i try to search for a place to live that i would be safe from slandering/defamation harrassments as like mafia :S
i tried many cities and i still get stalked/slandered/tried to be defamated with char. assasination with defamation lies.
so i would try a new city now, this time Asia. new horizons of guh be Asia
i wish to find a city to live where my human rights is safe against defamation char. assasinations.
every city upto now i lived this hadnt any resolved, so i started to do job searches and this time horizons is finding a job in Asia, lets see if people are harrassed with defamation harrassments like mafia etc.
i wonder if the far rightist or far leftist group has members in Asia that does this stalk slandering. i wish i find a city where my human rights against defamation of either far rightists or far leftists is secure.
its not living in a perfect city not working in a good job,
its human rights against character assasinations is that matters. that being able to go outside without harrassmnebts of character assasinations either of far rightists or far leftists.
i wonder whether that far rightist or far leftist groups has members in Asia? i dont know. but i would now try my chance in Asia to protect my human rights against defamation of doing bad things like mafia things:S .
its just every city i been, this far rightist or far leftist groups whichever group that stalks slanders me has had members that persistently harrassed with defamation tried to persist char. assasination activity endlessly.
now lets try my chance to be safe from far rightist or far leftist group in Asia.
5 years of char. assasintion confrontation.
lets try my chance this time in Asia to be safe from eirher far rightists or far leftists i dont even know whom is doing char. assaisntion to me with spreading false untrue rumors about me.
yayyy i would try to find a job in Hong Kong. i dont know if i could or not, but lets try my chances to live a safe life against far rightists or far leftists char assasination this time in Hong Kong.
i applied to jobs in Hong Kong cause i wonder if i would have safety to go outside there without being harrassed with char. assasinetion of false rumors very very very very untrue lies/slanders.
this far leftist or far rioghtists that does to me has had members in every city i been until now last 5 years. so harrassment from nhome vicinity harrasment with defamations never endingly persisted every city i been cause they have members in every city every country.
though i hadnt yet lived in Asia. only lived 3 months in NAnjing before. lets try living my life in Hong Kong if i could find a job there.
to be safe from this far rightists or far leftists that seems to have members all over globe.
every city i been last 5 years, i were harrassed with impossible lies/defamation types.
i been persistently tried to be character assasinated with defamations last 5 years persistently never endingly.
so since i never tried living in China, i would try this chance this time. of living in Hong Kong if i could find a job.
cause all these 5 years i am stalked slandeered tried to be defamated persistently. i now try Hong Kong. i wonder if this unknown far rightists or far leftists that constantly harrassed me with defamation attempts with character assasinations has a lot members to harrass me in home's vicinity or outside etc.
so maybe west side is not for me, maybe i am destined to live in east side of world right?
cause west side experience last 5 years hadnt been quite nice. i confronted persistent stalk defamation slandering activities by an unknown far leftists or far rightists last entire 5 years.
its enough. i gave up living in west cause i jsut cant protect my human rights here.
i confronted last 5 years endless character assasination attempts. with defamatory propaganda never endingly with persistent harrasment attempts with defamation/slandering....
i wish i find a safe place in east this time. that i dont gave up living in world and try to go to space to find safe place.
its that as i told its really that world has a severe far rightists or far leftists problems that does charqacter assaisntions to people. try to deprive people from their human rights dignities with severe character assasination attempts with slandering/defamations.
i am not communist. i just try to find a safe home maybe i can find a safe home in China even if i am not any communist.
i am just trying to live my life in a safe context without being deprived of my basic rights like being able to go outside without scaring of character assaintion harrassments.
i dont know if i could find a job in Hong Kong, but lets try.
lets try moving to east.
this unknown far leftistss or far rightists made it impossible to live in west.
world is having character assasinations. with defamation attempts/with slandering harrassments.
lets try life chance this time in Hong Kong.
life is not about:
its not living in a perfect flat good job but its just being able to go outside. or being able to live in home peacefully without character assasinations/defamation harrassments,.
its about being able to go outside. without members of far rightists or far leftists harrassing with defamations curses harrassments slanders.
my life's last 5 years has been exactly like this. constant harrasment attempts in home's vicinity. and when going outside persistent following stalk defamation attempts.
