ok resumed philosophy readings. and reading force named topics and its Heiddegeran analysis of Aristotle perspectives. Its very interesting, as i study thermodynamics and energy topics in quantum mechanics side in another project, this text also in metaphysical way tries to do a homorphic definition constructions on force but kind of desire like forces or goals like forces. very interesting systematic definition. Dunamis and sterisis and energie and all, i would be happy to reflect this metaphysical world to its quantum mechanical version's basis of energy interworkings. Lets try to see how this text analysis these topics and whether if we could construct a homomorphism in between phycial and metaphysical definitions. just read only one paragraph right now. and were very excited since i saw yet again process constructions that looks very quite rational and logical. yepp the book started with Aristotle's concepts on physics but on its Heideggeran aspects and its metaphysical version. Just one paragraph. I am a very interested to blogging about it cause i left reading and came here to blog about. But its very interesting topic; homomorphism of physics and this metaphysical area. Let's see if these mappings in between earliest philosophers and quantum mechanics side of current interpretation of these concepts go in pace together or not. I don't expect quanta like or such conceptual definitions yet. But at least the presence of force and energy concepts is even just interesting. I don't expect to see quantas because such complexity innately is not needed to define processes of metaphysical side. Cause we even did not needed them until checking the wavelength energy distribution's observations. I mean in logic wise, i don't think quanta side is any necessary concept in physics definitions of this metaphysical side. but till, still, concepts of energy and force looked very interesting. Lets see. how it creates such type of homomorphism to physical world on creating basis of dynamic and static processes of this metaphyscial side.
I wish i resume readings. since i feel most of the time out of trauma now, i think i would start to continue readings that i left for a long while. the necessity of feeling of the necessity of urgently creating projects and trauma is correlated, now project creations pace don't need to be high paced cause i last months getting over trauma feeling, even not fully but up to some degree. So that I could spare more effort to philosophy readings and also sociology and also anthropology sides.
ok this homomorphism took my attention. and made me curious to read about other philosophers mentioned in this text.
ok then life agenda:
- of course, I would do try to test that illogical psychic tests (cause it might if exists create chances to learn the identity of people who stalked/slandered me for 5 years and that would sue them if I could learn who they are).
- projects (bitcoin project, of course, i would ask if its legal to do mining like that) (then resuming of quantum mechanical project learning and simulator design)
-continuation of readings of philosophy, sociology, and anthropology which is always severe fun.
i liked this intersection area of abstract algebra, physics and metaphysics as one area i want to read about as i go through on paragraphs of this reading. Toolings of both 3 sides would be utilized to do create my inner world's representations of those topics via newer conceptual process definitions. Which that process definitions why i like it, cause i saw it in analytical sociology readings, and saw its very not easy to accomplish goal. People tried to do processes in sociology with different perspectives but there are tons of such framework definitions. from memetics to dominance related dynamics to Boltzmann modeling of such dynamics. Tons of different frameworks exists. And its always exciting to read about such new process construction effort, but this time in a lower level ontology level but not as a sociological process, this topic i read about is in more psychology level. Going to one underground level, psychology readings on basis of philosophers analysis with homomorphism to physical world. Let summarize this reading as. I usually don't like psychology area but this is not exactly intricate psychology concepts related but more Freudian concepts wise topics are analyzed. So yet another title to this part of reading, is more of Freudian concepts analysis on basis of philosophy and with homomorphism to physics. Does not it looks like a quite interesting topic to read about:) . (since i have less trauma now last months, i resume these hobbies of alike).
ok, today planned as:
- this readings i started whilst i rest during day time before work time and after work ends. and maybe on noon.
- bitcoin project continuation. last night i were sleepy that i couldn't work on that and instead wanted to rest.
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