today would work on finishing sgtudying the chapters from this thermodyanmics book in evening than i would have studied thermodynamics enough to code the project.  then this weekend would all would be spent to coding in discipled way the wind turbine simulation. yayy it would be exciting to code the gravity;s integration on spherical coordniates of atmosphere and also magnetic forces would be added. maybe with magnetic core's force the atmosphere would fly away.  or maybe it would stay. would see. 

as told, plan as i learnt about thermodynamics recent 1.5 months is, to create a revolutionary wind turbine design. that would try to also harness other dynamics like world';s rotation. 

trust me you become very creative in projects when you get stalked by a psycho stalker that does stalk with slander also and an exact form of torture like that i mentioned (i think its either done by a nonwestern agency or by some severe type psycho from unfortunately lovely sisli named place. its actually nice place. but i really don't understand i really got tortured. i know also its not done by my country either. just torture. for 5 years. constant stalk/slander and trying to forcefully assign slander in horrific ways in outside as i mentioned anyway. )

(i think it might happenbt because i might been falsely tagged as a spy and maybe some people hated spies and they decided to torture me. i don't any know. anyway. 

before the day before i looked as to those trauma as tragedy but today and last day i started to see that my life started to look like spy movies even if i am not spy and it has an exciting factor. i mean deviation from normal life i looked to it as a tragedy (having a psycho type stalker is really really very traumatic and very tragical form of life) but last day i started to think, yepp i am doing good i am not broken by trauma yet. :) and i started to try to force myself to try to look to it exciting. 

e.g. some incidents happent some people staying in a car beside a car they stand where i pass routinely with bike:  saying the slander word and they had the back of car with looking like they want to put me to back of car. such kind of stalk/slander incidents. and all horrific. a  constant slander deception effort with never ending stalk slander. 

but today and last day i looked to it, it might really be done backed by nonwestern agencies (as i observed west side tried to save me that i hadn't understood due to my dumminess, i understood i am severely tortured with stalk slander after 1.5 years it started, or maybe 2 years i don't exactly know)   it feels like even if i am not a spy any, it started to feel exciting like a spy.  a group of people constant attacking with stalk slander with persistent destruction goal with stalk slander for 5 years, and i alone living a life along it. but west side tried to save me 5 years ago but i hadn't understood.

i think really nonwestern side tortures people whom they tagged as possibly a spy.  or its really a very severe psycho (unfortunately frm sisli) but i don't know how had GPS skills in stalking me. 


i think i am doing good. i mean i am still alive/unbroken whilst having psycho adversaries. that does stalk/slander/smear campaign to me for 5 years. 

now i look to it as if its like spy movies. cause i really got tortured. i think stalk/slander torture is really not any less than physical torture. 

but now i see i am pretty successful in against the torture that had been done to me :)  i mean i am unbroken. 

i were so dummy that i hadn't understood west side's help 5 years ago. anyway. i were unaware i were tortured by then with stalk/slander. and if i were aware i would had surely accepted. 


i feel some days very much in trauma. some days ok(actually most of the days ok). and very hopeful for the future beside. 

my life differs than a usual life. i do bike very fastly outside. since various time got stalked from a corner i got constantly passed etc. and otherelse i always use taxi. 

i never ever go to any cafee unless mandatory. i never go outside unless severely mandatory.

when i bike i don't constantly bike in paths i always pass. or i align it to frequency of stalk slander incidents happenstance. like some paths i constantly pass since no stalk slander incident happent there. otherwise if a place had been a routine stalk slander incident place i don't ever second time pass from there. i always change my paths. routinely according to stalk slander incidents. 

