my close relative said we are both aspergers. but you have much more degree of autism/asperger.

i acknowledged as it is like that.

but life is very beautiful also with that. 


i got used to stuff like sensory overload situation when happens and use more eye glasses since being looked at is triggering stress like that in my case. or even possibility of being looked at :D every autist's trigger of sensory overload is different, in my case, sometimes its sounds that are not usual, and usual case being looked at or possibility of being looked at.



nice add ons to my life:

specifically as i can do any project i want like perks exists like trying to invent a new math grammar :P   and being able to really learn any topic i want. or things like before solving SAT 40 minutes 50 minutes ago:D or but i also very feel deficient in other  intellgnce related topics since my brain is not like neurotypical people. i am much more stupid in alot topics like some other intellgnce related topics etc some puzzle stuffs etc. anyway.

i also like socialization like other peoplke meanwhile as i observe :) asperger didnt  change it surely. 

so as far as i know there are two differnt mechanisms behind asperger i read:

its one about brain not being cleaned enough due to one vein entry place being not working  well due to anatomy  of maybe and impacting overall circuitory, similar to MS but this condition also can create autism as i read.  i have an MS cousin so this might be also really happening or its just coincidence . 

other is different topic: its that we dont undergo atrophy of brain cells during when happens to oither people so we have more dense brains since atrophy didnt happent that structures brain to neurotypical brain type but the result is that but less long connections  but much locality which creates social deficiencies (i mean this doesnt mean we dont like socializing, this just means we arent as much as talented like other people in social life, but personally i like socialization alot even if not talented alot in communication skills.)

haha my relative newly discovered this asperger topic :) i told him before. but didnt took serious. now as read about aspergers what told me were, you have severe aspergers, i wanted to say good morning :D since is newly discovering asperger topic :D acknowledged he also has aspergers and i said i also knew that:) is a family relative. and thinks its genetic. i think so. might be gneetic since we both have aspergers.  but mine is more level.  but doesnt change that i like socialization alot and i think i am good in it. cause before agoraphobia i used to have friends alot whom liked me.  after agoraphobia due to stalk/slandering,  i stopped social life and so i became friendless awhile. but now would again have lots of friends since i wopuld get over agoraphobia :) 


but  would be a digital nomad and would have lots of digital nomad friends.

before also my friends were like entrepreneurs/psychologs/mathematicians and mostly coders and also art sided people.


now would have digital nomad friends this time :)  since would live in digital nomad communities :)

an amazing period in my life starts (of digital nomad life) :)

i missed having lots of friends and would have lots of digital nomad friends. i actually like having lots of friends alot before i used to have lots of friends not that very much but still.  (were mainly coders :D (since i am  a coder)/ then entrepreneurs in local place like software startup builders in local place i lived before/art sided/ maths/psychologs/quality assurance side of software development  etc)

hmm yayyyy 5 days later i am in a Spain island :) yayyy :) 

its a place where its always sunny. i mean south part of island is like that :)


hmm i plan to stay at least 5 or 6 months in that island. might travel also Barcelona and Tuscany awhile in my time there :)


what i find alot cool about autism(i find many topics of cool) is that we dont undergo atrophy period or that theory :P that we have more neurons wtr to neurotypicals :P  

but it also has side effects like since that atrophy has specific functionality of making some structures function better. like distant connections inbrain work better in neurotypical people and worse in ours circuitory since that  period to that neurotypical form doesnt happen in ours brains. 

since we really dont share the same circuitory. and our feature set with neurotypicals dont ever match up. i mean topics we are strong or weak at are totally very unsimilar. totally different brain structure we have wtr to neurotypicals due to lack of that atropyhy period which structures brains to its neurotypical form. 

anyway:) i wanted to talk of autism cause one relative newly discovered this topic and made me remember this topci. thinks we are aspergers and trhat i have much more. i wanted to say good morning to the relative :D for since newly learnt about autism topics :D


good morning is a phrase of chicken translation from local language meaning you are discovering little bit late this :D not an early discovery meanng it has :D

i normally told about autism before i had no intentions of talking today. but relative;s discussion made me remembered about and wanted to blog about.

what i think of autism, i truly love being autistic. since enables me stuff like being able to do target building any project i want.  or learn any domain i want :P but its limited narrow areas. i can never be expert in social skills even if like socialization alot. anyway. or like communication skills either, i can never be good at. but anyway. its how it is. and i truly love being from autism side not to restate.  i am happy i am not a neurotypical but an autist instead. i would be more sad if i were the neurotypcial type. :D

we arent any rare cause i think lots of people are autist but even unaware. autism i think is more frequent than known i think.  cause i observe people discovering late life. since undiagnosed earlier. 

my opinion on it: its truly awesome state of life. i truly like alot being autist.




how i discovered autism as i read autists like to listen same songs repeatedly then i discovered and read alot about and got 100% sure i am. but relative discovered alot later than me:D

anyway i got bored of talking about my autism already since i talked before. its usual autism anyway:) 


today couldnt study to grammar. since relative's phone call broke my focus to study whilkst i were starting to study. 

 today i couldnt study due to cheering to soon going to become digital nomad situation :)  very cheerful day it is.

5 days left to do sports of joggin beside sea yayyy. 

and then 20 days later i think would move to coliving house and socialize/chat with digital nomad friends yayyy :)


ok today really passed with cheering :)  or checking places to stay there etc. or more places about there.

hmm. i couldnt study due to cheering and checking planning my digital nomad life etc   its kind of a dream life version to me to become a digital nomad wtr office alike wokrplace ocncept. 

anyway tomorrow i would continue strictly studying to bnf design task on notepad. 

today passed with looking to places to stay. or life style there. or such.  and also cheering to this topic of going to seaside/being a digital nomad/getting over agoraphobia/socialization  topics :)





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