to code format that super computer brother would might build in future, yes thius ontologies based defined meta models could execute be translated to work on other computer platforms. but might not be super translation. so creatging a generic meta mdoel format might be b est. not being only data driven. ok need to restudy ontologies topics/architectures(Apache Jena) and optimizations topics(deep learning frameworks/articles/studies/bayesian side). and also of course firstly thermodynamics topics first.  (maybe i wont unders tand thermodynamics so study would halt:P  ok i would see later.)

  if i have a good simulation framework, then could fastly move to bioinformatics simulations investigations then first would study bioinformatics area first of all there. the current methodologies. since i would regret if i wont work sometime  in bioinformatics. cause i think we could edit genes to be nonmortal beings in future. why not try now:P in that study for domain knowledge we would need doctors help i think. for enzymes part. for simulation of enzymes/mechanisms in body.

another simulation area i wonder is about particle physics. its already done as i read.  but why not create additional platforms. that part is also interesting. cause if we understand universe better, we could even maybe create exotic materials here? or udnerstand basic forces better. instead of depending on human mind, but computer simuilations  to combine insights of humans with computing power to test many many models. its already done. but wont hurt if we add mroe platforms/more studies in this side? since i think, maybe like evolution crafted biological computers (us), our computers create better models than what we would create based on our models of course.

ok i think i am in to this simulation topic too much:P but i do think, instead of bare neural networks, we could have ontology defined epistomology holding units connectomes working iterating simulations. but of course they cant invent new theories in this way.:P but would investigate many many things.(they have target of design, only one target: or two: simulation&design )

these thigns i tell are already done. i just want to create my silly versions just for curiosity/investigation of things. a merging thing of ml and epistemology/ontology constructs. i want to create such environment. but it wont be any n ew invention. such me thodologies are already done in everywhere in every area. as told, i am targeting to do craft my versions just because i wonder/curious to. so a modified apache jena. or some domain kn owledge lang/representation thats diffrnt than current ontology constructs. dnpot know. would investiugate in that project.

the thing i think is we could utilize narrow intellgnce of computers more without modeling from start/init for such narrow intellgnce type of tasks that i mention. it is already done i think. i just wnt to create my silly versions. it would be the n arrowest ml mechanism maybe. but they mgiht be useful. in design topic. i do think design  of lots of topics might be done via this ontology attahced ml algorithms approach. i mean we dont take an ml algorithm as if its like investigating full search space, but investigating based on the m eta models /iteration steps on a distrib uted computing platform. it is already done in simulation technologies. i jut want to merge current ai tech to that mroe if thats not merged. i mean the serendipity/exploration parts.  but i do think current advanced simulations must have been modeled with taking in to account such things. but as told want to create my silly versions. my versions would be silly since i am silly:)

i think among these topics hurricanes project is the most exciting initially:P what if a computer invents a way to stop hurricanes:P it would be suepr exciting:) and beside many lives would be saved.

there are already simulation  platforms. as told, due to curiosity i want to define my ones (focusing on creating a representation for general domain knowledge) and optimizations language for that.

lets build the game's first version. tons of things to do still.  i am still at the beginning. havent iterated in game yet. i think i would say i iterated after i complete a sky and geoid even without clouds. then clouds. than terrain. then game logic/designs in blenders. first make great pastoral scenes first.

yeppp time to start coding the game for today :)
this silly guhu has lots of thingies to do today. yeppp.

ok fixed some defects. and would create frontend modules now. maybe initi al terrain module also.

whilst found a nice coding music. yayyy lets check colors first. then start frontend modules.

i need to revise javascript's this and futures topics as usual everytime i revise since i again hadn t coded javascript for along while... yayyy frontend time:)
should check opengl geometry shader and normal triangulation routines since i also forgot triangulate  modes names.
actually sky's this part dont need triangulation. it would be some form of texture reading. finally some js time:)

yepp i liked the generated colors, but shoudl make the sim more detailed to get  more correct colors. and should also add multiscattering thingies. hmm frontend or these. thinking.  hmm i think i should first make frontend ready. then  work on tomorrow to make sim more detailed & much better. yayy i liked generated colors for sure:)there is sunset like color. but lets make it detailed since the scattering /absorbing behavior is not correct/complete yet. but colors look ok. yayyy. lets work on frontend now. tomorrow i would make the sim better. tonight then remaining time is spent to frontend things.

gosh tons of things to do. at every step. ok at least iterating. though tons of tasks to do yet still:S:D anyway. let s apply that raytracing method to render spherical coords. it would have precomputed things. not costly as raytracing. would have just 4  ray tracing things and others would be calculated by self.

ok lets share from jupyter notebook: hey scattering behacvcior is not correct but at least the sunset behavior looks viisble at least. but scattering thing would be correc tly added. and its based on just one RGB color value right now.
i mean i cant draw it with its colors on this plotly diagram. as told would draw it directly with RGB colors on frontend. yayy:)

its not correctly drawn its showing just one of RGB  values:) and defects of simu and enhancing of it to be done tomorrow:)
yayyy happy that i came to this step:) now development is faster. since i created the base codes. without base code it were much slower.

the nice coding music i mentioned today is: specifically the song at 00:01:24 is awesome i think:) and also at 00:03:24 one is amazing :)

the code to draw it is:

df = pd.read_csv("data_19.csv")
# df
def create_col(row):
    return  '%02x%02x%02x' % (int(row["R"]), int(row["G"]), int(row["B"]))

df['col'] = df.apply(lambda row: create_col(row), axis=1)
all = []
for i in list(range(df["atmosphere_layer"].max())):
    all.append (df[(df["atmosphere_layer"]==i )])

import as px
fig = px.scatter_3d(all [6], x='x', y='y', z='z', color='B' )

the rgb color codes dont work in this diagram type. so that line doesnt work/not used.

normally data scientists use much more advanced diagrams. i am just checking colors shape etc. i would check really in frontend how it looks.

i liked this more:D using whatever diagram assigns as color since there is no rgb assignment in this diagram type.  (ok i think i am procrastinating now:) lets move to frontend tasks. would finish simu part and clouds tomorrow also. lets add these as shaders to frontend now)

tons of things to do but i am procrastinating  :P ok lets get back to work in 20 minutes:)


ok it has been 3 hours or alike.  i fall asleep. i were resting/listening classicaL music. ok i think i would study till morning today. cause i got my sleep already.

yeppp frontend time:)


more patience. since i felt instant unwillingness to do the repeated act of revising js language now:D since many times i revised but had no chance to code since had other tasks to do, so it has been nt h tim e revising. i mean  i usually had revised for doing nothing since lots of base code's were missing that i couldsnt wouldnt be able to iterate in frontend. i got blocked by necessary things in backend side. now its the nth time i revise js in timeline of this game, and i wish it would be not gone to waste this time. i mean i wish i code some frontend now so that next time i open frontend i woin t have to revise js to init coding in js:)

ok but still have to do write triangulation algo to the sphere generator/geoid generators so that i add the world's geoid. hmm of cours ewould have basic geoid and also its detailed version and tiles.  but in to page initially would add a very low detailed  geoid model lacking any lod mechanism. since c urrently working on sky.

yayy this coding music is nice:)

one step at a time.
lets create vertext  buffer like thing  and remember indexed vertex buffers concept from opengl.

then revise js data structure and js's this thingy. why this is like that in js:P its bind mechanism i mean. its really complex:D mozilla defines it very well so i would restudy from mozilla docs.

step0: check opengl tutos for remembering vertex buffer o bjects and also triangulation mode topics. since fdirst thing i want to do is add srtm model to the game then the colored sky. then tomorrow would work on enhancing simulation of sky and also for clouds. then would work on enhancving terrain part.

i liked this one step at a time motto (when there are tons of tasks I have to do recently :S :D )
i mean for not to feel get lost in tasks while lots of tasks need to be developed at once. not getting lost  motto in a heap of tasks state: one step at a time:P
currently have a heap of tasks to carry things to frontend tonight. i wish i would manage it good. and in morning i would have accomplished the necessary task set. the n would come the simulation enhancing study time and clouds time (in them i would utilize definitely spherical coordinates stuff ) i wa n t my clouds to look better than the other competitor games in similar concepts. my clouds should look so realistic:) that makes one want to wander aroundn in such realism .


yayyy talked with cofounder:)  shared tasks with cofounder also :) 

super happy since we are still cofounders and hadnt erased me since i were super slow. i were super slow because  i were lost in base code needs. but now i am nonslow. and i am super happy cofounder hadnt erased me from cofounder thing:)  yayyy:)

lets continue coding.

yayy i have a genius  cofounder in this project :)  yayy :)


lets continue coding tasks :) yepp :)


ok i had missed geometry shader/tessellation shader tutos. in my time there were only vertex and fragment shader. anyway, leartn about them. i do think specifically tesellation shader can do nice things on terrain rendering. for smooth surfaces.  but dont know if opengl 4 is widely available in all browsers?.  and geometry shader could work also like that.  but tesellation shader looked nicer place to do so.

yayyy and i also saw instancing also came to shaders of open gl.
ok visibly i have to fork the js game engine to include latest opengl features.  nice. maybe i write my own? i dont think so:P(since there is no such time:P)  i would fork and create my version of osgjs.
but mayb efor demo, i just need to do it basi ways. yepp lets iterate in the most basic form and create things. then new opengl features would be added in further fork/rewritings of osgjs. yepp.  I liked tesellation shader super alot, since it makes enables easily creation of smooth polygons without having such load of transfer time. hmm normal maps cpould also be utilized for that for sure also. in lightening side. anyway. lets continue tomorrow since its 4am.

