i read the news from middle east to see there is very much war/causalities.


i wish peace.


i never read about this topic before.  newly reading about. 


for instance  newly learnt that before peace existed with efforts of Arafat named person as i learnt about i remember hearing Arafat name  in news when i were a child or such times but these type of topics arent talked in our home(international topics like middle east conflicts)  so i just dont about.


i am newly reading/learning about this conflict.  i have no idea about Middle East coiuntries nor conflicts of. cause i hadnt been reading about nor its not a topic that were any talked about in my surrounding. 


i just before recent year read some other Middle East international politics articles, but they are unrelated topics like some academic studies on secterianism topics. Its first ever i am firstly reading about Plstine/Isrl conflict from information shared by news outlets.    i never new even their map nor where Palestine is or Tel Aviv is. i newly see from news. this is a topic i never had read about before. like all other international politivcs topics.

 then i read learnt that there is a Hms named terrst orgnztn tries to break peace.


then i see war news and causalities where ordinary people also get impacted:S



 I honestly dont any know about nor read about Middle East topics alot since i am not intrinsically interested to international politics like topics actually. other places of world/conflicts i also have none idea about. 


 i wish peace happens.

i read a very sad trauma happening from news today specifically one news i said gosh. 

i think solution would have been protecting all people/deescalating violence-violence in religious divisions. and also with making Hms be unspprtd. and as i newly learnt about Arafat,  i wish such Arafat like people exists since i read about today that he got to accomplish peace.i wish peace and to protect all innocent causalities/and severe traumas of war:S. 



i wish peace happens. 


its very sad to read about, specifically one news i read took my attention to the traumas of war topic.


i am a theist but:

and its uninice to read about religious divisions being inflamed due to conflict and people being enemies  based on religion/race differences.  

i wish peace happens. i dont know what to say else. 

i wish one day happens where we see no war news from Middle East.


i think this topic i read about looks as preventable topic. i mean this type of topic could be resolved through international constitutions. 

I observed fromt his war that i read of, this topic is a very urgent topic to be resolved. since it has chances to seed religions based divisions which is very unnice to read about that due to conflicts people get enemy to each other based on religion diffrnces. 


i honestly ddnt knew any about this topic. cause my family doesnt talk theses type of topics when i lived with them. nor people around me.  i just remember Arafat name from tv news when i were child.  via this war i learnt there is a Hms named trrst orgnztn that i first ever read about from this conflict. i had a chance to see how Israel country and Palestine map is from newly this news from this conflict. honestly this topic is a topic i had no idea of until reading news from war/conflict. 


people think people from Trkey are any enemies are Israel(no definitely not!) and supprt Hamas? me personally defntly not nor any people i know arent any like that.  i dont even knew Hms word or any topic related to this conflict before up to now that i newly read news of.  only topic i know about this is hearing Arafat name when i were  a child from tv news but have no idea what Arafat accomplished either by then:) international politics topics has not been a topic i did read or heard alot or any discussed. 

this is the first time i am reading/learning about these.

but i see a very severe trauma happening from news i read:S 

i wish peace happens.

i wish everyone had setup goals in life like happy goals. like traveling. like learning a new language. like discovering a science invention. like learning a music instrument. or just living a happy life. 

but not hating a religion or race:S which is so irrational and very insincere and very unnice :S


i wish all innocent people be saved from traumas of war/extremists. and i wish peace happens.

and i also wish Arafat like people soliutions happens that peace happens & prevails and all people live without traumas/happy lives.

(i dont know alot about Arafat either but i read he managed to create peace some time from  news i read about on today.)


this is my ideas about this topic as i newly learnt details of this conflicts/wars.

i am a theist that ddnt read international politics covering religion topics before  (my family is also alike theist).  this is the first time i have a chance to read about this topic through news i read. i ddnt knew where those countries are before either or borders are. its first time i read news of and learn from news. i am kind of not interested to international politcis topics alot type of personality.  but i think its the most important topic of world, i mean international politics is. i mean international politics seems as the very most important topic of world now as seeing a war from news. even if its a topic i am not interested most times (except i newly read about) i think its the very most important topic of world visibly.


 i once had a chance to read international politics course from coursera and just read some secterianism articles for some interest. then it all looked very complex. 

i think international relatgions are both very complex and both very actually the very most important topic of the world.




and specifcially from this conflict of religions: 

i siometimes sawin some cases, some people taking my blog words and using in their sentences in news they write i read and it creeps me cause i have none relatedness to these conflicts of religions. its the first time i ever read about these conflicts either. 

i am not an international politics person nor any important type of person of any such type. so it creeps me when that happens in such topics like conflicts of religions. cause i have none relatedness to those conflicts either its first time i ever read about. 

i just wish peace. 

