the topic of representation of N fastly moved to  orthogonal operators. 

in brief representing  N with toolings i saw in qm area... 🤔

ok if methods need to be transformed to operators versions there might be alot effort there. but still doable. ok representing N with orthogonal operators, yupp not that creative solution if turns out doable would be an uninteresting solution if it solves the btc topic. but would make me get more expertise in qm's toolings. i were expecting a more creative solution werent expecting to solve with orthogonal operators. but its unsure if it solves. i need to check more.  and might also study measure theory awhile since might be needed. but i think an orthogonal operators might extend this usual algebra in one to many fashion to an extrapolated algebra version which might work to make really 1111111110 less than 1 and greater than 1 at the same time in that countable one to many mapping. in this morphism (not isomorphic) an algebra maps to another algebra with one to many mapping where many count is countable. (not specifically finite).a different morphism to define a covering algebra to N's default algebra. in this one to many algebra,  11111111110 is less than and greater than 1 at the same time. but the algebra still should adhere to the rules of the usual algebra of N. i  hadnt verified if the solution i devised works but the fun goal of making 11111111111110 less than 1 has such direction. but i needed to study measure theory before for qm's new measure topic i wanted to investigate, turned out in btc project also i need to study and know well this mt named area. 

ok i need to restudy to isomorphism topic cause i  think this might be wrong definition i need to revise isomorphism topic to describe correctly. i am remembering isomorphism wrongly i think. anyway. but in any case, i think this equations i constructed might be utilized for such covering algebra. 

ok i think i should start revising measure theory's 1st chapter now then also some time abstract algebra to revise this isomorphism topic to not use wrongly. and also i think its also necessary for measure theory study either. 



yuppp now finally measure theory study in detail's studying start hour for this weekend. 


i think i came up to an induction construction/structure also for some project. i wished to iterate some level in btc project (to go to some holiday:)) and i i think this step i came there really might be created solution upon.  but i for any other topic, and also for other projects like new measures for qm named goal, i need to know measure theory good. 

 even if its not related to Dirac equation textbook, i would put this solution steps of this N representation to Dirac equation textbook's inside to not lose it. 



yayyy i seen orthogonal operators in qm studying but never thought i would see it in also N representation as i created some equations. 

i wanted to create an N representation in which 111111110 is also less than 1, and i might had created or not. but i would resume that study after i get expert on measure theory stuff.  i would give a rest for a while then would resume studying now fun of studying to measure theory starts :)  after some rest.


yayyy :) i fell asleep cause had sinusitis last night. had woke up very early took some ache pill for sinusitis. still have ache but not much.


ok last day study results awaited in Dirac equations texts not to lose, hmm now would check measure theory topic. yayyyy. one topic i always wanted to learn about. today to be learnt. i wish i could study entire of topics today in mt area. then would continue the algebra one to countably many-morphism stuff later. yayyy measure theory studying fun is now. (i couldnt add study of mt to day yesterdaysince had ache of sinusitis).




as i mentioned a particle physics lab reported anomalies in their muon decays.  As i read from news recently. this is awesome news. because means standard frameworks arent defining enough. I recently reported this as awesome news of anomaly. i read from news. a news from Switzerland of particle physics and accelerator devices as i remember from the news. and it were anomalies were detected as mentioned in the news in muon decays in accelerator tests. this is truly awesome news. cause means our frameworks has to be rewritten or redefined yeah? i also newly read about a science article disproving improbability of warp drive like concepts. so i think i would also study to space time curve as my special relativity textbook came. but these all means awesome news! of rewriting previous frameworks possibilities. not possibly by me but by physicsts i guess. i would also try to write but i wont be succesful as a physicsit i guess. 

btu last day the anomaly news from lab from Switzerland were amazing news. and i also directly reported in blog cause its really amazing news. anomalies in particle physics means i rememebr fermions and other particles behavior in qm side defined i forgot how its defined but it means there is room for improvement in all those frameworks. similarly i think the article about warp drive (i hadnt read cause i dont know that type of physics yet) is also an amazing news like this anomaly news from switzerland lab about muon decays showing anomalies which means lots of room for improvement to standard frameworks which means maybe in future we really would have some spaceships using those new physics frameworks? so this were the anomaly news i reported with excitement a day ago. as i read that news about particle physics. in a science magazine.

actually qm some formulations dont work along with usual formulations so there are also such discrepancies but yet still its one very good framework defining all stuff that cant be defined with other frameworks. but these all are gereat, because means there is yet alot of room for improvement for all these topics. which is awesome!

i peeked through consecutive pages in mt study and saw also orthogonal operators stff. coinciding with my new algebra i guess there is analysis of orthognl operators in those chapters. orthogonal operators are one stuff i also saw alot used in qm mechanicas in probability calculations. 

 i were saying the anomaly news from particle physics lab from a science publishment i saw the news from on that day. of anomalies in particle physics tests in an accelerator lab i remember as it were from Switzerland. this is very exciting news.  since means rooms for improvmenet to standard frameworks thats utilzied and also the news of an article disproving improbability of warp drive like techs are also very exciting news. but i dont have the physoics knowledge tor ead that article yet.  but might be soon be able to read:)


i also worked in anomaly detection but not in particle physics. i worked in machine learning side in anomly in click data detection before. tried to use entropy based approaches, tried to use random forests (all improvised by another data scientist's study) or kde based estimation methods to devise a probability distribution like usual machine learning stuff etc. or like distribution similarity methodologies for gathered data. 


i saw now other anomaly news i wanted to say my anomaly news reporting were from a particle physics lab's anomaly news not that anomaly news i newly seen today. my anomaly news i reported(that i found very exciting news) is about decay of particles from a particle physics lab.  and anomalies in that. 

second very exciting news from science i heard is that paper about warp drive. but i dont have enough physics knowledge yet to read that yet.


i read the anomaly news from new scientist science magazine. its about particle physics labs anomaly detections in their tests and which is not explained by the default frameworks yet. this were the exciting news i reported. it is exciting cause it means new frameworks or redefinition of existing ones needs to be constructed. and it is very exciting due to that.  i think one of the other coolest places in world is that particle accelerators places. and thoses high performance computing environments where simulations are run. 



today goes as: i study to mt study. i am so excited that i whilst peeking through saw some orthogonal discussions also relvent to qm area. ok.:D





ok  trying to win an argument with slandering the other person is never ok. i confronted this yet again. this is so sick. embeciles' different ways of showing how  moron they are. people with brains(intellgnce) dont try to win arguments with slandering a person. but people without brains(intelligence) always hate people with brains(intellgnce) and would try to win argumemnts with even switching to slandering. i had interesting new haters in internet. that tried to slander. i observe that slandering is more common than usual. that people can do severe form of hatred acts when they hate a person with even switching to slander. this time slanderer is a person that read my blog and devised a slander to me from writings from my blog.  and did it very stupid ways. ok lack of brain results in not perceiving a person's blog correct. 

i see that i once written i liked to go parties when i young. my young ages were over 28 age. and i also once said boyfriend to guy i dated because i thought boyfriend and girlfriend is called to the guys we date in english. i dont know what is called to date. the guy i dated were 30 years old. youngest person i ever dated were 25 age. and i see the maniac reader tried to show me as if i date with people younger than me. i am not any like that. never been either. this is so sick.

i think this is exactly like: 

hating a person. 

and in that case, people resort to very sick things like slandering. this slander is the sickest slander i ever seen. 

previously i were slandered as a prostitude. i called this one sick.

but this is even more sick:S

ok i have very sick and low iqqued blog readers i think,. 

i when i said young, i meant 28 ages. i partied with age group of me which is 28 ages and we never did anything bad in parties. like all young people. young means 28 age to me. not younger. 

i just find this very sick. 

i never been interested to nonok age groups. that is sick. and i am not any sick person like that. but people whom read my blog, take my young word and try to put to that context are also sick like that. cause it means, their brains(intellgnce) when reading young word works as thinking very wrong stuff like that. whislt such idea even hadnt came up to my mind when writging such words (i thought everyone would understand as 28 or such ages when i said i likde to party when i were young with friends of mine) i think understanding it like young were there wrongly even depicts that the reader has a sickness in brain truly. cause i never could imagine people would read young word there and try to think as like that. thats very sick. i never even thought of that. to think it like that is very sick.  

i think this is the sickest slander i ever received. 

all my relationships dates has been happent with people over 25 age.  and i never dated in my life before my 28 age either i think. like people date iun university times i hadnt. like in highschool people date, i hadnt. cause dating wernt a topic in highschool to me. or in ubniversityt i were not very social and were awkward and werent succesful in dating topics. i think i dqated first at 28 in my life. and dated at most 4 people i guess? and similarly youngest person i dated were 25 aged. and i  find this young word misunderstanding very very very sick. this even depicts sickness in reader';s mind that tried to misunderstand like that. cause i whislt writing "young" word i would never imagiune people would ever think like that, cause such idea even hadnt passed through my mind.

this is very sick. 

this is a new brand new slander i observed. this slander happent after i wrote young word. and i observed the slanderer tried to craft a very wrong image perception to me to outside with trying to utilize that word with putting to very very wrong very very incorrect context.

i figure out: there are two kind of people. first kind is people with brains.(intellgnce) other kind is people withotu brains(intellgnce). 

people without brains(intellgnce), when they hate a person, would even resort to trying to win over an argument to a person with slandering him or her. 


luckily world holds people with also people with brains(intellgnce). including people without brains(intellgnce).


i were for 5 years slandered as a prostitude and confronted a severe human rights violation via that.

then i get over trauma of it. 

this time i open internet to see people hating me since i openly write about how horrible place world is, that woman are slanderted with things they never ever did in life. then i open internet, seeing people discomforting from things i wrtitten. and hating me since i am a different woman whom had even one night stands during a break from a guy where emotionally weak. 

i mentioned this to only fight against the prostitude slander. 

and seeing the things i written had created brand new haters all around toi me, and this brain lacking haters this morons tries to slander me tjhis time with a different lie. this time not prostitude. i were 5 years slandered as a prostitude by morons. mesolithics. imbeciles. i were slandered with things i never ever did in my life. i were slandered as a prostituyde by mesoltichic mainacs woman haters.  

then i fought against this all 5 years. and blogged and blogged and blogged. about my human rights violation. 

then suddenly i see i write "i liked to party when i were youngh with my young friends"  then i see a clever hater, taking that young word there and putting to a slander context with changing what young means. 

thius thinking self as clever but actually brain lacking morons should understand that young means 28 age. and i never had any relationship never dated any one younger than 25 ever in my life. 

so to exist whislt mesolithic haters(mesolithic is about minds) (for slandering people)   tries to attack people with slanders since the person is different. i am not different in any bad way. i never did any bad thing in my life either. but i am just autist. and i might be communicating using words worse maybe. or else i am not good in creating social groups or other stuff and i like working alone else etc. but these my blogs of my bhuman  rights violation of being slandered as a prostitude or else, gives no rights to moron and mesolithic(means having mind from like that)  and  brain(mind/conscience) lacking new brand haters to extract words my blog to slander me with the most skickest slander. 

same for this new hatred campaign goal of trying to create a brand new slander. this time i also have no issues calling those hatred campaign creators as mesolithics (mesoltichic minds) to do fascism.

and i also said mesolithic (minds) that whom took that other word to create the sickest slander. i have no issues with calling people


i know what is the problem of this brand new slanderers whom took young word from my blog to slander me like that. this is so sick. i never thought people would misunderstand young word like that. cqause when i wrote it meant my 28 age. and i since i am not a sick person that is that type of sick people, that idea even hadnt passed my mind of thinking people would misuinderstand as if young means different. this even didnt passed my mind cause these type of ideas dont pass through my mind. i never could imagine anyone extracting that word from there to put to very sick context like that. this is the sickest slander i ever received.


i see that  i observe that morons mesolithics people woithout enoiugh brain when they hate a person even resort to slander a person to win arguments superficially. but they could never win any argument with slanderng a person. 

but this is so sick., these people really have huge brain issudes like lack of iq or eq probelsm to resort to slandering a blog writer like that because i used young word. 

and secondly, if you low iqqued imbeciles think you could win any arumgnent with slandering me like that, you would see you should know you wont be able to.

onlyt hinkg you can do is entertain your low iqqued worlds with slandering people. but nothing else. 

this is the sickest slander that ever happent.

i know reason is why you know? i think its because i brag about my iq. and i written bad words to moron people before and people took on that personally as if said to them. 

its very hard to exist as a woman and protect your human rights. 

some people are so morons/really severe levels of morons.



i think being able to slander like that means having such sick ideas in their minds. cause i wshen writing young word i never even for once could even imagine it would be misunderstood like that. because such type of sick ideas dont pass through my mind.


this is so sick. 



 this is so sick. when you are slandering a person pleases take cafre that they have a family, they have a life. your entertaining yourselves with attacking others with slandering, you hve no right to do that.

 you whom did that are definite morons/mesolithics and very low iqqued people. whom could resort to slander just only becauses you hate a blogger and only because you hate wehat she writes.

did anytyhing i written disturbed you since i said woman could have also one night stands? (my one night stands were all above 30 age people and i had 5 or 7 of one night stands in my life) is this this that disturbs you to tyry to deviate my blog to very wrong and incorrect contexts?

being a wonman and trying to protect human rights against imbeciles against morons is very not an easy task, cause there are tons of morons in world,. and theythink they are right whilst very wrong. 

beign famoius being powerfgul doesnt make you  doesnt grant you rightness nor intellgnt any. if ytou are a moron you are still a moron even if you are a famous or a powerful person.



 being famous or powerful doesnt give you right to slander a womaan with this sick way. 

slander your shit thoughts to people. 

all my life is clear. all my life is visible. everyone knows that newest slander i received is incorrect. any guy i dated, i been in love to were 25 or over 25 age all my life. 


maybe at university years i might be inlove to someone at 24 age.  but otherelse i never ebver been neither in love nor had any date/relationship with any one less than 25 age. 

and trying to win arguments with slandering people is very incorrect.


and fame nor money doesnt make morons be nonmoron/intellgnt. 

if you are a moron you are still a moron with all your belongings. since i saw a person famoius person attended an activity which included slandering me effort also.


have fun you morons. 

your fun consists of dishonesty. 

your wins are not real. cause with dishonesty  you cant win anything. 

this were the sickest slander i ever seen. this happent new. this happent from blog reader whom read that young word and wanted to slander like that?

have fun you morons with your moron slanders. we dont live in your love iqqued worldsmind worlds of low iqqued slandering acts when hating. so dont expect us to care. 

gosh having a blog is not easy. and i see that haters have one thing in common. they resort to slandering when they hate a person and they cant do anything about that, then they have to do something since they are morons whom feel responsibility to do hatred acts to different people ( autist people?) and they resort to extracting words from blog to craft qa brand new and very sick slandering activity. this is so low iqqued. haters are very low iqqued beings. its so sick this new brand new slander i saw i received is so sick. such topic ddnt ever passed my mind cause such sick ideas dont pass my mind ever. 

this is so sick. you are so low iqqued and so sick those people behind this brand new slander since i written i liked to party when i were young.(young there means 28 age) (i never tyhought i had to add my age there since sick ideas dont pass my mind, i never thought people could understand sick meaning from that). 



you are very very very sick and very very very very low iqqued (said to haters that tried to create a new slander to me.).


this is a very sick and i am glad i am much more iq/eq holding person than you all people that i dont care your hatred activities and your sick low iqqued activities like this.

 have fun in doing low iqqued activities like creating slander to people. 

meanwhile i would invent new algebras/new measure. 

activities between me and haters quite differs as visible as aligned with our iq eq differences. 

