( as told i would vote for Mr Biden because of immigrancy policies of like wall or such stuff in current period. i mean such policies against immigration workforce made me more Mr. Biden liking since otherwise seems not aligned with my view. i mean even if i am apolitic i had chosen such view since to me immigration politics is not any politics i like. like wall topics etc i ddnt liked alot from previous administrations being a foreighner whom might no has right to say any idea being a foreigner maybe. but if i wernt a foreigner i would vote for Biden for due to that. for that immigrations policies of current period there..  )

(secondly i think Uygur's detaining is sometopic to be condemned with all heart. but also slander smear camp[aigns about people that doesnt align to your world view is also somet opic to be condemned with all heart.


 in view of these discussionsm i think i find France's acts against radicalism quite legit in the sense they dont do anything islamophobic but actually they target radicalism.  )


(i also condemn Uygur Muslim's detaining with all my heart. )



like i also condemn the all attacks against free expression/freedom of caricatures/freedom of thought with all my heart. to restae my view on this; Je suis Hebdo & Je suis Samuel.



to me anything you feel right or wrong you should have a stance. but that doesnt give you a resonsibility to follow the stance partisanly i think.  i mean i think one could both at the same time condemn Uygur Muslims being detained and both could condemn the unnice incidents like Hebdo and Samuel. as to restate:  Je suis Hebdo  & Je suis Samuel. 

(and I also condemn things done to Uygur muslims. )


but the topic France i think is taking stance is about radicalism. so i dont any see France in islamophobic attitude.  its about protecting freedom of thought against radicalism.  protecting caricatures. means something very important. it means protecting freedom of expression.  and i think people whom are doing that also dislike dont any like Uygur people's detention. so i mean protecting expressions whether its religions nor its caricatures should be done for both ideas whether its a religious idea like having a right to follow a religion (e.g. Uygur Muslims' that important right) or whehter its your right to draw a caricautre of a religion. both are very important rights. so when people try to forbid caricatures with exemplifying Uygur Muslim's pain it seems quite wrong comparison to me. to me both expression rights like being a Muslim and both expression rights to draw a caricature of a religion's prophet and satire and caricaturizing right both expression rights needs protection. not any single of them. so i quite find France's attitude in this quite legit. and not any islamophobic either. i find it on the side of freedom of expression/thought.   I hadnt seen that caricature either.e but the thing is about the topic is about freedom of expression. you cant expect all people to follow your religions rule sets from external people that arent from your religion. you can expect many times in life whether its religion whether its your job whether its any topic, you can expect satire you can expect different ideas. but i think not letting freedom of thought is the topic here. whether its religion whether its a caricature for a religion. whichever attacked should be protected. caricatures/freedom of expression should be protected. alike religions. so i dont find France's attitude any type of islamophobic. its on the side of freedom of expression. which is very important. if you stop freedom of expression you have no difference than the people who detain Uygur Muslims and not let religion to them.   I think not letting caricatures be drawn is none different than whats done to Uygur Muslims. on both freedom of thought/freedom of expression is attacked. so against all narratives i saw in this topic, i definitely think France is not any Islamophobic. I think France likes freedom of thought regardless of topic. And caricatures also needs freedom to be drawn and ideas needs freedom to be talked without being tried to be repressed by non freedom liking narratives. 

when you start to restrict what people copuld talk/think/say, it never is any good.so freedom of drawn caricatures is actually i think a very important topic. and so I dont any find France's attitude any Islamophobic.  I think Islamophobic people are actually people who hurt Islam with making it closed to freedom of speech/freedom of caricatures i think those people hurt Islam the most. that whom took narratives against freedom of speech/freedom of expressions are the ones whom are hurting Islam to my opinion. 

i think like human rights, i think freedom of expression is one very improtant right on world. and freedom of to draw caricatures similarly is one very important indicator of how much that right is supported in a place. So I dont any find France's acts any Islamophobic. cause like its a very holy right to follow religions and its a very holy type of right that freedom of though and freedom of caricatures is.  I do find attitude to show France as Islamophobic quite biased and incorrect. 

i think when everyone on world respects freedom of thought it would have been a nicer place.