it started in another city in another country. and happent every where i went. every city every country i been it persistent. these far rightists or far leftists has members alot in globe that does this harrassmetns with defamations.
i tried living in west but it doesnt go well up to now. now i would try living in east.
i am more in politics wise west mindset oriented. but i just couldnt find a sane/safe life in west side of world last 5 years.
i am just a world citizen that is trying to find a safe/sane life against character assasination attempts with very defamatory lies. e.g. mafia:S
now lets try to find a job in Hong Kong. ,lets see if that far rightist or far leftists that constantly stalk slander harrass my life with various defamations has alot members there in Hong Kong also?
i figure out this far rightists or far lefgtists has alot presence in west side of world and persisted their character assasination attempts never endingly.
so lets try living my life in East side of world then why not?
do you know i have an inflammation ove rmy teeth that repeats? do you know i due to some level of agoraphobia dont go to doctor for that? since i find staying at home more comfy though excvept moments where harrasment incidents happens in home's vicinity with defamation/theathres of slandering.
i just cant even have my health rights due to agoraphobia up to some level, due to that unknown far rightists or far leftists outside harrasments that made me sometimes scare to go outside.
every city i been, i were stalked/harrassed slandered with untrue very very very very very untrue lies.
i have illnesses in my stomach. i due to agoraphobia dont go to doctor since i go scare of going outside due to that unknown far leftists or far rightists harrasments that repeatedly happent last 5 years.
i try to find a safe place that is safe from far rightists or far leftists and their character assasinations.
have you got any idea how character assaisnaitons are? or how the agorpahobia happens during char. assasintions. following stalk slandering incidents persistently.
thats my life last 5 years. living in my flat. sometimes i say i got over agorpahobia. then it rehappens again.
cause that far rightists or far leftists persisted every city i been the defamations slanderings every where every home i rented in eveyr country until up to now, in vicinity of home i were stalked slandered. every city i been.
its like these far rightists or far leftists has people everywhere until every city i been. they continued harrassments in home's vicinity every city i been with very theatratical slanderings with very very very very very very very untrue defamations/lies.
so if its been not that good experience in west side of world, lets try living in east side of world. i lived in Nanjing before last 3 months. never tried living in Hong Kong before. and i dont know if i could find a job, but lets try moving to Hong Kong. maybe there i find a safe home against far leftists or far rightists that persistently tried to do character assasinate me.
not i am any commie. i am just a world citizen trying to find a safe home thats all.
every city i been until now i observed these far rightists or far leftists has alot members that perpetuate character assainstion activity in severe degrees with harrassments outside, harrasments in home's vicinity.
so i hadnt had a quite nice chance in living in West. i have a group that does tries to character assasintion to me problem. lets try chance in East then? why not. world is huge. if i am not finding good chance in west then lets try east? i dont know if it would continue there this charqaqcter assaisntion. but lets try living in East. cause i werent alot lucky in my time in west all cities i been last 5 years, i continued to confront character assasination/slandering/following/stalk/harrassments with slanders.
its visible i dont have any luck in west other than good salaries.
but i dont need good salaries good flats i need my life to be safe from far rightists or far leftists whomever does this character assasination to me.
lets try rebuilding my life this time in east. maybe i am destined to live in East. maybe i would be lucky in East. i hadnt been any lucky in West. cause i confronted c onsitent character assasination attempts neverendingly last 5 years by either far rightists or far leftists i dont know any whom they are, but i confronted persistent character assaisnton attempots with defamation/lies/slandering.so i deduce i am not lucky in West side of world. lets try to build my life in East then. yuppp. if i could find a job in East.
i am not commie. but i would try to build my life in China.
maybe i find a sane secure home there.
lets try to build my home there.
we try to lisettle/like analogies to building home to live in.
but i couldnt find my home to settle to last 5 years since i confronted persistent character assasination every city i been with persistent stalk slandering defamation attempts/harrassments beside home's vicinity.
so maybe i am destined to live in East then? maybe my fate is like that?
ok lets try to find a job in East and live there then.
