i hate my trauma like behavior of my nose's mucus eating that it got worse looking nose:P( first rhinoplasty broke how my nose looked(everyone said how could you let this happen to yourself when looking to my nose after rhinoplasty, were defected). 2.d rhinoplasty somehow fixed 1st defect like rhinoplasty but this time this trauma rel. behavior broke how it looks. anyway. i got used to looking like this. but would have 3rd rhinoplasty and before that would fix this trauma thing.) anyway. tomorrow therapy's interview starts. i wish i fix that. but main thing is having a psycho stalker that stalks/does slander/first 2 years shouted sleep! last 3 years shouts/shouted sell!/smear campaign. for entire 5 years. neverendingly. so therapy's main point is that. its either a stalker psycho neighbour from 5 years ago (either he or she i dont any know whom is stalking me but serdar sleep shoutings happent there) or is it something else like they are animated by commies? i have none idea. anyway iw ish we resolve the trauma part with my therapist. iu would attend phone interview tomorrow to arrange therapist.
i am happy that i start therapy. for this 5 years of having a psycho stalker situation. anyway. i wish therapy starts so i stop blogging about it and tell to therapist instead. cause i am sick of myself for blogging my trauma to internet (which is not any related to any blog readers). i am quite sick of my such behavior. but i ddnt knew what to do. because i thought when i tell things i confronted people wouldnt believe. then i found that this thing i confront is similar to NPD abuse topic. that the smear campaign things. i dont even know my stalker. it started 5 years ago in place i lived. anyway. would tell all stalk incidents to therapist. and ask his or her idea on what to do. i think the only thing to do is that i should collect money for to hire a detective and record stalk sell! shoutings or stalk also sometimes. i mean i think only solution for such stalk slander smear campaign situations is collecting evidence of the stalk. (that sometimes stalker comes to workplace's street. sometimes shouted from home's main street. or sometimes sits on my bike's route passing cafes to do similarly) i confronted again many sell! shoutings from the psycho stalker. i think only doable thing is hiring detective system to record evidence of this. i need a my native language talking knowing detective cause i get stalked in that my local native language. (as told stalk started 5 years ago and happens for 5 years)
i hated myself for eating my nose's mucus alot l;ast 4 days:S
wishfully asap i start therapy and stop blogging about it.as told, this thing is not any related to any blog readers. this is completely unrelated topic. my trauma is a very unrelated topic to any topic. i wish therapy starts and i stop blogging about it. internet has been my therapist. now the therapy would start tomorrow. if the therapist has time. would have interview with phone first.
happy that trauma starts tomorrow. or other day i dont know. an di wish to sue this 5 years stalking stalker to law systems that does stalk/then also smear campaign. this is none related to any blog readers nor any topic. this stalk started from where i live 5 years ago. i tght i had an orhan named stalker then. anyway. i woulkd tell to therapist instead and consult help to protect myself from the stalker stalking me for 5 years. i would definitely sue to law systems. again this topic is none related to you nor your topics blog readers. not any little bit any tiny bit related. i guess i have a stalker neighbour. most posisbly. i dont know exactly. but seems so. this psycho seems to have no task other than stalking me for entire 5 years. i were stalked everywhere. that i hadnt understood some scheme of the stalker in first 2 years. i still wonder how this psycho got names of guys i dated or unrelatedly name of previous manager i worked with? or some sentences? its super confuising to me. i m not sure of whether i crrctly remember but in one incident i mnt sure but some person i know saying serdar name or some other name i heard in stalk incident. but i couldnt be sure if i heard correctly. if its the case, maybe that person(maybe relative) gave my life's details to the stalkers whom tried to make me mentally ill then also a bitch. but i think i must have heard wrong. i dopnt any also know how these stalkers stalked as if they holded GPS data. and they tried to make me bitch. with shouting me sleep thben 3 years shouting sell. never could reach their goals. i remember some people's type like how they looked that i saw in stalk incidents. like a green eyed light brown colored haired lady that i observed in one stalk incident in outside that is slandering. similarly, some guy black haired bald guy. and similarly some blunt black haired guy that i saw saying one of the stalk incidents words. one woman would constantly come to cafe i study. and look to me. i were those times trying to build causelara startup. i were going to nero cafe. in nisantasi which is a nice district. i would study how netflix's architecture is or golang or how to define microservices of causalera topics. this woman would constantly come and stare at me. i being a stranger would smile back when seeing staring. then i would continue studying. thjen i remember one slander word be