i lost my faith in humanity because:
i have got a psycho stalker lady whom told such sentences like:
for 4 years stalks me with giving me man names and characters she wants to create.

one of her stalk sentence is:

"m.t(a man name) dont fight! serdar (another man name), my love, get over running away"

this psytcho tries to turn me to a bitch.
i am stalked by a peoplke set whom try to turn me a bitch for 4 years with even giving me man names and insisting i am gay while i am 100% hetero.

i lost my faith to humanity since i observed, when such thing happens, stalk persists endlessly and noone helps or they even block investigation request with unbelieving such stalker might exist.

i just lost my faith ibn hunmanity. for since they do underestimate what kind of bizarre acts a dumb person could do. for when we confront it, its super suffering.

4 years ago i were trying tocreate a startup. 4 years later stalk still persists. i have got a psycho sociopath stalker whom creates man names to me and tries to make me as i understand their group's member with such sociopathy.
before i were super entering to trauma due to confronting such sociopathy/pstychopathy, now i dont any second care the stalk.but this is why i lost my faith in humanity. that there are super low iqqued people whom think an engineer would ever want to be abitch. and they stalk you like this. for years. i lost my faith in humnanity due to dumbness of humanity many times or confronting the dumbest of all humanity's stalk, a sociopath maniac woman whom tries to create man names to me.

if i had been gay i would never took a man's name. i am not gay either. i am 100% hetero. i respect gay people with whole my heart. its not about being gay or not. its about stalk. stalkers arent always man. woman also stalk other woman. my stalker tries to turn me to a bitch and characterizes me as bitches with man names for 4 years. creates characters to me. and its not a single person stalker, this people set i think are like a people set. i been allegedly shouted to "sleep!" manhy times in stalk incidents. they shout me "sleep!" and even i dont nor never cared, they characterize me as bitch characters. this is why i lost faith in humanity. that there are this much dumb people that would think an engineer would ever would want to be a bitch.  part of humanity has brain size of peas?(this stalker lady and her friends?).  peas sized brains. and they turn life hard to others with such sociopathy psychopathy acts. this is why i lost my faith in humanity.  that i got stalked by people whom shouted to me "sleep!". this is why i lost my faith in humanity.   i have got a pea sized brained pstycho sociopath stalker whom creates man names to me, whom sayas psycho sentences like "dont fight, dont run, get over. love" like things. whom tries to turn me to a bitch. tries to depict me as a bitch also. not tried to also depicted me like that with stalk incidents. creates characters to me. any character she wants. and stalks me as if i am such character. this pea sized brained maniac lady is fixated to stalk me like this. this is why i lost my faith in humanity. for confronting such horrible side of humanity: aka, sociopaths/psychopaths aka this psycho woman.

i dont any care the stalk of this  pea sized brained psycho sociopath woman. but this isthe trauma of 4 years of confriontation of identity theft (since she creates man names to me with characters) of sociuopathy of sexual harrasment of such horrible words, curses/ sexual harrassing sentences,  this is main reason why i lost my faith in humanity. its all because sociopath part of humanity, thaty this stalk of this psycho woman.

though now i dont any care the stalk any.
but i observed humanity might be unlimitless levels of dumb. that could create man names to a 100% hetero person. the disturboing part is not being depicted as a gay (i respect gay people 100% with all my heart. i am 100% hetero. but people who even talk gender topic are also super dumb. its just so perosnal area.) but the thing is the characters also created. thats verty disturbing. i am tried to be depicted as abitch in street stalk incidents by this  peas size holding brained maniac sociopath for 4years. i saw that a sociopath stalker stalks very dedicatedy. for 4 years. psycho shouted me :"dont fight with the stalk/dont run fromt he stalk". this psycho lady has still hope that her stalk would turn a person thats 100% hetero to gay and she also tries to turn me to a bitch. she depicts me as a man named bitch for 4 years. real life psycho sociopath. but i dont any care the stalk nor the sociopathy i condront. but after confronting the horrible side of humanity aka sociopath maniac lady stalking me, i lost my faith in humanity., for since part of humans are super dumb. psycho dumb  pea sized maniac tries to turn a coder to a bitch. this is why i lost my faith in humanity. the  pea sized braineds,  sociopaths. makes us lose faith in humanity.

