
today goes with studying the necessary study for  the wind turbine related project then would move to theoretical physics /physics learning part.  since this guh has plan of tryign to create new energy sources (to try to go to 1000 years later) if ever possible to create such tech sets.

i had made some food. washed dishes. now just 15 minutes or 20 minutes more would rest.

as told i am investigating my weird learning capability. would test later with physics whether i could learn that fast there. if happens so, plan is to try to investigate build new energy sources from topics i would learn/simulate there if possible. so that going to forward 1000 years later kind of becomes possible if ever possible.

today i wish i could finish a part i postponed. and start coding. 

i know it sounds weird to blog readers. but its my life is like this. i mean i am not highly intellgnt any but can learn easy topics fastly. i guess all other people are also like me in that sense that if i can do it, others also could. 


this is why i want to investigate my limit in that.   since all my life topics easily learnt becomes uninteresting to me and most topics i am lazy to. i get to language of maths and would try to get design that thermodynamics system this week (a new renewable energy source design try, checking out if such a design is feasible or not) 

yayyy now i would know those parts of maths language i lacked (since i studied most of them last weekend that i lacked) i could start physics study. yupp. 

i dont know if abstract algebra would continue this weekend. first goal is to create simulations of this generative design task i dont know but most possibly this weekend it would also take my weekend. but i think i could continue abstract algebra study other weekend. as stated, goal there to fastly learn topology/diff. geometry/abstract algebra/measure theory stuff to try to create measures and then studying physical frameworks part would come after then trying to recreate them differently part would come. to try to invent new forms of energy sources if ever possible (so could go to 1000 years later. i guess in 1000 years people would most possibly might decrypt how to become eternal beings like  with CRISPR like techs. i think it might happen in after 100 years even or even in 50 years maybe. but travelling to future seems as a nice idea, so would try to learn theoretical physics to trying to recreate new theories and possible new energy sources awhile if possible. only reason i started dreaming this is observing my weird fast learning capability set. might be a nice way to utilize it. yayyy whom doesnt wonder how is 1000 years later :)  i wonder alot:)  most possibly earth might be empty even who knows by then.  i mean maybe civilization might be living in huge spaceships by then? who knows. i wonder how 1000 years later is. but there is high chances that if one goes to 1000 years later, would have little chance to meet peo0ple either since people might also relocated to else parts of space.  there is such risk. but i guess they would wishfully leave some directions on earth or moon. 

i really have weird project goals surely.

i found my dream project idea: going to 1000 years later:) 

i know it seems a non feasible project idea but this guh gets bored from other type of project ideas she doesnt know why she always loses interest to other else project. i think this i could stay consistently attached to this project goal. since it would never lose its challenging level. since i would have to learn bunch of stuff constantly which is my favorite hobby in my life as visible from blog. (guh the nerd). 

every else project seems uninteresting and makes me lazy. but this learning physics/theoretical physics project idea/learning maths project idea seems as a topic i wont lose interest. until ai systems would learnthose areas on behalf of us, it is still meaningful to learn. (though in time where ai systems would learn think instead of us, i guess i would also find this hobby project uninteresting since an ai /expert system could do it instead of me, why would i do work on it. ai eventually would make all topics uninteresting maybe in long future. ). but luckily ai systems hadnt got that level yet so i still have hobbies. otherwise i would havfe nothing of hobby i like in my life thinking:SSS lets do establish this hobby and go to 1000 years later and see how other people figure out what to do when there is nothing to do/nothing to think (since AI systems would do instead of us).   i think people must would have find some topics fun by then. 

i really think it is kind of possible to learn any topic even by this not so intellgnt guhu. since i think its all about mindset. i mean how pedagogically we study the area we study. i mean not being harsh to self when learning and i think thats the secret to learn anytopic. 

i know people might think these goals i set is infeasible and this looks like mad blog, i wouldstate say i copuld study 400 pages of undergrad maths in 2 days with also lots of rest hours. and could study grad maths semester like topics in 10 or less days(aha it were undergrad again:S i confused it as grad abstract algebra text but turned out is undergrad so maybe why it had easy pedagogic language. i like easy language holding texts. as told i am not any highly intellgnt. ). so if i have over confidence level that looks like silly, its because my experience makes me have this confidence level in to topics i study. not that i am any highly intellgnt, its just i can learn fastly. i have that silly fast learning skill that i explore/investigate in these years i started to utilize it. i am not any high iontellgnt person. its just i have this trick of chances of learning fastly.  everyone has a talent in their life i think. mine is fast learning skill. noit that i am any highly intellgnt either. so want to utilize it like this these years. would investigate projects i wonder about. like this energy sources project. since it could mean going to future which looks quite interesting idea. 