and demagogues about people who try to protect freedom of caricatures/speech seems quite biased to me. if you try to setup a logical system of freedom of thought, it would support all thoughts that also with letting satire.  otherwise you turn to those socialist or authoritian systems where there is only single one thought system you should follow abide. like far leftists. or like authorianism. freedom is not a single sided topic. its freedom also for caricatures like freedom to religions how much is that is important, i mean whilst freedom to religions is very important, similarly freedom to caricatures is no less important. otherwise this guh would tag you either as a far leftist whom attacks all counter arguments with far leftist tendencies, or as an authoritian whom forbids religioins. i think people who try to forbid caricatures are no different than p-eople whom forbid religions (like people whom detain Uygur Muslims). so i dont find France's attitude any Islamophobic. its some thing other and not against Islam. its about freedom of thought and expression. i would expect no less attitude from France either and i think that its not any little bit Islamophobic. i think people whom try to forbid freedom of thought are actually ones fostering radicalism and fostering Islamophobia. i think freedom exists not only for a single side. it exists for all sides. like freedom of Uygur's to follow Islam which is very holy right of them. or similarly freedom to draw caricatures, which is also a very holy right. 

so when people like a tsunami try to attack France's attitude in this, i wanted to raise awareness to holy right of freedom of expression and freedom of caricatures and freedom of thought. i definitely think France is not ayn Islamophobic.  to me, those ones whom attack people drawing caricatures are the ones whom are actually hurting Islam. its not the France whom is stancing the freedmo of drawn caricatures. its not about Islam nor any Islamophobic. Its abonut the holy right of freedom of expression/freedom of thought. 

as to restate: Je suis Hebdo

and now Je suis Samuel. 

freedom of expression werent a right that were gained throughout in history very easily. reverting freedom of expression is not any topic good. I dont think France is any Islamphobic. is just trying to protect freedom of expression/freedom of thought. and this freedom is not only for caricatures, its also for Uygur people and their right to follow their religion. i mean lack of freedom is quite wrong in both situations. i mean people should have both right to draw caricatures and express themselves freely and secondly people should also have right to follow their religions without being detained or being seen lower due to that which is whislt i write a very ugly concept which is against human rights. i mean whilst topic done against Uygur Muslims is against freedom of human rights(in my opinion), similarly trying to stop caricatures being drawn is similar attitude against human rights cause freedom of thought and freedom of expression is one very basic human right. one that werent gained easily it had happent out throuigh out thousand of years. 


this is again why i would restate: Je suis Hebdo & Je suis Samuel.  

this attitude of freedom just should be only reserved/existing for my idea set seems  quite biased and quite incorrect to mjy opinion. i mean not letting caricatures be drawn is not any legit and is also against human rights. nor putting France to Islamophobic place because supports drawing caricatures (right to draw caricatures is another form of human rights) is also very wrong. so in this i quite stay on side of France's acts. cause freedom to draw caricatures is very important human rights and no less different than freedom to follow any religion you want to follow. 

the time you start to support or forbid drawingf of caricatures, to me its the time you start to act Authoritian and or like places which forbids religions. To my view, trying to forbid drawn caricatures is no less different than trying to forbid religions. i mean whats done to Uygur Muslims and what is done to people who draws caricatures are both wrong.  freedom happens for both sides not only single side. so i dont think France is any islamophobic. I do think France is on the side of freedom of thought/expression. 

i would to forever write against any idea who tries to ban drawing caricatures. and i dont any think France is any Islamophobic. I think people who try to be against caricatures being drawn are the ones who  try to hurt the Islam religion.


so again to restate my stance on this topic: Je suis Hebdo & Je suis Samuel.  

if freedom of thought and freedom expression wont exist, philosophies also wont exist. if satire wont exist, there wont be means of way of freedom to diverse set of ideas. so satire is like freedom of philosophies. satire is like freedmo of science. if you try to set up a sculpted freedom where only some sides of freedom are let but satire is not let nor people would scare to write philosophical texts or topics about creationism either, its not freedom. to have true freedom i think passes through letting diverse set of ideas. so satire is a very important indicator of freedom i think. i think freedom is the best protector of human rights in any case. freedom would protect muslim people's rights when discriminated for due to their selection of religion nor similarly freedmo should protect people to draw caricatures. you cant set up boundaries to freedom. and its most important indicator is satire. how much you let satire is aligned to how much you let freedom of rights/freedom of religions. i want to raise awareness to this important aspect of freedom of caricatures. i mean its not about religions or anyu topic. caricatures also be drawn regarding politics. i mean the moment you forbid caricatures its an indicator that you dont have true level of freedom in your country. so France is not any Islamophobic as it lets caricatures. being able to draw caricatures freely is quite indicator of freedoms level in country. freedom not protects just caricatures but all religions and also atheists . i mean, i just wanted to raise awareness to the importance of as a country letting caricatures to be drawn freely which is a very basic human right and indicator of freedom inside a country. freedom exists for religions and both also for caricatures. I dont think France is any Islamophobic or against Islam. I think France is just in love to freedom, whichever whatever topic it is. 

and similarly i think Uygur Muslim's detainment in one place is quite against human rights. nor human rights violations against Rohingya Muslims. noone should ever be any disciminated for his her race nor religion nor lack equal opportunities. France is not any Islamophobic or gives less opportunities to Muslim people, i think protecting caricatures is also protecting human rights. like protecting human rights for people's selection of religion and protecting human rights of Rohingya Muslims nor Uygur Muslims, protecting human rights to be able to draw caricatures freely is also avery important human rights.  