this brand new hater concept i see obsevre is very sick these type of people when they harte a person they try to create slander. 

i never seen such person type before until 5 years. i were slandered as a prostitude slander for 5 years and entered severe trauma due to that. but luckily that made me prepared to these type pf moron type of people that i am ready to not enter to trauma when seeing another such moron type. this time slander is not prostitrude but something more sick. this time the slanderer is a thinkign self clever blog reader whom read my yuoung word there and wanted to put to very incorrect not any thoguht by me type of context. causes such ideas never ever pass from my mind i never could imagine any one would understand like that cause such ideas are from not from my mindscape, its kind of improbable stuff like never passing ideas stuff so i never could imagined it would be read like that. cause such ideas dont ever pass my mind  and i thought other people are also like me. cause if i read what i written from others i woulldn t misunderstand. cause such ideas arenot beloinging to my mindscape. i mean such ideas dont ever pass and is very disgusting also. its very disgusting. and its very disgusting to confront such disgusting slander this time. brand new slander. 5 years slandered as aprostitude now a blog reader that hates me wanted to craft a brand new slander to me since i am hated. 

so its free to craft slanders to peoiple you hate? why do you think like that? this is so wrong. you people disgust me. with your low iqques and hatred and your disgusting slander. you are really very disgusting. 

this time the brand new slander is very sick. proistitude were even better than that. this brand slander that i saw from a blog reader that trieed to slander like that, a blog reader that hates me, takes myn " i liked to party when i were young with my young friends" and piuts to such very wrong context with slandering me. you people are very disgusting. to slander people me like this. your slander is also very disgusting. not to mention, such ideas dont ever pass in my mind so i could never imagine it would be used to craft such slander to me.

do all things with your low iqques all you can do is slandering people you hate.

whilst you do disgusting things in life like slandering a blogger with using her words to create slanders (that she coudlnt even figure out whilst she is writing her blog cause such ideas dont ever pass my mind ever) from her blog, we people would do real meaningful projects unlike yourb low iqqued projects.

only thing you really do is disgusting things like slandering woman.

this brand new slander i saw is very disgusting and i think people whom did that must be very disgusting people. cause such ideas dont ever pass my mind even. cause its very disgusting and improbable. 

have fun with your disgusting minds that likes to create slanders to bloggers in world. 

i think this happenig is becayuse you are very low iqqued an hating me and this resulting in resorting to slandering activity to win over arguments. 

have fun with that. i dont care.


and to state, any guy i dated or been in love/interested to ever in my life has been 25 or over 25 age.

secondly,  dating stuff i ever thoguht first in my life in university. whislt people do date in highschool. my brain ddnt had grown jup dating related regions when i were highschool even. i mean being in love topic only developed in my mind when i were in university. then the guy i were in love in university were also at least 24 aged. then in my life i dated at most 4 people. and they were all either 25 or 30 aged. i never been ever in love interested dated to anyone less than 25/24 age and that 24 age were in my university years, and we ddnt dated with the guy bugt i were kind of platoinic in love to. but other else any guy i dated were at least 25 aged. and most guys i dated were either 30 or over 30 aged. like one i were in love to were 40 aged. etc. 

i mean, your slander is very sick and disgusting and very far away from my life nor how my life passed nor how my life is. 


we autists and love topics grows later sometime in life. like i first fall in love to someone when i were in university and the guyb i were fell in love to were at least 24 aged.

i usually fallm in love to people older than me. there is one case i dated someone at 25 aged and were younger than me but not that much younger but that guy shown  attention so much and i replied and we dated maybe 1 month but i figured out we were dffrnt people and we broke up. and that were the youngest guy i dated and he were 25aged. in  that one that guy sticked to me i mean show constant following attention constant wanting to spend time with me. then  i dated for a month but we broke up. but that were the youngest guy i ever dated. other else all people i dated nor fall in love to were either same age or older than me. and specifically other than that 25 aged guy, all guys i dated were older than me.  like 30(timur named guy). or one guy i were in love to so much were 40 (mesut named guy).  or some guy were again older than me the time i dated(30). 

so your slander is very sick and very disgusting.


i think your issue is lack of brain. nothing else. to create such slander to me.


have fun in that.


but wanted to state that slander is very very very very very far from my life. and such idea ddnt ever passed my mind nor could ever think people read it like that when i said "i liked to party when i were young" sentence. i never could imagine people would ever could think such sick idea like that. causes such sick ideas dont pass my mind  so that i couldnt imagine nor think people could think such sick ideas.  such sick ideas dont belong to my mindscape. its yours mindscape not mine that sickness belongs to since you tried to slander like that. 


this is a very sick slander. i were 5 years slandered as a prostitude. then i wrote a blog and mentioned about. this created my sometimes words created new haters to me that are which are some blog readers and these blog readers  took my sentence and wanted to create a slander to me like that. i wanted to restate that slander is disgusting and doesnt any belong to my life never ever. and is very disgusting and such disfgusting ideas dont also ever pass my mind so i could never imagine a blog readeer reading my blog taking that sentence to put to a very incorrect context to slander me with such slander. 

this is dope levels sick and disgusting. you people disgust me. nothing else. you and other you like people. for instance i were slandered as a prostitude for 5 years whilst i never been. those people are no differnt than you in muy view. you all people are very disgusting human beings. that i mean, people type whom resort to slandering when you hate a person.  this is a brand new slandder. but have fun with that but dont wish you could any deceive people with such slander, cause all my life is clear open and visible and its visible that its a slander. its visible from my entire life. and my life is open. and this slander were the sickest slander i ever heard in my life. you people are sick and very disgusting. please stay away from my blog with  your sick disgusting minds whom could read understand sesntences in very sick disgusting meanings. cause those disgusting meanings dont belong to my mind/my life, never ever, not even close ever. 


i am happy that beside low iqqued morons intellgnt people also exist in world that also dont cheer slanders. and do dont believe to slanders. i am happy that not all world is all morons. there happens intellgnt people also in world that dont do slander people. 

morons fascism. they can use their money fame to do slander people. morons thinking money fame could hide away being moron feature. unfortunately it does not. you being famous doesnt change you are a definite moron. said to famoues morons whom attended that thing in which i saw i were slandered. have fun being a famous morons said to morons whom attended that. being famous doesnt change that you are definite morons to create such disgusting slander and slander me like that whislt my life is severely far away from such slander. 

this is definitely morons fascism. worlds population consists of morons also and they exert their fascism in any way possible.

have fun in being morons and cerating untrue slander like that. 

that slander is very disgusting and very very very far away from my life. such disgusting stuff dont ever pass through my life.


i saw that coming when once and i said, ok lets clarigfy to those morons that what i meant when i said young in that sentence. now seeing famous morons taking up the slander since they somehow hated me and attend such slandering. have fun morons. your fascism doesnt any mean you are any right. 

this is definite fascism nothing else. 

to use power to slander people like this. this is notjhing else than fascism. i want to craft a word for this new fascism where internet enabled morons to attend fascism acts seamlessly, its called new age era moron fascism.

before fascism happent only throguh governments through moron people doing fascism. this time its done via new era internet toolings where morons try to create fascism to people autists whomever they see diffrnt and they revert their words to win the arguments to create slanders to win the arguments since only they are morons and they want to be seen righ/win the argument and they would do everything for that. so these type of new era morons when they have power reach out to doing it very diffrnt ways. 

this new era brand new fascism, of where people tried to be dereputed like that, its i call this morons fascism. 

i saw this happenign to me from other morons with being slandered as a prostitude whislt i never been. this time i saw morons are common in world. cause this time other morons did this but with this time a brand new slander and a very disgusting slander this time. 


nhave fun you morons. i am happy world also has nonmoron people that sees that its slander (cause my life is open like an open book/visible, and that disgusting slander is very far away from my life) and sees the fascism of morons whom try to dereputate a person with slandering like this using power. 


fascism of morons. 


i am last 5 years trying to get used to moron population of world. 

5 years slandered as a prostitude whilst i never been. 


this time new moronis emerged from people reading my blog and this time they wanted to create such slander reverting my words putting to very incorrect context like that. 


morons everywhere:S

its not easy to exist simply as a woman an autist woman in this world:S

have fun you low iqqued morons and your fascisms. i dont care your disgusting slander cause that belongs to yours mindscapes not mine (i never even thought could ever think even until i saw your slander). 


ok internet is a good thing but worst part of internet is enabling fascism capability set to morons. 

with trying to slander peoile with the most disgusting slander. this is a very new slander i were never slandered like this befoer. (i were before slandered as a prostitude but this is even worse than that). wanted to restate, yours disgusting slander belongs to yours disgusting sick mindscapes, not mine/not my life. 


you morons.

being famous dont make you being any poerson that has moere important words than other people, nor give you any right to slander a person with a disgusting lie like that nor attend in that.


have fun being morons. no one cares you morons whn you do moron activities like this. if you do good activ ities we care you famous people, but when you do moron activities like this, dont expect us to care.



i want to ask to people that are not morons. do you see the fascisms of morons? 

on how they use power to do covert dereputation effort? 

with using slander. 

do you see this morons fascism? 

i wish you all see.

ok its understood morons cant think healthily and have sick minds with disgusting ideas that they reflect to other people. but i think they are also unaware of this.

of their sick minds. they are definitely unaware of their own sick minds.


this is very sick and disgusting and doesnt belong to my mind nor world.this belogns to those morons and their mindscapes.

morons fascism. i think new era enabled internet the morons to do various moron things of fascism. 



this is know what? just to win arguments. some people cant stand losing arguments and would even resort to slandering to be look winning. but whilst morons think they are winning, nonmorons see what actually is happenning, that a morons fascism is happening in which they entertasin themselves with slandering the person they want to dereputate. this is a brand new slander i saw.  i never hadf been slandered like this before. i were slandered 5 years as a prostitude but this is even worse than that. wnated to restate that this slander doesnt any belongs to my life and is very disgusting and i ddnt even imagined of, nor could ever thought of, cause such disgusting ideas dont pass my mind nor such disgusting ideas dont belong to my mindscape either. taking my blog words to revert it to create such slander is very unacceptible.

and any guy i dated is at & over 25 age and only once i dated 25 aged guy and other guys i dated were 30 or 40 aged. 

so take your sick disgusting minds and take your disgusting minds away from this blog. this blog doesnt deserve to be read by you disgusting minds. cause this blog doesnt include such disgusting content that your disgusting minds thought. so stay away from my blog with your sick/disgustibng minds. cause those type of disgusting things dont belong to my life/my mind nor my blog. so stay away from my blog you very disgusting people. i think you must have disgusting minds to read that sentence and misunderstand like that. so stay away from this blog with those sick disgusting minds of yours.  cause this blog nor this guh person is very far away from those disgusting thoughts and you have no right to dirty my blog with yours own disgusting minds dirty thoughts like that. neither my mind nor my blog nor my life has any place for such dirty thoughts. so stay away from my blog with your very dirty minds very dirty thoiughts please.



now i would ttahnk to 5 years trauma of slander topic as a prostitude whioch made me ready to how morons world is, world has lots of morons so those morons prepared me to confront this other morons. lots of morons everywhere. 

and peop;le with power with fame etc think being like that could give them right to slander a person or do this fascism of using power to dishonestly trying to dereputate a person with this time a very disgusting lie. that doesnt any belongs to my life nro my mind. so this is fascism use of power to do moron acts. of fascism of morons where they decide to dereputate a person with trying to use a very disgusting slander this time that they create from her blog since she said she liked to party when she were young (there young meant 28-32ages of her life). 

this is morons fascism. 

i dont rcare even whom cares morons. 

they can do moron acts to forever causes they dont have brains to be normal people who arent morons whom dont slander people with disgusting lies.



this is definitely morons fascism. and its fun to make fun with morons and i would continue to make fun with these low iqqued morons whenever they do any moron act like this.

to win an argument means winninghonestly, not winning with slandering the person. dishonestly slandering a person with a lie doesn t make one win any arguments. to the people behind this that tried to look right/wining arguments with trying to dereputate me with a disgusting and untrue lie that they crafted from my blog with reverting my word and putting to very untrue context.

this is loser people. loser people all the time do this. of taking my blog words and reverting its meanings and putting to meanings to dereputate me to meanings that werent meant. this is just losers way to win arguments.


whenm one cant win arguments against an at least 160 iqqued lady, i observe the ones try this time resort to dereputing the 160 iqqued lady.


this is so losers act. to resort to slandering i mean. to look right/to look correct, slandering a person with a disgusting lie. this is a very very losers act. the people doing this might think they are winning but they are actually losers because only losers slanders other people. 


this is so disgusting and so sick. 

i wish only my iq range read my blog so that i dont have to reply to stupid activities of moron type of people. like slandering me with a disgusting lie (that is tooooo far away from my life, that i couldnt even imagine nor thoguht of, and saw from the moron's slander since is a moron has such sick ideas in mind and reflected his or her own sickness/disgusting mind to me like that).


moron people stay away from my blog. 

this blog doesnt hold contents your sick low iqqued minds think of. your disgusting ideas sick ideas has no place neither in my mind nor my blog nor my life. so please stop reading me cause i dont want to see you reflecting your sickness your minds low iqqued disgusting ideas to my blog. those type of sick ideas belongs to you. not my mind nor my blog nor my life. so stop reading my blog in advance cause you are morons.  

how to protect my blog from morons? i have no idea. 


that they read and think disgusting sick ideas and reflect. whilst such disgusting ideas dont belong to my mind nor my life nor my blog ever.

 i have no idea how to protect my blog from morons?

really have no idea. i guess morons would be always morons. and not caring is the only way. 

but this is exceptional level disgusting and sick and i am very unhappy of seeing morons with sick disgusting ideas also read my blogs and misunderstqands aligned with sicknesses disgusting ideas of their minds and reflect upon. how to make those morons with disgusting sick minds be away from my blog? 

cause those type of sick disgusting ideas never belong to my life ever.  

how to protect blog from morons/low iqqued low eqqued morons with power using reflecting their moron disgusting sick minds to all of us with power they have? 

 this is nothing else but morons fascism.



 i really want to sue these people for real. cause they are doing very morosnit form of slandering /trying to derepiutate a person with using power/fascism. i need to find some lawyer to create some sue. cause this definitely deserves to be sued. i would sue everyone involved in that.


ok lets continue measure theory study then continue btc project to build some 10k  to find a lawyer.

whilst morons wiht no brains have money power we have brain power to create money to secure our life from morons' slander throgiugh legal systems.


just look to the mirror you moron whom contribyted to this fascist act. and be ashamed of your self in attending a fascism activity of trying to dereputate a person with a disgusting lie.

just look to the mirror without feeling shamed please. for being fascist people whom try to derepute people with slandering.

just look to the mirror without feeling ashamed of yourself if you can please. 

for being this much bad people whom even resorts to slandering people.

from disgusting minds of your minds. those disgusting things dont belong to our minds/our lives/our blogs. it belongs to yours worlds/yours minds, not ours. 


i saw this when i were slandered as a prostitude for 5 years. 

this thim a new slander but this time a very worser slander the hater reads my blog, hates me and wants to craft a slander to me and slanders so that everyone would believe to such slander, with dereputing me, so that like he or she hates me other people also would hate me deceiving to that slander he/she creates.

this is so brutal and predatory. this slandering me with a very disgusting lie. 


i think civilizations couldnt make people any normal yet. 

cause i dont know why but i had the unluck of confronting such predatory behaviors of people sometime. like this time. in where the predators craft a disgusting slander to me to dereputate me with such improbable lie. (with using my blogs words) (since i said i liked to party when i were young).