the  peas sized still does street stalk at times. but i dont any care. i guess her  peas sized brain only works to fixate to do sociopathy acts against other people. like trying to forcefully change gender a person with socipoathy or identity theft (giving characters to the stalked person).   i confronted identity theft/  gender assignment names assignment during street stalk incidents of following. its never physical disturbance. but just curses/following shouting such sentences in street stalk. happens for 4 years. but i dont any care now. i dont any care sociopathy/psychopathy nor identity theft i confront.  i figured out life is too short to do drama to horrible things we confront in life like identity/gender theft.  the  peas sized brained psycho woman still stalks. though i dont any do dramas/stress to this maniac psychopath. as again its not the disturbing part is never been the gay part, i am not gay, but wouldnt had problems if people thoguht i were gay even if i am 100% hetero since i respect gay people with 100% of my heart. its not the gay part the character creation part that disturbs. i am depicted as a bitch. that part disturbs. the psycho shouted me to sleep. or other disgusting words.  the psycho woman has still has hopes that her socopathy psychopathy would work. shouted "dont fight! accept" like thigns. i know this is a bizarre story. but its really real. i know it looks very edgy very bizarre. but its really real.

lets see how many years more this  peas sized maniac would do street stalk incidents. before i engtered trauma. now i just laugh out loud to the size of this maniac's brain for trying to turn an engineer to a bitch.  or trying to do identity theft to an engineer with assigning her a bitch character with man names(i am not even gay either) in street stalk incidents.
 lets see what kind of creativity this  peas sized brained woman holds. lets see when this maniac stalker lady would understand her sociopathy psychopqathy doesnt work to an engineer/to a coder.  i wonder when this psycho would understand her stalk/sociopathy doesnt work out. still confronted other stalk incidents recently.  psycho still has hopes in that her stalk/spcyhoapthy/sopciopathy would work. in last stalk incident she said things like "dont fight with the stalk! accept" meaning sentence. she wants me to accept to be a bitch and also turn to a gay. ok, i wonder what kind of sociopath things hopes this  peas sized brained maniac lady holds. she still thinks, unbelievable, she still thinkss her stalk going to work. and that i would turn to a bitch and also stop being hetero? what the .ck? what kind of irrational this maniac woman is? i dont anhy care, nor i find any more this sociopathy acts of  a psycho any disturbing. i simply dont care. but the lack of rationality is undefineable levels. this psytcho woman sgtill has hopes that her plan of turning me to a bitch with identity theft, with givcing me man names would work out. she still has hopes that her sociopathy going to work.  this  peas sized psycho in her last stalk incident shouted "dont fight! accept "  (she tries to mean dont fight with ours stalk. that she had a toine that i hgave to accept their stalk and turn to a bitch? ). what kind of irrationality these maniacs hold? to think they could turn a coder to a bitch? what kind of low iq range spectrum is this? to have such goal in life? to try to turn an engineer to abitch? i wonder when this psycho sociopathlady would understand her sociopathy wont work out.  she never stops this for 4 years. stalks me like this for 4 years. giving man names/creating bitch character with man names. such type of sociopathy. anywway, i dont any care nor stress nor enter to any trauma due to horrible acts of this  peas sized brain holding sociopath stalker lady.
i am even ashamed of telling suchv thing. such stupid topic. since i am not in any trauma i wont even tell cause even embrassing to tell such stupid such dumb thing.  or my usage of hateful words but when i confront identity theft, i feel hard to not use hatred words to the idneity theft act. i now dont care since i got over trauma. and actually really wonder whenthis  peas sized brained psycho woman would stop stalking me with such sociopathy agenda against me? it has been 4 years i been conferonting such stalk. she never stops. a dedicated sociopath. in her recent stalk incident she requested me "dont fight! accept" like thing. real life psycho. psycho from horror movies. this is a sentence a psycho from horror movies would say i think.
not any scaring to me any more either. i find it kind of laughing out loud moments inherently for this  peas sized brained sociopath p[sycho woman's stalk incidents or such horrorful sentences since i am now out of trauma.
 (looks like a rape sentence doesnt it look like. i think she tried to rape my life with sociopathy  acts for 4 years actually. my last 2 years passed with trauma. now i am out of trauma. ) (reverse engineering behaviors (sentences) of a sociopath woman i understand they share common sentences with rapists)

