yayyy i inited amnestyb consultation application with sending an email.

ok. yepp. 


now i would rest have some rest time.


ok some newsletter i really like alot truly. its a medical university's health suggestions newsletter. sometimes topics coincides and i like that. sneding lots of cheers :) 

(is one of the newsletters i like alot/most. 

and i like to follow their lifestyle or such advisesalot. ) (its a famous university's newsletter for health topics) )

i said my life's happiness mood (i meant my cheerful/happiness mood in my life) were stolen from me with stalk slanderingtopc last 5 years. then the newsletter had sucht title referencing giving suggestions on depression robbing life happiness topics.:)

there an editor of that cool medical university newsletter might be reading my blog. or else its just coincidences. i dont know but sometimes topics coincides and i cant deny a smile happens since makes happy to see some pal editor there in that university gives advises to me likemany health topics :) sending cheers if its not coincidences and really i have a blog reader there in that school. lots of cheers :) )

feels like if i have a pal that cares for my healthin that editor's publishers in that university:) this is why i liked this:)  like i said my happiness mood were gone. then i read topic of brain stimulants, depression therapies stuff:) this is so cool. either coincidence or really i have a pal there:) in that university that whom contributes to that newsletter that whom wants me to be out of depression :) this is so happy:) the idea of having a doctor pal:) or might be also an editor:) then editor pal :) cool! :)

i received such suggestions. like depression therapies and brain stimulants etc in this one.  ok. 

made me felt special :) having a pal whom suggests me things for depression like medicine for it etc.or therapies for it.

i am not fully depressed yet or i might be little bit. i dont think so:D i were in trauma from sunday. but that were related to trauma. i am not any in depression i think:D

but thanks alot for giving me advises about depression :) to the unknown pal writing that health newsletter publication:)

 this is so cool for me to have a pal doing this for me:D or its just only coincidence. i dont know.

wishing lots of cheers to the pal writing that health newsletter. 

when we search for health topics that university comes first usually in search results and when reading one topic i subscribed there.  and then this started i always love following their newsletter. there are always happys entences there. always happy advises on health/advises.i like following reading that newsletter alot.

it kind of felt very special that i written trauma stolen my life's happiness mood from me, then i read some anewsletter saying "depression robbing happiness" alike sentence:D

this is so cool:D i felt special:D thanks to pal there:D 

or its just only coincidence and just coincidence. but this happent before also on tother versions on that newsletter :) 

ok i wondered about brain stimulants as i read there. but i dont think i am in depression. i think i am just because i couldnt wash dishes because of trauma happent on sunday. of reading an email that included covert slandering effort. anyway. 

now i feel better but stil little bit dizzy. 

but would continue measure theory study on tomorrow morning. or tonight also i could study now i think since trauma feeling is lesser now.


to the pal there whom suggested me depression medicine, wanted to state many thanks:) but i am reallyt not in depression i think:) but thanks alot:)

gosh this is soi haqppy and so cool:D i received medical advise from a newsletter of a university:) cool! means i have a pal there:) or it were just coincidence.

it felt like being special:) (i am not surely:) but felt like that:D)

thanks to the palin that health newsletter publishers whom did this for making me feel special:) sending lots of cheers to :)

(i am not any special. but thanks for making me felt for a moment like that:) as whilst reading that newsletter of health suggestions.   thanks alot! :) ) 

seinding best wishes to the pal there:) (if there is a pal there writing that newsletter soemtimes.:) it might be also coincidence. but looks as not coincidence somehow) (thanks for making me feel special whilst i am not :D) (ok i have an editor pal or editor doctor whom gives me personalized suggestions on topics like depression etc on a healthnewsletter. this is so cool! i have a pal doing such cool act :) ) (and i also love reading because its always happy content i always like happy contents of anytopic i read.) (i cant stop thinking i have a pal there in that editors of that health newsletter. or its just coincidences) 





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