i just cant define the fun level when the stalker psychos whom shout mne to "sleep!" "sell!" like sentences for 4 years and they hadnt reached their neferious goal and in 4th year it still continues. it feels kind of funny and fun. to show to these psychopaths that they cant make an engineer sell herself  o (i think this people are an organized bad people type? since they shout such things? )  there is satisfaction of nihiliation so much. that because, before i always entered trauma for 2 years i lived in trauma as i observed i had such people stalking me. i think either these people are a psycho cult. for doing such things like stalking people like this.  or its a pyscho from them fell in love and constantly never endlessly tries to destroy with psychopathy sociopathy? i dont know what the heck nor why i confront such sociopathy in life. but before whilst it were trauma, now its satisfaction. guhu the engineer versus mafia trying to turn her to a  bitch.  i say my victory is blatant and bold:)(since thesse psychos never reach their goals) the funn y thing is, these loser psychopaths do this sell/sleep shoutings for endlessly for many years but never worked out, never i replied nor ever they could reach their goal, but it persists never endingly. and geez whilst it were trauma, its now kind of satisfaction for seeing a bunch of psycho's loser parthethic acts:D i mean whilst it were trauma before, now it feels like a super comedy:D they endlesslyt try and try and try their neferious goal of turning me to one of them i guess, but they never succeed. so this creates kind of satisfaction feeling in my brain after feeling 2 years of trauma after understanding i am stalked by such psychos, then getting out of trauma recently (as mom healed) and now these loser low iqqueds still try to pursue their neferious goal:D endlessly:D always failing:D it kind of, whilst it felt super levels of trauma before, it now feels kind of satisfaction for showing to these bunch of psychopaths that they cant mess even with a single one lady who is a coder. guhu one person againnst mafia stalking her. i feel like i am mcgywer or rambo for showing a bunch of mafia like psychos that they cant mess even with a single woman to turn her to a bitch. they tried endlessly for 4 years. and never succeeded. so it feels kind of satisfactory:) to show these bunch opf psychos that whilst they are n people (since i get stalked by many people in stalk incidents), whilst they are many, i am one person, and i show them they cant mess with a coder woman. (they cant reach their goals)

its just so funny. the psycho 20 minutes ago came to home street shouted "sell yourslf! aasshole" like sentence. :D last night, the moment this psycho understood is not working out these things, got mad and shouted "bitch" very angrily:D

its really funny to show a bunch of psychos that they cant mess with a coder engineer woman.

this thing felt like a zombie movie before:D i felt like i am a possible victim inside an alfred hitckok movie. or a possible  victim inside a zombie movie(. i stayed in trauma for 2 years. i didnt go out home for 1 year. but in the end, here i am, still they hadnt been anble to reach their goals to make me a bitch and they endlessly continously try still and this latter part feels satisfactory, to show a bunch of psychos that they cant mess wioth engineer/coder people.

ok latest stalk incident happent 20 minutes ago. lets see when furtherly these low iqqued human forms would try to do shout "sell! sleep" like thigns.

shouted a bunch of psycho socio sentences outside the stalker later also. lets see whatever these loser low iqqued human forms do furtherly:D its to me a comedy movie:D loser comes to home street. shout things like sell or sleep or such sociopathy sentences then goes. does this repeatedly:D loser maniac psycho. pathethics.

i cant define how much satisfactory its to get out of trauma. its just so happy:)

before i scared that much i constantly left ventilator open in kitchen. now i find it as a comedy movie and actually kind of eager to monitor further stalk incidents to laugh out loud to the next sociopathy psychopathy acts this low iqqued human forms do with stalk incidents.

