a defamation attempt incident happent 45 minutes ago or alike in home's vicinity using online defamation (that as mentioned an online defamation tried to happen through hatred campagin last year to my blgo with a very very very very very very very very impossible defamation type) and i observe a very dedicated hatred campaign happening all along continuously with definite defamation goals persistently. they merged the last 5 years stalkers merged their different defamation with the unsimilar online defamation.
i really dont care cause the defamation is very very very very very very untrue.
its a very dedicated defamation character assasination process. but they wont succeed. but its very very very very very very very untrue. they try a very dedicated hatred acts with specific defamation goals repeatedly. it happens repeatedly.
i really dont care because its a character assasintion and the defamations are not any true. but a very dedicated char. assasination it is as i observe. these psychos has nothing to do else than character assasintions to people? i wonder?
a very dedicated character assasination effort. but it wont succeed cause its very very very very very very very very untrue/bullshit/defamation/slander and not any true. very very very very very very very untrue.
but character assasinations has no boundedness to truth. i mean they dont care that its untrue. only their goal is to try to discredit with defamation attempts like this repeated incident.
there is no kind of anyn kind of truth boundedness in this char. assasintion but a very dedicated trying to defamate attempt/effort repeatedly happening over and over again. they added new defamation types in this type of harrassments this year. this new defamation happent created on online defamation attempt, and the character assasinaiton doers also added the online defamation slander(which is very diffrnt wtr to original character assasintion slanders) and they merged both slanders to use in harrasment with defamation attempts.
i really dont care cause its not any true. very very very very very very very untrue.
it feels like they hate superintelligent woman and try to destroy with lies/slanders because they cant be intelligent as much like us. but who cares. they can try their character assasintion to forever. i am not any caring these low iqqued far rightist or far leftists groups harrassments with bullshit/very very very very untrue defamation types/slanders. it just persists. i wonder other than character assasintions what does far rightist or far leftist maniacs do in their life? :D i really dont care this character assasintions happenign to me any more. not my communication range and also its very very very very untrue defamation types slanders. has no boundedness to any level with any reality. its just a very nice example to science of character assasinations of how they do invent lies and then harrass with lies during character assasintion.
i really dont care. cause its very very very very very very untrue.
but i observed well how character assasinations dynamics is last 5 years. its very simple. they invent lies then harrass persistently trying to defamate as the slanders. and i blogged all observations all along through the character assasintion in my blog either in detail as mentioned. anyway. i dont anyn care. cause its very very very very very very untrue lies.
i of course work on topics to make my life safer against this character assaaisntion happenig to me. but other else, personally i dont care for instance on today i really didnt cared, i temporarly got tempered stressed but then fastly passed the slandering shoutings impact to my psychoclogy, another harrassment to try to defamate from home's vicinity by psycho whom most possibly could or had accomplished nothing in life other than this type of acts like character assasintions attendance/workers. i guess they pass these imbeciles whom work in character assasintions pass their free time like this or get salaries from this character assasintion task? or just morons of far rightism or far leftism are they? not paid character assassination workers whom shout slanders beside home's vicinity to defamate? its i dont know whom they are. its all character assasintion/harrassments in character assasintions with defamations/slandering attempts happening all. not any known people. either far leftist or far rightist group i dont any know.
. but surely i work on topics to make life safer against char. assasintion. its a very dedicated char. assaisntion. but its nice i dont enter to trauma like i used to before. anyway. i observed how morons mind work, i mean how character assasinations dynamics is, that how morons try to destroy people with inventing lies and harrassing with their invented very very very very very untrue lies all because either they are paid for this trying to discredit me effort to do participate this harrassments/ defamation effort, or its they are some morons whom are far leftist or far rightist that are doing character assasintion just being morons doing character assasinations. i dont any know. i dont any care truly. cause its very very very very very untrue lies/slanders. but surely i work on topics to make my life safer against like as told trying to record voice evidence whenever i can. to init lawyer court case to be safe against character assasination.
i didnt added that text knowingly just keyboard oress somehow. i didnt added it.
i am really sick and tired of showing reactions which includes still kind of emotional response to character assasintion incidents with temper in words i use when telling about like using angry words in temper. i am sick of sparing time to this and geting tempered to harrassment with defamation efforts/incidents. i wish i control my temper when i tell about it much more.
character assasinations are shitty. anyway. not easy to encounter any. it s very simple process of inventing slanders/defamations and harrasments with tryint to deceive surrounding to the slander type in a simple theatratical way and also many times harrasmsnts alot with defamations/slandering shoutings with shoutings that tries to deceive surrounding if the to tried to be defamated is of defamation/slander type in very sociopathic theathratical sentences, such efforts happens happent alot like that. its very desructive to the person whom counters a char. assasintion. but i am much more less showing less trauma behaviors like the stress passes easily and i am having less ptsd due to encountering avery dedicated char. assasintion effort and during such harrassment incidents.
i think every thing has a purpose.
this character assaasintion either has a purpose of destruction solely with defamation effort, or just also trying to paralyze me with ptsd due to char. assasinatiopn that i cant live my life & accomplish my tasks/goals etc.