the stalkers constantly stalked slandered with never stopping entire 5 years with GPS stalk skills. every single time i went outside i got stalked/slandered. every single time. and i confronted the torture type: where people falsefully try to assign some unnice character to someother like with torturing right? they did this deception of shouting me such slanders and stalking shouting uglys sentences related to slander type and constant stalk/following/constant ridiculing with slander/ and in one incident as told, as i ddnt looked the slanderer got angry and shouted "son of a bitch! look!". i mean such type of people stalk slander and they forcefully try to assign the slander with shouting me the slander. and i hadn't understood whats happening in first 1.5 years of stalk. reasons i think it might be nonwestern agencies backed is because they did this with also y1/y2 name a lot. i don't know but i observed the torture type of slander. and it were horrific. and people whom did that had GPS skills. anyway. i hadn't even understood the help of the west side. actually west side tried to help 5 years ago, but i were unaware of the torture i confront those times i were thinking i have a serdar/y1/y2 named stalkers. i were due to stalk/slander torture i confront, i were offered visa by western side in one instant those years, but i hadn't understood what they meant and had no idea whom they were. but recently i understood. i were tried to be saved from stalk/slander torture being done to me. anyway. 


so what are my goals now: i would build the revolutionary wind turbine tech. and create huge capital stack awhile also creating a nice project:P so i would buy a big land somewhere and so. that. i would have protection mechanisms around land also. this is the goal.

so this weekend is exciting. on birthday night last day i hadn't studied :) and watched action movies. (i watched spy movies again i like spy movies a lot:) )

i decided i don't see this as any tragedy anmore. i discovered my life started to resemble spy movies (i like them a lot) and kin d of its also exciting. even if has been quite hard. sometimes it feels also very hard. in trauma feeling moments. in stalk/slander incidents. but in overall as i look to my life, i say i don't know but it looks like spy movies. since i got tortured. maybe because i were tagged as a spy and nonwestern side decided to torture. or it were just a psycho type of stalker. but in the end, i got tortured with stqalk slander. so it has been a very unusual life last 5 years. now i fkind it also exciting. and makes me slightly smile now that life is a very different adventure. sometimes extraordinary challenges happens in life. (like being tortured with stalk slander). anyway.  i see that it made me grow stronger person. i mean wounds started to heal this year. sometimes i find myself in severe trauma feeling but it happens rare. i have a lot hope for future. and feeling quit eenergetic for my project i work on.  ok i might had a challen ging life, but i would solve this challenge the biggest challenge ever of my life (being tortured with stalk.slander for 5 years). as told, would build the wind turbine project. i am pretty sure no one did any wind turbine design yet still with covering very tiny factors like  world's rotation or magnetic force or all such stuff all combined. or they did but i don't think such factors have yet been applied to commercial wind turbine designs. or maybe applied i don't know. but i infer it to be like that, that contemporary tech set capability sets arent yet had applied to wind turbine tech (funny Cervantes analogy :) disrupting wind turbine techs idea i mean :))  i figured out this is the shortest time requiring project to build. just 1.5 months thermodynamics study. (due to necessary maths study) otherwise thermodynamics study i think is 2 or at most 3 weekends study. then the building the simulator and disrupting the wind turbines tech area. its short time needing project. not many code to code. lesser time taking. simulation coding might take 2 or 3 weeks at most i wish. or say a month. then i would have my product idea that has been verified. (if its feasible to enhance the wind turbines tech for real. maybe they are already very optimized and its impossible to do any more optimizations) i would see in short period. i mean in one month at most. whether this product idea is feasible or not. i really liked this idea since its easy and short time taking to build.   other product ideas has had indefinite times. like rewriting physical frameworks. i need to first finish grad maths study for that. so it would take i gues at least 6 months for such project. but is the least period. i am kind of impatient. i need a project as fast as possible. so this wind turbine project seems like very charming in its very fast to build dimension. a couple of months and yuppp. i am pretty sure noone yet did such simulations yet and i think i would soon disrupt the wind turbine tech area but maybe i am wrong, maybe they did and the windturbine design used is not possible to optimize yet anymore. i would see. have a feeling that there is a lot to optimize more. but don't know its just a feeling not any fact. maybe i would say its impossible to do any disruption to wind turbine sector seeing there is none optimizations possible i don't any know before. anyway. back to work. 


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