this feels definitely these days suyper funny. to have a bunch of psychos whom targeted an engineer to turn to a bitch for 4 years. (i think this part is personal. i think one of these low iqqued human forms  got in love to me ? and this is reflection of trying to destroy my life?  i mean it must be something perosnal for them to try to disturb my life like this for 4 years.  i hadnt even understood i am stalked by such psychos in first 2 years. in end of 2nd year, i understood i am stalked by such bunch of psychos. and i lived in trauma for 2 years for scaring of this psychopathy/sociopathy i confront. then mom came and healed my trauma. now i feel like rambo :D since its one against many. to try to turn guhu a bitch. the thing that, they never reachtheir goals, and they endlessly pursue their goals, seems super funny:D

ok in the end, in overall, this seems super funny now:D a bunch of psytchos trying to turn an engineer a bitch:D lac k of ratiuoinality of these psychos to set such a goal is disturbing levels of dumbness levels. never seen this much low iqqued people ever in my life. i mean i wonder if there is any engineer out there who would want to be a bitch:D(i dont think anyone would ever want)  but sure i am  not any of them:D this lack of rationaltiy of these enemies is kind fo funny levels:D:DDDDD for to set such goal(to turn engineer guhu to a bitch) and pursue it endlessly:D

lets see what else these low iqqued human forms would do.:D

i feel like rambo:D

and this thing felt like super levels of trauma to me before. now its all enterntaintment.  that these psychos never endlessly try and try and fail and constantly fail int heir goal. it kind of feels funny and satisfactory also:D

ok i think i have right to feel satisfaction on this becuase i felt lived inside trauma for 2 years due to this. so its all my right to feel whatever i want on this topic even if you people would find it unhealthy to have me felt satisfaction or laughter when these incidents happens. peopple, thats my original right to feel satisfaction. cause i show these bunch of low iqqued psychos that they cant mess with an engineer woman(to try to turn her to a bitch? they  coulnt:D even if they tried for 4 years). and the point of their constant trial and failrue seems these days (in post trauma period) very funny:D

geez it feels super good to be in post-trauma perido. in-trauma period were awful.

in post-trauma period, stalk all looks like super pathethic and super funny beside. and their stalk make me laugh alot with their dumb goal of trying to turn an engineer(guhu the engineer)to a bitch. 

lets see what else these low iqqued human forms would do.:D

i dont know what kind of low iq a person should hold to target a goal of trying to turn an engineer(guhu the engineer) to bitch:D

its just super funny to observe their hopeless staslk trials of shouting bitch getting mad for since their goals fail (that they shout sell/sleep or such things) but never works out. never worked out. but endlessly they pursue such goal. i do think these psychos might even be a psycho cult. becauses normal people nor even criminals wouldnt be this much low iqqued? i mean these people definitely not normal. kind of fixated to destroy my life with trying to turn me to a bitch and happens endlessly/constantly with failure for 4 years. ok lets see what else these losers do:D this is super funny:D

it were super satisfactory last night whebn the psycho shouted "sell! sleep!" like things then seeing it doesnt work, got mad with anger and shouted super angrily "bitch".

its super satisfactory to show these psychos they cant mess with engineer women:)

stupid low iqqued human forms lets see what else this psycho people would do. this stalkers for 4 years stalking me like this.

in 20 minutes ago stalk, the guy also shouted yet another sociopathy after shouting sell 5 minues ago. 
i reverse engineer these low iqqueds algorithms of stalk. it constantly consists of defamation/asking shouting "sell"/"sleep", gaslighting, curses (i think iu think they try to break the psychology of the stalked person with curses part) and a constant such acts with constant/identity theft (Creatiung man names) and sociopathy(trying to act as if the person they stalk is already a bitch. whilst they try to turn to a bitch with stalk, after some year they started to also stalk as if the stalked one is a bitch. constant such sociopathy). their trying to turn to a bitch algorithm is like this. as i observe being applied to me.

