one slander incident happent in home's vicinity recntly.
yayyy my remeee is coming soon whch is hppy to have chnce of mkng life safer against the stalker when stalks. to move the stalker 1 km away (wtht hurtng but jst mvng)-> psychic type of restraint order to the stlker frm istnbl 😊👌 if turns out i hve telekinesis it wld be very happy to create psychic type of restrnt order to the stalker wth mvng the stalker 1 km away when if stslks😊👍
and if i create a lngge to tht brain module. so tht stalkr cnt cme to 1 km vcnty of my location👌😊
i wld try to create lngge wth tht brain module if exists in lucid dreams if i hve telekinesis. so tht to be able to use also in out of dreams to mke life safe agnst the stlker.
i dnt knw if i hve telekinesis or not. i wld test in lucid dreamng. 2 momnts hint to me i mght have. or i mght nt. wld be vsble all in lucid dreamng to me.
someone said "do not scare" but i dnt knw if is frm stalker or from wntng to prtct frm stalker kind of person. every strnger tht says anythng cld be frm stalker unless learnt prvd not to be. but this hppnt someone shted "dont scare" but mght be also from stalker. i dnt any know. anyway.
ok today or tomorrow my remee comes.
if i m a psychic i wld hve inherent prtctn agnst the stslker😊 cool😊(of crse i wnt do anythng bad. i wld just move the stslker 1 km away when if stalks, psychic's type of restraint order😊)
i wld also learn whom stlkr from istnbl is and also create 2 law sues as mentioned. but if stll stalks i wld also do this psychic type restrnt order.
ok if telekinesis exist i wld try to set up a language to actvte it in non dream case.
i saw a language built fr remote dtctvng in remte dtctvng videos i wtched.
i m knd of thnkng telekinesis mght be real. but unknwn until i do lucid dream to try to create sme lnnge wth sch possble brain module of mine.
i yhink those two topics tht hppnt i mntd mght be dne by my sch brain module whlst asleep ((2 thngs fell in hme in cnsectve days whn i were asleep, one of fallng thng is very not easy to hppn byitself type topic, bth fells i saw in a mvie whlst going home and hppnt whlst i were asleep) maybe i am not the psychic with telekinesis and someone else is and telepathied and redid the movie's 2 topics i dont know. i would test if i am the psychic with telekinesis through lucid dreaming.
someone said hi but sorry i am autist and since i were stalked i am more scared to talk to strangers. someone said hi. but then i opent ventilator since i am autist since i scared what if is that hi said from coordinated by stalker. unless proved anyone could be from stalkers to my mind. hey to the person whom said hi, if werent from the stalker that stalks harrasses, sorry but i dont like talking to strangers and very sorry for that. i am autist. and there is the risk of hi saying person be from stalker so this is why i ddnt replied to hi. in case might be from stakr that stalks/slander./harrasses. every stranger might be saying hi from stalker that stalks me. i have avoidance topic with talking to strangers. if anyone says hi to me and i dont reply sorry for rudeness but i am like this due to having a stalker sttn. so i dont like talking to stranger people and i am sorry for that if people whom said hi wernt from stalker. sorry but i dont any like to talk to strangers. both due to being autist. and both specifically due to having a stalker problem.
hey detail of possible telekinesis topic.
in bus i watched a movie which were scary and were supernatural topics. that things were falling in home. then birds were falling to the home's glasses.
i watched very scared of course cause i always scare of horror movies alot.
then the day i reached home i rested fell asleep. then carpet fell on 3rd floor. making some other glass fell all 3 stairs creating huge noise. my parents came beside me to say what happent.
then either that other day or one more day later: i woke up with my mom's scream in another room of house. it were summer and balcony door were open. there were a very tiny opening in net cover of balcony door. then a very small bird throw itself throguh that very tiny net's opening somehow and hit my mom's head:S
i told the horror movie i watched to mom and dad and they said laughed must be a coincidence they said.