but quite happy to learn about opengl3 /4 features. befre i only kewn vertex shader and  thought geometry shade ris meaning vertex shader that i know. no it is not as i learnt. and i liked alot. these opengl 3 and 4 additions.

ok time to rest for 3 hours. then would continue studying.
the addition of instancing made me super happy. i thought there is still no instancing in opengl.  .

ok from task set, opengl revising finished.
now js revising time after creating t he geode triangles. then moving to carrying of that to frontend. just before that need to revise js.

hmm so from tonights 5 tasks, only established 1 yet. so would rest just 3 hours. then would continuye on 4 tasks.

so that tomorrow would  be have established these by noon wishfully.

yayy finally i am productive again:) though i need to rest for 3 hours now. then would accomplish remaining tasks. yayy this feeling of iteration in game's tasks feels nice. since i have a base code in scala side, i can iterate now fastly and it feels nice to had reached to a state that i can start iterating in game's visual outputs like sky etc..

guhu is going to sleep world right now...

this silly guhu woke up late.

guhu the silly stupid...

ok working in second task right now. generation triangulated coordinates of Earth with some initially not high resolution. might create advanced views later on.
then js revising and carrying it to frontend.

then sky texture gen in scala side (converting it  to texture) and addfing the shader in code.
forth task making these online (initially wont be gneerally published) (just to share with cofounder i would make online)
todays left tasks  (that i should had started very earlier) are initially starting like this. after this steop,  then its clouds time. then advanced terrain study.

yepp created a triangulation method to geoid in my silly head ready to code, lets check what people do in this. or first lets think of various forms.
yayyy srtm to geoid time:) exciting part in project that what i code would be directly visible with carrying to frontend :)

advanced triangulation and lod thingies are later tasks. this is just a geoid addition not the real triangulation tasks/lod taks related to geoid. its just for checking sky shading results from field of view on geoid.


i dnot know if it works but i liked this lat/longitude sampler for geoid i written :P  (and liked its  indexing mechanism:P)

package utilities.sampler.non_random
import utilities.coordinate_systems.geographic.CoordinateSystem

import com.github.jpbetz.subspace.{ Quaternion, Vector4, Vector3 }
import utilities.sampler.Sample
import utilities.shape.{ SingleEndedLine, Geoid }
import utilities.coordinate_systems.geographic.geocentric.spherical.wgs84.WGS84
import utilities.coordinate_systems.geographic.geocentric.spherical.GeodBasedCoordinateSystem
import utilities.common.precision.PrecisionHelper
case class GeodeticCoordinateSample(val entity: Vector3, val latitude: Double = 0.0, val longitude: Double = 0.0) extends Sample[Vector3]

case class LongitudeContainer(val latitude: Double, var longitude_precision: Int,val angle_increment: Double, var longitude_map: Map[String, GeodeticCoordinateSample] = Map()) {
  def get_coord(longt: Double):Option[GeodeticCoordinateSample]  = {
    var rem = longt % angle_increment
    if(rem > 0.5){
      var nearest = (longt - rem) + angle_increment
      longitude_map.get(PrecisionHelper.format(nearest, longitude_precision))
        var nearest = (longt - rem)
      longitude_map.get(PrecisionHelper.format(nearest, longitude_precision))
case class LatitudeContainer(val latitude_precision: Int, val angle_increment: Double, var latitude_map: Map[String, LongitudeContainer] = Map()) {
  def get_longitude_container(lat:Double): Option[LongitudeContainer] ={
    var rem = lat % angle_increment
    if(rem > 0.5){
      var nearest = (lat - rem) + angle_increment
      latitude_map.get(PrecisionHelper.format(nearest, latitude_precision))
        var nearest = (lat - rem)
      latitude_map.get(PrecisionHelper.format(nearest, latitude_precision))
  def get_coord(lat:Double, longt: Double):Option[GeodeticCoordinateSample]  = {
      get_longitude_container(lat) match {
         case Some(longt_container) => {
         case None => None

class GeodeticCoordinateSampler(val coordinate_system: GeodBasedCoordinateSystem) {

  val unit_sample_count = 100.0 //on latitude
  val zenith_delta = 360 / unit_sample_count //in degrees
  var geoid: Geoid = Geoid(Vector3(
  def convert_coordinate_to_geodetic(v: Vector3): Vector3 = {
    geoid.intersect(SingleEndedLine(Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vector4(v.x, v.y, v.z, 0.0f))) match {
      case Nil    => null
      case a :: _ => a

  def gen_longitudes(zenith: Double, y_axis: Vector3, is_north: Boolean = true): LongitudeContainer = {
    val unit_count = (math.sin(math.toRadians(90 - zenith)) * unit_sample_count).toInt

    val angle_delta = 360.0 / unit_count
    val prec = PrecisionHelper.calculate_precision(angle_delta)

    val rotated_line: Vector3 = convert_coordinate_to_geodetic(Quaternion.forAxisAngle(
      math.toRadians(zenith).toFloat) * Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
    var lat = zenith
    if (is_north == false) {
      lat = 0 - zenith
    var longt_container = LongitudeContainer(lat, prec,angle_delta, Map[String, GeodeticCoordinateSample]())

    List.range(0, unit_count) map ((a: Int) => {
      var angle = a * angle_delta
      var coord = GeodeticCoordinateSample(Quaternion.forAxisAngle(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), math.toRadians(angle).toFloat) * rotated_line, lat, angle)
      longt_container.longitude_map += (PrecisionHelper.format(angle, prec) -> coord)

  def generate_latitudes: LatitudeContainer = {

     val prec = PrecisionHelper.calculate_precision(zenith_delta)
      var lat_container = LatitudeContainer(prec, zenith_delta, Map[String, LongitudeContainer]())
      lat_container.latitude_map +=  (PrecisionHelper.format(90.0, prec) -> LongitudeContainer(90.0, 1, 360.0, Map[String, GeodeticCoordinateSample]
        ( "0.0" -> GeodeticCoordinateSample(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, coordinate_system.semi_minor_axis.toFloat), 90.0, 0.0))))
        lat_container.latitude_map +=  (PrecisionHelper.format(-90.0, prec) -> LongitudeContainer(-90.0, 1,360.0, Map[String, GeodeticCoordinateSample]
        ( "0.0" -> GeodeticCoordinateSample(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -coordinate_system.semi_minor_axis.toFloat), -90.0, 0.0))))
       List.range(1, (unit_sample_count / 4).toInt).map((a: Int) => {
         var angle = a * zenith_delta
         lat_container.latitude_map +=  (PrecisionHelper.format(angle, prec) ->  gen_longitudes(angle , Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), true))
       lat_container.latitude_map +=  (PrecisionHelper.format(-1*angle, prec) ->  gen_longitudes(angle , Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), false))
       lat_container.latitude_map += (PrecisionHelper.format(0, prec) ->  gen_longitudes(0 , Vector3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), true))


i know its a silly code but i liked it. now geoid + srtm vertices generation time using these thingies.

and the precision helper thingy:

package utilities.common.precision

case object PrecisionHelper {
    def format(x: AnyVal, precision: Int): String = x match {
    case x: Int    => "%d".format(x)
    case x: Long   => "%d".format(x)
    case x: Float  => s"%.${precision}f".format(x)
    case x: Double => s"%.${precision}f".format(x)
    case _         => ""

  def calculate_precision(x: Double): Int = {
    var precision: Int = 0
    //this below line could have been coded better but this part is not online evaluated so performance not important :) (could had been searched with binary tree approach)
    while ((x - (x % math.pow(10, 0 - precision))) > math.pow(10, -7)) {
      precision = precision + 1

ok there is a defect:P lets fix it. about 0.5 part it is. yepp. fixed.

i think if high order legendre polynomials are used in some spherical coordinate region, that part 's longitude should be sampled more. but that would lack latitude thing's necessary regional sampling rate. but when we have tiles (thinking in spherical coordinates based tiles) we could do change sampling ratio in such regions according to such things. but as told, tiles thing is later (soon recent would work on that) work so not havingt tiles in right hnow this versions. so there would be another geoid sampler that generates tiles in spherical coordinates that has increased/decreased) sampling rate. thats off topic right now. its future tasks' query. now lets work with this non advanced geoid creation thingy. tiles is later tasks. current task is adding the world's geoid to webpage and do color sky while we wander around the geoid.
this is just a simple geoid rendering task initially. detailed study to be done in further days. but currently need  to add a simple geoid to webpage. so this is the initial classes for that.
lets add the trian gulator code along with srtm reader now:)

there would come the time to do clustering on this and do assign tiles with according sampling rates such generated paged lods that would be ready in redis or other mem dbs that the front end would take (would hold the lowest resolution all from start always.) the contious lod upgrades, the defects that they might create in scene, that would be tried to be solved with nice handling in big data code behind the tiles generator in that. so agenda in that is like that little bit.
the tesellation shade rcould mean alot in continous lod transitions from switches from one lod to another. could represent geometry with textures  and generate vertices along inside shader code. i really liked tesellation shader due to that these nice continous lod'ing enabling nice features. but thats the investigations of further days and i dont think every browser has opengl 4 support yet. so tesellation shader is not a silver bullet. i should find other non visually disrupitve solutions for in case  tesellation shader is not present.

gosh tons of tasks. but i liked the feeling of iteration. but the things established in iterations need to get to be quantitatively much more every day until i reach the fastest feat i could code (since i were super sluggish before.) 

yayy playlist: Schubert time:)

yeyyy coding thingies. +defect fixing thingies time. yayyy finally would work on triangulator part for now and would carry to frontend soon:)

i think a basic big data code can figure out the surface complexity rate with just measing volume differenc of each selected tile along around a uniform height thingy that has height of average of that tile.but this is very crude way. one might design much nicer ways. this is the silliest way to do that. but again this part is to tasks of further days not now. so lets continue coding current tasks right now

it would be a clustering algorithm to group regions based on surface complexity. need to go over clusteirng algorithms i know.but not now:D lets continue current tasks now.


tadam. an important class to code now. and add  that Geoid triangulation to frontedn. then m ake frontend onlin e  -> i wish cofounder doesnt erase me from cofounder thingy. i were always super sluggish. but faster now.
 i am not good at projects or CEO tasks.

whom i8s my cofounder: cofounder is a previously academician. dont saying much info in that i am:) making cofounder stay secret.

we would do a page in kickstarter after it looks nice (as pastoral views get ready).

i am stupid. but cofounder is genius like intelligent. so wishing so bad cofounder doesnt erase me in cofounding thingies.