i dont think this is mafia. my parents said if it were mafia, they said,  mafia wouldnbt stop without reaching their goal with even using force. since i never got physically disturbed but just this shouting based stalk, my parents made me think its not a mafia but a just a psycho stalker situation.
i dont think its just bare psycho stalker situation. but i do think these people resemble a psycho cult. since they are super low iqqued and not normal. since they targeted to make the guhu engineer  a bitch. and never endlessly try suych goal. i mean this definitely is not something to be expected from normal iqqued people right? i do think, these people resemble kind of a psycho cult. otherelse, if it were mafia real, i first thought its mafia, but its like mafia since i am shouted sleep like things, but i were told if it were real mafia, that the mafia would never stop and would even use force to turn to a bitch. but i never confronted physical disturbance to turn me to a bitch. i confronted things like,  like when i were doing sports in a park,  they had passed beside me shouting some name and sleep words. or in cafes, using serdar name and shouting sleep. i think this thing i confront might be mafia but a type of mafia that doesnt use physical disturbance to people. but with such ways like shouting in cafes to turn guhu to bitch. i think i still think it might be a mafia. no matter what it is i am confronting, whether its a psytcho cult (dont know why a psycho cult would target me) nor its a sociopath stalker nor its a mafia, i simplyt dont care. and i find these things super funny now. before i were in trauma. now i dont simply care. nor spare my time to stress to/scare from. i just inner wise laugh out loud when stalk incidents happen and simply nihiliate ( i dont care nor reply to) and also iunner wise i laugh out loud very much laughters beside for conforint such psychos having such goals in life. that the part i laugh out is the dumbness level of such goals. for seeing there are such dumb people out there that could even target an engineer woman(guhu) to rturn to a bitch. i mean lack of iq/eq to target such goals seems super funny:D the other funny part is their failuyre in their goals that they try such goal endlessly for 4 years but never could succeed and constantlyt continue try:D this is super levels of funny:D its like a zombie constantly trying to attack. a zombie with no brain process. (for if this low iqquyeds had any brain any iq, they would could think an engineer(guhu) would never be interested to become any bitch ever. i mean i dont any think any engineer in globe would ever decide to leave engineering and favor such alternative career of bevoming a bitch? ok i mean one should be hold a super low iq levels for to target an engineer(guhu) to try to turn to a bitch. zombie like psychos against guhu. this is before i felt super scared since i constantly confront sociopathy/pstychopathy in stalk incidents. now its it feels like a comedy movie:D i laugh out super loud iner wise when stalk incidents happen and just nihiliate/simply dont care. )''

the thing is, when dishonest psychos attack like this(trying to turn guhu to a bitch), and you show them they cant, (i just cant define how fun it is to nihiliate the srtalker when comes to home street shout things like sleep sell urself) it feels really satisfactory the moment that the stalker understands is nihiliated and all 4 years of stalk didnt worked out, and seeing the stalker getting super mad/angry in out street for since he shouts bitch things to the stalk victim but nothing happens. shouts a very angry bitch word. i in my home, before if this happent i would enter trauma, i now find it very funny:D this sociopathy psytchopathy i confront, now it looks funny and super pathethic /sociopathic and funny beside. i simply dont care nor reply to either. in first year of stalk, i would endlessly shout stop stalking me psycho sociopath. (i thougbht i hada  serdar named stalker those times) when street stalk happent. 
i dont know but, after 2 years of trauma of this sociopathy/psychopathy of these stalkers, i thikn in this post-trauma period, it is endless fun to monitor the constantly failing trying to turn to bitch efforts. before i were constantly in trauma. now its constant fun of monitoring how pathethic psychos people could be. for that they come to streetm shout psychopathy/sociopathy with shouting sleep, do identity theft to me(create man names to me as bitch characters)etc various forms of psychopathy/sociopathy, before it felt like i am inside a hroror movie. now its kind of funny i make laughes outs alot innerwise to these pathethic efforts of these psytchpaths/sociopaths. and nihiliate. and nihiliation has funny impacts tjat after the psycho endlessly for 4 years tried to turn me to a bitch, and since comes to street, shouts "sell urself" and nothing happens(just a nihiliation) and gets mad and shouts bitch! very angrily. i mean this now feels funny to me. monitoring psychopathy of people. i never seen this much loiw iqqued sociopaths ever in life. for trying to turn me to a bitch. trying such goal for 4 years never endlingluy and pursueing still. it in 4th year of stalk confrontation like this, i started to find it funny.i simply dont care. i just nihiliate.


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