i know this looks unbelievebale. but i wish its understood these type of things really happens in life. and if a person says "dont fight! accept! love!" kind of things, this psycho might do various forms of other sociopathy acts. i mean even this sentence shows this stalker woman is like a rapist. nothing different. cause she raped my life with sociopathy with identity theft/with constant giving man names/constant following for 4 years. i do think she looks like those rapist people. even her sentences looks like that.  her last stalk incidenrtholded such word "dont fight against! accept. love":SSSS

i know this thing i tell looks super edgy,. super bizzare. but i do my oath that its really real. and i wish people understand there really exists in life rapist like people. some people rape opeople, some people rape people's life with sociopathy but there are rapists. bizarre thigns really happen. i luckily never confronted physical rape ever in life. but this psycho woamn rapes my life for 4 years with sociopathy/stalk.
i wish when i tell this bizarre story, i wish people remember that there are really rapists in life and there are sociopaths and such things like stalk really happen. for since one problem with getting stalked is noone intends to believe such bizzarre things really happen. since everyone else's life is happy. people cant even imagine sociopaths/rapists disturbing other people';s life and when we tell this happens, we sometimes feel alone. i think the stalker lady that stalks me is no different than a rapist. since she raped my life's peace with sociopathy/constant following/identity theft/sociopathy/pyshocpathy for 4 years. her latest stalk sentence shown me sociopaths looks like rapers. my stalker(a woman) i think is a rapist minded.for since she forcelly tried to turn me to a bitch with trying to depict me as a bitch in street stalk incidents, similarly tries to depict me as a gay and characters creates with man names(i am 100% hetero, and gay part is not the disturbing part of this story, its just the characters she creates to me are disturbing. i woukld have no problems with being thought as gay whilst i am 100% hetero. the problem the issue is not about gender any. its about sociopathy/stalk). i think this is no different than a rapist mindset. i think the stalker of mine (a psycho woiman) has a rapist mindset. (for regarding specifically her latest one stalk incident sentence. she told "dont fight against. accept it. "  definitely a rapist sentence is not it? she forceflully with depicting me as a bitch with stalk incidents triest to turn me to a bitch. is not this any diufferent than any rape? i think understood that socioppaths might hold rapist mindsets.  since our life is tried to be fucked with sociopathy and with also without consent nor acceptance (in my case i am tried to be turned to a bitch with man names. she tries to fuck my life with creating bitch characters to me with man names in street stalk incidents and dishonestly tries to create such characters to me and tries to show me like that in street stalk incidents. dishonestly tells names to me. characters to me with man names of bitch character super dishonestly.   this is the disturbing part. confrontation such dishonest sociopathy.   and sentence of "dont fight it! accept it. love." doesnt it look like a rapist sentence?)though i am over trauma of sociopathy confrontation in life,  i dont any care the stalk of the sociopath psychopath woman. i add "rapist minded" to the wordsets i chosen to tell to this psycho stalker here.  )

for since one problem i observe the stalked people hold is that other people tend to not believe that such horrible things happens gto other people's lives. but happens.

but i am not in any trauma anymore. i wonder when this rapist minded psycho sociopath woman would understand her sociopathy stalk doiesnt work to an engineer/coder.its been 4 years she stalks like this. wonder how many more years she would continue. i heard read in internet that some people got stalked even for 10 years. i mean i dont know how many avg years a sociopath stalks. but anyway, i am much stronger, i dont any enter to trauma any more, and i dont any care/stress when stalk happens.  lets see how many more years this  peas sized brained psycho woman would persist her stalk thing. i dont any care nor stress anuymore.

