my violin came but this is also untuned. ok i would try to change the strings of.? 

nope. i would get a violin course and learn from the course instead. 

so the second hobby project got blocked to another month where i could arrange violin course also beside other courses.

ok so in meanwhile i would study to music theory and the cord places even if i wont heard sounds of the violin cause its very untuned. or might postpone violin study to time violin gets tuned. but migh everyday try to learn about music theory.


meanwhile i plan to continue the project_qm today. project_non_lazy_guh_ might maybe started on weekend.  i wish to priotize initially project_qm and project_being_in_love_to_music projects firstly. though project_being_in_love_to_music is blocked/postponed to other month visibly since this second violin is also very out of tune. 


 ok so tonight would mainly focus on project_qm. but definitely project_non_lazy_guh_ is also very interested. would get back studying to linguistics topics and SRLs that i forgot about to build the talking part of this nonlazy guh_ first.  

i wish to iterate alot this night on project_qm's math study side. 

i am productive again after 3 or 4 months of very low productivity. 


i am usually productive justg last 4 months i wernt. 

this non_lazy guh_ project also seems very intriguing/interesting:) 

would go over again Stanford university's main introduction to philosophy of linguistics which is online and an amazing source of philosophy related topics.


 then would go over the BERT topics and would start do training. and would check if i could use wikipedia for my own personal guh_ that would help me coding topics. that which would learn opengl shader writing with instructor being me. then would help me writing my mobile app which would be a webapp based app. (webgl). or might go to basics and code with cpp and integrate to java. that might be also i could teach this non lazy guh_ the cpp coding and code raw opengl code without webgl overlay.  that also seems interesting. but webgl would neable also using the application in browsers.  ok since i would have a very efficient optimizer that i would work in tandem (talking about nonlazy guh_) i think we could manage to cover it in webgl without resorting native mobile app application.


 its always fun to build hybrid ai project. eg. one side would be NLP. other side would be similar to apache jena but doing more advanced inferences than original jena. and with self devised DSLs. and some intellgnt db system and a reinforcement system and a knowledge storage mechanism/db to this being called nonlazy guh_. 

its first task would be learning how to write opengl shader code. to help me write with me  being a guide to the learning process.


i need to speciffy some algebra and a bnf for to describe coding logic to this/being. 

ok i think these components would also utilize lots of maths topic to devise an optimization DSL /bnf specific to an ai. but should make these generic since other optimization methods might be built learnt by the guh_ itself later.


ok every topic comes to math in ai reelated topics. also this ai's logical system would be devised with learning i would learn from some math topics. 

usual ai heavily uses maths actually. 


but it would be my first try to create specific dsls/ontologies/bnfs to device possible logics using maths.


everything comes to also set theory in that sense. and defining the default understanding in dsl to this guh_ of measure theory topics so could think like the most common thinking methology which is the default riemann integral way for such topics. and inference systems. 

then there goes the analytical geometry definitions that would happen. 

in the final phase of this project it could have ocr to even study to other topics itself after its sense of rieman gets advance and basic logic skills get set up. 

i would try to guide in learning how we think to this guh_. i mean rieman integral style of optimization/logic operations first. default optimization methods. default metric spaces. etc. i would try to create basic bnfs/dsls ontologies with them to have a preready reasoning system available for this ai then at that vantage point of the being(guh_named being), i would guide to have the being learn opengl shader so that would help me coding the mobile app.

since our communicartion would be textual and talk based, i would need to first build the nlp module using BERT and linguistics and some design to create a semantics processing structure to communicate clearly with this guh_.  (guh_'s extension which would be much more intellgnt than this guh whom is writing this blog sentences right now). 

i liked to give guh_ name to my extension:)


actually would be dissimilar to me since is an ai/learning system and would have much more thinking resources wtr to me that i am constrained to my own brain.






















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