want to create some summary of stalk incidents with slander (psychological torture) i confronted/continue to confront:

4.5 years ago, from next building and from street: a constant degradation of me with "oluk!" "ork! (since hading had a defected looking nose due to a bad rhinoplasty)" then "thats Y!"  "Z!" "serdar! sleep!" "Y! get horny". "ork! she is hande!" "he is Y!" then i would think i had stalkers i would shout back psycho stop stalking me. then would reply back "Y! dont cry!"  in street, from 0th floor cafe, some people saying some things with some words. i would think i am stalked by these names. in every cafe i went when i lived in sisli, i were stalked. with this confusing naming scheme (that which i understood as by then, for 2 years, as i had such stalkers, later 2 years later i understood stalkers create says those names to me). then in first 2 years i confronted constantly "sleep!" word. then it changed to "sell!" word. then they would stalk in cafes as if i am a bitch working for them. in next city i lived in, every cafe i went i were stalked. they would stalk as if they could access gps data of me. not missing any single my outside presence wherever whichever cafe i go, were stalked.  in parks. from places i pass. everywhere. a constant deceival effort of trying to show me as a bitch. givin me many names and degrading me as abitch. since they used Y/Z names also in that, i understood these people are enemies of Y/Z name holding person's institutions/country.  for since their main agenda were showing me as a worst type of thing with many names and also Y/Z name in street stalk incdients. and it were like constantly confronting a tgheathre.  as told, they were doing a severe sociopathy. alike. they would for instance, i would sit in a cafe, then they would sqay things like "faithless! she is a bitch". or such things. with names they create. or alike :  i sit in a cafe, a woman talks in phone and says this to the end line of th ephone: "fire guher! i can do whatever she does much better". so they showed me working in their things whilst i have none  relatedness. i mean a constant deceival/slander/stalk thing. it still happens. for instance, in subway, i would be shouted "sell!" in cafe i walk sat in i would be shouted "hande! sell!".  then in another cafe they would laugh endlessly as "seller! " (laughing like joker). then a guy in surrounding in my previous workplace, talking to phone saying "Y! seller!". so they create names/characters/roles to me that they assign in their heads and stalk me with such sociopathic agenda with trying to deceive with such slander with assigning very bad roles to me in their slander in cafes /in street stalk.  i just lived through a severe trauma. since i mean like 2 years ago, in my building i live, a guy would come to street of shout some sociopathy then i would be super scared of the creeping sociopathy. that times i were newly understanding the naming scheme and the sociopathy i confront. that they try to destroy my life with slander/stalk.  and i entered agoraphobia. i passed through very hard years. so this thing, this fight against these people whom did this slander to me is very personal topic. i want to work very hard in fight against commies.  cause i believe these people were articulated by commies for since they used Y/Z name alot. so makes me understand they are enemies of Y/Z named person's institutions. now i am over trauma of it. but whenever street stalk incident happens, i creep super much. i remember in one stalk incident a group of people told "seller!" word many times and laughed out loud alot. or many times "ork!" "oluk!" "vagina!" infinte amount of degrading how i look/sexl harrssng words. constant such stalk. and deceival as trying to show me assign me very bad things that doesnt any belong to me, but doing such agenda with  slander with stalk with stander (from cafes, from street of my home, from places i pass around alot). a neverending such acts. slander/stalk. repeatedly. happens also now. i moved to this city and it happens also here. it happens everywhere. so this thing is super personal to me. i am pretty sure these maniacs psychos are articulated by commies for since they in many stalk incidents depicted me as a bitch with Y/Z name. (whilst Y/Z name is the guy whom previously offered me NSA task that i hadnt had a chance to accept)
i been tortured by these people for 4.5 years with slander in street/cafe stalk incidents like this. so this is very personal topic to me. so this is why i want to work to NSA if ever i would have any tiny chance alot. to fight back against commies. to be saved from this thing i confront never endingly.

so i applied with great interest to even if its not NSA job, i applied very interestedly to job proposal thing to genius guy in Washington. cause it felt as a helping hand. to save me from this torture i confront from commies.
so its super important to me. i just had my life years peace stolen away from me by such psychological torture type. so this job proposal is a thing i just cant think anything other else.

i could think nothing else other than the job proposal from genius guy in Washington. cause it feels as a way to be saved from psychological torture i confront. and it feels as a helping hand. maybe its coincidence. i mean maybe it were to my brother and i tried to add myself, but at least i dreamt the chances that its a helping hand to me to stop this torture i confronted/continue to confront from this unknown group of people (that which i think are articulated by commies).

i am super happy to have chance to talk to Y Z named guy and even if not an NSA task it is i am super excited to prepare proposal to. and would be very interested to work in NSA if ever such chances happen now or in future.  if not happsn its also ok. but i would be super interested to any coding task from Y named person.  yupp.

i am excited that now there is kind of hope. it really were very hard last 4.5 years. psychological torture confrontation is a very hard experience as i saw happent to me and still happens. i definitely think there is big probaility that commies did this torture to me. for since due to context of some stalk incidents as i mentioned. since "Y! slander word!"  happent alot. even in surrounding of my one before workplace. constant curses. constant slander. so i understood these people are from a group that is enemy of Y named person's country. and they did such thing to me of slander. of constant stalk. so super happy that there is now hope to fight back against commies whom did this slander thing to me.  there is now hope. i woudl try to create the very best project proposal and super interested to work for any coding job from Y named person.  to fight against commies institutions. that for since i defntly think commies did this thign to me. (that which i confront for last 4.5 years and continnue to confront). 

constant names /labels creation and stalk with slander with those names. this thing i confront is like this.  one other name is oguz. i thought i had an oguz named stalker. like serdar. like Y. turned out names created and assigned bad characters and i get stalked with. i remember in this city, in a cafe whilst i passed in front of, 2 or 4 months ago, a woman lauged out very much and shouted "he is oguz" then not being able to end her sentence with laughs. they do this sociopathy and also have alot fun of it. one of the names is Y. i remember in 1 workplace before place, a guy in suits talking to phone looked to me said "Y! slander_word!" the same slander used to all names. so this is why i do think this is a torture of commies. for because it started with Y name in district i lived. Y and Z names both. same slanders. constantly never endingly. then i thought a new stalker be added wqith oguz name(4.5 years ago). turned out its yet another name the stalking group creates and assigns.  I do see that repertuare of commies' psychological torture is really advanced.  i get stalked with slander but with names/characters/labels. they would assign a name in street stalk and call u such labels and stalk like that. this thing i observe happens to me. recent stalk incident happent recently from home street.