this is why i always have 2 cross pendant on my neck. in case coincidences happen by super natural stuff.
there are also crosses in other places in home.
but it might as well be like that: one perosn in our home were a psychic and read my brain's traumatic moment of movie in bus then repeated such stuff in home in consecutive days like that.
i dont know.
or it is just statistical hiccup. might as well be.
one other stuff were like:
i were infront of a mirror. then mirror fell itself by itself. might be not put correctly i dont know how but it kind of felt non normal in the moment it happent. it were staying all the time like that. then i moved to infront of mirror i had a specific face creeme on my face:D to make skin better. then after 1 minute the mirror fell itself whislt i hadnt any touched it.
i were even scared that much that i never used that face creme ever after. but this might as well be mirror be unbalanced somehow. and fell even i hadnt touched it. i dont know.
another topic i got suspicious were: i were again asleep and saw my brother;s nose bleeding in my dream. then i told to them. then they said someone else's nose really bled but not my brothers. this might be precognition or retrocognition.
or just this:now coming to definitely pre or retrocognition type stuff:
i were makign a sculpture. the sculpture werent going good this time and ddnt any resembled sculptures i wanted to did (it might be my second sculpture trying in my life i think) then i made the sculpture's hair like Leia's hair. and said at least the sculpture's hair became good/cool since resembles that cool character in movies. then the other day tv news told Leia has passed away. this were either retro or precognition i think.
or else similarly Lucia/Beans topic. i talk nonknowingly Lucia/Beans word then other day i open news to see volcanoe eruption happens on Carribeans then a place named St. Lucia helps Caribbeans.
this made me sure i am kind of having pre-retro cognition. like catching up details of present or past.
same happent in Zappos' founders' topic.
right before the day before or hours before learning it, i bought a zippo to myself. then i opent news to see Zappos news. then i read 20 days ago Zappos founder has had an accident which then that day i read news has passed away. ths were like i think retrocognition.
secondly i said i like spy movies. then the night after i open news to see on friday a very famous spy movie actor has passed away the day before. this were retrocognition if it wernt statistical hiccup.
or in quora i saw a womens name. i said to myself "this is the first time i see this foreign name. its one letter added to a local woman name i dislike alotsuch name cauase i think such woman is stalking me constantly. then 1 day later, a catastrophe happent in world in a place with that name a storm very much rain like thing happent. and landfall happent due to too much rain. and i also said gosh this is the first time i heard such place exists in world, were unaware of such place.
then things like this would happen like: i think of a topic. then i see it internet some random stuff 1 day later. sometimes google returns unrelated search results and the topic pops up there. this also sometimes happens. in 1 day day diff.
or things like this also happent:
i said i am an octopus emoji in twitter me myself just liking how octopus emoji there is. then i saw 2 hours ago a collague i used to read talked about octopus robots. that i hadnt seen before. i saw it as i checked twitter feed. it were like retro cognition. like sensing what is written without reading twitter:S this happent at least 3 times.
or this happent 2 times. i talk some topic. or read some word i never heard before. then in once, i opent 1 hour later a poidcast and same sentence passed in podcast. or onece it happent like i heard a word i never heard before. then 1 day later opent a podcast and podcast for 5 minutes also talked about that word. and its podcasts that were recorded in past by professors in sociology etnography like areas. i mean its not dynamic podcasts. podcasts from past it is. this happent twice. and podcast titles have had no clue to make me open them that the coincidence happens. thye had no clues any for to increase chance of coincidnece happening.
other stuff also happent.
so but the time point i became very confident of really being a psychic is i think that Lucia/Beans incident. cause its i think very very impossible hiccup. just two words i mean it looks not any like hiccup.
so how i think of being psychic.
i dont know.
i dont know if would be able to learn to manage to control it. it just is like: your unconsciousness reads future. or past. and its alsso like as if unconscious side of our brains are huge capacity holding computers that holds huge information of things we dont know in conscious side. like e.g. selecting a podcast that contains some specific sentence. as if it couold instantly read the poddcast or know its contents. its really weird.
