i woke up at 8:40 like hour today. today is learning physical chemistry day with all details.  then also revising akka study i need to accomplish. yuppp. 

but i have to make a breakfast first. 

today i don't feel dizzy. i don't feel sick. last day i had some dizziness/sickness feeling. both at beginning of day and end of day. 

i still cant believe i have 3.5 weeks holiday, and a project to develop awhile with not that much kloc to code (that it is achievable in 3.5 weeks). its just so happy:D i think by end of 3 weeks i would surely have a working product and prototype that would be 3d printed also. ok. 

i vacuumed cleaned ground after breakfast. had lots of calories in breakfast.:S anyway. 

ok study starts now. goals: learn all details of phycial chemistry (to build simulator correctly for molecular engineering). by end of today i should be knowing all material need to build molecular engineering simulator stuff. maybe i might postpone gravitational model part to tomorrow morning. but today this hussle day of learning this knowledge area. yuppp. lets study!

ok i figured out i have 30 chapters to study. i started lat after ~1:30pm since due to washing clothes in laundry/noon tasks. but i am also happy i finally learn about these topics that i ddnt know nor knew very little. i didnt liked Balmer lines concept even if they are used alot in astronomy.  currently passed the De Broglie matter behaving like waves part. 

the quanta part also seemed interesting but to me these could also be derived with different measure systems that does not follow usually employed measure theory. i figure out these constructs even work in current  popular measure theory constructs i think there is not any issue to devise new measure theories since i even observed planck's oven and hv topic is just some measurements based with utilizing the popular commonly used measure theoretical constructs (toolings in maths). but this postponed to later times. to learn about all these stuff and rewriting new measure ways to try to change these hv topics formulizations and modelings is for later time in life. but why continuetiy until hv is a law in these areasi wonder.  i need to work on more hv stuff later. but todays goals are as:

seeing all details of bonding processes and photoelectric effects or such stuff all. to not miss any design constraint in simulator. i might just simulate with approximations using newtonian approximations to underlying quantum mechanical modellings.  oor might also integrate the quantum mechanical modellings. but i would start with Newtonian modellings. (approximations) but even in an approximation (thats built upon measurements i read from internet) i think i think approximation could work well also but surely wont use Verlet or Verlet Stormer integrator in that and would utilize mine version. but other than that,  i observe that; from today's study i could learn couple of stuff for my initially Newtonian methods designed simulator, like collisins/mean free path or i think i saw some pages related to bondings and coloumb potential or hydrogen bondings or van der waals forced based interactions potentials etc which also could be utilized in modeling of the underlying physical system of the simulator. or i think maybe i wish even i also could find out many other information relation to kinetic energy and atomic/molecular structure stuff to model the temperature and energy stuff correctly. ok i observe even if i felt 30 chapters as a heavy task for me for to finish today, i think its mandatory to code the simulator correctly. maybe at parts i would switch to quantum mechanical model instead of an approximated modelling in simulator.  ok i dont feel hurry to postpone this study cause i think i have enough days to code the simulator after this study ends. and it would help me build the simulator more correct. so even if it feels very hard to finish these all 30 chapters today to me, i should definitely. otherelse my simulator might be incorrect. ok correcting to be built simulator already started: first i replaced verlet with a much better version. second task is today's chalelnging task which is learning these 30 chapters. ok. patience i call today;s task as patience since i need to patiently study all those 30 chapters:SSS its very challenging to me:S anyway  i am continueing. back to studying.  goal is to have simulator be ready by sunday end of day. i think its all possible. yupp. maybe i gift myself for today's expected hardwork with buying my 3d printer and those 3d printer accessories from now. :D yayy:)

ok i bought this stunning 3d printer :) --> https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B08HSDZN9D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

(its near to industrial grade printer with having price range near to hobby project home 3d printers)


and this:  https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B07PYN6SKK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

and this: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/B07QXCGP6B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

(i gifted myself for expected hard studying work for today) (yupp: goal is to finish all 30 chapters no matter what how many  hours it takes for today)  yupp. 

i also gifted myself with this:


since i dont do any type  of sports last 3 months. i wish i add 1 hour sports per each day.  i coupld leave this to home owner if i leave this flat to here since its not so expensive.  but i would have carry everywher ei go my exciting 3d printer stuff:) its so exciting to going to have a 3d printer:) never had before. and this one is an incredible/stunning 3d printer.

lots of costly shopping i did for today. i think i would not do any costly shopping for the new month since i spent everymonth alot recent months. i constantly buy stuff last recent months that are kind of costly like these.

ok i liked Bohr's quantization model then came the uncertainity principle and broke it. ok i definitely liked learning these but how does this uncertain momentums versions define digitized quanta topic.  aha ok digitized quanta still works ok. jsut uncertainity means actually we dont have knowledge on where electron is and i dont think adding more wave packages any clarify still yet where electron is cause its just for instantaneous measuring otherelse i understand they happen everywhere on wave. or i might had misunderstood. i dont get this as proportional increase or decrease in certainity like logic yet. i might had not understood yet maybe. this uncertainity stuff is special case for double slit experiments based measurements but nothing more in my view. even if i might hadnt understood yet. i mean its just that you have to increase count of different wavelengths is just for that speicific measurement tool. i dont understand why people told a measurement device related proportionality as a general universal rule like topic. if in another place if someone could measure differently might not have to use different wavelenght packages of different momentums. why this singularity of measurement resulted it as a universal q.m. rule i dont any understand. it just only is specific to double slit based measurement is not it? 

