work day ended ~2 hours ago.

i rested. then bought a violin to put to backpack also. and would start training again following week .

this time bought an electronic violin thinking it might be easier to learn via than wtr to nonelectronic ones?

i bought also texts to learn to play violin and also bought musical theory textbook to remember musical notes.

if i learn i cant imagine how playing Vivaldi would if could be.

it would be very fun:) ok this time i would learn from writings to teach violin not from video tutorials. and also i bought stickers to put musical notes places on violin. i am not initially  used to a -b-c named musical notes. in Turkish it were different note assignments to letters. but would get used to this a-b-c.. version :) 


i also bought a damper  but maybe its not needed in electronic violins i dont know if. never had seen any electronic violin before. my nonelectronic violin left in iskenderun home.  that i tried learning from and figured out its very hard to learn violin autodidactively. but maybe this new violin i bought would make it easier to learn. and this time i would study from some textbook. instead of video tutorials. and this time i also bought note stickers. to see the notes places on violin. 

i also started investigating human right lawyers or such offices in Argentina for to ask consultation for the stalk slander i coinfronted for  5 years.  in brief: yuppp would get consultation describing every stalk slander incident that happent for 5 years.yupp. to create a shield against this type of topics of chr. a. named stuff and discuss and get consultation and maybe to init investigation of perpetuators and mechanisms of shields against chr. a. topic. yuppp. i wish to know  mechanisms that protect people from chr. a. /p.d. named stuff. to create shield against. i observed stuff like many times: i went to a cafe, these stalkers alanderers coming and slandering. or various other incidents where they seemed to have capability of knowing my location, which i suspect whether my phone somehow got hacked? i dont know? but i would discuss present report every stalk slander incident that happent for 5 years. and consult on how to create shield against p.d. topics/chr. a. topic. i confronted a very severe version of chr. a topic for 5 years. anyway all details of all stalk slander incidents would be in detailed shared consulted to the lawyer office specialized in h.r. rights abuses like topics like chr. a. and p.d like topics. that i also started to iterate with searching law offices specialized in h.r. topics in Argentina. my life were repetitively tried to be fall down with slandering me with impossible lies. and this happent for more than 5 years. i would report every incident cause i dont forget i think any stalk slander incident. i wish to generate a shield against and start to raise this topic to such organizations or law offices etc. 


in noon free time, i did coded little bit more and would continue and i think i might be able to test first layer';s run on today ---> yayy:D

ok lets continue coding to finish the run success of first layer and celebrate the success of it with some drink afterwards. i wish i would finally celebrate first layer's run success on today after many weeks of lags to the original plan of the project.

 yayyy my violin is coming on monday :) ok. if i could learn it would be so fun to play. lets see if this time i could manage to learn or not. ok  i think stickers i bought of notes places would help.

yuppp. i due to adhd had studied in between 10 and 01:00am today. managed to finish the coding of the other message type. :D yayyy i think i would celebrate this right now with some drink maybe wine. very little is left to first 600k:D just would make this layer's review first to fix visible issues in code (i need to review, its very complex this parts i recently written)  then testing. then its very easy to make it n layers. then would test n layers hashing. then need to add that multiplication's operastor (nonusual nondefault multiplication). 

major components has finally finsihed:D its so happy:D

also my violin coming on monday is also very happy. but i know violin learning is not any easy iwould study from maybe with a teacher this time. last time i tried to learn myself with no notes stickers and with just playing looking to videos teaching videos of violin, to get used to how to play but it doesnt any work out like that:D  and then there wernt enough time and luggage had no place to carry it whilsgt moving. but this time i bought an electronic version.

my end goal is to play vivaldi's summer composition. if i am any prodigy(i guess i am not any:D) i would learn to do that in 1 year, thats how fast its usual to come to learn to be able to play that compositioon as i read today, some also said 2 years training necessary to play that. lets see. my dream is to be able to play Vivaldi's summer part of 4 seasons composition.

i wanted to reply to some slandering i seent han i later said i dont care:D

just because you are not a polymath gives you no rights to deny existence of others being polymaths.

as various times detected, when you are polymatgh this creates insurmountable level of envy in people.

hey you libel doing editor:


---------------------some people are wired to understand wrong. in those cases its not ok to sue i think. i think your case your libel case might be such. or might be intentional libel for some motivation behind. in any case, i wont sue you cause i feel i said enough to your libel crime against me. 

me being an autist i also sometime and many times actually understand people wrong. but you dont any look like autist. your wrong understanding seems as either due to lack of iq or eq resulting in communication range issues, or intentional motivated libel crime with some type of motivation behind. 


ok i reverted back my decision of sueing the jourmalist. i think i wont sue cause i think i replied well enough.  to this dishonest journalist showcasing how dishonest type of journalism is to be made to all world. a severe libel intentionality. (beside most of the times happenstance of honest journalism, sometimes very rarely dishonest type of journalism happens, like this editor showcased to all world:D) (this is quite funny to reply to dishonesty i think) (i liked replying to dishonest type of people). 



only sue i want to see happen is stalk slanderers topic that for 5 years which i eagerly await to open and nothing would stop me in pursuing that in law casesuntil i see the perpetuators to stalk slander incidents go to jail.

but i dont have capital to go find lawyers right now. but soon i would nhave since i am writing the bitcoin miner stuff. 


ok i think i overreacted with very rude words. then i deleted all rude words. please take rude words happenstance since its libel and one gets upset when observes libel crime being done against.

but then i thought even if i got upset to confront libel, again words i selected were inproportionately rude. so i deleted all of them and saying sorry for my rude words that i deleted. but i am not saying sorry for saying libel to libel. cause this is libel and i strongly react and state my strong disturbiance on confronting a severe level of libel applied against me. 




just unrelatedly, why do people hate intellgnt people this much i just dont get.

why winning 600k from bitcoin is felt like snakeoil? why do i look less intellgnt than people creating algebras? why?  cant i be intellgint? why my possibility of being matgh intellgnt is rejected/ and why do people think its impossible to mine bitcoin in single pc? 

secondly for overpromising under performing thing: not all peole are very same functional all times some of us are adhd and have imperfect working speeds. 

