wov! i saw a quantum physics related programming job wov! i would write the very most perfect cover letter i could ever write :D

last night i started to continue job applications. i paused for a while but would continue these days.  i think i like software engineering jobs alike microservices like jobs more wtr to data engineering jobs. so i also both apply to soft. engineering jobs. 

but this programming for qm job is kind of: if my application gets liked, iut would be so awesome. cause i also inited a plan of  building a qm simulator before and studied to qm area but then paused simulator study since i wanted to buiuld an ai to help coding ease coding coding stuff of lots of klocs. 

wov! i saw a qm related programming job like that. wov!

ok would write a very perfect cover letter since it looks like a job i got severely interested! :)

ok among other jobs i like most software engineering jobs i think and i think i dont like data engineering career that much:P i liked writing microservices much more before. but would apply to all jobs surely.

ok finally i am happy i reinited job search again whislt became inactive in that last days until yesterday. 

i liked golang so i also checked golang based full stack or microservices like backend like jobs. or scala/java also.


ok i definitely liked such jobs more. i mean wtr to data engineering. i dont have a linear career.:D i think i might try nondata engineering jobs also cause i really liked microservices type or  backend jobs more.



though in meanwhile coding an ai to do code so its kind of weird situation. anyway if ai gets ready ai could work on behalf of me on such jobs like backend or fullstack jobs i think later. but i think for the risk of ai not be ready until, i need to apply to jobs myself without counting to ai project applying to jobs for me later. 

ok :) 



i think i missed kind of microservices and backend and fullstack like jobs. so i also priotize them more cause i been doing data engineering for a lot while and i think i missed liked microservices or just software engineering jobs more.


i might also apply to blockchain proigramming jobs also. or software engineering. and fullstack or back end then data engineering cause i think this adhd got kind of bored in data engineering jobs some level. 


ok lets build a miner client to add to github portfolio so that i apply to blockchain companies also since that also seems interesting. bvut i think in my career i liked most fullstack or backend coding jobs. 

ok. cool. i started liking this job applications process. but awhile. i would try to write some maybe golang code based mining client to enable me apply to blockchain companies jobs.  i had written some python client before for creatingh a miner project. but that were just moidifying an existing client that is open source. i would write new from scratch in golang.  to look as better candidate :P with such github project.


hmm maybe i also write the verlet integrator paper's article to make my resume look better to that qm job i would apply to. i would write the very best cover letter. cause i am really very much interested to qm area.  

ok so things to do awhile along with ai project: whilst applying to jobs:

write some paper (scientific paper) to materialize stability issue resolved verlet integrator algorithm version. and write a blog in a blog place where i write sometimes slightly technical articles or just my trying to learn philosophy type ideas all along.  ok.

though verlet integrator is not related that much to qm actually. its more for other type of topics. anyway. but would still look good on resume to invent some algorithm. i solved verlet integrator's stability problem thorugh differential geometry usage in that :) anyway. 

i did that in qm project but its actually unrelated to qm. but it were about some simulation that were related and scope of project but its surely verlet iuntegrator has none relatedness to qm directly. anyway.

so today starts with: continueing bnf study that i iterated not much yesterday.  but happy that i at least continued some hours. the day before yesterday i couldnt study :) anyway. today i think i would be more productive on that. its very fun topic actuallky hoenstly:) this bnf study is:) i mean this project is entiurely very fun:) cause its just like just returning to basics of software engineering and working on mallaeble matter of creativity conceptual structures to define an ai project in not that conventional ai methods.  the mallaeble sculpting of the conceptual structures, its like sculpting actually feels very direct interaction with creativity of mine so that looks very fun for a while in this project.  i mean this stage of this project resembles me sculpting internally in my mind. since this topic is full mallaeble or clay like. i am not good in sculpting yet in clay sculptures which i paused that hobby sionce i wish to first solve this finding job related topic. but otherelse, this side project of ai feels like also sculpting. since there is no any final existing schema or example of the thing i am building. i mean building something new so creativity plays out huge factor which makes me think of this resembles clay or mallaeble conceptual structures to me.  of whichever conceptual shape i give to this bnf, it would be like that.  and it feels like as if its clay or direct interaction with my silly creativity. this dualist matter of conceptual of reductionist materials are also like clay surely. and in this dualist domains' conceptual matters domain, time there is very fun. i mean time shaping these bnf try is very fun. i think when we use our creativity its fun. to note: i am not creative in real clay yet i observed i repeat the existing in that. or try to learn with repeating the existing forms. but in this bnf i felt even more creativity interaction. since it doesnt exist as any form in outside. of course exists in maths grammars. but using it to create ai forms doesnt exactly exists in such this ways. i dont think i am any creative yet in sculpting in usual clay side. cause i am in learning period and i dont think i am creative any nor started any creativbity phase in that any. but i think this hmm ai project's this part is full this BNF study is full creativyt interactions dependent. since its example doesnt exist. though using maths grammar that be an exampole surely but using that like this for this purpose yet doesnt exist yet. might exist outside i dont know. but at least i hadnt seen any example of yet.  maths is extensively core component of ai projects outside but in data driven ways with frequentialist approaches. not with literally putting maths to core to do decisions alike logic. there exist semi approaches in bayesian network domains where they try to build logical infe4rences based on bayesian reasoning graphs. that could be kind of slightly deemed as similar but not surely. its not that much creative idea but it doesnt exist and i think it would work good. and i think coder ai would be really ready in some months. i dont thinki underestimate complexities of this project and wont took more time. anyway. lets see. how this new approach how much level it gets succeed. so i could deem my approach as a new approach in ai topics. lets see how much it would be succesful how far it could be intellgnt in general intellgnce topic. i am trying to build general intellgnce as visible. i mean general intellgnce being limited to just coder ai tasks. and to help later also buildign qm simulator etc. or help any coding task outthere. and also to invent new grammars etc as mentioned. anyway. i would also utilize conventional ai in this project in nlp side of neural networks stuff. but other else the inference logics are old ways of software engineering :) and also its new also and old also. new because this maths grammar approach and isomoprhisms based approach i hadnt seen or read anywhere used exactly for this purpose. so i think its old approach in ai domain since its softwarte engineering and nonfrequentialist based approach and but new since this i hadnt seen anywhere yet in topics i read. so its kind of both a new and an old approach to ai for general intellgnce topic. lets see how my approaches succeeds or which level. would it be more intellgnt than conventional ai based general intellgnce or less?  lets see:) i think i could at least could create the coder ai product which could really read code/coimmunicate/understand etc. and write code/maintain code. anyway. 


ok lets do have breakfast. then continue this fun of BNF time :) of full creativity in practice type of worktask it is i think so resembles sculpting to me. though i hadnt felt like that in normal sculpting yet  i hadnt entered creative phase in usual sculpting yet cauyse i am learning how to use clay there yet whcih i paused for a while during this life period. anyway. :)



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