second one similar thing i confronted were being slandered as aprostitude 5 years. same brutal predatory collective predatory act where a person that looks weak is targeted and attacked with slandering. i were slandered as a prostitude whilst i never ever did any prostitude in my life. but being honest ddnt matter to them causes they were predators and i looked as a weak target to predators. so they targeted stalked slandeered me as a prostitude for 5 years.


this time yet again a predatory behaviro of slandering. but this time from blog readers. whom read my blog  sees my sentence of i liked partying when i were young paragraph and since the reader has a very disgusting mind with sick ideas, reads that understanding young part wrongly and then tries to dereputate me afterwards like that. 

i never had any idea i had readers with sick moinds with disgusting minds that would misunderstand thagt sesntence of me like that. 

what i think is, i thikn capitalism is great, but there are just adverse affects like: 

sometimes not everytime capitalism gives power to both intellgnt people but also to morons. and those morons with capital power exert their moron acts of theire sick disgusting minds to us in whatever way possible. as i saw from this. 

this is so sick/so disgusting and a definite fascism act. of morons. 

i still like capitalism because it also gives chances to create capital to intellgnt people beside morons. 

but morons when having money power status etc think they have brains. but unfortunately its not any like that. 

seems as they have brains with disgusting minds/sick minds. to do fascism act with a very disgusting slander to a blogger.

this is dope levels of fascism to restate.

i still find capitalism much better than any other system. only dislike that it makes morons feel intellgnt and they with their lack of iqs eqs exert their sick disgusting minds sick disgusting ideas with fascist ways with disgusting methods like slander. 

i just wanted to state this is very fascism.

not any differntly expected, fascists to come out from stupids/morons as usual. 

people with status, people with power, people with money, poeople with fame could think they could use that power to do fascist acts. sometimes in trying to derepute people with slandering like in this cases, but we wont stop resistance against fascism never ever, nor they could ever slander us with those disgusting slander they crafted from their sick minds reading my blog and understanding like that? this is so sick. 


resistance to fascism. to forever.


we like democracy. we like capitalism.

but that doesnt mean we would like all peoplke from capitalism creates like famous people or people wiht power etc.


i think capitalism is great cause it is against authoritianism which is worse than anything at all in my view.


but i can also do critique of capitalism even if i like capitalism and this is the moment i would do critique of. 

ok the moment capitalism employs fascism prqactices i dont think any intellgnt capitalist would employ7 such fascist practices either. but the moment morons from capitalism employs fascist practises (like as a group attacking a person and trying to remove out any support from the person with slandering her with a disgusting lie, this time a differnt lie, this time a more disgusting lie, i were before slandered as a prostitude, this time worse lie, this time from diffrnt people, this time from blog readers with sick minds, whom read my blog with their sick minds and misunderstand that i liked to party when i were young with very soick meanings since they have sick minds whojm could imagine such sick things (i myselfg never thought nor could ever imagine any one with sick mind would misunderstand my blog like that, those type of sick disgusting ideas dont belong to my mind nor my life any nor my blog either)  and then using their power to try to reputate me with a fascist way with using their own sick minds/sick ideas from their sick disgusting minds with disgusting ideas like that (such ideas dont belong to my mind nor life nor blog ever). 

i always likde capitalism. this is the only moment i would make critique of. for havingt enabling morons to do reflect their sick minds sick disgusting minds with fascsit ways to us using their power they created from capitalism.


but i still like capitalism alot. because beside morons, also intellgnt people find chance to create capital in capitalism. morons are rather rare exceptions. i mean morons with power and using the power to do reflect their sick minds to all of us. and they could do very exceptional ways that cause they have power and they feel no shame in doing fascism of using power to try to dereputate a person with slandering with adisgusting lie from their own sick minds with sickj idea they create reading my blog. 

  only good system is democracies and capitalist like systesm since in capitalism there is equality. but in new capitalism, morons started to do fascist acts around. so i think really world is much worse place. i think this is a transition period maybe. maybe someday people would have more iq higher iq eq and be less morons and wont do fascism using the capability set they created from capitalism. capitalism doesnt create capital to do fascism to people, as told to the morons whom behind this. and capitalism is not a bad thing either. it is equality it enables equality. 

actually the stuff of people having so much power and doing fascism to all others belogns more to authoritian regimes. but it sometimes even very rarely happens very rearely in capitalist side either:S

so this world is really unlivable cause its a fascist place where people even resort to slandering a person to win their arguments to look right whilst being wrong.

 i wish to build huge spaceships. 

as to restate i love democracy and i love capitalism also.

'but i dont like morons of capitalism whom try to do fascism. having power doesnt mean you can do fascist activities with the power you have. e.g. like slandering pewople with disgusting lies and doing that slandering with very powerful reachout mechanism to derepute the targeted slandered person from all eyes. this is dope levels of fascism!


i like capitalism and i like democracies and i would always do love. since it means equality. since it means that power is not focused in one big authoritian government or place or people whom do whatever they want. it enables equality capitalism makes gives chances to people to live diffrnt lives like whatever life rthey want. since everyoine has equal chance (if education chance is provided freely) to create capital therough his or her genius ways. but there are also inequalities and they should be tackled so that everyone has same level of chances in life. 

but only bad thing of capitalism i see is the morons with powers topic. its that type of stuff is no different than authoritian regimes. its no differnt than authoritian regimes where people has power over reaching out to people capability se<t to deceive make people believe wahetbver they want. like oligarchies etc. or authoritian regimes where people are programmed to feel happy maybe.  capitalism is best among these. cause has equality and but only part capitalism resembles sometimes oligarchies is when people with power use their power to do derepute people to make people all other people hating a person with slandering him or her. with lie. this type of stuff is seen in oligarchies (E.g. journalists are slandered since they resist against [power structures in oligarchies or disturb power structures) or authoritian regimes? no i dont think authoritian regimes need to do this since everyone scares from fascist government in authoiritian regimes so that everyone adheres to what goverbment says always so in authorititan regimes also slandering by government doesnt happen cause poeple are so submissive so scared from governbmetns that no issues troiubles happen anytime.  and this type of stuff also happens unfortunately in capitalism where a moron in capitalism decides to do fascism. like slandering of journalists in oligarchies. the moron since has power has enriched capability set to reahc out lots of people and uses that in the covert slandering effort to the person he/she hates against.  he/she hates the person and wants all other people to hate her. so uses very exceptional means to reach out that goal like a covert slandering campaign with a disgusting lie. since the blogger he or she hates (i mesan the blogger me) has sentences like she used to party etc. then uses that sentences to root out a covert very disgusting slander to her and using the powers he/she has, has reach out to do this with very powerful ways like if in an oligarchy. this is no different than fascism present in oligarchies, in authoritian regimes. funnily authoritian regimes dont need to do this. since all people of ajuthoritian regiems scare from the government so bad, so that not even once any trouble happens and governemtns doesnt slander people. in oligarchies we hear journalist being slandered when they rewsist against power structures. that like places protects them luckily.  then this also i saw happens in capitalism unfortunately where a moroin fascist hates a person and tries to do a hatred campaign against a blogger using bloggers innocent paragraph with no such anyn meanings to root out a very disgusting lie/slander about her and using means of power to reach out the covert slander to many people. this is so sick and so fascist and that is a totally disgusting slander and very untrue.  that kind of topic doesnt any blelong to my mind nor my life nor my blog either.


but among all these regimes i think capitalism is still best. since we have chances to reply. if capitalism doesnt existed, in an oligarchy the  slandered person would confront severe stuff like jail like we see people jailed in oligarchies(e.g. Navalry though i dont like using other people topics in my blog, its irrespectful to them nor their stories etc since my story might be less important) in authoritian sides, we dont see this, because people are scared to hell from authoritian governments and they live submissive lives without ever reacting to goverbments at all.


so along all regimes i think democracies are best. but we have also sometimes fascisms also happens in democraceis but it happens rare. not like oligarchies, authoritian sides in which people constantly live with fascism as a fact of life lookinf from ouitside since noone could talk against the government in such places. 


i want to restate, i would be resistent against fascism no different than people all resistent against any fascism type in any place of world. and i wouldnt care. 

but this were a very sick slander a brand new slander this time.  5 years were slandered a s aprostitude. this time a worse slander. this time from blog reader whom hates me and wanted to show his or her hatred and soick mind his or her sick misunderstanding of my blog with a very covert very targeted very trying to dereputate slander.

this is so sick. 

like navalry is in prison, i am not any important person like him, nor any couregaous person like him, but i would resist to this like he resisted to fascism there. cause the fascism is same. 

 cause thats a very bullshit very untrue slander. and using such reaching out to many people means to do slander like that, is very unacceptible. so i would resist and root out to this slander in whatever way possible. with also from my blog. 

and i wish people become lesser ignorant more intellgnt people so that they dont be morons like this. like this fascist moroin. whom tries to do a covert slandering act with a very reaching lout mechanism. lets resist agains all any kind of fascist morons whom try to use power in fascist ways please. this time a fascist uses power to try to dereputate me with slandeirn g me very covertly with a very reaching out using power case. pleases resist against any type of fascism, including these morons' fascism.



and i still like capitalism cause beside morons (morons are rare in capitalism) capitalism also gives chances to intellgnt people to create capital. so capitalism is really good. but we all people always be protecting ourselves from fascism cause it can happen from everywhere in  every regime.

people using power to articulate power to do their own emoitonal wills for since they hate a person , doing a dereputing targetin campaign with trying to dereput with the most dishonest lie, with a very disgusting slander....

i am so tired that morons steal my life time from me. 

some morons hated me and try to mess me using the capital or people around them to do a covert dereputation effort. 


i wish all peopleseeing this makes fun of those low iqqued fascists morons whom try to create a covert slanderingeffort to me in internet newly since only because they hate me, they hate my blog and to those morons it gives rights to them to take my words and put to meanings never meant with misunderstanding with very sick meanings from their sick disgusting minds (with things i could never think of nor never belonging to my mind nor my life nor blog either:S) and tryiong to covertly slander like that.  people if you are a decengt human being, please ,make fun  of those morons please on behalf of me please. for them being severe fascists like this and for trying to create a covert slandering campaign to me like that. pleases make the hell of fun of them please for ho wmuch moron fascist moronst  htey are to do use power to slander people like if oligarchies. of moron people doing such acts. 

this happent newly. i newly saw this. i never been slandered like this before. some internet readers with sick minds misread my blog and decided to slander me for my blog. please and pleases make the hell out of fun of these fascist morons with sick minds. if you are a decent person, please for this sundahy, make a funny word to those fascist morons whom uses power to covertly slander a person being like this. please make fun of fascists. fascist power is not power when made fun of. please on behalf of me, if you are a decent person seeing this fascism and this fascism power usage to do a covert slandering act, please make fun of them so bad. 

i think humor is the only way to reply to fascists with power. 


i dont understand why i get constantly hated.

5 years slandered as a prostitude.

this time internet blog readers some hated me and hated me so bad so that takes my sentences and puts to meaning i never meant. 

this si what you know?

this is: 

people could dislike a person. but using power to slander the person with power usage., this is dope levels of fascism and insanity beside. 

this is lack of emphaty. 

this is lack of conscience.

this is lack of lots of stuff.

this is absence of mind.

this is absence of soul

this is absence of i think mainly iq. cause i never seen high iqqued people doing insane sick stuff like this. like disliking a person some reason, then using power to slander her in covert ways. this is dope level fascism.

i am happy i am very inner wise strong person agaisnt fascism.

but if you are any person with decent mind, and see this, please for me, at least one, make fun of those morons today some time of day. silently. we dont do hatred acts loudly. silently in your home, please swear a curse to those fascists morons whom try to slander me. pleases do this for me. i wish you do that. all peopl;e make fun swear curses to that fascist morons on behalf of me. please. and please.

and please do swear some very bad curses please. that i also request from blog readers that like me.  pleases swear a very severe curse to those fascist morons behind this. please swear the very worst curses pleases. but silently. not in internet. not in any place. just silentlu. just on behalf of me, please swore a curse to fascist morons please. dont hate them either. i dont want you to hate people. but just please swore a curse for me for today please. but nothing else. i want nothing else. just once a collective curse to that fascist morons i wish you do. inside of your head. silently. not loudly. and please dont hate them. just make fun of them since they are morons. i mean hatrede is not a good feeling. pleases dont hate them. if you hate them you would resemble them. so please dont hate them either. just only one thing i want from blog readers anyone rreading, pleases swore the worst curse you know tyo those fascist morons whom try to do a covert slandering me effort like that from internet as i saw today. 

dont hate. but its ok to silently curse to fascist morons. we shouldnt spread hatred so this should stay silent. and it sbhouldnt be repeated. cause then iyt would be hatred. dont hate. but just for once, for guh, please swore the worst curse you know to those with power whom try to do fascism of morons stuff like if its an oligarch, a covert slandering campaign, like fi its an oligarch. 

so please and please do this sworing the worst curse to those fascists for me for once and only once. i want nothing more.

this time i saw the hatred campoaign utilized famous people. (moron famous people) in the covert slandering activity. so please curse to all people involved in that.  i wish you do so. but silently. noit in internet. not loud. and dont hate them either. they are just morons. lets not expect them to behave normal cause they are morons.  so dont hate them either. just morons. nothing to change. we cant change morons to become emphats nonfascists. so please dont hate them its not their fault to be morons, they are morons and nothign to change. so dont hate them. actually its a topic to pity to in my view. i think you can pity to them either for since they are morons. but what i want is just once only once a silent worst of worst curse you know to be tokld to them in your mind to those fascists please.

please remember the worst curse you ever heards in life and swer to everyoine involved in that internet thing i saw. 

thats all i want from you against that fascists. please dont hate them. they are morons. they would bwehave as morons as expected. but for once at least please swore the worst of worst curse to them please.  i want such collective silent reply to fascism activity from blog readers. but without hatred. just once curse to fascism please. but once only once. please dont hate them, they are just morons with much power so its not their fault to behave like morons, so dont hate them.  but please for once remember the most severe curse you know and swore to anypeople involved int hat campaign please. as a swearing to fascism reply. pleases do this for me. i would be very happy if you do :) 



i like capitalism alot but capitalism is also not safe from fascism but it happens rarely like this. yet still much better than oligarchies or authoritianism (which are 100% fascism). capitalism has fascism happning rarely. in other regimes its the defacto fact of life. 




ok  if fascism has power like that to do slandering people, we have our mouths to swore against fascism :) our reply to fascism, sworing their names those whom involved int hat. but silently. 

i wish i could make 1000 people swore to them from blog. they tried to do a campaign with covert slandering messages on me to reach out millions with covert slanderings spread. i wish i could reaply to that fascists morons and their untrue slander with making people swear to them whom involved in that. please swore to those people involved int hat. but silently.n not from internet. do it from your heads please. because we arent like hater people. 


ok lets create a day to ourselves, survivors from morons egoistical abuse for since they dislike us and want to slander us.


where we make fun of those fascist morons so bad. 


i think world must have an anti-fascism day. i think there is already such day than :D no need to create new one.


ok for a while i understood world also consists of moron so i dont got sad when seeing. its a fact i get used to that world doesnt alwasys consists of people without intellgnce. some people dont have brain(intellgnce) and we cant change that.

fame status means nothing being a nonmoron person is the most important thing in life. 

and i dont follow  any famous person either. i only once followed account of. i understood they are normal people but i see there are also moron famous people from this case. morons doing moron activity. have fun moron fascists in your fascism. of trying to covertly slander me in that thing i saw. 

just because you are famous doesnt clear out you away from being moron. i wish other famous people arent any moron like you. 

