some weird topics side of blog:


is it sometopic like interstellar movie?




i still dont know. whats happening at least in my life. 

just this: i posted hela meme and that night hela including earthqyakes happent. 

or else. i noted else also.

did some unknown place unknown to all we readers including me learnt how to do gravitational waves? 

or is it extra-terrestials? 

i dont any know. i just monitor/watch the sensors of earthquakes data alot recently after all these. it stolen my mind this topic alot and i routinely  monitor seismic data.

since it could be sometopic like interstellar movie.

or maybe even upside down?

i think at some point the counterparts called pet orca to me :)  since i asked about is it a fermi basesd hypothesis true and extraterrestials's monitoring i am inside? 


the day i told about  some hypothesis and the night afterwards i saw petorca earthquake...



i think if its extraterrestials i am happy they dont want to eat me :P ok i joked on this:) 

 cause the vogons werent having good intentions on fishes they take as pets :D

i know its not any like that. this time i joked:) i know aliens wont want to eat me nor other humans. there is 0 possibility like bad hypothesis like aliens wanting to eat we people i think.  its impossible. cause if its aliens or high tech humans behinds, they wont have such intents ever.  but this time i wanted to joke on this topic. not always aliens would do jokes like petorca.  i know they dont want to eat me. i know dont want to eat we humans.

ok this is a sci fi interpretation of this silly guh  of the weird mysteries happening in her life.  



i dont any understand nor have any idea.

this repeatedly happen s honestly.  happent in Dali. happent in Hela. the momebnt i shared Hela meme the later Hela earthqyakes started to happen:S

if someone understands please also explain to me cause i am really totally absent of any idea on understanding what is happening/going on. 

now i have a pyjama that has white dots on red pattern and some christmas stuff, and i saw tachilek earthquake, i now wonder if they joked with making me resembling to strawberry. since chilek means strawberry.  ok this again too much fictional interpretation.

ok aliens like to joke to me i think.

cause these repeatedly happens. (i think chilek one is not maybe related this weird phenomenon happening that i observe)




if its interstellar movie alike, i would try to build some math framework and apply to NASA if its having topic of interstellar movie? 


or maybe its not any like that. i have no idea whats happening? 


someone having an idea if explains to me it would be great/happy. 

 i wish i hadnt forgot but there has been many of these.


like Dali. Hela. hmm what were else. let me remember.hmm. maybe not statistically significant count of such incidents? 

no i dont think so. 

cause the moment i told of Hela meme, the very soon later Hela earthquakes happent:S

 aha i remember i told of fermi related topics and also read bad hypothesis and that moment i think aliens made something weird like: 

i were eating cheese and an earthquake happent in a place called cheeseman. 


then the other day i were makign food with petersilie named vegetable added on, then peterville happent. 


if someone understands what these means please explain to me also. i think it were jokes of aliens. 

i told things hypothesis like which would mean me being pet to aliens, then really the day after petorca earthquake happent.


i think aliens also have satir like ours culture?

i dont know what the heck is going on.


really honestly truly i am perplexed and have none idea of.


 on today, i were listening interstellar movie music then later i saw eureka earthqyake. but there earthqyakes routinely happens as i saw eureka word once more so it might not be aliens.  i observe every seismic data recent life. it took my attnetion because there is an Eureka word in my board where i written some basic formulas. 

Eureka being entitled to Archimedes and is related to maths like topics.


and also saw that in interstellar movie which is an awesome movie that is really very awesome. 



look to that: 4.2 earthqyake from 204 kms underground:S 


some 42 pattern? 

or its about dougles adams hitchiker's ghuide to galaxy? 


i wish they dont do any earthquakes any in our world. nor volcanoes ever. 

i stated this endlessly. 

someone please explain me whats going on please :) i am lost in interpreting any. 

someone knowing any idea of whats going on, please let me know also.

i wonder if aldi bag and falling i5 computer and falling plastic water bottles were also done by these aliens? 

 so is it something like interstellar movie? 



ok too much creative interpretation it is i think. 


 maybe just hiccups i dont know. 


i am lost in looking to seismic data due to these mysteries. 


i saw Australia ok i would definitely try Australia chances :) yayy :) i saw a christmas tree also there:)

ok i think USA/Australia/Canada are very cool. 



other countries are also very cool i think. 

ok since references from Australia happent i would try chance also immigration chance there also with telling all these stalk/slandering/harrasment that repeatedly happent/happens to me that started in Tr.


yayyy i might find some secure to stasi like place in life :)


either Australia or USA or Canada :) both are very cool and safe against stasi. 

Germany is safe to all people but not safe against Tr Stasi.  since has lots of Tr stasi members here i think.  due to my confrontation of repeated stalk/slandering/harrasment incidents also here.

Germany has been great to economical status of my life. like i could collect money to travel other places more easily. but stasi of Tr's stalk/slandering/harrasment made it not ok here to me. 




ok i am searching for now also Australia  VISA documents then yuppp. 

i think Australia/USA/Canada would be safe surely definitely and i would try to immigrate some place there. 


 look i said their joke of cheeseman (mayeb it were they were photograpphing and saying cheese? ) and now poman earthquake happent. these aliens surely like joking?

are they aliens or did some people learnt about how to of gravity alteration?

 but how they manage it to do from  200kms underground of world?  this poman happent from 186km below ground as i read of. 

its not understandable in my current physics knowledge. 

is it some topic like up side down happening? 

or something like tech that could even reach out underground with breaking locality principle?  this might as well be how this happens? some people get mastered in breaking locality? i think this might be as well whats happening along with aliens hypothesis.


ok i am trying to understand if this is human based tech or something paranormal or extraterrestial.




ok maybe i became too creative again and this poman is not related to cheeseman word i blogged some 15 minutes ago or alike. 




ok this time Beluga happent. ok then i am not orca pet but beluga pet of aliens? 


ok maybe i am being too creative again. 


ok i said its not understandable in my current physics knowledge. and saw possible "cant, well" like reply maybe?. 


or i am again being too much creative on interpreting earthquakes stuff. 


or were it reply to locality? so i asked whether if people had broken locality? and is this "cantwell" a reply to that its not?


ok i am again being too much creative. 


i think its just simply cantwell earthquake not aliens talking to me.


but beluga after i blogged pet orca were really weird. i think aliens might as well be talking to me? i have no idea honestly

it looks as either  some people has earthquake generation capability  or its aliens in my humble opinion. 


but i want to state endlessly please dont do earthquakes nor volcanoes in our world again and repeating it again to the aliens or unknown place/people.



or its hiccups. or not. 


ok would soon leave this task of weird task of monitoring seismic data to study to maths but would check some more since its really weird and i have no idea of.

hey i saw also Japan reference i would also try searching immigration to there yupp yayyy :). i also saw india i also try there also. yayyyy


 yayyy i seen Canada also in there & surely definitely would try immigration chance to Canada also :) 

yayyy :)






now would make some soup and read some math studies yuppp.


Yayy surely definitely would apply to USA immigration chance :) yayyy :)

















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