told that i had no idea of the label the slanderer creates. i mean i remember one label word. i thought that label is stalking me. turned out the stalker likes to create names/labels. for instance in same vicinity there were another cafe., i remember same label based stalk incident happent there agains. talking about 5 years ago right now. in sisli time. i lived in a place near to taksim. i think one of the main stalkers is that blunt haired guy. because it were super weird. they were also stalking me with tan name:S they tried to make me mentally ill and also the guy would shoiut hurrem nbame meanwhile. i think maybe that stalker is that blunt haired guy. i dont know. were like 1.80 or such height, thin blunt black haired guy. i try to remember people in stalk incidents. i think that might be the person whom tried to make me a bitch, in one stalk incident, he shouted he would had been hurrem. then in from left or right building stalk incidents hurrem name were also shouted. i think that blunt haired guy might be the person whom tried to make guhu a bitch. i dont any know. then they tried to make me mentally ill. for instance i were fan of someone right? they would stalk me using that name:S or other names like tan. or serdar. and i guess this stalk started with orhan. and i think also ege name. i thought all these people are stalking me. they did everyway to break my psychology. i remember very angry shoutings "she is still trying to resist with very angry voices. in many stalk incidents this i think this is one tactic of the stalkers that stalk me. saying very angry things with narrative of "she is still trying to...". other tactics they used were i think this naming scheme. that which i discovered after 2 years of getting stalked. due tot that i couldnt understand even sentences said to me. cause my name wouldnt pass. so i would think someone with such name is stalking me. i only understood this naming scheme these stalkers use only after 2 years of getting stalked by these psychos. for instance. i am fan of some person right? the stalker would shout "that_name is ex". from 3am. then i would be suepr stressed. thinking some people say that_name is my ex. so i would shout back stop stalking me. that_name is not my ex. i am fan of that_name. i think they tried to make me mentally ill with these things. i only understood for instance this naming scheme after 2 years of stalk. one of the names the stalker extensively used beside serdar were tan. i thought a tan is stalking me like a serdar is stalking me. after 2 years of getting stalked, i understood that there are no such stalkers but the stalkers likes to create names to me. but it were tan name very weird selection. because it were prev. manager's name. i think either these people got some thing from commies to torture me like this. or somehow some people who know my life gave personal detail of my life like manager's name etc. i truly have none idea of what i confronted is. it were really super creepy and really weird. the black haired bald guy also stalked me once in subway here. specifically every night, a guy would there were a guy that constantly talks with phone in outside in street. we all district wondered what the guy is doing. and noone knew actually. anyway. the guy would also shout "some_name is ex!". then this would very stress me because i would think someone is trying to show some_name is my ex. and someone is trying to make show of lie. i mean it felt very disturbing. turned out later the guy says some_name to me. i mean i understood theirs naming scheme sociopathy after 2 years of getting stalked. in those incidents, every 3am, it would be very distuyrbing. i think they tried to make me mantally ill. and then constant stalk/ constant slander. for 5 years. first 2 years sleep shoutings. last 3 years sell shoiutings. i in that summer of 2016, i reacted. i would shout psycho stop stalking me. i liked to go to seaside at kilyos. no single instant stalk were missed. i mean i ddnt understood even the stalk/slander in that first 2 years. cause the stalker maniac never used my name in stalk sentences. had a set of names the stalker stalked me. i would think i am stalked by those names. this is really super weirdo i think. i think my stalker is a super intellgnt in stalking. cause made me unaware that i am stalked. cause never used my name in stalk incidents. for instance, would shout serdar, sleep! i would think there is a serdar there stalking me:S i couldnt even grasp that sentences are said to me due to nefarius scheme of this stalker:S i think this is the worst type of stalk type. cause i hadnt even understood i am shouted harrassing sentences directly. the psycho would say whatever wants to say using serdar. or else. but i would never understand that sentence is said to me. its very nefarius way the stalker chosen as i understood after 2 years of getting stalked. i confronted constant stalk/slander also but hadnt had a chance to even understand that. cause this psycho stalker never used my name in stalkingme. even used guy's i dated names. but not mine. so i never had a chance to react to psycho sentences stalker said in stalk incidents, cause i could never imagine they were said to me. e.g. serdar! sleep!. or other any sentence. i understood this nefarius naming scheme of the stalker after 2 years of getting