i remember working reading world bank reports on a cafe 4.5 years ago to prepare presentation to my startup, a woman would shout in outside "ork! its hande!" i woudl think whom is this hande? whom is this hande that stalks me? some people would shout me from next building "ork! she is still trying to. serdar! sleep!" or when i go to shopping center to dye my hair, in food mall part, a woman shouting "serdar! sleep!" then i would think those times i had a serdar named stalker. never could imagine this naming scheme that i confronted. or in street i lived, when i went to market to buy things: then in returning "Y! get horny!"  then also oluk word. these people's thing is this slander plus very angrily shouting things. like shouting "ork" or oluk! very angrily.  they would shout "ork! she wont sell!" with very anger. or ork! she is still trying to... (right from next building 4.5 years ago) then they wouild shout "serdar! sleep!". then in cafe using a guy that were my first fell in love to's surname "surname! sleep!" then i wuold think surname surnamed guy is stalking me. i thought i had a lot of stalkers for 2 years. then in second city i understood this naming scheme. i understood there is no hande stalking me but they create names to me and stalk shouting me hande name. with shouting me to sleep, sell.  it were constant such stalk. every cafe i were stalk. once i went to 2 hours distant place, i got stalked again. or 1 hour distant shopping center, 1 hour later i got stalked again. with Y name this time. constant name creation and depicting me in worst human types in street stalk like that and constant stalk like that. for since this happent, the same slander they used with Y name in this naming scheme i confronted, in 1 work place before, in outside a guy in phone shouted "Y! slander_word!" that which is used in all stalk incidents this slander. so n names and common characters/slanders tried to be created. in street stalk incidents. a constant slander like that. reason i think they are commies or animated by commies, is because, they used Y/Z name alot in first 2 years. in restaurant i liked to eat in sisli, some people passing by and saying "its Y!". then i would say like i query hande, i would query whom is Y? i would think i have Y named stalker. i would think i have an oguz named stalker.  that is disturbing me from next building and street. they would come every cafe i went. after sisli, then as i moved to ankara, in a cafe thats place is weird, that is on beside main road and not common place to eat noon, i went there, then i ordered some manti. then a guy and woman came and sat in vicinity desk. they shouted "oguz! sell!".  i were shouted sleep! sell! then i were later shouted "slept! sold! seller!" such type of slander. i mean they first stalk then they even couldnt reach their goals, they do severe slander with trying to deceive outside as if u sleep or sell with shouting such slanders to you. i confronted this for 4.5 years. and it still continues.  they are like paid for this slander activity to do it endlessly. i do think they are animated by commies. and it neverendingly happens. they have a word named "seller!" they try to show me as  such person:S they for instance in stalk incidents here, a woman shouted "She were seller!". in turkish they do this label of "sarraf". in here, a woman a man in cafe she would say  "she were seller!". they tried to turn me to a bitch. then first they shouted sleep! sell! for more than 2.5 years then they couldnt but they harrassed this time with shouting me bitch! vagina! seller! i cant define how horrorful to confront this were and is. they would use different names and use sentences like "get horny!" "Sleep!" "oluk!" "sell". then they couldnt reach their goals but made a lot fun lots of laughes with shouting "seller!" "slept!" "faithless bitch!" constant this. constant i constantly confronted this psychological torture. for last 4.5 years.  and i am pretty sure commies are behind it. for since they used same slanders but differnt names in this naming scheme i observed, and in beginingn of it and mainly Y/Z names were too frequentlyh used (as alike i those times thought i had such named stalker). my life has been tried to be torn by commies in a very dishonest slander/stalk in every cafe/in every place i went. first year of it, i would think some people hate me and stalk me. and shout me degrading things like oluk! ork! (for since my nose were defected ) and i thought i had a serdar named stalker and Y/Z named and a hande named maniac is stalking me. then as i moved to ankara, in there i understood these psychos call actually Hande, Y/Z, serdar to me. in differnt stalk incidents i understood this creepy thing.  now after the storm of such fight, fighting for my name's cleanliness against psycho sociopaths,  i do definitely pretty sure they are commies. for since they used Y/Z name throughly. i dont know but i am pretty sure this is kind of heavy type of psychological torture type, this thing i confronted is not any lightweight form of torture. it were very heavy period. and is still continuyeing.  even 1.5 years ago, in previous workplace, they used this sentrence "Y! get horny!" and they would shout such things with other names. and in recent time frame of that in vicinity of my prev. workplace, they would shout "Y! seller!".  i just cant define how nightmare this were to confront slander and seeing sociopathy be applied in real time to my life. so i do think, this psychological torture were done by Y named guy's countries' enemies. for since they would depict me in worst things in their slander with also Y name. so long before i were offered an NSA job chance by Y, so i guess commies selected as a target to try to destroy my life with slander/with sociopathy due to that. but now, after 4.5 years, its super happy to start talking to Y named person. and if ever possible i want to work for Y named person's institutions super much and fight back against sociopath commies or commies' tools. torture not only happnes physical. commies tries to torture our lives with slander as i observed as it happent to me very severely. as i read to hear that in history they did similar things. 30 years ago or alike. i read in history that they would try to throw dirt to people's names. with slander. with constant stalk. like as happent to me last 4.5 years in never ending way.  this last 4.5 years has been a super hard life. i cried in bathroom thinking i have chance to talk to Y name person now. For since its very important to me. cause Y name means being saved from this torture i confront.  if i prove to solve the project very innovatively, iw sih to, i feel as connecting to Y name means feels as a path to be saved from this psychological torture i confront continuesly by commies. if ever they have a task to fight against commies, i would be super interested to apply to anytime. even if this task is not such time, everytime everywhen interested to fight against commies that whom i think ar ethe ones that did this torture to me.  for since Y/Z name were extensively used wth depicting as very bad characters and calling me Y/Z etc. whislt the Y named guy is a genius good person. not any related. but the thing is, i do think, since Y offerd me long before NSA job that i hadnt had a chance to apply to, i do think commies torture anyone related to NSA people. as i been tortured with scuh scheme that i observed. i do think my torture type i confronted is no less worse than any pshycial torture type.  so i have got very poersonal reasons to fight against commies. everywhen everywhere. so if ever i would have any tiny chance to apply to any such job, i would be super duper interested to apply to. thoughb i mght lost chances since lots of time passed. but still let it stay here, if i have any slightly even any kind of any slight even little bit chance to apply to NSA, I would be super duper interested to apply to. and its ok if i am not now any candid. but if any chance happens either now or in future, i am super interested to apply to. you know some history commies would destroy people's lives with calling them 'suspect' and slander, same happent to me. in 2 months ago, some people would shout me suspect. constant stalk/slander than also that here. a very advanced scheme to try to destroy a person's life with dishonest sociopath ways. i just cant define how hard trhis period were. their last stage in stalk wer such thing. calling "suspect!" and stalking like that. i confronted a severe form of psychological torture with slander. i do think this thing this dishonest process i confrtonted is no less worse than any physical torture.  i just cant define how scary it were. now i am out of trauma little bit. but when stalk incidents happens in street, it still feels instantly kind of rush of trauma feeling, then it passes.