Beethoven melodies:)

and also lets code the triangulation algo thingy asap. my geoid sampler works ok. lets triangulate it and then add to frontend. and make site online :)

ok i feel as i am addicted to writing blog:) i see blogging makes me feel less lonely:)
creating a project's first phases means lots of isolated work in a study place. and blogging makes me feel less lonely as i observe.

so this is the current day thingies of silly guhu:)

right now listening Beethoven's 9th symphony:) yayyy that also makes happy.

stupid guhu continueing coding:)
i like to call myself silly or stupid. since i am stupid:P

lets make demo online today.


i think i would change logo of game. i would make a logo from this: it looks like a logo. doesnt it? bu the corners need to be worked on. but i think it could really be a logo:) since my logo of game is not any good :P

i could add a cute caricature leaning out of this logo:) if i had tablet. hmm. i can draw on paper and do scanning and then color in gimp. yepp :) lets add a character thats leaning out of this logo in its right edge:) or sleeping on top most edge(no that already exists:)). so lets do some cute caricature leaning  and checking from right edge of this thingy.  but lets do it after demo is ready. but figure out i like drawing caricatures since i draw one to my leg today:P i even once  bought a book for drawing caricatures and read but hadnt worked on. lets do create a creature i think i could also create many characters that are leaning around and  some sitting on this thingy. that would be nicer:) e.g. game's designs could exist like that. but some funny logo of R letter could sit in center. that is also drawn/painted. i wish i had a drawing tablet. anyway would might buy later on. 
but i do think those addicitons of many characters around logo wouldnt look ok asnd would look complex. ok just one character leaning from right side than:)

these are books i bought to learn drawing but only studied cartoon creation one yet: (i once were interest ed to draw cartoons but saw i need to be unlazy. i wanted to draw cartoons/comics like spider man /Redkit etc. it all rooted in an empty time frame in an airport, i tried drawing comics/comics lines since i had no phone charge and had to wait 3 hours for my plane. then tried drawing such style. but couldnt. then bought things to draw. but  it mandates being alot unlazy definitely. would be unlazy in future. after i buy a drawing tablet:) (since it would enable drawing easier(for lazies:P) i would investigate modes to draw things with also being lazy:P) (in programs like gimp/photoshop)  )  

(hadnt shared all since is personal) 

but ddnt studied thes eones yet. i have also  bought books that are non digital. they stay in library. and also books from Springer in my google drive. Springer books are mainly about machine learning area.

i only studied one of these books. ther eis also special relativity book in normal printed version actually two or but i left studying since it became too hard to my low maths knowledge currently. wish to study when i fix that in future. (its not granted that i would understand that topics. since i am not highly intellgnt. i might have problems in understanding . ) i also have 2 or alike quantum books since it looks interesting topic. (but as told its not granted that i would understand. would check in future)


ok lets contnue coding. this blogging thing is addictive:P


i hate coding vertex arrays:) lets code and accomplish that task i dont like.

yeppp lets add the class now. i hate coding vertex array objects.
lets ac complish this task and then carry to fronten d the generated vertex array object.

need to generate also normal maps textures(bump maps).  so lets read this tutorial:

lets accomplish this task i dont like tonight. (no time for laziness) and make the demo ready after the normal maps + colors map ready geoid thingy is ready.

i hate coding  vertex array object thingies. anyway. lets be definitely unlazy and code. 


ok changing  string to double in some class before adding vertex triangulation algo (for strm).


(i watched an exciting event/streaming but it got postponed 10 or 20 minutes ago.)

 (thinkng my troubles to write just 100 lines of code. then  thinikng how much  effort goes to such big engineering projects :) ) (lots of respects/watched with alot admiration)

(how many millions of lines code reside in such projects i wonder. must be many millions of lines of code!)(and also many integration projects/r&d projects/structural projects/static/engine design-integration/control theory projects/kinematics/chemistry/physics parts/aeronautics...)


yeppp continueing studying. i figure out i wont sleep until i accomplish today's tasks some items. since yesterday couldnt accomplish daily goal of tasks. today no sleep until i finish the goals. yepp.
goal: have that geoid model visible in webpage today and no sleep until established. yepp. since it should have accomplished this even yesterday.

today wouldnt generate the advanced bump map info from srtm data + self added bump maps. today would just add  a normal vertex array. but should have it get work. and tomorrow would add the generation of normal map texture data from the srtm image (of course would do down sampling , it wont fit to texture memory and also of course would add casual bump maps also )
so today first have an edgy looking geoid visible in frontend. then would generate normal map tomorrow. then atmosphere shader's initial version. then would reiterat e study of atmosphere shader with including cloud study. yepp.


yeyy i liked this more hardworking state of mine last 3 days. i dont sleep unless i ierat e fair en ough in my game project. nice:) happy for this increase of studying to game project last 3 days. nice:)

i guess in tiled version of this, need to utilize hexagon covering surface like solution that subsampling should be better with tiles suited for sphere/geoid.
that wuold be much better representation of sampling along geoid.


for non hexagonal coverage, for the normal coverage case: the code written to triangulate is as:actually first if might not b enecessary ,would check that,  

dont know if it works,  but had written half semiphere vertex array triangulation as:

def index_array:List[Int] = {
    var layer_count =  (samples.latitude_map.values.legnth - 1)/2
    var res_list = List[Int]()
    List.range(0, layer_count).map( (ind:Int)=>{
      if(ind == 0){
        var layer_down = latitude_list(1).longitude_map.values.toList
        for (v in layer_down) {
          res_list=res_list ++ List[Int](v.index,0)
        res_list += 1
      else {
        var layer = latitude_list(ind).longitude_map.values.toList
        var layer_down = latitude_list(ind+1).longitude_map.values.toList
        for (v in layer) {
          var v_next = layer(0).index
            if (v.index < layer(layer.length-1).index) {
                  var v_next= layer(v.index+1)
                  var layer_down_el = layer_down.get_coord(v.longitude)
                  var layer_down_el_next = layer_down.get_coord(v_next.longitude)
                    var mid= ((layer_down_el_next.index -layer_down_el.index)/2.0).toInt
                    //half range
                    List.range(layer_down_el.index, mid+1).map((b:Int)=>{
                      res_list=res_list ++ List[Int](b,v.index)
                    res_list += mid
                    List.range(mid+1,  layer_down_el_next.index+1).map((b:Int)=>{
                      res_list = res_list ++ List[Int](b,v_next.index)
                    if (v_next == layer(0).index && layer_down_el_next.index!= layer_down(layer_down.length-1).index){
                    List.range(layer_down_el_next.index ,layer_down(layer_down.length-1).index+1 ).map((b:Int)=>{
                      res_list = res_list ++ List[Int](b,v_next.index)
                    res_list +=  layer_down(0).index


hey people:)
ok i have one super news:). my work VISA came:) so off to Hannover tomorrow :) then would stay at a relative's house until my work starts:)

Life in Berlin starts:) yayyyy :) (first would stay at Brunswick:)) 

ok. lets prepare to mving. i need to do preparation alot.

wov:) yayyy:)
super happy:)


yayy we also bought plane ticket. aligned with VISA start date:)

not going directly on tomorrow. yayyy bought also the plane tickets:) now preparation time.
 tonight. coding time. then tomorrow noon all preparations. yeppp. then would select my clothes /things to take there :).
yayyyy :)))))))))))))

its super exciting to a buy a plane ticket to a new expat life:)

yayyyy 15 days i am in Brunswick. then some days i stay at aunts home there then i rent a flat in Berlin:).

yayyy :) my expat life starts:) super happy:))))))))))))))))))))))


yayyy expat life @Berlin is starting:))))))))


yeppp wov watching an amazing  live stream  right now!

wov its super amazing! like as if from sci fi movies and by the way real the same time.

wov! amazing! wov. super cool tech! super ultra levels of cool tech!
master of gravity this spacecraft/rocket looks as.  flied as if there is no gravity wov:)   super cool tech!  It flied as if there is no gravity.  wov! super ultra levels of cool tech! wov, super cool!


