yesterday also again a street stalk happent with slander. actually 2 times in night.
the psycho comes to street shouts slander and goes. these people shouted me hunt 4.5 years ago. then they couldnt hunt me. but then they do this slander. they tried to turn me bitch (something i understood in end of 2.d year of stalk or in 1.7 year i dont know exactly) with shouting me sleep. (that i hadnt understood that because they always used labels other names so i never understood those sentence were told to me). then sell! shoutings started. but before in ferikoy a slander thing severely happent also that i also hadnt understood any in the time of its happenstance. they shouted me some label that i thought that label is stalking me. then i got continue to stalked and i confronted 2 slanders. i remember in street, the a guy passed and told "some_name is in hunt". so i saw in stalk incidents they tried to deceive do the slander of as if i work to them. like they couldnt do that, but even couldnt, due to either ambition of them i dont know why, they behaved started behaved as if i work to them. actually this happent in first year of stalk. but those tiumes i hadnt understood that. that since they never use my name in stalking me those times. so last night for instance, a guy shouted "is in hunt". the psycho tries to show me as if i am one of them and is doing hunt act whatever that does mean. they couldnt hunted me. they shouted hunt to me. but then even couldnt, they do this slander. i mean as i observed, these people when target to hunt me, they never give up, and they do a severe slander thing. i even had no idea what i am confronting, i thought i had some hater stalkers with some label/with serdar name/ Y/Z name. i remember when intending to go to jazzbar, i were just walking in kurfurstendamm, a guy a short guy with phone said, "is in hunt". these people do this slander thing so good. they are like devils. i mean so bad people. they first tried to make a bitch (something i understood in end of 1.5 or 1.7 or 2.d year of getting stalked) but couldnt. but constant slander/styalk, slander stalk i confront. like happent last night. i wish they get cauight by police and be interrogated by lie machineries. cause they are sociopaths. i mean to reach the truths in this stalk i confront, people whom would caught them should definitely use lie machines or substances that force to tell the truth to get to the truth out of lies. cause they try to steal my innocence with slander. it were super creepy to observe, their deceivel methods. in one stalk incident, as told a woman talking with someone in vicinity, said, "fire guher! i can do whatever she is doing much better". the other end of the phone deceives as if i work to them whomever they are. i confronted this type of and many tyupes of sl;ander never endingly. reason i think they are animated by commies is, they used Y/Z name alot. in many slander incidents.
so being strong against slander. being an amazonic warrior against slander. and this song goes to all people confronting a hard time like mine due to stalk/slander:
either i had a hell bent sociopath neighbour who has decided to destroy my life with slander and turn me to a bitch of them whomever these people are. (for since i been shouted infinitely many times sleep! sell! that which i eeven didnt understood shouted to me. for since they never used my name in shouting me such things. i would think i have some hater stalkers. but never could imagine i were shouted such things, after many days year of stalk i udnerstood theirs naming scheme that they actually shout such sentences to me. in sisli by the time this stalk started, i never had any slightly idea that i were shouted "sleep!" i would never imagine anyone calling me serdar. i mean it were not easy to understand whats happening. i would think i have a serdar named stalker. similarly, they would shout Y/Z. from street. from next building with shouting "Y! dont cry! Y is hurrem!". then i would silently think whom is this Y and would think is a guy from that people set. for instance they would i remember, in ankara, inn my first month or second month, i went to a cafe in a very nice district, sat in a desk, studied hbase db system, then i understood a guy in vicinity desk is constantly cursing to some lady name that i heard in stalk incidents. it were like those times i had no idea of the naming scheme, so i hadnt understood i were cursed. then i remember every cafe i went, they stalked me like if they had gps. they used 2 guys i dated name also in this. i would wonder if timur some guy i dated is stalking me. never could imagine the stalkers call timur to me. i dont know how these people get guys i dated's names even. they even used my first fell in to love guy's surname in this. that i also thought is he stalking me. it would happen like, everytime i go to any cafe, a group of people would sit in a desk in vicinity. and they would shout "surname_of_my_first_fell_in_love_to! sleep!" i would ask query whether he with that surname is stalking me. like i would go to dye my hair iun a shopping center. then i would walk upstairs to food mall, in food mall, in a cafe, a woman would shout "Serdar! sleep!". and those times i would still think i had those people stalking me. as told, me understanding this naming scheme i confront in these stalk incidents took some years. i in those stalk incidents, had not any understood. i would think a psycho serdar is stalking me like that. similarly, in ankara, the sell! shoutings started. it first happent inside the subway i passed to armada shopping center side. a woman passed shouting sell! then everytime i went every any place in outside, i were stalked as if they know gps. and sell! shoutings would happen. and in cafe in my home place, its mainly one places i understood this naming scheme. i were sitting, they shouted olga is a bitch. and then, olga name i heard from next building in stqlk incidents also ibefore in sisli. a