ok calling consulate  lawyer time in 9am.

i cancelled my mom;s visit. since i really have no time right now cause i am dealing such issue and i dont want her to deal with such stress. she asked whats goibng on i wont tell until this thing is solved/fixed. so i requested her to cancel her trip cause i wnt be able to host her for real.

i would get suggestion from lawyer ad i would go to Turkey and ask istanbul police's help with the same complaint. and i wont any live in germany cause i think checking police's behavior in 2 separate countries to a ciminal complaint, i definitely think Turkey is better in lots of things. and i wont forget how pain its. that whilst i said please check subway video record and i watched dull looking expressions. i went there with a complaint that a psycho stalks me with bizarre acts. and tonight i had an evidence that might find out the group of people here, cause the defamation things shouting guy just passed beside me with a guy saying tio the guy "guher is yours". then in far shouted the very ugly defamation.  this happent last night.  i think i would go to ferikoy. and try to collect video evidence of stalk in cafes when stalker comes shouts again oluk to me. and also go to police telling bizarre things i confronted, at least police there did their police job with having inherent knowledge that bizarre things really happen to stalked victims by their stalkers. that bizarre things really happen. when police nbehaved as normal nonpolice people who are unaware of bizarre things happens to people by criminal minded stalkers. i mean i definitely think police here is not any diligent.nor has humane methods when someone goes tell them a crime they confront.

i definitely think due to this fact, that police is like this, i really wont like to live here. cause there is no diligence in police side. i would want police force to be diligent in place i live and wouldnt behve like this when i go tell a crime.

this place died for me. not any planning to live any minutes nor seconds here anymore. and i really confirm that Turkey people are i think very diligent. unlike here's police.  i am waiting it to be 9am so that i could access consulate to reach out advises in that.

what i think is, human  rights is far much better in Turkey thinking the mandatory english course request, nor the police's behavior.

not that mandatory english course request is any human rights violation. but it showed me there is something different here and its just looks like i dont know it looks like fixation to be perfect or i dont know why its asked to be good communicator from an engineer. i wish they said this to me in interview that they want good communicators.  i went there as an engineer i didnt went as a communication things doing engineer.  this even showed me that this place has some weird things. but workplace were otherwise really perfect more than perfect. but just being mandated to take a course whilst i dont think i need to be any english expert. i am not a connoisant vp or orther role of the company, i dont need to be a perfect communicator.  and if they want such requirement from the people they hire, they should say it in advance not later. they could want that of course. but they should had told. otherthan that workplace is amazing. really like that. i actually told them in interview being excited is my default state when they asked why i am excited. this also happent. so they knew i were an excited person while i applied.
i found it very hard to go to an business english course to enhance my communication skills. and i tried to postpone it as much as i can. and happy that now that i would resign, no more english coursedependency is present. but honestly, everthing else were perfect. but being mandated to go to an english course definitely not. and i saw i have a colleague that is worse than me in cmomunication but i saw he is not asked such thing. he came later than me. anyway.


police's behavior. this i is reason i decided this place is not for me. since police is not diligent. if some place's police is not diligent i wouldnt want to live there. it looks to me this place looks to me in outside they try to follow things without understanding meaning of.  like victim rights. like human rights. they do follow things but without understanding its meaning of. this place made me felt like that. i felt a lack of diligence. i felt a lack of i dont know. i felt a lack of understanding. i felt a lack of thinking. i felt as if people do follow things without really understanding its meaning. like a show. but when real things happens like confronting a crime, you see exactly the lack of diligence. its like the things i see reminds me make up trying to cover lack of diligence. under make up there is lack of understanding/diligence. but with make up trying to do human rights? i do think this excess show of respect to human rights is a respect but not with understanding it. to me it felt like this way. as i saw the inhumane behavior of police. most possibly other people arent like this. for instance stalk victim's organization werent like this. but police felt me like this. i wouldnt want to live in a place where police is not diligent/respectful to victim rights.

similarly in english course. anyone knowing engineering knows cares utility value not in communication skills unless the engineer has targets to be a manager. i didnt. but asking the engineer to be a good communicagtor than herself, and mandating an english course as a mandatory assignment, again felt like this make up like following things. lack of understanding. i mean in makeup its tried to be shiny perfect, but underlying there is a big misunderstanding about role of engineering i think. or if they expect such roles from engineers, they should defgine in job application. and similarly i worked in lots of places before including multinational place and including management roles, no place ever asked such thing.