and i never got money of any investors like holmes? why the heck this? i do build my project my own in evenings without investors. if i took money of investors i would understand of value of investments but i took none investment in my life to any startup project (except ,mom and dad supported me in startup try). 

why is bitcoin miner project i mentioned is understood as snake oil? there is a bias against me as if i cant be intellgnt? this is so silly that biases people hold against autists or adhd people or people that are authentic due to that. we arent like you like always performing high in every time or but it doesnt mean our intellgnce is any fake. its in level i could study 200 pages in one week then build a stability solution using dif. geometry to verlet integrator. our intellgnce doesnt work alike nonlinear alike geniuses or other intelglnt people types but still our intellgnce is differently  nonlinear and is definitely not any fake. 

why do we autists or adhds or people with different views took this much biased views from others. we just different people and kind of seem toconfront tons of biases from people whom show group intentionality a jungian intentionality of rejecting existence of different people like our intellgnce is tried to be shwn as fake but it is not. there is some collective group behavior some group intentionality of normies trying to defy existence of intellgnce in autists or adhd people as i observe in these kind of situations. like it is tried to be degraded and tried to be shown fake. this is some jungian stuff i think this unconscious collective unifying need of normies to expect everyone to be same.


secondly i confronted in my life severe stalk slander topic for 5 years this might as well be some jungian shit going int hat that me looking different from outside might made me prone to be attackes of imbecile groups. i would sue them surely and wont stop until i see they go to jail for stalking slandering a person with things she never ever did. nothing would stop this. i wont stop until i see perpetuators of stalk/slander crime go to jail for theirs stalk/slander crime.i would opena  huge human rights violation case. i wish Europeans monitored it and would help me in that. I wish to find European lawyers since they might had chance to monitor the stalk slander crime i confronted. or the human rights abuses i confronted in that stalk slandering crime i confronted happening to me. ok i wont stop until i see dishonest slanderers that did human rights abuse of stalk slandering to me under jail. thats one agenda of my life.

seeing libel doing journalists like this, i started to eagerly get interested to go to amnesty org even before finding a lawyer. since dishonest people should be eagerly fought against with institutions. as earliest. even if libel doing journalist is unrelated to stalk slander case, the dishonesty in being common in them makes one more ambitious to fought against any type of dishonesty happening throguh out instttns like amnesty or else.


to the libel doing editor:

along all your hatred and such stupoidyt, i now celebrate my bitcoin miner's infrastructure's completion (of single layer) (there still needs to be stuff done but backbone is ready) (but not tested but thats for other days) with some drink. 


lets celebrate the completion of entire infrastructure coding with some wine or beer or whisky now. 


lets raise the cup to stay ok in an indecent dishonest world that i confronted horrible stuff like being slandered.   and to make fun of how what kind of a sick world this is to be like this. i mean slanders like stuffs.are quite sick.




unrelated to that:


i from anthropology podcast listened about complex agency and group intentionality stuff and collective jungian stuffs from recent anth. podcast listening. tried to look to the consciousness like stuff as witha jungian perspective with Hobbs mechanistics. and then i look to this dishonesty of world. its like a jungle of a crazy place. and i started to also see things like that. cause some people arent holding enough process level in that cartesian duality and process information with collective consciousness'  locally singular understandings which is which we call as biases in general. i mean the consciousness topic looks a very collective mechanism. now jung doesnt look like crazy to me anymore. cause i think whilst people now follow of not separating biology (i mean our brains ) from metaphysics in various domains i read, started to look to me as: people with strong beloning to collective consciousness are more blind sighted to biases of htat and to understand wrongly in tandem to that. and this attack behavior i saw in this libel case, this attack behavior: is it something like? something like? dominance related mechanistics?  or is it i mean lets take this libel case applied to me and amnalyze the editors intentionality in detail: looks as this editor has weak presence in succeeding to spearte self from biases to do attach stereotypes to people to wrongly understand other people with stereotypes. but else than that, we already know that: that the editor is strongly biased to wrongly udnerstand, else than that: what is this attack behavior? does it have roots in some dominance mechanistics? where does this attack behavior of this journalist with libel against me roots from i wonder? what kind of desire/drive creates this martial behavior of attacking someone with doign libel to her. a temporal increase in tertesterone hormone and being prone to martial side? is it this reason for attacking someone with doing libel to her? or what else is the root of this war behacvior of trying to attack people behavior? with even resorting to libel? ok i wish psychoanalysis text helps me understanding this. but after bitcoin project. to udnerstand the clashing status of collective biases bound people that are bound to wrongly understand people through blindsight of biases. this collective membership of weak indivisuality but strong collective mind with being prone to biases, does it create lesser freedom to self that creates more conflicts in drive/desires/ego/superego topics that such epople become more prone to attack others through direct steroetyping behavior with biases with understanding wrongly since biased against? i am right now trying to demystify this libel case applied against me with trying to do analysis. on what animates a person to do prepare a libel to me. what. how i try to analyze right now. possible suspects of in root cause of libel doing behavior: maybe some temproarl testesterone increase? some kidney glands or some glands issue temporaly? or: being a very member of collectionist mindsets and being blindsighted by biases of collective mindsets and since that includes lesser personal freedoms or more boring life in the sense it creates more itnernal conflicts and such subconscious conflicts inside being reflected as anger to people whom dont look like the others? some increased inner conflicts of clashes of ego/superego/drives/desires and the increase of the clashes inside with reflecting them as attacking other people outside with attacking them wiht doing libel to them? i think the editor has a too much inner conflicts problem most possibly. i dont thinkits any testesterone increase like stuff ubt kind of some clashes inside problem (i mean in between ego/superego/drvivce/desires) and this insurmountable load of clashes requires attacking others and even with resorting to libel. to get the load of clash inside with such indirect way? i think this is what most possibly is happening in this specific libel situation that i observed happent to me.  edityor you have too much  fight instinct to attack people with libel like this. either go release your inner tension someway but please dont do libel to people(i meant me) cause its insincere. solve your own problems before attacking other irrelvnt people with libel with having biases to them with understanding wrongly completely wrongly. you like both low iqqued and both insincere people make it very rude to attack slander others with ytours neverending attack cycles due to your internal clashes. and that is like this. nothing to do about it. have fun in your wrong understandings or your low iqqued wrong understandings or libel attempts to people. noone cares what you write. at least i dont care. people of some iq level dont take on this lies like stuff you write. to believe in libels requieres to be dumb. only dumbs would believe to your libel against me. so do your libel attacks, and slanders, have fun in yours low iqqued world of dishonesty. have quite alot fun in doing severe dishonesty to people like libels or slanders.only dumb peoiple would take on that shit. not intellgnt ones. 