4 years of stalk, reason i lost my faith in humanity, is going to people to ask them investigate while psychos stalk me with shouting "sell ur self". then people wanting me sanity check before investigating. this is exactly why i lost my faith in humanity.

recently, a car were parked in front of house. as i went of bus,recent weeks, last week, as i went off bus, a guy went out the car and shoutedly said: "if would sell?" like asking to sell kind of.
5 minutes ago, a guy passed from street  shouting "if sells?"  then since i dont reply nor even look to (i nihiliate) these pea brained people set, he got angry, he in further shouted "bitch!" then some sentence like "tIk! sIKA" is tIK an organization code? i sometimes wonder whether is this people set a pscyho cult? or a terrorist organization? causewhen they fixated me, stalk never ended for 4 years. and they tried to allegedly turn me to a bitch constantly neverendingly for 4 years. i were many times shouted "sleep!" "sell!" constantly for  4 years. in first 2 years i had no idea i were shouted like that. i never replied always nihiliated. but neverendinglu continues. some days ago, as told a woman stalked with shouting love and serdar name. i remember in first 2 years of stalk incidents, some people constantly followed shouted things with serdar name. i thought i had a serdar named stalker. they would shout things like "serdar! get over! " or "serdar! Sleep!" i thought there inside them there is a serdar named psycho stalker stalking me. i had no idea a psycho people set whom tries to turn me a bitch is shouting me to sleep those years. in end of second year or like i understood these psychopaths call serdar actually to me. and many other names. and stalk me with depicting me as a gay bitch and in stalk incidents they would shout sleep. sell. they would never endingly did these acts for 4 years. with never stopping with never reaching their goal either. they have a language in stalk incidents like they said things like tom is our hunt. they also used tom name to me. i thought i had a tom named person stalking me like serdar name. in 2d year i understood these psycho people set's naming scheme.
another name they used i remember is tania in stalk incidents. they constantly shouted "oluk!" curse to me. in yet another stalk incident 4 years ago, i remember they shouting "oluk! tania is a genius!" then i remember in other city i lived, i remember passing beside some flat they shouted "tom is a genius". ok this seems so insane i know. but these people look like eieher a psycho cult. that "hunts" people. that is trying to "hunt" me to turn me to a bitch.but thats not ever possible for sure. but i unfortunately entered trauma in last 2 years of stalk. not any more for sure. i remember 2 old woman telling things like "tom is our hunt". i learnt these people also shout me tom in end of 2nd or in start of 3rd year of stalk. they are trying to "hunt" me for 4 years. but they never could reach their goal.

whether these people set a psycho cult or a trrst organization (that hunts people who are rightists? i dont know whomt ehse psycho people are. ) that is trying to hunt me with constant stalk for 4 years with constant defamation/stalk/oluk curse/constant gas lighting/sociopathy/psychopathy/ a never ending stalk like this.

though want to proudly state that i am super over trauma:)

i dont any care what these peas brainned 100 iq points lesser psycho stalkers tries to do. no more scaring from stalk any little bit. my mom healed my trauma and showed we shouldnt scare/care acts of sociopaths/stalkers.

i now find it super funny. the psycho[ath loser endlessly with neverr reaching the goal tries to turn me to a bitch with no success for 4 years:) i mean before it were traumatic. now its kind of funny:D i laughout loud to this pathethic effort of these psychopaths. that this people set. its a people set.

lets see what further day these peas brained low iqqued dumbo sociopaths stalk next time. with asking an engineer to turn to a bitch:D before it felt super scary to understand i am confronting a group of people\s stalk who try to depict me/turn me to a bitch for 4 years. now it looks super funny:D since they visibly must have pea sized brains to ever think an engineer would be interested to be any time any bitch ever in life.

