i observe that modern times one huge issue is the utilization of slandering & harrassment with slandering frmo home's vicinity. its a method of char. assntn perpetuated in various contexts of char. assasinations including hatred crimes. as told it started 5 years ago and persistently happent/happens. they invent lies to harrass the person and then harrass persistently from home's vicinity, whichever country the to be char. assasinated lives whichever city. 


i think best solution is to report this situation to lawyer. plus i would build a castle like home to myself :)

its like history repeating. you know in history people had to build castles to protect from other countries attacks. now these home's vicinity harrassments becomes a method used in char. assnttns all around from home's vicinity, exactly resembles that castle/attackers to castle context. 


i observed people's arent intellectually same levels developed as i observed such char. happent last 5 years. there happens people types that does severe hatred crimes either in political or nonpolitical contexts to do  just harrass like enemies harrassing a castle. 


its sad that development status in intellectual wise is not shared due to maybe urbanization that people do such severe hatred crime acts. it started 5 years ago this slandering and lies creation false rumors about me creation behavior and it persistently happens. its like a this process is like having  analogies to an being with rubies that tries to bite. to slander i mean(to slander with invented/nontrue/impossible lies). i think process analogy seems to be correct. the process has destruction with defamation goal as i observe and it repeatedly happens. e.g. today also harrassment incident in home's vicinity with slander words happent.


i am going to report to human rights lawyer on next week to report this last 5 years repeating  defamation trying to do char. assntn that happens to me persistently repeatedly. 



in mean time, i would also build myself a castle :) i had no idea in modern times char. assntns happens that we need to build castles against. 


i would try to do analysis to this very savage type intellectually underdeveloped people type that does this persistent repeated defamation/slandering activities for last 5 years. 

this needs to do sociological analysis, this new form of savagery human behavior,  that is like having analogies to historical castles being attacked or the chaos of anarchical situation where nations were getting accomplished and each nation were attacking each others' castle in world. nation state times this savagery behavior type resembles. that mandates building really castles :) 


this needs this savagery behavior type needs alot sociological analysis. that people have no bounds to moral principles that has no issues in creating false rumors about people to do attack to their homes vicinity with slanders/defamatory harrassment. 


this is kind of funny in my humble opinion. 

there are like sociologically processes evolution of sociological processes happens and that one such process maybe in urbanization contexts seems to be repeating humanity's history's nation state forming part. that period this group based grouping behavior and creating false/untrue rumors about people behavior and harrassment from home's vicinity like that. its like confronting history of humanity or reliving history  of humanity again :D savagery type human behaviors. creating untrue lies/false rumors about people and harrassing from home's vicinity for very prolonged periods.

i cant stop making fun of this sociological process and attenders. i think they need to be quite alot made fun of for their lack of intellectual capability set to attend such savage behavior type with slandering harrassing people with false rumors/char. assntn attempts with invented lies. 

this is really very much made to be fun of. before i would had entered to trauma now i dont. its very much a sociological process from history. there sociological process evolitions dont happen under same pace. it is funny to see the nation state forming period happening in sociological groups contexts.  people with heart for creating enemies to themselves and attacking to their homes' vicinity with slandering/theathratical slandering shoutings/harrassments to try to slander/defamate. 

so cultural evolution is pacing with a lot different time frames. whilst we are in post-globalization era and that nation state troubles were like many centuries ago, in mean time, sociological cultural evolutions lines happens that progress in historical times that following nation forming times' development status in terms of entire intellectual capacities. i think to accomplish char. assntns like this, there needs to be a huge gap of intellectual development capability status imho/imso. but as told, different lines of cultural sociological evoution happens and some lines seems to be living history or progressing such times behavioral or intellectual capacity patterns. 


i cant make enough fun of this. that i need to make create castle to myself to protect my home from slandering harrassment activities of char. assntn attempts with very untrue lies/false rumors. its like living in history. it started in another country in an another city 5 years ago and repeatedly happens. i think part of the problem might be urbanization? i dont know. but i just cant make enough fun of this situation. before i would entered trauma, now i make fun of the gap of intellectual capacity/mindscape and the nation state forming era times behaviors(e.g. castles/attackers to castles behaviors) of persistent harrassment activities in homes vicinity. 