guhu the coder's code thingies:
yeppp continueing coding thingy right now. lets test the normal map lacking geoid vertex coordinates in frontend now yeyyy:)

i think i would work again till morning today. i had no chance to code during day time today:P coding time now :) lets make frontend js thingies ready:)

ok today i fellt unhappy cause none of my jeans fit me:S i got 5 kgs weight hewre:SS

another thing that i ddnt liked is: i liked my crazy looking curly/straight hair. i liked my hair.
relative said lets do it keratin theraphy it looks unnice and i wish i never listened. cause my hair got too much plain/smooth. i dont even like smooth hair. where were my own brain.  lessons learnt never do keratin theraphy to hair. it looks so ugly i am looking much more ugly now as if i could be uglier. (i am already an ugly person and this hair style of smooth ultra smooth hair looks so ugly in my view. i dont any liked it.
i liked my crazy hair thats little bti curly.
so aboiut own styles, never listening to outsiders/relatives/family is something i learnt. dont change your hair only because a relatiuve says your hair looks bad. i liked my  curly/smooth mixed rasta looking like  hair. i hated this new hair.nope. i want my prev hair back but i know its impossible. for 5 months i have to have this super smooth hair which iddnt any liked.
so lessons learnt: never follow other people's styles.
i liked my crazy looking hair even if relative thought it looks unnice. i instead dont like this super smooth hair. i wish i never liustened others style advise.

i have rasta like hair and i liked it. it is both curly and both smooth. and it looks mixed. but i liked it. now this super smooth hair i hated how it looks. i miss my rasta like hair i want myt hair back :S gonna never listen other people's style advises ever after again:S

the coefifr put some chem in my hair all and wanted me to have it wait till tomorrow. of course seeing how bad smooth hair looks my first reaction has been to wash it wishing the smoothness passes. it hadnt passed:S i hated this hair:S gonna never listen to other people's hair style advise ever again:S

the relative told my hair looks so ugly and i need to do keratin theraphy. she said i look uglyu with such hair.  i wish i never listened. cause i do think it looks ugly now. i liked my curly smooth mixed weird hair. quite fitted me. that puffy both smooth and both curly hair i think fits me(my natural hair). i liked it. i should have never listened the relative.  thuis smooth hair i hated. i dislike. i dont like any smooth hair styles:S i hated this new hair:S i wish it gets retursn back to its rasta like state very soon.

ok things to do asap sometime: fix nose thingy (have rhinplasty) and have my hair back:P I would go swim in swimming pools alot so that this thingy passes away from my hair:S i hated how smooth hair looks :S i dont any like. it didnt fit me:S 

ok so today is a little bit unnice days. since none of my jeans fit(i got 5 kgs or maybe 6kgs) and my hair changed and i ddnt any liked it. i hated new hair:S i want my prev hair back. i had no problems with my prev hair. i wish i never listened relative who constantly said my hair looks ugly. i liked my hair.
so lessons learnt: never listen to others in style topic. cause its our own body. i dont have to make my hair be pleasent to relative's want. (from close family. constantly said my hair is super unnice looks very bad. now its smooth hair and i dont like it now:S).

ok and need to continue the diet thingy also. since its been 6 kgs i got:S its super unhappy to me to  get weight  since i liked wearing those trousers. now i would buy new ones and but i dont like being fat either. 

this smooth hauir:S i disliked it super much:S i want my prev weird hair back:S how could i revert back the impact of this chemical (keratin theraphy?) back? i have none idea. i think i need to wait 5 months like thingy to have my prev hair back:S its shitty: i need to wander with this smooth hair for 5 months:S :SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS never gonna listen other people's style advise ever again:SSSSSSSSS maybe i should cut all my hair? i dont know.  it would look more punk than this super smooth unnice hair style:SSS  no i dont think i should do that. but i think i have to wait for 5 months to g et my weird ugly hair back. this super smooth hair style: not any correlated with my weird character:S i like punk hair styles. i like different hair styles. now my hair is like mainstream style and i ddnt any liked it:S i would prefer an ugly hair instead of mainstream hair thingy:S my hair were ugly but i liked it. now its mainstream and i dont any  like it:SSSS

any way would get over this day's unhappiness since my weird hair style is gone and a super smooth hair exists. i would get over it and get used to this super unnice super smooth hair:S ok ok i did too much drama on this. i just have to wait 5 months to get my weird ugly hair back. yepp. only 5 months i have to have this hair. then my own weird hair would grow and the effects of this keratin theraphy would have had passed by then:) nice:) 

ok at least one good news: it got puffy now:) and looks nicer:) all because i washed it:)
hmm so maybe my style thing might be: slightly done keratin theraphy. yepp halfly done:) now waiting a day but just a little 5 hours like duration. hmm
i think i have some hair plans:P
now i liked how this keratin added hair looks. since it got puffy now. nice:)
better than my weird hair since i can do weird hair styles more to this one:) like: hmm: :P some buzzcuting the left side of hair :P i dont know if i have courage to that:Pand how it would grow? i mean what to do when it grows? i mean after giving up on buzzcut style, (on left side of my temples) how to grow it? i would need to cut it again right?

ok i might hafve soime hair adventure of having my left temple get buzzcut:P
and painting ends of my hair to violet or red color. or other. ok. might really do:)
yayyy and also some piercing on my nose's ugliest part yepp. if i ever have such courage. andf also buzzcuting hair thingy. and losing weight definitely also. since i dont like being fat.


ok i am over the sadness of super smooth hair thingy cause its super smoothness both passed and it looks puffy now so i got my hair back and i think it looks better than my original hair. so i think i would in future also repeat this halfly applied keratin therapy thingy (that doesnt makes hair super smooth but also having it little bit puffy still).


ok lets be hold courage and have a nose pin on ugliest side of my nose (till i have rhinoplasty :P) then also do some crazy shit like buzzcuting left temple's hair :P so lets start the work life in Berlin in a punk style:) why not:) not too much punk but little bit punk. why not:P noone sets a rule to how it people dresses or have hair styles. so lets set such style goal of having my left temple buzzcutted in Berlin:)  after i lose weight i think.

yaytyy expat life at Berlin starts super soon:) its alot exciting:) i got wieght here in 3 months at sytaying home. my parents are like angels to me everywhen where. but i think i got weight since it were not a thing i liked to do (staying at parents home for a while). though they are my angels. thanks alot to them. and they are like angels to me. so thanks. but i think being an old aged person, staying at parents home is something, not a thing i liked super much. anyway, i would have my own flat in Berlin. so i would again get used to normal eating normal diet state. here mom prepares delicious things and also lots of chocolate/cookies etc i just couldnt followed healthy diet thingy. in my own home, i dont cook any food at night. so i just eat salad or yoghurt. or in morfning i dont prepare delicious things so i eat little also awhile. but here, the breakfasts are also super awesome. so when i live alone again, i would adhere to diet better.  when you dnot cook deliucious foods, you dont also eat. thats my diet agende for dinners. for noons i eat what i like. for breakfasts i dont eat alike dinners too much. but here, all noons food i liked to eat and also many chocolates. so 6kgs happent.  anyway. as i have my own order  my own life i would get back to diet thing soon:)

 a new dawn in my life:) a life in a new city/new country :)
 lets change hair style also:)

and i liked this kerathin  theraphy thingy:) i first disliked it thinking it makes hair super smooth. but seeing when i do it halfly i mean i dont wait for a day, then it looks ok/good actuyally i think.

ok i dont think i would paint my hair ends to red. or i might. or some reddish color. i dont know.

ok i dream of walking around with my backpack and losing some calories since i walk alot.  and my weird hair style (acrtually worked on :P since there would be keratin theraphy inside:P looks diffrnt but worked on to look like thart:P i plan such hair styles:P and definitely buzzcuting thing on left temple i want and a nose pin that is nt any shiny.  ok this is the style i plan for further months. ) (lets become look little bit punk why not:P)

----ok as i checked again whether i liked my new hair really:

ok i think i wont do this hair op ever again:S but might do a slighter ones but deftntly not this.

i think in overall i disliked.definitely.
ok i think i would forget/get over this super bad hair thing with some punk hair style addition and also a very small nose pin maybe. yepp.


its super sad to start a new dawn in life with a very bad hair style. but i think little bit punk hair style might make me feel better. since i am still unhappy for this sticky hair style, it sticked to my head and no puffy hair :Sanyway, might figure out ways to make it look better. startiung with little bit punk style (buzzcutting left temple:P why not:) )

yayyy expat life is starting soon:)


ok but still i hated this new hair:S it looks so shitty:S and i dont think any punk style would make it look good either:S ok mybe i should make my hair curly so it might give nice look till this hair sticky maker op passes:S
hated so much how this new hair looks. i want  my hair either to be cut or something else cause this hair i disliked alot:S ok so lessons learnt: never listen even if its very close relative, never listen other people's style advises ever. they talk on their behalf. its my hair. my decisions. i dotn like this sticky hair style:S    i had nice very weird very puffy hair. nbow it sticks to my head and it is super ugly to me i dont like it.   and i dont think ayn punk style would make it look better. i just need to wait for 5 months for this style to go away and thats saddening little bit. anyway. i think some time some day i would get over this super unnice hair style:S

dont know how to have it look nice. maybe i should cut it very short? i dont know. b ut this sticky style : quite disgustin g to me:S never gonna listen anyone's advise in my hair thingy ever again.

ok maybe i could go try a hair curly making op. so that it wouldnt stick to my head like this:S disgusting new hair style:S   ok i think i might really cut my hair super short since this hair4 style is really disgusting to me:S

my hair were rebellous(super puffy). now it sticks to my head. ::S disgusting:S i hate my selkf for lsitening other people's advise in hair:S never gonna do such mistake ever:S

i felt more betfl in my prev hair style. now i feel super ugly:S i wish i never listened the advise:S its the hair unification mechanism i adhered to. should never had ever adhered to. beauty or ugliness has no standard. we like to be ourselves  or our designed selves (like rhinoplasty things) but not aligning to what other people defines of how smooth hair should be. what kind of brain stopped situation i were in to listen someone else in my own hair style. my brain must had stopped working to do such hair op to my own hair:S  it looks disgusting:S I liked my rasta looking like hair. now it sticks to my head:S  anyway. its not an eternal thing. my rasta like hair would come back in 3  or 4 months. but i would hate to look to mirror awhile with this hair anyway.

