had little fight on my trauma topic with mom. she wants me not to care. i say its not possible to not care slander thing. then we had consensus on our ideas. this mornign slander incident happent again.

meanwhile dad plans to give each his kid 100K euros after ankara terrain gets built. he wanted to sell it raw terrain upon reconstruction of that area.  but then if homes get built, they plan to give us 250k. i said what the heck:P then i said you should spend it all since its something you had won through hardwork in building companies when young times. but couldnt ignore the fact that i became happy. so i dont have to buy myself as home:P so not creating any capital in life and lviing poorly since i have no economic literacy wont hurt since even if my life were super unlkucky to have a psycho neighbour whom does stalk with slander for 4.5 years with all those trying to turn to bitch or worse and both stalk/slander from cafes/etc.  though i am lucky in this that i dont have to buy my own house:P  thanks mom and dad:) but its just a plan. we dont know when the terrain would have homes built. dad wants to sell it directly before it gets valued but mom wants to wait homes get built:)

ok i think there is sometimes of sometimes we are super unlucky (e;.g. havign a psycho stalker whom does severe stalk slander for 4.5 years ) but then we are also a type of lucky millenial that i wont have to buy myself a house:P ok recently i been feeling unhappy for the slander/stalk with slander topic. but this mom/dads' plan made me felt as a lucky millenial:) i am old an end edge of millenials i am:) just in border of being millenial. if i were b orn later i werent be any millenial:P. i dont know if other millenials are like me, but i have none 0 economic literacy:D though super happy  that learnt that mom and dad have plans to prepare money to us to buy home. nice news:P life is a weird thing. both lucky /both unlucky. its a mixture of luck.

they said that millenials usually dont hope to buy homes in world wth salaries for since home prices went super expensive in last 50 years. i defintiely hadnt had any hopes to buy with my salary since because i have 0 economic literacy (dont have a mentality to collect any money, but spend just:P might be because i mightg be stupid in economic literacy topic that my head doesnt work to it. i remember going to holiday once but costing alot than i originally planned, then eating spaghetti entire month afterwars since i dont like to ask money from mom/dad ever since i am an old adult. ate all month spagetthi for since i had none very tiny money left. this is my economic literacy level:DxD)  (though getting better in that:D spending very less now whilst constructing my economic state and paying my credit card and all remaning one credit i took from bank 1 year ago. )

i liked this nice mentality that mom and dad said. that they said, what we would do with extensive money, we would be happier if we give it to you when you are younger. i am not any young but still very happy to this nice mentality of mom and dad. if i ever be a mom i would also do this to my kid that i would buy his or her home myself. cause it really feels happy to not have to buy home myself that which seemed as an impossible task with my level of economic literacy level. i only planned to build myself a safe home with game engine's things which i guess can might buy even 10 homes when it gets build. but otherwise, i dont hold any type of economic literacy to buy any home with a salary thing. cause4 i am super stupid in how to spend money. have literally 0 economic literacy.

life is mostly based on faith/luck. take me for instance, i got tortured by severe stalk/slander for 4.5 years. its just chance. that a psycho sociopath neighbour fixated me and tried to turn me to a bitch and does severe slander(that i dont any tiny know if are any animated by commies. might be).

i mean its always good or unfaith things we encounter sometimes is faith/chance. but i am quite happy to be lucky in having a mom a dad whom plans to prepare money to me to buy home to me:) ok so as said, life is a mixture of both unfaith/faith :)

i were severely unfaithful in life in last 4.5 years for confrontation of a severe stalk with slander (dont know if commies are behind it). but saw that also i am faithful in mom/dad;s side hearing their plans :)

i were severely happy child. but severely unlucky in very early childhood (since nanies looked to me and they hadnt taken care enough as they were changed constantly due to that, e.g. one as i heard would leave me crying in a chair for all day for several hours(maybe 4 or 5) and i cried all. trhen neighbour saw that and said to mom so she replaced to another nanny. but none of them were good. so my early childhood is not happy as i heard. )  but then i had a dream like childhood:)(it were super fun it were very happy) but then in my younger/near to being old adult times i had a severe trauma (stalk with slander of a psycho neighbour(from 4.5 years ago) that still happens e.g. happent this morning) then hearing mom's dads' plans for me, thinking i am lucky:) so my life is all mixture of unfaith /faith:)

one thing that made me very happy is getting 4 years of blue card:) thank you cute city of Berlin:) and i  find 'take care' words of the blue card giving official super cute:) thank you sweatheart for using such sweat word:) yupp i would take care sweathearted person:) <3  its just a super cute word to say i think to some one when giving a VISA:) i just dont know why, but i like "take care" word alot:) since there is cuteness in it:)


then this thing of my mom/dad's plans on me made me felt gleeful also:P  thank u close family:)


though as told, dont want to code my game engine myself. but via guh the coder in cloud since this guh the human is a lazy coder:P ths guh the human wants an unlazy extension in cloud :P that lacks this unnice laziness trait of mine.


yayyyyy some dope of learning linguistics time:) 

is not this a dope project plan:)

it feels like a very weird project and so fun due to that:D

building something a tiny bit conscious:) and much more intellgnt than guh the stupid version of a coder. it would be an extension of guh the coder in world. it would be as told guh the coder in cloud:) much more intellgnt than me (as told since i am stupid its easy to build something more intellgnt than me:) so this is not any tiny bit hard project plan:)  )

a project thats all dope/all fun:) its 100% fun and 100% dope:) since i love reading social sciences as told alot before(not that its not an easy area, i think its harder than other science areas), and since i would build a tiny bit conscious being, would read a lot social sciences. but mere construction parts would come from linguistics area:) 


ok lets start with what today for parts of my construction to be built.
lets start with bayesian belief networks, to brainstorm on such level ontologies which turn out intractable in most cases. but people use optimizations to try to simplify them. lets see that form of logic definition on such terms.

then lets study the process paper i mentioned before. to get in to process and optimization areas definitions.

then i would as told would study math ontologies. to how to teach math to thing.

but it all starts with linguistics(its the main component of this thing i would build). but whcih part i start with for considering today.

i think i want to revise some math topics today.

starting with abstract algebra left in the middle study.

or process side paper i would read on how people do optimize such topics.


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