you are an exact example of human rihgts abuser. for to libel slander a person with trying to attach things she never did ever.  have fun in being a dumb human rights abuser whoma ttacks people with libel/slanders. have alot fun in being dumb and rude and low iqqued lies that only very low iqqued people would believe.

is it ok to slander people like this? what if we start to talk real probl;ems here but not slanders. like iq problems of people whom slanders other people instedaqd of lies like slanders? 

i think we miss the points here. of for in figuring out real problems introspection. i think these are all shit of low iqqued people. both slanders and both trying to put people innocent people as criminal roles and the shamelessness of doing such human rights violation in tandem to that. this shamelessness of this editor, i want to raise awareness to.  

funnily being ethical is also correlated to iq level. so its expected to expect dishonestly from low iqqued performers of journalism. luckily most journalists are not like that any. but we have people like these, whom do theses type of stuff of libel and slander with trying to do human rights violation of trying to put a person in a criminal role whilst she is not any, whislt she confronted 5 years of stalk slanders, now this dumb journalists does libel crime to me like this. 

my persponal opinion,  we should find a new world and leave all these dumb people behind so that they constantly libel slander eachother with lies.

but this is not easily possible. or maybe possible in my iq level. might be possible. lets really do this. not kidding. 


there is no enoguh makinf fun of low iqqued peoplke when they libel slander others. and let this be another example of this. 

 and these type of low iqqued people makes one to init the other human rights abuse i confronted (of being stalked slandered for 5 years) eagerly eaerlier. since this made me remember how it feels horrible to confront slanders you never did. since this dumbo editor tried to libel me, it reminded me hte feeling of how horrible being slandered means and made me more eager to init the amnesty org application earliest. 

but i might else find a human rights lawyer to make the stalkers slanderers go to jail instead of amnesty like indirect maybe longer time taking ways.i think human rights lawyer would be faster so i intend to follow the lawyer case.

secondly, I wish support of some European lawyer group. i wish Europeans observed seen what kind of horrible human rights abuse (of stalk slander) i confronted. i am pretty sure they might have observed during hapening. so i being a fellow person, i wish this contitents support for my fight against dishonests that slandered me stalked me. with calling me bitch else. with woman rights abuse. with human rights abuse. and you see also some editors attack me whilst i confronted human rights abuse in my life, the editor tries to do libel to me with trying to correlate me with criminal woman. now you see how horrible these people doing these stuff of libel slanders are. pleases help me in my fight against dishonesty. think that this happent to you. think that and please help me. think that you got stalked slandered for 5 years by either religious or non religious psychos whom dedicatedly tried to destroy with slandering. thinkthyat this happent to you. and please help me fight against the dishonesty this dishonesty that happent to me. as i know you are of people whom protect human rights and protect people from human rights abuses. please help me fighting against people whom tried to abuse my human rights with doing psychic demolition to me.

my help is not monetary help nor lawyer support request. i just need to feel yours presence, that beside dishonest people there exists riighteoius people. that follows believes acts honest and doesnt try to steal people's innocence with putting them criminal roles. 

i dont want anything else. i just want you to see this horrible dishonesty and i wish you also observed that horrible stalk slandering stuff of chr. a. i confronted. if this happent yo your sister your children how would you feel. so please dont leaqve me alone beside this horrible stuff of chr. a. that happent to me. please dont leave me alone against these horrible people whom do human right abuses. please dont leave me alone. 


i would create the capital to create human rights abuse sue investigation. from bitcoin from single pc since its possible to do so. i dont need capital type of help. i all need is some type of knowledge of existnce that human rights are protected. from abuse. from stalk/slanders.  from tryoing to steal people's innocence with trying to attach criminal roles as this libel doer did for instance. i just need to see your watch. i mean like watchers of human rights. i wish you watch all. and protect human rights above all against indecent people's dishonest acts of trying to steal innocence of people. with sometimes libel in this case. sometimes slander(this one happent to me 5 years). so i need your help of watching all these. i dont need any capital help. i need residence help. that i currently have. i would create the human rights abuse sue with capital i would create soon. for capital side i dont need help. i just need yours existence to watch and see these. of chr. a. topic. i wish you also observed chr. a. topic i confronted somehow? that has been applied to me for 5 years. you had confronted same chr. a p.d. shit 20 years ago 30 years ago as i read,  please protect me from it. from p.d. shit. for protection wise; i just need you to watch. i mean topics i noted. like this. or i dont know. i just wish you see all and understand how horrible its to confront human rights abuses like slanders and thats all i want, understanding of how horrible is. 

i would myself my agenda is: as mentioned i wish to find human rights abuse lawyers. i wont sue this single libel case. but unrelated to this: i would start investigation of 5 years of stalk slander case. but after bitcoin project being able to create 600k. i would create a huge sue and huge investigation and a huge law case and i wont stop until perpetiuators are gone to jail for doing something horrile of slandering a person for 5 years to destroy or in other words: p.d. or chr. a. 

i am an engineer woman. all life studied hard. created lived life all my effort after starting worklife before mom and dad supported me. in these years might be working slow due to i dont know adhd or else. 

i were thinking of going to Argentina but seeing the horribleness i confront of peoples various horrible acts like hatred acts like libel, i started to think Europe's is better to stay in cause is much more independnt continent than other else ocntinents of world. 