but then i feel tired. i feel tired against fighting against a very dishonest people's scheme. for trying to destroy my life with slander and sociopathy. but i am powerful still. and i have hope now. since i had a chance to talk to Y named person. that means chances to ever apply to his jobs and i feel as if i could ever find any job in NSA, if ever, they would had protect their members' from commies. right? so thats my hope. if that doesnt happen, (if i am not intellgnt enough to work for them) its ok.  than in that situation, i would try to save my life from commies' slander/stalk with my game engine. but i would be as told, to restate, super interested to any job any task from Y named person, to work for institutions he works for. to be beneficial to any level in fight against commies.  cause this is very personal for me. since i am the one tortured by them(commies) with such process. so any chance of any task from institutions from there, if ever, when ever i would be everytime super duper interested to work to/work for.


i just note these to let know what kind of psychological torture commies applies to people. as i confronted and still confront. and i dont know how i stayed. i live but constantly been tortured like this. my life's last 4.5 years' peace happiness were stolen by such torture of slander with stalk thing.  

constant oluk! am! ork! got! mal! saf! constant slander: labels/names creation and stalk with slander very severe slander. i think i definitely confronted a severe type of psychological torture from this group thats stalking me.


now i feel better. since trauyma's impact passed. even incident happens sometime i stay in trauma. now i am happy guh state is back. today morning and in home afternoon stalk incidnets happent with slander.

i dream people embracing me with their arms and saying its over the trauma is over when i am inside trauma. or want some puffy toy inside my arms when tears fall from my eyes when i confront slander and it impacts me instants. i wanted such thing today. that people woman and man embrace their arms and say to me the fight against dishonest commies' slander is over. trauma is over.  i wanted to be embraced enveloped with people porotecting me from traumatic incidents/slander/stalk with slander. today i am emotional alot io think so tears fell. i dreamt of surviving from this torture some day. i dreamt of going to a time instant where people protect me like people from commie's torture of slander. saying me its over, the fight is over, saying you are safe now. saying you dont need to scare now from slander/stalk with slander process.  dreamt of such moment of feeling safety. and people embracing me and protecting me from commies' dishonest acts/slander process.  i dreamt of such thing. since i feel like kind of emotional and needed such being embraced feelign physically and somepeople saying to me its safe now sentence.


now trauma feeling is passed. today ireacted very emotionally to the stalk incidents with slander. with tears.
anyway lets feel powerful and work to the NLP task. since it is super important. since i have meeting oin tuesday to people in Washington on tuesday. i shoudl provide the very bvest solution.

today i felt so emotional and felt tears and couldn t study after morning';s stalk incidnet. but now back to work. and should work very hard and create the most awesome NLP project solution to try to win  the NLP task from guy in Washington. this is super important thing to try to win/accomplish. lets study!  if i couldnt win the job(if my proposal is not good enough), still there is game engine to built.

ok i figured out i went to slightly despair then got back to happy state. after today's stalk incidents i got to trauma state. i reacted very emotionally today with tears. now life energy is back.

i just observe sometimes this. that i get impacted by trauma super much. then i get back to normal nondespair state with life energy.

a person shouted "you are les! you ork!" i guess from that stalker group. i am not any les and i respect 100% lgbt people all my soul. i think it must be cooler than being hetero, the other types of gender, they must be alot cooler thasn being solely hetero. but i am 100% hetero honestly. ok even my gender got twisted by the stalker group. ok i confront a real life version of fake news but in not internet. in life it happens. thats executed in real life context. for 4.5 years. i think as they used Y/Z name, and as commies were responsible for fake news in internet,  i guess this is done by commies. but if it were Rssn commies they as i heard from readings, they directly kill people that they dont like. so i dont think its Russian commies doing this torture to me. i think other places' commies doing this. i dont know where from where this torture is coming. but surely i think its surely a commies work.  i think slander is fake news' real life version. its very super creepy thing to confront. being assigned names/characters/labels and slander constantly by the stalker group in street stalk incidents, in street of my home sometimes, in street i pass frequently etc. though unlike fake news concept, it doesnt any happen in internet. but happens in home street i live, in places i frequently pass. happens this thing to try to make me fall happens for 4.5 years neverendingly. i either have a hell bent sociopath doing this to me, or its commies doing this to noncommie people (for since they used Y/Z name in stalk incidents. )

anyway this guh dreams of a safe life. now her energy is back. i cant lie i were kind of in a moiment of felt as i want to cry and i have no energy to do anything. kind of depressed state i went into. but not thinking ever killng myself. i let me tell something, when i were young, i were so into existentialism( but i misunderstood it) and life felt so dark that, once were depressed in college times (i guess i had a very beatfl childhood and instant change of hardness in life and being have to grow up kind of felt hard? maybe i misunderstood existentialism due to that. since life were super easy before than and i couldnt adapt to instant change of life maybe and misunderstood existentialism due to that. anyway, its long before. but that made me a very powerful person afterwards. i never entered any depressive mood anyafterwards. i always have alot strength no matter troubles i confront. )
. but after that, i never entered any depression in my life.  i dont count lack of energy as depression either. it just i just wanted to all cry and sleep for a while. so its just that. not any depression. but my energy is back. 

anyway i am proud of my strength. and showing to this group whichevcer commies of which country they are from, that they cant mess me with slander. but they neverendingly try and try endlessly for 4.5 years. but its happy to show that they cant do slander to me. that i have my strength to stand still even after 4.5 years of such torture/stalk/slander experience.

yupp this guh's energy is back. this crying period is a reminder i should work faster to create a safe life version. otherwise this slander thing i confront would impact my silly brain's hormones things.
its a task to show these people that they cant mess with me slander. i would stand still with my strength. i should never turn out weak and to cry state and make my enemies happy. i should work hard and show to the enemy group that they cant mess me with slander. that they wouldnt be able to and wont. i definitely think group that messes with me are articulated by commies. for since they would stalk me alot with Y/Z name.