saturday would most possibly pass with moving home but in night of it i wish i could study. and sunday either. but i need to finish the study plan of today either.




 ok i know i am a very optimistic buyt i cant stop being like that:) 





unrelated to above topics: 

some to remember&to restate endlessly topic:

 again restate;

Je  suis Samuel & Je suis Hebdo...




coming back to blog again: reflections from this silly guh's life:

how its when you could study topics fast. but when you also want to do laziness alot. today i feel like i am in laziness side. but would resume studying now. 

its just yet another topic tgo learn to consume. fluid intlgnce is something like that goes like that. but then it becomes uninteresting if topic is not challenging. i saw grad maths topics became interesting. but i need to accomplisht this undergrad parts and this thermodynamics project fastly asap. 


ok getting back to study. need to buidl the renewable energy product (if its feasible to build) asap i think. 


thinking some cross product and how iterates the system. multiple cross products. 

ok back to studying now it started to get interesting again. 

nice thing about fluid intellgnce is you learn fastly (but you forget very fastly either, context is very important, you need to not give breaks to the context: ) but could remember when you go over fastly. ) but doing projects/learning topics in weekends got broken alot due to that. i need to go fastly go over to remember. since 3 days passed. (its something silly, its when you study just reading without solving exercises, you learn that moment, and utilize that moment that knowledge, but its not persistent knowledge unless you constantly utilize.  i mean i gave 3 days break. some topics i remember very well. most topics i remember nicely. but some parts are fuzzy, so going revising pages fastly.  last time i think i studied 400 or such pages. the week before i studeid i think 200 pages. ok this book has 1300 or such pages:S the topic i wanted  to study needs roughly 900 pages of studying alike. anyway most is done. less is remaining. but parts becamed fuzzy which i go over again. but parts remain clear nice that they are clear. i wish i get to these toolings of maths.  this maths type is not any hard. its undergrad maths. so one can fastly go through. topic i needed to know to build the thermodynamics system needed 900 pages:D its kind of silly to study 900 pages to a project :D  i am so hardworking visibly :D or i like these hobby projects alot:D just 900 pages is just the maths part. i thnk i studied 120 or 130 thermodynamics pages and yet at least 300 pages from there to study mnaybe:) i wish all fits in this weekend. 

my hobby projects are always like this:D i were learning partially particle physics for game engine project:D (though game engines are always like that. irrelevant to me :D)   (game engines are always interesting. they include physics/maths alot/soundtracks)(of course it must be maybe %1 of physics' area but still i mean when you get in to game engines you definitely study physics science(even if 1% of it))   (though i think advanced game engine coders must know physics science alot) (i wernt yet an advanced game engine coder by the time i left game engine project since i know at most 1% of physics science yet)


it would look funnier when i tell about other hobby project: for that i need to learn abstract algebra/dif geometry/measure theory/topology and entire physics science. i mean the amount of effort i have to work even before i start project is funnily too much. it is that much that seems even kind of funny. i mean i being lazy hadnt expected this much hardworking state from me. i mean funny in the sense, why my projects always needs alot studying effort even before start type of state. i find that kind of funny. since everytime its like this. everytime i had a long task set to do before even starting the project:DD i got used to that 1000pages now dont look overwhelming:D since it is always like this. i mean everytime i try to build a project there is a big task set i need to accomplish even before first line of project.  i mean it starts and passes a very long time with no coding. i got used to this so now 1000 pages doesnt feel overwhelming:D. i wish by time the necessary topics i need to learn would get lesser. i think i would come to nice stage in this thermodynamics project. but there is still alot to do afterwards. like first i need to invent new measures :D i mean what kind of a weirdo i am. i mean after this project, second project is as: :DDD ---> inventing new measures to try to rewrite theoretical physics frameworks (and final goal of creating different new energy sources and viola! going to 1000 years later :) )  (even that project is funny:D ---> going to 1000 years later :D i mean what kind of a weirdo i am and what kind of weirdo project ideas i have:DDDDDDDDD its kind of funny:D since i never seen someone like me in my family that i look funny to myself:D i mean i never seen in around people in my life(neither from family or friends) whom talk they want to go to 1000 years later:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD what kind of a freak/weirdo i am:DDDDDDd why dont i have normal projects like other people:DDDDDDDDDD i think my project idea is so weird that it looks funny:D since i never heard such things from other people, my ideas feels funny to me:DDDDDD makes me feel like a weirdo (my project ideas) i feel like there must be something wrong in me to think different and have different project goals in my life:D  (since noone i saw talks of going to 1000 years later:DDDDD )