i think ntohign   could make me happy today after this hair disaster:P  ok this is silly. oik i would get over to getting sad to this hair disaster i think tomorrow. but today would  be passed with hating my self to do such mistake of following other people's advise in my own hair style. its my hair.i dont have to adhere to others rules like hairs should be smooth. no my hair is like rasta originally itself. and i like it. confronted 100 times how my hair looks ugly from this person and i listened advise. and quite unhappy for listening  such advise.


ok lets go to my Alice in wonderland place:) coding the game:) yepp. i think coding the game would make me easily forget this hair disaster. i felt like this hair operation erased a part of my self. i mean this attitude that: everyone should hold have smooth or curly hair. or rasta hair looks ugly .why do you have crazy scientist like hair? it looks ugly? like comments. i listened that and did smoothed my hair and it feels like it stole a peace of me. thats why i disliked this much this hair thingy. i should never had listened. cause its my hair. my identity actually. we are all identities. i dont accept adhering to commonly established style guidelines. i would be happier if i have crazy scientist hair style. and i doint liked adhering to. would never listen to anyone advise in my hair style again.


lets get back to Alice in wonderland place:) coding the game thingy:) and never have any disaster like listening other people in my own hair style again ever. it felt like as if a part of my self got erased since my original crazy scientist like hair ugly hair style gone away:S gonna never listen other people's advise in my own hair style ever again. lets have this as a lessons learnt thingy. yepp.

and lets really do a buzzcut to left temple yepp:) maybe after i go to Berlin yepp:)  that would make me erase this bad memory of repetitive receiving bad comments to my natural hair and then stupidly adhering to the "smooth" hair style thats expected for me to have like everyone else.

why these people all want all people to be same:S some people. not only all people are like this. but this unification mechanisms holding mindset i see in some people. e.g. you have to have a smooth shiny hair like narrative."why do your hair looks like a crazy scientist? it looks ugly your hair looks ugly" why in world i blindly listened. but i received repetitive comments on how my hair looks bad and so in the end i wanted to try. anyway.  lessons learnt. never listen such advises on hair style. yepp.

aha so my hair grows maybe 1 cm in a month? ok so in one month this hair wont be ablke to stick to my head since my rebel hair would grow and save me from this sticked hair version:P
 ok so in 1 month its fixed yepp:)


yepp i got used to this super smooth hair thingy. and  also my hair got dyed so i liked its color but i dont  liked the super extra smooth hair thingy but  just got used to it. i mean since there is nothing to do to fix it:P i mean i have to get used to this hair. and got used to. there is nothing else to do.

si9nce none of my trousers fit due to 6kgs i got, i did shopping today, i bought long shirts since to hide my change of weight. i liked what i bought.  hmm. i think till the time i lose weight and return back to my usual state of weight that i am used to be, i would wear long shirts. but i liked this shirts. and in shop i entered there were many of them.
i boguth a trouser also and have another here at home and wish to lose weight and fit in others in soon or i would buy another there.
 i bought other things. yepp i do think this fast preparation to move to another city were fun:) only yesterday were super unhappy:) (since i ddnt any liked my new hair:P but there is nothing to do about it. i have to get used to. and i think today i got little bit used to. i think by evening i would fully get used to this new hair style. i know i did super much drama on that last day i know:P but i cant internalize big hair changes. i  mean it were an early decision i hadnt investigated how i would look like af terwards and i did quite super much drama afterwards. so today at  least i liked my hair color:P.(today my hair dyed also since there are as told whites also in my temples) ok maybe my weird rasta hair style wont fit? but i am an it member i dont think my hair style is important? but i admit that this new hair style looks more cared/better looking maybe. b u t i just liked that rasta style alot also. but figure out now   my hair looks like other people's hair (my original hair ius weirdo like me. its both smooth and both curly and quite puffy.  i never seen a hair like my hair in anybody else. everyone either is curly&puffy (i like curly hair alot) or smooth.  mine is both at the same time and never seen a weirtdo hair like mine in anyone else.
 now  my hair resembles other people's hair. ok at least i would look as if i care to my outlook(since it looks like i gone to coeffr). since  today my eyes got used to this new hair style. but as told, yesterday, i felt super unhappy for new hair. 

i think i became too much sad last day:P and did quite alot drama. since i liked my prev hair being puffy. and ddnt any liked new hair. but figure out maybe i could change my style to other styles than my puffy hair type. but last day i felt super unhappy since my hair's puffiness my hair's usual state gone.

ok and i also became unhappy yesterday due to seeing none of my jeans fit. one large one fit. and that also made me alot unhappy yesterday. so i should do sports maybe attend a sports center and also eat very little.

ok it feels weird. my hyair looks like other people's hair here. normally it looked suepr weird(since its both curly and both straight. its neither one of them its both). since its super puffy. i liked that. its gone but anyway i would get used to this hair type. i already got used to.

today i spent time wityh cousin's wife and since she requested to do walking sports at 9:00 i attended walking sports of her.  I dont like walking outside but attended since i promised:) anyway:)

i dont look to mirrors alot whilst wanderin gin house since as told, i dont any like this new hair but i got used to, i dont do drama over it. i just dont look to mirrors when i wander around house alot.  i get sad when i look to mirror(disliking new hair) so i dont look:P only look when i have to like waking up tidying haiur. but other than that, i dont alot look to mirror as i wande rin house and in home there are lots mirrors here.
 ok but i get used to it. i mean i dont do drama like the first day (yesterday).


hmm since my contract starts on Sept 1 i would update my linked in profile on Sept 1:) 

i would wait nearly 12 hours in airport (since i couldnt find tickets  cause,  hmm, the thing is: i need to buy  a ticket on the same day my VISA starts, so it happent like this :P but i would code the game project and i actually like alot wandering in airport drinking beer/hanging around and coding also :)  or might watch some netflix documentaries etc.
i know 12 hours is alot but i have game to code so i dont think it would feel as too much time.

i receive at the new city on sunday early hours and then a shuttle would lea ve me to hotel and then on monday gonna cheer with wandering in the company meeting people/colleagues/learning rules/knowledge. its quite exciting :) my first day at new work place is monday:) quite exciting:) eagerly waiting monday:)

and i would stay 15 days in a hotel. i would from my first daty enter diet cause i dont any like this new weight i am in(since i cant wear my clothes even). yepp.

i enter a data engineers team:) would do data engineering tasks in the data science department:) quite excited to start the work on monday:) and i missed worklife also :)
would work in python/scala languages based projects, yepp:) 

hmm would live 15 days in a hotel (whilst i am not in Berlin in the office i would work, i would first stay in a city near to Hannover for 15 days) and i actually like living in a hotel thingy:) i had such work life in another company also. there i worked in Istanbul but temporarily worked in foreign city in projects lasting sometimes 2 weeks/sometimes 1 month. so i am used to living in hotel like thingy and i actually like it:)


hello blog readers:)

yayyy everything is great. company/workplace is very very cool and life is also very interesting/very nice:) i investigate restaurants as i like to do before:) (one of my hobbies:P)

my temp flat is comfortable. i saw last day an ironing/pressing thing at cupboard in kitchen so wondered if washing machines exists. normally i never seen washing machines in hotels/guesthouses. i looked to -1th floor but couldnt see.

i usually spent time outdoors cause i missed being outside alot:  i mean i walk or sit inside a nice cafe. and sleep early usually.
i try to walk alot(its not alot actually, its subjective to my  walking habbit. since i ddnt walked alot, maybe 2-3kms a day now is alot to me:P and i try to increase it:)) since its healthy to do so. (as sports) and its fun since i learn about city.

i am in Berlin in mid of next week:)

what i thinking now: an excuse to run away from an invitation:P (i already have an excuse, its too much to go to 40-50kms for me since i am moving to Berlin in mid of next week and i dont want to travel alot in my first weekend to the other plac(like traveling to city  in saturday). i couold travel alot later. but not in my first weekend:P but how to say them this:S i dont know how to tell i dont want to travel on saturday to there for invitation but these people are super nice people. ok how to say no :S to nice people's invitation on weekend:S its a quite challenge:S )

(i feel i need to rest in my first weekend. i am not in travel mood in first weekend. and i missed hobby coding thing also:P thats one reason :P i am used to do hobby coding acts. i missed that i want to do some hobby coding on saturday. (its one rest activigty to me. :P to study unrelated topics) )

as told: i try to run away from an invitation of nice family on weekend:P since we arent from same mindset/topics etc. :P(introvert, i turned to an introvert:P) i want to do some stuyding on saturday instead. lets communicate and run away from invitation:P
ok i figure out i like to be introvert:P and extrovert sometimes last years. maybe i should change that and become more extrovert. i dont know. i think i should work on to become more extrovert. i were extrovert before actually. these years, more introvert. i should change that.but i like studying unrelated hobby topics in my free times. and traveling also sometimes.

i figure out when you have some hobby topics you like to study, even if life is beatiful also in its usual setting, its like the hobby topics is a second universe like thing, like Alice in wonderand. my life is also a wonderland:) but hobbies its a second universe:P my hobby topics, i want to sink in them studying them. its like a second universe:P(my hobbies to me they  are like that). my default universe is also great:) but i know i would study hobby topics also since its another wonderland:)  why i resemble my hobby to second universe:P ? because its about simulation topics:) yeah simulation topic exactly feels like a second universe, but one that which you try to decipher how current one works and try to replicate not in full resolution but in very low resolution:P (since i am not a scientist :P and snce this is a hobby thing:))

so when you have a hobby you like alot, you becoem introvert if the hobby requires study at pc/library like things. i figure out i had no hobbies before so i were full extrovert (6 years ago). now i have hobbies, i like to sink in them also sometimes. i also like traveling etc. i am still extrovert but i also like to spend time to hobbies.