as dishonest people try to throw dirt with slander, we should continue to stay strong. otherelse would be making enemies happy and making them think they reach their goals of destroying life with slander sociopathy type they apply.

i said i am over trauma. but recently trauma feelign i felt again. i think iots ok to feel trauma when stalk incidents happen in street still.

i guess when i talk of the stalk incidents as whole, i entered to dramatizing it state and kind of want to cry. i mean i saw this crying modes happen or when i tell this things incidents fully it makes me want to dramatize it and decreases my life energy.

ok anyway. so i think i already told enough whats going on. i would not talk again since talking about it doesnt any make happy but it remembering all these stalk incidents makes me want to cry when i tell them. i enter a kind of energy lacking state. since i go through all most or mos thorrible incidents when i talk about it.

so there is torture in life i definitely confirm and i confront a slander type of torture to me. but anyway no need to dramatize it. being powerful guhu back again. no more crying about it. ok i need to be strong and not dramatize my trauma. yuppp.

yepp strong guhu is back. i dont know why but i became a weak guhu version this afternoon all.

yayy i just cant believe after many years i entered some such weak feeling state. i usually felt either scared due to trauma. but never felt lacking any energy state. it first happent. this feeling no energy thing. so its a reminder to me to become stronger. for because i dont want to feel ever that lacvking no energy state again.  never again feel like that. i should always,  never dramatize troubles i confront.

it should look differnt instead. the troubles i confront i need to find a way to make them not hurt me.  e.g. i should control my reaction to slander incidentr. it impacted me alot today i dont know why.  i think it were like some curse shoutings i confronted 4.5 years ago. when i were constantly cursed by the stalking group, curse wouldnt hurt. but when they stop for a while. then reinit that, it would feel super hurting at that instant. similar thing happent. it felt as, recently stalk incidents with slander were kind of lesser, or at least i confronted less. but confronting in corner of where i turn to my workplace with my bike,  i dont know why but it impacted me alot. having bike feels make me stronger. since i can cycle away from the psycho doing slander. if it were walking i would feel worse. the stalker shouted "sell!" from corner i turn to my workplace's street. and then in front street, a guy shouted another thing thatrs slander.  then i wanted leave request in afternoon since i got impacted this time. i see, when i frequently confront this slander/stalk incidents of the disturbing group, it hurted less after i got over trauma. then i would say yayy i am over trauma. but then after a gap, then in next super close stalk/slander incident, i observe trauma feeling popped severely and i cried entire afternoon.  the impact of traumatic moments, i should learn to control and stay powerful. i should learn to not care the slander. i learn to not care. then i forgot how slander is after some time. then they slander again and i reenter trauma feeling. i shouldnt forget how to not care slander state. i should always be strong. i should always be psychologically ready whilst confronting such dishonest process in my life against me. in first year of stalk,. i had no idea whats happening. i just took it as i have some hater stalkers. that loves to shout curses to me. ok learning to get powerful to slander is not any easy thing for my type of brain. i just get strong against traumatic incident. but then forgot that. then in further traumaitc incident, it hits hard again. though this time i dramatized alot. cried with thinking all trauma incidents.
now i remembered how slander feels, i would be immune to further in vicinity slander incidents for a while i guess. but if there exists gaps in slander incidents, it hits harder onething i observed. from constantly tried to be beaten by slander by a group that i think iare articulated by commies. i should be always immune to slander. not should ever any time forget. should always protect my psychology from impacts of. this thing that happent to start 4.5 years ago, neverendingly continues for 4.5 years.

i am now kind of ashamed of behaving weak and dramatizingv this. i am back to being strong again. quite ashamed of dramatizing this stalk incidents with slander. something i shouldnt care. but i dont know but it felt hurting today.

now i am back to guhu with fun mind again with happy mind again. not that crying state last afternoon.

so if i couldnt get the job from Washington guy, (if my proposal doesnt get selected), there is still bunch of alternative things to do if that doesnt happen.  hmm like my game engine. or i saw i might have friends that do read this blog and do funny references to changing cities concept. hmm hey friend i wish all success in your company but in this broken state of my mind, i dont think i could be any furtherly work in a public company and be succesful cause i really am broken state of mind. i either could work in a state that i work against commies whom tried to torture my life that is not something public companies do, or build my things and sell my game engine then heal in a corner. but trhank you very much for such references which i took as trying to help thing? but i really dont think i am suited to work in any public company ever. cause i am broken kind of. i need to heal somewehere. either i need to fight against commies that torture me with working for governmtn institutions that would protect their members from commies. not that i any say you cant protect your members, its that, i dont have energy to work for public companies, i see this as my last time in any public company. but thank you for that.  i either could work to government institutions that could protect me from commies.  or get a sabbatical leave to heal. i before wanted to work in public companies.  i feel as i lost such career energy in life.  but of course i have unlimited energy to fight against commies, for since its whom they did torture thing to me. but thank you very much:) most possibly you pitied to my life's troubles and do such reference due to that, but thank you:) you are a funny friend:) that does  references at times:) hmm all blessings&cheers!  i wish you understand its not that your company is super cool. its just i am broken. i dont feel like any energy to do become any succesful in any public company. not that yours company is not cool. its i am broken. i hold power source to fight against commies that did this slander thgn to me for 4.5 years. thank you for inviting such indirectly:) felt as you invited:) but this guh is not good for your company or other public companies. she is broken. i try to fastly find remote jobs. i have various  career plans: first is as i told i asked if ever possible any NSA task/job. in tandem i applied to job to genius guy in Washington ( its not NSA job but still very important) and then if those thigns dont happen,t ehre is my game engine that i would work very hard on. since my flat looks to backyard i guess i would have peace in my flat and be away from main street stalk slander incidents whenever they happen. then would code my game engine. i guess your company needs dynamic energetic people right? i am right now not like that. i try to be energetic for current company i work on which is also an awesome place. but changing job to another public company (that even if your company is very cool) seems as not doable in broken state. i dont feel my life is saved from comies with just changing companies i work to. but people close to NSA people, that feels safer to me. because only such places could protect me from this process i confronted. cause i just cant define how this thing i confront how it broke me this process i confronted. so i really want to work for NSA so much if ever i could ever find any chance, to fight against commies. but for sure i might never have that chance either.  thank you very much for inviting:) but i feel as my life style my everything is under severe threat and i think NSA is only place that could ever protected me if i would work in any where. cause in the end your company is not a spies or security topics alike such places like place. but i guess thing i confronted could be only resolved if i work like such places. if ever i could find chances. but surely, your company is super cool and but i dont think any company change could protect me from this process i confronted from commies. thank you very much:)

so plans in my life: trying to get the job so much that guy in Washington told about. but if i couldnt , then create game engine.

so if i get that job, i might live in kathmandu or else. but would kind of feel  realted to NSA guy's surrounding which would make me feel safer in life against commies. maybe it could even create chances to find work to NSA. or i might have no chances for that. but anyway.  it would kind of feel safe in any way in any sense for i know the guy is maybe efrom NSA so it would feel more secure mode of life for thinking dreaming i have4 chances to work for NSA so that i become  protected from commies.  i dont think a public company could ever protect me from street stalk incidents aother than government institutions like NSA or such places. but i know i miguht have no chances to find any job in NSA either.