you set of famous people involved in that and people behind that: you are the worst type of people that world has seen. cause you entitle yourselves in a covert slandering effort. you are worst because you are fascist morons. for being involved in a covert slandering trying to derepute a person activity using your power/fame. you are the worst type of people world ever seen. for being fascist. why dont you go live ina  oligarch and attend governments slandering effort to people? you live in democracy but use democracy's capitalism power to do oligarch acts like fascism. of trying to slander a person with a disgusting lie. you are both using democracy and capitalism's gains and using it to do personal fascism where covert slandering is to be done. so you are worst type of people in capitalism. i am happy not all people not all famous people are any like you fascist morons. 

why dont you people go live in oligarchs or authoritian regimes? since you and them quite have common points.  i think you could be a nice oligarchoies' goverbment's famous people set in such regimes and do covert slandering efforts in such places happily ever after?   that drawings has pink like colors but this activity stinks all fascism. that drawing is pink colored but is not pink. its of fascism color.  all touches all colors of that drawing is its ink its color its animation stinks all fascism. why dont you go live in an oligarch instead? you use democracy capitalism for your ownselves than do fascism to people in democracies via using powers capitalism created? i am happy capitalism also has intellgnt people unlike moron people like you. you might be a very great general or famous artist in an oligarch general's movie set to brainwash its country people instead of utilizing that democracy and capitalism's gains. you gained from capitalism gains all yourlife, then decide to attend a fascism tribute? of slandering a person with a very disgusting lie. i think you either must had lost your minds to turn to become to fascists like that behave like fascist like that. or you are just fascist morons. but happy that democracies/capitalism includes also intellgnt people that arent any like you. there are lots of nonmoron artists famous people around unlike you. have fun being morons. i am happy not all people are fascists. 

it really looks like oligarchs where journalists are slandered. and here the government is fascist moron individuals with power generaterd from capitalism. and using that power to dereputate qwith a disgusting lie like that. this is no differnt than oligarchs. sorry but you are shame of democracies cause you are fascists. you dont have mind set of democracies/capitalism. you are fascists. your mind belongs to authoritian/oligarch regimes visibly. for to attend a slandering a covert slandering activity like that. have fun fascist morons. i wish at least thousand people curses the worst ever curse to you from their heads silently to yours fascism moron fascism and slandering effort like if you are hadn of oligarchies/authoritian regimes. have fun in that. fascist morons.


ok this is so surreal. to confront fascism in very brutal degrees:S this is so weird., i nver expected to confront fascism in my usual daily life ever before.


ok another thing i saw in my life:

confronting brutal fascism of morons. and confronting a second covert  character assasination but this time diffrnt slander. 

ok. there are lots of morons visibly. 

ok i dont give alot emotional reaction since 5 yrears being slandered had taught me about moron people like this,. imean i already once confronted charqacter assasination in my life (i were slandered as a prositutde) so this time i ddnt gave alot reaction since i am already experienceed with confronting character assasination.

i dont understand why i confront or prone to confront characrter assasination named topic.

maybe bloggers are more prone to.

but my first character assasination happent on time i wernt blogging either. 

ok how to handle deal with morons? i think one way is to silently curse to moron fascists. from inside. not loudly.  since i think this is very exception form of brutality of fascism of morons. a very brutal form of fascism happens here right now in that animation of covertly slandering me. 


 i wish any one saw that silently curses to those famous people the worst curses they ever know in their life:) but silently not loudly. and please dont hate them since they try to covertly slander me in that. doint expect to behave good from them cause they are just morons. so please dont hate them either. morons have no other chances of being morons since they dont have enough brains(intellgnce) to be good people/nonmoron people.

this type of slandering happens in oligarchs to journalists. this is why i think they are living in the wrong country there. they have mindset of oligarch goverbments. 

for since they try to brainwash and insert covert slanders to that animation to try to dereputate me with a disgusting slander. 



you afre shaming your country i think. cause you are fascists. its happy you are very very very rare there. i mean i never seen any fascist from there either except you. tbhought everywhere fascist morons with oligarchy mindsetshappens. and i think you are shamign your country and your country's values via this.  cause this stuff you do is done in oligarchies authoritian places.of trying to slander people covertly through use of power. happens to i saw in oligarchies to journalists. the same thing  you are doing in that animation happens in oligarchies.some oligarchies slander journalists. so that they have to find a life otu there somewhere else. some oligarchies try tokill people (Navalry). in authoritian places people always scare of talking since governemtn is fascist. this thing this thing you did is no different than those i think.

 and you are against your country's values visibly. you just look like from an oligarchic place instead.  you look like from oligarchic places not from there. i like your country and lucky that you fascist type of people very very very very very come rare from there maybe least fascism happens there. i mean that country looks like nonfascist place and i honestly hadnt sesen any fascists from there except you.  your country might be the least fascist countries where leastg number of fascists people exists. so you are very rare. you look like you look like you look like not from there. you look like from oligarchies instead. where journalists are slandered. where Navalry is tried to be killed. you look like people from those countries from oligarchies side. since you attend covertly slandering a person activity via means of a powerful reachout capability. this is seen in oligarchies. you are shaming your countrys awesome great values against oligarchies via this.  my view of this is exactly like this.  that you look like not from there and more from oligarchic government like places from oligarchic countries. 

this is no different than being Navalry. though i am not couregous like any him. nor i had any goals like him. but the thing i confront is same. he were tried to be killed with a poison. i am tried to be dereputted throguh this covert slandering method with some famous people also attending. this is toatlly no different than that oligarchy structure there. but its not done by USA either. its just capitalism is great and best thing since has equality (if education also could be made eaual in all world but its worked on and it would be) (capitalism is equality since it neables to people have lives of any configuration they want from aligned with their own will/own efforts). (int other stuffs people have more predetermined lives/jobs/roles etc defined by a system) (so this is why i think capitalism is freedom).   so in this case, i see capitalism also sometimes very rarely creates morons beside nonmorons. i mean fascism is also everytime risk to capitalism either. fascists dont always means governments. someotmes individuals become fascists. you are like USA president said to some goverment official, you are like killers. just only because yuou are morons though. since you try to kill me with covertly slandering me like that. i dont think you dont any represent your country nor your country's values any level. cause USA has nice mechanism to protect people against fascism. i mean its a fascism free place. i mean its a place where regimes against fascisms are constructed. its the birth place of such regimes against fascisms. so definitely fascism is against that cotunry's values. so i think you are not any representating that awesome country in any level in any case. and you aer just morons that luckily became famous or rich somehow and trying to do oligarchic acts to othersusing your power.what you do in that nimation is no different than NAvalry poisoning. you like Mr. President said to some other government official, you are like killers. 

i were already tried to be killed by slandered as aprostitude for 5 years.

now this time i wrote a blog all about that. then people reading my blog hated me then they try to kill my life with covertly slandering me in an animation. 

you are no different than Navalry's killers. 


cause thats a very untrue and very disgusting slander.


i dont think you any reprsent USA in any degree at all. i think you are you look like more from oligarchies instead.


i think every country even countries that created systems against fascisms are also again prone to threats of fascism. like i think USA created regimes that are protection against fascist regimes. i mean antifascist stuff birth from there. but being that democracy spreader like great topics spreader, even such ciountry where antifascist systems are born are even sometimes under risk of fascism exerted by individuals definitely not the government. cause that country is the birth place of systems to protect individuals from fascisms of any type. i mean protecting people's freedom rights and etc. 


so you dont look like you are from there nor i dont think you represent any people from there in any level. cause i never seen people like you before ever from there.  you dont look like that place's people any. since you do what oligarchies do. in that covert slandering activity. is no different than what oligarchies does. so you are very distant from that country's values i think in my view. you dont any represent that place or people. i think you just got rich famous by luck whilst being morons also. 

this is because you tried to kill my life like Navalry is killed with covertly slandering me in an animation with very untrue slander. i dont think you are no different than oligarchws. so i think you dont look like that country's people any. 

i am sorry but someone has to said these blatantly to you cause you seem to be unaware from this fact. you dont any look like from there. you dont any behave like people from there. how you behave is how Navalry's killers behaves. or how journalists slanderers behaves in other oligarchies. checkout amnestyorg page to see lots of people slandered. you have no difference than those epople whom slandered those journalists. 

so i wanted to raise awareness of your distance to your country's values in that covert slandering activity. for because you do an act that is to be listed in amnesty org's abuses page. (e.g. check and see to see lots of slandered people there). 


i am sorry for being honest. i dont care if USA dislikes me since i said those to those people. but i would say truths. always trutsh. and noone should expect to not react to a covert slandering effort against me.  and i think those people also dont reprsent USA in any ;level in any sense and they are quite distant to USA's awesome values /constitution topics. these people with power but with no intellgnce have no relatedness to USA. but i know i might get hate of USA since i said these. but i hadnt said these to USA. and i said these to people whom look like not from USA any.  i think they dont represent USA any in any sense in any level in any way. i think since USA is 300 million? so there also happens fascist in everywhere, 5 fascists among 300 millions is quite normal so this is unrelated to USA. and USA is place of systems which are protecting people from fascism. i mean it fought against fascism in world. i mean USA is one most anti-fascist countries of world. this topic has none relatedness to USA. this topic is about some individuals using their power to do fascist acts like in oligarchies. no differnt than journalists being slandered.  i open an animation to see i am slandered with worst with most untruth. my life is like an open book look and see. that slander is very far from my life not any correlated in any way. but this is no different than Navarlry poisoning, this is no differnt than amnesty pages' listing of journalists whom had to change their life since they were harrassed slandered,. this animation is opt to be a quite suited position to be listed as those amnesty org page listing. since its no differnt than oligarchs slandering. this time from individuals whom decided to hate a person and doing it using power using means of power to try to dereputate a person with most horrible way.  so this is no diffrnt than Navalry poisioning. but its not anyh government doing this. its fascist individuals.  so i think you are shame of that country';s famous peoples. you are shaming that countrys awesome values.  if you tyhink you are doing something good in slandering a person, i wanted to state this is exactly what is listed in amnesty/org's pages listeings (usually happens to journalists this slansdering stuff). (in this cases happens to me and its done by some hater individuals whom decided to hate me and use power means to show their hatred with resorting to slandering also. like oligarchies slandering of journalists.  even if i am not any journalist. i am just a silly blogger. ) i wanted to raise awareness to listing attritbue of this act. i mean its deserved to be lsited in amnesty org listing, this fascist group trying to slander me like that since they disliked me when they read my blog. this is no different than amnestyorg's listings page. this act fascist act deserves to be listed in there cause its no different than slanders done to journalists, actually same, but me being not any journalist either.

when you behave fascist, dont expect us to stay silent. cause this is no differnt than those amnesty org listings of epople(mostly journalists) slandered by power mechainsms of oligarchic places.

you deserve to be listed in that 5 or how much that people in that animation worked, you deserve to be listed in amnesty org's harrasser hujman rights violators page via throguh this animation act in which you slandered me horribly.

you deserve to be listed in human rights violators page of amnesty org, where people are listed (people rights abused) and their abuser (mostly countries). in this case its not a country but just haters with power and using power means to do slandering. no differsntt not any differnt than that amnesty org page.

 you are definite human right abusers. cause what you do is no differnt than that amnesty org page listings right now. to slander me with such horrible lie since you disliked my blog and wanted to craft a lie from my words inside my blog with putting to very wrong nontrue contexts to slander me.


if people from USA hated me since i blogged this human rights abuse i am sorry but i had to blog about it because some people there tries to do rights abuse to me via slandering me horribly using their enormous power to reach out people to slander me. so i am sorry but i have to blog it. and i dont think those people any represent USA in any level. i think they look like more from oligarchies. 




ok what i want to do now:

ok i wanted to draw a fascism related caricature specific to these rich but brain lacking morons whom tried to attedn a covert slandering effort. there are rich but brain holding tons of people there. but also sometimes rich famous and moron specialization also happens in world. this type are prone to doing fascism to people visibly. 

i think cure to this is:  making fun of their fascism very loudly. (i revert cursing request its indecent.) i thinkits good reply would be making fun of fascism of morons and please dont hate them. please dont. (because they are fascists and doing human right abuse as same level as done by oligarchies as in slandered journalist cases of amnesty page so they must lack some kind of mental capability/apparatus to be a fascist like in oligarchic places. its not ok to hate. but lets make fun of the fascism thats ok. but please dont hate them. )

i think most shameful thing in life is fascism. 

whislt i am tried to be slandered to be made disliked by people with a covert slandering way, i think they unnoticedly do a very bad thing to themselves also int that covert ting not knowingly. for getting fascist status. cause fascism is the most shameful thing ever existing of humanity.  i mean whilst they are trying to make me disliked with slandering me horribly, they actually are making themselves disliked cause fascism is the worst trait of humanity ever all after.

this noneless to be listed in's human rights abuses page. surely definitely. cause its no differnt than what happens to that journalists happens to me throguh that animation. those journalists are also slandered wioth lies since they were disliked by fascist oligarchs, none differnt, i am slandered horribly in that with trying to spread false rumor about me like that, i am slandered very horribly in that, so this is no differnt than the human right abuses we see in that fascist governments human rights abuses page of amnesty org.  not any done by any government either. done by individuals. with power, articulated with power  individuals. 

if i am guher, i would surely defintiely apply to amnestyorg and would make this be attached to amnesty org listing. causes this is definitely not any different from that journalist slanderings there. 

power doesnt mean people with power are any right. that would be fascism.

right and wrong is unbound to power. 

truth and falsehood is unbound to power.

no one has any right to slander a person using means of power. 

and i am slandered horribly in that.

definitely its now time to apply to

to have this be attqached to humanity;s history of human rights abuses. aka amnestyorg page. 

having power doesnt mean you can use that to slander people horribly with lies.

you have no right to do that.

you would be attached (to history of human right abuses page of amnesty) (wishfully) (i would surely apply to).

(soon you would have your place in human right abuses in history of humanity) (what you do is no differnt than what happens to thoses slandered journalists. nothing elses is dfiffernt. its just differntce is only that its not any government doing this but some powerful individuals that disliked my blog and decided to use their power to try to dereputate me with slandering horribly like that. )

(please await your place in amnesty org page. soon. ) 

(i wish i would suceed to make your this act be attached)  (causes its no difernt than what i read about journalists being slandered).


(blog readers of decent/nonfascist/aware minds, please wish me luck in this). 