yayyy some shopping time. then some simulation coding study time:)

guhu's nonscientific simulation thingies at hobby coding times:P (Since i am not super intellgnt my simulation is kinda nonscientific little bit:P ) its a 3d  simulation but not any scientific:P i define very coarse grained thingies:P not fine detail level:P

ok as i went shopping i tried to learn city and go other places i hadnt walked. and i lost little bit then i found way.

one thing i saw: i lost weight, this walking sport makes me lose weight:) the trouser that fit me all fully has became wide now. wov. happy. would try to return to my earlier weight..
i did a stupid thing of wearing off my jacket during walking (and putting n to the shopping bag). i have little bit sore throat now.  but slept a little as i returned and i wish it fixes that.
i think i walked at least 6 kms or alike.  normally in week i only walk 1.5km or 3 kms. today i think i walked at least 6kms. i guess it might be even 10kms i dont know. ok today i did too much sports regarding my earlier no sports way of life:P

 i forgotten my scarfs and i think i would buy one soon. i also forgotten my belts and i think i would buy that also as i am returning to my earlier weights. of course there is 10kgs or alike i took all wtr to my prev weight i mean i dont expect to lose 10kgs in a month. but wld hppn gradually i infer. i would do add more sports to my life.

sometimes sleeping or a soup heals whilst beggning of a sore throat thingy or flu thingy. i wish ithis sleeping thing i did now fixed my sore throat. i think it happent because not the walk wiithout jacket mostly(it also had part),  but last night my drink holded lots of ice cubes and i think that might be the sore throat thing.lesosns learnt: never drink a drink that has too many ice inside:P  it were all ice lots of ice. i shouldnt had eaten ice i infer. 


I had eaten take away dinner 10 min ago. the sore throat thing is fixed. i feel better. ok i feel also ill little bit(the sore throat thingy). but better with respect to 3 hours ago's state:P

now studying time.

i felt ill/tired so i slept little bit more. now woke up. ok sore throat persists. i wish it fixes by itself:) now feeling better after sleeping little bit more. ok so when i get ill i sleep alot:) oh this sore throat thing, i would never do walking sports without jacket when its slightly raining and little bit cold. i thought its ok to wander like that since i ddnt felt the cold since i am doing sport. my sore throat shows me its not ok xD

ok my throat hurts little bit but at least i feel more ok now regarding 3 hours ago time. sleeping helped. ok lets take a coffee or tea and study:)

feel great:) lets take some tea:) i felt super tired 3 hours ago. my legs hurted (since i am overweight wrt to my usual weight and did walked 10 kms like thingy in noon) felt tired due to sore throat, now but i feel great.

its really weird that when we are ill, we are all sleepy. i mean i think i slept 5 hours at least during noon time today but still i yawned:D this sore throat thingy now or whenever i get flu, i just want to sleep alot:)


yepp started studying/ i feel ill so i study in resting place.  have fever l'ttle bit and the sore throat thingy. never gonna do sports in autumn without a jacket whilst its slightly raining:P
ok lets continue in coding thingy. 1 week ago, i revised js things. but have to revise agai now:P  but faster i infer. or might not need to. actually nt needing to.or lets revise very fastly.


yayy fever gone. but sore throat persists.


ok i think i would study tomorrow morning. since i still have sleep. oh this sore throat thingy:S


ok i feel better in morning. little bit hurts when i gulp. but feeling less ill.
i would do gargling with water/salt solution (read that from internet)

yayyy lets continue studying. i dont want to do breakfast now.
yayyy i did had breakfast and had no problems ni eating (regarding sore throat).
ok continueing studying thingy.


ok i studied then went to noon meal at 2pm. i found an Italian restaurant near to hotel. definitely took a soup and added lots of black pepper then also some pizza but couldnt finish all pizza. beside restaurant, there is a Cathedral. i went to Cathedral, there is an amazing building there very tall roofs, very tall windows / stained glass. it had very tall roofs. were looking very nice. ddnt know if its allowed to take photos so i hadnt taken photos.


ok this sore throat thingy is painful:)
after returrning from meal, i felt lacking power so i slept 3 hours or alike.

as i wake up i woke up with pain of sore throat:S oh:S anyway i wish it fixes. i did another water gargling thing and it made felt better.

as dinner i dnt have power to go outside. i ate banana/half of chocolate bar.

my fav sugar is haribo. i constantly consume that during the day:P its super delicious!
ok  i figured out another hot drink type in kitchen of berries. i am drinking and tastes nice.
i did ironing of my tshirts trousers that wrinkle.

talked with family.  (half hour with family in Canada,14  minutes with family in hatay...) 
hmm and now studying  time. my study  corner is quite comfortable. there is a comfortable armchair and its bag chair to put my legs. i figure out i wold also buy such armn chair to my home.

only bad thing is hurting sore when gulping(and feeling sick is bad also or sleepign alot due to that). i have pain killer. i should take one i think.

yayyy i am at Berlin on wednesday:) alot exciting:)

oh i shiver little bit dont know if its due to fever or my cloth  is not enough. if its fever i shouldnt wear more. i wear jacket inside the room but its not super thick jacket.

so lessons learnt of this sore throat thingy: never do walking without jacket only you feel its not cold. wear jacket in walking sports in autumn in outside.

oh the tomato soup of Italian restaurant is delicious. i would also had investigated soups of local restaurants here in weekend but as told  i dont have power to go have dinner due to sore throat.

this arm chair is super comfortable. i dont want to move from here for next further 3 hours and code. then i would sleep.

oh visibly i forgot to open radiator in the room. that must be why i shivered. ok now i opent. :)

its 17 celsius degrees. so i think i should had opent the radiator.

ok i dont shiver so it were that room cold:) why i forgot to open the radiator:) silly me:)  i were still in summer mindset and thought radiators werent functional yet. but tried and it works. i wished i tried before:D

i feel lesser sore throat pain now since i took painkiller.

ok i am for sure buying a bag chair in the home i would live in Berlin. its super relaxing to study with armchair+bag chair thing. and it would have been nicer if there is snowing in outside. reading or studying in such settng. i .liked this bag chair thingy, my new study desk at home is armchair+bag chair thingy. no more would study ever on study desk.


i figure out my head stopped working  since i needed to calculate normals in rendering in one subtask:S i ddnt had to do:S ok so sore throat alsoimpacts my cognitive capabilities :P (which arent that much :P )

i still cant believe the painkiller took all sore throat pain away. but waking up with pain is super unnice. i dont know if its effect would reside in morning. sore throat's worst thing: waking up wi th sore throat pain:S


  ok i cant make flat shading work on one piece of code. and also triangulationlooks to have an error. but the shading looks nonexisting and i dont know which switch/setting is closed :S anyway lets investigate later on. enough hanging around in graphics code today.


ok sore hroat 80% passed today. i dont need to  take another pain killer. so resting really fixed this one. so it wernt bacterial sore throat(which mandates medicine as i read from sore throat types)

it still not fully fixed but feels much much much lesser pain when gulping.
my voice is not any my usual voice. my voice not fully get recovred:) but its better than morning. these things show i am healed i think. resting + gargling with salty water three times + 2 pain killer takes fixed it.

my colleague shown me the place of washing machines. so since i couldnt wash all with my hand, i put all to the machines.

yayy some hobby coding time:) lets do defect fixing things i mentioned (in triangulation /normals)

---------------------- some silly topic here-------------------
 some silly internal decisions about a silly topic:
ok i think for this nose i have :P i think i would do have rhinoplasty maybe next summer since i dnt have power to have rhinoplasty thing now. maybe 8 months later.  its a process that requires a lot power. first 3 days are super hard.  then its ok. i think i would plan rhinoplasty 1 year later on. yepp.

-------------------end of silly topic----------------------------


things to do:
i need to prepare my things tomorrow night since i am leaving this guesthouse on wednesday morning.


oksome defect fixing time in triangulation/normals creation topic.

i shouldnt sleep because i have things in washing machine. or i could set up alarm. hmm. i think i could do that also.  since after some minutes i have to put them to drying machine. then it might take also another 30-40 minutes?


hey today passed very fun. me and cousin&her bf went to some bungee jumping like things that i dont know name of. it werent bungee jumping but were like you slide on rope and walk in very weird rope situations. it were super fun. i dont remember how much laugh i had. its like, me and cousin starts a sector in that, then in the middle of passing of the thing (whether its like very sliding/hanging woods or etc) its just you come in the middle and you sem ee you are in real problem,, but you cant either return but have to continue :D those moments we went to laugh crisis:D it were super funny. i mean i felt being like trapeze acts today,, it were really like that. i felt like i am a fat circus member. we walked in very hanging very weird parkurs it were super fun and but at the same time super shitty. and the moment you understand htte thing you do is super hard many times we felt our selves in laughing super hard since we cant return back either. we were tied to ropes hanging around trees and but gliding on them wasnt the scary thing. it were the fun part. but there were really hard places that you feel like doing trapeze sports :D and it were both scary and both super fun.
i think i never laughed like this day in my life before:D or i might laughed like this in my childhood times at most. even my nose hurted to laughing. because cousin and me made us laugh. just standing on the rope, hanging around, feeling like if you would fall (there were really hard parkurs) e.g. you walk in woods that are tied to ropes. that hang around and move alot while you try to stand on it. and it were like things were like things from tv shows where people fight to not fall down with running on. it were super hard to walk on ropes. but some of them were super fun also. all of them were super fun actually.