until this night i were planning to go to Argentina, but seeing the  libel, i decided to stay in Europe if possible. since this continent is the most independent continent of world  along wiht aohter continents. Argentina is a very lovely place surely. but i dont know about more but i heard Europe alot about. so feels safer against. even if Argentina might be also same level safe. but somehow Euyrope feels more independent continent in world with respect to all other places in world so which makes it feel safer in this case where i have people allegedly constantly doing hatred crimes against me like libel case i observed in this one, or unrelated to that 5 years of stalk slander situation. I think Europe is safest place for me. and Argentina is surely very authentic and interesting. but i think i would feel safest in Europe thinking this gross extent of hatred crime acts i observe including libel like this. 

my agenda: as told i would cfreate 600k from bitcoin. then would init a very huge law investigation to 5 years of stalk slander i confronted. that they tried to steal my life from me woith slandering me neverendingly for 5 years. i am more than 3 years agoraphobic due to this. 


i think maybe i should also sue this editor whoma ttended libel against me indirectly. i think i should.  i would. but noit witha  huge law sue but just for to revert the libel.

ok 2 law sue investigations as i inspect in near time. one is this new libel i observed. second is the huge law case, whcih would be the sta;lk slander case. whihch happent for 5 years. ok. 



some people tried to kill my life with slandering me. and if thats not enough, this editor tries to correlate me to criminals like that. both would be sued . but latter would be just libel case. but first sue would be targeting to send the perpetuators to go behind jail. for trying to kill steal a person's life from her with slandering. murder with chr. a. it is. i been agoraphobic 3 years or more due to that.


please protect me from human right abusers whom tried to murder my life with slandering me (chr. a). 

maybe i should today go to amnestyorg to tell all these including this libel article. maybe i shouldnt wait even 1 day more.



you know do you remember some person in Europe were slandered and killed as we heard. i confronted a similar version of it but they ddnt killed me physically but they tried to murder my life with slandering me neverendingly for 5 years. tjhey slandered me with things i never did and tried to constantly kill my life with slandering me.this is so unacceptible.

. plus those i dont even know whom they are but i got stalked slandered neverendingly for 5 years. so please help me protect my human rights. they i dont even know whom they are, constantly stalked and slandered me with goal of eradication of my entire repiutation whilst i lived my life won my life with coding engineering all my life or either with mom and dad's support sometimes. 

i dont know if stalker slanderers religiopns or they might be atheists also or from a religion as well i dont any know who m they are. its not any religion topic either. its just some barbarians to human rights tries to steal human rights living rights of a person with slandering. and this happening for 5 years. so please dont leave me alone. please see watch and know truth and right always. please dont slander without any evidence and dont get on to acts like slandering people with lies.  i know you wont either. because truth is something importyant and noone could steal anyone's innocence in world especially here. in Europe i think.

seeing how much enemies i have that even an edtor tries to do libel to me even e decide to stay in Europe since its the most independent continent i think in world. wtr to other countries places. Argentina is very lovely like being near to Chile Patagonia. but i dont know if is as independent place like Europe. it might be but i dont know there yet any. 

so better stay in place i know that its independent and not prone to do libel to people like an editor how could an editor accept doing a libel to a person i dont understand. its destroying trustworthiness of :S

ok i think insteadf of amnesty formalities, i would get lawyer support of finding human rights abuse lawyers to define my stalk slander topic that happent for more than 5 years. 

but all after bitcoin project creates 600k then i would start searching human rights lawyers. but it feels unnice even if did libel to me, to sue a journalist even if did libel to me, cause its if i create 600k it would be then i would be monetarily strong to be able to have hire lawyer and it feels wrong to sue a jhournalist even if did libel. even if i were rich i wont sue any jpournalist i think upon confronting libel even.


as my upset reaction passed i now decide i wont sue the journalist for libel.  cause journalists create income from journalism only. me i can create 600k from bitcoin. so i feel more advantaged person and even if did libel to me, i would not sue. since it feels like incorrect to sue a journalist even if did libel as my upsetness passed to the libel i observed. cause journalists live their life wiht journalism stuff etc but i have lots of alternatives like bitcoin project or wind turbine or else. and journalist could make an err but i wont sue. even if its libel.



i am sorry reflecting trauma words for overwhelming words since because i felt the trauma i felt as i felt whilst being stalked slandered for 5 years so ij replied with trauma words and like saying things lkike low iqqued which is rude to say to people. but libel is very upsetting and i said such rude words due to being severely upset because of libel against me by the editor. 


i checking i think Europe is safest for me. cause i dont know if other places are independent like this and after confronting libel from an editor, i started to think i really have haters and in thatr sense Europe feels safer to me. cause i dont know if Argentina is as independent as Europe. 


if i hadnt had haters like an editor whom does libel to me, i would definitely wondered about Argentina, but now upon seeing this, i decided Europe is safest and i should not go anywhere else. cause here this continent is most independent region of around. since its a huge regional community has huge independence power.  so its safest to me. feels safer here. i definitely cancelled Argentina plans. even if Argentina might be also the same level independent as Europe, since Europe consists of many countries all unders same topic it feels the most independent place and safest place to me due to its independence.


ok agendas: ok finding a humanr ights abuse lawyer after creating 600k. so that i init the investigation and the fight against the stalk slander or pd. or chr. a that i confronted for 5 years. which stolen life years' peace from me dishonestly tjhey tried to murder my life with slandering me, nothing else. so this would be definitely sued since i confronted a murder, the stalker slanderer tried to kill my life with slandering me. this topic i would as i am guher, definitely would sue and would try to send the murderer goto jail for trying to murder people's lives with slandering. chr. a. is no diffnrt than murder i think. its from people i dont even know whom they are, but they tried to murder my life with slandering me for 5 years. and its unrelated to editor/libel topic.


but the editor that did libel, i wont sue since is a journalist. ok journalists could make errors like libel sometimes. so i wont sue that. in this i know whom does libel slander to me but in this i wont sue since is a journalist. but in chr. a. with slandered situation i dont even know whom did that to me. but i guess investigators would get to know them as they investigate.  so wanted to state editor's libel and me beingtried to be murdered with chr. a. are completely unrelated separate topics.


