the below blog page is all about human rights abuse of charac. assntn which i would even thinking of escalating to human rights systems:

hmm you know i mentioned that these stalkers would shout ugly sentences in outside street incidents and shout names. then this people now tries to after that much disturbing my life with harrassing me, after that theirs harrasment, now they attack with saying fraud with saying as if i am fraud that told those names.

this is one level of i think madimak or something this extremists are doing something like madimak. i mean false crime creation i observe happening (with mafia astuff) they constantly harrassed stalked slandered neverendingly and shouted ugly requests. i never replied except first year i would react with stop stalking me. in outside i would never ever reply.  but then they constantly harrassed me stalked me slandered me. shouted ugly sentences to me. now they try to defamate as fraud this time. in stalk incidents: 

they would shout for instance ada word and i would think an ada is stalking me. but i would never reply to. i wouldnt care even. when i lived in istanbul this stalk started. they would but consistently stalk me in every cafe every time i went outside i were stalked. but i would never reply nor care. i thouse times thought i had a huge stalker issue because i hear some names like ada/ege/oguz/serdar/some security guy's 2 names (one is foreign) and constant curses/hungry or open word i dont know it hassame word in that language and i would understand somepeople are shouting poor to me/ then people's names that i work as engineers etc. or guys i dated names. and all of them. i hadnt dated alot in my life. and they used in stalk slandering harrasment incidents all guys i dated and i dont know how they know whomever i dated ever. they knew every guy i dated somehow. things like this would happen: -->  i am having breakfast with my family outside,  they would shout guy i dated's name (my ex) and they would shout an ugly psycho request sentence. i would think confused and i would never reply. and they would like dogs constantly bark outside like that everytime i went to a cafe, these dogs would come qand bark ugly sentences and i would think for instance, guy i dated (since they would use the guy i dated's name in the sentence) became a psycho since they would also say very psycho sentences. like sexually harrassing sentences. or words like shoutings like "Sleep!" or  some word related to hmm i cant write but sesxually harrassing sentences.

they would constantly bark like this.  constant stalk harrasment happent like this. for the first 1 or 1.5 years, i would think, i have such stalkers. cause never could imagine a psycho stalker type thqat shouts me name of guy i dated and shouts ugly requests. i would instead understood it as guy i dated before turned out psycho and stalks with psycho sentences like ideas i would think.

not only that: they would also use a security guy's 2 names. in lots of these stalk slander incidents.

then i came to Berlin, they amplified and like every time i went outside they would stalk again theses stalkers from istanbul's had helpers everywhere (not people of Germany not to confuse). and they stalk like as if they have GPS data of me.  then i remember for instance in bus stop in Spandau, a guy coming beside, shouting serdar word (a word i heard alot in stalk slander incidents spoecifically 4 or 5 years ago, then he shouted: "hang! other else i shoot you". like sentences. sometimes like 2 people would pass shouting "if only hung".  you know there weree maniac cults in world that tries to work as suicide teams these people whomever they are they also one of their goal is to make hung the person they stalk. of course its impossoible. i would carry this stalk slander to even Hague.  this organization tihs people should be accounted for their crimes of human rights abuse in severe degrees. not that they did terrzed mylife like this in Turkeym, they persisted in here and tried to defamate here (as like amnesty use casess, but mine is not political). 

in summary: i try to add as much as i observed from theirs stalk slandering character assaisntion methods. i reallyt dont care, i again shouted slander word today. 

then they terrzd my life for 4 or such years in Turkey with evertime i went outside, they shouted such ugly requests/sentences or slanders (i wouldnt even understand i am slandered first 1/1.5 years cauyse i wouldnt even understand, i would by then think i have really maniac psycho stalkers). 

some extremists in Turkey are trying to do ethnic cleansing to people. not country. but extremists. and thet are like maniac cults. they have even suicide teams i think i mean to make people have suicide to force to suicide (to hang self) with persistent terrzng life of targeted victim with slandering/harrasment. and these manics also i observed in one incident shouted "buy house". so this organized people i think is an organized crime stuff,. i think these people must be an organized crime stuff. cause in 2 months ago i think, yupp it were exactly two months ago, they shouted "buy house!" in stalk slandering incident, i as usual blog everything blog also that. 


but what is disturbing is such people have such influence and that for instance in airport today some guy followed me and told me fraud and he were foreigner. 


so i just dont understand how organized crime like people could deceive forreigners tot heir lies to have them assist their crime of character assasination. i observe even they deceived police like people in one incident. i observed organized crime like people i think these people musmt be some type of organized crime organization, not just extremists,  i dont know how but they have gps like stalk capacity. and i confronted constant stalk slandering curses in outside here. i think they are extremists and at ther sqame time an organized crime organization happening. i wonder whom and why makes me stalked character assaasinated by using such proxies? i think these people are like proxies of ethnic cleansing imho.  but i wonder whom is the real actor that tries to do ethnic or religious (atheist) cleansing?  i dont tbhink its country. but some factors are trying to destroy us. and its not only happening in Turkey they have support also in everywhere and they could stalk everywhere. and they have influence everywhere.