So to restate, i dont find France any Islamophobic. People who draw caricatures are also human and the most coureagous and most honorful ones in my opinion (that draw caricatures that support freedom of expression rights)

. So France is protecting expression rihgts or rights to draw caricatures and human rights. or in other words freedom of  thought nor freedom of expression of their people. i think not letting caricatures being drawn is none different than a repression which not lets you follow a religion. its none different in my opinion. i mean both Uygur people who are not let to follow religions and both people who draws caricatures all sihould have their human rights be protected.  none lacking neither side. so having caricatures being freely drawn is not any Islamophobic. its about a consensus or a healthy view of a democracy which has diverse set of ideas and lets thogse ideas be stated talked freely without any repression unlike authoritian regimes where people's human rights are under attack some way either way. like not letting you follow your religion nor like not letting draw caricatures. boith are at the same time quite against human rights.  

i saw people attack France in media last day: media outposts tried to blame France:

so attacking France people in media as it they are discriminating Muslim people is not correct. they arent discriminating Muslim people. they are just protecting their right to draw caricatures freely and they are just tackling radicalism. So in my opinion, trying to blame France for letting draw caricatures, is no less worse than the human rights violations of Uygur Muslims. cause freedom to draw caricatures is no different than freedom to follow a religion. freedom exists for all sides. so i dont any find France any Islamophobic. I think people whom dont let caricatures being drawn are actually the ones whom are hurting Islam religion.

human rights is a topic that shouldnt alter with religion/race or status or else. you could draw caricatures of religions and have your human rights be protected. you could follow a religion and have your human rights protected. or similarly same for race topics. 

i see drawing caricatures freely a basic and a very important human right. so i dont any find France any islamophic in their act to protect freedom of drawing caricatures freely. actually banning of freedoms like freedom to draw caricatures or freedom to follow religions are the ones who perpetuate human rights violations. just before you think banning drawing of caricatures is ok, just wanted to raise the awareness thatr banning of drawing of caricatures is a human rights violation (in my view it is) and i would try to draw a chalk drawing depicting how ugly it is to stop freedom of expression. i would draw a guy which whose mouth is tried to be closed with multidue of hands. to depict the awareness to the importance of freedom of thougfht and freedom of expression.

its nothing anything to blame the protection of freedom of thought and freedom of expression. i dont think France is any Islamophobic. i think people against freedom of expression or try to ban caricatures are actually against Islam religion.  I dont think France is against Islam. I think France is just against radicalism. i dont any find France any Islamophobic in letting caricatures being drawn freely.


i see a trend of lesser freedom of speech in world and its not any nice thing. world tends to go to authoritian style:S opression of caricatures and even media supports oppression of caricatures and tries to blame French people as islamophobic whilst they are just tackling radicalism and protecting their right to draw caricatures freely. but i see even most media follows this autharitian mindset of taking lack of free speech as the normal expected situation and blames France instead.  

i definitely think world is going authoritian. people started to normalize authoritian ways. like banning free speech. like normalizing banning of cariactures. 

i mean i see such a trend where people started to normalize as if banning free speech is ok. 

people confuse concepts in doing so. for instance about a topic about free speech/free thought/free expression,  they mix Uygur Muslims' topic to do utilize other people's pain to repress freedom of drawing caricatures??? what kind of world this world is going? 

one thing surely, everyone should condemn Muslim people being discriminated whenever they are. and protect Muslim people's rights. but they should also protect right to draw caricatures and also freedom of speech.

I checked Hebdo magazine from wikipedia that its an atheist that talks about religions at times. and now i read media condemning Hebdo for talking about religions. hey media started to become authoritian. the time you block satire, block different ideas like atheism, it looks like reverting back to lack of free thought times. 

i saw some post that there is a lot circulating money in world that is used to impact how media thinks/talks. i wish its not like that. i read from a writing from a university a writing about smear campaigns etc.  it listed some newspapers and some media groups(tvs ) it listed tv statiuons and news papers.. it were from a university that tackled pyshops or psychic demolition topics or character assasiunations like stuff. i wont list any media groups i saw there. i wish that s not correct and just again a pyschops campaign.

