i bought remee from its website since the other remee i bought doesnt seem to be coming.

hey today i also woke up with huge falling stuff noise but it came from another flat this time.  or sound like a very fastly shut up door but were very loud noise that happent whilst waking up. not from my flat this time. 

meanwhile :

i usually have ventilator open  very less times closed.  e.g. its open now.

i am so excited for remee since if i have telekinesis, i mighgt be able to move my chair whilst i am asleep:D 

which would be cool:D





i used epiphany word as i wanted to use it to depict how it feels to have possible psychic powers is:) but i think everyone should have not only me. 

then i today saw a news where a gallery were created on a submarine development place of ww2. and an art gallery were created. and the guy in the interview says " epiphany". word in interview.


one more reason i thought i am a psychic is that weird coincidence of the Indonesian submarine incident that tragedy., 



then i had high blood tension sinc predicted observed psychic skills sensing a tragedy of Indonesian  submarine i became sick of high tension some days as i learnt such a tragedy happent:S

then i became back unsick i said ok. psychic is like this i said. i mean also tragedies like Indonesian  submarine also predicted or coincidences happens and its not any related to we psychics either. 

then i resumed being happy again to being psychic idea. than yesterday the physics maths notes fell to my 3d printer as i were thinking of telekinesis recent days :)


i became very cheerful for seeing possibiliuty of telekinesis. then i used epiphany word.


then i today the day after i used epiphany word received a newsletter holded a link to that submarine placed gallery. and its interview guy said epiphany word. that i first ever seen it today.


what i think:  

we psychics brains such psychic module constantly reads past/present/future. and since in time based submarine incident happent, then my psychic module scans past all data and saw that interview in a submarine place's art gallery and the interviewed guy uses epiphany to depict the art gallery there. i think the psychic modules of our brains are like very huge computers. that could know any correlated word in past-future-present:S and its very weird. 


i mean if these arent any coincidences:S

i dont any understand but i observe just. 


gioogle' has a n-gram algorithm where the nth word is correctly predicted.


this psychic module is also like that i think. since submariune incident happent. then my psychic module seems to go to past and know about that interview and use epiphany word since also shares submarine context.


this is really weird.


this quantum macvhines in psychic people's brains. its such coincidences i mean.


its huge information processing capacity and instant access to every knowledge in past-future-present.


this if not coincidences, this feels like this to me.

that this psychic modules has instant access to any information in past-future-present. 

or sometimes it felt as if it reads future,


in this coincidence i saw it also could read past and created "epiphany" word coincidence. 

so past-future-present i think happens exist at the same time reachable to psychic modules in psychic people's brains. 

 maybe all people are psychics who knows. i dont know. 



ok anyway. i would investigate direct communication to this psychic module throguh remee device. throgugh lucid dreaming. 


since it would have been cool to be able to move chair:)

wov it would be like being from Marvel universe:D i think every person has this by the way :)


i really believe existence of this psychic module.

cause these wernt any statistical hiccups.


e.g. saying a sentence then opening a podcast and sentence be present in that podcast recorded in past and podcast is a courseware place's podcast list. not doing it with ai based recommended podcasts to listen like stuff. its a humanities departmetn's podcast list and i randomly open. then this happent twice. in second one it were like. i learnt a new word the day ebfore. the day after i randomly opent a podcast and it told about that word for 5 minutes. and it were a podcast recorded in past by a famous professor or researcher in humanities areas


so i am pretty sure we all people have quantum modules in our brains. 

and this module sometimes interact with the conscious side.  my such module started to show it exists to me recent years. like throguht this epiphany coincidence for instance. in that it shown to me it could also read past time like it could read future.

this is just a theory i believe. you shouldnt beleive. i mean its a personal belief. i mean i am not telling this to make you people believe to such topics.

its my own personal belief this topic is. i am not trying to induce my beliefs to you blog readers. you dont have to belief this quantum brains stuff. 


but i tell only about my strong opinion/belief on this issue is that this really exists. but  its a belief not a fact.

i could only proive that its really like this after i start to learn move the chair or have direct communications wiht this psychic module through remee device/throguh lucid dreams


wanted to restate these arent proven facts.

but is that i strongly believe to this. to me its like a fact.

but to you readers please let it stay as "not fact" until its proven.

but if you ask me, to me its in very near to fact category honestly. i am very confident that this quantum module really exists. to me its like a fact.

but please to you blog readers let it stay as "not proven fact" until more evidence is seen. 

cause i dont want to exert my beliefs to anyone on this topic. cause its yet still a belief not any proven fact. to me its proven through all these staitstical hiccups but i dont want to exert my beliefs to any blog reader in any level. so let it stay as "not a fact" and "as a belief" in blog readers' mind space. 



i normally dont believe to supersititons or beliefs easily. but many things happent that made me believe this time. that such quantum mechanical computer exists in all people's brains. including mine. 

i wouold try to commumnicate with my computer (natural quantum mechanics computer) (that all people holds)  throguh lucid dreaming with the remee device. 