(but again to the super cool public company owner, thank you very much for inviting:) i took that as an indirect invite? something i read recently about remote work.  but i think, my life's troubles wouldnt be solved any like that. these people in outside would continue to stalk me like that. but thank you very much to try to help me:) thanks alot:) )

and when street stalk incidents happens with slander, try to be strong against. and never become any state like this afternoon. that i felt none enrgy and cried constantly. should learn to become immune to the slander side of this process i cofronted/confront.

just one label i confronted were "kav". i dont know what it means either. a guy shouted from street recently. a woman in shopping center would shout a curse and say kav label. for the onl;y instant i went to a shoppuing center. they were like they had constant GPS data.  variouys labels get created. various names created. a very severe sociopathy i confront. tries to show me as a bitch. as a kav whatever it means. i dont even know what the heck kav means. this thing constantly happens for 4.5 years.  a theathre of slander. in street stalk/slander in cafes/in shopping centers. it felt as people tried to kill my life with slander whenever i go anywhere in outside .  (with as if holding my gps). and also from my home's street. various names labels get created and thrown. neverendingly. why i think commies are doing this is because they did used Y/Z name alot in that. e.g. a shopping center 1 hour far away from where i live, went, after 1 hour, whilst i were leaving a couple stalked using Y name saying Y to me. or i wernt outside. to buy things with my car 1.5 year ago. i dropped my car in a gas station. then entered a shop. then a guy right after enters shop and stalks me with talking to someone in phone and saying some sentences with saying Y name to me with some sentence thats used alot(so must be following with car). and then in surrounding of work place 1.5 years ago, ia dressed guy shouts with talking phone "Y! slander_word!" but not only Y/Z names, a lot of names as i udnerstood.  they would shout slanders/cuirses for last 4.5 years. in first 2 years, sleep shoutings in other year sell shoutings. then even not reaching their goals any, last 2 years slander and making fun with slander in cafes or passing through my home street and throwing slander word. or else. it started with "ork!" "fukara!" "oluk!" type of curses. anyway. shldnt dramatize. but this is so surreal and were super hard life time. fighting for my name, my dignity were something i ddnt had to fight were before. they got attacked. with slander. wth creating names/labels to me. for 4.5 years this scheme endlessly happent. it feels like a psychological torture i think. i do think its correct to label as torture. constantly does stalk with slander/curse neverendingly for last 4.5 years.  i remember i would shout stalker stop stalking me to next building the guy in there would shout back "Y! dont cry! hey hurrem is Y!" so i guess these people tried to depict me as a bitch with Y name. i understood this 2 years after than this incident. in all further stalk incidents i understood this naming scheme. all before i thought i had stalkers living in right building 4.5 years ago.since i were stalked tiwh Z name in outside and from the building and also serdar name, i would think i have stalkers with such names. never had any idea of the naming scheme of the stalkers that stalk me. then  i wernt to village home. village home were super safe. they  couldnt stalk. then to ankara but then they stalked there again alot. so i becomed agoraphobic after i understood the naming scheme that sociopathy i became agoraphobic. then as told gps like stalk happent. anyway. then i moved to berlin. and stalk persists with curses/slander from home street.  or frm streets i frequently pass.  they couldnt turn me to their bitch. then they do severe slander last 2 years. they are super good in this slander topic.  and they do this never endingly. they use a word of "forgiveness". in for instance in one stalk incident in 3 or 2 years ago, in park they passed and shouted "tugra! sleep!" (then i understood tugra is yet another name they create) then i looked with anger and then i walked and a guy shouted that i am in their forgiveness. then in recent stalk incidnet, a very severe slander shouted with again forgiveness word. its i do think some sociopaths are hell bent to try to destroy my life. first tried to turn me to abitch. hadnt couldnt. then shouted sell! then again couldnt. now comes to my home street shouts slander. it never endlingly happens. but i do think believe they are animated by commies for since as told they used Y/Z name extensively in this slander/stalk process they apply against me.  actually slander happent even begining of stalk. as they started labels to me. it some label i thought i had such stalker. this thing for that label started after i were in state of ex-NSA candid. i would be shouted in i dont know i think exactly 4.5r years ago in around workplace's surrounding that label i heard a lot in stalk incide4nts. than name creation thing started. but firs tthat label started. i thought i had a stalker with such label for ages. i even hadnt understood that even after names thing i understood even after i understood names thing that the stalker creates names to me. depicts me in whichever form he/she wants whomever these people are, in street stalk incidents, shouts slanders/curses. happens this for exactly 4.5 years. 
the summary is i confronted a severe torture. torture type of psychological is no less than physical. slander is one very worst torture type. these psychos that slander has no regrets in doing this. they are like a never ending source of slander. a name /label creation capability and lack of any type of honesty to do slander to a person. and they dont give up until i am destroyed with slander. i observe this. they still have hope to try to destroy me with slander. it never ends. its like they are fixated to this thing. or be commanded by their commies to do so. cause i dont any understand why they are so dedicated to do slander. its not any normal thing this thing i confront. they are i think constantly fed by commies to do this to me. this slander thing. it never ends. constantly happens. a loop a never ending loop of slander/curse confrontation my life's last 4.5's years summary is. whern i say its torture, its really torture, i really confronted pswyhovclogical torture. slander is one very worst torture type.  the torture type i confront is has been very hard period of life.  i wonder whom are feeding these sociopaths to do these acts neverendingly. i think its commies. for because they used Y/Z name extensively in this. 

