hey i newly read Goma volcano eruption.
There is a Gomata named barbershop/coeffiur in 0th floor of building i live in:S (that i never used since i dont go to coeffiur alot in recent years)
i think aliens are behind volcanoes and earthquakes.
Someone anyone knowing or having any idea on whats going on, please explain me whats going on.
i am very happy that no casualities happent in this volcanoe eruption that i newly learn about.
(and very sad to read about causalities in the earthquake news i read about:S)
(even if i have none relatedness to any of these incidents)
(i were shocked by that coincidence incident i read about earthqake than this new incident happent in night also:S)
in the Caribbeans case, i said i want to buy a steamer then i said i like beans/rice etc. then the day before i said Lucia word for an unrelated topic. then the other day i read Caribbeans volcanoe eruption and also read learnt a place named St Lucia exists:S
someone anyone having any idea for whats going on?
my weird theory is that aliens are behind these.
or its just a statistical hiccup. could be as well. ok.
My prayers go to Goma city now. and also to people whom struggled due to earthquake. and people whom lost their lives:S
but honestly i have none relatedness to any of these any such topics.
but weird coincidences happent which made me thought aliens are behind these.
i have no idea.
i wish someone explained me whats going on?
i am confused & shocked & lost in reading news.
i thought Dali as i thought ok lets continue to studying to ai topic to forget about it since i have none relatedness but couldnt stop constantly looking staring to news neverendingly reading news of wiht shock.
and ai studying philosophy reading really took away my focus to normal life topics but non alien topics again. and i got lost in studying reading to philosophical basis of linguistics etc.
then this volcanoe news happent. which has coincidnece with the barbershop in 0th floor of this building. there is a Gomata named barbershop at 0th floor.
i again then lost in constantly reading news.&looking staring to screen with shock.
i wish if anyone has aany idea of whats going on, i would be very happy to listen learn about. cause it feels so weird.
my crazy theory is aliens are behind these.
other else its statistical hiccups.
or there is some i dont know. something weird happening in world:S
honestly i have none relatedness. everytime i see i look to the screen/monitor with shocked feeling. :S
i guess noone else other would know whats going on like me:S
its so confusing:S
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