so i wish to report all these to a human rights lawyer one by one. i dont ever forget even single stalk slandering icnidetn. cause i observe some foreigners gets deceived by organized crime like people like organizations lies. so to make people wake, aware of the reality,  i think i would init the human rights lawyer stuff as i now have evidence.

theses people i think are kind of organized crime like organization having extremists.

i observe many incidents they shouted "hang yourself" like stuff. they i observe they thave suicide teams that shouts people to hang themseslves. and they constantly stalk slander harrass defamate the victim everywhere to everyone and they persistently does this. 

anyway. i am much more stronger against. i dont care whenb a curse related to slander happens anymroe. cause i am not any never even for once did that stuff ever in my life, so i am really not such slander ever. but before this character assaintion felt very scary. now i got over trauma of. and i want to see justice happens. that this trrsts like organization of people, whomever they are, i think they are either some organizwed crime organization hgaving extremists or i think it wont be wrongt term to use terrorist word to these people, cause they target civilians and try to destroy them psychologically with character assaisntions/with defamation/with slandering very persistently. 

before i felt huge trauma. now i dont feel. and i am very dedicated to make justice happen. i would report every single stalk slander harrasment incident in detail to human rights lawyer that i intend to fgind one. i hadnt seen one in Hannover i mean human rights lawyer occupation or there is but must be in other cities right? maybe Berlin? i would try to reach out human rights lawyers of world by email to report this 5.5 years happent tort by this group whomever they are i dont know but it seems as they are an organized people set looking their skills in stalk slandeirng harrassment stuff.

they trrzd my life with constnt stalk slandering curses harrsmtn for 5.5 years. now they slander as fraud this time. its i never replied to these dogs you know?  in flat, i would shout back stop stalking me psycho. and they would constantly try to make mentally ill/slander/harrass/stalk/sexually harrassing sentences thousand times/defamation peristently over and over again, every time i go outside. now the same people this time try to defamate in another way using their own stalk mechanisms that never ever replied to.  they would shout ada and harrass, or serdar and shout sleep! like ugly sentences. i would never reply. in flat (harrasment of serdar and security guys 2 names would right happen from vicinity of flat) i wouold shout back psycho serdar stop stalking me. psycho stop stalking me. but theses dogs consistently followed/stalked in outside slandered a;lso that slander side i understood 1 year later (i am talking about 5 years ago ) they also slander me. i would first year ofthis, would think i have stalker issue but wouldnt even understand but would try to stop with shouting psyhco stop stalking me. but it never stopped and got worse stalk and it were like really i am not joking any here: i really got stalked slandered really everytime i went outside.  


but now i have evidence. 4 years ago, 5 years ago, they would shout a word in stalk slandering incidnets  "sarraf" word.  they would shout the foreign security guy's name and use "sarraf" word and slander. 

in recently in internet, i saw a quite serious evidence regarding this aspect of stalk slandering incidents, the doers of this did used sarraf word in internet so i have evidence of it. and then: i reme,mber listening alot the "happy song of Pharrel williams with clap your hands. i were repeatedly liustening it. then someone in internet used wolf of wall street guys clapping picture and used "son of sarraf " word in it. thyey did this correlating my songs i shared with such stuff many times but usage of sarraf word were very significant. cause sarraf word were frequently used in stalk slandering incidents. and i recorded that and now having the evidence, i am in search for finding a human rights lawyer to report this severe charqacter assasination attempt persistently happent over and over again to me. 

i thoses days blogged about pharrel williams song. anyway then in twitter that happent then i recorded it. to be able to have finally have evidence.

at least now i have single even if single, evidence.


so that i wont scare of being thought of paranoid. all time people thought me as paranoid whilst i were really stalked slandered since only because i am alone person and i dont have evidence of the stalk slandering. but now i have evidence even if single. 


that sarraf word were used alot in stalk slandering incidnets. in very ugly contexts they would say things like foreign guys name then sarraf word and slander with very ugly context. 

 i cant even blog baout how horrific slandering they were. to live through thgat slandering moments as being targeted by that were horrific trauma.

but i am over trauma of. 



i been harrassed twice once at one place other times at another place with fraud slander their new slander type to the activity they did. they would shout serdar and sexually harrassing sentences. and then i would think a serdar is stalking me and i wouold shout back psycho serdar stop stalking me. then 1 or 1.5 year later i understood they shout serdar to me. and i became fully agoraphobic seeing the advanced sociopathy slandering stalk happening. then they now try to defamate after all these torture of persistent stalk slandering they did themselves to me, now they use their own torture mechanism to create a secondary slander type, with saying things like fraud as serdar:S its very horrific you know: this is like exponential torture. they neverendingly tortured my life with stalk slandering defamation for more than 5 years, then they use their own torture methods to create a brand new slander type like that:S


its like having confronted exponential torture :S


i felt very upset today. i wanted to write angry words alot but then my upsestness passed and tried to write these more calmly. 