so this Y/Z usage is these things are why i think they are animated by commies. and they tried to convert to abithc with shouting sleep etc.
but they couldnt. and they last 2 years they switched to worse and slander very bad now since thats only thing remained as i see they gave up sleep shoutings. this thing i confront it never ends.

but should be strong and never dramatize again. i feel strong for instance now. yuppp.

so that i had chance to talk with Y named NSA guy i feel kind oif super happy for siunce i think people whom did this to me and continueing to do this to me are his/his countries' enemies that are commies. that my theory is that commies torture ex-NSA candids.  . wqould try to win the NLP job(not an NSA job). if i couldnt get its ok then i would code the game engine. but as told, if there is any  NSA job happens out there anytime, i would be super interested to apply to. for to fight back against commies whom tortured my life with slander and continues to.


today another stalk incident happent from main street. as told these peopel taht stalk me first 2 years shouted sleep. then they gave up and started shouting sell. they hadnt gave up that yet. i am tried to be depicted as a person with worst type of occupations by this slander/stalk i confront in street stalk incidents.  a torture with slander. whilst my occupation is being a coder. i confront this for last 4.5 years.  a constant torture with slander with depicting me as a person with worst type of occupations. happens for entire last 4.5 years. as told this time happent from my street of home. yesterday from corner where i wait the way to pass to square of building i work. they dont give up this. this trying to turn to me a bitch a seller. then but i also wont give up my fight against this dishonest thing i confront. i definitely think these people are articulated by commies for since they used Y/Z name in name creation thing alot. a neverending slander torture with stalk from home's street or places i pass frequently.  for entire 4.5 years. a neverending theathre like thing. in one stalk incidentr i remember, in 2 years ago, in a cafe, they did this: a woman when i walked out from cafe, talked in phone to an endline saying "i can do whatever guher does. fire guher". this thing, they do this deceival as if i work for them. they depict me in worst type of things. such slander for last 4.5 years with stalk and slander.  its either a hell bent sociopath fixated to destroy my life with slander, or its commies articulating this. i quite think its commies for since they used depicted me as a bitch with Y/Z names alot in this stalk slander i confronted. so i think these people are enemies of Y/Z named person's institutions. so that i think is commies.

i think it might even be huawei doing this to me. for since usage of one another word: "sarraf". sarraf is called to gold traders in Turkey.  i once had a gold medal from huawei when i worked there as a project leader(being the most succesful employee in a branch), and in further years, during an economic crisis, i intended to sell it to a gold taking merchant.  then 1 month later i bought back. then but it later got stolen either afterwards.  the home cleaning lady stole it i think because i had no guests to my home. it got stolen exactly after my home were cleansed. it were inside a box. then i opent it afterwars it were missing. and thinking cleansing lady were only one that entered my home, i think home cleansing lady stole it. anyway.  it had my name written on it.  i were kind of very succesful in projects transformation to cmmi3 alike processes and also were succesful in leading Spain projects with that newly changed PM style so thats i guess why i were awarded.

but then in this stalk i confront "sarraf" word is also used with slander and trying to destroy my life thing for entire last 4.5 years. i dont want to create any hypothethical theory. but i really think huawei commies might be somehow behind this torture of 4.5 years i confront. or its just a theory that i dont know if true? i have no idea whom is doing this to me with what intent.  so for concerning the rights of innocence, i think it would be not correct to think like that huawei is doing this with no evidence beforehand. since there is no such evidence, its definitely fully wrong to think ever like that. but even if its not huawei's commies doing this torture to me, i think its some type of commies doing this to me.   but the thing is the enemy is totally obscure, hidden. i have none idea whom is doing this to me. its for sure to me some type of commies doing this, for since they used Y/Z name also in such ceontext in stalking me.


but i do definitely think NSA's enemies might be doiung this to me. for since in this stalk slander torture i confronted, they depicted me as a bitch with Y/Z name so i definitely it makes me think these stalkers are artriculated by Y/Z named person's institutions's enemies, in short, by commies. i do think i am confronting a psychological torture thats articulated by commies for 4.5 years. or its a sociopath hell bent to try to destroy my life with slander.  do0nt know whom is doing this. either a psycho sociopath doing this. or commies. but the result is, i am confrotingh such psychologiocal torture for entgire last 4.5 years whomever doing this. they used a lot of names as i observed. some 2 guys i dated. or NSA guy (that i hadnt dated but its totally different context) or my first person i fell in love  to's surname, but constant depicting me as bitches or laterwards as seller and stalking me with such slander.  or some woman names also. but such slander with stalk thin g i confront neverendingly for entire last 4.5 years.


creates labels to me names to me. depicts me as worst type of occupations such type of slander. creates very ugly things to me like very worst occiupations a person could hold. and tries to destroy my life with showing me like that in street stalk. cuyrsing me curses as worst type of occuopatioins curses. shouting sleep/sell to me. shouting me as if i am a seller. such type of slanders. does this slander with untrue things to me for entire last 4.5 years. whomever this obscured enemy is. thinks can destroy my life with slander. i would show whomever this enemy is , that she or he, wont be able to do.  there is no place in life to be destroyed with dishonesty/slander. i wont let the enemy reach her or his goals. whomever is. i think its commies doing this torture to me. but i am not sure for sure. for since i have no evidence. i jut observe some psychos behave me in street as if i am abithc and seller type of personality and shout me such things. for last entire 4.5 years. such type of torture. slander based torture. a theathre where the stalker assigns me very worst occupations in life, such theathre of slander torture i confront entire last 4.5 years.  fake news thing but in real life not in internet. its called slander as i read. i confront this for last entire 4.5 years. but as told, wohmever doing this to me, should know that her or his nefarius goal wont succeed. i think its commies behind this, commies doing this to me(for since they used Y/Z name alot). but anyway, i would show they cant. destroy a perosn';s life with slander.  cause i am neither a bitch nor seller nor never been. and they cant destroy my life with such type of such worst type of slander.