(but i find now game engines temporarily lesser interesting since i have this new interest area of builkding this thermodynamics project or investigating its feasibility. then other project became investigating new energy sources  after learning theoretical physics) (since this going to 1000 years later seems super interesting idea :) )


the level of hardwork i need to accomplish before even one line of code in every my hobby project is insurmountable levels of funny :D (since i ddnt know alot, i need to learn alot actually related to that :D ) i mean what kind of weirdo studies 1000 pages before a hobby project:D i saw people in Phds doing that. but its not Phd either:D i think people doing phd might be even reading 100000 pages who knows.  my thermodynamics project is like: hmm i think it would need 2000 pages at most studying. but the other project about theoretical physics project, its background study i guess wouldf be at least 10000pages study.  just even before a single code line. its all because i dont know those topics and need to learn. but once i learn it would remain i guess/i wish.

i wouldnt needed to study these 1000 pages now if i studied them in undergrad years. hadnt studied by then:D learning newly. (i passed courses with lowest grades most of the time:D) (since i would start studying 3 hours before the exam:D and wouldnt also attend courses during semester:D)  i once remember i tried to invent the coding scheme in a network exam:D were it Huffman coding? i couldnt :D since i am not very intellgnt surely i couldnt:D so open book exams were my friend since i could find the topic fastly study (if its not very advanced) and solve. but not very courses were openbook so i failed alot from classes:D 

in the end, if i studied these undergrad topics in university i wouldnt have to study now. although it tooks 2 weekends from me to cover part of them, maybe all of them would take 3 weekends or 6 days. i think i might have ad/hd. i might study well sometimes but university time i couldnt. since i am not used to studying by those years. but these years, i got uised to studying topic. throughout hobby projects. that there ios a very big baggage of tasks to carry before even starting the project.:D its moist of the time that much that it feels even funny to me:D i mean like inventing new measures:D i mean it means lots of effort. but i liked these type of projects in these years. 

i wonder are other people like me. is it ADD or ADHD? like in today's morning in taxi, i felt as i want to rap my legs to ground some rhytm i mean some kind of activity i need to do like making a rhhytim and feel alot excited. or in a meeting i would might bore alot and go play with the whiteboard's writings. i mean this also in morning i observed, i have this excitedness problem. like i feel it i mean bveing excited. that i want to make rhytm with my legs to calm down.  or like when i felt not excited, people would ask in a course you look so excited/energetic. this excitement topic is weird. i find making a rhytm with my legs to get away from that extra energy in morning in taxi:D too much energy:Din home in end of day i am not that energetic. but when i have a very interesting project idea i am yet still alot energetic. this morning in taxi it felt weird. that i had to move my legs with rhytm to get away from the overload energy level:D  i would observe myself. my energy level. its funny it felt funny this morning's wanting to make my legs move with rhytm. this issue of overexciteability is a funny concept. today i handled it like making my legs do rhytm or my hands doing some rhtym movement.  standing still for a long period of time in some place feels unnice. like sitting in a car. in meetings i find myself playing with things written on board:D  

I found an awesome Japan restaurant that i order food alot.and i moved to more protein based food most of the times (for noons).

ok today wernt exact study mood. studied little bit. but today i wanted to do laziness more:P but tomorrow would be studying day. hmm i revised topics i studied part of them today but hadnt studied. anyway project to be continued tomorrow. now its rest time. i wish i do a hardworking guh tomorrow night to finish the necessarily enough study topics.


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