a day i got up in normal hour today:D

(it were weird to get up at 3am, 5am last weeks. today 7:30am but rested more)


i really got out of trauma and also got over agoraphobia feeling :)

and i also spared some money to lawyer costs and i would consult some cost to the stalker situation that stalked me for many years(the psycho liked to say sexual harrassing sentences to me in street(like some sexual activitiy words saying "should some_sexual activity_stuff" when passing beside me), and also stalk saying other creepy sentences. and stqalks for more than 5 years and then this psychopath tried to harrass my life in various ways constantly. anyway i blogged everything of this already. ). ok. since i learnt stalk is not belonging to amnesty like places focus, then i decided lawyer firm.

 i would also report the topic i saw on sunday.  in my mailbox. and also a previous topic i saw in mailbox i would also report to the lawyer. about that fascist covert stuff. i would also handle that.and report.


it feels so amazing to get out of trauma:)

this time i really got out of trauma:)

and i am truly out of agoraphobia.


 i am so unhappy that my parents always suggested me to uncare the psycho. it resulted me always blogging about it and living in trauma awhile. it were so like stasi. due to the facts of: first it were im[possible to make my parents i have a psycho stalker, they thought i am ptsd due to a stalked incident and i am not stalked and thinking i am stalked. then when they understood i have a stalker, they said uncare dont care. i think when you stay silent/uncaring option to a stalker, it fgets more and more stalk.  stalkers never stop.  i uynderstood i look like a weak person most possibly tot he stalker and since never gets any reaction from stalk activity it never ends.  so now i would follow the law systems. i first investigated amnesty option then i understood now its not such area from thwt reply i received. so i follow now the lawyer consultations to thandle this fixated psycho that constantly tried to disturb my life. it first started with very sexually harrassing sentences also that name toppic i mentioned that sociopathy and constant repeated following stalk incidents where psycho uses sexual harrassing words in sentences saying some sentences in cafes (sentences like "the person(me) should some_sexual_activity_word")  or sentences like "some-sexual_activity_word!"(requesting such activity to the stalked person (me)) but it were impossible to get the context of due to the sociopath saying not my name in this but using guys i dated names or other names i mentioned. it took 1.5 years to understand the context of stalk incidents. before i thought i have a psycho type stalker stalking me later i understood my psycho stalker is very very very very psycho. anyway. i first now investigated amnesty option to understand stalker topics dont belong to amnesty focus area. ok. then i now folow the lawyer to report to there like i would had reported to amnesty. ok.

and i understood its not any logical to blog these  cause i have haters and they even tried to utilize my being stalked trauma to try to create online slander. they read my blog where i talk about my trauma and then they create an online slander from my trauma blog part.  

they do this methodolgy of: take sentence of me and put to a very sick wrong context and try to correlate my blog to that wrong incorrect context in people';s minds.  i observe this happening alot last months.  this covert trying to create slander method. this happent twice this month. i have evidence of. the exact method is: they take blog sentence and put to very wrong sick contexts. to try to create very wrong impressions about me. so this made me thought its not ok to blog about stalk trauma since i have haters in internet and they even tried to create slander to me from my trauma blog part.

the exact covert fascist slandering method happens as: exactly happens as:

they take extract a sentence from my blog. and then they use the sentence putting it in very wrong very  incorrect meanings to try to create a correlation with the context and me:S i mean tis very covert way of trying to online slander a person.  and this happens threoguht very fascist ways with utilizing huge coverage. exact happens of: there is this very covert slandering method to bloggers of:  a very covert way: they tookt he bloggers one sentence from the blog. and use it in a sick context/wrong context. to create the impression to create to falsely correlate the bloggers sentences to that context they try to create such wrong incorrect impresion fo the tblogger. this is so covert! so much covert! cause the readers unconsicously would correlate blogger and the context that this covert method using people's contexts  they try to create. its is so fascist and so sick. i would also report these to the lawyer. i have 2 such cases in my mailbox. this is so much covert! and its a very covert slandering effort. 

i see its very easy to slander a blogger. it happens with: haters take my one blog sentence. and put to very very wrong contexts. with trying to falsely correlate me to that very wrong context. and this repeatedly happent. i have 2 at least 2 evidence of this and i would also report this to the lawyer. please be aware to covert methods like this. this is very easy slandering method. and is very applicable to we bloggers i observed. very easy very cheap slandering method. 

i see that i have haters in internet and i saw this happent to me twice this month.  exactly happens as: taking sentence and putting to very wrong context. to try to make afalse correlation in people's minds. this is very very cheap way of slandering any person. and people whom did this did this trying to slander a bloggers blog method with very fascist ways with having a alot coverage when doing this. so i would also report these. and create a legal sue for this effort.

anyway i am out of trauma.


and i were very happy to see some coinciding words with awesome woman politicians:) it were a honor:) and very very very happy:)  infiniite amounts of cheer/respect/love stated again from this blog for that:)

whilst haters exist in internet that tries to create brand new slanders(i sawt his happent twice this month, i confronted 2 slanders with this methodlogy in intenret of taking my sentence method) to a blogger from her trauma parts of her blog with that method,  meanwhile awesome women politicians exist that protects us from t hose fascist with using our words in their own sentences:) this is very very very very happy:) to be protected as women from fascists and fascist covert slandering methods with protection of women:). this is so happy:)

i raise my feminism flag from here again to that:)

and it were so unhappy as i as a blogger confronted this covert slandering this fascist and covert slandering method applied to my blog, i were very unhappy to see it and i bhave evidene of it in my email box. then i saw we are not alone we women arent alone when we confront fascism/fascist covert slandering methods. 


to restate it happens as:

 the method used i observed in this internet slandering is as: 

: takinga blog sentence and put to a wrong incorrect never could ever be thought of type of context and trying to slander via lik e that. with covering sentence  in wrong in sick contexts. like trying to make a person corelated to a slander using a sentence from her blog and saying the same sent4ence in a slandering context covering in an incorrect/untrue/not ever be able to think of either type of context. they do apply this method constantly last months. this topic happens to my blog recently alot.  tnhey covertly try to slander like this last 2 months as i observed. unrelated people in internet. i saw once from a company once a newsletter trying to create a nother slander to me. i saw 2 slanders were tried to be created to me last month or so. with this exact method of: taking sentence from blog and covering it ina very uncorrect very sick context to try to correlate my sentence to very even unthought of very wrong very incorrect meanings. this fascist covert slandering method happens to my blog frequently last month as i observed. 



than whilst this fascist covert slandering effort hapepnt to my blog, i saw awesome women politicians did the reverse and used my words in their sentence :) which is very honoring. and very happy :) very very very very happy :)  i admire all those women politicians whom did this:) infinite amounts of gratitude/cheers/love stated here.


and i wave also feminism flag from here again:)


and also  waving my anti-fascism flag also here:)  (against all fascist covert slandering methods as i my self confronted as a blogger) 

and stating my admiration to those women politicians i saw in that interview:)

and yet again  once again waving my feminism flag also here once more:)




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