ok one funny thing beside painful slander experience, something funny:

some one shouted xena to me last night. maybe is the  person who left a postcard to my postbox :D ok since i blog i would fight back sentence alot, is it told due tot that:D but this were nice. not painful like slander with worst type of occupations (that is totally untrue) that i confront.  ok this were totally kind of fun experience. not any painful like the worst type of slander i confront.  thanks for adding fun to my life whomever shouted. not any one i know ever shgouted.  i constantly confront pain of slander confrontation , such thing were fun:) maybe its because i have black hair:) though it has whites now and i dye it sometimes. i dont any resemble xena. but there is the thing of having black hair in  aplace where most people has other hair colors.(so that having black hair in such place becomes cooler than having the usually holded color, i felt as a very attractive person in there:D in a city where noone holded black color, i usuallyt dont attribute any attractiveness thing to any hair color, but in such cases it kind of becomes advantage to be different:) ) but it doesnt apply to Berlin for since its all multicultural place. but in Frankfurt's one district, i definitely felt as my black hair made me more cooler since everyone else had yellow and mine were black:P so i felt like i am shown more attention than i used to get from people:) like if i am an artiest:D
so this xena thing, noit that i any resemble xena:) but must be getting cooler  just due to having black color impact :)  i think having black hair color is cool inherently :P o all hair colors are cool i think.  buyt i definitley like black color alot. though i also like to dye my hair alot, specifically before used to alot.
i dont any resemble Xena. i am ugly(having a defected nose). but must my black hair color made me look cooler to be resembled such btfl character:P  (truly i dontr any slightly resemble other than my hair color:P)
i thinik it were not that i resemble xena but since i blog alot "i would fight back against". i think so.i think it were a blog reader whom did that. ok i loved being resembled to fighter characters. whilst confronting a severe slander with worst type of occupations in street stalk(people doing this come to my street for this, its non internet version of fake news this thing i confront is exactly like that, i confrtont fake news but an non internet version of it. attacking me. trying to depict me in worst type of occupations with shouting me such things from my home street. ) , such resemblence be done to xena made me happy :) thanks to stranger blog reader whom did that (that i truly dont know whom is, completely stranger person did that) :) many thanks:)

but i think also thinking there is unfairness in tv charcters that its not diverse but newly becoming so. happy for that thigns are started to become diverse/more fair in such sectors.

i just cant stop being honest on how i think i look. i am pretty ugly i think(due to my weird features e.g weird nose very tall forehead weird eyebrows kind of defected nose ). but i agree that having black hair color is cool/looks cool :)

so this xena thing is something i could hold on to whilst i fight against a severe dishonest slander thing:) maybe i could think myself as a warrior like that:) for thinking whilst there is people woh try to throw dirt with slander, some person thrown me nice word like xena:) so i would think that in the fight i carry on, there is at some stranger supporter:) thanks:) it made me felt happier whilst i also at the same tiome confront severe slander from street stalk incidents.  thanks for making this guhu happy and thinkingm an image to hold on to whilst there is harsh life in which i am attacked with slander. ok thinking i am a warrior would make me feel better when i fight against slander:) thank you stranger person:)

i also sometimes feel amazonic:P for feeling powerful against all this dishonest things i confronted last 4.5 years. i feel as i feel as amazonic person:) (only last day i felt weak lacking energy:) today full of energy :))

so lets this song be to all woman who confront unfairness in life (e.g. me who have to fight against slander) and fight against strongly: (who are all amazonic creatures:) we all are:) all people fighting against dishonest things like slander) :

to the stranger:) thank you for saying xena to me. since i have to fihgt in my life i sometimes also felt amazonic:) its not gender specific. let this song be go to any person in any gender who confront slander named thing in life. like me.  lets fight against as we are amazonic:)

as alike like to restate, slander is one worst type of torture type. but we are all amazonic to fight against:)

ok i am super into drama last 2 days of dramatizing this instead of being strong. i been a drama drama drama and yet again drama doer on unfortunate thing i confront(unfortunate thing of slander confrontation).  ok back to strong state i am :)   drama mode off:P study mode strongly on:)


hmm so today's goals:
studying nlp. preparing proposal to guy in Washington.  for since i want so much to fight back against commies.  and it wouild feel safe against commies. and fun also. since i would might go to kathmandu l,ike interesting places in working to remote tasks from genius guy in Washington :) if ever i succeed in my proposal.  or might work in there if i get work there also in Washington?.

then if that doesnt succeed (it couldnt not succeed for if my project proposal is not good enough) in such situation then i have two different ideas:)   that are both fun:
one is game engine.
second is new idea of creating second guh instance in cloud. so it does take freelancing coding assignments :P this looked funny and fun thing to do. since it could also become more advanced to code the game engine itself? reading being able to read study opengl book itself. why not? i do think in current NLP level its possible to convey information easier to expert systems. i plan to build a learning expert system.

this xena would make people throwing dirt to me be so more upset to me(i think they are commies doiung this to me). for showing they couldnt destroy me with throweing dirt that which the dirst doesnt any belongs to me, with throwing dirt of slander of showing me in worst type of occuopations in street stalk incidents. i would make those people who do this torture of slander more upset for showing they couldnt destroy me with slander and being super succesful person. yuppp thats the agenda. 


yuppp hard work time! continueing studying NLP topics. regarding how to represent cluster language constructs. will merge this with ontology area study to design my expert system. like elastic search. but more intellgnt than that. i mean semantic reasoning doing logic beside it would hold. to propse solution to the genius guy in Washington this study part is continued. yepp. i want something more intellgnt than elastic search. it seems quite doable in current NLP technology level. or i am wrong. i am trying to design in this 2 days. and also on monday evening. yupp.  i want something that understands what it reads. so not simply okapi based contextual or apache solr based contextual level similarity or desimilarity or topic category modeling not exactly like that, but i want something that really understands what it reads. in a predefined ontology. which i try to build by reading linguistics studies its intersection with NLP area, and also ontology area i would recheck. ontology frameworks and things devised there i would surface/check. to try to design my expert system. but also other things i might work on. include. not only single aspect but other things also. anyway. lets continue studying.

i even forgot how softmax is done:S lets revise nn topic. something i studied i think on november in 2016

hmm for studying bert topic, i liked this transformers depciting articler.
by the way who liked alot transformers cartoon at our children times:) ? i definitely liked alot. though
 yayy pytorch and tensorflow training time after revising nns topic. those times attention were something newly tried hmm talking about year 2017.
would learn thse nn based solutions (intending to utilize Bert later on) so learnt that natural language comprehension is already established in nice degrees. hmm first should study linguistics side then switch to this part i guess. but couldnt stop investigating initially this article right now.


and from here, i wanted to revise ngrams and then this: successor for ngrams as i read. i dont also remember how ngrams were. would also revise them.

 fun in here cause it would create me build expert systems:) i truly adored this paper's method for SRLs for regarding idea of merge of NLU systems with ontology systems through glue of SRLs.

woiuld do similar tasks. but have to get advance in SRL topic. and also relevant ontology studies linguistics studies models would be all studied through today and tomorrow to try to devise a methodology based on comprehension of the text.