but for  murder topic(my silly life were tried to be murdered) i confronted that my life silly life were tried to be murdered taken stealen from me with slandering me, i would definitely sue. as i create my capital from  bitcoin project. amnesty path might include lots of formalities. better find a human rights abuses lawyer and init from that path.  this is unrelated to internet. when this trying to murder my life with slandering me started, internet even ddnt knew my existence. so this libel i saw done to me and this murder topic of chr. a. to me are defiomntly irrelvcnt topics.  not on same basket. 

ok lets see i received  ajob appli8cation at a wind turbine company in Siemens maybe i should apply to there. even if current company is awesome.

ok i stop thinkign of leaving Europe seeing i have haters which even resorted to libel. 

so being in a regional place whhere multitlde of countries has setup a regional order whcih means they are very independent that they have independence is very important. i dont know if other countries could be independent like a regional group. so it feels safer here since is independent place. Argentina could be also safe alot surely. but it feels safer to be in a place of multitude of countries grouping. since i am not in normal situation safety matters most to me. that i confronted chr. a. /pd stuff. Argeointina muyst be also very safe. but its one country. Europe is many countries which means more independence in world which means more safety to me whilst i confronted chr. a. 

i am just a silly expat here. not of important person. i am like millions whom immigrate from a place to another. not having special position or location or any importance., i woudnt be important nor special also in Argentina. its just we are immigraitng or expats are millions of people with living other places then they were living before. 


hyayyhy i have awesome wind turbine ideas. i would definitely apply to Europe's Siemens company and tryt my chances to find sicj job. i think Argentina's jobs must be also awesome. and Argentina looks also awesome. and companies there also looks really awesome it looks very very intriguing authentic place. but since i have a speical condition of having confronted chr. a. here a group of countries feels safer than being in a single country right now. but i definitely if wernt unders such condition i would surely wanting to go to there also either. 


ok whislt being slandered why would i ever do slander acts whils tbeing intellngt to learn qm topics i wonder. and i would surely apply to that company of building innovative green energhy products, some subsidiary of Soiemens  and an innnovation lab. 



and meanwhile also would create capital from bitcoin project for humanrights abuses lawyers findng act since i would sue my human rights abuse confrontation. of having tried to murder my life with slandering me. of the people whomd id that. i dont know whom they are. but would consult lawyer to start investigartion.

ok if you are not slandered you can live everywhere. but if you are slandered conforing some abyse oif human rihgts with slandering, i think Europe is among safest. 

seeing the libel incident made me realize seeing authentic places is not the most important dimension of my life currently but just fdinging a safe place away from human rihgt abuse of slander is most important. in that case Europe feels saafest among wtr to all other world places since its n many countries and has more independence wtr to all places. 

in case if  my chr. a. were done not by individuals but by higher groups like a  nonreligious sect or r eligious sect or else or by some bigger organizations if it were done by such not by individuals, then i think its safest here. 

ok its best to priotize safety wtr to seeing wondering authentic places like Argentina in such life ocndition of having confronted chr. a. for 5 years. but soon i would solve this through out finding human right abuse lawyers to init investigation and alike to stop the lies/being slandered.

and i decided i would never go away from Europe as long as i could stay here seeing how much human rights are in which level existing in world. it might be also great in Argentina reason i cancelted Argentina is because Argentina is single country but Eurpe is a group of countries so feels more powerful to protect people of. i guess Argentina is also very awesome. if i had normal life i would definitely go live there. but now i need a powerful place that protects it citizens like Europe with n many countries grouping .  normally i dont like groups collectivisim like topics conceptually,  but only groups like like groups with strong human rihgts this grouping i like since means independencce in world scene. wiht a strong baseline of h.r. topics. whjich is awesome i think to create a strong baseline in h.r. topics.

ok having confronted terrible things last 5 years, i think i am in correct place actually to start having it be investigated. ok. cause human rights protection like not slandering a person unless with any valid logical evidence dont happen here. in my slander there is no any logical evidence because its a dishonest lie of some psuychos i dont know whom they are that tried to murder my life with slandering me. there is just slander effort in my situation but none of evidence because its a bullshit lie. in my slandered case the stuff is like this. just slander.  what they tried to do i dont ebven know whom they are, but they tried to murder my life with slandering me.


anyway thing that happent to me wer eno differnt than murdered (chr. a. is not any differnt than being murdered,in chr.a.  they try to eradicate eht existence soul of the person with slandering as happent to me) so i would definitely find a human rights abuse lawyer and investigate athis murder attempt that happent to me for 5 years.

whilst they slandered me impossible lies to murder my life with chr. a, what i plan to do: i plan to init human rihgts abuse investigation stuff e.g. with telling all of 5 years stalk slander. second i would build products of qm and other here since i saw slanderers couldnt touch people's life in here. i mean people tried their best to murder my life with slandering me very did a huge efgfort in there, but somehow here life feels safer wtr to any other country. i definitely cancelled out moving to other places plans.

i wish to build awesome science products here. of qm topic. in Europe.

other countries i dont know how they are yet. but at least i know here. that it is a huge place and has strong human rights protection mechanisms. other places might be also like that. but at least i am here and i feel somehow safest wtr to any other country of world. i dont know why i feel like that.

as i refelt trauma, i instantly cancelled wanting to go to other countries mood since i think safety matters to me most in my life and here in Europe i feel the safest. Since its a group of countries but not singular and so has strong independence in world scene which makes it safest.

ok i wish to fight against the slander topic i confront with consulting in recent months human rights lawyers sdecondly i wish to buiuld awesome wind energy proiducts here if i couold get the siemens companys' job. 

i were confused on what to do so i cancelled replying wiht my head confused. i were confused on whether to go to Argentina or applying to Frankfurt or Siemens job i dont know which city. but then i decided i think Europe is the safest place to me. and soon i would solve the stalk slander issue with consulting human rihgts lawyers to tell about every stalk slander incident that happernt 5 years.

hey i am kind fo btoh genius and non genius. i pretty sure would creature measure products to build awesome qm productsin Europe. i definitely liked alot receiving a green energy companyn job listing. of specifically wind designs etc. and also Frankfurt job looks also interesting. anyway. curernt work plqce is also cool its a fashion company which is cool.



ok slanderer editor, haqv efun with doing  libel againmst innocent people like that. only stupids would believe to yours libel. 