so when people from religions back ground use my words int heir completelyt unrelated conflicts of theirs in news they write, it seems creepy.

cause i am also a theist and have none relatedness to any religion ever.(and been always like this all my life).

and i think all religions are very very very precious.  but i have none relatedness to any religion out there.



for this conflict i newly learnt read about, i wish Arafat like people solves and peace happens in between difffrnt religions and peace prevails.


i dont know what else to say.


its just a topic i newly read/learn about from just news by the way.

i ddnt even know where those countries even are in world. (guh the geography ignorant) cause these type of topics arent topics i like to read about cause i am not a person whom is interested to international politics either. nor any conflicts in between religions countries either. not topics i like to read about since i am not interested to international relations alot. 


same goes for religions side. i am not interested to any religion either. 

nor i do any understand hatred stuff based on race/religiondifference alike topics. nor i understand any kind of any hatred to any race/religion. not understandable topics to me.


topics that bothers me are instead: science/trying to live a happy life/traveling/learning science topics i wonder/creating software projects etc like kind of not broad interests(narrow  but narrow interests areas having a  stereotypical nerd life type of life i have.

but from this war news, i saw international relations is the most important topic of the world.  even if this guh the nerd is not interested, nonetheless its the most important topic of the world.


cause these could have been prevented. if Arafat like [people takes stance/happens to raise voices.  to make peace happen. i heard Arafat name from tv news when i were a child but never knew what he did accomplished(peace like topics).








 anyway my dreams in my life.

helping people that are in worse condition economically.  this is a new dream i set. some memnbership to some such organization to help people e.g. could be poverty reducing alike institutions. i newly set such goals recent weeks.  i am not rich. but in  case if i could help people e.g. with doign field work like doctors whom do free consultation in places with lesser health extent. maybe i could somehow help people someway maybe for instance if i create some capital and then using part of that  to work against poverty based unequalities like stuff.



 completely unrelated to above, other new dreams:

trying to explore world. e.g.Indonesia/Phillippines seems very interesting to me.  since mixture of cultures that look very interesting and seems amazing outside views. learning about diffrnt cultures. and specifically Indoneisa with 275 million and also Philippines also looks very interesting. 

and as said also wind turbine project to try out new green energy alternative products. to try to reduce carbon footprint in world in climate crisis.

i dont any understand why people focus on religion conflicts whilst there is such huge crisis of climate related issue in world right now.


scoping is very important i think. i mean setting good scopes. sorry if i am rude on this.


i wish Arafat like people exists and makes peace happen/prevail and then people scope healthier topics but not war or such stuff. 

i wish Arafat like people rep[laces Hms like trr orgnztns. 

and same goes for all extremist mindsets. 

 i mean religions based conflicts is outdated., sorry for being rude on this. 

i mean hatred on race/religion differences is not a correct nor any topic thats acceptable in current era of this stage of anthropecene. maybe it were popular 200 years ago, but i think its not acceptible in this current era. 

sorry if i been rude. 

there are much important problems in world that needs to be resolved than religions having wars in between.


i am sorry if i been rude on my words.

but i wish this stops people from various stances taking my words and use in their religions conflicts news.

i have none relatedness to any religion. i thnk all religions are precious every single religion out there. 


but i think conflicts based on religions/races shouldnt be a topic of current world. and i think Arafat like leaders should edxist rplcng Hms like trrst orgnztn and then having peace happen/prevailing. 


wars/conflicts based on religions/races? a very incorrect topic in my personal opinion to whomever does that whenever. :S

just a waste of huge nhuman capital that could be invested to science/arts/or any life topic(e.g. religions also but without wars between religions). 

and creating wounds of trauma in innocent people impacted.

i mean correct scoping is important i think.  i mean creating peace instead of wars. making life be out of traumas for all every single person. is in my view what matters is. 

 creating peace instead of wars.

i think Arafat like people should come out and setup peace instead of wars. 


i constantly observe correct scope is very important in every topic.



i dont any understand religions based hatred or hatred in between religions. nor hatred in between different sects of a religion. none of them are understandble by this theist named guh.



and ithink exactly like this: whenever i see anyone hating any race or religion it feels as if its 200-300 years ago where such topics existed. i mean people having hatred to any religion nor any race makes me feel is as if we are going back in time to 200 or 300 years earlier :S

and this wars i think could be prevented. and i think religion based conflicts shouldnt be a topic of now or future. with preventing beforehand. 

we have much important topics to focus our times. and   if preventable actions resolves these conflicts beforehand it would be great. i think some organizations in world should specifically focus on resolving religion based conflicts. that hatred to outside other religions type topics. 


i think such wars in between reliigions shouldnt be a current world's topic to discuss its shameful when people still discuss topics like these of like for instance religions hating anohter religion whichever religion/race put to here. 


