to note to not be misunderstood: i didnt told imbecile to people interacting through that page but said it to aliens interacting,  i said it to sensor based eq  data which aliens make. didnt told imbeciles to people that interact through that page.



but i entirely stop checking that page today cause aliens (which makes earthqyakes) behaves like imbeciles and does earthquakes on this world! :S


i wish aliens communicate with UN with words not earthquyakes:S


and i am not a representative of this world!


nor i have no time to communicate with aliens either!


aliens should find a human being from UN whom has time to communicate to them!


i have no time!


and i am not any interested to aliens nor their communication honestly!

they should find a human being whom is interested to communicate to aliens other galaxy civilaztions.

my projects are much more interesting than aliens communication to me. 

sorry for being rude. 

but i have no time nor interest any to aliens nor aliens communication any.


i abruptly stop this time taking effort of checking that web page to check what aliens do to world.


 UN people should check. its not my responsibility to cpommunicate or check what aliens do/does.


its taking too mjuch time to be an aliens detectiving and checking that page. and i have no time for that any.



i think other people might have spare time for this. but i really dont have spare time.


my proijects are much more interesting than being aliens detective nor checking earthquakes mystery that eqs aliens does (i mean sensor based earthquakes).

this topic is severely boring:S

i am sick and tired of aliens detectiving:S


this topic is severely making me dumber:S i mean checking a list of earthquakes to do chck what aliens done:S

i have no time for such stuff:S

i like instead listening anthropology podcasts. i like instead studyibng to maths. 

\but last many days my all time has gone to do aliens detectiving:S


its becoming an obsession to do detectiving aliens task and i abruptly end this boring obsession:S


i am actually sick and tired of doing aliens detectiving. i think people whom are interested to that could do. i have no time for that!:S i am actually sick and tired of honestly :S


i figure out detectiving nor aliens communication (tryinmg to decrypt what aliens does)  is not an activity i any liked! its severely mundane to do repetitively check that page:S its severely boring:S i hate repetitive topics:S


i am sick and tired of! :S


i do stop checking tha tpage.


and aliens should interact to people like UN i think. i am not interested to communicate to other galaxy cvilizations. its a boring task since this type of linguistics is not my interest area. its boring to me cause its not my interest area but might be interest area of others like UN or scientists that works to UN. but not me. i reject any attending aliens communication stuff. its severely boring. the most boring thing i ever seen in my life. i hate repetitive topics and recent days i observed i repetitively check that page to see what kind of stuff happening and doing aliens detectiving. and i am definitely severely sick and tired of  this. i do abruptly stop this to forever today. i mean aliens detectiving stuff. its not my interest area to be any detective. or do interpret mysteries in earthquakes. its definitely not my interst area. i am severely sick and tired of.



aliens should communicate to UN. i am not this world's representative. nor i am any interested to actually any other cvilizations of galaxy. my projects are my topmost interest area of my life and i reject my time be taken away by other topics.there are thousands of people maybe millions of people whom would be interested to aliens topics. but its not my intertest area any. 

my projects are my life's top most interest are and no other topic is.  if there is any obsession in my life, its my projects,. qm projects/ai projects sculpting projects. notihing else.

i reject my time be taken by my non interest area topics.

i stop being an aliens detective. i am sick and tired of detectiving searching  this mystery tasks. its not my responsibiliuty to be a detective.

end of checking that page to forever. cause its really not my responsibility to become an aliens detective nor any interest area of my life either. not any interested to aliens topics at all i am honestly. not any my interest area.

 i stop checking that page today. and i am very sick and tired of checking that page endlessly last days like if i got obsessed to become an aliens detective. i am sick and tired of sparing time to being an aliens detective.  its not my interest area.

back to projects. 




if there is any obsession in my life, its my projects,. qm projects/ai projects sculpting projects. notihing else. 


i observed i started endlessly checking this page as if i am obsessed to investigating that mystery. and i abruptly stop it now.


being an aliens detective is not any my responsibility. 





if there is any obsession in my life, its my projects,. qm projects/ai projects/art project(learning sculpting projects.) notihing else.



honestly aliens topics really dont really take my interest alot.


ai topics/qm topics art topics take my interest more. 


not my interest area really. 

i am really sick and tired of doing aliens detectiving cause aliens topics is really not my interest area.



building an ai like stuff are my interest area.


end of that endless checking page to do aliens detectiving. back to focusing my urgent ai building project and art projects(leartning sculpting).


mysterious topics are not my interest area in this life. i like topics like physicvs/maths arts. but not aliens detectiving. nope.  aliens detectiving is also science. but not my interest area any.














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