i remember Nanjing. but lets try to find a job in Hong Kong or Bejing i dont know if i could but lets try my chance
home security is the most important topic in life. to settle to any place your home must be secure. i have a char. assasnation problem that happent every city around i been. i dont even know whom does, either far leftists or far rightists i dont know any. but i observed they had alot members the far leftists or far rightists in globe. but i hadnt tried yet living in East side of World yet. lets try living building my home to live in East then this time.
i werent lucky in west cause char. assntn persisted neverendingly here. whomever this far rightists or far leftists are they have alot people in every country i been it started in another country and happent in all countries i been up to now.
but i never lived in East yet. so i dont know about there any.
so lets try building my home to live there then. maybe i could settle there then if i could build a secure home to myself against character assaisnations of either far leftists or far rightists whom seems to have lots of people in every country i been.
settiling in a pl,ace all is bound to being able to build a secure home.
i dont have the concept of security feeling that much last 5 years cause i persistently got harrassed with character assasination with very untrue very very very very very very very very very untrue lies/defamations/theatratical slandering in home's vicinity.
whomever far leftists or far rightists that accomplish this are, they have alot people in every country i been that helps harrasment with defamation/slandering activities.
it started in another country in another city, then happent in every country every city i been.
so i gave up living in West as soon as i could find any job in East causes i never tried living in East, maybe i have chances to build a secure home there to settle there.
i cant settle in any place i feel partially secure i think. i mean being able to go outside without scaring of far rightists or far leftists that tries to character assasinate with persistent stalk following slandering activities in outside. it happent like this last 5 years. so i dont have full security feeling last 5 years cause every city every country i been i were stalked tried to be defamated with very very very very very very very very very untrue lies/defamation attempts.
so maybe i could build my home settle in East then. if i could find a job there.
i am just trying to find a secure home/build my home. to not scare of going outside without scaring of far rightist or far leftist group whomever doing this character assasination attempts to me.
just being able to without scared goibng outside again is only my wish. being secure against the char. assasinations that happent all last 5 years persistently.
feeling secure fully is only my wish in my life. my biggest wish in my life is security. since i confronted persistent character assasination last 5 years.
and were unlucky in west. cause character assasination doers had lots of members people here whom persisted character assaisntion activity in every city in every country i been last 5 years. i confronted persistent char. assasination attempts never endlingly. from home's vicinity e.g. or when i go to outside. every time i went outside a stalk slandering incident happent with very very very very very very very very untrue defamation types.
so i deduce i am not quite lucky in west. lets try to build my home in east then? why not?
every human being in world has right to live with full security feeling. if i am not lucky in west since far rightist or far leftists has members all over in globe that perpetuate character assasinations, maybe its time to try chance to move to East and see if i find full security feeling there?
its very unnice to be agoraphobic due to character assasinations.
i mean maybe i have a wound in my stomach and i scare of going outside so that i cant go to doctor.
so character assasinations are very unnice topics. it indirectly depreives people whomever happens to from basic human rights.
you start scaring of going outside, cayse you dont know in a shopping place or else, another yet another that far rightist or far leftist groups' harrassment activity with defamation attempts would take place or not. so you enter to agoraphobic mode of living life.
so character assasinations are not any easy topics to confront. i mean defamation attempts/persistent following/stalk /slandering activities.
so i observed that this far rightists or far leftists has members in globe alot and i observed they made my life agoraphoboic in west side. since i congtinued to confront char. assasination never endingly. and it happens never endingly. e.g. last day agian a stalk slandeitng incident happent in my home's vicinity.
ok so i deduce its time to try to find another place to settle. maybe i would find a secure home in East? lets try to build my life in East then, why not.
maybe my fate has been always living in East? maybe i am desitned to live there? lets try chances to move there? i mean since i am unlucky in life in West, i guess i am not destined to live here? so lets try building my life chances in East then?
world is a huge world. i wish i find a secure home against character assaisnations sometime after 5 years of character assasintion confrontation by either far rightists or far leftists i dont any know whom they are that constantly stalked slandered harrassed with defamation attempts.
a new life building/settling to a place effort, this time East. new horizons of guh: East. lets try to build a home there then. to settle to live my life. i would try to find a job i dont know if i could. but lets try.
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