stalked. e.g. i slightly dated with a mesut named guy. or timur or mert. would stalk me with these names. i dont know how learns. but i would think gosh is mesut stalkin me? or similarly is timur stalking me? it were truly confusing. i mean i thought some maniac people are stalking me since some maniac sentences be told in stalk incidents. but couldnt even had chance to get understand sentences directly said to me in first 2 years of stalk. for instance, i mean i dont want to exemplify stalk incdnt sentences. but i think it were a nefarius way. cause i never had chance to understand stalk sentences said to me in my first 2 years of getting stalked. if i could had understood, i might instantly would have chance to in that outside stalk incidents of saying psycho stop stalking me. i would not understanding sentence said to me, would think a hayko is stalking me and continue to sit on desk on cafe. i were person who likes to be always outside alot. so most of the time till9pm i were out. since i lived in a populated district of the city. its really weird. i dont any understand how the stalker also used mesut name. cause mesut were a guy i dated loing before i moved there. and we hadnt had more than friendship . but were were interested to hang out together. we lived in same building and liked to drink coffee together. or eat jelibons and watch movie. but just friends. we were just one second near to being date. then i dont know our friendship broke. anyway. the thing is, this were a very distant district from sisli. i mean the stalker started stalking me in sisli district. but used also mesut's name in stalking me. i just get paralyzed how? how this stalker learns whoomever i dated? and used in stalking me? the stalk i confronted is really super confusing:S i have no idea how stalker used guys i dated names. cause mesut were a guy i dated long before. and we didnt hangaroundoutside alot. we lived in same building and liked to watch tv together and drink coffee. i mean how the stalker also got mesut name? cause i were also stalked with stalker calling me mesut. i thought again i scared whether if mesut is stalking me. turned out my stalker likes to create names to me and guys i dated names. but i dont know how had learnt those names of guys i dated? cause we really hadnt hang around with mesut outside alot:S we just only spent time watching tv together. anyway. similarly tan name:S tan name is my one previous manager's name (this time not guys i dated name but a manager name that is not any related to any stalk topic either like any blog readers) would shout from next building "is tan". "is tom". ok i would think whom is this tan? turned out the stalker also wanted to name me as tan/tom. this is really weird. cause how could a stalker learn my manager's name:S (that is again not any tiny bit related to stalk i confronted, has none relatedness to stalk. i wish we never worked together so that my psycho stalkers wouldnt also use his name in stalking, i mean has none relatedness to this stalk i confronted like any blog readers, as told, blog readers, neither you nor any people you know, has none relatedness to this stalk i confronted nor any relatedness to any trauma. ) but the thing is how the stalkers got his name? its why i wonder whether is a friend of friend of friend of mine has perpetuated helping my stalkers with sharing my life's personal details with stalkers in their trying to make me mentally ill agenda with stalk? not only mentally ill, i were tried to be turned to bitch with sleep! sell! shoutings. of course they couldnt reach any goal (other than torturing me with such stalk). one time point i thought these people are animated or facilitated&lified by commies is one stalk incident in bus. a guy sat beside (in right back chair in bus). and told "tom, if you entered you can never leave". these people stalked me as a bitch with tom name. that which i udnerstood after 2 years of stalked. and constant stalk/slander. noit only tom name. as told serdar name also. that sentence be told by told to me by real tom named person for topics about security places, that if you once enter you cant leave ever. but i never entered. but since this sentence is cool sentence, i dummily told that iw ere such cool sentence once in life to my friends. this is why i wonder whether there is friend of friend of friend of friend whom gave my personal life details to the stalkers so they stalked me with such sentences that outsider people couldnt ever know(like a sentence manager said). i think thats is one big possibility. otherelse possibility is that these people are facilitated or amplified by commies. this is lower possibility. for instance in one stalk incident, they shouted me "tania! genius! asshole!" i were thinking a tania were stalking me. also genius word passed again only in nonoutsiders context. then i said this place is not any livable. cause i would had my heart beat like drum twice. cause there would be constant disturbing from left or right building. and constant stalk. then as told i moved to Ankara. with little bit getting ptsd i guess. after this serdar named person's stalk (i were thinking like that there is a serdar stalking me by then). then i in same building i lived in one below floor had one stalk incident where a guy in that flat shouted "tom! genius!". then alot more stalk