i know your problem. you know what it is? 

you like people hate talented people and would do even resort to libel to see their fall. this is nothing else. 

why the heck you try to slander me like that in your corner?  i really wonder why you hate me like this?this so illogical that it turns out funny. 

i sometimes heard one most sociopathic occippations list. and from list journalism also popped up. you use your creativity to do sociopathic very creative accusations to other people sometimes i want to raise awareness to this. 

which promise i given that i hadnt kept to people? secondly i saw later that topic of hiding a murder topic. ok yours sociopathy in play. whilst i were murdered in real life with being slandered you try to create an unreal murder and put blame on people with sociopathy. tryong to slander people. this is so insane. you people are like insane i think. you close your self to realities and instead get lost in your own created reality versions where you like to assign roles that you deicde to people which doesnt actually suit to those people. but being wrong doesnt matter. all matters is creation of an interesting story right? i mean having had done libel to a person means of no importance to you people? what kind of generation talk is that. i guess my generation is much better than yours cause we dont slander people. even if i saidbad words to y generation, we are at least a honest generation, we dont slander or libel people unlike various previous gens or i dont know about new generations. but visibly yours generations has problems with honesty.  and has no issues with doing libels or slanders to others. you feel no obligation to be bound to truth visibly. all matters is creation of an interesting article that looks interesting which silently tries to libel people subconsciouysly there. its just so insane. our generations dont do murders nor hide murders if happens. i think such sicknesses might belong to previous generations. or if from ours gen, must be from disturbed members.. but honestly this is a very creative way of slandering another person with putting a murder story there as if someone murdered someone. as told, i think its no coincidence that most sociopathic occuopations lists includes journalists. i guess due to this. not all journalists are sociopathic. but ones that are looks as are. since you have no issues wiht being boiund to truth visibly. having dirtied anohther person with libel or slander in your mindscape means nothing (as if like a sociopath feeling no emphathy to other peoiple and lacking having emphaty).  its no coincidence that list included journalism occupation. other occupations just check internet. to check that list.

ok soon i would open my either amnesty or human rihgts lawyers case and i dont know if i should include these libel cases inside or not. i am not any sure.  ssince your sociopathic articles are unrelated to the stalk slander case. i dont know if i should sue journalist for having done libel against me. i think i wont. cause i decide to nihiliate. i mean not caring.

but you know the stalk slander i confronted included mafia like words. so i think you might be linked to racist or some peole whom is behuiind my bhuman rights violation of being stalked slandered for more than 5 years. ok i would store this article. since human rights lawyers would also reach out you to get to know if you have any connection to my human rights abusers.


what makes people think they can steal innocence of a person with slandering? and whgrt makes a journalist think she or he could help human rihgt abusers with trying toi add more slanders to the person as perfect fit to the end ogal of the sociopathic slanderer. yours article to be included in the human rights abuse case i would open.  to check to investigate if you had any connection to the actual crime doers whom perpetuated 5 years torture of slandering a person like if is a mafia/

to you people torture to oithers means nothi9ng ritght? cause you feel no empathy to others? or you are in connection to those torutreuers and are deceit by? 

to you people torture means nothing?

to you people does slandering a person with things she never did means nothing? 

to you these means nothing? 

i have no other queries on why i saw journalism on top n jobs where sociopaths can also happen from.  

wishing all more being deceived and writing such aritcles. either you are deceived to do this. this couold be also happening. but if you like people are easy to deceive to slanders to believe to slanders: here Europe is not.  you could only deceive yours surroundings but not here.

but i am in a place unlike your slandering environments, i am in a place where innocence is not dirtied without evidence. and i would init the law sues and i expect European lawyers to help me to make go to jail the people whom tortured me with slandering me with things i never did in my life. 


i wont sue the journalist whom i saw tried to libel me. cause i think some of journalists might be either deceived or make errors sometimes.


but the actual crime perpetuators of people whom stalked slandered me, i wont stopped until i see them going to jail for trying to steal an innocence of a person with slandering her. 


and happily i am in a place where human rights are strongly protected against stuff like trying to dirty people's reputation with slandering with no kinf of evidence to slanders even.  and there is no motivation of the person to attend that slander activity. she is an engineer thats creating her life from coding hardwork of coding for many years. then she finds hersefl 5 years stalked slandered constantly.the stalkers slanderers first started to stalk slander me with man names i thought those man name is stalking me. then i shouted psycho stop stalking me cause were stalking me everywhere. then they tried to make me mentally ill with a stasi like scheme. where they stalked slandered me using guys i dated names.  i would think the guy i dated before is stalking me and turned oty a psycho. because they would say sentences like: "**** sleep!" i would think the guy name there is stalking me and is a psycho. seems as they seemed me as a possible bitch or alike. and were shouting sleep to me. they did this endlessly but i were unaweare i were shouted i were shouted sleep word. because these sociopaths never used my name in stalking me. first 1.5 years of stalk slander passed with me not even understanding whats happening. all i confronted were shoutings like disturbance like "poor! very poor! *** hunt!".  or "**** sleep!" 

"***** get horny!" and weirdly they used a security guys name in that. which made me thought of its a political scheme as i mentioned. they used names of guys i dated. some woman relative's name. some womans name like hande. i thought i had such stalkers. they tried to turn me mentally ill. it were happening from other building. but now i dont know if those people lived by then lives there yet since mom said everyone changed place in surrounding so and i dont think its possible to reach out unless a police investigation is started in that human rights violation investigation this people i think would be able to reach out.  

they would do things like passing beside where i sit saying "serdar! sleep!".  i would thin k i have a serdar named stalker. it took me 1.5 years to understand these peoplke shout me serdar and shout sleep to me. then the moment i understand that i became agoraphobic. 

one suspect i suspected behind this is: some guy. because i were studying numpy for my startup priojects machine learning task in a nero cafe named place one day.  a woman talked in phone using a guys name and then using another mans name. i dont know if  that guy is behind this. i would tell all these parts of topics to human rights violation lawyers.