nihiliating these pea sized stalkers is super funny:D the guy became super angry and shouted "bitch!" angrily. the loser psycho came to street of my home to shout "if only would sell" then seeing his actions dont ever work, he got angry and angrily shouted "bitch!".  nihiliating these pea brained maniacs sociopathy pscyhopathy acts is a different form of fun:D

actually i disliked corona for since it hurts people and economies and companies. but liked the fact that i dont have to go outside:D so that the stalkers have lesser ways to stalk me:D that these type of comedy instances happens, that the stalker comes to home street to observe nihiliation (and actually there is constant nihiliation for 4 years. but i guess they expected to reach out goals in 4 years, so nihiliation kind of hurts these psychopaths, makes them angry. and it looks so pathethic so loser type of acts from outside to me:D ) the stalker comes to shout something like that, then sees nihiliation then gets angry:D to observe thse people's psycho behav iors after i get over trauma of confrontation such horrible thing in life like being stalked by such people, its now funny:D they shouted "sell ur self! sleep" for 4 years. and hadnt worked out:D and 4th year still trying to do.

i think what might happen in background is, i think a psycho lady fell in love to me. from them. and this thing happens for this reason.  these thigns are reflections of the psycho lady's stalk and her helpers. or its a psycho cult that "hunts" atheists? or is it a psycho cult that "hunts" rightists? or a terrst orgnztn that tries to hunt rightists? i dont know what the heck is going on nor why these psychopaths these such type of acts against me.i dont think its  because i am atheist. i think its a psycho love type of situation. that one of them these people, a psycho lady fell in love to me. gives me man names. stalks like this for 4 years.
before when i had to commute to workplaces, it felt more scary since bus stops seemed scary cause were stalked in bus stops many incidents. now that i dont commute to work, it feels more comfortable right. ok corona is a disaster. but i definitely liked remote working in the end. i mean sometimes disasters also have unrelated good side effects beside unproportional bad side effects. only good thing corona added to my life is remote working:) before i were super into remote working:) i wanted to remote work. and then corona happent and now we remote work. kind of funny time correlation.

remote work feels much safer whilst i have such psycho stalkers:D though i am over trauma. i wouldnt scare even i get stalked next time in a bus stop.

having a psyhopath sociopath stalker whom constantly tries to turn me to a bitch for 4 years feels now funny. before it felt super scary. now funny. actually in bart simpsons life there were a killer guy that fixated to kill bart? ok my situation resembles bart. not a killer but a psychopath sociopath whom fixated to turn me to a bitch neverendingly stalks me like that bart's maniac stalker in that tv show.

before it felt super scary. it felt like i am inside a nightmare. i expect confrontation of sociopathy for first time in my life  i expect from myself to feel super scary, feeling it super scary i think were normal. btu due to healing powers of my mom (moms:) they are our best healers) I got out of trauma. now the stalk incidents that seemed like a horror movie(that i am victim of) now looks to me as a comedy movie.  that the stalker psycho endlessly tries to turn guhu to bitch for 4 years (i guess this is just simply psycho situation. i think its not because i am stlkde dsince i am rightist or else. i think this is simply psycho situation. i have a psycho stalker. ) but never ever succeeds. the pathethics getting angry for not being able to reach their neferious goals seems super funny to me:D these pea brain sized psychos tried to turn guhu to a btich with shouting her as a bitch, but these pea brain sized psychos due to their brain sizes cant understand that engineers have nothing to ever become any bitch any time in life. i guess their brain sizes blocks any logical process's tiny existence in their tiny brains. so i guess reason they couldnt understand that they wont be and they cant turn me to a  bitch must be due to their brain sizes (which i guess is peas like).
 it before felt like a horror movie.
it kind of now feels like, 100 iq points less maniacs somehow i dont know why hates me. i think its a psycho situation. that in them there is a psycho whom loves me and both stalks me and both tries to destroy me(a psycho woman). and but these pea sized brains lack of rationality make me want to laugh out loud for thinking they could turn an engineer to a btich:DDDDxDDDD