(i would be severely happy if i see this happen and i would surely apply to. cause its truly no differnt than what i see in that slandered journalists there in that page).


i would be truly happy alot:)

to see if i could win against fascism and brutality of fascism. and the horrible brutality of being horribly slandered in that act. 

i would be the happiest person if i could see that those brutal fascists see their selves in that amnesty org listeing page as human right abusers. cause what they do is no different than what happens to the slandered journalists. 


i would report also 5 years of slandered as prostitude situation to the amnesty org either. i would tell all abuses i confronted. for being slandered as a prostitude. then i blogged it. then some blog readers hated me and then they this time tried to slander me with a more horrible slander. 

i would report every thing one by one so that i see all human right violators/all fascists get attached to the list of human rights abuses cases in listing of 

please wish me luck in this. 

confronting human right abuse is somethign i started to be experienced of. i mean it doesnt shock me now. since i were slandered 5 years as a prostitude. this new slandering this new slander ddnt hurted me since i am used to seeing how horrible people could be. like slanderers.  i were slandered for 5 years.


i would tell every sinbgle stalk slander incident from stalker whom slandered me as a prsotitide for 5 years then  i would also tell about this new topic of haters in internet, whom dislikde me, and this time they wanted to slander me. since i have a blog and written things. and written about my life. and they hated me. and they like if oliugarchic fascists, use their power to horribly slander me. so i would report all these all of these human right abuses one by one to


so that human right abusers gets atteched to the list of that listing of 

 this new topic made me sure of attending amnesty org.

causes staying silence to brutality of fascism is not any thing to be done. we should reply and we should reply loud. and i would reply with applygiont to to report this incident where i am slandered with a horrible lie where the slanderer visibly hates me and uses power means to do reach the slander to people. so this is no diffnnt than journalists cases there. so i would do my application.  

i would be very happy if i see this new human right abusers (of trying to dereputate a person) find their place in the listing of that amnestyorg page.

that if happens i would be the jhappiest person of this world. 

cause i am tired of confronting various type of right abuses like i were slandered as a prostitude for 5 years. then this.  where fascists uses their power to try to dereputate a person using power means.  this is the tipping point of me. 

i can stay silent to anything but not to fascims and not to brutality of fascism.

this is the tipping point of me. where i start to take legal action items and more than legal, what i would dream of would be: what i would be the happiest of is making these human right violators be attached to amnesty org listing. that would make me the happiest person of world. or won a fight against fascism and brutality of fascism that would feel as:) so this is my goal now. to make the human right violators (whom try to dereputate people with horribly slandering through reach with power means) be attached to listing of page. any person with good heart, please wish me luck in my goal. cause these people fascist peoiple need to confront consequences of fascism. noone has right to do this to us. no one has right to slander us. so wish me good luck in this. i would take one day leave request and would visit amnesty org office. to report these incidents all of them one by one. 

i dont want anything. only thing i want is to see fascism gets confronted i want to see lists the fascists as human right violators.(because they tried to slander me horribly). 

ok i think this would be really really happy if i see this fight against various type of fascisms i confronted happens to be won with help of 

this time i have evidence of the intended slander. throught that newsletter of the slandering place. ok a very interesting journey in guh's life starts this week. or the other week i have holiday i might do it other week. ok. i would visit amnestyorg to ask help in my human rights violation of trying to be slandered horribly. and using power means in that.

and i were alwayskind of thinking noone would listen my story.but now i have evidence of the slandering effort.  but i have 2 slander stories. this is new. this slander is new. happent from blog readers visibly some people dislijked my blog and wanted to slander. this is new. but the other were i were slandered as a prostitude for 5 years. but this new one made me courageous to go to  before i were suspecting if people woibt believe me. now i have at least evidence of the second slander case. so ik could go to amnesty org without suspecting people would think i am paranoid. i am not paranoid and i were really slandered for 5 years. but i had no evidence of that so i scared when i go to amnesty people would suspect if i am paranoid if am not slandered etc. but now in this new slandered case with a new slander, i have evidence of the slander. so i can really go without sacring from stranger people in amnesty suspecting me as paranoid (that if i think i am slandered whilst i am not) i wanted to go to amnestyorg so bad but only thing that stopped me were thinking people wont believe that i am stalked slandered for 5 years. cause i have no evidence. and  i thouthgt scared people would even suspect my mental health since i have no evidence of the stalk/slander since i am not a detective. but this time in this new slander i confronted (this is brandnew) there is really evidence. so i could go to amnesty org. causes i have evidence of the slandering dereputing effort right now in my mail box in the newsletter. so this time i have evidence. 

and slandered as a prostitude slander and this new slander are done by diffrnt people. but i would tell all of them. this new slander is very new.  and very horrible and the slanderers tries to dereputate me like if they are from oligarchic governments people with slandering horribly to make me dereputated to make me disliked by people. a horrible slnadering happens in this new slander. but i have evidence for the first time in my life of a slander case. so i can go to amnestyorg now. i am bvery happy ffor this. cause only reason i were not going were scaring they would think i am paranoid. now there is evidence even not from the first slander. this two slanders are differnt. first is i were 5 years slandered as a prostitude. second one is new. second one is blog readers some blog readers hated me and used their power to slander me horribly. all would be told to amnestyorg.



gosh i am so happy cause i think i would for the first time in 5 years be able to reply to fascisms brutal fascism i confronted for 5 years. first fascism came from some people whom slandered me as aprostitude whilst i never been. this new slander is new and came from some blog readers whom disliked my blog and wanted to slander me horribly/to dereputate me horribly. you are protector of all people. you are kind of angel of people to protect them from fascism. i am mostly atheist but still i carry religious symbols on my accessories, but know that i feel like visiting some angel or religious feeling this has since i really confronted really horribel trauma in my life for 5 years. that i were not ok with telling  cause i scared i would be told as paranoid not belived that i were really stalked. now since i funnily got slandered second time in my life (this time differnt and more horrible lie) i now have evidence but at least of second slander. so i feel more seceure to go to amnestyorg without confronting any mental health suspect cause this time i have evidence. even not from the first stalk slander case, but from the second one i have evidence in my mail box. i want to write poems to you.

cause you are protector of people against fascists.


for the first time i feel happier in my lfie cause i finally could go to amnestyorg. because i have this time evidence. 

before what stopped me from going were being not believed that i were really stalked. cause i could have been a paranoid going there in the end. i mean i have had no evidence since i am not a detrective to record evidence of stalk incidents of the prostitude slandering i confronted. btu the evidence of this second new slander (this time happent from some blog readers since they hated me and wnated to slander horribly as i see)  makes me courageous to go since i have evidence of at least second slandering case. 

and i would also talk all stalk slandeirng incidents of first character assasination case. i were tried to be slandred as a prostitude for 5r years.

i cried now but with happiness since i now have courage to go to amnesty org now. before all i all scared that people would suspect my mental health that i am paranoid schizophrenic that i am not slandered alike they would think i thought. whislt i were really slandered stalked for 5 years.  via this second slander in my life i confronted, i now have evidence and therefore have courage to gvo to amnesty org because this time i have evidence so people wont think i am schizphrenic i were scared to go only due to that since my stalk story other people got shocked and ddnt believed some. my family knows its true i am slandered stalked for 5 years. but usuaqlly outsiders ddnt believed and some people also suspected whether i am paranoid and not stalked actually whislt i were really stalked. but i dont condemn them for that either because its a very weird topic and people dont get hear alot such topics like that so its why. but i know amnesty hears always such stories. but i still lacked the courage to go since i scared i would be thought of as if i am paranoied etc. then bujt since a second slandering incident happent in my life this time a diffrnt slander and this time from internet visiblky some blog readers hated me and wanted to slander, this time i have evidence of. so i am very happy and cried with happiness cause i got over scaring to go to amnestyorg after this second slandering incidebnt even if first slandering topic and second are unr elated. the second one gave me courage to go to amnesty cause i have now evidence of the slander.


i cried with happiness. 

i cant define how this happiness feels.

of being confronted slandered as a prostitude for 5 years. a 3 years of agoraphobia and constant stalk following as a prostifude for 5 years.

then but not being able to solve because i needed detectives to record evidence of stalk. i couldnt record evidence in stalk incdents cause i am not a detective.  i usually moved away from cafe when i were stalked when i got aware i am stalked. or had my headphones on instead without caring the stalk incident any. but most incidents i went away from cafe. anyway so i couldnt any record evidence of 5 years stalk topic. but this second slandering i observed happent to me (a new slander, differnt lie this time) now i have evidence of it. 

it feels so happy to finally have evidence of these. even if its unrelated to first topic. given me courage to go to finally amnestyorg. i scared they would think i am paranoid and i am not actually stalked if i went there. this is why i hadnt went there. nbut now since i have evidence of second slandering (which is unrelated to first slandering not done by same people, first dslander were done by people following me in street, stalking me in street etc)  this second one is done in internet by blog readers from whom whom hated my blog. and they visibly decvided to try to do dereputate me using a horrible slander. so now i have evidence of this slander stuff. its very happy. i cried with happiness. i took some whisky. since i think for the first time in my life, i would see some thiong against traumas happen that some kind of justice to happen. since i now would be going to amnesty org. 

i wish i could both make attach these two sesparate slanderings to two diffnrt topics in that amnesty org humanity shameful fascism oligarchism bheaviors page (human rights abuses page).



i would be the happiest person on earth when i sese this happn.

and even if i am mostly atheist, amnesty org is like Rafael or Gabriel or any angel of God to me since i were tortured with being slandered as aprostitude for 5 years. so is really very important to me.  

and i am very happy that,  this weirdly second slander diffrnt happent so that now i have solid evidence to go to amnesty org.


i wish i could make both those fascists be attached to amnesty;s human right violations page for their horrible slandering effort to me through using their power means.  (talking about the second slandering topic now i am.)



i cried of happiness tonight. take some cigar. take some whisky. to feel something like: something like journey of: journey of seeing justicve happens. for all traumas i confronted for 5 years in my life. 

so i cried of happiness. i never had courage to report to amnesty because i were scared i would be thought as paranoid and wont believed. but now i have evidence of the seocnd slander. so i have evidence. this is very new to me. before i had none evidence of the traumas in my life of stalk/slander. this time i have evidence. yayy!:)


i cried of happiness. cause i really went through horrible 5 years when i confronted slandeered as a prostitude whilst i never been. then this second slander from internet happent (i have evidence of) now i have evidence to follow to make justice happen. 


a light against all fasicms in world. a strong soul in the wind. a strong soul in a roughy period of life. 


now the first time reporting going to report all these right abuses in my life to the minstry of human rights group in world, which is  its the official human rights defender group of world. the most known one. i feel as if i am going to angels since i really confronted horrible trauma in my life whislt confroting being slandered as prostitude. then this from unrelated place from blog readers in internet people whom hated my blog slandered me in itnernet with a diffrnt slander this time.  now i have evidence of it. 

for the first time i felt happy in ,my life. since now i have evidence of these traumas i confronted. now i have a sinlge evidence to go to amnesty org. 

i would be very happy if i could manage to make these people attached to human rights violators page in amnestyorg's that listing of human right abuses and their doers pages.

i would be the happiest person of world.

cause confronting fascism and winning over fascism is one would be one topic to be very happy about. 

cause i were slandered horribly in both two slanders. different lies same agenda of trying to dereputate. diferent people doint that with dffrnt complty dfrrtn lies/slander. but now i have evidence of:) and this is so happy :D all i lacked before to go to amnesty org were absence of solid evidence causes i am not any detective. this time i have evidence.

even if prostitude slandering and this new slander are completely unrelated. i would try to make them be attached to that page as separate cause they are separate slanders. but i would be the happiest person when i see these shappens:) cause being slandered is never ok. and we should resist we should defend our rights against slandering. 

i see that some stupid fascists when they dislike a person they think they can do dereputate people whom they dislike with slandering them horribly.:S

its so happy that exists and protects we people from these type of fascist type of people in world(that could happen in everywhere) whom have no issues in slandering people with horrible slanders to try to dereputate. amnestyorg is like an angel of people against fascists whom uses power means when slandering when spreading false rumors about people.





today for the first time in my life i felt very happy cause i now have evidence to fight against this horrible traumas i confronted in my life. 5 years slandered as a prostitude even if this is unrelated. i would also talk every detail of this to amnesty.  i never forget even single stalk slander incident from this either. then this second one definitely, i would be the happiest person in wolrd if i see people doing this get attached to human rights violators page of amnestyorg listing page.  for to try to spread such horroible false rumor about me with trying to slander horribly me like that.



 that feels like when peoplke use their means of powers to dereputate individuals with no power to reply, when peoplke try to do fascism and use their power to try to dereputate individualswith very strong powerful reaching capability to others in their dereputation effort using power or means of power,  there exists amnesty org named place that protects people from that horrible power sourced mechanisms trying to destroy people's life/happiness with slandering them.  against all fascist power mechanisms, there happens amnesty org like places.

 i want to just cry with happiness cause for the first time i have a solid evidence now. 

i am a survivor of horrible 5 years stalk slander topic. i survived. then this time second slander happent this time from blog readers some people hated me. then again this shit of slandering behavior from hating people i observed. 

i observed that slander is not rafre. some peoiple like to utilize slandering mechanism to people they dislike. and they have shame of slandering the person with horrible slanders. they have no empathy to the slandered person  and they have no remorse in doing that either. for slandering a person horribly with such horrible lie.


but against all those emphaty lacking power having people whom have no issues in slandering people, there exists peoiple with good hearts whom protects people from fascism from those people type.


i observed that, there exists people whom do slander people when they dislike a person. i mean to try to dereputate.  they try to derepuate horribly. when they dislike a person. not all people are like this but i saw some blog readers hated me and try to do dereputate.


among all fascisms there happens nonfascists. there happens places which protect people from these type of fascist people. 


i talked alot about this because its very important to me. to have an evidence for the first time. of a slander crime i confronted. this is crime.these slanderers are doing crime to try to dereputate a person like that. 

for the first time i have evidence for all the unhappy things i confronted in my life. even if this one is unrelated to the first time.


makes me want to cry of happiness since i really confronted torture of being slandered for 5rr years and i had nothignt to fight against since i had no evidence of the stalk slander incidents. this time its a diffrnt slander from interent this time from people whom hated me visibly and this time i have evidence of the slander.


i dont understand but i sese i am a person whom is prone to be slandered somehow? i dont any understand why i got slandered twice in my life. 

first were slandered as a prostitude.

but in this second time, i have evidence of the slander.  so this time i coudl go to amnesty org.

and i would be the happiest person on earth when i see all these people whom participated in this gets attached to human rights violator page of

i wish i could get a 1 day leave tomorrow and go to amnesty org tomorrow. 

 maybe i ask and maybe people say ok? since i really want to go to amnesty org asap. cause i always wanted to go to. but i always scared i would be thought as if i am paranoiud. but in this second slander i have evidence bold solid evidence now. 

so this time i have no scare of going to amnesty org (for being thought as paranoid i were scared of) tbhis time i have solid evidence.

i wish i could get leave request on tomorrow to go to amnestyorg's Berlin office.

it would be the happiest day of my life. when i report all these all of these human right abuses i confdronted in  my life 5 years. this second time of slander is diffrnt. 


tonight might be one hapoiest night of my life for last 5 years. because for the first time i have evidence of a slander


and tomorrow i really want to go to amnesty org so bad. aha i spent all money silly i. so i would wait one more day. 

tomorrow be the happiest day of my life or next daqy sorry next day. since i would sue these human right violators of slanderers all to the ministry of human rights protection place of world, in other words named place.



a day which i now have evidence to fight against fascisms i countered. 

i raise my whistky to all people confronted fascism and slanders via use of fascist ways, along all journalists whom were slandered, along all epople whom were slandered throguh means of powers.

i raise my whisky with happienss. with some tears happent in my eyes.

for the first time i confronted a slander and i have evidence of it also. 

i raise my whisky to all fights all resistances against all fascisms in world now. 


if you are antifascist, i wish you also raise your whisky or else drink tea coffee with me now :)


and i raise my whisky to Navalry and all slandered journalists also. 

and even if my situation is not any like that. iddnt did important things like them. but i somehow got slandered even not doing any important thing in my life either.

lets raise whisky to all people whom confronted any fascism in life now.

this second cheer honoring fascism survivors. i wish all people survive fascism when they confront. and i wish Navalry gets saved from prison. i recently read about. not that i want to correlate my stupid storuy to his important story. it would be dishonoring thoses people stories cause my story is stupid not like theirs.  my is again fascism but just having haters and haters wanting to destroy me throguh horribly slandering. so some common denominators exists. but not same definitely since i hadnt had some holy goals in my lfie when ebeing slandered. i were just trying to live my life without doing nothing important when being slandered unlike them (unlike journalists or Navalry or all people whom  confronted fascism whilst actually doing important things in life. i confronted fascism whislt doing nothing of important in my life. i were just living my silly life. then i had haters. and haters tried to slander tried to dereputate me. so my story is silly either. not important stody. but common denominator is fascism in all. and this second slander used very power means to try to destroy my reputatyion with slandering me horribly like that so this second slander is kind of definite fascism use case where an indivitual is tried to be destroyed with slandering horribly. )


but just i just meant common denominator in all these topics is fascism.