in general being a psychic feels as:
that if my unconscious side is reading news of tomorrow.:)
it mostly felt like that. also retrocognition alwso happens as mentioned.
aha one more topic: in 2017 i added two songs: one is from Moderna records (a company that saved people from corona) and then 4 songs before or after, Lockdown named song.
looks as again my unconsciousness travelled to future to 2020? most possibly.
or its again a statistical hiccup.
no i started to become more confident in belief that i am psychic after Lucia/Beans coincidence.
and i would test telekinesis to protect my life from the stalker. like moving stalker 1 km away when if intends to stalk. of course without hurting the stalker but just making it impossible to stalk me. wiht a [psychic way of restraint order. like el's moving people.
i plan to do test telekinesis in lucid dreaming.
wov i would have psychic type of restraint order to the stalker which would be cool:D
if ever tries to stalk, would be put to a place at least 1km distant to me:)
nmormally restraint orders also work like this as far as i know. i would also try to do remote spying to learn whom is stalking me (i dont even know my stalker) to do create law sues. but its a very psycho type of stalker so might even stalk when being created restraint order to. so i think if stalks even in presence of restraint order, i plan to do this putting the stalker to 1km away type of psychic type restraint order stuff if stalker stalks. not without doing any bad thing of hurting the person when moving to 1km distant place. not to be misunderstood. its just moving the person 1km distant away with psychic skills. if i could learn telekinesis stuff. if i have such skill. i dont know if i have such skill. but would test from lucid dreams and would try to create a language to such brain module of mine if i have suhc brain module. so that i could interact even when being awake not when in lucid dreaming. its lik el's skill. i mean i plan to float and move the stakr to 1km distant then put to ground without ever hurting the stalker. just carrying to 1km distant place. everytime stalker stalks i would repeat this. i really have a very psycho type oif stalker. (a stalker that started stalking when i were living in another country). of course i could do this phantastic psychic skill only if i have telekinesis. i dont know if i have. as told would try to learn from lucid dreaming this telekinesis stuff if exists. with trying to create some language with that brain module. if such brain modules exist in my brain. i mean if our we people brains have quantum computing skills. books i bought on remote viewing studying, say everyone is a psyhchic and i believe to that also since must be existing in all people such brain modules if exist in my brain.
anyway. i honestly dont know if psuychcs exist or not. but would recheck in lucid dreaming to try to master telekinesis topic. so that i create a psychic type of restraining order to the stalker:D
i am so excited to the remee glasses.
cause i kind of more confident that i am apsychic recent month. specifically after Lucia/Beans incident.
i also believe i might also have telekinesis capability e.g. the mirror that fell etc might be rooting fromt hat. or the carpet that fell. i dont know.
i would double check from lucid dreams.
yayyy my remee is coming today or tomorrow:)
the guy that said hi also said da word. then said hunt word. ok. one person i recently said hi then said da word later then said hunt word i think is Russian. might be. cause used Da word. or might not be Russian. might had said da word to look as Russian. i dont any know. ok. could a Russian person thinking i am psychic and want to do spy hunt like thing? i dont know. hey Russian person i am not any spy. please dont do spy/psychic hunt to me:)
i have a very weird life.
some other person said hi later another person. i dont know from where that person is since ddnt used any specific word else.
i got used to weird stuff happening in my life.
i had a very psycho very sociopath stalker first of all.
then these psychic stuff are also very weird.
then this first someone trying to look as friend with saying hi word. then said da word then said hunt word. i think psychic hunt? or spy hunt? i dont know but i am not any spy:D when i said i would do remote spying it would be to the stalker. its not any spy like topics spying. its just to a stalker. not any spy topic its. maybe the person tried to look as Russian with using Da word. i dont know. might not be also Russian. i dont know.
i hoenstly really have a severe levels of weird life.
but to inform to that person, when i said remote spying it werent spy like spies. it were just spying to a stalker. not any country nor any spy like topics it were.
