came from nice workplace to this nice home.
had forgot to eat noon other than some chocolates. so ate some tuna fish ready dish, then also some ~70 calories pasta with vegetables:) nice that i started eating less.
aw this natur compagne from bio market, this pasta ai funghi tastes delicious. I am super lucky cause i have a bio market just in below of my home:) last time i bought lots of ready dishes on yesterday. like this one. which turned out delicious. also tuna ready dishes i bought are super delicious.
so nice things from life:
would arrange interview with therapist. couldnt manage to attend today but eiuther tomorrow or other day would check in the first interview. i think this therapy thing is the most important thing ever in my life. since i have agoraphobia. and i also cant cope the things e.g. having a psycho stalker that slanders/stalks (that is not any related to any blog readers). i need emotional support.
second very exciting: i would attend the driving license operation and would have a converted license to here. and i would buy one 1 series BMW or Opel tigra like car. and so before winter comes, my auto would be ready:) i would i am expected to get license in 40 days after i apply (i have to attend 2 tests). this is also super exciting. since i am agoraphobic, when i go outside with bike its kind of scary to me. so when i have car, i wont ever confront any stalk incident since my window would be closed and would use air conditioner. its not sure when i would confront. i mean i got stalked so much by the stalkers that stalk me. e.g. in my path to work place in a cafe or from a corner, (sell! shoutings ahappent) or once i were returning froma robo workshop and in train. i mean its not sure that i would be always stalked by stalkers, but even the probability of chances of being stalked in outside, turns life to full agoraphobic state. i as said have psycho stalkers whom shouted first 2 years sleep last 3 years sell! words. they couldnt achieve their goals (other than torturing me with an ugly stalk like that:S) i guess i been tried to be turned to be bitch with that stalk. btu they couldnt achieve. but a very heavy stalk/slander/smear campaign i confronted. and a very creepy stalk. i dont know how but they stalked me everywhere i went 3 years ago. last 3 years i am mostly agoraphobic. i tried going out sometimes but as stalk incidents happent frequently (i dont knopw how this GPS knowing like stalk happent) i lived last 3 years mostly agoraphobic. i were going outside here when i first came. then agoraphobia happent in after stalk incidents happent. i think i have a psycho stalker frm 5 years ago that has fixated to make me a bitch. couldnt. stalked and tried so hard. with shouting sleep! sell! words. couldnt succeeded. but is fixated to also to do that trying to destroy my life like that. so me even moving abroad, stalk persisted. i confronted very severe stalk/constant slander/severe smear campaign. its been very hard last 5 years. i wish therapist heals agoraphobia.
but with my car, i wouldnt scare of going outside. car means freedom to travel:)to such agoraphobic person, me myself. cause as told, when stalk incdeints happent, i in my mind tag that region entirely as a place not to go outside unless mandatory. since i have a psycho stalker stalking me like that (first 2 years shouting sleep! last 3 years shouting sell!) and since stalk also happent here, i also scare of going outside here. and i wish its understood its not any related to any city's safety. here is very safe (also other cities i lived were also safe). its just i have a very rare situation of having a psycho stalker that stalked me for 5 years. (first 2 years shouted sleep! last 3 years shouted sell!) . and does very ugly form of slander/smear campaign. i confronted a very heavy life last 5 years. the stalker tried to dissassemble my life in every way possible. i hadnt even understood i am stalked by a psycho in first 2 years. i hadnt understood slander even (that creates labels names to me:S) and shouts sleep! :S and smear campaign and slander amplified as stalker couldnt reach his or her goals of turning me to a bitch. its has been super hard life last 5 years:S i still confronted/confront. but i wish my therapist helps me to cope. even first interaction (emailing) with therapist helped to become happier.
aww this amazing tree view in wind. would drink coffee outside.
i liked this mode of buying ready made food. i dont have to cook food alot then:) but would investigate which ones i liked. they are not unhealthy, i buy them from bio market. its super lucky to have a biomarket just under my flat's building. for to go market, i just go downstairs, do buy my bread, tomatoes, onions, food, honey, olives, chees etc... just only things that arent bio arent sold. like most brands of shampoos. only natural shampoos or cosmetics materials are present. everything is bio.
aww this buyiung bmw 1 series idea is exciting:) ok i would be able to buy 2005
model. but thinking roads outside the city has no speed limits, buying some high hp car seems an interesting thing to do. i would try to learn go fast speed also in turning in where rotational acceleration's change is felt alot. last time i rented Nissan Kashqai to Switzerland holiday. and i figured out i cant go fast in turn arounds. since i scare from that. i need to learn that. cause i love fast driving in outside city. and i heard here speed limits would be also added to roads. so before that happens i wish i could try alot speed ride. cause i really like that adrenalin of high speed. except turns in roads. i slow down cautiously since i am not experienced in that. that adrenalin i really like curerntly. of course ghigh speed i mention is not any high speed levels high speed sports doers do. my high speed is 170 180 km/hoursa t most. never gone to over that level. i usually like to drive on 140/150 range on straight direction. but in turn arounds i fail and i slow down to even 80 sometimes:) when i feel car is sliding, i scare. and i see people passing me on my left window even in turn arounds with much more high speed and i really wonder how they do that. cause i usually slow down to 100km/hours and when i am tired to 80km/hours even in turn arounds corners in outside city unlimited speed roads. so i am not any good driver nor high speed driver since i slow dowen in such situations:)
in city here its mostly 30km/hours and i also liked that. since there are alot bicycles and i think 30km,/hour is qiuite good thinking also bicycles outside on road. quite safe range of speed i think for city.
but quite unhappy that i heard people are thinking to remove the unlimited autobahn roads i mean there are many autobahn roads in Germany that there is none speed limit. and its totally dope to ride in that roads. last time when i were returtning from Switzerland, in Germany side, there were fog alot. but in that foggy road, in left lane, every one were going at least 140 or such speeds. and it were quite dope. i liked that foggy road thing. it were so adrenalin. i truly liked that. but as all other most people who got sad that suich limitless road state would be changed in near future, i also got sad to that:P so i wish i buy my license, i buy my car before that happens:D so that i can have that adrenalin fun once more or to time such unlimitless road state exists (in autobahns).
one thing i am super happy of having had done attended is that Switzerland holiday:) and whilst returning to Germany, that fogged road were also super dope/fun and we left lane users all going 140 150 in that fog. it were traffic were flowing like that in that lane. and it were so dope. since Switzerland has 120 limit most roads, it were like where is this unlimtied roads in there:) i were constantl;y checking to see speed limit gets raised to over 120 but nope. :) coffee time then working time.
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