so, alas, 

lets raises to second whisky to all people whom confronted fascism whilst doing important things in life (i confronted whilst i were doing nothing important, i werent doing journalism or werent doing politics, i were just living a life when i confronted fascism but seems as fascism also sometimes target nonimportant people like me. ). 

i wish i know a poem and song it when raising this second whisky cheers moment.

this is for all journalists all politicians whom were slandered with lies. like people lsited in amnestyorg page.

third whisky sip to cheer: to raise whisky for:

i wish to find a poem and read it whilst doing that. 

poem about fascism.

poems about people tried to be slandered (e.g me or journalists)

i wish i could find a poem and get lost in poems tonight. on section of poems for mentioning topics of fascism.

i couldnt find. so would go an empty sip now sinc ei couldnt find any poem about fascism weirdly:S 

i coldnt find any:S

i wanted to find a poem for resistance against fascism but coudnt found any.


maybe i ask from people from amnestyorg office. yupp they must be knowing maybe:) 

ok another day for cheers to whisky raise then. i might find friends in amnestyorg whom suggest give me poems to fascism survivors . (i hadnt survived yet. the slander happent recently. as i ask support from amnesty and fight agaisnt to that slander, then i say i had survived fascism). (but i am a going to be fascism survivor :) ) (and i would be the happiest person when i made their slandering effort be attached to that page of human right violation efforts (where similarly sjournalists are slandered)) i would be happiest when i win against fascism and slander. 

lets raise whisky with no idea to say what to say on cheering moment now.

for the first tiem i feel happy last 5 years. cause this time i have evidnce of a human rights violation i confronted :D 

i confronted 5 years stalk slandering effort as slandering me as sprotitutde and i had no evidence of that. but in this one i have evidence:D

its so undefinable levels of happy to have evidence fo fascism effort of trying to slander me. they used a very power means in that. and would wishfully be responded with power of Amnestyorg named place if they help me.

but i think amnestyorg like places its just good will of people.   nothign religious. they might or not have religions eithger. but its just based on voluntary goodwill of a collection of people. which is precious/priceless topic in world. one of the most holy constructions in world it is. and you see that when you yourself's human rights get violated in fascist ways wiht power means, you clearly see that.


i wish noone sees the importance of amnesty org like organizations through their human rights violations. the feeling of confronting human rights violation of own is something bad.  i confronted human rights violation for 5 years. anyway. i wish noone sees the important of amnesty org through confonrtinaton of human rihghts abuses. 

anhyway. i wish i handt spent my all money for this month and had spared some so that i asked for leave request for tomorrow and go on tomorrow.

now i have evidence. in my mailbox from the newsletter i saw it.


they have no place to get away from the fascism they applied with that slandering effort in that. and would confront consequences of that.  i would be the happiest person in world if i manage to have them be attached to human rights abuse listings of amnesty org page so that win against fascism happens. cause noone has any right to try to dereputate/slander me like that. and they use their power means in that. 

if they are powerful, goodwill holding power holding other people exist in world whom protects people from powerful and fascists. they are definite fascists because they tried to dereputate me using means of their power. and they tried to horribly slander me using their means of power. so happy that organizations against fascists also exist in world. 

if powerful people want to become fascists, there exists other powerful people whom arent fascists:) so we would not let fascism win. to restate. i would not let fascism and slander to win. cause you have no right to slander a person with a horrible lie since you dislike the person. and you have no right to do that using means of your power.this is dope levels of fascisms applied fascism example in modern life use case this is.




i dont know what to do tonight. i drank some whisky. 

i am not used to passing night doing noithing. i always like to read something. or fall asleep. but now i took whisky so i am not in studying mood. but i dont know what else to do. i don tlike watching tv unfortunately. i dont know what to do. 

i wish i had friends whom we chattred now. 

when you confront character assaination as a prostitude as 5 years, your life also gets deprived from friends since you dont go outside. 


so i think i could find friends also from amnestyorg to chatter. or after this is all resolved, i would continue my life like i used to so i would startg going outside again. 

and this time so happy i were  slandered and i have evidence of it.


i would be the happiest person  in world when i make all these human right abusers to be attached to amnesty org's page. 

both two diffrnt slander cases, i wish to make them attached. cause no one has any right to slander any person using means of power. 




a life tried to be torn away by fascism. with slanders.


this word sequence i thought now. of my poem of my confrontation of fascism.


i am not a poet i cant write any poem:D

but might try since i really confronted a very brutal fascism things for 5 years. first slandered as a prostitude. then this time second one happent from blog readers whom hated my blog and did a very horrible slandering covertly slandering effort. ok i wish to see both two cases be attached to amnesty org page.

ok i think slander about slander topic slander word i want to write poem maybe.

ok i but i am not a poet. ok third whisky sip would happen with no poem sentence than cause i couldnt find any poem anywhere about resistence against fascists/fasicsm and fascist power usages.




i would be the happiest person if i make all people included in that be attached as human rights violator to amnesty page. cause they are. 

causes they horribly slander me covertly horribly slander me in that. 

and they use their power to slander me their popularity to slander me. 

so i wish i could make them be attached to human right abusers page of amnesty org. for attending a 5 or 4 people they are? of that created that animation? of trying to slander a person with horribly lie woith means of power with means of fascist power, an effort to slander a person very horribly. 


so common denominator between Navalry and the journalists i saw in that amnesty pages and my case: usage of power to try to destroy individuals that are disliked either usage of poisons either usage of slanders. but same topic. same goal of destroying unwanted person through dishonest means like slandering and using their own power to power the slander more. 

so i wish i could make every sibngle of them be attached to amnesty org's page. for this. 


so third whisky goes to: words of: resistence to fascism. we would win over fascism. they might be powerful but they are lying slandering. so power is only power when its true. when its slander, that power would should must confront good people of world like amnesty like organizations. power is meaningless when its used to do tell slander/used to dereputate people with slander.  


so only truth actually has power in world. those people whom slandered me in that animation might think they have power, they would see they have not. cause only thing that matters that has real power in world is truth. slander have no power. and i would make them be attached to human rights abuser page for trying to slander me using their own powers. fascisms not to be forgiven nor forgotten,.  they should confront consequences of trying to slander a person and using fascist ways of fascist means of power to do that. 

lets raise our whisky to resistence against common denominators in world of fascism type of common denominators. and lets raise our whisky to people whom porotect people from fascists slanderers whom try to dereputate people slandering them using their means of powers. 

this is not to be forgiven. or forgotten.

going to amnestyorg is very going to recently happen. i wish i hadnt spent my entire salary to math books this month so that i could had gone tomorrow. but i would go on tuesday or when salary happens. 


i am just so bored cause never happent any night i bhadnt studied or rested. never had a whisky in my hand doing nothing:S i dont know what to do now. i mean i iwhsed i liked tv. i have literally nothing to do right now. i wish i had friends that i could chatter. ok anyway. 


ok since i have nothing to do i dont even want to listen music cause what i only want is to go to amnesty org earliest and i am eage4rly awaiting the day to pass the other day to come asap. only thing i want is now fast passing of time/hours. tomorrow would pass fast cause i ahve work day. but night might not pass fast either. i want noithing else in my life right now other than going to amnesty org to report all these.


legal/constitiuotional fight agaisnt fascism, literally newly started:)

fascists against us? hah we would definitely win against fascists :) 

 legal situation agaisnt this also would literally start. since i have evidence of throught the animation and other things in that newsletter. but i wont sue them for any money or else. all i want is to have that be attached to slandering listings of that amnesty org page. cause i dont have any goals other else than having justice happen and justice would hapepn when human right abusers get listed in that page of amnestyorg. thats the way the justice would happen in this specific case. for trying to use their power to try to dereputate a person with slandering horribly like that.


i lived my life never thinking i would confront fascism or any stuff like that. but happent. and now is the literally replying time, not just from blog. but from amnesty like organization. yuppp.  i would also find a lawyer. not to sue monetarily to make them revert that slander there and say sorry to me for that trying to horribly slandering me like that.


i would also attend the legal path there. in this. and would also investigate amnesty path in this.  one of two i would make it happen to make tghem be ashamed for slandering a person horribly and using their own power means in that. i would make them say sorry to me or else i would i wish or else i wish i see them in listing of human right abusers page of amnesty org page where journlists slandered are listed along with the slanderers. or other human right abuses. i wish to make this case attached to there if possible.







my resistance against fascism literally started. 

ok as my salary gets loaded i would take a leave for a day and go to directly amnesty office. now i have evidence of fascism since i have a newsletter of holding content of fascist slandering on today.

i love the fact of amnesty org that they are bound to noone and they are bound to no place. they are just really independent people.

i would tell first the stalk slander incident happent for 5 years. but also thi new hatred act i saw from internet some 4 famous people also assisted this in this trying to slander me thing like that. now i have evidence of. i want nothing i just want them to be listed on that page of human right abusers since they slander me and used their power or means of power in that.


 if people forgot that resistance to fascisms also exist in world, lets make it be remembered, cause the amnesty org named completely independent to any topic people exist in world. they are bound to noone no mechanism nothing else. a definite independent people set.

people started to act as if fascism is ok. like if you can slander epople using your means of power etc. to horribly slander people. lets make it be remembered fascism is never ok throguh legal sues. slandering people is never ok. and when fascism whenever existed in world, there also existed people who resisted against throguh legal suees or  like applications to very independent insttns of world.

i am so in love to the fact that amnesty is bound tgo noone nothing noplace nowhere. they are really independent people:)]

so i would be very happily tell about 5 years of being slandered as a prostitude  plus this new thing i saw in internet this time i had haters after i had a blog and this time this is new and from haters in internet and they similarly like all fascists, resorted to slandering way.  they tried to dereputate me through that via some animation there. this is so dope level of fascist type of slandering.

btu no matter what, whenerv  fascisms happens always resistence to fascisms also happens throguh legal mechanisms or independent organizations handling them.

secondly, its kind of funny to cconfront fascisms whilkst doing nothing important in life. normally peop;le that are doing something important in political areba(Navalry like people for instance unfortunately) confront fascisms from oligarchs/power constructs or journalists either similarly. in my case i did nothing of political against power constructs in world nor ddnt did any journalism either. most of the time those two groups are under risk of this type of fascisms which is bad very sad  and but its so happy that amnesty like organizations protects them when this happens.


its just so funny in that aspect. but via this, i understood how fascism is how its bad. and how important amnesty like organizations are. 

this is so insane and funny to confront fascism in my silly life. but i confronted. confront. and would definitely make sure its understood to let world remember, whenever fascism happens resistance to fascisms would also happen throguh legal mechanisms or independetn organizations. and second, i am so happy that institutions like amnesty org exist to protect people from fascisms when happens. 

i mean if its now thought its ok to be fascists (and using such type of means of power to slander people horribly?), i wish to make it be remembered via possible help from amnesty org that it is not.  i wish to ask for their help.

and i am so happy to read have known them that they are really independent. i mean not any slightly level. very independent. no kind of power construct of world has any impact nor control on that organization. so its really independent. and its so great. and so happy. to have independent organizations in world thats not impacted by any power constructs topic.


if its thought that its oke to be fascists, through legal case through amnesty org applications iw ould make it be remembered its not.

if its thought ok to be fascists and slander me through using means of power, i would make it be remembered this is not any ok. to slander people. and me also. like those slandered journalists (they were doing important very good things in whilst slandered) (i funny i confronted fascist slandering whislt doing nothing important in my life, i were just living a life)  (seems as when fascisms happens it doesnt differ if you are a journalist or a silly person like me or else. ) (anyway. if any one forgot human rights and i wish to make it be remembered via help of amnesty org. as i observed i were tried to be slandered horribly using means of power in that in a very fascist way) 




hey did people forgot that fascism is really not ok?  :D

this is so funny.

the lack of consicence in this fascist slandering effort is so funny levels. i mean doers have no self realization of what they are doing. (of doing fascism and slandering in a very fascist way alike done to journalists that got slandered in oligarchs)  i mean did doing fascism started to become normal some year? i mean how people could be lacking this much conscience in when doing fascist acts? this is so funny now looked funny to me:D

i wish people take an anti-fascism course in life for once to not  to doing fascism:D

this is so funny. the lack of consicence or self mirror in this fascism i observe is so funny:D i mean lack of conscience or lacking to understand that this is severely fascist. and no differnt than what oligarchs does when they slander journalists. this same happens in thiis. only because they dislike me. and only because they have power, they think they can utilize that to dereputate me. this is severely fascism. 

did world forgot fascism is nto any ok stuff :D

introduction to anti-fascism i see is mandatory courseware in coursera or such courses to grownup people i think. as seeing this stuff of severe levels of fascism where a no different than oligarchs type of fascism is done where i am tried to be dereputed throguh using their fascist means of power. lack of conscience or self mirror in this is amazing levels:D i mean i wanted to laugh out loud right now to the lack of consicence in doers of that.


luckily there are people with conscience in world also beside ones with no:D

and best of that and most independetn such people are amnesty. and i would ask theirs help and lets see. 


and this slandering effort to me is not to be any forgotten nor forgiven. 

when fascism happens resistence to it should happen also through legal mechanisms or amnesty like mechanisms. 

 i would pursue both of them even maybe.

its just i think some anti-fascism training is needed to everyone:D

:DDDDD really really really.

i mean having power doesnt mean you can utilize it to do slander people with adhominem attacks like that with horrible slanders inside that. as i saw on todays newsletter. 

this really started to look funny in the aspect ofthe level of ignornace in how severely fascist act is done in that. secondly i dont know but i really wonder really wonder did world changed to a more fascist type? i dont think so. i think its just some people really need antifascist training to learn about fascism and such stuff. so that they dont do behave like oligarchs versus journalists like behaviors.. this is no different than being a journalist in an oligarch. same thing done to me in that newsletter i receivedm the power holder tries to dereputate me with slandering through using of a huge power in that stuff in newsletter i received. this even now started to look funny:D i definitely started to think people need anti-fascism training stuff to their lifes to know about fascism :D this thing i confronted is no less differnt than what happenst to those journalists in amnesty org page. no different. not any slightly level difference exists in what happent to those journalist and what happens to me in this newsletter i read today (i trying to be dereputated using a very huge means of power with horribly slandering ).  this is dope levels of fascism:D. and this started to look fiunny even at this hour after hours of blogging about. i mean lack of self mirroring in fascists is awesome amazing levels:D one just wonders, when it became ok to be a fascist that slanders people using means of power?  this is no different than being a journalist in an oligarch. same happens to me.

and i am happy independent organizations in world exists that protects people when fascism happens to people. 


ok i started to find this topic funny for the fascism doers lack of conscience or insight to fascism topics. 


really i started to laugh out now even.

 anyway as salary gets loaded(so that i could get a taxi) i would ask for a day leave and would directly go  ask help of amnesty and report all these. one by one. and also report 5 years unrelated stalk slander incidents also one by one i would report.


if its thought ok to be fascists, lets show to fascists that its not. i wish i could get amnesty org's help in that. to create either legal sue against for both 5 years of stalk slandering also this newsletter i seen. or add to that famous human rights abusers page to add these fascists whom use means of power to slander me horribly in that newsletter i saw.



ok i cant beleive its soi happy that:  io now have evidence of a human rights abuse i confronted:D and thats dope levels happy. for the first time, as i confronted a human rights violation (slandered) but for the first time i have evidence of it.  i have the newsletter in my email:D this is dope levels happy.

gosh this is dope levels happy. for the first time i have chance to resist against fascism :D this is dope levels happy :D

all i needed to fight against fascism were evidence. now i have it. guh's mood now ->>> :D

so beware from legal sues  fasciusts in that newsletter , figth against fascism through legal and independent organizations means literally starts. 

said to all fascists whom slandered tried to hurt me with slandering me. 

its too much being slandered in single life.  5 years had been slanderred as a prosttde then this i saw as i have a blog i had haters then this hater using means of power to slander me horribly since dislikes me. 

i do wonder me being an autist seems me looks me as an easy target to slandering activity? 

lets show its not. i would show its not. 

i would report every single incident of stalk slander for 5 years to amnesty(dontwhich is a separate and unrelated topic). and also this one this one is onceand new incident but very huge slandering incident. i would definitely also sue this. not for money. just to get an apologize for this slandering effort.  or maybe id ont know i would consult people how to respond to fascist type of slandering where a fascist uses very unnice means of power to do slander a person horribly. i wont do it for money all i want is an apologize.



if people think its ok to do fascism, lets show its not. lets show throguh opening legal sues or through applications to independent organizations(E.g. amnesty) which power constructs could never control ever. 

lets show when fascism happens, resistence to fascism also happens through legal sues and through applications to independent organizations of world like amnesty.


i am so happy there happens in this world. 

thgis is really important to peo;le who confronted fascism. 

its really very important.


 i think best onlky way to reply to fasicm is legal mechanisms and also throgiuh applications to indepednernt organizations of world like 

i think no other method should be followed when if one ever confronts fascism in his/her life.

this is the only and the best and the single method to follow when one confronts fascism ever i think.


and i think not all such organizations might be indepdendent. so but i heard is truly indepdendent. so i would ask my chance to apply to there. 

so finding a very truly indepdent organization to apply to is also very important when confronting/confronted fascism. 

only way to reply to fascism is through legal mechanisms and also through independetn organizations. yuppp. 