they would lthat year stalk me with name of the security guys (some security department officiail whom prev. offered security job) and his 2 names. for a while i suspected he is stalking turned out they depict me as a bitch with his names. and they endlessly did this topic of: 

stalking me in cafes. slandering me also which i am not aware. in first 1.5 years i wouldnt care because i wernt understand serdar is said to me. or other words. i would drink my coffee and uncare. for instance they would stalk me with my relative's name i would think either its something related to such named person but wouldnt take on nor care in outside. but i would be very disturbed also and entered trauma due to: those times i had an uglier nose, and these people started shouting ork to me since  i am ugly i guess. then stuff like these would happen:

for instance in a cafe; i study world economy report sheets on startup's fleet system idea or shipment ideas. then would go outside. then some people would shout. "ork!" "o hande". i would think i have a hande named stalker. 

then they would shout ork to me and i would think its because sof my nose. but i would shout psycho stop stqalking me. then they would constantly neverendingly stalked me whilst i lived in istanbul that year. and also from other building serdar sleep shoutings or *** or ***** named guys(security sector guy) shoutings would happen and i would think i have stalkers with such names and i woudl shout back psycho stop stalking me. cause the stalk would happen everywhere. and including from home's next building. 

i remember a guy constantly going to outside in 3am in summer that year and he would say sentences like "**** is ex". **** is a guy i were fan of. i would think the guy in outside is trying to lie like if  "****" is my ex lover or alike, also words from next building using ***** would come saying such narratives. then i would shout back "i am fan of ****" he is not my ex. psycho stop stalking me. but psycho stop stalking me amplified the stalk slander in outside everywhere. they would constantly shout ork in cafes to me. and it hurted alot. but i were even unaware of the other part of the stalk in by then that they are slandering. like  serdar sleep sentences. they wer esaying sentences like "serdar get over".  i think they meant get over and become a bitch like meaning in that since i later understood there is no serdar but shouting serdar sleep to me the psycho. something worse than stasi happent to me. they stalked slandered me evry cafe. with saying worst curses. and asking ugly request in stalk slander incidents like sleep. but first 1.5 years i were unaware. i guess since i go to parties or alike or a loud neighbour i am i might been targeted. or maybe its just a psycho doing these. or its political. they never endingly stalked and slandered with sleep shoutings. then they started to when i moved to ankara, they in stalk slander incidents they started to shout sell. i would never reply. nor care. then when i understood serdar is said to me i entered agoraphobia and didnt go outside alot. 

i perosnally partied alot but i hadnt had any active sex life alot. i had 7 or 8 at most sex in my life but its just usual random one time sex with strangers maybe its 6 i dont know. i think i either had 6 or 7 or 8 sex topics in my lfie. then i think since i disgusted fromt hat i been asexual for a while. but i think whilst these people shouted me as bitch, i guess i am one person who had least sex in life i guess. i mean these peole did heavy slanders to me whislt they couldnt reach their agendas on me. they tried so hard to make me mentally ill with stalk slander everywhere. they tried so  hard on the bitch narrative either. but first 1.5 years of stalk slander incidents i were unaware since they thse sociopaths never used my name in stalking me.

but then since they did this to  aperson it wernt enough, they stalked slandered me also in anknara,  there in ankara i figured out whats happning that some people are stalking slsandering me but they are saying very creepy sentences.  since they never used my name in stalk slander incidents i wouldnt understand the slander sentences. they dont talk nor touch the stalk slander victim. all they do is sitting in beside desk and doing the stalk slander. its a defamation goal holding actset. cause i mean, there is no win of making me bitch or else. there is no wins by their side. but they consistently exectued this constant stalk slandering and sleep shoutings. which i then decided to be agoraphobic is safer life. and even if they couldnt reach their goals, they neverendingly tried and tried again but with heavy slanders. 

they would shout for instance in year i came to ankare, in stalk slander incidents they would shout sentence like "sell!" "fukara!" then in ankara the slandering part amplified. they did various acts like they ridiculed the person slandered with slandering in cafe. somehow they seemed to have access to my gps location always. they would come to cafes and would laughout with shouting sentences that would be shouted to bitch occupations. but this always happent everytime i everysingle time i went outside. somehow these people seemed to have gps location.

i remember one incident, they shouting "*** hunt!" *** is the security guys name. i thought ok there are some psycho people. 

then as i came here. for instance i went outside some people would stalk slander me and saying sentences like "she is hunting for us". oslandeinr g me putting to mafia roles. or alike. 

or like you go otuside. some one shouts ork! and slander words putting you the slander role.

think that this torture happens to you.

i wish help of either amnesty or european lawyers to have these people whom perpetuated confront jail. 

cause i i never been anyn bitch in my life. nor did anytgihng like that. but their goal were like first both with slandering a constant such ugly requests shoutings happent. then very ugly forms of  slandering. they would come to street of my workplace here shouting lies of slandering me. or here i once went to a cafe, a person shouted the slander word with anger. they tried to turn me to a bitch with the security guys name and others names i understand but even if they couldnt (since an engineer has no goals in life like that, nor our daily topics doesnt include such career goals, one must be severely disturbed to be ok with doing such stuff in life whilst having a career , if i ddnt had any career, then still my family would take care of me, i would still not be any bitch or do any ugly stuff. i just want to state this is so illogical, the slander i were slandered wth) 

this mafia slandering started with the time i were contacting the security guy. and i remember that 'aga; word be shouted in street. i would think an aga named person is stalking me. it would constantly happen in cafes etc. constant stalk slander. then all wharts happening of all stalk slander i understood 2 years or 1.5 years later than this. i think this might be just political with people spreading lies about me asif i were a spy.

cause i were told once you enter you cant resign from security places. then i said this sentence thinking its cool to some friends since its not anything about being spies its a security insttnte not about spies etc. then i remember in one incident: one guy sitting behind me in buy saying "***(security guys name) you cant get out once you enter". 

first of all i never entered anything in my life. but it looks to me as people i told this spread this knowledge wrongly with turnoing the stuff which made me got labelled as spy suspect or else like thing that i confronted chr. a. or else i dont know who these stasi like people in istanbul had knownguys i dated names. they used all guys names i dated in stalk slandeirn gincidents. like sitting in a desk in some not far desk. and saying sentence like "guy i dated before name, sleep" i would for a long while think that guy is stalking me. but in first year mainly security names guy were used in stalk disturbing incidents. like from other building shoutings using that fguys names. i would think i have such stalker. along with my serdar. and hande and sedat and oguz like people i would think stalking me and also a woman with some name of my relatives. etc. 

they used even the names of the guy i thought noone other than me knows i dated or only close friends knew. like mesut. i mean it were quite differnet in the sense they have had access to such perosnal knowledge stuff as if someone provides my life details and hires these people to destroy my life with stalk slandering. i dont any know. 