in any case, i think best approach woould be being as most as analytical even if its hard to turn not emotional when defamation incident happens/slandeirng effort with theathratic effort.
so if i could be analytic and least emoitonal response to this destructive process of character assasination/discredsiting with defamations/slanders attempt process:
i think i should go to a therapist and ask help to how to uncare when a stalk slander incident happens. maybe therapist would suggest something or would init a protective mechanism for me right? ok i think i would go to therapist. maybe therapist has suggestions on how to handle character assaisnitons or has pointers to where/how to ask help when character assasintion happens.
now coming to very unrelated topics.
topics about some disaster news i read:
ok. i got over little bit trauma shockj of yesterday. i couldknt fell sleep due to stress all day last day:S of observing that coincidences and remmebering the other coincidences i mentioned:S
i were in trauma shock all night. i thought of passed away people. since coincidence happent. and i couodlnt rested. and i am happy i relfected to blog and asked help to have this investigated cause i wouldnt feel any ok if i didnt written these coincidences. i wish people investigate that disasters to check if they are just normal disasters or are they man made.
i just couldnt rested. i just couldnt do anyn thing. i just felt a lot shock last night wiht no rest at all. so i think i done my part in blogging about the coincidence which made me got suspicious that disaster were man made. or other specific suspicions i also raised on other. so i am glad relieved i blogged my ideas. if i keptn in my mind it wouold felt very bad. i felt very shocked. i felt very sad. very perplexed entire night.
i just suspected whether it were a man made disaster. not just a disaster. due to some coincidence i reported. that i asked authorities to investigate.
but other else i jut got frozen with shock behacvior last night. no rest last night. just shocked. thinkign thinkign shocked.
its very disgusting. that coincidnece is :S
that the day before i seen some product listing. that had some coincidnece. i felt like some psychos watched my network peered my network unknown rogues psychos, and they have did this disaster.
same topic happent before as mentioned in other tpoics.
so i suspected if i have a psycho rogues somehow sniffing my network and doing very psycho stuff that are very disgust feeling creaitng. i cant even define how that feeliung feels of observing the coincidence :Sits not that disgust feeling alone. to the psychopathy i obsesrve if its not coincidence. its something other than disgust. i feel helpless on describing how helpless and shocked and frozen feeling that is, i just i mean an very much disgust feeling to a psycho topic. if disasters are man made i think its very psycho topic. so i cant define how i feel about it, its very frozen feels very shocked very i dont know, and undefinable shock to the undefinable levels of psycho topic of possibility of man made disasters:S i never felt this type of shock/disgust to anny other topic before, its not describable with words. the disgust/shock. i couldnt rest all night with being frozen with feeling of shock/disgust to the psycho possibility that some rogue psychos possibility of having done such disaster? or other disasters?
the helplessness feeling i felt is also very much. i just even dont know what to do. i felt very severe helplessness of how to protect my internet from psycho rogues sniffing:S if any psycho rogues sniffing. its just undefinable levels of disgust aqnd shock feelings to the obsesrved coincidence :S
its so undefinable with words:S
i before all thought i put to my minds far parts the coincidences without taking serious thinking its just coincidneces.
but last day's had very weird coincidence so i started to reallyt suspect its not coincidences? then it felt very disgust feeling if its not coincidences. i felkt disgust to that psychos sniff my itnernet usage and do disaster on world? its very psychopathy:S i wish if it is not coincidence, i wish people authorities learn whom those psychos are and stop them:S
its very pshychopathy if any rogues does any disaster on world:S
its very shocking/ i cant find even words:S
when i tell abouit this right now i also enter that loop of feeling frozen in feeling of helplessness/shocked/disgust feeling to the possibility its not coincidence:S
it overflows my brain with such feelings when i think of this. so i would try to not think of. i get overflowed with shock/helplessness/disgust feeling when i think of this topics. but i am happy i blog so that it doesnt stay inside my mind so i wish authorities investigate and if man made disasters happens, i wish they stop.
at least i am releived i reflect on blog so that i feel like doing my responsibility to share this as is. but when i myself think of it my brain feels like getting overflowed with lots of unnice feeligns like a severe level of shock/helplessness feeling/disgust feeling:S
so i would try to forget this topic myself. as i blogged informed if any authoriiies got interested they would investigate. i shared done myt responsibility in this. but other else, i would try to forget, cause overflows my brain. i just cant analyze/think of cause i get overflowed. its not a thinkable topic its very unnice feelings attached like disgust/shock/helplessness feeligns of mine. i just would try to forget this topic. cause i already mentioned in blog. i think people whose brain doesnt stop working like mine authorities could investigate if they think its serious/important. my brain frozes with such feelings i cant investigate this topic. so i would try to forget this topic. cause it overflows my brain. its just so hard. i never felt like this before in my life. it feels so helplessness when i think of this topic and all those feelings of disgust/shock beside also. so i would, try to forget this topic that i informed since i cant myself investigate. i wish any authorities interested investigates this. i just dont want to think nor investigate cause it overflows my brain:S
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