 i am saying hi to my inner brain module from blog:)

and i would try to do directly communicate with the remee device.:)

i think all people has such brain module that has such quantum mechanical computing power and very weird skills related to that.  like reading past-future skills.

as i observed it repeated in epiphany coincidence. i am pretty sure this module tried to show it could also read past in that since that word were told in past. 

or this module could read all internet? i dont know. 

i just used epiphany word without ever seeing that news before. 

or its again a statistical hiccup? 

i tend to not think so.

but please dont believe to my theory until its proven. cause its not a scientifically proven fact yet.

but i believe myself i believe. to me its near to very certain like if its a fact.

but please you blog readers dont believe. cause its my own personal belief. and not a scientifically proven fact.





 ok i am eagerly awaiting my remee glasses to start direct talks with my psychic part of my brain that is not from the conscious side.  very interesting to get to know my unconscious side :D cause its  mystery :)


i think Penrose is definitely right on that brain also has quantum mechanical structure.  i also agree on seeing this psychic topics even if Penrose's argument is not any related to psychics topics. but a theory to put quantum mechanics capabilities to ordinary we people's ordinary brain making it a more mysterious unit with quantum computing skills. 



ok i am so eager to get to know my psychic side. all has been indirect communication until now. first direct talk meetup with my psychic side or quantum computer alike side would happen when remee comes wishfully :)

 i wish i could talk more directly to that side of my brain through lucid dreams and create a language in between ordinary me and the psychic side of me :) 



i think everyone has their themselves knowing "me/i side"  and a "psychic me/i" side.  that everyone has an inner quantum computer.  that is not directly known by the default "me/i side".  unless that quantum side starts to interact.

maybe trauma feeling or brain noncommon structures could trigger this interaction. i might have such situation since i am autist :) (and also granddad were epilepsy).

my quantum computer started to commuincate with me recent years as told with throguh these coincidences i think. 


i dont think it has a character like our identity. i mean its not having like 2 characters./ but its like having a guiding inner very high performing  computer that shows itself's presence only maybbe when throguh brain structure differnces(autism) or maybe unrelatedly it shows itself throguh trauma times in life. 

not to be misunderstood any as having 2 characters.

i am referring to subconscious side. its not a second character or anything like that.

but its unknown to conscious side. a mystery. that i am severely eager to learn about when remee comes throguh lucid dreams.

i wonder that other psycholog's cambrian hhypotheiss on left-right brain and such theories i would reread. 

since i think this uncsoncisous side has really have a quantum comptuer inside. 

but somehow maybe it became unnecessary in time that its interaction got reduced and only happens when people have brain structure diffrnces(autism, e.g. me)  or when they have prolonged trauma feeling etc. 

like one redundant organ we have(appendicitis). i think this psychic structure might be a reduntant structure. i dont say redundant to it. i like it alot. but it lost its direct communication i think to other modules since wernt utilized. 

and this communication shows up either in trauma feelings times(e.g. i had trauma times maybe this is the trigger of being able to communicate with my psychic side) or brain noncommon structures (e.g. me being autist)

my theory is like this. on this psychic topics. that psychic stuff is actually a natural quantum computer that exists in everyone's else brains. but only connection to it is lost. and that connection happens in psychic people somehow. either through dffrnces brain structures or else. i dont know how.


this is my theory that i would check with remee glasses . to get connection more direct connection that this psychic bvrain module which i think is a quantum computer but a natural cmptr not man made. like Penrose's one possible quantum architecture to brain for instance.  (which is definitely not any related to psychic topics either). 

maybe its about autism. we dont confront brain cell cleaning phase. in non autist people they have their some brain cells washed away to create commonly  brain structure version.  but this washing of extra brain cells(to create the common structure) doesnt happen in autist people and we have much dense cells with more locality but less far connections resultingin our autism related behaviors e.g. inaptitutdes in social skills. 


maybe that is reason why such quantum computing power happens maybe this is related to autism. could be. that every brain holding quantum computer but in autism its elevqated due to the absence of that period where brain structure is designed to remve extra cells to create the standard brain structure. 

maybe allpsychics are all autists. i dont know. this be another theory i built upon now.

anyway none of these are any proven facts.

to me its fact though. i dont think i dontsay anymore statistical hiccups to any of the coincidences but i think its quantum comptuer inside exists.


and i am very excited to start talks with that quantum computer inside as my remee comes :) i mean more direct talks:) throguh lucid dreams :) and would try to build a direct language to communicate to my qm computer inside:) (natural qm computers i believe all people have)

i think our brains are quantum computers everyone's is i think. i beleive in Penrose's theory (though that theory its not any related to psychics to restate).






(hey to my inner quantum computer, i didnt meant redundant to you:)  you are exponentially intellgnt than me so i know you wont read it like that:))






(ok how else a blog could go weirder:) exemplified in this blog :) )  (:D) 


i think this blog never ever been this much weird i know. but i really believe we all have natural quantum computers :)














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