They also used Russian names like Boris and Olga/Tania. i think they also called russian names to me whilst i am not Russian. but by then i would think a Boris is stalking me among those epople.


they would try to make mentally ill with stalk slander neverendingly from next building. like as if happent in stasi. not next building but also outside life. ev iery fcafe every time you go out. it looked as to me a total effort to either turn me to a bitch or alike, or to make me mentally ill to put me to mental hospital. their end goals were visibly like that.

for instance once in ankara we with work colleagues went to noon dinner, then saome people came there and sat beside desk and said narratives like "somewoman_name is bitch".


or once when i were getting visa to germany, i had to wait some time in bus station in a cafe, then some guy came to other desk beside and again with same woman name and bitch narrative and then saying sentences like " i got out of the plane for serra" like sentences i dont know what they mean. then i opent phone and talked mom and said i am an engineer etc like stuff then they went away.

i once when momy and daddy broguht me their second car, i once went to 2 hours distant place. and they came and sit in front desk. again with same woman name. stalk slander. and i opent phone and talked mom and dad and that i am an engineer, then they said sentences like we cant mess wth this person. from theirs such sentnece, i understand its a scheme to mess with me and from action items of the scheme, i think end goals were like: either turning me to a bitch or alike, or making me mentally ill.

i dont forget any of stalk slander incident. i could in detail report every one of them to any interested European lawyer to listen about this severe human rights abuse of trying to forcefully steal a persons innocence with slandering and trying to make her a bitch with shouting sleep (which made me agoraphobic) and whilst not being able to reach goals, they neverendingly gave up theirs goals of slandering along wiht that. 

i think i confronted one horrific huamn rights abuse example in life. from my 33 to 38 age. i think what i confronted were worse than what stasi did. 



and coming to journalist whom tries to take this slandering story i confronted and create unreal stories on that, hey wake up, whilst you create unreal stories, people confront human rights abuses like this, wake up from pseudo world of creational stories. in real world severe human rights abuses happens to people like happent to me.  

i would not stop iuntil i see people whom did this to me confront consequences of tortureing a person with slandering and bitch narratives. and slandering very ugly ways. and constant stalk slander harrasment awhile. 


i dont know where to ask help first. i think i would find a human rights lawyer to sue. to get to investigate to learn whom they are. i ddnt looked to people in stalk slander incidents in other desks, most but 3 times i looked and i remember how 3 people i saw. one guy one other guy. in street stalk slander incidents. a

this happens like this: alike: 

i dont know if i went to Wilmerdorf or anyplace i dont remember. then returning or going i saw that there is a consistent person whom stalk slanders and slanders mei in that. 

constant neverending stalk slander happent. 

and i would be happy to tell all of these to any human rights lawyer from any country thats interested to listen about. 

they depicted me as a bitch with the security guys name. 

theytried to kill my life with narratives of bitch and alike and slandering. 

they tried to murder my life with slandering me.

i need a human rights lawyer stuff assistanc elater as i build my first 600k from bitcoin, or alike 

i dont think its done by Turkey. but i dont know whomt hese people are. moight be as well hired by a hater of our family?  i dont know how but they seemed to have stasi like operational capability set. these people group that stalks  slanders. 

its not either from Germany either not any possible such topic either. not any relevnce to Germany or Europe named places.

this all started in istanbul 5 years ago. and happens for 5 years. or even passed more than 5 years.

Europe feels safe since is a group of countries and i would open the law case soon. to people i dont even know whom they are. i would tell all this and ask consultation on how to make them confront consequences for trying to murder a person's life with slandering /stalk like this.  i thin k this stuff is no differnt than murder crime. i think perpetuators tried to murder my life in this. i mean no less painful than being murdered chr.a topic is. and stalk slander is.

this is unrelated to journalists either. jjournalists libel case i newly observed. but thats unimportant to me. cause journalists sometimes could err i guess. or think wrong. but doenst matter to me.

what matters to me is solving this 5 years of human rights violation i confronted. i think if i hadnt lacked sleep and felt headache due to it due to not sleeping due to libel, i would might had gone to amnesty office today. cause this thing i confronted wernt any easy to confront. i confront one of very severe torture of stalk slander incidents.

and i understand when it old a part of this that police thinking me mignht be inssane, cause if anyone told me such story i would also find it unbelivebale. but human rights abuses are real and happens. even if they look as crazy stories when told about. so i get police's point in not believing that these type of stuff happen to people. cause i also find it very hard to even understand whats happening and i hadnt understood 1.5 years stalk slander incidents. these people that stalked slandeered looks as  maniaca. that stalked slandered me. they are dedicated to destreuction of a woman with bitch narrative. this is pure maniacness. if someone had told me such story i would also not believe. i get police's point when not believing when i told. Turkey is not like this. this story i think is either political that someone spread lies as if i were a spy me ending up being targeted by nationalists marginalizeds or its just maniacness of some people of wanting to make an engineer a bitch (of course they couldnt). this is pure maniacness. this stuff i confronted in last 5 years of life. constant stalk slandering and bitch narratives and slandered. this is just simple maniacness i think. i cant find any other words to describe.

Jehova witnesses, or other human rights watch groups, and beside i wish to find some institution to consult my human rights abuse by these maniacs in istanbul that decided to murder a woman's life with slandering her stalking her (which is me). and it happent  in other cities also.

my right to live a happy life has been taken away from me with thsi chr. a. p.d. process i confronted for 5 years. i just wish to have the perpetuators confront punishment systems. stalkers slanderers tried to murder my life with slandering me and it were no different than pain of really being murdered i think.





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