incidents in every cafe with someother guy name. some woman name also. that i thought since a woman with same name existed in people i know, i would get confused if that woman is constantly making me cursed. or stalking along with stalkers. turned out stalker likes to give me such woman name also. and also hande name also. anyway in ankara in every cafe i got stalked again with sleep! shoutings. by thgese stalker people. in stalk incident in park and in cafe beside home, i understood finally this naming scheme i confronted. and as i understood i understood what kind of creepy thing i confront, sociopathy that i confront, and this i think this name creation thing is super levels of creepy cause i understood as i understood that, the sentences shouted to me, then as i udnerstood sentences shoiuted to me, it felt super creepy. so i entered agoraphobic. cause confronting sociopathy is super creepy thing:S (the fact that the stalker creates me names/labels/roles and stalks me giving them assigning me behaving me like that in stalk incidents.) as i understood this fact, i turned completely agoraphobic. everyday passed with scaring in the home i lived. i couldnt rent a new home either. since lacked money by then. then my salary in workplace got alot much. and first thing i did were moving to a home and even staying there when the heating system werent ready. there were alot snow and i slept in front of fireplace that ddnt heated well. anyway. mom and dad came and rented me a new home. that felt safer cause were 35th floor. but i still creeped. cause the stalkers were stalking me as if they had GPS. any time i went to any cafe i were stalked. i completely turned agoraphobic. and as told, my state were constantly trying to create startup projects:) as is still:)
like for instanc,e if i stayed 1 2 days in my brothers family house in ankara, the stalk would happen from their street. the stalkers stalked me as if they had GPS Data of me. by then cute family of my brother were living in ankara.
it were super creepy times. the stalkers gave up sleep! shoutings then turned to shout sell!:S of course they could never reach their goals. but they tortured me like that. constant stalk. constant slander. constant smear campaign. without reaching any goal other than torturing me like this goal. it still continues.
as told, this is very personal topic and none related to any blog reader nor anyone you blog readers know. its none related really. and a very personal topic. not any related to important things told in world. or any important topic. its justa stalk topic. and not related to you nor anyone you know. i wanted to restate this:)
aha one another stalk incident, in outside of workplace in ankara, i were just resting awhile, then a guy with suits shouted "tom! slander_word!". this is why i also wondred is whether this suit wearing guy could be facilitated by commies? i have no chance to learn either. most possibly is not like that but just maybe some people leaked my life info to other people i dont anyknow.
stalk still continues(e.g. the stalker likes to come to workplace's street to shout stalk/slander). but therapy would start tomorrow. so i wish therapy fixes me so that i could be like other people who goes to cinema also instead of being a person who only either blogs or sleeps on couch or studies to projects. i wish i healed of agoraphobia. but my stalker likes to constantly harrass/slander from street where i mainly be present. so it would need really alot threapy. i wish my therapist suggests me also how to handle this situation. like where i could hire detectives. to record stalk/slander incidents. so that i could have stalker be away from me by law. anyway. yayyy happy to be going to confront therapy to become stronger to cope. anyway.and also i wish i would stop blogging. and just talk to therapist. sicne i am sick of my own behavior of blogging personal trauma to internet. whislt its, my trauma, is none, not any related to any blog reader out there. i am sick of stealing people's time with my own trauma which is personal. not an important topic.
resting time.
anyway. i know if someone would tell me such story like mine, i would first check sanity of the person. for thinking such bizarre things cant happen. but really happent. happens still. and i get suspicious whether i should tell to my therapist or not. but surely would tell. all of them.
i remember. in like place i went i were stalked. with sleep! sell! shoutings everytime. shouting me asshole! sleep! :S or such narrative constant. then these shoutings turned to sell! this constantly happent for 5 years. constant stalk/smear campaign/ i hadnt even understood stalk in first 2 years of it. i think that blunt haired black haired guy (i also have black hair. there is no color related stuff in this blog. i am also black haired. one stalker woman were green eyed and brown haired. other stalker woman were curly brown haired and very white. so i mean its not about colors. the stalker guy resembled my look. i mean its not any about colors or else. ) i think that the stalker might be that guy. since he also shouted in one stalk incident "she were going to be my hurrem". and in shoutings from building there would some times shoutings would come as "hurrem! dont cry!". then also with tan words. i understood later they also called tan to me.