ok waiting 9 am to happen so that i would ask advise of lawyer. i would leave all things i bought for mom's visit to my aunt. for to take them i shopped alot things maybe it would be useful to them.

if they are interested. if not i think might instead ask anyone who is interested.

i am not going to live in this country anymore.

and super happy there popped up a reason to get away from mandatory english course assignemt,. that made me felt like i am student again:S that people assign you to take such a course.

ok i this place's attitude made me felt like: we dont need no education lyrics holding song. (pink floyd)
and similarly lack of victim rights in police side, made me felt i dont know i dont any want to live here. it felt to me a show of human rights i see that alot. alots of people marginalized in many sides do suggest they support human rights but instead do contrary acts to that. as i look to state of humanity in general.

anyway my country;s police is diligent and more respectful to victim rights.
not gonna live here anymore. i think going to istanbul today and also would even start investigation at police department there today if possible. and i would also i think for rest of my life, not any planning to come to this country ever again. for animated lack of victim rights at police dept side.

ok i figure out people are usuallyu in favor of supporting human rights. but only if they really understand it its possible right?  this is one contradiction that creates lots of problems maybe in lots of domains.

ok i smiled this morning even afrter such night for figuring out i have now a reason to go away from mandatoruy english course:) that made me feel like a student again:S  i never liked being any student in part of being student life.

ok i think i am a nice person since i could find thin gs to laugh when its even painful alot i smiled to this alot now. that now that i am free of mandatory english course:) gosh it feels amazinfg in thagt. cause i really hated they asked such thing as mandatory thing (as if i say no i would be turn out to a disliked employeee whom doesnt do assigned things and might even impact my i dont know probation thing). i now am happy back again even in such state i found something to smile. that i dont any more have to attend the mandatory english course:D  bye bye company which makes me ask to go to a course i wouldnt want to. and even the secretary lady thought my english is ok. for my role.

i am kind of happy something like this popped up so that i would resign. so that as a result i wouldnt have to attend the mandatory business english course. yuppp bye bye company! everything other than that were really perfect honestly. but that were really very hard to grasp nor accept for me to go to a mandatory english course. so it creates infinite amount of happiness that now i dont have to attend it that even a very painful reason some reason happent that i dont haqve to attend it:)

from things i confronted from leftist sided people, i definitely think leftist people arent actually good people but just doing tribal leftism.  and just doing things for show. but not actually understandinfg human rights.

ok a leftist minded country is not for me to live. nor a place where police is not diligent nor respectful to human nor victim rights.
waiting it to be 9am.
to call the lawyer for advise. so that i could take my ticket. and would rent a hotel in istanbul. 

ok a leftist country behaved as: when  i said i am stalked by people whom even shouted me sleep, they asked me first prove my sanity.
ok people, i dont think any leftist people are actually good people. thats my general impression in life.  i also think rightist people arent good that people do bad things. but leftists also are alike that. i wished it were a place that they when you have told them you confront such big suffering in life, and they first want more suffering from you in advance. ok if this is a place where they are proud of human rights, when you talk them people whom shouted sleep stalk you and stalks still, and when they behave like this, i dont knw but this created an impression about leftist countries or socialist based countries in my head as some image thats not super human rights respecting.

i gthink also rightists stupids exists like extremists far rightists which are super dangerous. rightists also have super stupids/super bads. that are super dangerous.

but my experience from a socialist country, i would never ever live in a socialist based or such roots holding country again. for since human rights victim rights seems as a superficial thing i think. as i saw.

as i tell a serious crime but behvaed like this. i would never live here again nor in any socialist based country that visibly hadnt grasped human rights super much or not diligent enough. that such a crime confronting person has had confronted a lot suffer, and wanting her to confront new suffering without checking her video camera record check request.

that as a woman i confronted insourmantable amount of pain. but the pain were not an important topic to police. that tyou tell woman trafficers most possibly stalkedd/stalk me still, and the lack of empahyt and asking me to prove my sanity first. that lack of emphaty/lack of udnerstanding. made me decide i am not going to live in a country that has socialist roots. nor emphaty problem visibly. nor diligence that bizafre stalk things could really can happen in life. tyhat diligence police knows this. nor stalk organizations also knows that stalkers does bizarre things to stalk victims. but police with no emphaty asked me to prove my sanity first. ok bye bye emphaty lacking people;s country. not any minute not any hour. not any second. its first time i saw lack of empahyty here and its my last time i wont any live any more here.

