its so exciting! the violin is coming on tomorrow!
ok beside street portrait drawer goal, ok then i would be also a street musician or a cafe musician if i could learn well. ok newly added goal to life.
this weekend planned as:
bitcoin completion tonight. of run of single layer that all is coded now i need to test run fix issues of. then weekend:
tomorrow surely some violin training time.
and also bitcoin project workings.
i am very excited since violin is coming on tomorrow.
and also shoulder support, stickers stuff, 9v battery incase included battery doesnt work, a headphone i bought for violin that which has a cord.
tonight is planned as: i revise the musical theory stuff and start studying violin first. musical notes studying period happens to remember and learn missing info. and also would start studying violin knowledge study from other text book i bought. i have 2 textbooks of music education now.
its just so exciting.
aww how fun it would be if i could become expert in short period and become a part time music performer in cafes. if i find a music group. ok this is ambitious goal. i mean i dont expect to learn in short period.whaqt if i could learn fastly. i dont any know. poeple say you learn in 1-2 years, so i guess i wont be able to learn in short period. ok its just daydreaming to think i could learn in short period i dont think i would be any able to learn in short duration.
this is just so exciting! i have bought my first electric violin in my life and its i cant define the happiness and excitement due to this with words.
one of colleauges before here were playing violin. i 1 years ago tried but it got left in the middle since i couldnt carry in luggage. now resuming but this time with a cooler violin.
yayyyy started studying notes 15-20 min ago. rested awhile. ok i usually dont like memoization stuff since i dont have good mem. but i liked this one. i liked alot.
i solved first exercise now would move to more complex exercises (of music reading).
gosh this is so exciting! :D my cool violin is coming tomorrow:)
never had any electric violin before. but before all i need to learn how to read notes smoothly. i need to repeat and repeat until i learn and could read smoothly.
then i also need to learn notes places on violin and make my hand move along correctly. ok this seems so fun:Dyayy:D normally i dont like memoization but in this i liked alot.
ok exercise 2 is also completed.
ok i would solve exercise 3 then would give break and test run bitcoin code.
i passed time in reading internet instead last 30 min :P
ok now 3rd exercise to notes reading yuppp.
dooo---ree--- :) i figured out do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si is universal language there actually from the music theory text.
ok how fun if i would learn on tomorrow one basic playing but i guess i wont be able to learn.
ok i think thought i think my dream is to be a street portrait drawer. but music playin i think my dream is to just play vivaldi. i think i dont have a dream of being playing in cafes as i thought qabout it even if looks very fun.
i think solely playing Vivaldi's 4 seasons would be severely fun to guh. but i dont know how many years it would take to establish that.
i dont know i have a feeling as if it would take 1 year. but lets see.
ok from notes, i always confuse MI's place :D whilst i memorized notes. the upper mi. other notes i remember but could sometimes lose MI:)
ok this time i would study violin with musical notes, last time i tried to learn without but just tryings and were impossible to learn like that. now i have stickers to violin which i wish would help to play with notes.
i think i had learnt notes. ok tomorrow violin training can start. since its training textbook i analyzed to see its training starts with some basic info then songs playing directly. so one needs to be able to read notes before starting training of violin. which i wish is accomplished already. lets solve other exercises of notes reading so that i become more ready to playing first song in violin on tomorrow. if i could play it it would be happy alot. this time i am trying to learn violin correctly. i bought a textbook this time 2 text books, one music theory other violin basics.
yayyyy my violin is so cool:) I really liked Stagg brands designs. though after learning fully, would surely buy a Yamaha since is very told about.
i think if i could play a song tomorrow i would be shocked to my progress. i think playing song on tomorrow might be too mcuh for me, maybe on sunday i could iterate to that. lets see. if i could play ij would be quite happy.
then other weekend i would play vivaldi's summer in very slow version if i could learn to play this weekend. ok. playing in severely slow version is ok but they say playing normal rhtym takes at least 1 or 2 years which i understand whilst listening it.
ok since the day before i were sick of headache due to lack of sleep, and sometimes cough, i wouldnt sleep late today so i postpone bitcoin code study to tomorrows early morning but today would progress with mroe notes readings to get more used to this musical notes stuff. everything for being able to play vivaldi's summer section of 4 seasons:) or others sections of that amazing 4 seasons composition.