i think i would try to record somehow the slander incidents from street. but it occures randomly. then such thing is not possible to record. because the slander doing doing the slander takes 20 or 30 seconds, before i could any record the slander incident if i wanted, the slander doing person goes.  i need to hire a detective  that constantly monitors street and does record promptly slander incidents. but that is costly and i dont have money for it yet.

i went to police with no evidence and asked them to help me collect evidence of this slander crime i confront in subway(i wanted them to investigate a person in their subway surveillance system, that whom shotued slander word to me), or happens in my home street. but i understood its not police's responsibility to do record evidence for this type of crime. i should hire a detective that monitors my home street 24 hours and records stalk incidents.
but have no money for that.  so slander happens continuesly. its not an easy to record crime type. i dont know when it would happen. and as a civilian i cant do record my home street since it would be super unnice act. i wouldnt either. so if i had any capability i would hire a personal detective that would record this slander torture applied to me.
slander is like a throw a stone and run away type of crime. its not easy to learn whom breaks my glass in my home street. so this nature of it, makes it an easy tool to torture people as i observe it happens to me. i wish i had any idea of whats happening that i am confronting such torture type 4.5 years ago. cause many incidents happent in recording possibilities 4.5 years ago. in sisli. i would create a very big law case if these slander doing people are caught. cause they tortured me with this for entire 4.5 years. with slander. creating depictting me as worst type of occupations. creating names/characters to me which are untrue. its this torture of slander happens 4.5 years. all unsolved because i dont have any money to hire a personal detective. to catch these criminals doing this crime against me. i do think slander is a very severe crime act. this thing i confront is fake news but noninternet version of it. i wish it were done in internet or else(in that case i would know whom is doing this to me and would have evidence of it). i have none evidence for the crime i confront. they never attacked me from internet nor phone or else. all attack i confronted/confront comes from street stalk incidents. all from cafes. this words based slander based attack i confront.  this crime i confront,  never happent in internet or any such medium. i always confronted it from street stalk incidents. or cafes i were stalked as if they know my gps data somehow.

  its done from my home street. or 2.5 years ago, with a gps knowing like stalk in cafes. everywhere i went i were stalked and theathre had played with depicting me as a bitch or else from next desk they would sit beside a place in the cafe i went. now these people mainly disturb with slander from home street acts and once it happent in subway (that i then went to police to request them to investigate) then mainly with shouting slander sentence to me from home street it happens like that mostly in recent year. or alike, shouting "sell!" also happent on friday from corner i went to workplace tht i always pass from. or sometimes in busstops happent.

but soon i would move to backyard looking flat so i dont have to confront torture of slander. since it is away from mainstreet.  7 days left to have some separation from slander medium, the slander medium is mainstreet confronting my home. as told, the slander doer does like to do this stone throwing like act, of shouting the slander(depicting me as holding worst occupation type in world) then goes. i mean its not any easy to any record evidence of the slander moment. and i dont want to paranoidly constantly monitor street for to check when slander would happen. if i had money i would hire a detective to do that cause they are very good in this thing  as i read. but anyway.\


hmm i liked this definition of transformers. ok cant stop thinking transformers cartoon or atari game of transformers when i use transformers word:)

(ok i still laugh since my friends resembled me to bert sometime ago:) (since i am tall faced:) my friends liked to make such fun of me. so when i see this bert tool and its cute image, i want to smile:)) (yepp i were resembled to bert from sesame street by some colleagues long before:P )

this xena the bert (guh in other words) seems to think wonder whether is something explainable be enough to construct a coder guh (or xena the bert i could label it as) in cloud. it wont be an inventor coder though. what is our knowledge capacity all about? i think its about being able to learn from collections of information sources. so no matter what how we represent information source i guess its possible to build an expert system that could even create scientific theories. it would be able to learn like us. why not? (then i can be even more lazy in coding game task:P)  (why write my game engine if my expert system in cloud could do it for me:P ? why learn opengl's details? why ? :P :) though coding industry would hate me (or they might shoot me with rifle:)  ) :P or should never make its code available to anywhere so that our industry doesnt go away:) ) (this is totally a dope idea and i am definitely going to build it right after this task i work on in tiny remaining free times :) but surely it wont be available outside. cause i dont want to be shoot by our industry's coders for creating such system :P )  (i laugh alot when a manager says would you people shoot me when he sneezes:)(making jokes to corona virus) (i liked this joke type:P) (have a very perfect/ good & funny manager in workplace  :) )


(ok since i liked such type of jokes: if i build such system, i would be also in risk of shooted:P by coders industry:P  for sure wouldnt make it be availble to common main use cases if i ever build such system:P  but loved the idea of using that thing to learn things that are api like:P e.g. opengl's tedious details :P so this study's ontology and linguistics part would make me brainstorm on this how to become a lazy game engine creator named hobby study part, aka xena the game engine. ok i think i chose xena to my game engine:)  though if i build such system, i myself dont have to code it either:) this is why it looks a very dope idea:)  )
i definitely believe that, there are rules to enable virtualization.
if we define information in whichever format we want, which ever sequential paralel processing we apply, there if we give flexibility of changing meta models to that system, or sponging models definitions around with just from natural language, i think it could turn out something that could even create scientific theories.  if we enable virtualization. that also finding the very different ontology ways to define knowledge.  that we dont need to depend on unexplainable nn systsm's unexplainable parts of it, that an ai system shouldnt need to fully be unexplainable to us like our own architecture that we try to decrypt in brain project. to me, in whichever processing form it happens, whichever knowledge format it pertains, if we enable things nicely on ontology design level, then i would think our expert system would no less be comparatively good enough in some type of tasks and even better maybe in some. it would be noncarbon based brainz. in cloud. but that could learn in explainable format of ontological ways that is also defdined redefined by itself. a self learner. in cloud. we dont have to be the same with our architecture. for specific set of tasks, we could build such brainz i think:) i would find ways to try to teach it maths an ontology to try to. there is very big ontology & linguistics task study for tomorrow morning. for the current task. of learning expert system. yupp. i really liked the NLP area's current state of art establishments and its looks a bunch of legos there that looks very fun :) )


(yepp everytime i took a coding task from genius guy inWashington, it makes me learn lots of things in software engineering or whichever topic its . it were like this also when were working together. Its a genius guy who gives kind of challenging tasks when i had a chance to work with long before. it wernt securty related tasks either, it were just normal softrware engineering but wre always challenging  & lots to learn. dont know if now i would have chance to work fr. i would propse the solution)


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