  (wghat does with brain means: it means having intellgnce without brains means people whom live life with no conscience and no intellgnce)

(i liked this from nerd contexts since they call we nerds usually people with brains but so i took from there) (its like people with extra muscles extra brain muscles)

i think slanderer fascist people look to have lack grey matter. we cant see inside their mind but they behave like as if they lack intellgnce iq eq in dope levels.

 i think fascist people look like people lacking iq eq or such issues i think. 


just because you are famous doesnt makes you someone to do attend a covert slandering of another person. to use popularity to do a covert slandering to a person.

like being a nerd doesnt makes me a person with brains actually(i might not be intellgnt(i mean i like to call nerds as people with brains (meaning extra brains) (but its not like that actually, its something of stereotype)), but being a famous person gives no right to do a covert slandering activity.  being famous gives no right to be a fascist.

i would sue. i would also go ask help of amnesty org.

this is the time resistance to fascism literally started. 


 i think people with brains word could be wrongly understood even if its a word we use in nerd memes alot(you have the brains sentences alike). i think using simply morons word is enough.  i dont also have that much brains. i am not intellgnt. but so i could be also called without brains category maybe. (for we call people with brains to very intellgnt people in nerds) but i am at least not a moron like very morons whom does fascism. anyway. i think i shouldnt use nerds syntax since it might be not known by nonnerd people. 



resistance to fascism literally started.

i would create law cases severely huge law cases and al;so would go ask help of amnesty.


its enough fascism confrontation. 

its enough!  have your fascism kept there, you going to be sued severely! :D

resistence to fascism literally started! await huge law cases please and also i would go ask help of amnesty org. 




or i would i think i also try to make this thing i seen be attached to human rights abuses (through slandering) of amnesty org's page wishfully. that would be also like a legal sue in my view. 

so i woukld follow  both two methods in the same time. i would find a lawyer to init a law sue. and secondly i would talk to amnesty org to tell about this. 

and secondly i were always wanting to go to amnesty org for having been 5 years slandered as prostitude. so i would also tell that even its different to this new human rights abuse i confronted. 

if you think fascism can win, you would see it wont. 


laws and independent organizaqtions(amnesty org or other human rights protection groups) in world protect all people from fascism and i wish Navalry like people gets saved from fascism:S or all journalists whom were slandered deprived of their happy living life rights through slandering character assasination actitivities in all oligarchs of world.


if you think fascism can win, you would see it  wont.

depriving a persons human rights and tyring to make her be disliked by others with slandering her with a horrible lie like that.... 

if you think fascism can win, you would see it  wont.




ok lets not mention either. 

i written alot sentences on.

this is the second time i were tried to be slandered. too many slandering(Twice) happent to me. 5 years slandered as a prostitude. this time new from internet from blog reader whom hated me and wanted to do a fascist act like this. 


 i wont stop legal journey until this resolves cause fascism in this is no differnt than Navalry being prisoned or those journalists whom are slandered cases. only diffrnce is that in this case governments is not any involved.

so i wont stop ever. and i would do create huge law sues. secondly i would go ask of every independent organization of human rights places in world there (i know amnesty is like such place heard amnesty is such place of being definitely independent.  i would also try my chance there first and would reach out tto others also .)

enough fascism! its enough! this is the point this topic is started to be literally replied against.  

a huge law cases journey starts. i would create very very huge law cases

secondly i would also reach out all human right abuse (independent ones) protector places of world in tandem to that.

literal reply to fascism literally starts! 



 now i have evidence of a human rights violation in my emailbox. a newsletter using some sentences. which tries to slander a covert slander about me.  

i saw this on yesterday this newsletter. i were unaware of this. i am happy i were receiving this cause oltherwise i would be unaware of this covert slandering effort in here. 

its inside a newsletter where an ngo tries to add some words to try to slander me. 


so i decided ngos not all of them are good will having. some are independent some are not.   

this slandering happent under an ngo. some people used their power to influence an ngo and ngo tried to covertly slander me and some famous people also attended that. this is so insane. 

a very covert slander were done there to me.


if i hadnt misunderstood. i would share it with amnestyorg. i think we could analyze together with amnesty org to understand.  

this were done by an ngo. visibly ngo's are also influenced by other people or power consttructs in world. but happy that amnesty org is not such place. i have the evidence of this newsletter with a covert slandering effort in my email. 

and sescondly, i have other evidence of these of that same s;landering effort being done before i have that also in a campaign with trying to do slandering harrasmanet with slandering like that (using young word word a campaign, do you remember that? i would also share that ). so i would share all these to amnesty org. 

i think independence of ngos means alot. 


cause if ngo becomes a tool to fascism, its not any ok. 


i am happy amnesty org is not influenced by powerful consturcts in world. its really independent. and i would show that newsletter i received. and also that words  used in some place else also. i would attach show all these and the legal journey would start. i dont start this legal journey for any money i start it to get apology or reverting that covert slandering stuff.  i dont also want apology either, i want hjust the slander to be reverted back. cause its not any ok to try tgo make people disliked by covertly slandering them. 



my literal reply with a legal journey starts now! 

and i would also tell all 5 years of slandered as a prostitude stuff (that which is unrelated but again this were also a topic i always wanted to tell to amnesty org).




i am so happy amnesty is a very independent ngo. and i know there exists other independent ngos like amnesty not to disrespect other ngos out there. 


but amnesty is one very famous one for its independence condition.  others might be also as well having same independence levels either. 



yayyy legal journey now starts this week starts. 

i have the evidence of the ngo trying to do a covert slandering to me activity in my email box. i might misunderstood but it looks like that. i would try to reinterpret with amnesty org.


its so weird that an ngo decides to be a tool to fascism:S of doing this trying to covertly slander a person to make her be disliked by a lot of people.

its the moment i understood ngos are also sometime s influenced by power constructs in world.

luckily amnesty is never such place.

this is huge. that an ngo letting itself to be a tool of fascism and using its power to do fascism is very huge type of fascism. 

i think ngo must had gone insane to be a tool to fascism. to help trying to covertly slandering a person effort.  and trying to make a single individual be disliked by many through covertly slandering her.

luckily  amnesty is independent. and i wish they hear my voice. and i wish they also check my inbox's that newsletter to check if this were a misunderstanding of me or not. but looks not any misunderstanding. there is that continued covert slandering effort happening there.


ok if world has dependent ngos, there happens also independent fully independent ngos :D

 world never has seen this before: an ngo is utilized to covertly slander a person effort. some people tried to do this 2 months ago. i blogged i partied when i were young then a campaign happent trying to covertly slander me very bad dereputation effort. then i see this ngo continues this and tries to do same. i am happy i were one of the receipients and i also once donated to this ngo so that i could see this. its very weird and very new. 


i think having an ngo and its influencers to be attached to amnesty org would be huge stuff. but this is what really happent. i mean theya re  really doing tools of fasacism stuff of doing a covert slandering effort, just to make me be very disliked by people for their own goals visibly for since i think for fascism. since some powerful people disliked me, it continues. fascism has no logic. if a powerful people dislikes and if they are fascist, then there it happens this.  i am not a journmalist but powerful poeple with hatred and with fascist mindset is something weird and not ok. and they tried to covertly slander me in that. and i see that is taken by this ngo's newsletter and tried to be reach out to millions that goal of covertly slandering me and trying to make me disliked by lots of people with that covert slandering effort. used some sentences from my blog and put to a very wrong context. this were done again by other people for same sentence recently. so i would report these. since looks as a slandering effort the previous were one a definite covert slandering efoort. so would report these.


luckily amnesty exists:D 

i wish ngos' becomes more aware of fascisms and be less impacted by fascisms. i think sometimes ngos aslo be unaware.  and be tools of fascist acts like covert slandering efforts to indivisuals. 

among all these stuff in world: we have amnesty org which protects us from fascists or fascisms tools or methods or else like covert slandering etc. 

this thing is really huge i think. this fascism level that happent to me is very huge. and ihave the evidence in my inbox. and i am very happy that amnesty exists. causes i need their help so bad in this fascism topic. 

and i would also consult legal sue topics.


and i wish all journalists (even if i am not a journalist) finds be saved by amnesty also cause i saw also huge slandering covert slandering also happening to journalists in oligarchs.


this thing this fascism that happent to me is really huge/dope levels. 

i would share all wiht amnesty org cause i have evidence of it. 


and i would also tell about that 5 years of being slandered as a prostitude case which is unrelated. but i would also share that. i always wanted to go to amnesty org for that but had no courage since ti thought i would be thought as shizoid and that i wernt stalked but thinking i am stalked. (i   even if thats unrelated to this new topic, now i have courage to go to amnesty. since i have at least a human rights abuse evidence in my email box. i have none evidence of the other human rights abuse i confronted (which is 5 years of stalk slandering as a prostitude which is unrelated to this new one) but i would also report every stalk slander incident of that also. ok.

i am so happy really independent ngos exist in world( e.g. amnesty org.). 

i would reequest a consultation from them to report.

and i would also go create a legal sue also to the newsletter i received. not to receive any money compensation for. just to have the covert slander be taken back and to apologize for trying to do covertly slandering a person. 

for trying to covertly slander me using means of power like that.


its very exciting i am going to amnesty org:) not today but this week. 

the office hours there seems to be from 1700pm to 19pm. ok :)

this is very exciting to me cause i would resist against fascism throguh this act. 

so getting a cab going there seems very exciting to me:)





ok so all above writings is about a news letter that included a covert slandering effort.  so io would show if amnesty accepts my reporting request to report/to check together.

i sus[pected using that sentence whether if it means something trying to slander. ok i would try to check with amnesty org.  it looks as. since used some sentences. from somw blog pages and put to a very incorrect context.


  but would also mean a way to also tell about unrelated 5 years being slandered as a prostitude topic. which is another definite topic to be told to amnesty(unrelated to the above topic). 

 i would now go there ask for consultation this week wishfully.  other week is holiday so i can go many days other week. but i want to go check this week. ok. 

ok it feels very exciting to going to connect to an organization people working in this holy topic of right protections topics.  

after 5 years of confronting rights abuse of slander. of being slandered as a prostitude. firstly because of this. then secondly due to this second unrleated topic to that. 

it feels very exciting to reach out such people. going to reach out. hadnt reached out. i would ask for a consultation to report these.





 this very intricate methods of putting someone words to a diffrnt context to try to create a slander to her is definitely very covert method of fascism. 

i would definitely report to amnesty. and using my words to show as if i said something to black people for instnce another covert form of slandering me. this happent before very before. not now. ok this might be unrelated. i mean people whom did that might be not people whom did this. so lets not confuse topics. maybe its not by that people now this thing i saw. i dont know.

what is left in methods  when i describe all  covert fascist slandering methodologies i confronted i wonder? 


but is no differnt than the other sick slander i saw newly through this time an ngo's newsletter. 

all to be reported. that ngo would be reported to the amnesty to attend this covert and fascist slandering methodology. i mean for their attendance to that covert fascism methods of slandering a person in various methofds to make her be disliked with even resporting to sickest slander in that, i would definitely report all that to the amnesty. and i would also report this ngo's act to the amnesty also. 


and i would also create legal sues. to revert back those slanders. to get apology. not for monetary sue or anything. to revert back thoses slanders.


this covert form of fascism of slandering a person with very covert methods is one thing very weird. and i would report to amnesty all these. cause this is very dope levels of fascism. to make me be very disliked, using a very covert method of slandering me. and to make me very disliked even resorting to the sickest slander. this is so fascist slandering way and is no differnt than what happent to journalists in oligarchs.this is no differesnt than that. so i would report all these to amnestyorg.

ok above tantrum is all about an ngo's newsletter. 

all would be reported to amnesty org. not missing single instant of this wouild be missed out.


and mesolithic word means mesolithic mindset since i told that to minds whom slandered me as a prosittude. its about minds.  i many times stated my stalkers looks like me in outlook same as me. its nothing in this is any about how we look from outside. i might self look like more mesolithic people if we think since i look little bit weird. but what mesolithic meant were mind wise.  in meanwhile, i saw somepeople blogging some stuff with some cave drawings and saying some stuff and putting topic of skin color there. so i wanted to restate i have none rel;atedness to that blog and i newly seen yesterday. if we were to be in outlike mesolithic looking, i would be looking more mesolithic than all other people living in world. honestly. since i really have weird fjunny eyebrows and also a weird nose. i mean i never meant it anyn in outlook way. its so unnice to see its discussed in outlook way in that blog:SSSSSS. i wanted to restate i have no relatedness to that blog. that which mentioned skiin color:SSSSS. then this i last day saw. then i also last day saw also newsletter replying to that blog there. i wanted to restate i have none relatedness to that blog either:S i newly saw yesterday. :S 

its just so intricate. i both saw two topics yesterday. 

as told anything i say about is never abouit outlook. when i said mesolithic i meant mind wise. for since some people stalked slandered me as a prostitude for 5 years. i told various other curses to them in my mind. 

i told mesolithic (and stalkers whom stalked me look nearly same like me) to them because they stalked slandered me for 5 years. with goal of destroying me with slandering me as a prostitude. i say lots of other words to them in my mind. but dont blog.

i would even started to think that is also from covert slandering method. of taking my topic to there turning to racism then other people replying to that blog with saying also bad words to me and also including a very sick slander. :SSSSSS

i use mesolithic word to people whom do slander woman as prostitude. and i like saying that. and secondly, this is not any related to any outlook. if we were to be ordered by our outlook resemblence to mesolithics, i think i would be the most near looking one honestly.  i mean never ever has been any outlook related topic.