as told reason i thought these people might be facilitated by commies is that they used such name to me. and i hadnt understood by then but from next building they tried to make me mentally ill.a dn then bitch narrative. they depicted me as bitch. and then constant stalk everywhere. i think thatguy tried to make me a bitch with shouting things that alike like that. i hadnt even understood. i would think a tan is stalking me. (turned out the guy calls me tan). or serdar is stalking me. or hande is stalking me. i only understood sleep words be shouted after 2 years of getting stalked. they made me ptsdf alike there. i thought a hayko is stalking me. constant think i confronted were. words of. get over! and also sleep! than last 3 years "sell!".
i think i were tried to be mentally ill. with constant stalk disturbing. and with very nefarius ways. of stalking me without my name. so that i would hadnt understood the stalk's extent in first 2 year of stalk. i mean if i understood i were shouted sleep! i would instantly go to police to ask help by then. but instead they slowly by time tried to make me mentally ill, created such things that which would look as if i am insane when i tell, i mean they executed a slow schme of turning to mentally ill. and i had no chance to understand extent of stalk sociopathy i confronted in first 2 years. i would think a serdar is stalking me or a tan. turned out they nefariusly did such scheme. i had no chance to understand i were shouted sleep or slanders first 2 years of stalk. cause the psychos never used my name. they tried to slowly make me mentally ill. but they did this with stalking like if they had GPS. everywhere i were gone, i were stalked. like for instance i went to kadikoy right? a person would pass beside me shout some name and shout sleep! and also asshole curse. then last 3 years it happens with sell! word. i wondr whom these people are and how they could had stalked me like they holded GPS of me. everycafe, everytime i went to any cafe i were stalked. first 2 years with sleep! shouting from stalkers. last 3 years with sell shouting from stalkers. again and again this has nothing to tan named person. that i know a tan named person but its deftnly unrelated. its just reason why i think whether commies animated or facilitated this trying to make mentally ill thing. or its just i have some one that leaked my personal life details like sentences managers said or unrelatedly guys i dated to these stalkers. i mean stalk happent to make me a bitch to make me mentally ill to destroy me. and still happens but i am stronger to cope. i dont know whom these people are. but this were if is an NPD abuse, a severe version i confronted. constant stalk. constant asshole shoutings. constant sleep! shoutings. constant then last 3 years sell! shoutings. and a stalk like if stalkers knew my GPS location every time i went outside. stalk/smear campaign. a very severe version of NPD abuse i confronted. i dont even know my stalker. i try to depict how people whom i saw in some stalk incidents. i really wonder why they called me tan also. the thing that makes me wonder whether if commies amplified or facilitated this thing i confronted is because stalkers shouted also tan to me. they tried to make me mentally ill. then they made fun as if i am nash. not only that, they did shouted very ugly smear campaign of bitch characters. constant stalk. constant be characterized as bitches. constant sleep! sell! shoutings. happent for 5 years. happens still. constant stalk. constant smear campaign. i think i confronted a very severe NPD abuse. but i dont even know whom is stalking me. i dont know whom these people that stalk me are. i created many hypothesis but i dont know any. the reason i thought they are commies is because they used names of the guy whom offered secrty job long before. i were thinking a serdar is stalking me. a tom is stalking me. a tan is stalkiong me. a hande is stalking me. turned out these stalkers has a nefarius naming scheme that they like to stalk me with creating names to me. but this resulted in me not understanding any i am stalked in psychopathic ways. i never understood the exact stalk/slander when it happens. anyway.. i still wonder how these people stalked me in every place i went 3 years ago. any time i went outside i were stalked. no matter where i went. security job offering person one resembled me to charactrer in lucy movie(you know psychos stalked her). maybe he already knew i am stalked by maniacs. maybe i were also stalked by then by that time. i had no idea i were stalked for 2 years as i started to observe stalk incidents but couldnt understand them. i understood stalk incidents after 2 years of getting stalked. maybe just a coincidence of my further fate in life. that i get stalked by psycho people whom shout sell! sleep! (i think people type like in lucy movie:S) they never could had reached their goals. except torturingv me with shouting like that. and its been very creepy years:S i dont even know whom is stalking me. reason i hypothesized its commies is because they also used security sides guys name in torturing me with shouting me bitch narratives and also with that name also. as this thing i confronted amplified, one name used by stalkers were alot that guy's name. so as told, my theory that its commies whom is doing this is still open