its so funny to read people's shocks on electron photon's position being unknown and having a distribution. i find this shock of people funny. i mean i also found people shock of noncontiuum in quanta levels or quantas being noncontinous and how people got frustrated also quite funny. i mean why single position is not also shocking as a distribution of posisble positions of electron. why being shocked to only the latter one but not the previous one? or similarly why continoutiry is accepted as normal but a digital quanta levels schocked people?  :D i just dont understand why this shocked people's minds so much for when it is discovered its a distribution. anyway. i saw my nonzeno's paradox usual solution's following measures already exists in nature in quanta sides. and its funny that these type of stuff shocked people for why everything doesnt work like usual zeno's paradox's defacto solution. whom assured that defacto solution is the normal nonshocking version whre electron has a position? :) its so funny:D to read about how people were shocked when they discovered quanta levels arent continous or about uncertainity. i just wonder whom made them thought that continounity is a normal fact? its funny to read these. but its awesome knowledge to try to learn about. i am moving fastly without getting much more acknowledged but just to be able to index and use when if i need that equations with rereading in detailed form. i dont spend alot time to familiarize myself. i just index knowledge in my silly mind. and learnt he general logics in some degrees in current study. why analog is natural but digital is unnatural to people:D these type of stuff are funny to read about:D imean taking granted the correctness of continuity  interpretation.  anyway. too mch silly talks of guh. continuing to learn about these interesting topics. i thinki would later spare time more to details of these formulas that i quite much more familiarize myself. maybe after sunday after my simulator is ready.  i just wonder philosophically why its shocking to people that they cant know an electron's place with correct precision. why this were shocking. due to biases of newtonian world? most possibly. but still funny to read these shocks:D

ok  i wonder more about matter waves also and these topics intricacies i would learn these tomorrow not after sunday. cause i wondred about how our self protons in our body behaves when we are walking. ok i would spare some 1 hour or 2 hours to understand more these specific parts tomorrow. i guess other sections would focus on elctrons and photons some specific behaviors. ok. lets finish chapters today. but learn this wave behavior in every detail tomorrow. i wonder what is my wavelenght of my own protons when i walk. e.g. protons in some molecule in me. yupp. 

ok i dont think its a heavy task to learn these since topics got interested. i quite liked Bohrs model then this uncertainity principles happent. ok. i think i still have time to finish simulator upon suinday even if i spoare more time to learning these on tomorrow. ok lets finish main chapters today with leaving out familiarizing me with core formulas there more with spending time more but i would do that tomorrow. but today i w3ould get to get familiar with all topics in this text books. then i would play out with de broglie formulas and electrons momentum formulas on their spins tomorrow more. not spending alot time on specific moments today. both because i am ad/hd second because i want to go over learn about all topics first. then i might play out details of those formulas later tomorrow. ok if i spare 2 or 3 hours or entire tomorrow to learning these i think i would still have enough time to code to simulator till sunday. since there is akka. and there is not a complex logic to code. and there is verlet's replacement also. ok maybe in latest on monday next week it could be replanned to have end deadline this simulator being ready date. but i want to be very familiar with these wave behavior of all matter. i would spare that to tomorrow. to get very familiar with the formulas that people crafted based on their measurements/observations. but today is learning all about chapters time to not miss any possible design constraint design requirement in my simulator design. i think i would spare the time to get the formulas playing time to maybe tomorrow 2 hours or 3 hours.  but end goal is having th esimulator be ready on sunday or at most on monday. i need to be expert on physical chemistry on these 2 todays today and by end of tomorrow i should be very expert on so that i do no kind of err in my simulator. it should work very correct. yupp. i figure out if i dont know all stuff in physical chemistry there are possibilities that i do design errors in my simulator. and i always wondered to learn about thes etopics that Bohr like people crafted before. ok.  but now i would prepare myself some food.  i would start chapter 2. my chapter 1 were interrupted with ad/hd/with phone calls to family with laziness also sometimes. making it better upon chpter 2 so that i study all necessary chapters related to simulator's design.

ok consumed my food of couscus and some thing made with it and i didnt liked alot:D. ok would spend very little the rest of month surely since i spent too much:D but the bicycle and 3d printers are very happy gifts to myself:) bicylcle for becoming healthier, 3d printer for creativity. 

ok back to studying. 

ta daa. chapter 2.


(there are at least 28 like chapters i plan to study but dont know how it would be fasible during today:D lets see maybe i study faster now with more focus )

ok i think might be feasible since i saw chapter 2 has only 5 subchapters. if all other chapters are like that, i might finish studying by maybe 3am like hours. lets see. lets try to finish this goal or at least studying as many as chapters as possible asap. 

i figured out the Jasmine Guffond yellow bell helps my focus and an industrial music type i guess it is, very different i were listening alot till yesterday and had attended also my this chapters studying period. 

ok now in lecture,  we moved away from double slit experiment's uncertainity def to probability distributions based on mathemathical properties of wave functions. ok.  makes much more sense. ok why these areas seems as physical phonemona tried to be explained with available math frameworks. ok. i saw finally schrodinger equation of matter waves a while that i wondered. ok. also now quantization seemed to fit after bohr's explanation were broken. ok.


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