
ok deleted this part since want to focus only one topic not scattered with other topics since i saw a very cool topic:D




 lets hide this part:D


wov. there says apply :D cool!:D


i would apply :D ok cool! :D

ok i learnt when some place opens :D ok i would be there at that hour. :D

this is cool:D

i would be there at opening hour:D or half past opening hour?:)

or i am not expected to go there but apply online to such places. i dont know what is meant :) 

lets try out:D but dont they expect nationality in applicants? :)

ok very interesting coincidences there:D

ok i would surely apply to :D

i guess its for analyst positions? but it says needs nationality:D i dont have nationality of there? 


there coincidences i saw :D of type very interesting:D this is very exciting:)

but could i apply whilst without being citizen?  i would be happy to be citizen of but i am not currently?:D

ok then lets apply to citizenship of? :) ok lets try :)

ok i would definitely apply to citizenship after these clues i saw there:)  

this is so cool! :)  ok i would apply even not yet being citizen of since says to do so:)

but it seems may i apply after i prove my skills? :)  i feel kind of having impostor syndrome beforehand? and kind of feeling blocked in applying whislt not having satisfying criterion of being citizen?  ok i would then apply to be a citizen of first also in tandem finish the product to feel lesser impostor syndrome before applying to :D

last time i had any chance to apply to any such place i also felt very much impostor syndrome. i think i should finish miner producrt first to feel lesser impostor syndrome in applying to such place:D otherwise i would feel severely impostor syndrome beforehand:)

this is the coolest topic i ever seen in my life:D

ok lets fastly build the product then i would apply. but without product i would feel very impostor syndrome beforehand:) 

i would be very happy to be analyst:) cause i really am a sponge to knowledge. i just need to enhance my writing skills that i could as i focus on that. 

it would be a dream job to work as an anlyst for me since i love learning alot. 

but all before, to feel less impostor syndrome, i would finish the miner product in advance to application to feel more confident in application:) otherwise i would feel like an impostor... i need to get over impostor syndrome when applying to such job.

but it would be a dream to work as an analsyt cause i love learning and being a sponge(knowledge sponge).  

cool! this is one coolest topic i ever read in my life:)


or i might be misunderstanding and it might not be for me? but better try the chance if its for me :) wov this is so cool :)


i would surely apply to since this is my dream career honestly,

i just need to get over this impostor syndrome with finishing the product. i feel as i need to prove my intelligence before applying to this job. otherwise i would feel having impostor syndrome.

cause for instance jobs expect 3.0 gpa but i dont have 3.0 gpa. ok i would first need to get over impostor syndrome wth making product ready before applying. or might apply before. but its 4:55am now and would have rest little bit now beforehand. 

ok i think i would first finish product to prove my skills. otherwises i would feel as impostor even if personally i dont feel as impostor, since i saw my capability in maths equations side of solving algorithms side in those science domains, but again always i always feel impostor syndrome in applications. so would make the product ready as a proof of skills.  since there i saw gpa requirement. hmm maybe my writing about one area, i could restudy international affairs (that i were sometimes reading about ) to write an article in there and also in a science topic i could select. ok. then before job application i think i should make ready such writings. ok. ok then in recent frame, i would both finish the product and both restudy international affairs topics plus select a science area. ok then lets make 2 articles ready. one in international affairs by resuming that interest of readings, secondly about qm's entanglement stuff. ok which international affairs area i should choose? i sometimes read middle east studies. but also could select other domains. from qm side, i could detail and resume my qm study and generate an article on entanglement's prospects. ok. i think preparing these would take some time cause i need to resume qm study that got left in middle. and also continue international affairs readings.  ok meanwhile also would complete the product. ok. 

then i continue application after these are ready. otherwise i would have impostor syndrome.  i would make these ready then apply to. ok. cool!

ok i found out international relations topics i want to write about. 

ok i feel severely impostor syndrome since people there are more intellgnt than me so i would make all these topics ready then would try my chance.  i am definitely feeling impostor syndrome.  its just when one applies to a job application to a place where people are more intellgnt than him/her it just happens to trigger impostor syndrome. so would surely in advance make my product ready, prepafre my articles beforehand and make them ready in application as a proof of my skills. cause i dont also have 3.0 gpa. and i were very adhd in university years i repeated courses alot:) ok then so as replacement to that, i would make those product be attached and plus would try to wrtie amazing 2 articles. one topic be from international relations, that i were reading about and would try to setup some modeling struct from knowledge i got to introduced from anthroplog and also from some echole of some philosophy topic. cause the anthropolog's suggested model looked quite sensible and would try to create a framework and an article for some international relations topic i read about some time, i like reading sometimes international relations topics. for science topic side, i am still unsure of the topic to write article for, for that side i could write some article on qm topics i guess for entanglement maths possible use cases alike investigation i would init in that, in my other free time i also try to create my maths my new measures for it, but for that article i would recheck the existing maths based frameworks there in detail, so this would might take some time to write. but not that long time but not very short either. ok these would be my preparations to the application then:) only after these i would feel lesser impostor syndrome in my application to there. also the miner product would be ready also but that be soon. First would make miner product work, second these 2 articles i would write which would be a very fun task cause i like articles and i like reading learning. ok so in that first international relations tasks, some sociology/analytical sociology studying readings would happen and also some specific such studies in such area. in qm study i got all i need, i recently had bought physical chemistry and quantum chemistry texts thats all needed in that to resume the qm study fastly and prepare such analysis article on such subtopic of qm area. ok. :) 

ok international relations readings were very fun i am happy i would reread:) ok i already selected topic there. i need to read lots of articles and saw there exists lots of articles already. but i would focus on just some part some minor part of that topic. entire topic is very wide area and not to be studied only through single article.i would tackle only a small part of the topic in that, through studying of anthropology texts and studying some sociology specific areas. ok.


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