probability in my mind. but i dont know any. i have no idea whom is stalking me. and as to restate, its not any about you blog readers nor any related to tan named person. i just observe alot weird things in this stalk. i think maybe i have someone giving my life's personal details like managers i worked, like guys i dated. and its not commies. i mean either its like that. or its commies? i dont know any. and weird thing were also that they stalked me like if they had GPS of me. every cafe i went i were stalked 3 years ago. then constant stalk/constant smear campaign. a severe form of NPD abuse. that i dont even know whom is abusing me. its funny that to save me from stalk, i also named my saving me from psycho's stalk project initially as extension as in Lucy movie. my algebra learning ai. that i intend to build. i observed if psychos stalk in life, things get to the point of lucy's movie. that you buidl some ai something to save yoiurself from psychos' stalk. i confront constant stalk/constant smear campaign from the psychos that stalk me. not any resembling lucy movie in that sense. my stalkers stalkd me to try to make me a bitch. with shouting me sleep! sell! for last 5 years. and its very funny i am also would build an extension like that movie for to save myself from stalk of psycho people that stalk me last 5 years. when there is psychos stalking, it either gets to that point. i mean i understood that what lucy movie mentions is a general universal end point for any similar story out there. that the protagonist would build somethinkg that would protect himself/herself from psycho stalkers. like i plan to build an algebra learning ai and want to unlimit it. and dream it wont have any limits. dont know until i try. i constantly confronted stalk/smear campaign /slander last 5 years from stalkers and it persist. anyway there is hope to be saved from psycho stalkers stalk. i would build an algebra learning ai and it would protect me from stalk of psychos. and would also help humanity as side tasks. but as told, funnily whgatever i do work for has main goal of to be protected/saved from psycho stalkers (that i dont even know whom they are). my story doesnt any resemble lucy movie in any other sense. just i observe psychos are stalking me with shotuing sleep! Sell! words. just that part only resmebles. not any other part. its super unnicve to confront ugly slander:S the psychos that stalk me are like sociopaths they could lie so without any shame. they do slander very shameless with no shame of not telling truth. i confront slander. of being a bitch or like things i guess(they shout me a bitch narrative, with shouting me sleep! sell!). they have no shame of lying. they shamelessly lie. they shamelessly slander. so when these stalkers be caught by law systems, i would ask law systems to them confront lie detector machines. cause they slander so shamelssly. it were super creepy to confront slander. i dont any know whom these people are. they just started with shoutinkg sleep! then they moved to sell! then also they do stalk/slander. i wish i would be able to collect money so that stalk/slander incidents got recorded and i go to a lawyer to sue after i learn whom are stalking me. i dont even know whom is stalking me. cause i observed many incidents that i scared even looking to the stalker observing the stalker doing slander/lying super perfectly. as if trained on it i mean. like as if actor. so when i learn and sue these people when after learning whom they are, i would defintiely ask for lie detector machines to be used in this case/law case. cause my stalkers are sociopath like people. i dont even know whom they are. its been very creepy life last 5 years. in one another stalk incident here, it has been in train station. it were weird. i were going from unrelated one place to another and used some train system. and it were interlinked systems. i mean it had path A-B-C-D then home like train paths. in path A there were no stalkers. in path B there were none. and i confronted my stalkers in C named path. where they were standing on platform waiting same train. i went toi furthest place possible. but they also entered same cabin. and i even scared of looking to. the slander/stalk happent. i hadnt even looked nor replied. i mean how do these people stalk me like this? i really wonder? 5 years of constant stalk/slander and smear campaign beside. i tried to be turn to be a bitch with sleep shoutings. then sell shoutings started. none of them worked. but confront a never ending stalk/slander/smear campaign thing. if you wonder i go outside? nope i dont. i either go with bike. which i even scare with that. and also sometimes by taxi. i dream the days i would collect the detectiving costs and find a local language speaking detective to record stalk/slander/smear campaign incidents. then as told i would sue to law systems and would ask mandatorily ask lie detector machines to be used.
i need to get a driving li9cense also which i learnt it would take 40 days. then would buy a car after 40 days:) yayyy :) i would be able to go outside with car then . since i dont scare alot when traveling to other places here.
driving license time soon:) yayyy my mom and dad said if their market gets sold they would send me 4k euros. and i think i would buy 2005 bmw 1 series.
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