what i wanted to raise awareness is, authoritian world style is not any nice world style. so i wanted to raise awareness to this topic. that people should always protect freedom to talk in atheist ways and people shouldnt be killed because they raised their atheist ideas:S freedom to talk freely freedom to draw cariactures freely is a basic human rights. and i am happy that France goverment is aware of this. that they need to protect freedom to talk/think freely. i mean i am happy to see such a government that protects freeddom of thought and freedom of caricatures. 

what i see is this money circulating in world tries to opress people when they want to talk freely like when they dont ban caricatures, they get backlash from media for since they dont forbid atheist peoiple's atheist caricatures. i want to raise the oppressiveness level of this topic. of this trend in world that i observe. 

somethings i am happy about. like trend that Muslim people are not discriminated as i see.  (except Rohingya Muslims and Uygur Muslims which are very sad topics) but topics i dislike alot in recent world is that whislt that happens an authoritian atmosphere settles where people even try to ban caricatures and try to normalize it. like they try to backlash France for since France lets atheists people drawing atheist caricatures. and i see some media posts showing as if this is normal. i mean this authoritarianism i would like to point. i am super happy France still is not abiding any authoritarianism trend in world's atmosphere. 

i think like we should protect Uygur Muslim's rights, people also should protect drawing caricatures freely. other else ways belongs to authoritianism. 

And weirdly, people even try to normalize show authoritianism as normal. that part is weird i think. 

as told, after seeing this lack of logic in world, i really want to build space ships and come back 1000 years later. 

i mean lack of logic i mean that world knowing how authoritianism is and also following the authoritianism trend:S its really illogical. 

My 17 age's first book: Camus's books. and my most important philosophers in my mind are from there either. 

i think no wonder i like there like that. as i saw France's behaviors against authoritianist trends in world. world tries to silence different voices has turned such way in my view of world. but in while, i see France is yet still not any authoritianism sided. I see happily they are on side of freedom of thought/freedom of speech.

France is not against any Islam i definitely think. its just not simply only protecting Muslims inside of its regions but also atheists. i mean protecting freedom is not a single sided business. it also covers protecting other ideas/other thoughts that are contrarian to the mainstream or nonorthodox nor orthodox ideas inside a place. its about protecting freedom of thought. and freedom of caricatures.  beside as i read Hebdo has no Islam centric attitude it were doing atheism


so Je suis Hebdo. for since freedom of thought  and freedom of expression matters alot. and authoritianism is not any nice thing and opressing what people coul;d say or what people could draw is neither.

though looking to how free speech right and freedom of expression is respected in overall, i want to build spaceships and comeback 1000 years later upon after these topics improves. (I referenced people whom backlashed France for they let freedom to caricatures and for since France is a country that doesnt ban caricatures is getting backlash from countries that wants France to be authoritianist. i definitely think France is not any Islamophic. Is just protecting right of free speech and freedom to draw caricatures. banning drawing caricatures is no different than banning religions.) 

i really would build the projects to get back 1000 years later if possible. cause i really dont like a world where people cant draw caricatures. and when people even normalize banning of caricatures i just started to think world become really not going forward but going backwards to authorianism type. 

I think globalism enriched countries/GDPS and its a nice thing. but didnt made people's minds less autharitianist so in global world, its nice to see for instance Muslims being not discriminated (except Rohingya and Uygur Muslims which is super bad topic and should be fixed ASAP :S) and but its very unhappy to see France blamed as if they are Islamophobic. Cause they are not any discriminating Muslim poeple but they are protecting freedomf of thought which is none less important as freedom of religions. I mean its the most oppressive stuff i ever heard, to expect people to not draw caricatures. like religious people exist, atheist peoplke would also exist and they also have rights. and happy that France protects all such people; both atheists, both muslims, both other reliugions. that it protects freedom of thought which ever life style idea sets people like to follow. 

i really love Globalism. but i really think some time would pass whilst authoritianism like tendenceies to be solved. maybe 1000 years? i dont know. but i wish i had space ships and could go to 1000 years future in time so that i find myself in a world where people could again still draw caricatures freely.

freedom to caricatures! freedom to thought! cause it really matters.  

i wish i am nmot seen as someone whom dislikes globalism. i like it alot. but i think it would pass alot time till authoritianism tendencies in minds resolves. or maybe it wont resolve. i dont any know. i just write my reflections to this topic. of my reaction upon seeing people blaming France for since they let people draw caricatures freely. i mean it seems like a topic as if all countries started to became authoritian and France is the only not one whom doesnt oppress its citizens and lets freedom in its richest dimension. any way other countries whom didnt blamed France i think are out of this discussion. but i think blaming France for since they let people draw caricatures is the most oppressive stuff i ever heard for a while.


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