i actually been living an action movie like life recent years. having a very psytcho type of stalker i have is first. its undefintable levels of trauma it were to have a very psycho and very sociopath stalker. it started when i were living in another country. i blogged every detail of that.
then i also blog psychic topics as happens.
then i last day read an aritcle saying making psychic stuff correlated words in an unrelated topics article and saying its unsafe to do psychic topics. and needs operational safety things. like not having alot people beside thepsychic asi understand in psychic stuff people might be impacted. i at least get that info from that text. ok. i wont do psychic stuff in any populated place then. i mean that lucid dreaming task.
but i want to also learn telekinesis. how could i learn. it were using other words but meant also hidden meanings like psyhchic topics. in an unrelated article. even the guy's surname were from a psychic related tv show.
it said we psychic trainees need not to be too much. when being trained other else it could be unsafe to people.
or i understood psychic stuff might break my brain like thing. from tension word there. i mean i understood psychic stuffs are unsafe to test by self as i read from second meaning there.
or it might be a joke to me to fool me from a joke liking author there. might be as well like that. i dont know.
but constantly mentioned safety operations should be always taken. of course i would do. and you could trust me. but i need to learn how to do be a psychic safely? can you tell/teach me? if you know? said to the unknown article writer if wernt a joke like article but were really talking to me on psychic topics in underline hidden meanings of words.
it said psychic trainess (we us) should be not that much count. since its unsafe.
and also safety restrictions should be always taken. i dont know what they are but i would be happy to be trained by them. since the idea of being psychic looks very cool. and it would make my life safe agaisnt the stalker since i could would be able to move the stalker 1 km away:D
ok it might be just a jokeful writing of that authoer with no hidden messages. or might be really hidden message to me. if its hidden message to me, i wanted to state i would be happy to be a psychic trainee. :D (the writer's surname were even from a psychic movie:))
and told of new gears. i alreayd newly purchased remee.
quite looked like having either a jokeful tone making fun of joke of psychic topics. or were really a hidden message to me on psychic topics. if its a hidden message to me, i state i would be very interested to be apsychic trainee:)
(cause it wouold make me inherently protected against the psycho stalker that stalks me :). i think being a psychic would be very cool :) but i dont know if psychics exist. nor if i am any psychic either. i might not be any psychic and these might be all just statistical hiccups. i dont any know. i have no idea honestly. )
one another psychic topics. i told i would buy some glasses for lucid dreaming. then i later read blackout word in some lucid dreaming glasses then i remembered blackout word also in submarine topic:S
then same i saw chakra word in psychic training books last day then also saw chakra in submarine name very days ago:S
something weird is going on but i dont know what?
did i did precognition again with buyikng psychic materials things. or retrocognition?
i were shocked yesterday. cause i searched glasses then i saw blackout in glasses. then i remembered hey i saw blackout in submarine news.
then i searched psychic books then i read chakra in one of the psychic books definition. i read definition of all pcychic books whilst checking psychic books. so todya shocking retrocognitions like that happent.
i dont know whats going on:S
it felt as either it were retrocognition or some thing i dont know.
i have no idea whats happening in this psychics topics. if anyone knows and tells me, i would be glad.
and i want to state infinitely many condolences to that submarine's people again its a very sad topic:S
(and i wish they dont ever think i am a psychic with supernatural skills that did that. i did not any i wouldnt ever do. :S ) and the people passed lost looks like awesome people/sailors. and stating infinitely many condolences to that very sad topic:S (that which i have none relatedness to). (i might only have had done retrocognition to) . this pre-retrocognition happens to lots of tragedies. also happent precognition to corona stuff as mentioned. like in 2017 i added two songs one wiht lockdown title one iwht Moderna records song (Moderna is also a company name whom saved people from corona). anyway.
then i later night very late hours saw an article with hidden messages. that might be interested to read me since due to all these pre-retro cognitions stuffs i guess.
