for the scary zippo coincidence, i want to list all of them:
its very scary and i am very scared :S
the following topics happent:
- i made a sculpture and hair resembled leia unintentionally and next day i learnt Leia passed away. and i hadnt blogged it either nor shared this info of Leia's hair resemblance i think.
- i were stalked as with a woman name i thought a woman is stalking me. various ugly stalk slander incidents with that woman name were happening and i said i hate this person whomever is. then i opent internet and in quora i firstly saw a woman in forieign name that the name resembles very much i said gosh i hate this does this person has english name also. (since tons of stalk slander incidents (thoise times being unaware of the slander side but many curse holding very traumatic incidents) were happening by then with that) then i said its the first time i saw this ugly traumatic person name i hear in stalk incidents foreign version. then the other day a mud flow occured in a place on earth with that name just 1 day later.
- i after that checked such topics. one day i blogged i want to have rhinoplasty in Philliphines (i think South Korea is known in rhinoplasty topic right? i confused countries) then a storm happent which impacted a ferry:SSS
then i other day again blogged i want to have rhinoplasty in Philliphines. then this time an earth quake happent the next day on philliphines.:SSSSS must be coincidence but very weird:S but maybe i might told Philliphines country word alot with rhinoplasty topic alot in blogs several days. maybe due to that. i dont exactly how many times i said that in which ones the topic happent. but the storm happent on first said time i guess. then i thoughti still think its a stastical hiccup. nothing weird. i mean maybe i over talked of rhinoplasty topic in there in blog. i think this one not that weird since i might said that variuous days but others are weird coincidences.
- i blogged about trinity word. then the tv program told a person named trinity. it were a show program that happens constantly. i mean its preprogrammed. it happent 3 hours later. the tv shows dont talk alot about trinity word. that day happent.
- i watched a movie and in movie i said why this woman behaved like this i didnt liked this behavior i said. then i opent tv (tbhose times i were watching tv) and ni tv another woman did that behavior and its a very rare behavior not frequently seen. i mean it were about losing wedding ring. in movie woman allegedly done that to gain insurance or such stuff and i said what:S then in tv show woman erronously lost. and since i watched movie one hour ago and in tv that happening 1 hour later, i said what?
-i were blogging that i forgot names of my plants. then i opent a timely listed anthropology podcasts. and went to very earlier pages (many years ago podcasts) then in the podcast, guy told: sometimes households or plants names are forgotten. it were like as if the guy told me my child. since said children sometiems forget household or plant names. it felt as if the podcast from past told me my child:S it were very weird. it happent in a part of the podcast. even if it were in anthropology podcasts, it were all a sociology basics like talk. as i observed about commonly known sociology knowledge.
- one severe tragedy coincidence: i were wenting to a painting workshop once here. i said i am going to course and there is an Anna named person there. then a tragedy happent with a Anna name holding person passing away in another part of world.:SSSSS
- i blogged i ate too much cakes. then in other day i saw in news in a distant corner of world some woman passed away in a cake eating contest:SSSSS
- i said i dont like monarchies or some gov. management style and hours later a city that holds a concept related tothat type of topics an earth quake thats big happent:S (normally i wont took it as a weird coincidence but since other weird coincidences happent i also looked to this as weird)
- recently i said i like spy movies and i heard one very beloved spy movie actor passed away on same date.
- i for a long time after installed zombie tsunami game to phone then cancelled. and on same day a tsunami happent in izmir. normally i wont look it as a weird coincidence. but since other weird coincidnecs happent.
-current days i blogged i would buy zippo. then i last day on evening saw someonme with Zappos name whom built revolutionary tech has passed away due to fire:SSSS i were blogging i am going to build a revolutionary wind tech. and i also blogged i would buy zippo:SSS
i am pretty scared. i think earthquake like stuff are were coincidences. but the others? do really kind of i dont high tech aliens from other galaxies exist and they do these coincidences? how these happen? or is it a non western agency whom does? or am i a psychic? what the heck? this zippo might be as well a threat to my wind project? i dont any know. but i wanted to list all these coincidences that scared me alot spciecifcally this last one either. i wont dont blog anymore:S its just so scary. and i am pretty scared of this topic. feels like either a moriarty like person exists and does these? :S or i dont know it feels very scary. i would fastly build projects and build a safe home to myself. i think as well a nonwestern agency might be doing this. thinking the professional stalk/slander i confronted for 5 years. i am surely definitely fastly would build projects and build myself a safe home that i would put lots of security mechanims. dont these incidents look like as if someone talks of killing me. e.g. like this zippo. or that cake incident. i would build a super levels safe home to myself. and if it werent natural fire i think its very super sad to what happent to Zappos named person:S i mean if people did that to threaten me. this is very tragic and very sad:S and all others either:S
i find these very very very very very scary. if its not coincidences:S its very creepy.
i were used to being stalked slandered level stress/creep level of life. but this is extra level creepy. i were going to build a safe home for the stalk slander issue. but this made life more much more creepier and i feel very scared. and why? why these happen? :S i just dont undersdant. whom is doing this? nonwestern agencies? why? :SSSits very creepy very scary:SSSSSSSSSSS
i would build safe home myself. i would build with capital i create from to be built project.
i dont wont blog any sentence from my life anymore:SSSS this is very scary:SSS seeing tthis Zappos incident, it definitely started to feel like i am inside a horror movie. in cake incident i said it is coincidence. but with this Zappos incident i definitely think i feel lijke i am inside a horror movie where a psycho adversery does very scary things. actually stalk slander issue already made my life felt very creepy. but this is much mroe scary. this Zappos coincidence i saw:S it made it much scarier/creepier life to me:S
bye internet. i wont blog anymore. cause this coincidence topic started to become super creepy as if my life wernt creepy enough. i am severely scared and creeped out.
bye to blogging. not any single sentence anymore.
what i would do, my goals; i would try to build the revolutionary wind turbine project in a month. create capital. and buy a big land. build trenches around and protect with upmost security mechanisms. after this much scary 5 years of life :S
never ever any blog again.:S not any even single sentence:S
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