ok i learnt 5 years of stalk slander type of stuff is not amnesty like organizations area. ok then (i mean stalk/slander topics). said its a topic about woman insttns or other places etc.


i had not mentioned alot about stalk slander anyway in the mail.

the other topic of blog haters happent that tried to do slander blog / dereputate blog as menitoned,  i also hadnt mentioned in detail(new topic). just slightly mentioned.   




ok  i saw then i should handle these throgu law systems. ok then. 



tonight i wnat to rest now.  

i would then continue measure theory study.


i think i want to see measure theory before i continue on algebra study continueation.

hmm for lawyer consultation money i would create from btc maybe.

since i think that algebra in dirac's textbook might really work out but would need some more effort more than anticipated effort. 

after sunday's trauma, i could barely newly come to myself. i feel little bit dizzy but less traumatic then wtr to sunday and yesterday. 


ok one topic happy today is seeing newsletter coincidence (of health advises giving an university newsletter) i always smile when coincidences happens in that newsletter. i always suspect if that newsletter's one editor somehow reads this blog. it always makes me smile. sending cheers to him or her for reading my blog:)  maybe its not like that and i have no such newsletter writing reader and its just coincidence. i dont any know.




since i still feel dizzy due to sunday's trauma shock. i would definitely sue that slandering effort i saw on sunday from an email that i received on sunday. visibly i have hater that hates blog and tried to slander me covertly using fascist means of power whislt doing that:S this is so unhappy that made me feel trauma last 2 days:S anyway. i would sue. to have the slander reverted back. not to sueing for any money gains just would sue to revert that slander exactly. nothin else. cause slandering me like that is not any ok since hates my blog.


i feel i want to fall asleep rest now. ok.



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