what i dreamt of: for dreams after having learnt violin: finding a violin playing friend guy or woman friend and making very interesting makeups very interesting dresses that we design together and being street musicians with very interesting makeups. ok. dresses would be not too much interesting but would be different than usual fashion. or we could ready buy. ok this seems very interesting. (i when i write friend meaning friend not intimate friends i wish this time also not misunderstood here) it would be severe fun! :D
ok since this polymath were interested to cloth design (just drawings of) when i were a children, maybe i also buy some cloth design toolkits so that i start designing this goals design of clothes. it would be severely fun! i wish i find a friend whom we become part time street musicians with. we would do very itneresting makeups and interesting clothes. and experience fun of being a street musician with very interesting makeups:D
ok i also added goal of being part time violin player in cafes to dreams set.
ok beside after i learn drawing more part time being portrait drawer dream. i also want friends to that. we could wear like reneaissance times :D and be draw like that accomplish that practise in diffrnt Renaissance clothes then with found friends.
ok the goal of learning painting is waiting that air gets warmer cause i can only do it in balcony. but thats the hardest hobby to learn i think but i would force myself to learn cause thats also very fun it would be very fun if i coud and do some Renaissance style. ok this goal would be also very fun. of maybe not portrait drawing but making fast portraits to people in street with finding a friend whom also likes painting (not intimate friends just friends) and wearing like Renaissance times:D would be severely fun:D ok this even hardest goal in goals stack also added to goals set.
but clothes we wear with viola player friend would be more interesting would not be from Reneaissance times but would be i dont know what that style belonges bus to which era i need to check to see. and would might be jsut resembling some era's style but our makeups would be very dffrnt i have selected a makeup style for it. this goal not to be repeagted alot but surely planned:) it would be severely fun :) but i think i would learn violin in 1 year if i am not any prodigy (i guess i am not, we would see, i dont know yet but most possibly i am not any) then this goal is postponed to 1 year later or lets say to whenever i could learn violin time.
ok buying cloth creation stuff and putting to homes one place has always been a dream but sometimes i ddnt wanted to and finding lesser interested to. but to this being street musicians goal i got reinterested to cloth design goal. or might not be. i dont know. might be or might not be. lets see. we might find an expert person in that and ask help with that viola player friend. i had one such friend but seems as not being interested to such acts i think. a guy named i forgot name of a colleague here said he likes to play violin. but doesnt looks like a person whom would wear make up and be a street musician. ok i think i can find such woman or guy friend whom would become street musician with me (not frequently though)
i cant define how much i am excited for coming violin. this time learning it correctly from musical notes, last time i tried i hadnt followed an ok learning method and ddnt had alot time to study either. this time i would learn with the official learning methodology.
one funny moment of life:
ok i have issue of not understanding lyrics correctly from foreign songs sometimes. as i discovered lyrics of one song's one section i decided i wont listen alot. since i disliked as i understood lyrics that part since not quite liked lyrics actually disliked that part of lyrcis as i understood recently whats actually said. but music were amazing. ok. this is severely funny to wrongly understand lyrics of songs (foreign songs) many times happens:D
ok i should sleep since i need to wake up in decent hours tomorrow. but i cant sleep due to excitement to coming violin on tomorrow. maybe i shoul;d watch a movie i like and fall asleep awhile. yupp seemed ok.
ok idea of creating assembling our duet clothes with future nonintimate friends street mini violin concerts sesms very fun. but i need some silly friend whom would like to do that i dont know where can i find such people like me whom like to do these type of things. ok would buy cloth assembly stuff so that i start assembling my cloth at least. for violin duet in street as to be street musicians. of part time type. very rarely. or maybe just duet is also fun. ok i have very quantum mechanical interest to clothes topic. i feel interested and disinterested and interested again. its weird:D ok i think current stack of topics to learn practise is enough. i think even violin learning would take lots of duration. ok i think goals of being street portrait painter with a painter friend to find (not intimate) and also alike viola playing seems ok. i think cloth design is very hard and tedious thats why i feel quantas like interest since it looks very hard from outside at my stance point(to design clothes) i mean lktos of very much hardwork it needs i think. its not for lazies.
but violin seems as might be for lazies also. and painting also. i mean not that much hardwork like clothes building is necessary in these maybe. or maybe more. but somehow these 2 seems more easier and more appropriate for lazies (aka me). cloth design is not for lazies i think. it looks very intricate and lots of hardwork stuff there.
rest time.
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