I think tv shows and my maths studies don't quite either go well or I needed a pause to studying to that maths project of coder ai project
Or maybe eating fatty fish would resolve.
I got alot used to watching TV shows in my free time recent month. Before I would very rarely watch TV.
I like watching tv also. But I need to build coder ai project also. I need to spare my focus from one other.
Or my problem of focus is related to maybe I need to consume fish that I postponed doing at least last 50 days. Or 45 days
I think tv shows (I watch Sci fi ones recently) is a way to rest.
But I need to study to coder ai project in rest times.
I need to solve this conflict of focus issue and this lazy mode I entered whilst I shouldn't be lazy and build coder ai project.
I just cant stop doing laziness last weeks in rest times e.g. weekends.
But I need to spare time to coder ai project
Maybe I just needed rest time I guess so. But I would also try to consume fish to try to fix this absolute lack of focus situation
I am definitely having severe focus issues. But shouldn't let this. Should regain that focus capability I had to this progressing math studies of the coder ai topic.
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