yayy today i had to study some topics. had to work from home since my bean bag arrived today. its awesome. its quite comfy.
ok now had finished some unrelated coding topics. now continueing wind product's design task. with studying final background infroamtion before starting coding.
ok i have one new project goal after wind projec tgoal of: extending this energty sources task to theoretical physics side after i study theoretical physics. i w0ould investigate similar/different ways to create energy from physics topics i would study. cause the idea of going to 1000 years future time seemed interesting. Its possible to go to future with time dilation stuff. but need to study engines/energy sources nad physics. nice that some part of backgrouynd information is being studied during this wind turbine project. though its i guess the topics i would have had studied till implementation would be maybe 1% or maybe 0.1% of physics knowledge. i mean i have alot to learn yet still. then would try to simulate theoretical physics constructs maybe with new measures or different theories to investigate new energy sources so that going to future tech named topic i investigate.
ok back to wind turbine like project to try to createnew renewable energy sources.
ok i feel i want to rest today since had alot of coding tasks i had. so i would rest instead. and would carry my book to workplace so in noon i study. yuppp.
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