hey if that hidden messages writing people wpul;d be interested to train me i would be happy. cause it would enable being protected against stalker also. since being psychic wouold give tremendeous self protection skills like moving the stalker to 1km away.
but it might not be any like that and might be just some article writer having fun with psychic toics and not saying hidden message to me. i dont know. i have no idea of any topic.
hey my remee is either coming today or tomorrow:)
yayyy starting lucid dreams tests.
it might turn out i might have no telekinesis:D
i dont any know.
but i think i really might have at least pre-retro cognition stuff. i think everyone might have this.
but telekinesis would be very cool:)
but its unsure if such telekinesis like topics any exists.
i wont know until i check in lucid dream:)
some woman that says honey said "honey bye!"
there are also both stalker int his building.
and also some woman that says honey sentence. i think honesy word saying woman is not from the stalkers.
the honey saying woman said "honey! bye!". ok bye person whom says a lovely word to me:) thanks for that:)
i think that woman is not from stalkers :)
as told there is some people of stalkers in this building. as i observed some stalk incidents.
but i dont think that woman is any of them.
the hon ey sayiong woman intervened in where stalk incidents happent and during whilst i replied with psycho stop stalking me. she intervened with honey word in such moments.
and today she said "honey! bye" bye unknown person :) thanks for callingme "honey" :) it were lovely to hear such word:) thanks alot:)
ok soon i would forget all the sadness. of being stalked.
since yayy thins guh might have psychic powers :D so that when stalker stalks would move to 1km distant away everytime:D
my stalker is very sociopath/psycho so might stalk even with restrained order were created.
not stalk:)
but my incoming glasses :) remee:)
guh the psionic:)
it would be awesome if i have telekinesis :)
so that when stalker stalks i would be able to move away to 1km distance:) if telekinesis exists:)
i also wonder my unconscious side:)
never had a chance to have consciousness/unconsciousness interactdirectly:)
i have cool goals for the stalker that stalks harrasses from building. when if i learn psychic skills:P
like writing psycho! sociopath! stalker! to floor of :D throguh psychic means:D to the stalker in building. either to the wall or ground of:) if i could do learn telekinesis :) and when if stalks:) ( there is a person from stalker in building really. that tries to do stalk/slander/harrasses at times. from stalker person visibly. ) (it would be fun to have psychic skills to reply to harrasment when happens from building when i learn telekinesis :D) ok writing to ground or floor might be very creepy. i might do less creepy stuff. but there is nothing less creepy in telekinesis right? ok but yet still writing writing to floor with telekinesis might be severe creepy. lets not do that when i learn. but i might do without very creepy method might again reply to the harrasser. when harrasses from building.
or funny things like --> :D
when a stalker stalks me in cafe :D writing same psycho! sociopath! stalker! to his plate:D throguh psychic means:D i mean if i could learn to do telekinesis.:)
would be quite funny:D
when i learn telekinesis.
ok these would be creepy i think. i wont do these but. i would just move the stalker to the outside of the cafe:D like el's like mving :)
or same, i would move the stalker outside of the building from the door. :) or i cant do that i guess. hmm then i would do the initial thing. of writying psycho stalker to the stalker's wall everytime stalks from building with saying psycho stop stalking. yupp. of course via psychic ways if i could learn.
ok this would be creepy no i wont do these.
i think i would just learn whom is stalking me via remote detectiving. and then create law based restrained order. cause all other stuff would be very creepy. i dont want to be a creepy person :S. would only use it very rare when have to e.g. if confront any physical stuff like being attacked etc which never happent nor i guess wont happen. so i guess i wont use telekinesis ever.
ok i think best systems to fight to stalk are law systems.
but my weakness is i dont know whom is stalking me.
but via remote detectiving stuff i would learn. and would creaqte law sues reflecting the entire felt pain of this period.
some home word said during stalk incident. if ddnt came from the stalkers, i would be happy to apply to a home to be safe from stalker. :) but might as well not be coming from any security insttitute but might be coming just from stalker. i dont know so i just written here if came from a security insttte i woiuld be happy to apply to to be protected from stalker. but might also be said by stalker. so i dont know whom said. but lets write as.