i know Turkish police is super diligant. and i know there would happen start a police invesxtigation there for crimes i confronted and i know they would catch the stalker. unlike the emphatyb lacking police here.

there you go to a police station telling some people shouted me sleep. and they query your sanity first.

ok this proves me this place is not any livable country nor place. for attitude of police. being a foreigner expat.


the police said, since i talk very excited since i look weirder than other people, ( and i guess  since my story is bizarre) they wanted me to prove my sanity.

ok nondiligent emphaty lacking people, bye. end of my time here.  not any more would ever go to a country that has history of emphaty lacking things and i observed its not passed emphaty lack of emphaty still exists at police side. since they behaved like this whilst i confronted maybe one type of worst type of sufferings in life and they wanted me to prove my sanity first.

bye bye emphathy lacking place.
you still lack emphaty eevn if you try to snhow tyourself as fond of human rights. sorry but you still lack emphaty. you hadnt changed in 60-70 years i think. still lack of emphaty i think.  as i observed that in police.  whilst i suffered a worst type of pain in life and confronting more suffering due to inhumane behavior of police. i definitely think this human rights liking attitude of tjhis place is just a makeup over still huge lack of emphaty. that its not changed. that lack of emphaty persists. in police i observed.

tagged as not livable. for sure. not ever coming here any again.

my country's police is much more diligent and emphat and wouldnt behave like this to a woman trafficer like people's stalk victim.
not any livable place here to me anymore.

there are some places to be far away in world i understood. like people who did committed crimesin history. and it might took even many generations to fix emphaty lacking things to create basic understanding of empathy. or just lack of empahty.

they could just instad had check the video record in advance and call the guy to police to ask about the crime i reported.
whilst i told them a serious crime type. which means i confronted a huge suffering. but they expect me to confront little bit suffering more then after that they would start processing investigating my application.

bye bye empath lacking place.
not any place to live nor study.

70 years passed but you still lack emphaty sorry but its like that visibly.  as i saw how behave to people who confronted serious suffering.

lessons learnt dont go live in place whom did serious crime in history. cause maybe the lack of empathy still persists. never live in germany again. yupp.

i am going to istanbul and ask istanbul police's help instead. cause they would were really interested to woman trafficers stalk like crime unlike here(i think woman trafficers stalked me). (cause that people whom stalked me shouted me to sleep) and beside confront serious defamation crime at the same time also. i am pretty sure istanbul police gonna catch these crimibnal people whom does these acts.

i saw what degree of human/victim rights present.  anyway.

if i going to create a startup in future, not going to hold any branch in germany for sure, remembering this lack of emphaty thing, for since in my srtartup foreign expats might work, and when they confront woman trafficers like peoiple's stalk(like i confronted) and then theyb would go to police to ask help (like i went) and dpolice would behave inhumanely.  so not a oplace to open any startup branch for incase in future i build a startup. since doesnt give people guarantees of  humanly behavior. as i personally observed. this country behaves in ways perpetually wrong. when even trying to do right after very wrong thing in history, they do it to be better versions even wrongly, as if they cant udnerstand the essence of right. as if lacking emphaty. as i saw in how police behaves inhumanly. i meant holding such historical crime in history, they do are very focused on human rights  and its a great thing but and it would have been actually a good thing if they actually undersrtand human rights. it gave such impression to me here, that there is lack of a degree of lack of empnhaty as seeing in the behavior of police. nor behaving as people are students and wanting them to go to mandatory english course from wrkplace. not all people ar elike this. for instance i like Merkel like political people. but police at least wernt any humanly behaving and show me their police system is like that. that they lack emphaty factor and they dont care if you suffered from a serious crime.

if i open a startup only coiuntry missing branch would have been here. for confronting this serious level of lack of emphaty of police system here.

not the words not the laws define the actuality of a place.

the actual things define a person or a place's affiliation or views.

things to hold in life.

dont get too much in to words that they are human rights advocates.

its not the words nor the laws. but the actuality or how people behave there defines how actually it is. laws nor words of elevation of human rights means nothing. just the actuality means things. not the words.

human rights
and victim rights.


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