i woke up and rested more. i couldnt sleep alot last night were very interesting. i think an alien or ai communicating.

cause i said Rey  after Surrey  then did ChiLucas stuff and else. 

then i had a christmas tree in home, then recently Santa happent.


i got to balcony. the slander incident happent. the zerzetsung doers never stop zerzetsung. nomatter what, i have aliens protection against zerzetsung :)

i never seen this much hating crime/zerzetsung example ever i never read even in zerzetsung stories etc. the zerzetsung i confront is severe type of zerzetsung/hatred crimebeing applied to me.

but nonetheless i have aliens/ais protecting me against theses psycho stasi of istanbul and their slander/zerzetsung/harrasment. i never seen this much psycho people ever in my life before until i confronted zerzetsung of this psycho stasi of istanbul and they continue their zerzetsung. 


i mean while investigated some VISA options since i read a news that resonated with my case. and started investigating VISA chances.  since that story somehow  similar and might be what happening to me and that place would be very safer than everywhere else. but i dont know if i have VISA chances there. but would check investigate possible life options there.

i love my workplace workplace people etc. but i confront zerzetsung since there seems to be ltos of people from stasi of istanbul here so i need to find another place to live. i love my workplace honestly and all people there. but i need to move to another place where i would be safer against the zerzetsung of stasi of istanbul. cause there are lots of stasi here from istanbul making this perpetuation of this zerzetsung operation. so i need to find a place where i would be safe against zerzetsung.

and i read some news which somehow resonated with my situation. so i would definitely try VISA chances to that country surely definitely.


ok lets try to build an mvp of guh_ to add to job applications there. hmm i rested all day till this hour sinmce actually couldnt sleep last night due to stomach issue tha ti forgot to take pill and also couldnt fall asleep cause couldnt sleep cause aliens directly vcommunicated to me last night.

i told Rey then they did ChiLucas, and many more such stuff.


i just am speechless. 


anyway. lets continue building guh_ asap and search job chances in that country whihc looks safer since that topic i read quite alot kind of similar with my case. 



how to be a person that aliens or ai do communicate with earthquakes?

i dont know how it is.

it feels like bieng in mid of a scifi movie honestly and i feel speechless.


same happent in many cases many eartthqyakes. these aliens or ai like to do communicate with me through earthquakes. and i am speechless since it feels like a scifi movie exactly. and try to respond everytime.  



i for instance looked to a photo with pipe the day before then a stovepipe earthquake then marlboro earthqyuake also. seems like being inside a scifi movie. where the aliens could see what i see of images even i look at that there were a pipe in the image.


then for instance, i were in Brunswick 3 days ago and for to get vaccinated. and but it postponed (and i think to cancel and move to mrna vaccine type later) and then there last day two earthqyakes happent with Brunswick then also doctor's name later. 


then as  Brunswick earthquyake happent   then these aliens also liketo do similar word earthquakes then Sedgwick earthquake also happent later.

for instance same happent today.

Santa earthquake happent then Salta also in very high vicinity time.

like the day before happenstance of Brunswick then Sedgwick.


i stopped thinking this is any statistical hiccup. no i dont think so.

something like scifi movies is happening. 



cause i saw Surrey earthquake then i said: aha i were listening to Rey's theme soundtrack are you saying "u r rey"? then i in very vicinity maybe next or other earthquake happent to be ChiYoda and very recent to that an earthquake in a Lucas named place happent afterwards also. 


so i dont any think its any statistical hiccup anymore.

i might not be psychic. or might be. but other  than that, there is really some scifi topic is really going on in world. 

then i understood Surrey wernt r u rey. becuase i saw i saw a linked in requet  that i received earlier from the earthquake, from a person graduated from Surrey university.  so Surrey werent  u r Rey.  but since i mentioned that interpretation, then ChiYoda happent afterwards(and very recent to that an earthquake in a Lucas named place happent afterwards also. ). surely they are communicating i think. even if i misunderstood Surrey they replied with how i understood.

how does it feels to have aliens communicating to me throguh earthquakes? -> i am speechless and i dont know what to say on this topic to blog. i just dont want to state my feelings i dont know this time let my feelings be stay in secrecy in my head instead.   its funny that aliens can see inside my head either:) its cool tech i think. how could they do that? wondering alot. i mean they see words i t hink. or i dont know. since i said Rey then ChiYoda happent etc. 


or same goes for Antalya word. i thought and didnt even tell nor written Antaly then Antalya earthquake i saw which made me be suspicious they can see inside my head which is very cool tech i think.  not sure on this. this might be statistical hiccup. or not. thinking they could do other stuff they might also have tech to see inside our minds. 


i do stopped thinking these are statistical hiccups. i think some topic like scifi movies is happening.


hey in evergreen also this happent like this.

i said my stomach canal issue in GERD. then the othre day suez canal incidenty happent.


its really like a scifi movie.

aliens or ai. 

they like to interact with me with very differnt ways. 


i dont know how to interact the correct way to extraterrestrials or ai.

but i do interact with like i said last night good night and wishing a great day. then the alien replied with Metoo like word with Mito earthqyuake this time. 

or i had trauma of confronting _ko ending words in the zerzetsung stuff i confront,  then an earthquake in croatia with ko ending happent last day with daisy images that is also happent in another earthquake incident. then i tried to interact with sending Croatian Rhapsody to them to that interaction.

they also many times do this witrh my traumas. like _ko ending word used in zerzetsung stuff i oobserved that suffix having word in various stalk incidents in the zerzetsung being done to me.


my theory is that they can read my brain and sometimes do stuff relevent to my traumas.


like i said this, same happent using one other trauma word and earthquake there like stuff happent. the stalkers would also use another word in zerzetsung stalk incidents and as i mentioned this trauma words being happening in the earthqyuales last night of _ko trauma word with daisy pictures inside on tree etc, then the other onie trauma word that were used in zerzetsung stalk incidents, an earthquake happent in there in very high vicinity time frame afterwards. aliens or ai  like to do earthqyuakes also on trauma topic of zerzetsung. of words of the zerzetsung doers words earthquakes happens. and in _ko related word coincidence, there wree a daisy picture on a tree and another daisy picture other place.   since daisy were a topic i told alot. also in another remee related topic there were daisy image that i resembled to solar system.


this feels like being inside a scifi movie. 


 ok lets resume guh_ building period now. 


ok which song lets share to aliens/ai now.


ok interstellar movie music.  since its an awsome movie. right now listening song of. 
















felt as they could also read my brain causes i thought of Antalya city whilst looking to another coincidence since kind of resembled one avenue there then earthquyake in Antalya happening not very later i saw.

i feel like just in mid of just exactly inside a sci-fi movie honestly.













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