my very weird life's weirder part:
unrelatedly to the above topic:
there is a guy that talks 3 languages that also stalks. talks Turkish/Russian/Italian i think.
sometimes shouts Brava.
sometimes shouts Da
once recently said a sexist curse in Turkish that i wont write. :D
happent recently. discovering recently as i stopped opnening ventilator.
this new stalker is the very weirdest one :D
cause never had a multilingual stalker before:D
seems to be proficient in 3 languages:D
have no idea whom this new stalker is:D
never had any multilingual stalker before:D
and shouts me sometimes El and sometimes Hal :D
once said hunt word also i think.
ok my weird life:D
ok even having a new stalker is weirder than having always the saame traumatic sociopath stalker that stalks from 2016 :D
but this stalker might be also related to initial stalker? i dont any know:D
my weird life:D
ok new stalker this stalker is:D
has a very bariton voice:D
i would do create 1km safe zone when i learn telekinesis including this new stalker guy:D
this new stalker also looks like related the initial sociopath stalker ithink. since i heard one same word in stalk incidents.
maybe its better to open ventilator?
i dont know.
i mean i replied to some stalk incidents as catching up when happens. saying psycho sociopath stalker etc.
if ventilator were open i wouldnt be aware of stalk incident.
to open ventilator or not. have none idea:D
gosh i count the days where i would go move to a home with a huge area outside so that stalker can not come/stalk/harrass in vicinity.
then would also learn telekinesis. in case breach happens i would move the stalker outside if breachs home's land.
this psycho stalker likes to do say hatred words (not the new stalker the new stalker rarely i think) like degrading me. like merging software words to create curses slandering. this posycho really hates software engineers it looks as.
i remember on 2016 shouting to the stalk, psycho stop stalking me and i am a software engineer and i would find job abroad and would be saved from stalk. i wish i hadnt given such detail. cause constantly uses software terminology to create curses and slanders and shout. likes to create creative curses using software terminology this psycho. likes to harrass me using very bad curses/meanings using very creative curses:S
being an autist, i wouldnt reply to the curses a curse this psycho would constantly harrass in outside i remember. then merges one software word and created a new curse to it and recently such harrasment shouting happent where the psycho cursed harrassed with a curse trying to depict me very low.
its very hard to have a psychopath stalker.
if you shout psycho stop stalking me, the psycho hates more and stalks from 2016. i remember shouting stop stalking me. but it seems as making the stalker more hate me:S
and is fixated in a hatred stance to me this psycho like psychopaths i think.
maybe i should never shouted psycho stop stalking me? than the stalker would be less angry type of psychopath typ[e stalker?
i dont know any?
i thinkpsychopaths are psychopaths. i dont think me shouted psycho stop stalking me has never changed the fate of this stalk topic.the psycho never endingly harrasses stalks starting from 2016 i think. constant stalk would happen. so i were remembering saying sentences like: psycho! i would be saved from yours stalk. i would find an abroad job and would be saved from yours stalk. since were stalking me from my flat's vicinity i shouted like this to that trying to making crazy level stalk in some time. this psycho likes to disturb with renting a flat from the stalked person's flat's vicinity as i observe. in that time stalk were happening like that also. this stalker likes to harrass the stalked person from vicinity.and the psycho stalked also here:D is a hard core or high level in psychopathy type i think:D
would constantly stalk saying that name i mentioned from otbher flat and i would suspect if i have such stalker:S then constant neverending harrasment stalk following in outside also.
a very fixated stalker type:S
i would try to learn whomt his psycho is from remote detectiving.
then create a restraining order.
anyway happy that remee is coming. cause i wish i count on lucid dreaming to solve this psychopath sociopath stalker rtopic. to be able to learn whom this psycho is. and create protection restraining order against.