in start of parkur you say  wov its super exciting then a moment comes you say what kind of shit i am in. i cant balance my balance i am gonna fall! (actually you cant fall but instead get off from the sliding woods/ropes and but instead hang around like tarzan:D we were like tarzan today :D and it were super fun:D but the parkurs were really super hard and super fun also :D)

it were cosuins idea to go there and i think its one of the most funny time of my life. many times i got stucked in middle of trees saying i cant handle this its just too hard to maintain balance of this hanging around thing which is done to make hang around and .
i think this day were the most fun day of my life for many years. it were super funny to look to cousin and going to laugh crisis for seeing we are stucked and we have to solve it but its also super hard. since i mean that structures we walked, were really super hard but also super fun:)

the funniest part is, i fell in ground not from trees. whilst walking arpund trees in ground, i wanted to run to one parkur for retrying that one before times end up(the place closes after some hour). then i fall to the ground super bad. i wonder if my nose got hurted/got some more defect due to that i dont know. but that were also super funny. i checked if i have concussion, i dont think i hit my head. my skin directly did friction in ground and happy no scar happent. i dragged on the ground with my head/skin touching and felt as if my skin enlarged due to friction. but no scar happent. but were a silly situation. i am happy nothing happent and i wish my noseddnt got any defect. but i fell on side of my head so i wish my noses hadnt touched. it might touched. ok i dont wnt this ugly nose of mine to get more uglier so scared if something happent.  but then continued wandering around parkurs. last one i tried were mainly all gliding and it were super fun. there were levels. black were the hardest level. blue and green also. we hadnt tried black yet.

i think i wont forget this super funny memory, me and cousin going to laugh crirsis since we observe how it really hard is to walk on that stuff on 5 or 7 metres high from ground. there is no chance of falling since we are tied to the upper rope. but doesnt change the things hangaround, swing alot, very hard to walk on. only the unscary ones were ones which you directly glide. but the others were done very well. so i mean in real life, i wont have courage to walk on such places but could have chance to know how it feels to walk on a very hanging around bridge or ropes/woods structures that are like trapeze and very hard to walk on etc. many many parkurs. many different structures.

so today i felt like how it wld had felt to be a circus member definitely:) since i walked on trapeze like things.  (though since i am kinda fat, so a fat circus member:)) it were super fun:D it felt like being child again:D since in child times we did walked on edges of walls some times beside garden.  or played outside mainly in summer/spring.

i am in Berlin from end of wednesday and very alot liked:)))))))))))))))
its a very big city and i liked alot:)))))))))) I think i fell in love to Berlin:P

i were ill of sore throat while comng here (so bad that my voice gone away. today my voice is more normal) so i couldnt spend time alot here yet:)

hey ginger is really curing to this sore throat thingy. it treated mine. also .took some medicine but not medicine just pastils to help it and also vitamins. but the night i ate ginger, the morning i woke up with no sore throat that day.

ok so yesterday were one silly & fun day  swinging around trees like Tarzan:D

the funnier thing is: this thing all planned by cousin. then the day before i had a meal in a place to near to workplace and it had a painting on its wall and picture of Tarzan inside that big drawing.  whilst looking to Tarzan included drawing, had no ideai would swing like Tarzan the other day:D its funny cousin wernt there either iin that meal place the day before or any other day:D

I have got some problem: the place i live has no internet yet:) i use phone's network yet. but it also finished. so i would sit in a cafe to use its internet for today for a couple of hours:P (of course would drink many many coffees:) & cupcakes).

ok checking for flats from now on since i would most possibly rent a flat in start of november.

i missed studying in a coffee state. not that i did this to use internet before :P but like being outside as i told:) so 3 years ago, did studied alot in outside.
now plannig that in weekends maybe fomor end of workdays some days.

from photos cousin's friend took whilst we are being tarzans with cousin:D
i saw i have big posture problems so trying to fix it.

i think yesterday were the funniest day of my life:D and maybe most fun day also:D  we did what acrobats do type of acts:D the parkurs were like that:D
one were vertical woods hanging on ropes sequentially. you have to walk with passing on a small region in the vertical hanging around swinging long wood. (from 7ms of ehight:D of course we had security ropes tied to an upper rope) were super fun:D and so stressing also:D if i knew this parkur's name, i would suggest everyone to visit. i dont know its name yet but it is in Spandau.

ok enough blogging time;D lets study little bit.  and try to find nonworking switch inside the code. i have huge things to do in that hobby project.

ok yesterday  my sore throat which i thought were fixed scared me whilst sleeping. it behaved as if i have allergy and in night when i would fall asleep had became very hurting and kind of impacting tiny bit my respiration. so i fall asleep with thinking whether i should go to hospital. and then in morning i were much better.

i since my came were urgent i had only 20kgs lmit of baggage capacity.
 so i couldnt put my thick coat in my baggages. but put lighter jackets. but hadnt expected the cold air would come this early so i today bought some coat (and very liked it and price were also very great:) ) i werent planning to buy today evening, but  i were trying to find a place to change 200 euros to smaller amounts (suince i would buy a sms package to my phone card.) but then found out this shop which were full of coats and i say forget buying sms packagand ie today i did shopying. since need urgently to buy coat.

my usual previous pc bag, my pc ddnt fit so bought another bag, bought some cute looking inside jacket and some winter coat thingies. and also my winter shoes got broken last day so i bought a new shoes and it all amounted to only 123 euroes.

talked with mom and said if my money finishes she would send, happy for that cause it might happen:P or not. i dont know.anyway, if it finishes i would ask her. of course only till i get my salary i get help from family. after that i wont.

it were a super scary night last day. cause i live alone. and i thought if my respiration would get worse? i checked hospital phone numbers for in case such thing happens.  luckily it ddnt happent. i took some medicine it helped or just it healed got better itself. i were completely healed 4 days ago. and sore throat got back again last day. so visibly it hadnt healed?. this tim e its in belower part of my throat. so my voice hadnt gone away  this time.

bought fruits with c vitamin. drank things witth c vitamin. and try to take care on resting side. i think i would heal again. but if i wont i would go to doctor for sure.


last time whilst at night  sleep time i scared alot since it felt as the thing of sore throat limits little tiny bit of my respiration. but it got better. i took some medicine of name minoset and also some pastil named isla and it helped. and woke in morning better.


the immune system, t cells or others, its strength directly related to how much we rest when we need immune system the most. i mean in time of infection, if you dont rest well, infection might won over the immune system. it must be more complex than that of course but from outside very coarse grained way it looks like that.

t cells are quite interesting. once read about them

(one night i ddnt slept well getting lost in coding so i inifer thats the day  i ddnt rest well. i got lost in coding some hobby project that day. )

t cells those mecihanisms looks like as if we are pcs/computational things. like computation based views in thermodynamics? not quite correct analogy though.
but t cells are really interesting. maybe one of the most interesting mechanisms in the biology to me.

(beisde guhu is quite a  layman in medicine & biology:) )

what did bifurcation meant, would check now.

ok i like Jason Bourne's musics alot. so i kind of too much like to listen.  i like soui cndtracks of movies alot.  i once liked to repeat repeatedly one other movie now this time this. i like listening soundtracks alot in general. (and by the way Jason Bourne is really a very nice movie i think. )

whilst i were trying to remember the medicine name i took which is minoset, it made methink  minotaur word :) if one knows latin might create connections to medicine names? is minotaur a latin word? dont know that either.

what i were thinking about modelinng curvaturest and projection of curvatures ot other curvatures. since have such requirement. trying to figure out some crude heuristics based way without ray tracing. without distorting the outer sphere's struct alot.

ok anyway  resting time now. i wont study to hobby project today. maybe tomorrow.  since its already midnight. if i come at 8 pm of course i could study
tomorrow. todday i came late since were on buying coat thingies.

ok you people know i had a stalker woman so i scared of going outsidside before. now that i am not stalked, i go out outside like i used to:D
its super fun:D
i like going outside alot.
last 2 days i drank wine outside. last night i drank one cup of wine and little bit beer and i became so much drank. so this night i just only took wine.
today's funny part were:

2 thingsz. one is not funny. i hadnt seen cousin's (Bilgin's) calls. since i  am not used to using phone alot. i am not used to check my phone during day. ss.o i missed her messages. and she scared as if something this was  kind of sad to me since i missed and i wish i had seen. its just i am really not used to using phone alot. i use very infrequently only for playing games etc. anyway would next time check more frequently so this missing messages/calls thing doesnt happen. i am super ashamed of this thing that i missed calls/messages.

funny part of day  were: i had too much toilet (urine) when returning to home.e
 ok there are lots of toilets in city center. but i dont know any toilet in way to home. (it must exist but i dont know:D) so i think i hadnt hat this much full bladder for a very long time:D it were funny:D  had to wait 40 minutes to reach toilet. it  were funny;P so lessons learnt: if you drink wine, dont return to home until you go to toilet at least 2 times:)

even fi i have an ugly nose, i wnt plan any rhitnoplasty thingy at least 6 months or else.

hmm i got fat:P trygin to lose. but today, i ate (as dinner) choco doughnout. (saying is not life too short to ban doughnouts to myself:P )  (i could ban, but at least once i could eat. never eaten here such thing whilst this place is a heaven of super nice cakes/pastrys/cholocates etc..)