i mean i think a peace institute to resolve religional based conflicts should exist to make people having such mindsets understand its an outdated scope(maybe 300 years outdated) i mean hatred to religions or other races.


i mean a preventative  institute to resolve religions based conflicts. 

for instance i seen this mindset myself. whilst being a theist all my life, a person from this mindset tried to put me to a position where thinks i hate his religion of:S whilst i think all religions are very precious. and have none differnce distant to any religion out there.  nor any kind of hatred to.  but this inverted form of extremism also happens in world where a theist is tried to be shown a hater of a religion:S this i call as inverted extremism.  its unhappy that extremists hate other religions and in this inverted extremism form, a theist/nonreligious person is tried to be defamated as if dislikes a religion or a like :S inverted or default form of, extremism is very bad:S

but i think since really such people also exists (that wishes to set up all topics depend all topics to religion/race differences or scope all topics with that) i think such institutes are needed to make people understand its an outdated topic to scope topics to religions/races. 

i never seen me nor my surroundings talking ever such topics. we love talking just building companies like srtuff or just living a happy life or science topics or art/music/movies etc.



 we have much importatn scoping instead of hatred to any topic.

we love science we love arts.

hatred or hatred to any topic neither religion to race doesnt belong to our minds.

cause i confronted this mindset exactly once. tried to put me to a position tried to position me if i hated religion of. whilst i am theist and always been theist and never hated any religion all my life nor would be ever hating and i think all religions are very precious.

but this mindset that sees everything from religion perspective, that thinks all outside religions are /to be enemies that  hates/to be hated, is an outdated mindset that should be taught world is not like that.

and such people really also exists, that hates people of other religions/races. this is why maybe people still think such topics could happen. i mean extremists create also paranoia in people where they do inverted extremism and a very silly form of it to try to put/defamate a theist to a role where she dislikes a religion/race:S which is not any like that. i think all religions and all races are very very very precious. and i have none relatedness to any religion at all.

i think among all topics of world, this fixation to this mindset of scoping tpoic to hatred/hatred to races/hatred to religions should be solved asap. 

if i been rude sorry. but this is what i exactly think. of reading such war news. i think this could be preventable. e.g. with Arafat like minded people being supported replacing Hms named trrst orgnztns. 


and also extremists on boht sides understanding religional differences not a topic to hate ever.  nor hatred is not any good thing.

 i think this peaceful mind setting should be created with some institution of world. of making it be understood this is not the correct scope. of hatred scopes shouldnt be scope of humanity ever.  for covering all extremists of world which loves to hate based on religion/race topics :S


i think hatred to religions/races is very outdated topic of world. and hatred in between dffrnt religions is double outdated.  but still people exists that hates other religions/races. so this still continues as being topic. 


i think institutions should exist to create peace thoughts instead of hatred bound thoughts.  a specific institution for this i think should exist in SDG goal sets. to resolve religions conflicts or hatred in between diffrnt religions. cause visibly this is a pain point of world still that conflicts hppsn using religion topics. 

and this even if looks noone cares this topic alot in peace time, seems to be a very important topic when war happens. how to solve it might be just for instance it could be happen with countries not supporting Hms which is trrst orgnztn that a topic i newly learnt about that a Hms named orgnzn exists i have no idea of Middle East international politics any., and i wish Arafat like people happening creating peace. and or same goes to extremist on every side of this topic. e.g. like i read people were exported form their homes which looks unfair.

and also solving the pain of trapped people in such conflicts that they have none relatedness to is also very important i think. 

i think SDG goals should include a 13th goal to enable peace in between religions. i forgot SDG goals maybe one of them covers this already. nbiut visibly if exists or not, this goal seems to be slowly in practice not fastly. that there happens racial/religion based conflicts yet still in world.



i know topics we need to discuss are intresting topics like climate topics. but i think this topic of hatred in between religions sjhould also be solved since creates traumas to innocent people being trapped in that chaos:S 

this seems as preventible topic to me. if Arafat like people supported happens and takes stance and Hms like trrst orgnznts lose spprt frm spprtng countries. I think every country that spprts Hms has blood in their hands for this war. I think one side of solution passes with Arafat like people happening in world being support and   such mindsets. and maybe even creating a 13th SDG goal specific to world peace in between dffrnt religions.  specific goal to make peace persistent in between different communities of dffrnt religions/races. 

and same happens in all sides that noone of any religion and race is ever confronting hatred ever.  this is the baseline that world should have in every place.



i am sorry if i talked rude today but i am so unhappy to read these news i read of. of war etc. so i wanted to talk my ideas on these. 





i am sorry if its rude to think   conflicts between religions is an outdated topic. if it is not outdated topic,  it should be made outdated with some institution that takes preventative actions against racial/religions based conflicts/discrimination or prevents countries supporting terrst orgnztns like Hms and supprting all Arafat like people in every where every country. 