i mean exponential torture happening is something makes person even laugh to the absurdity of. this is insane. that exponential torture intents happens in this world.

they ashamedly torture people wioth stalk slandering defamation. and then they use their own torture methods sociopathy to create a new slander to the tortured person.


this is severe absrud you know? this ashamed torture intent of these shameless people.  i mean its like they have no  bounds in sociopathy.  i mean theyt have no bounds neither in sociopathy nor in torture. and they use their own torture socioathy methods to create another defamation to the victim they torture poersitently with stalk slandering.

this is severely absurd. that exponential tortures happens in world, is very very absurd and very stupid makes me think world is a very low iqqued place if in current era exponential tortures happens seamlessly. i mean this is very absurd you know? to torture a person for 5.5 years persistently with stalk slandering harrasment/defamation. then using their own socipopathy torture methods to do create another slander to the 5.5 years tortured person. 

it feels like world is a very dumb place honestly when i saw people seamlessly find chances to do exponential tortures to others e.g. me. of that they executiong crime of tort with slandering/harrasment/defamation and then they using their own sociopathy to create another new slander type. this is so dumb and absurd. i mean if world lets people to do exponential tortures to people,:S


very absurd.


anyway. at least i feel less trauma now. before it felt very severe trauma. now trauma level is lesser. 


i just cant understand how world let torturer people do tort and then do a new tort with the sociopathy they did themselves(pf serdar word for instsance) that i never even replied to (other than psycho serdar stop stalking me).  

i mean you know, you expect world to be a place, at least where, torturers confront consequences in law systems. but when you see they arent stopped and instead do create new typoe of slandering tort with using their own sociopathy they did that i never replied even, and then they found environment/capability to do such exponential torture. this is so absurd. i expected world's current stage to be a world version wheere torture doesnt happen. e.g. tort of slandering.   or at least torturers are ashamed. right>> ?but i saw in world current version, torturers neither are stopped, nor they are unstopped to do create second layer of slandering torture, exponential layer of torture with an exponential slandering using the sociopathy of theirs own that i never even replied to (i only shouted from my flat psycho serdar stop stalking me, in outside stalk sladner incidents i  never ever even for once ever replied nor looked in entire 5.5 years this harrasment stalk slandering tort happent.)

anyway. at least now i have evidence from internet now of that sarraf word. so i would try to find a human rights lawyer to report one by one every single stalk slander harrasment happent all last 5.5 years that which started in istanbl. 


they never did this torture with leaving any evidence. its first time theyt started to use internet recently in this tort of slandering.defamation last 5.5 years. yuppp that sarrafoglu  tweet is my evidence i have. hmm cause that sarraf word were constantly shouted in repeatedly in various stalk slandering incidnets 4 years ago, 5 years ago. i detailed how slander incidents happent it in some above paragraph i dont retell this in this paragraph again. since i am sleepy right now. its 2am.     (and i hadnt slept any sleep last day due to stomach issues anyway.)


sarraf son means, in Turkish oglu son word is used alotas surname, likeas the second word, they created a surname using the word they used.  its so awesome that finally i have an evidence to this tort that they used sarraf word and thety would shout things like the security guy's fioreign name then sarraf! word. and in beside a very slandering context also awhile. i wouldn initially get confused what the heck is going  on. first 1.5 years of the stalk slandring incidnets, i thought i have huge stalker issue i have stalkers and they are maniac i thought. then i understood i am also slandered and understood other socioapthic aspects of the stalk slandering process happening. which then i entered full agoraphobia mode.


i newly got fully out of agoraphobia. last months i got over agroaphobia fully finally. 

and since now finally i have evidence in internet happily (cause these people used sarraf word alot in stalk slandering incidnets) and they luckily used that sarraf word in their tweet of defamation intent which were awesome finding to me cause i finally have evidence even if thats a single evidence, its huge evidence. at least i have evidence to prove to human rights lawyer i am not paranoid. and this persistent defamation even happens in twitter in that unrelated topic they even did tried  to defamate there. so its awesome that i finally have evidence to start the human rights abusers justice confrontation from law systems stuff. yupp. would be awesome to see justice happen. by law systems. 

 today i intended to intiially wriute curses since i were very upset then i calmed and at most used only single curse. whuch is calmed down version of text i wanted to write. happy that i ddnt used curses. cause i really got alot upset to the absurdity that exponential torts happens.






as told i am over trauma of. but would report all of these to a human rights lawyer. 

anyway. i am sleepy so much. so  going off to resting now.
















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