woman shouted olga many times. then thgere in ankara, whilst i pass by that cafe, a woman looked to me in eye, and said "olga! get over!". in that instant, i started to understood that they call those names to me. similarly in a cafde, i went, a woman shouted "hande! sell!" hande wer eone name used frequently in these stalk incidents in sisli as i told. for instance, i were those times, building a causalera named ecommerce startup focused on SAAS version of recommendation systems. e.g. top n product listing services or content/collobrative filtering SAAS services. to erase barriers of SMBs to global economy. so i were reading world bank reports. in a cafe. i read thousands of (not thousands but many) of global economy patterns, freight industry, and all those reports world bank published. since i were creatign a pitch deck presentation to my startup, and since i were learning for instance i learnt in Turkey's ecvonomy, SMBs create a very big part in allocation of work force. all from world bank reports or such reports i read and read that day. to create presentation of my pitch deck. then i went outside, a person shouted "ork! its hande!". then i were shouted "hande! get over!" or some other woman name! get over! and also constant ork/oluk shoutings. and also stalk from a serdar named guy i thobught i had. i thought i had a stalker set with serdar/hande/some_woman name and also Y/Z names. for instant, i would go to market from home a guy would shout "Y! get horny!". then they started making fun of "faithless! she is a bitch!" then also "faithless! she is a seller!" they would do this also with Y/Z name. in one stalk incident with slander, i confronted as told, in workplace's surrounding 1.5 year ago, a guy shouted "Z! seller!" so i even couldnt be hunted by these people, they tried to deceive like as if they succeeded. i mean its like they were hell bent to try to destroy my life. even if they couldnt succeeded, they used the slander thing. that which i still confront. from home street. reason i think these people are animated by commies is they used Y/Z name alot in these overall stalk slander incidents. they would depict me as a bitch with Y name in stalk incidents. or those other names also in other stalk incidents. it neverendingly happent for 4.5 years. i started understanding the naming scheme of these stalk incidents as told in roughtly 2 years of getting stalked.
as i had a chance to talk to Y named guy, it meant hope to instantly get survived from this slander/dishonest chase with slander i confront. for since i think commies might be doing this to me. for since they used alot Y/Z name. for since he is from people whom fights with commies. so if i work for him, i might be also get protected from commies and fight againast them. since they might be the ones commies might be the ones hading done this tortuire of slander to me. its a theory i dont know if its. i mean it felt as its commies cause in many stalk incidents slander hapepnt with Y/Z name. so i think i do think these people whom do this torture to me are enemies of Y/Z named people and their institutions. its a possibility. noit a thing i know surely. but having had chance to talk to Y named person meant a hope for instant survival from these people's(that i think they are animated by commies) slander/stalk torture.
but if that hope doesnt happen, if my propject proposal is not good enough that i would propose, then as told, at least my new flat that i would move to in 7 days looks to backyard. so i would i guess confront lesser street stalk incidents. my new home is more safe from street stalk incidents. then i would code my game engine projects or the maybe second guh instance in cloud which i plan to buidl an expert system that would comprehend my opengl book for me. and i would be able to commujnicate to. it would be kind of jarvis like thing:) and do work my game engine project for me:P i would teach it maths with ontologies i would define. or other areas also. so it would investigate science also in behalf of me:)
but it would have been super exciting to work for the guy in Washington(since always gives very fun challenging tasks) and instantly move to some place like Kathmandu or some place else. and feeling of workjing someone connected to NSA would make me feel safe against commies' acts/slander chase things. and it would create might create chances to work for NSA someday to fight back against commies.
but as told, if i am not intellgnt, if my propject proposal is not good enough or i am tagged as not good enough to employ(which could happen cause i am not super intllgnt like super intllgnt people there that could be employed), i have second plans in case i dont get employed:P e.g developing interesting projects and creating a safe home myself in that case. but i would as told be super interested to work to/work for. to feel as at least fighting back against commies(for hopes of having such job chances in future that are such context holding). and to feel safe.
i honestly dont know if its commies did this thing to me or is it a psycho neighbour? i would always be rioghteous in any sentence. and honestly id ont know if its a hell bent psycho socio neighbour doing this chase/stalk with slander or is they are animated by commies. i dont any know. i created theory its commies cause they used Y/Z name alot in stalk incidents. but i dont any know if it is.
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food making time. then studying linguistics and ontology topics to build first an expert system that understands things it reads and models in better ways than elastic search like context mechanisms. yayyy this task proposal i work for is a super fun task! would read tons of ontology articles and linguistics articles today. but first lets make this food ready. always wanted to learn about linguistics area but couldnt spare time. its so fun so amazing to learn now.
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