Actually auto generated code neednt be in our design patterns but since this ai would try to understand like ours understanding and collaborate to team work in a coding task, needs to align to how we code. Other else it could also code in its own design patterns not similar to ours. To make code it wrttn understandable by ours review, would code initially in our patterns. Since would get a job of freelancing or remote work. Needs to align. But normally it neednt code exactly like us. It could instead even code in cpu architecture based code and don't care of maintenance since could fastly regenerate. I mean there needs to be thought lots of such points. Hmm.
It feels more boring to teach it ours design patterns. And align its coding style to ours. Hmm. But let's see. That's a decision to be made very later not this month. It should be able to communicate and understand and learn then that becomes the decision point of whether this ai would ever team up with we human coders or code in its own style without ours chances of reviewing. Hmm actually I think making it a team oriented is not urgent I guess. It could even code in machine language but how could that be used in freelancing jobs. Hmm maybe it could generate other income through creating popular 3d or 2d apps etc. Yupp. Hmm. Anyway these to be thought on couple of months later months later that it becomes capable of understanding learning. Hmm. This be decided later. Of what kind of coding process it would have. It feels to me boring to teach it our practices in coding or design patterns etc at that phase to me. So I guess it won't team up wth coders but code the entire project on its own without maintainability constraints cause it would be able to easily generate again.. Yupp. I liked this more since making it learn our latest coding practices seemed kind of adhd creating idea . It doesn't need to do coding in collaborative way I think. Yuppp. But again this be a decision for later as project comes to such stage, then this to be thought on decided
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