and but the blogger used some there where porcelain like skin etc taking such topics to skin color.  maybe bloggers topic were also unrelated. but in newsletter i saw references to replies to that blog and also a sick slander to me in tandem. 

so i correlated these topics to be like this.

i wanted to restate if there happens again any slandering me in throguh that, i wanted to restate, mesolithic word i like to use alot to people any people whom slanders woman as prostitude.  its never about look. secondly i think in skin color wise i think neanderthals are more white as i know. and also black people have much more beatufl faces than we whites. i mean if we  told about outlooks if we were sick like that, i would definitely think me myself more resembling mesolithic era people. it were never about nor could ever be about outlook. this is so low iqqued slandering to think anyone would say mesolithic word using outlook meaning. this is so low iqqued slandering. 

cause i dont think any one would resemble anyone s outlook to mesolithics. if that were to happen i would say neanderthals are whitish and second this is so sick. 

i meant woman violence in that. in caveman descriptions people always have description of man carryying woman through their hair. only thing thqat ddnt happent in my slandering case were that. only physoical violence ddnt hapepnt. but i constantly got stalked harrqassed/slandered.  i were constantly harrassed/stalked/slandered as a prostitude. what were lacking were physical violence with taking my hair and carrying me that lacked. i never replied but always entered to trauma. it happent constant fdollowing stalk everywhere. but i would never reply.  constant slandering as a prostitdue, saying sexual harrassing sentences many times, shouting sentences that would be shouted to prostitiudes, then also slandering as a prostitude. neverendinlgy happent for 5 years. nothing physical. only harrasment. through like acts like stalking in street, stalking in cafe, sitting on steps of my apartment entrance in one city and shouting some snetence when i walk, or coming to my flat's apartments front road and shouting a harrasment and slandering and also request holding sentence in mid of night. or when i walk in throguh to the bus stop to take some bus,  i had to pass throguh some cafe front since road passed from, then slander incidents also from there. or before i were agoraphobic, i also went to that cafe in that second city i lived. (in first 1.5 years of stalk) i onserved various stalk incidents and thinking ok i have a really really psycho stalker since stalks me in this new city also by that year. then i some time in 1.5 years nuderstanfing the slander part in stalk incidents along with stalk/sexual harrassing sentences, then i becoming agoraphobic last 3 years. and i when i went to cafes last year stalk again happent. and some people came and shouted bitch prostitude to me. before i were agoraphobic, i would for instance take my laptop go to a cafe in after work, and study i remember everytime i went to cafe, some people coming sitting on another desk, and saying sentence using my one very  before date. and using very weird creepy sentences. then i those times had no idea i were stalked and slandered but thinking ok in that for instance i would suspect that very before guy i dated before stalking me.

then i wouldnt care and continue working writing some psychon code and working some microsesrvices debugging on cloud platform whilst i eat something.

then as told some time i understood also that the slander part then i entered a severe agorqaphobia.

since i were scared of passing in front of that cafe, i would everytime leave work very late in late hours like 9am or alike and i would run when i walk whilst going to home on that path. since day time cafe were very populated always and i scared alot from slander incidents. so i would go to home at 9am or such hours or somtimes 10:30 or.  and then i would stay in trauma in home time and try to build software projects. stalk like happent like some guyb coming to home street in mid of night and shouting sentence of both a very slandering sentence and behaving as if i am a prostitude wiht shouting a slander/request sentence happent once. so i would scare everyday also at home. and would always study to projects to build some money so that i could hire detectives. then also from building i know these people also rented a flat, cause stalk happent from building also.  and in those time  of slandering me as a prostitude stalk, those stalkers would i remember shouted the security guys name in stalk incident with depicting me as a prostitude with that name. or incidents like this happent: in my workplace, last months when i were working:  some 2 guys would walk beisde me saying that name and saying some bvery unnice sentence. or some corner some guy talking to phone saying that name and using the slander word. those times i were yet again agoraphobic but since i have to continue worklife i would go to work and work also were fun. (workplace i did worked on sometimes ml sometimes microservices etc or sometimes data engineering )  but i were constant taking pyshoclogical help from mom on phone, and she always said dont scare from stalker go outside dont let stalker limit your life. i once did. then. the stalker came stalked slandered me in the cafe i went. this always happent like this. and it took my 1.5r years to understand i dont have just a pshycho type of stalker, the stalker also tries to slander me as a prostitude.  it were not understandable easily.  what i did in first year of stalk were constant shouting psycho stop stalking me. ddnt stopped stalk. then i became also ptsd. then i lived my years everytime i went outside scared, i also scared in home. soince the stalker once came to street and shouted slander. and also i think they also rented a flat from where i lived. like for instance i sometimes had to go out when i socialize with my family whom lived by then. for instance in shopping mall we would spend time. then the stalker would come and harrass saying a slandering sentence.:S everytime i went outside i were constantly confronting stalk/slander. and repeatedly. 




 only disturabing in cafes/slandering. from another desk. or coming to street shouting curse of slander. or previously renting a flat from where i live and trying to dosutb with slandering stalk from there from other building. or sitting on steps of my apartment in another city and when i pass slandering me. or coming to my homne's street and shouting slander.  or sitting in cafe on way i constantly pass and shouting a slander when i pass. so i called mesolithic to this woman violence of slandering. they could be atheists or religious i dont any know. but i liked to call this woman violence of slandering a woman as a prostitude as definite caveman descriptions violence where they holding a womans hair and pushing etc and alike descriptions. this stalk slandering torture i confronted holded a huge violence psychological violence.  so i liked to call that mesolithic. to that minds whom did it. and its not any related to outlooks. in outlook wise i think i look much more like mesolithics due to my eye brows which i also like, i like my eyebrows actually. characteristic. i truly like. but the thing is, there trying to create a slander to me a low iqqued slander to me pushing the toipic to outlook is severely low iqqued slandering. 

anytopic i see is prone to be  used or tried to be used in slandering:S

butthis were also very disturbing. to see such topic being slandered with a very low iqqued slander like that:S i cant stop finding this slander very very very low iqqued. to move the topic to such context:S

i am just so tired of this constant slandering confrontation. 

but more than worse is that in that newsletter also. that is why i would go to amnesty. causes that is the very sickest slander and very disgusting. actually above is also very unnice. but the one in newsletter is the most sick:S and very disgusting. i dont understand how could read this blog and understand like that:S thats very disgusting:S

anyway. i would report all these to amnesty.

i am so tired of talking of being have to explain since i am slandered:S


this is very tiresome.


i wish i am very eager to go to amnesty org to report the sick slander i saw in newsletter to revert back the slander.  i just want them to revert that slander. nothing else. cause its dope levels of covert fascist slandering method. its dope levels of fascism. 

i would report that dereputation effort i saw. that fascist covert dereputation slandering effort. i would report very soon. 

i now have an evidence of this type of stuff. cause newsletter is in my emailbox. 

a dope levels of fascism of trying to slander strying to dereputate effort. would be sued to revert back. and secondly, 


its not ok. :SSSSS very unnice:SSSSS

then i see a blog gets written where people put mesolithic word to outlook how outlook is contexts(i saw newly last day).  then i see this ngo attacking  me and also using a very sick slander to me attaching that. i said mesolithic to people whom tortured me with slandering as a prostitude for 5 years. that people i dont know might be atheist or any reliugion. but they tortured me for 5 years with stalk slander with slandering as a prostitude so this is why i called mesolitchics. (since i cant associate slandering woman as prostitude with modern times any)


then i see a blog gets written where cave drawings are shared. then i see that person also mentions his color in that. then i see this ngo replies to that word there also.

i wanted to state i think this is very covert and very very very covert.

if you were tortured with slander for 5 years you would also curse to yours slanderers with various curses inside your head like me. i were slandered as a prostitude. second my slanderers looks like me no differnt. our outlook looks same. so mesolithic word there were to their minds for slandering a woman whom never did prostitude as slandering her as had done prostitude and constantly harrassing her life with likefor entire 5 years. so i dont also say mesolithic in my mind but lots of other curses but i dont state them.  this is an unrelated topic to any topic. i would wish to report those 5 years of torture of stalk/slander i dont forget any stalk slander incident.  think that you just for once go to a cafe, then 2 people come and sit and shout you bitch and curses as if you are a prositude. this happent last time i went to cafe. in last year. this stalk slandering happens for 5 years. so i have also other curses to those people whom did this torture to me. i many times restated i confronted torture of stalk slandering but blog readers constantly takes my words and piuts to very wrong irrelevent contexts likehating me and trying to slander me from with act of putting my sentences to unsaid unmeant never meant  and also sick contexts that i couldnt ever thought of:S. all effort to create brand new slanders from blog. to make me be hated. all for that. this is very applied form of fascism. to covertly slander a person like this and using means of power when doing that. this is severe form of appliefd fascism and fascist covert slandering method.


that 5 years of slandering as prostitude: think that you went to a cafe, then a person comes and shouts you bitch, slanders you asa prostitude... i wish to report all these if  could find chance to report to to amnesty org. i were slandered as a proistitude and doers of that i just i camnt define pain of confronting such slander. and how scary it felt to be slandered. and i wish so much ic ould  find a chance in amnestyorg to report all that 5 years slandering stalk effort. think  that they behave you as a prostitude in their stalking acts when they harrass from street. or they come to cafes everytime if cafe location is known. or i were biking and they would know which corner i would pass and slander there. or alike. and this happent to me 5 years this constant stalk slandering as prostitude act. so i wish amnesty org i could find a chance to report that. they would do things like: 

2 people passing beside and shouting the curse, and the other person saying curse look son of  bitch. they would try to attach the slander to me with saying it constantly following and slandering me like that. and enormous stalk happent awhile in this. so i wish as told my dream is to be able to tell all these to amnesty org. to have a chance to tell. this is unrelated to other brandnew slander thats happening from haters i managed to have in internet. this slandered as prostitude is something not any related to that.  it were like i would go to lake once, then peole coming to lake to slander me there. they did this repeatedly for 5 years. so this is  topic types that is like reported to amnesty like places. i am deprived of my outside life due to this i am agoraphobic. i confronted constant stalk slandering harrasment as the slandering of as a prostitude. and whom did had alot capability like how could know i went to lake. or happent evertime i went to any cafe. anyway. i wish i could have a chance to report to amnesty org.  my life's most amazing years passed with trauma due to this. my after 33 years have been passed with trauma due to this. my best years in my life passed with trauma due to this. i wish i could have a chance to report to amnesty org. causes these people whom did this could stalk me everywhere i went. like cafes or else. everywhere i went i were stalked and slandered as a prostitude. for 5 years. so i wish i could find a chance to report to amnesty org. i dont forget any sinngle stalk slander incidents. so i can report all of them. cause i really dont forget any of these stalk slander incidents. to restate, i never ever did prostitude ever in my life.  first 1.5 year i hadnt even understood i am slandered i would think i have some psycho type of stalkers stalking me. i dont forget any of them and would report every stalk slandering incident for thoses 5 years. i dont forget any single of those stalk incidents.    a constant happenstance of constant following stalking. in cafes, they would stalk and sit in another desk and stalk. i never replied ever. i would only in 5 years ago i many times shouted psycho stop stalking me since i think a serdar were stalking me and an orhan. or other names i heard and a constant stalk slandering happent.   i wish so much i find a chance to report to amnestyorg. since this happent for 5 years. i would also create a legal sue for this stalk/slandering for 5 years.  so when i said a life torn away with stalk/slander its really like that. some not  known people stolen happiness of my life with stalking  slandering me. so i wish to report to amnesty org this 5 years stalk/slandering topic. which is unrelated to other new topic new brand new slandering since i had haters in internet that hated my blog. that tried to do some hatred campaign with slandering using sentences of my bvlog putting to very sick slander that is impossible and very sick to read the blog in such mindset i find it:S i couldn never even imagine anyone reading in such thought:S that is disgusting:S very sick:S trying to change my sentences to create slanders to me this brand newfrom  internet haters like as i observe. anyway and trying to do a covert way of slandering using means of power. this latter dfifrnt than 5 years slandered as a prosittude case siunce is from internet. but i wish to report all them to amnesty org if possible. 




i always dreamt of telling the stalk slander as prostitude torture to amnesty org but had no courage since i were scared they would think i am paranoid and i am not stalked.  but now i have an evidence for an unrelated another human rights violation try. this is definitely unrelated to prostitude slandering. but now since i have another topic to go there, i would also tell that one even if unrelated. 




anyway, this topic i saw last day:

this is a very covert way of slandering people.

a bundle of trying to dereputate effort. of using whatever means and including an ngo as a resort. 

all would be reported to amnesty org.

this is a very covert method of fascism i wanted to restate. using very covet slandering in variopus ways nd then not if that enough in that covert fascist slandering method, adding a very sick slander to the bundle so that if any one left that doesnt hate me after that slander also hates me that everyone hates me with the second slander in the slandeirng bundle. this is no differnt than what happens to journalists in oligarchies. a programmed executed slandering effort in a very covert way. and with lies. and with slandering. and using means of power whilst doing that.

people doing this would be all sued to legal insttituions and  would be also reported to amnesty org.  not monetary sue ever. just sue to revert back that slanders. specifically that very sick one of that very fascist covert slandering one. 



what to do when an ngo acts like oligarchies?  what to do is: going to amnesty org.  to report the fascist use of power to do covert slandering to a person.


to let know. to said to that newsletter i read last day.

ok it would be weird, taking an ngo to another ngo (amnesty to report their fascism act).


i know its weird to report an ngo to another one. but i trust amnestyorg. second, the other ngo seems wanting to be tool of fascism(if i hadnt misunderstood maybe i misudnertood i dont think so yet). so would be reported.  and i would sue this covert slandering method/effort very much. cause this is no different than what happens to journalists in oligarchs. and this shouldnt happen and should be sued.annd i would also report to amnesty org.

its like a constant covert slandering effort happens. and its done using very huge means of power. to make me be hated by people. and very fascist covert slandering is done awhile whislt doing that.

all would be sued. all would be reported to amnesty. cause this is no differnt than what happens to journalists in oligarchs. 

this is dope levels of applied fascism  and fascist method of covertly slandering method.


how do we reply to fascisim and covert fascism slandering methods?

-through legal systems.

-through applications to amnesty like institutions. 


thats all needed. 

to protect selves from covert fascist slandering methods/slandering. 


its so happy independent institutions with noone's influence also exists in world. that work based on their own conscience. without any influences.

also legal systems works like that. so legal systems are also not under influences of any people luckily. (except oligarchies i think there legal rights seem to be not working since Navalry is in prison:SSSSSS).  otherelse  legal systems are  also safe from fascism. 

i think in world just two important places are the safest from fascism and covert fascism methods influences: 

* legal oinstitutions and also independent instittusions like amnesty like places.


yayy i couldnt study to worksometimei would sutyd now finishnow my work.

and when my salary gets loaded, yayyyyy amnesty org visiting :) this is so happy:)

to reach out chance to report both 5 years stalk slandering as prostitude and separate topic, this newsletrter i read i would also analyze with them if i have a chance to consult there.

and i would create legal sues to slanders. fascist covert slandering. i would sue. to revert back that slander i saw there. i would definitely sue. for nothing. but just to revert back that dereputation effort.

and i would have been happy if my slanderers are listed in amnesty  page as in the abusers part. that would be quite happy:D 

but dont know if that would happen. but i would at least consult try to consult there.





ok soon i would be able to report all these. including this latest dope levels fascism covert slandering fascist slandering i observed on last day.

i would also report that newsletter. and that covert and fascist slandering effort there surely to be reported to amnesty org. 




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