it firstly felt super scary to observe i have got psycho enemies in life that try to destroy my life with trying to turn me to a btich(they even tried to depict me a sa bitch in street stalk incidents also). then now it feels super funny. for the goals these enemies set as. i mean the lack of rationality in their goals.cause we engineers have no interest to illegal things like being bitch. i mean we dont need to either. though if i were hungry and had no talent of anything in life, i would still not be any bitch ever and would favored dying from hunger instead of doing anything bitch like in my life. this lack of rationality, the way these enemies set as to try to destroy me seemed super funny regarding their method.  i mean, any one with any rationality would know an engineer does would never want to bitch any time in her or his life ever. so this lack of rationality in these people set make me want to make fun of their pathethic acts. before it looked this sociopathy psychopathy i confront looked all super scary to me. now it looks super funny. having 100 iq points lesser enemies turns it to a comedy movie for me. like today, the psycho came to home's street, did worked on trying to turn to a bitch agenda, seeing it doesnt work, got mad and shouted "bitch!". ok this really feels like a comedy movie to me right these times after my mom healed my trauma for confronting sociopathy psychopathy in life.

ok now that i work remote whislst i wanted to work remote, id ont want to make fun that simulation owners favor me more than other humanity:P (if this is a simulation.) ok no more making jokes about a disaster. but these coincidences still feel kind of funny:P like i dont know i hadnt watched but that jimmy carrey move, the sunshine of the spotless mind? ok i would watch sometime. 

if simulation owners cared me, there wouldnt be psycho stalkers either. but maybe if it had been a simulation, there might be viruses in simulation and my stalkers might had been like viruses the simulation builders dont have control over.:P

ok allegories to simulation topic.

i just cant stop thinking the other coincidence of ventilator. but again coincidence. its just i written here, when i were inside trauma period, i constantly opent my kitchen's ventilator open. everyhour i stayed in house. scaring viruses(stalkers might come to street to stalk, not ever resembled them to viruses(even if is like viruses, or worse) but just coinciding thing is ventilator) i told about this and said its a very hard period to be in trauma. (geez and how happy its to not be inside trauma:) undefineable levels of happy:) ) then this corona epidemic happent and ventilator has been an active topic. not too far after i mentioned about ventilators. i wish there is enough ventilators to everyone. i know how bad it feels to lack one. whether we are in trauma or ill, ventilators should be enough much to everyone.

ok if it were a simulation, i would think simulation owners somehow likes to interact with my life somehow with this coincidences(no ventilator is not the only one)? but we dont know what this reality is maybe its just raw reality with coincidences being just coincidences?
i am still atheist. but dont completely get away from the simulation possibility. but of course i like other people have at least little bit religious tendencies for belief of God. and i think simulation theory might be also correct. but never i never get away from positivism either. its just a set of proabilities. not ever confirmed nor known. whether there is real God like religions say, or whether there is a simulation and a bunch of  mathematician gods of creators, or a logic which our brain wouldn never be able to perceive. i mean even if it were big bang, how that big bang happent. our inductive logic would also fails in atheist theories ways.  but as atheist i like to s tart at bigbang point and not wonder the previous time frame. ok silly words of silly myself  wth sleepy mind at this hour.

you know i felt like person in interst movie, when i wrote that yayy i am going to go to a course with Anna, and that day a very big disaster happent in anthr crnr of wrld with someone passing out with Anna name:S than i also mentioned eating too much cakes and the morning news had a news that said in australia some lady got died in cake eating competition. these type of coincidences always tiny bit make me query whether its a simulation and this is how simulation creators in other dimensions interact with people? but then i think its just coincidences. that happens everytime in everyone's life.i think my simulation hypothesis isdefinitly wrong and its not a simulation or else but just coincidences.


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