i feel like this psycho hates software engineers. cause creates creative curses using software engineering some words:S
what kind of a psycho maniac this is i dont know but looks as some very high level in psychopathy sociopathy type of stalker.
anyway my weird life.
then awhile some might be unrelated to stalk person shouted El word. (psychic El) (the tv show)
i saw that understand the psychopath human type. these type of people when you make them angry (i guess me shouting back psycho stop stalking me made this psycho angry) they never stop until they see their psychopathy target gets destroyed. its like this person is really psychopathically fixated to me. and constantly targets/stalks/does sociopathic stuff to try to disturb/harrass.
its very hard to have a severe psychopath type stalker:S
hey anyone interested to get any psychic trainee that whom would protect me from this psychopath i would be very interested to apply to :) let note this also:)
cause i am really stalked by a real psychopath. tried to disturb my life starting from 2016 i think.
its like: i remember that year constant serdar and some name based harrasment, i would think there is such stalker. then constant ridiculing/stalk/harrasment in home, in outside, in cafes. everywhere constant stalk. very fixated stalker. very psychopathic fixation. and continued stalking till this year. only thing i did as reply were saying "psycho stop stalking me". then i became this psychop[ath's psychopathy target i think because i confront constant stalk/harrasment/smear campagining starting from that year. it were first both stalk/ridiculing/harrasment, then i moved then the stalker started to do more worse stalk constantly. then i latest moved to another country. but also came here to stalk.
its a very psychopathic type stalker. has psychopathic fixation type. and never stops stalking. and coinstant stalk happens.
constant stalk/smear campaigning/harrasment happens. repeatedly.
the Da word said guy saifd one of the stalk words i heard in recurring stalk incidents in vicinity time. recently. as told i think this person helps the stalkers. this 3 language talking person. i saw talking both Turkish/both Italian and both Russian this guy. that i said as new stalker but i think is linked to the original stalker that stalks starting from 2016s.
i am learnig to care less. somehow i am in less trauma now then before.
ok my really weird life.
as mentioned, anyone interested tp psychic trainees i would be interested to apply if they promise to protect me from the psycho type stalker's stalk.
my really weird life:S
i am really confident that i might learn some pshychic magic in lucid dreaming. and i would be open to psychic detectivoing like jobs:D for any place whom prmises me protection from psycho stalker. i would be very interested to apply to:)
wanted to add thisparagraph :)
ok some people sometimes houted psychic El word to me. if they are government peoplle and if interested to hire psychic trainees i would be happy to apply to if they protect me from the psychopath soicopath stalker.
some psychic El word shoutings happent as i noted.
its very interested to be shouted a psychic character's name.
i wish i am really psychic:D
i dont know 100%:D
i would get to know in lucid dreaming tests:D
it would be severely funny if it turns out i dont have the psychic skills after this much talking about this topic:D
but i think i really have.
for instance Lucia/Beans etc. or all other incidents i noted. all are 100% real.there are also more but i were lazy to write. not much more but still more.
hey any government interested to take psychic trainees to do remote detectiving stuff, i would be very happy to apply to (if they promise to protect me from the psychopath sociopath stalker).
i written this causde some people shouted psychic El's name.
if they are from a government i would be happy to apply to be a psychic trainee of.
or maybe they are just blog readers. i dont know.
i dont any know. anyway.
you people without a psychopath type stalker wouldnt understand this any i think. i wish God protects everyone from hacving any psychopath stalker. cause starting from 2016 life were very hard really. anyway.
as mentioned, if any gov. interested to hire/train psychic trainees, i would be severely happy to apply to if tyhey promise me protection from the stalk of the psychopath that stalks me. this psycho has been stalking me starting from 2016 i think. anyway.
ok again opent music/ventilator mood. ok.
gosh my remee ddnt came today:S ok tomorrow then.
first psychi test very soon:D
cause i am pretty sure if i do lucid dream, i would access that psychic brain module. if i have any such module. to test telekinesis which would be coooooooooooooooooooool :D
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