this is pure absolute gap of development in intellectual capacity i think and a topic to made fun of its savagery behavior pattern. exactly behavior pattern from history of humanity from nation state forming eras. 


i wish to later create a sociology project to understand analyse this intellectual gap and why it occures and why this nation forming era type era's savage type of behaviors resurfaces from history of humanity to present.  

it started in another country another city last 5 years ago and repeats every city i been last 5 years.

a quite savage behavior type: creating false untrue rumors about people and harrassing in home's vicinity. and plus i were harrassed with untrue false rumors everytime i went outside.

this is i think a sociological probolem that needs to be analyzed in that context. that needs to be carefully analyzed why history of humanity's savage behavior types are repeated in current times. i mean slandering people/char. assntns with slandering but it quite resembles that identity politics behaviors. i mean either religious or nonreligious or racial identity based enmities. analogies to nation state forming era where nation identity were to be evolved/formed all around world and every other nation attacked every other nations castles. this "bla bla identity" behavior, put anything to bla bla part, is severely dangerous when this nation state times behaviors resurfaces from history of humanity to present imho/imso. it started in another country in another city, and happent everywhere i lived every city, every home i moved, this slandering defamation with untrue false rumors persistently harrassment like that persistently happent.


i cant make enough fun of the intellectual gap situation of perpetuators to this historical savage behavior type of identity politics with either racial or religiour or nonreligious discrepancies and behaving like nation forming era of world's history. 

its a quite savage behavior type. to do char. assntns people and to harrass people in their homes with lies slanders defamations. 



i cant make enough fun of this. before i would had entered to trauma now i cant stop making enough fun with the intellectual gap. 

and maybe its an opportunity to build my first field based anthropological sociological project with field study, but not with jsut being a remote observer, but just being in the center of a char. assntn with false untrue lies, and sociologically anthropologically analysing a char. assntn that resembles anarchy situaiton of nation state era times of world's history. 


the perpetuators are like nations forming eras' nations but not nations  that are not nations but groups and they attack the life of the victim in wherever he/she lives with slandering/defamation attempts.


 its a pretty savage behavior pattern and i cant make enough fun of. before i would be in trauma now it started to look funny last months and actually as an anthropological/sociology field project to anaalyze a char. assntn just from bveing in center of it. persistent harrassments with slandering/defamations from home's vicinity.

its like an intellectual gap in humanity this type of behavior patterns. resemebles nation formin era in world's history.


identity politics of groups is very dangerous in modern times if it does enmity behaviors of nation forming era of world history. it exactly resembles dynamics of nation forming era of world's history when savage behavior patterns happens with defamation attempts with very untrue lies.



i cant make enough fun of this intellectual gap i confronted last 5 years(char. assntn with slandering/defamation). but now i think i see this as a nice opportunity as a field study of analysis of this savage behavior pattern of char. assasinations wtih defamation either anthropologically in terms of groups doing char assasinations anthropoilogy and plus sociological analysis of these processes of this historical identity politics behavior's savage sides resurfacing from world's history to modern times through savage char. assntn acts like harrassments from home's vicinity with invented very untrue lies/defamation types. 


this is some topic to make fun of imho/imso. i just cant make enough fun of the intellectual gap. 


hmm in my future, i would build some castle or buy a castle to myself :) readers, this 150 iqqued (in creativity in maths or science) engineer woman has got over this char. assntn's trauma of repeated harrassment with slandering incidents :)


(after coder ai project :) )so thatwhilst reliving nation forming era's savage behaviors of defamation attempts with very untrue slander/defamation types, my home is also like those times homes e.g. inside a castle :D



this is ultimately very funny imho/imso to confront a severe intellectual gap last 5 years :D


every country every city i been i were harrassed along this char. assantn with false untrue very untrue rumors/lies(defamation attempts with lies). 




not enough fun to make kind of situation this is of intellectual gap situaiton imho/imso. 


anyway :) 


funny life :D

lets buy a castle to myself after i build my coder ai project.

i cant make enough fun of this situation that happens last 5 years. it started in another city country 5 years ago and repeatedly harrassment incidents with slanders happens last 5 years. a persistent attempt to try to defamate with very untrue lies happens. savage behavior type. character assasinations. defamation attempts with very untrue very very untrue lies.










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