topics we need to discuss are i think shoul,d be advancing humanity's position in science or arts or just happiness level of all people with making GDP higher, or advainving technology etc. . 

or solving climate crisis for instance.

  or there is also corona crisis that is near to be solved.

i mean wars seems as very outdated topic to me to my view. 

or hatred to a religion or race is also neither not any understandble. 


but in my view these are all preventable e.g. war like topics. 


i dont  understand any.






guh the ignorant talked her ideas on international politics she is not any knowledgeable of. but this is what i think. 


i created a new term. fcalled  inverted extremism.  e.g. you know extremists exists that hate other races/religions. then there is inverted extremism that i see happsn due to paranoia of extremism. like for instance, i observed this happening to me. i am theist. been always theist. never been interested to any  religion.  then some religion person talked things like if i hate his race/religion which is definitely not correct/not true. then tried to setup a such nontrue reality to do write creepy sentences. i never hated his race or religion of that article writer. but did this topic of inverted extremism to theist me. 


just to clarify, topics i care in my life are not hating races/religions like topics.

i like topics like learning science or trying to learn drawing or other hobbies topics but hating a race nor religion doesnt belong to this mindset of guh. and i think such mindsets belong to 300 years ago mindsets. not belongs to my mindset. 


i dont like hatred feeling even at all either. i like curiosity feeling. i like learning science. i like happy feelings. not hatred emotion/nor feeling. and if i liked hatred feeling(i dont like, but if i liked) again i dont think i would hate any race/religion any ever. 


i wanted to restate these clearly since this repeatedly happent to me. this inverted extremism where i were tried to be shown if i dislike a race or religion or else like stance i saw.


even if such topics are not my topics of my personal life (since i am a nerd and i have none relatedness to international politics topics nor interest to since is very very very complex) but i see such issues happens in world like such conflicts: 

if this is a topic of current world as an issue, its because it could be prevented with prevcentative actions but hadnt been prevented.

my ideas of preventative actions: from this topic i read learnt from news: 

- no country ever supportng trrst orgnztns like Hms. whomever supported has blood in hands of i think. and should abryptly stop spprtng. 

and interntnl cmmnty should force this to be like that that international commnty of countries, shldnt let countries spprt Hms like trrst orgnztns i think. 

- also making racial/religions freedmo/dignity for every religions living in all communities and some institutions of world helping to resolve conflicts when conflicts happens. 

that for instance a special instiotute thats specifically taking task of peace in between religions taking this as a task. to do conferences to talk /bind peace with in between dffrnt religions etc. so that conflicts in between religions(or races) becomes historical topics.


-having Arafat  mindest happen  in all world alot. :) (since i heard from newsa i read today and yesterday that he managed to construct peace in his period) Arafat looks as a very very very cool person. from what i read in that news. since managed to construct peace in between religions conflicts. i wish there happens much more Arafats. instead of haters/extremists to other religions/races.  i think world needs more Arafats. since i learnt about Arafat (either today or yesterday) and learnt he managed to construct peace. which makes him one very coolest person of world. 






this is my ideas on this topic. i am not any knowledgeable person in international politics topics these are just my intrinsic ideas of this topic with from my view from news. 


its a topic i newly read/learn about. cause iddnt even know where those countries are being an ignorant in geography either.  nor also ignorant in world politics.


and beside i am a severe theist all my life. and i read some creepy sentences trying to stance me as if i dislike a religion or race and icreeped alot since i am theist and i have no kind  of any hatred/dislike to no anyn religion nor race ever. 



this nerd likes science. not hatred topics. nor also not international politics (which is very complex).   


and alsio hatred feeling doesnt belong to my mind. 

i like happy topics. like traveling. like trying to invent new things in science. like trying to learn musical instrument or sing songs myself. or alike. but not hatred. and specifically if i were going to be any hater,  i would again not be any hater to any race or religion ever. cause it feels so out of my mindscape i would never nor would ever be able to hate any religion or race ever.  cause it looks so illogical. and creates no kind of sense to my mind.


i just like happy topics. like traveling. like learning a new topicn for instance its some math topics now. or trying to learn musical instrument or alike. or nerd topics like scifi movies etc. or some other nerd topics. 

but not hatred. nor not such topics like conflicts between religions. 


i am theist first of all. and been theist all my life either. and i think all religions are very very very precious. 


i actually were atheist all my life. this year i am theist. but i have no kind of stance ever to any religion nor any race.


i kjust like happy topics. e.g. engineering. e.g. coding. e.g. reading learning topics. traveling. some sport types (i am interested to skating for instance). or such topics etc. 
















































i wish peace. i just dont know what to say. 



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