ok i know i have  goals to lose weight. but life is also short. i could not do diet at least my first weeks here. this place is like a heaven of cholocates/cakes. i just couldnt ban the doughnout to me. its cholocate were super delicious. i am happy i hadnt banned. but tomorrow i wont eat second doughnout and would adhere to diet.
ah how neurotypical sentences above paragraph is:P

i am still celebrating end of getting stalk celebrations. i had changed country so saved from stalk of stalker woman:) i can finally go outside after 1 year. its super happy. i missed taking a wine outside super much or just dining outside etc. i did that yesterday. did again today. celebration mode on:)
i truly hadnt had any chance to go outside(unless mandatory things like work ) for last 1.5 years. so it feels super good to go outside. as told, reason i stopped going outside, i had a stalker woman stalking constantly for 3 years (out from horror movies cause stalked me with horrific sociopathic acts against me). so last 1.5 years, i stopped entirely any outdoor activity. before i loved to go outside. then a blank 1.5 years of staying at home always scaring of going outside (Cause she always most of the time stalked. in ways that would create ptsd. she did sociopathic acts against me. ) now that horror movie is over i reinited going outside again and it feels super good:) i likse drinking wine outside beside my meal :) doing that again. its super happy to go outside without scaring again:)

i have goals of restudying French. i bou8ght Le Monde today to see if i understand anything. turned out i completely forgot. nothing understood from :P

ok in current agenda, stays   learning German/French so that i know 4 languages. and i think i should know German language since i live in Germany. i can live without knowing since English is known by everyone here mostly. but it would make life easier i think to know the language.

how does going outside after scaring of going outside for 1.5/2 years feels? :)

how does getting over ptsd means? :)

these are my emotions when i go outside here:)
i wanted to dance if i could dance in street like 1960s movies :) i wish i knew how to dance:) so i could had danced in street today. there were no one:) so could really did dance:D

ptsd: 4 letters but means alot scary word.
trauma: a single word but means alot:S but not a nice thing:S

having a psycho stalker that constantly stalked me wheneer usually most of the time when i went outside for 3 years: it were the worst thing that ever happent in my life. it were not just stalk. i confronted constant sociopathyh last 1.5 years. so i stopped going outside.

i ccant define how good it feels to feel no scare of  going outside again:)
i want to attned street art events and write a cross over ptsd word in my art study:)

i cnat define how good my life feels now.

even if i have an ugly nose nor i am fat.nor i am ugly.
those things could get fix sometime in time nor i dont care that much as a neuretypical person that

but getting over ptsd. it feels super awesome.

i constantly lived in trauma last 2 years. the stalker woman did horrific acts against me. even rented a flat beside my flat. constantly stalked for constant 3 yearrs. and did started doing sociopathy last 2 years. it were super scary.

socializing. one thing everyone does. i lacked that in my life last 2 years. i scared of going outside last 2 years.

ok i stopped drawing also in these last 2 years. like my life is back (ptsd is gone:) ) art soul is back also:) i am interested to art activities again since art looks cool here since i saw street art examples everywhere :) since there is a concept named street art:)  i missed being in outside(street) alot:)

i am back:) back to life again:)

how i wished i knew dancing . i really wanted to do dancing/parkur sports like thingy outside todya. but i lack any kind of such talent. wish i had:) cause i really wanted to dance over steps/pavements:D like in musicals:D or like in parkur sports:P

ptsd is:  or were:
it is state that lacks "EGALITE".

getting stalked by a socio woman stolen "EGALITE" from my life. since i turned like ptsd and scared of going outside.

it stolen my right to go outside. since i scared of going outside to not confront sociopathy of the stalker woman.

"EGALITE" a single word but means everything:)

( had i told where am i lviing:)  I am living in Berlin:) one city of Egalite:) and a city of art:)  )

next recent goal: attend a street art even, where i write a cross over PTSD word:P

ok recent decisions. i would rent a place near to city not far like place i live now:P since i like being in outside:) some many days more since i missed going outside super much:)
 maybe 2 or 4 subway stps far away from center at most. not much far.


since it would be both good in economically and both fun in this term:
i want to experiment feeling of temporary state in place i live with renting 1 month or 2 months rooms from badi. i want to remove a constant home state from my life:) and it is cheaper also :) i mean it would be both hmm economically nice and both an experiment in my life. we people are used to renting flats that all belong to us. now would rent a room. aand change it in 2 or 1 months:)  would try to live life as different as i can as i am a weirdo? :P and it would be also economically nicer thing in my initial time here. so win win in terms of since i like to change my life alot frequently. and in terms of it being economically a nice thing to do. might get used to always renting rooms:)
renting flat? its for people who love more stable life:) guhu? guhu likes changes alot n her life:P even from now on, living in same flat all long along feels unnice thing to do:P so i guess i would live like that:D i decided on this as i discovered badi platform:P (there i can find rooms to live)


one thing: our team activity in work place holds going to a hurricane factory where we would fly inside a wind tunnel :) yayyy i always wanted to try parachuting and they say it feels like parachuting:) a super safer form of parachuting:) super nice:)

i guess since i did things like last weekend
(not exactly this place but similar things existed), i guess i would also have courage to parachuting:) i figure out i like adrenalin activites:)


no more violin learning goals since i am not sad:P i were sad because i had ptsd like thingy due to a stalker woman who stalked me alot. now that i dont have a stalker, i am happy. so no kind of interest to learning violin. ok violin must be also an instrument to play happiness also. but to me violin always feels like a way more an instrument i would wanted to play when i am sad.


for hobby projects, like hurricane modeling trials to try to stop them, its next project after first project of game thingy. but game thingy takes alot time as i observe:P currently i am stucked on figuring out a nicer more correct way to project a sphere surface to one other (they dont stand on same origin). trying to do this without ray tracing. till i solve this tiny mile stone i cant iterate in there well. so tomorrow want to work on this. if i dont solve this, i dont have the motivation to code the game because tihs belongs to  a core mechanism of game of sky rendering. anyway that hobby goes on sometimes slow sometimes very slow but goes on. (dont remember if i coded anything fast in game hobby project:D  i dont think there is any fast thing there in that hobby project :p ) i guess it goes like that since its also a hobby thing. i could fixate on ways(like sphere to sphere projection without ray tracing) instead  of focusing to create something fastly. as its a hobby. i just cant limit time in hobby side of tasks i infer as i observe. hobby projects: time unlimited projects. where i fixate on other ways to develop things without time constraint.


yayyy sometimes i get of a cafe since i find the menu too high priced:P last day found a not so high priced cafe after sitting on a high priced one:)

ok i am super happy that cousin and i met up. actually we ddnt had super talk time this time (just sat till 3am talking this/that) but super happy she is not angry to me(nor erased me) for since i had forgot to use my phone on friday (i missed seeing her calls that day so i am super happy she is not angry to me for that.).

i saw an interesting poster today:) really interesting.


i had planned studying this night but passed with talking with cousin. so would study little bit now :P


by the wya, why do i feel like i am a super fun person?
i feel like i am not a fun beer drinking pal? like talking this and that things. i am not super fun person. i were before making funny jokes. now drinking beer with a pal feels like a thing tht doesnt belong to my life?

ok too much introvert times made me an uninteresting beer drinking pal? i felt like whatever i told is uninteresting. 

i socialized today but i figure out i am so uninteresting person. whatever i talk is not any fun. nor interesting

drinking out with pals:  from tonight what i observed: i think i should drink alone in later? cause i felt myself super uninteresting. i felt problem in telling interesting things. i am not any super fun person. felt as if the other person would have much more interesting time if spent time doing other things due to my uninteresting talk.

i figure out discover myself that i am not a good beer drinking pal? definitely not:P

ok i wish i were like other people who always finds funny jokes/things to tell. i do talk about constantly uninteresting topic when drinking with pals. i configured saw that i should drink alone my wine cause not a good drinking pal.   i think this night might have been the most uninteresting beer drinking night with pal. i were super uninteresting. i figure out i like activities with pals like hangingaround/travel etyc. but beer drinking with pals? some activity i am not good at visibl?

normally i remember times where we laughed a lot out with drinking with pals. this times i felt like i am super uninteresting

so beer drinking activity with pals becomes something i dnt like? i like doing other things now.  like hanging around with pals/traveling/doing sports together. but drinking beer together i observed i am not a good drinking beer pal. i am not any funny nor any interesting when drinking beer with pals. i figure out, i like drinking alone when if i drink. i usually drink one beer or one cup of  wine. but not a good drinking beer pal i am. but might be a good sports attendee pal, hanging around pal, traveling pal, just sitting watching movie pal etc. but drinking beer with pals become historical. cause i figure out if i drink, i like to drink alone. but for activities with pals side, i like to hang around with pals/travel together/do sport together. but drinking beer with pals is not my thing as i observe as i got older.i like doing sports together/hanging around togther. but when it comes to drinking beer with pals, i am super duper unintersting persn. but i m interesting when it comes to hanging around outside/or doign sports /or outdoor activities/hiking etc.

or maybe its because me and pal  ddnt talked about similar topics. maybe reason i felt is due to that. i felt as the worst beer drinking pal today. but i am i think a good pal for doing outside sports/hanging around outside.

ok too much repeated sentences. means i am too sleepy. lets go to sleep.

ok lets sleep now. and wake in 11am. or 12 am.

ok i woke up at 10am. but still sleepy for su re.
ok the thign is i want to code today all day. but also should adhere to invitation of pals for doing something outside.

i figure out, there is always things to do infront of pc. and one should also adhere to invitations. it is important to adhere to invitations as i see.


ok lets move to a new blog page since i use my phone's internet and sometimes it takes slower to refresh.

new blog is in:


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